Financial Market Syllabus - Adayo
Financial Market Syllabus - Adayo
Financial Market Syllabus - Adayo
ACCT314A (Financial Markets) is a 3-unit subject that aims to introduce students to the world of money and investing. The course will
expose students to the various investment instruments available in the market i.e. bonds, stocks, derivatives and others. At the end of the course,
the students are expected to familiarize themselves with various investment alternatives and enable them to understand how these instruments
work. This course is an introduction to asset pricing and capital markets, designed to help students understand the economic concepts and
financial theory necessary for analyzing investments.
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WEEK Graduate Attributes Standard of Learning Topics/Content Strategies/ Teaching Evaluation Resources
(SOL’s) Method
1 and 2 To be morally and socially To learn the general Overview of the course, of Lecture Recitations a. Textbook
responsible as an concepts and overview of the mission and visions of Case study b. Related
individual and as a Financial Markets in the the university and of the Quizzes materials
citizen; to be Philippines college, of grading system c. Pre-recorded
knowledgeable and well and of the course videos
equip in the different requirement:
business organization. Financial Markets-
I. Rationale in
Studying Financial
Market Institutions
II. Why are financial
markets and
III. What happens
without well-
developed financial
IV. Why study financial
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Week 3 To orient students in the II. The Philippine Financial Lecture Recitations a. Textbook
to 5 current situation of the System Case study b. Related
Philippine Financial History of Financial Quizzes materials
System. System in the c. Pre-recorded
Philippines videos
Towards a Resilient
and Inclusive Financial
Assessment of
Financial Markets in the
Current Structure of the
Financial System
III. Fixed-Income
Securities Explained
Credit Rating Fixed
Income Securities
Types of Fixed-
Income Securities
Benefits of Fixed-
Income Securities
Risk of Fixed Income
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Week 6 To be morally and socially To teach students in the IV. Variable-Income Lecture Recitation a. Textbook
responsible as an differentiation between Securities Discussion Written Exam b. Related
individual and as a variable income and a. Definition of Citing related case materials
citizen; to be variable life securities Variable-Income studies c. Pre-recorded
knowledgeable and well including its pros and Securities videos
equip in the different cons. b. Variable Life Vs.
business organization. Variable Universal:
What's the
d. Variable Life
e. Variable Universal
Life (VUL) Insurance
f. Risks and returns of
variable income
g. Taxes related to this
kind of securities
h. The Bottom Line
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Week 7
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8 To be morally and socially To orient students on the V. Role of Financial Lecture Recitation a. Textbook
responsible as an role of best financial Managers Discussion Written Exam. b. Related
individual and as a managers and market Basic Principles In Citing actual cases materials
citizen; to be experts. To orient them Managerial Finance Solving and deciding
Role of financial market actual and theoretical
knowledgeable and well with the principles and
expert in needed cases and problems
equip in the different decision-making role of
business organization. financial market experts.
Financial Managers as
Financial Analyst and
Financial Managers as
Financial Decision Maker
Financing and Capital
Structure Decisions
Risk Management
Week 9- To be morally and socially To enhance students VI. Bonds and their Lecture Recitation Textbook
10 responsible as an knowledge in bonds and valuation Discussion Written Exam. Related
individual and as a their corresponding Key Characteristics Citing actual cases materials
citizen; to be valuations. of Bonds Solving and deciding
actual and theoretical
knowledgeable and well Par Value cases and problems
equip in the different Coupon Interest
business organization. Rate
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Sinking Funds Lecture Recitation Textbook
Bond yields Discussion Written Exam. Related
Citing actual cases materials
Yield to Maturity
Solving and deciding
Yield to Call actual and theoretical
Assessing a Bond’s cases and problems
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Week To be morally and socially To differentiate stocks VII. Stocks Lecture Recitation Textbook
11-12 responsible as an from other financial Characteristics of Discussion Written Exam. Related
individual and as a instruments. To differential stocks Citing actual cases materials
citizen; to be stocks from bonds and to Solving and deciding
How stocks are
actual and theoretical
knowledgeable and well expand students’ managed cases and problems
equip in the different knowledge in managing Stockholders and
business organization. stocks and its related Equity Ownership
characteristics. Common vs.
Preferred Stock
Stocks vs. Bonds
Pros and Cons of a
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Midterm 30%
Finals 30%
Class Standing 20%
Final Product 20%
TOTAL 100%
Capital Markets, Financial Management, and Investment Management by Fabozzi, 2018 ed.
Technical Analysis of Financial Markets, Murphy, 2018
Check by: Dr. Glen de Leon, CPA Endorsed by: Dr. Glen de Leon, CPA
Program Chair/Course Coordinator Dean
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