Formative Feedback Afl
Formative Feedback Afl
Formative Feedback Afl
Good feedback helps pupils move
forward in their learning.
Teachers can spend a lot of time marking pupils’ work, but the reality
is that this can have little effect on improving their learning. Often,
marks or comments on work tell pupils about success or failure but
not about how to move on in their learning.
An AfL culture embraces the notion that everyone can have areas for
Formative feedback improvement, even the best. With its emphasis on effort rather than
focuses on success and ability, supportive feedback builds self-confidence and sends a clear
improvement, not just message to pupils that everyone can improve.
measuring performance.
To ensure shared understanding among teachers, Resource
2 offers general guidelines for a school feedback policy.
How to go about it
Applying formative feedback
The vast majority of • Ensure that your pupils know the criteria for feedback as they
formative assessment is engage in the learning task.
informal, with interactive • Give feedback that is accurate and realistic by focusing on the
and timely feedback and learning intentions and success criteria.
response. • Use effective questioning, discussion and prompts to focus on how
the learning can be improved.
• Model the process of giving feedback, and help pupils develop the
skills and approaches to do it themselves.
Pupils should know what While reflection time (where pupils self-assess or work with
counts as good work – they a partner or small group to give and receive feedback) can be
need to have a nose for very effective, these skills need to be modelled and rehearsed.
quality! When using peer assessment, make sure that partnerships are
appropriate and will offer support to one another.
Timing is important
Providing only end-point feedback may come too late, leaving little
opportunity for the pupil to make improvements. Think about giving
feedback while the work is in progress.