Office of The Registrar: Data Privacy Statement

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Cebu
Municipality of Consolacion


Pursuant to Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA), the Office of the
Registrar of Consolacion Community College acknowledges its responsibilities with regard to data
processing, from collection to destruction and further ensuring that all informations of the data subjects
(students) are processed in observance to the general principles of transparency, legitimacy, and

Further, the Office recognizes the rights of the students to: a.) be informed, b.) object, c.) access,
d.) correct, and e.) rectify, erase and/or block any data provided.

Furthermore, the personal data collected from the data subjects is processed, entered and stored
indefinitely within the College’s authorized systems and process for documentation and program
administration and will only be accessed by authorized personnel.

Declaration of Consent:

In view of the foregoing and in connection with my enrollment with Consolacion Community
College (CCC), I, _______________________________ , hereby give my consent to CCC to collect, use,
store, update, process, disclose my personal data declared to the college as requested or required by its
proper authorities and subsidiaries.

I acknowledge and approve by submitting this form, to have photographs taken during any
college organized events/activities. The college may use or share such photographs with its members and
staff for newsletter, yearbook, email communications, marketing and/or online publications, and for any
other legitimate purpose and intent of the college.

Further, I expressly give my consent to CCC to process, use and disclose to my parent/s and/or
guardian listed below, the following information relative to my education such as grades, program
enrolled, year level, and subject/s taken.

(Please check any or all boxes and fill out.)

Father’s Name : _________________________________________
Mother’s Name : _________________________________________
Guardian’s Name : _________________________________________

Student’s Signature over Printed Name & Date Signed
Parent’s Consent (for students below 18 years old)
(If guardian, submit a Special Power of Attorney)

Parent’s/ Guardian’s Signature over Printed Name & Date Signed
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Cebu
Municipality of Consolacion
School of ________________________

Academic Year: ___________________ First Sem Second Sem Summer

Student No. : ___________________

(Family Name) (First Name) (Middle Name)

Program/Course: ____________________________________ Major: ___________________________

Personal Data:
Present Address:

Permanent Address:

Gender: _________________________ Civil Status _______________ Religion __________________________

Date of Birth: ______________________________ Place of Birth: ______________________________________

Contact Number(s): _________________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________________

Education Information:
Name of School and Address Academic Year Graduated
Elementary :
Junior High :
Senior High :
College (if Applicable):

Family Information:

Name Contact Number E-mail Address

Spouse (if married):

Person to notify in case of emergency:

Name: _________________________________________________ Relationship: ___________________________
Address: ________________________________________________ Contact Number: ________________________

Scholarship/Grants (Applied/Received)

Name of Scholarship/Grant Sponsoring Agency Status

Signature over Printed Name & Date Signed

IMPORTANT REMINDER: All documents (original or authenticated) submitted for enrollment shall become part of the student’s
permanent record and shall be kept in the school files.

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