Mutations: What Is A Mutation?
Mutations: What Is A Mutation?
Mutations: What Is A Mutation?
Guess which type of mutations… Disorders that result from mutations
As the man saw the FAT dog hit the can end Sickle Cell Anemia
insertation PKU
Cystic Fibrosis
As the man saw the ogh itt hec ane nd it is
If this happens you get sex cells like this: When the egg and sperm cell come
together ….
sperm cellegg cell
You get a baby with 47 chromosomes!
24 All the homologous chromosomes pair up
23 chromosomes
chromosomes and but you get one group of 3!
Edwards Syndrome
It is like they stop developing …. holes in the heart that don't close
their brains are not properly developed openings in the back (spina bifida) and
certain neurons don't make it all the way to stomach (omphalocele)
the outside of the brain but remain in little clusters
throughout the brain. organs that are not properly formed.
This means that they will frequently have Additionally, Trisomy 18 babies are usually
problems doing basic, instinctive, functions like small, as if they stopped developing and
sucking, swallowing, and breathing. growing about the 7th month in utero.