Continue of The Signs of Heart Failure:-: Most Patent With HF Are Hypotensive Due To Poor
Continue of The Signs of Heart Failure:-: Most Patent With HF Are Hypotensive Due To Poor
Continue of The Signs of Heart Failure:-: Most Patent With HF Are Hypotensive Due To Poor
9- Auscultation :
You may hear faint S1+S2 heart sound or may hear S3 gallop
rhythm or might hear summation gallop (just like running
horse) or might hear a murmur indicating mitral or tricuspid
regurgitation or some times aortic valve regurgitation [ due
dalitaion of the valve ]
If you auscultalte the base of the lung you might hear
crackles or criptations [ like moving fluid during inspiration
and expiration ] , character of these crackles is don’t
disappear with cough
يعني لمن نسمع هذا الصوت نطلب من المريض ان يكح فاذا اختفى الصوت
معناها المشكلة بالجهاز التنفسي مثل عدوى او شي ثاني اما اذا بقى الصوت
معناتها السبب هوه عجز القلب
11- by the examination of the legs you may fine Bilateral leg
edema , Sacral edema
3- Echocardiography :-
Which can estimate cardiac champer size , ejection fraction ,
stroke volume , cardiac output , any defective valvular
function and currently we can predict the
arrhythemogenicity of the heart , etc ...
4- Blood tests :-
a- brain natriuretic peptide : indicating that the patient
have LV dalitation heart failure
5- CT-angiography
6- ECG gated MRI
7- Cardiac catheterization
B- General(Non specific) :-
1- Thyroid function test