Chapter 1

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Chapter 1



Daily stress will take a toll on both physical and mental health. Studies

show that several of relaxation will facilitate back several chronic health issues

likewise as restore energy and encourage a lot of positive sense of self. In reality,

a relaxation is one among the healthiest things to mix into your existence.

Relaxation is a very important part of maintaining health and well-being, and

being able to calmly deal with life’s stresses.  It improves your mental health and

offers the body an opportunity to require a prospect, cathartic muscle tension,

and lower pressure, improve digestion that body diverts its focus back to

digestion (ACSEDU).

The researchers observed that most of the graduating students are

pressured to comply all of their requirements that cause them stress. They also

observed that one of a student in PTVHS is not attending in school because she

got depressed. After she transfer to PTVHS, her problems build up because she

is alone and no one to talk to and also because of the family problem. She’s

showing a symptom that is she is stress like headaches, trouble sleeping, and

has no appetite to eat. Her problems are not solved and it results for her to drop

out in school.

This research focuses to the different stress level between the graduating

students of junior high and senior high school students in Pilar Technical-

Vocational High School. This study is important to add more knowledge of how

you manage the different stressors to help the students to be aware of how they

manage their stress. Also, it is necessary to conduct this study to avoid physical

and mental health problem.

The researcher wants to know of what is their stress level when it comes

to school, relationship, money, body, mind, and feelings. The purpose of this

study is to compare the stress level between grade 10 and grade 12 students.

Theoretical Setting with Related Readings

This paper assumes that there is a difference between Grade 10 and

Grade 12 students about their levels of stress.

This study was supported by William James and Carl Lange the

psychological theories of stress gradually evolved from the Theory of Emotion.

The James–Lange theory is a hypothesis on the origin and nature of feelings and

is one among the earliest theories of emotions within the modern psychology. It

was developed severally by two 19th-century scholars, William James and Carl

Lange the fundamental premise of the ideas is that the physiological arousal

instigates the experience of emotion. Instead of feeling an emotions and

subsequent physiological (bodily) response, the theory proposes that the

physiological change is primary, and emotion is then experienced when the brain

reacts to the information received via the body's nervous system. It proposes that

each specific feeling is hooked up to a novel associate degree totally different

pattern of physiological arousal and emotional behavior in reaction thanks to an

exciting stimulation.

The review of literature covers areas about the stress levels of Grade 10

and Grade 12 students.

Stress is an unavoidable part of everyday life. Small amounts of stress

can even have a positive effect, allowing us to push ourselves when we

encounter a difficult task. However, high levels of stress over a prolonged period

of time that are linked to increased rates of depression, anxiety, cardiovascular

disease, and other potentially life-threatening issues (Best Colleges).


There is a difference between Grade 10 and Grade 12 students

about their stress levels

Theory of Emotion

Stress Levels

Grade 10 Grade 12

Possible Causes and Effects



Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the study


According to Psychology Today, there are two different meanings for

stress: the abstract psychological perception of pressure and the body's

response to stressors. When your body experiences stress, hormonal signals

trigger the body's automatic response system, the fight-or-flight response. This is

the body's way of preparing to meet a challenge head-on or to flee from it. The

fight-or-flight response floods your body with hormones that increase heart rate

and the circulation of blood, designed to allow the body to get a quick burst of

energy, focus attention, and more.

Consequently the Harvard Medical School describes “how the near-

instantaneous sequence of hormonal changes and physiological responses helps

someone to fight the threat off or flee to safety. Unfortunately, the body can also

overreact to stressors that are not life-threatening.” Harvard researchers trace

the beginning of the stress response to the part of the brain called the amygdala,

which is responsible for processing memory, decision-making, and emotional

reactions. The amygdala alerts the hypothalamus, which triggers a rush of

epinephrine and cortisol.

In accordance to the study out of the University of Iowa, increased levels

of cortisol can result in memory lapses as we grow older. The study found a

linked between high cortisol levels and the gradual loss of synapses in the

prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for short-term memory. Additionally, if you

aren't getting enough sleep because of stress, you may experience difficulty with


The body reacts to a stressful situation with a unique type of sweat. You

are likely familiar with the watery sweat produced by the eccrine glands, which

occurs during exercise and warm weather. Your body also has apocrine sweat

glands that immediately respond to stressors and produce a sweat that is full of

proteins and lipids. The result is a more pungent sweat that is believed to have

developed to alert others of danger and increase alertness (Best Colleges).

According to Hans Selye stress as a physiological response pattern and

was captured within the general adaptation syndrome (GAS) describes stress as

a dependent variable and includes three concepts: a. stress is a defensive

mechanism, b. stress follows the three stages of alarm, resistance, exhaustion,

and c. if the stress is prolonged or severe, it could result in diseases of

adaptation or even death. He introduced the idea that the stress response could

result in positive or negative outcomes based on cognitive interpretations of the

physical symptoms or physiological experience

According to Dr. Esther Sternberg  that a clinical depression is marked by

chemical imbalances that can be triggered by stressful life events. It's possible

that floods of stress hormones can make people more susceptible to becoming

depressed. In MedlinePlus magazine, he encourages people to seek

professional help if they are unable to control stress levels, because they might

have clinical depression.


Problem Statement

The main purpose of this study is to compare and determine the stress

levels between Grade 10 and Grade 12 students in Pilar Technical Vocational

High School, of the School Year 2019-2020.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions;

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of?

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

2. What is the total percentage of the Grade 10 and Grade 12 students according

to their stress levels?

3. Is there a significant difference between the Grade 10 and Grade 12 students

in their level of stress?


There is a significant difference between Grade 10 and Grade 12 students

about their stress levels.

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the following people:

Students. This study will help them to identify their stressors and they can

already manage their stress.

Teacher. This study will be able them to understand the changes of the behavior,

perception in life and in academic performances of the students that were

engaged to stress.

Parents. This study will help them to know the risk of depression so they can find

a way to help to reduce the stress of their child.

Future researcher. They can get more information that might needed in their

research and also they are already aware of the negative effects of being


Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focuses mainly on the Grade 10 and Grade 12 students of Pilar

Technical-Vocational High School. The outcome of the study will bring out the

possible causes and effects of their levels of stress on students’ academic

performance. Since this research is conducted only for a short period of time, it is

expected to have a flaw.

Definition of Terms

Hypothalamus: an integral part of the brain. It control center for many functions

of the autonomic nervous system, and it has effects on the endocrine system

because of its complex interaction with the pituitary gland.

Epinephrine: is the principal blood-pressure raising hormone secreted by the

adrenal medulla and is used medicinally especially as a heart stimulant

Cortisol: A level in the blood that may become elevated in response to physical

or psychological stress also called hydrocortisone.

Prefrontal Cortex: the gray matter of the anterior part of the frontal lobe that is

highly developed in humans and plays a role in the regulation of complex

cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning.



Research Design

This study used a descriptive correlational design in which the relationship

between Grade 10 and Grade12 about their stress levels was explored.

Descriptive analysis such as frequency distribution, percentage, and range was

used to determine the stress levels between Grade 10 and Grade 12 students.

Research Environment and Participants

This study will be conducted in Pilar Technical-Vocational High School,

located at Poblacion, Pilar, Bohol. The respondents of the study were the Grade

10 and Grade12 students in PTVHS in the year of 2019-2020. Fifteen (15) males

and females in Grade 10 and Grade 12 are taken a subject who will be randomly


Research Instruments

To establish the data gathering, the researchers use questionnaire as a

tool in gathering the data needed in the study. The questions gather is based on

thecase study of the Seinäjoki University of Applied sciences. The respondents

will be asked to tickthe matching preferred opinions about their stress levels. The

data obtain will be analyze in line with the objectives of the study.


The researcher sent a letter-request to the principal of Pilar Technical-

Vocational High School for the permission to administer the questionnaire to the

Grade 10 and Grade 12 students. The questionnaire was personally

administered the researchers to the respondents.


Statistical Treatment

To test the relationship about the stress levels between Grade 10 and

Grade 12 students, the Spearman Rho Correlation was used.

6 ∑ d2
Rs= 1-
n 3−n

Critical path (N= 30, ƛ= 0.5)= 0.363


Chapter 2


This chapter presents the results and discussion of this study.

The pie chart below is about the gender of people who took part in the


Figure 1: Gender Profile of Respondents

Gender Profile of Respondents

Grade 12 (Male) Grade 10

22% (Female)

Grade 12
26% Grade 10 (Male)

Grade 10 (Female) Grade 10 (Male) Grade 12 (Female) Grade 12 (Male)

In Grade 10 and Grade 12 students they have 30 respondents in a total of

60 respondents were involved. Out of this, both male and female of grade 10

students took the highest frequency. It gives us the idea that JHS are more

stressful than the SHS students.

The researchers implied that a practical stress management can help

students deal with their worries. First is they must have a proper time

management because it is one of the most effective stress-relieving techniques.


Then, also it is essential for students to have a healthy lifestyle and always stay


Figure 2: Age of the Respondents

Age of the Respondents

20 1

18 19

17 20

16 10

15 7

14 3

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Age Respondents

It was found that the 3 youngest respondents were 14 years old, and 1

oldest respondent was 20 years old.

With this result, that most of the respondents are 17 and 18 years old. So,

they still need the guidance of the parents or guardians especially when they are

so stressful because it prolonged the period of time that are linked to increased

rates of depression and health related problems.


The bar chart below shows the relationship, academic, environment, and

personal factors as a source of stress.

Figure 3. Grade 12 Stress Level

Grade 12


Grade 12
27% 26%


Relationship Factor Academic Factor Environment Factor Personal Factor

It was found out that the academic factor got the highest percentage than

the personal, environment and relationship factors. The bar chart gives us the

idea that most of the Grade 12 students of PTVHS are more stressful when it

comes to academic performance; it may be because the coverage is for college

level like thesis and work immersion.

The researchers implied that students must have a proper time

management and they must organize their academic life because it is very

important for dealing with academic stress and the best way to stop

procrastinating is to get the most difficult tasks out of the way first.

The following graph shows the stress levels with the four different factors

Figure 3. Grade 10 stress levels

Grade 10



Grade 10
26% 27% 26%

10% 21%


Relationship Factor Academic Factor Environment Factor Personal Factor

It was found out that the environment factor got the highest percentage

than the academic, personal and relationship factors. The bar chart gives us the

idea that most of the Grade 10 students of PTVHS are more stressful when it

comes to environment factor, it may be because most of the students revealed

that they have a separated/divorce between parents and also because of the

unrealistic expectations that makes them stressed.

The researchers implied that to modify environment factor as source of

stress sometimes they should spend time with their family or friends to bring the

stress levels back to normal and again stop procrastinating to moderate your

workload and avoid taking on too much.


The table presents the general average between Grade 10 and Grade 12

students of PTVHS.

Table 1. Stress Levels between Grade 10 and Grade 12 students

Average Average
Relationship 2.36 2.25
Academic 2.92 2.69
Environment 2.97 2.50
Personal 2.95 2.60
General Average 11.2 10.04
Percentage 53% 47%

Highest stress level = more than 50%

Medium stress level = 50%

Low stress level= 25%

Both of the chosen respondents are graduating students in PTVHS. The

table shows that the most stressful is the Grade 10 students because most of the

different factors they got the highest frequency, it may be because it is not easy

to them to adapt and adjust the changes to adolescence stage and because of

the new responsibilities that they encountered as a teenager.

With this result, in order to minimize the stress levels, students must be

able to design and stick to a timetable and choose a relaxing break between

work and study. It is also important to organize the academic life for dealing with

stress by keeping academic notes organized and keeping track of all deadlines,

stress can be reduced to a great extent and get rid of the dreaded deed.

Table 2. Spearman Rho Correlations

Factor 1 = 0.33
Factor 2 = 0.23
6 ∑ d2 Factor 3 = 0.20
Rs= 1-
n 3−n Factor 4 = 0.15

Critical path (N= 30, ƛ= 0.5)= 0.363

Based on the Spearman Rank Order Correlation critical p (N= 30, ƛ= 0.5)

= 0.363, first factor has a resulting correlation of 0.33 which is lesser than the

critical p, which means there is no significant relationship between Grade 10 and

Grade 12 students in PTVHS.

Based on the critical p (N= 30, ƛ= 0.5) = 0.363, second factor has a

resulting correlation of 0.23 which lesser than the critical p, which means there is

no significant relationship between Grade 10 and Grade 12 students in PTVHS.

Based on the critical p (N= 30, ƛ= 0.5) = 0.363, third factor has a resulting

correlation of 0.20 which lesser than the critical p, which means there is no

significant relationship between Grade 10 and Grade 12 students in PTVHS.

Based on the critical p (N= 30, ƛ= 0.5) = 0.363, fourth factor has a

resulting correlation of 0.15 which lesser than the critical p which means there is

no significant relationship between Grade 10 and Grade 12 students in PTVHS.

It was found out that there is no significant relationship between the Grade

10 and Grade 12 students about their stress levels because the result is not

more than the constant critical p which means the result of the two variables are

almost the same. Students are one of the most common victims of stress.

Factors such as expenses, over commitment, family expectations, deadlines and

workload all induce stress in students. As a researcher, we suggest to the

students that they must have proper time management, stop procrastinating

instead you must take one step at a time and this will help you to be more

efficient and productive with your time or if you feel extremely stressed out, take

a break and do something you love.


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and


Summary of Findings

Based on the result of data analysis, the following are the findings of the


1. The profile of the respondents derived from the selected variables

1.1 It was found out that both male and female of Grade 10 students took

the highest frequency about the level of stress.

1.2 It was found out that the youngest respondents were 14 years old and

the oldest respondent was 20 years old.

2. It was found out that the total percentage about the stress levels of the grade

10 is 53% and 47% for the Grade 12 students, it may be because it is not easy to

them to adapt and adjust the changes to pre-mature stage that result them to be

stressful in all factors.

3. In this study it was found out that there are no significant differences between

Grade 10 and Grade 12 students about their stress levels because the result is

not more than the constant critical p which means the result of the two variables

are almost the same.



Based on the findings of this study it is proven that there is no significant

differences between Grade 10 and Grade 12 students about their level of stress.


The following are the recommendations to minimize stress;

1. Stress doesn’t matter in age and gender because everyone can be stressed in

different factors in our daily life. To minimize stress all we need is to have a

proper time management and don’t focus on the negative aspects instead you

have to stay positive and it is better to take a time to spend with your family and


2. For all students especially to the Grade 10 students, you must organize the

academic life and stop procrastinating to moderate your workload and avoid

taking on too much and if it is possible balance your time to relax.

3. A graduating student has a responsibility to compile all of their projects and

requirements in order to graduate. To minimize your stress, you have to stay

positive, just relax and do everything what is right for your study. Make your

family or friends as your inspirations and done your work with love.


Current class level: Grade 10 Grade 12
I. Direction: Please put a check if either you are Low, Medium, High or not
stressed at all in that specific situations.
1. What is the relationship High Medium Low Not
factors as source of your Stressed Stressed Stressed Stressed
stress? Level Level Level at All

Working with new people

Troubles with boyfriend or
Conflict with parent’s
Apartment or roommate conflict

2. What are the academic High Medium Low Not

factors as source of your Stresse Stresse Stressed Stressed
stress? d Level d Level Level at All

Increased class workload

Lower grade
Many hours of studies
Language difficulties
Missing Lectures
Frustration due to
misunderstanding lectures
Lots of group work

3. What are the environment High Medium Low Not

factors as a source of Stresse Stresse Stressed Stressed
stress d Level d Level Level at All

Bad living conditions

Placed in an unfamiliar situations

Future worries
Unrealistic expectations
Quit job or no job
Divorce between parents

4. What are the personal factors High Medium Low Not

as source of stress Stressed Stressed Stressed Stressed
Level Level Level at All
Combining Job with studies
Change in Living Environment
Change in Sleeping Habits’
New responsibilities
Financial Difficulties
Health Problems
Poor Eating Habit

II. Direction: Please put a check as you answer the following questions. (Select
all that apply).
1. How do you feel when you are stressed?
( ) Feeling tired during the day
( ) Cannot sleep at night
( ) Occasionally do not feel well all times
( ) others

2. In your opinion rate from 1-5 how stress influences students’ academic life?
( ) …………………………1
( ) …………………………2
( ) …………………………3
( ) …………………………4
( ) …………………………5

About the Researcher

The researcher, Reabelle A. Caluyong, 18 years old, she

was born on March 12, 2001. She is the daughter of Mr.

Emmanuel Caluyong and Mrs. Nora Maria Amoguis. She

spent her Elementary years at Bagumbayan Elementary

School and Junior High School at Pilar Technical- Vocational

High Shool, and now she is a graduating student in major of

GAS. Her ambitions in life is to become an Architect and her

motto in life is “Everything Happens for a Reason”

The researcher, Mark Steven M. Manzano, 18 years old of

age is presently studying Senior High School at Pilar

Technical-Vocational High School. He completes four years

of Junior High School at PTVHS and finished elementary

years in Catagdaan Elementary School at Catagdaan, Pilar,

Bohol. He is the son of Mr. Marlon t. Manzano and Mrs.

Marlene M. Manzano. His motto in life is “The only person

you should try to be better than, is the person you were


The researcher, Jelly Ann P. Tamsi, 18 years old, she was

born on June 21, 2001. She is the daughter of Mr. Jolito S.

Tamsi and Mrs. Gria P. Tamsi. She spent her Elementary

years at Lumbay Elementary School and Junior High School

at Pilar Technical- Vocational High Shool, and now she is a

graduating students in major of GAS. Her ambitions in life is

to become a Nurse and her motto in life is stubborn about

your goals and flexible about your methods.

The researcher, Christopher D. Daguplo, 18 years of age is

presently studying Senior High School at Pilar Technical-

Vocational High School. He completed four years of Junior

High School at PTVHS and finished elementary years in

Cagawasan, Elementary School at Cagawasan, Pilar, Bohol.

He is the son of Mr. Zenon B. Daguplo and Mrs.lolita T.

Daguplo. He like playing online games and basketball.


The researcher, Daryl A. Jabay, 18 years of age is

presently studying Senior High School at Pilar

Technical-Vocational High School. He completes four

years of Junior High School at PTVHS and finished

elementary years in Pamacsalan, Elementary School

at Pamacsalan, Pilar, Bohol. He is the son of Mr.

Federico Jabay and MrsNila Jabay. He like playing

online games.

The researcher, John Peter Gamayot, 17 years of age

is presently studying Senior High School t Pilar

Techinical-Vocational High School. He completed four

years of Junior High School at PTVHS and finished

Elementary years in Lumbay Elementary School at

Lumbay, Pilar, Bohol. He is the son of Edgar L.

Busbus and Mrs. Elconor G. Balus. He like playing

online games and soccer.


The researcher, Juweil B. Halina, 22 years of

age is presently studying Senior High School at

Pilar Technical-Vocational High School. He

completes four years of Junior High School at

PTVHS and finished elementary years in

Lundag, Elementary School at Lundag, Pilar,

Bohol. He is the son of Mr. Pablo Halina and

Mrs. Alejandra Halina. His motto in life is “the

struggle you’re in today is developing the

strength you need for tomorrow.

The Researcher, Regie T. Dilambaca, 17 years

of age is presently studying Senior High School

at Pilar Technical-Vocational High School. He

completed four years of Junior High School at

PTVHS and finished elementary years in

Bagumbayan Elementary School at Catagdaan

Pilar, Bohol. He is the son of Mr .Danilo

Dilambaca and Mrs.Perigrena Dilambaca.

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