Formulation of Ketoconazole Ophthalmic Ointment Us

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Article  in  International Research Journal of Pharmacy · August 2016

DOI: 10.7897/2230-8407.07781

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Monali Dumore Nitin Dumore

dbcop dadasaheb balpande college of pharmacy besa nagpur


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Monali N. Dumore et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (7)

ISSN 2230 – 8407

Research Article
Monali N. Dumore 1*, Mahesh R Mishra 2, Nitin G Dumore 3, Ujwala N Mahajan 1
Dadasaheb Balbande College of Pharmacy, Besa, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Smt. Kishoritai Bhoyar College of Pharmacy, Kamptee, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Dadasaheb Balpande College of Diploma in Pharmacy, Besa Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding Author Email:

Article Received on: 04/05/16 Revised on: 15/07/16 Approved for publication: 18/07/16

DOI: 10.7897/2230-8407.07781


The present work is concerned with the study of cow ghee as penetration enhancer in ketoconazole ophthalmic ointment as an ointment base with
respect to conventional ointment base. Ophthalmic ointment was prepared with 1% ketoconazole, 0.01% w/v Benzalchonium chloride and butylated
hyroxytoluene B.P (0.02%) with cow ghee as a base as well as petrolatum base and investigated their usefulness in the ophthalmological field by
evaluating pH, acid value, freeze thaw cycle, isotonicity, corneal toxicity and in vitro transcorneal permeation study using excised goat cornea. cow
ghee is an effective penetration enhancer as an ointment base. The interaction study between ketoconazole and cow ghee were found to be negative.
Evaluation parameters such as pH, acid value, freeze thaw cycle, isotonicity, were carried out. Overall results suggest that cow ghee is safe for use as
a penetration enhancer in ophthalmic delivery system as an ointment base.

Keywords: Ketoconazole, penetration enhancer, goat cornea

INTRODUCTION It is therefore necessary to develop a formulation containing

cow ghee as a key excipient through which the drug such as
Amongst several physiological barriers in human body such as antifungal could penetrate corneal barrier. The cow’s ghee
blood brain barrier, placental barrier etc. the ‘Corneal Barrier’ is contains several fatty acids with varying physiochemical
equally important. It protects the inner structure of our eye from properties. The lipoid nature of this substance aids passage of
external object and infection. However it creates a problem by many drugs through many physiological barriers because the
preventing many drugs from entering inside the eye beyond nature of barrier is also lipoidal 6.
cornea. This is problematic because the major microorganism
invading the structure of an eye includes ‘fungi’ and when this Hence, the present work based on development of ophthalmic
occurs, the antifungal drugs are unable to penetrate cornea ointment using cow ghee as an excipient through which the drug
leaving the infection untreated 1. such as antifungal could penetrate the corneal barrier.

According to World Health Organization, corneal diseases are MATERIAL AND METHOD
the major cause of vision loss and blindness. Fungal keratitis is
the major cause of blindness in Asia and Candida albicans is a Ketoconazole was gift sample from Alkem Pharmaceuticals,
species which is responsible for fungal keratitis 2. Mumbai, India. Cow ghee was purchased from Madhuban dairy
products, Nagpur (MS) India. Dichloromethane R) and
Ketoconazole is a known antifungal agent which is use for their Potassium dihyrogen phosphate (Merks Pvt.Ltd), Disodium
superficial action as well as to treat the infection of the internal hydrogen phosphate and Sodium chloride (Fisher Scientific
eye. It is a potent inhibitor of ergosterol biosynthesis in India Pvt. Ltd) and all other chemical were analytical grade.
Candida albicans both in vitro and in vivo. Ergosterol is the
major sterol found in most yeasts and fungi and by interfering Fractination of cow ghee
with this major template for mycotic biosynthesis 3. The fraction of cow ghee ≥400C, were carried out in B.O.D
The ability of the compound to penetrate the eye is depending incubator ( Thermotech TH-102) by maintaining the respective
upon molecular mass, route of administration, duration of temperature up to 24hr. fraction were collected and filtered
contact time. But the ketoconazole have a high molecular mass through Whatmann filter paper (no. 41)
exceeding 500 Dalton, resulting in their poor penetration even if
it is lipophilic in nature 4,5. Evaluation of cow ghee (≥400C)

So it is necessary to enhance the penetration of the drug through Acid value

transcorneal barrier to give its 100% action. By using
penetration enhancers which possible to penetrate the drug 10.0gm of cow ghee ≥400C was weighed accurately and
through the corneal barrier. dissolved in 50 ml of equal volumes of ethanol (95%) and ether,
previously neutralized with 0.1M potassium hydroxide to

Monali N. Dumore et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (7)

phenolphthalein solution in a 250ml borosilicate conical flask. Evaluation of ophthalmic preparation

To this solution, 1.0ml of phenolphthalein solution was added
and titrated against 0.1M potassium hydroxide until the solution Physical parameters
remains faintly pink till 30secs with shaking. The acid value was
calculated from the expression pH
pH values of FCA and FCB were measured in 1.0% aqueous
Acid value= 5.61n/w solution using digital pH meter (NIG-333). The pH meter was
calibrated by using standard buffer solution of pH-7 and pH-4 11.
n= the number of ml of 0.1M potassium hydroxide Freeze Thaw cycle
w= the weight, in g, of the substance 7. FCA and FCB (10.0gm) were employed as a thin layer in a
beaker. Initial reading i.e. creaming and cracking were noticed if
Saponification value any. The sample was kept in the freezer (4oC) for 24 hrs,
removed and allowed it to thaw at room temperature. The same
2.0gm of cow ghee (≥400C) was weighed accurately and sample was then kept in oven (50oC) for 24 hrs. Then the sample
transferred in 200ml borosilicate round bottom flask fitted with removed and allows it to equilibrate at room temperature. At the
a reflux condenser. 25ml of 0.5M ethanol potassium hydroxide end of each cycle readings were recorded 12.
and a little pumice powder were added to this, refluxed for 30
mins on a water bath. 1ml of phenolphthalein solution was Isotonicity studies
added and titrated immediately against 0.5M hydrochloric acid FCA and FCB (10.0 mg) were mixed with 1-2 drops of blood on
(a ml). Blank titration was also carried out omitting the ghee a microscopic slide and kept it side for 15 min, observed under
under examination (b ml). Saponification value was calculated microscope (Motic-2.0) at 45X magnification to see the shape
from the expression of blood cell (bulging or shrinkage). The observations were
compared with standard marketed ophthalmic formulation
Saponification value=28.05(b-a)/w (ciprofloxacin ophthalmic ointment) 13.

Where, Drug content of Ketoconazole

w= weight, in gm, of the substance 8. 1gram of ointment was weighed accurately and transferred to a
100ml volumetric flask and volume was made up to 100.0ml
Interaction study of Ketoconazole and cow ghee (≥400C) with DCM. This was then filtered. 1 ml of the filtrate was taken
and further diluted up to 10.0ml in 10 ml volumetric flask .The
UV/Visible spectroscopy content was estimated using UV/ visible spectrophotometer at
Different ratios of ketoconazole : cow ghee (≥400C) (1:9, 2:8, 230 nm 14.
3:7, 4:6, 7:3, 8:2, 9:1) were prepared and each mixture was
diluted in DCM to make concentration 100µg/ml and screened In vitro Antifungal activity
spectrophotometrically in the range of 200- 400nm wavelength. In vitro antifungal test of standard Ketoconazole solution, FCA,
and FCB were performed against Candida albicans by Agar
Thermal Analysis (DSC) for cow ghee (≥400C) diffusion (cup-plate method). 100µg/mL. concentration of
A differential scanning calorimeter model DSC Shimadzu 60 Ketoconazole solution.
with trend line software (Shimadzu Co., Kyoto, Japan) was
used 9. All the operations were carried out under aseptic conditions. The
sterile medium was melted on water bath and kept at 450 c in
Formulation of ophthalmic ointment constant temperature water bath. In each sterile petridish 25 ml
of molten medium was added and subcultured organism under
Formulation of FCA (using cow ghee as base) study was inoculated.
Required amount of ketoconazole and small amount of molten
base (Cow ghee ≥400C) was triturated in sterilized mortar and The culture and agar medium were mixed and allow solidifying.
pestle. Then remaining amount of base, benzalkonium chloride Five cups of 8 mm diameter was then made with the help of
(0.01%w/v), butylated hyroxytoluene B.P (0.02%) were transfer sterile stainless steel cork borer for the respective samples. Two
to this, triturated thoroughly to room temperature. The ointment drops of test solution was added to three cup, whereas standard
was stored in the glass vials for further study. solution was added in one cup and one cup was kept control.
Solutions was allowed to diffuse in the medium for 2 hr by
All operation has been carried out in a laminar flow for keeping the petridish at room temperature and then incubated for
maintaining the aseptic condition 10. about 24 hr at 370C 15,16.

Formulation of FCB (using Petrolatum base) In vitro drug release studies of Ketoconazole, FCA and FCB
The Ointment was formulated using procedure same as given in
With petrolatum base, instead of Cow ghee ≥400C . The release studies were carried out using Franz diffusion cell
containing donor- receiver compartment model designed using
Table 1: Formulae of Ketoconazole ophthalmic ointment goat corneal membrane. The diffusion cell has capacity of 20ml
and surface area of 3.14 cm2. The receptor compartment was
Name of Ingredients FCA FCB filled with saline phosphate buffer (pH=7.4) with 1% sodium
lauryl sulphate. The membrane was cut to a suitable size and
Ketoconazole 1%w/w 1%w/w placed between the two half cells of the separate cells. The
Cow ghee fraction (base) Up to100gm -
lower part of the membrane was facing the receptor
Petrolactum base - Up to100gm
compartment. The cells were thermo stated at 37± 1oc and
Benzalkonium chloride 0.01%w/v 0.01%w/v
Butylated hyroxytoluene B.P 0.02% 0.02%
receptor solution stirred with magnetic stirrer at 200 rpm.

Monali N. Dumore et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (7)

1gm of FCA, FCB and one ml solution of Ketoconazole various parameters viz. appearance, pH, and % drug content has
(1%w/w) were place on membrane surface of three separate taken into consideration for the stability study 20, 21.
donor compartment of three separate diffusion cells. One ml
sample was withdrawn from each receptor compartment at 30, RESULT AND DISCSSION
60 90,120, 150, and 180 min intervals and was replaced with
equal amount (1ml) of fresh buffer solution and the absorbance Fractionation of cow ghee
was taken on the UV spectrophotometer at 230 nm. Amount of
drug release across the membrane was estimated by using Fraction of cow ghee (≥400C) was isolated. The objective of
standard calibration curve equation Y= 0.024x + 0.088 17. fractionation of cow ghee was to isolate suitable fractions
depending upon the type of dosage forms such as ophthalmic
In -vivo eye irritancy test (Drained test in rabbit) ointment . Cow ghee (≥400C) is quite stable with the changes in
temperature of environment.
The optimized formulation was evaluated for in vivo
performance in animal model (Rabbits). The protocol is Evaluation of cow ghee (≥400C)
approved by college ethical committee (Ethical committee
Registration number is CPCSEA/ 729/02/a/CPCSEA) Table 2: acid value and Saponification value of cow ghee (≥400C)

Eye irritancy potential of a substance is evaluated on the basis of Test Result Limit
its ability to cause injury to the cornea, iris, and conjunctivae, on Acid Value 4.488 Less than 5
the application to the eye. Saponification value 194.94 Less than 220

Ocular reaction was read with the controlled eye. Reading was Interaction study of ketoconazole and cow ghee (≥400C)
noted at 1,4,24, 48 and 72 hrs after exposure 18, 19.
UV/Visible spectroscopy
Accelerated Stability study The UV visible spectrogram for different ratios of ketoconazole
: cow ghee (≥400C) (1:9, 2:8, 3:7, 4:6, 7:3, 8:2, 9:1) were
The stability study was carried out as per ICH and European studied to see the interaction at different ratios of concentration.
guidelines at 40˚C ± 2˚C at 75 ± 5% RH for 30 days. The An overlay spectrum of different ratio shown in Figure 1
indicates that ketoconazole and cow ghee (≥400C) are
compatible with each other

Abs 1

240 250 300 350 400
W avelength [nm]

Figure 1: An overlay of mixtures of ketoconazole and cow ghee (≥400C)

From Figure 1 the absorption spectrum of different ratio does not show any significant changes as per as λmax of ketoconazole is
concern. Slight changes was observed in absorption spectrum of 8:2 and 9:1 (ketoconazole and cow ghee), indicate interaction at this

Thermal analysis (DSC)

Figure 2: DSC thermogram of ketoconazole

Monali N. Dumore et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (7)

Figure 3: DSC thermogram of cow ghee (≥400C) Figure 4: DSC thermogram of ketoconazole: cow ghee (≥400C)

Table 3: Result of Fusion temperature and Enthalpy of fusion of ketoconazole, cow ghee (≥400C), and ketoconazole : cow ghee (≥400C)

System Fusion temperature (0C) Enthalpy of fusion (mJ)

Main peak Onset End set
ketoconazole 153.02 148.79 158.85 -1473.49
Cow ghee(≥400C) 48.13 42.46 54.54 -634
ketoconazole Cow ghee (≥400C) Ketoconazole Cow ghee≥400C
Main peak Onset End set Main peak Onset End set
Ketoconazole and 152.96 147.90 158.87 52.07 38.43 59.52 -1400.60 -515.3
cow ghee

The melting point, onset temp, end set temp, and enthalpy of fusion are tabulated in Table 3, does not show any significant changes
as per as the endothermic peaks of ketoconazole and cow ghee.

Evaluation of an ophthalmic ointment

Physical parameters

Table 4: Results of physical parameters

Sr. No. Parameter FCA FCB

1 Color Yellow Yellow
2 Appearance smooth Smooth
3 Phase separation (centrifugation at 1000 rpm for 1hour) -ve -ve

The results are depicted in Table 4, both FCA and FCB were yellow in colour consistently smooth in appearance and found to be
stable on centrifugation at 1000 rpm for 1hour.


Table 5: pH values of FCA and FCB

Parameter Formulation Code

pH 7.53 7.61
7.55 7.59
7.59 7.59
Mean 7.55 7.59
S.D (±) 0.0305 0.011

The values of pH shown in Table 5 indicate both formulation (FCA and FCB) has pH near as that of pH of lachrymal fluid (pH-7.4).
FCA and FCB were found suitable for ophthalmic use depicted from the standard deviation as per as the pH is concern.

Freeze thaw cycle

Table 6: Observations of Freeze Thaw Test of FCA and FCB

Formulation Temp Observation(24 hrs)

Creaming Cracking
4˚ C -ve -ve
FCA RT -ve -ve
50˚C -ve -ve
4˚ C -ve -ve
FCB RT -ve -ve
50˚C -ve -ve

Monali N. Dumore et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (7)

Results from Table 6 inferred that FCA and FCB are thermodynamically stable. This prognosticates that all the components of the
system are compatible with each other and form a single homogeneous phase. This may be due to nearly the same density of all
ingredients which leads to physical compatibility results in stable ophthalmic preparation.

Isotonicity studies

A. Blood cell B. Blood cells with marketed formulation

D. Blood cells with FCB

C. Blood cells with FCA

Figure 5: Photographs of blood cells during isotonicity test

Figure 5 indicate that FCA and FCB does not change the shape of blood cells (bulging or shrinkage) which reveals that both
formulation were isotonic. The result are also compaired with that of marketed opthalmic ointment of ciprofloxacin and blood cells.

Chemical evaluation
Assay (Drug content)

Table 7: % Drug content of ketoconazole in FCA and FCB

Sr. No. % Drug content

1 99.71 98.42
2 100.0 99.71
3 99.130 100.28
Mean 99.61 99.47
S.D.(±) 0.44 0.52

The drug content in FCA and FCB shows good agreement of result as per the % label claim is concern. The S.D. values are also
below the limit

In vitro Antifungal activity

Table 8: Results of in vitro antifungal activity of FCA and FCB

Microorganism used Zone of inhibition (mm)

Standard Sample
(100µg/ml) FCA FCB Control
Candida albicans 27.33±0.57 24.66±0.47 21.33±0.65 13±0.76

The minimum inhibitory zone of ketoconazole solution was greater than FCA and FCB, may be due to direct exposure of
ketoconazole to the fungi. In comparison of FCB, FCA shows most promising results. as per as the MIZ is concern, greater the area
of MIZ obtained greater will be the infusibility and penetrability of ketoconazole from its formulation.

Monali N. Dumore et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (7)

Biological evaluation
In vitro drug release studies

Table 9: Results of average % release of ketoconazole from

ketoconazole solution through goat corneal membrane

Time( min) Average % release

Mean ± S.D
30 0.90 ± 0.138
60 7.77 ± 0.236
90 18.81 ± 0.15
120 30.41 ± 0.21
150 40.08 ± 0.105
180 60.13 ± 0.236

Table 10: Results of average % release of ketoconazole from FCA

through goat corneal membrane
Figure 6: Graph showing comparative account on % release of
Time( min) Average % release ketoconazole solution, FCA and FCB
Mean ± S.D
30 2.15 ± 0.121 Table 9, 10 and 11 shows the results of an average % release of
60 18.60 ± 0.433
ketoconazole from ketoconazole solution, FCA, and FCB
90 27.84 ± 0.433
120 48.05 ± 0.320
respectively and Figure 6 compare the release of ketoconazole
150 61.38 ± 0.236
from the system with time. The study revealed that the average
180 69.56 ± 0.180 % release of ketoconazole at 30 min and 180 min of FCA were
2.15 ± 0.121 and 69.56 ± 0.180 respectively. This may be
Table 11: Results of average % release of ketoconazole from FCB attributed that incorporation of cow ghee in FCA facilitates the
through goat corneal membrane penetration of ketoconazole through corneal membrane. The
S.D. was found to be ± 0.121 and ± 0.180 also support the
Time( min) Average % release assumption that cow ghee enhances the penetration of
Mean ± S.D ketoconazole from FCA significantly. In support to average %
30 0.27 ± 0.120 release of ketoconazole from different system, apparent
60 7.77 ± 0.523 permeability coefficient of ketoconazole was also calculated. As
90 19.09 ± 0.315
per results are depicted in Table 10 and from Figure 6. it was
120 32.56 ± 0.669
150 41.87 ± 0.625
observed that FCA has significantly greater penetration than
180 59.23 ± 0.320 FCB and ketoconazole solution at 30 mins. and 180 mins.

In - vivo eye irritancy test (Draize test in rabbit)

The scoring of the ocular lesions was done as per the follows

Table 12: Rabbit cornea observations for opacity and area of cornea involved

Opacity Normal Rating For Rating for FCA

Opacity R1 R2
No opacity 0 none 0 0
Diffuse area ,details of iris clearly visible 1 slight 0 0
Easily visible translucent areas, details of iris slightly obscure 2 mild 0 0
Opalescent areas, no details of iris visible, 3 moderate 0 0
Opaque, iris- invisible 4 severe 0 0
Area of cornea involved Normal Rating for Rating for FCA
corneal area involved R1 R2
25% or less (not 0) 1 0 0
25% to 50% 2 0 0
25% to 75% 3 0 0
Greater than 75% 4 0 0
R = Rabbit

Table 13: Scoring of conjunctiva

Redness Normal Rating Rating for FCA

R1 R2
Vessels normal 0 none 0 0
Vessels definitely injected above normal 1slight 0 0
More diffuse, deeper crimson red with individual vessels not easily dissemble 2 moderate 0 0
Diffuse beefy red 3 severe 0 0
R = Rabbit

Monali N. Dumore et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2016, 7 (7)

Table 14: Scoring of iris

Values Normal Rating Rating for FCA

R1 R2
Normal 0 none 0 0
Fold above normal, congestion, swelling, iris react to light 1slight 0 0
No reaction to light, hemorrhage, gross destruction 2 severe 0 0
R = Rabbit

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21. Rajeshwar V, M. Venkata Ramana. Formulation and Cite this article as:
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comparative study on natural and synthetic super Monali N. Dumore, Mahesh R Mishra, Nitin G Dumore, Ujwala
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Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared

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