Current Issues On High Power Cycloconverter

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The document discusses issues related to high-power drives used in mining operations including reliability, operation within weak networks, power quality, and process instrumentation.

The document mentions that mining operations are facing challenges of low competitiveness due to low metal prices and high operating costs, requiring new design concepts and technologies to help solve these problems.

The document states that industrial electronics and information technologies are taking a decisive role in process control, automation, and personnel safety in mining operations.

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Current issues on high-power cycloconverter - Fed gearless motor drives for

grinding mills

Conference Paper · July 2003

DOI: 10.1109/ISIE.2003.1267276 · Source: IEEE Xplore


13 1,094

8 authors, including:

Jorge Pontt Jose Rodriguez

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María


Waldo Valderrama Gerardo Alzamora

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María GTE


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Current Issues on High-Power Cycloconverter - fed
Gearless Motor Drives for Grinding Mills


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile, e-mail:
Compañía Minera Los Pelambres, Salamanca, Chile,e.mail:

ever, the larger grinding units, especially the semiautoge-

Abstract— Mining operations are facing the challenge of nous (SAG) mills have the drawback of being a bottleneck
competitiveness because of low metal prices and operating when one unit goes out of service, that is why, reliability
costs. The only way to solve the problem is applying new de- and availability are the main concerns. The most commonly
sign concepts in management, process operation, R&D and used converter is the cycloconverter, because of its inherent
technologies, where industrial electronics and information
advantage to handle high power with low output frequency
technologies are taking a decisive role concerning process con-
trol, automation and personnel safety. The size reduction, and 4-Quadrant operation. Under network disturbances, the
crushing and grinding, is one of the main stages in mineral phase-controlled cycloconverter must be blocked in order
processing, because of energy, material and maintenance to avoid commutation failures, with the same nature of
costs. Looking at economy of scale, new projects consider the HVDC stations [13]. After a network disturbance, a re-
use of big mill grinding circuits, where large power gearless closing may be very dangerous, like the situation which
motor drives with cycloconverters in the range around 20 MW arose by re-closing large induction motors, as reported by
are being applied for semiautogenous (SAG) mills and re- [14] and [15]. Operation within a weak network should be
cently, ball mills are also being considered. carefully taken into account from the initial conceptual pro-
This work addresses some current issues involving design ject stage, with a design based on specific modeling and
and application of high-power drives employed in SAG grind-
simulation for meeting power quality requirements under
ing mills, highlighting industrial electronics aspects:
the variable operating conditions [16] - [19]. There are also
• Complex nature of the process with large units
issues of mechanical and mechatronics engineering to be
• Reliability and availability
• Operation within weak networks
faced at the design stage in order to avoid mechanical reso-
• Power quality and harmonics control
nances excited by the electromagnetic torque and forces
• Process and knowledge-based instrumentation
[20], [21], [22].
• Mechanical and mechatronics aspects
Based on actual cases of application, the main constructive II. BACKGROUND: SEMIAUTOGENOUS GRINDING (SAG)
and operation aspects are described and the open problems MILL WITH A GEARLESS DRIVE
for improving reliability and availability are discussed.
Fig. 1 shows the general scheme of a mill with gearless
Index Terms— Drives, power converters, harmonics, mills, motor drive. The rotor poles of the synchronous machine
mining are bolted to the mill. There is no gear, because the elec-
tromagnetic torque is generated directly to the mill. The sta-
I. INTRODUCTION tor has a ring form, giving the alternative name “ring-
motor” to this wrapped-around configuration. Typical value
Cycloconverter-fed Motor Drives have inherent advan-
tages for handling high-power low-speed applications with
gearless motor drives intended for grinding mills, employed
in cement plants and ore concentrators [1], [2]. Other mod-
ern applications in the MW range are flywheel energy and
pumped hydraulic storage systems [3]. General considera-
tions and criteria for evaluation of mill drives options have
been discussed in [4], [5], [6]. For power greater than
10.000 Hp, mechanical pinion coupled drives have been
considered as a limit for single drives because of the risk of
long-time outages due to mechanical maintenance. In addi-
tion, for variable-speed operation including zero-speed and
starting with full torque within limited short-circuit level,
high-power gearless motor drives have shown advantages.
Installations with units in the range of 20 MW are being
recently designed and applied, and higher powers are
considered to be feasible. High-dynamic performance has
been achieved using field orientation techniques as well as
Fig. 1, General scheme of a Gearless Mill Motor drive [24].
observation methods for sensorless control [7] - [12]. How-
Suboptimal trajectory Load “Shoulder”

Optimal trajectory

Harmful trajectory



Lining impact

Fig. 4, 12-Pulse connection. Twin 6-Pulse cycloconverter-fed synchro-

Mill Load nous machine with 2 stator windings (Shown only one stator A1-B1-C1
Load “Toe”
winding connected).
Fig. 2, Possible trajectories of steel balls in a SAG mill.

also harmful impacts because of the ball trajectories im-

of the airgap is in the range of 15-17 mm. A tolerance of pacting in the lifters, with energy loss, accelerated steel ball
+/- 3 mm is considered for setting alarms and protections. wear and jeopardizing the life of lifters and the availability
The motor is fed with variable frequency by a cyclocon- of the mill. That is why variable speed is needed for high-
verter in order to regulate the torque and operating speed of power mills. The useful range of operation speed is around
the mill. The excitation is controlled by a 6-pulse controlled 75% and 80% of the critical speed. The critical speed is de-
bridge. fined as the speed at which a steel ball remains at the shell
Grinding or size reduction of mineral ore is made with of the mill without falling when the centrifugal force equals
large-diameter rotating mills where the mineral itself is its weight and is given by:
used as a grinding media. This process is called “autoge-
nous grinding”. A semiautogenous grinding mill (SAG)
uses complementary steel balls of typical 5-inch diameter to w= (1)
support the grinding media. Fig. 2 shows the possible tra- (D − d )
jectories inside the mill. The tube mill has internal steel lin-
ers with lifters for lifting the load. The load builds a kidney Where w is the critical speed, g=9.81 [m/s2], D is the in-
form with a cataracting effect with different balls’ and ternal mill diameter and d is the ball diameter. If d<< D,
rocks’ trajectories. The cataracting with trajectories impact- with D expressed in [m], a good approximation which gives
ing at the toe of the load is the most effective grinding ef- Nc for the critical speed in revolutions per minute (rpm) is
fect. For higher throughput, large diameter mills are being given by:
employed to use this impacting effect. The movement of
the load depends strongly on several operating variables 42.2
like geometry, viscosity, ore size-distribution and rotation NC = [rpm] (2)
speed. In addition, the wearing of the lifters also plays also D
a role because its geometry changes with time. There are For example, a SAG mill with an internal diameter of
11 meters will have a critical speed of 12.72 [rpm]. For a

1V1 2V1

1V2 2V2

Medición Medición

1U2 2W2
1U1 2U2 1W2 2W1
2U1 1W1


Rated Power: 12.68 [MW]

Rated Speed: 9.55 [rpm]
Rated Current: 2 x 1986 [A]
Rated Voltage: 2 x 1900 [V]
Fig. 5, 12 Pulse cycloconverter fed synchronous machine with
only one stator windings. (The two 6-Pulse cycloconverters are
Fig. 3, Ring motor with 2 separated stator windings [22]. connected in series to build a 12-Pulse configuration).
Fig. 6, Zero crossing of motor current @ 7.1 Hz (simulation).

nominal speed of 77% the critical speed is 9.8 [rpm]. The

bigger the diameter, the lower the nominal speed of rota-
Fig. 3 depicts the scheme using a synchronous motor
with two separated stator windings. There are also applica-
tions with only one stator winding. There is a current dis- Fig. 8, Sensorless Vector Control for a Gearless Synchronous machine
cussion concerning the advantages and drawbacks of both Drive (CT: Coordinates Transformation).
alternatives regarding issues of: efficiency, cooling, size,
short-circuit behavior and reliability, among others. deadtime with a higher safety margin at transition. Offsets
Fig. 4 shows the connection of a twin 6-Pulse cyclo- in the analog current measurement may jeopardize this key
converter system to a 2-stator winding machine. The trans- behavior.
formers have secondary windings with 30 degrees dis- Fig.7 depicts the simplified space-vector diagram of the
placement in order to build a 12-Pulse equivalent cyclo- synchronous machine. Stator resistance is neglected as a
converter at the network side. A symmetry current control first approximation. The α-β axis is fixed to the phase “a”
is needed to ensure the proper balanced operation. of the stator. The d-q axis is fixed the rotor of the machine,
Fig. 5 depicts the use of a single stator winding ma- where the excitation winding is along the d-axis, with rela-
chine. The 12-pulse cycloconverter is built by the series tive position θm. The x-y axis is chosen with the resulting
connection of two 6-pulse cycloconverters. flux along the x-axis with relative position θs. The load-
In both cases, the cycloconverter has a three-phase cur- angle θr is defined as the relative position between the flux
rent control [17] with feedforward scheme using internal and the magnetomotive force given by the excitation cur-
voltages of the machine for better tracking of the three-
rent ie. A vector control method is employed in order to
phase current references.
have a good dynamic performance with decoupled control
Fig. 6 shows the zero-crossing of the controlled current
of torque and flux of the machine. Torque is commanded
in one phase of the motor. A deadtime is set for ensuring a
with the product of resulting flux ψ and active current
safe transition from a positive and negative converter with
component iy. The flux ψ is controlled by commanding the
no-circulating current. The longer the deadtime, the larger
reactive component ix and excitation current ie. The operat-
the motor current distortion and vice-a-versa. Current dis-
tortion produces undesirable torque oscillations. It is very ing power factor of the machine is cosφ, where φ is the an-
important to meet a trade-off between a desired small dead- gle between the current i and voltage es at the machine
time for a good quality of controlled current versus a longer terminals.
Fig.8 shows a scheme for the vector control of the ma-
chine. There are three main control loops: speed controller,
Flux-controller and a second flux controller for the excita-
tion control. For sensorless operation, a voltage- and a cur-
rent model are employed in order to construct the internal
variables of the machine. There are other internal control
loops (not shown here) for improving the performance of
the three-phase stator current control and for reducing the

Fig. 7, Space-vector diagram of the vector-controlled synchronous ma-

chine. Fig. 9, Industrial Power System with 4 Gearless Motor Drives (GMD).
Minera Escondida
140 MW Domeyko
Industrial Plant 4500
Substation 220 kV Busbar 100%
Phase kV Startup
Busbar 4000
23/10/2002 to 28/10/2002 3500 80%

3000 70%
Total Harmonic
Voltage Voltage Distortion
Total Harmonic Distortion
Average = 1.21% 50%
Std. Dev.= 0.28% 40%
Limit = 1.50% 1500
Perc. 95 = 1.71% 30%
Fulfill = NO 20%
500 10%
F req ue nc y 0 0%
A cum . F req u en cy
P erce ntil 9 5
0 .2% 0.4% 0.6% 0.8% 0.9% 1.1% 1.3% 1.5% 1.7% 3.1%

3.00% Voltage Total
Total Ha H armonic
rmonic VoltageDistortion
Fig. 10, Harmonics Filter Module. 1.00%
22-10-02 23-10-02 24-10-02 24-10-02 25-10-02 26-10-02 26-10-02 27-10-02 28-10-02 28-10-02

errors of the observed internal variables. Dynamical per- 23:59 15:59 7:59 23:59
3 Phase Average
15:59 7:59 23:59
Lim ite
15:59 7:59 23:59

formance depends on the effective construction of flux and

angular positions for the decoupled control. An important Fig. 12, Power Quality assessment of an industrial power system plant
with 4 GMDs. Measurement of the Total Harmonic Distorsion at PCC
issue is operation at a very low speed (frequency) because 220 kV.
the “inching” and “creeping” functions concerning the ac-
curate positioning of the mill for maintenance and mill-
lining changes. Chapter V (the next chapter) show how simplified electrical system of a modern concentrator plant
vector control variables may help process control with 4 gearless motor drives. A careful study for the power
factor and harmonic control had to be carried out at the de-
A great number of operating conditions of the electrical
Reliability, protection coordination, power factor and system were taken into account because of the complexity
harmonics are the main issues to be faced at the very be- of the productive system. Special procedures and software
ginning of a project concerning new or retrofitting installa- tools were needed [19].
tions. Cycloconverters inject a distorted current ID into the General specifications included a minimum power fac-
network with superposition of harmonic and interharmonics tor of 95% (typical) at the PCC and the compliance of
currents components. For a 12-pulse configuration, a su- IEEE-Std.519-92 for different productive conditions.
perposition of the harmonic components is given by: Therefore, 4 units of harmonic filter modules were de-
signed (see fig. 10). Each module has 4 steps in order to
1 meet the stringent specifications. A control system gives
I D = {{ f1 ± 6kf 0 } + {11 f1 ± 6kf 0 } + {13 f1 ± 6kf 0 }} the ON/OFF command for the different modules for coarse

k =0 and fine voltage control of 23 kV buses.
+ { f 2 }+ { f 3 }+ { f 4 } (3) Fig. 11 shows the spectral impedance at the bus 3 with
one filter module. Branch filters tuned to 2nd, 3rd and 4th
harmonic order with C-Type [18] were needed in order to
{fh +/- 6kf0 } is a term comprising the characteristic fre-
mitigate the resonances at the medium voltage 23 kV buses.
quency component fh and its lateral sidebands. f1 is the fun- Branch filters of the high-pass type tuned to the 5th, 7th and
damental current component of the network side (50 Hz), f0 11th harmonic orders were considered to control the charac-
is the output frequency of the cycloconverter, and k is an
integer value k= 0,1. In addition, non-characteristic har-
140 MW Industri al Plant
monics components f2, f3, f4 should also be considered,
10 0%
220 kV Busbar 400

especially at low-damped networks with high non-linear 350

90 %
80 %

loads where resonances may be excited. A more complex 300 70 %

PST Flicker
problem arises with multiple cycloconverter-fed drives op- 250 60 %

Average = 0.6% 200

50 %

erating at different output frequencies. Fig. 9 depicts the Std. Dev.= 0.1%
40 %
Limit = 1.0% 30 %
Perc. 95 = 0.9% 100
20 %
Fulfill = YES
50 10 %

23 kV Main Busbar F req uen cy

A cu m . F re q ue ncy
0 0%
5 P e rc en til 9 5 0.1% 0.3% 0. 4% 0.5% 0.6% 0.8% 0.9% 1.0% 1.1% 2.1%
Impedance [Ohms]

4 2.50%
Pst Flicker
3 1.50%


1 0.00%
22-10-02 23-10-02 24-10-02 24-10-02 25-10-02 26-10-02 26-10-02 27-10-02 28-10-02 28-10-02
23:59 15:59 7:59 23:59 15:59 7:59 23:59 15:59 7:59 23:59
0 3 Phase Aver age Lim it
50 150 250 350 450 550 650
Frequency [Hz] Fig. 13, Power Quality assessment of an industrial power system plant
with 4 GMDs. Measurement of the Flicker PST at PCC 220 k.
Fig. 11, Harmonic Impedance Z (f) at bus 3 with One Filter Module.
geometric Mass center of
center the load

Ring Motor
Sensors Sensors
Left side Right side

Electrical Weight of the load

Impactmeter variables
Impacts Level Control
variable Load filling variables
Plant Control
Plant Control
Fig. 14, General scheme of the Impactmeter.
Fig. 16, General scheme of the MONSAG system.

teristic injected harmonic spectrum of cycloconverters in- with several degrees of freedom. Electromagnetic linear
cluding the interharmonics. and non-linear excitation forces may be produced under
Fig.12 depicts the measurements of harmonic distortion failure conditions. Deformation modes and forces distribu-
at PCC 220 kV and fig. 13 shows the measured flicker dur- tion along the poles of the rotor should be carefully ana-
ing the power quality assessment of the installation during lyzed during design stage, in order to ensure global system
setting-up and commissioning. Recommendations for im- compatibility without dangerous airgap fluctuations and
proving the performance were made. other non-desirable behavior.
The trend in mineral processing plants is to employ lar- Availability and safety together with process stability
ger mills: SAG mills and recently ball mills, in order to and optimization are the main issues for ensuring produc-
have economy of scale. Nowadays, mills with diameters 34 tivity and costs in mineral processing facilities. Non-
feet or greater with powers 10 MW or higher, have been scheduled maintenance and process instabilities must be
designed with gearless drives. Some major problems affect- managed for reducing risks and losses. Main causes for
ing availability have been observed due to different causes non-scheduled maintenance and shutdowns are broken lin-
concerning new problems imposed by size scaling or sys- ers inside a mill. Fig.14 depicts a new instrument called
tem compatibility: “Impactmeter” for assessing the impacts behavior inside the
a) Stator deformations and foundation issues due to SAG mill (patent pending). The goal is the early detection
huge short circuit forces. This may happen when the cyclo- of harmful impacts on the mill liners based in the measure-
converter is regenerating and a network disturbance results ment of acoustical behavior around the mill in order to con-
in a commutation failure or by unstable reclosing as de- trol the operating variables to reduce the risk of broken lin-
scribed in [13], [14], [15]. Right coordination of electrical ers. Fig. 15 presents the measurement of a typical acousti-
protections and development of new intelligent devices cal signal from one sensor during 1.2 [s]. A DSP-based pat-
may be considered. tern recognition scheme is employed for identifying harm-
b) Isolation failure of stator windings due to wet mois- ful impacts.
ture. By wet grinding, water splashing may contaminate the The load filling of the SAG mill is a critical variable.
windings if seals are imperfect. Development of intelligent Commonly, the bearing pressure signals (weight measure-
isolation surveillance may be considered. ments) are used for forecasting the filling of the mill, but
c) Vibrations and deflections due to asymmetrical air global density is very dependant on size distribution of
gap [20], [21]. Bigger machines are distributed systems minerals and their viscosity. In addition, mechanical valves
and piping devices are prone to failures and losses of
Some possible Impacts calibration.



Fig. 15, Acoustical signal from one sensor, duration

of 1.2 seconds. Fig. 17, Improvement in the process stabilization employing MONSAG
instead the bearing pressure.
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VI. COMMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS [11] Z. Shihe, F. Blaschke, A. Venderput, W.Geysen, “Countermeasure
for instability in voltage source inverter fed field oriented synchro-
Main current issues of cycloconverter-fed gearless nous machines without using a position sensor “, Conf. Record of IAS
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drives for grinding applications were presented, highlight- [12] S.P. Das, A. Chattopadhyay, “Observer-based stator flux-oriented
ing: a) Complex nature of the process with large units, b) vector control of cycloconverter-fed Synchronous Motor Drive”,
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[13] C.V. Thio, J.B. Davies, K.L. Kent, “Commutation failures in HVDC
and knowledge-based instrumentation, f) Mechanical and Transmission Systems”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol.11,
mechatronics aspects. No.2, April, 1996, pp.946-957.
The challenge of improving safety, reliability and pro- [14] A. Shaltout, M. Al-Omoush, “Reclosing torques of large induction
ductivity, regarding the application of complex and larger motors with stator trapped flux”, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion,
Vol.11, No.1, March 1996, pp.84-90.
grinding mills, requires the integration of multidisciplinary [15] “High Speed reclosing system”, GE Web site:
work, with aspects of industrial electronics, information
technologies, process-, mechanical- and mechatronics engi- [16] K. S. Smith, L. Ran, “Input current Harmonic Analysis of Pseudo 12-
neering. Pulse 3-Phase to 6-Phase Cycloconverters”, IEEE Trans. on Power
Electronics, Vol. 11, No.4, July, 1996, pp. 629-640.
Further work must be done for identification and con- [17] J. Vásquez, J. Pontt, ”Simulation of a 12-pulse-three-phase-
trol of critical variables in order to improve robustness cycloconverter with current control“, Proceedings IEEE Interna-
against perturbations to the whole grinding process control. tional Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE94, 1994, pp.98-
Network disturbances, power quality, cycloconverter con- 103.
[18] R. Errath, P. Burmeister, A. Sapin, “SAG mill operation with weak
trol, machine control, airgap surveillance, grinding operat-
network conditions”, Intl. Conf. On SAG grinding, SAG2001, Van-
ing variables and excitation of non-desired modes of oscil- couver, Canada, 2001.
lations must be managed, where new methods and instru- [19] J. Pontt O., C. Pontt O. (*), Ennio Perelli et Al, “HARMONIX: A
mentation systems based on process knowledge play a sig- software package for teaching harmonics in power systems with
nonlinear loads”, Proceedings of European Power Electronics Con-
nificant role.
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[20] C. Meimaris, B. Lai, L. Cox, “Remedial design of the world’s largest
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