Surgical Diseases 1
Surgical Diseases 1
Surgical Diseases 1
Mid-term exam will be held on the 8th week of the academic semester.
The final exam will be held on the 17th - 18th week of the semester.
Additional exam is conducted on the 19th - 20th week of the semester and
must be held within 10 day period after the final exam date.
Prerequisites Topographical anatomy and operative surgery
Learning outcomes 1. Knowledge and understanding:
The student knows / understands:
• etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis methods of deep and systemic levels of
common surgical diseases, which will allow the student to realize the
pathological process and carry out diagnostics;
• surgical treatment methods on deep and systemic levels, that can help the
student in determining relevant surgical treatment tactics and methods in
accordance with the diagnose.
5. Values
The student is able to:
• Protecting the patient confidentiality and the patient’s interests in
accordance with the professional ethics.
The content of learning See Appendix 1
The format of the learning The training process uses following methodology:
course Lecture: - provision of the training materials to the students in a
systematic and orderly manner; discussion and explanation of any topic or
subject at issue. The training course will be held in an interactive lecture
format using presentations. Classes are held using demonstration
materials (atlases, posters, medicine, exhibits, etc.) and the use of modern
computer technology.
Practical trainings – students’ individual work on practical types of
problems or on themes based on seminars, in accordance with the course
Students' independent work: time spent for successful completion of the
course curriculum, which includes learning the basic and supplementary
literature, studying, understanding the daily tasks and homework, and
preparation for midterm and final exams.
Teaching and learning Practical trainings will be evaluated using the following methods:
methods • Lecture – explaining new topic and clarifying obscure materials
• Interactive Lecture (based on past materials, when explaining new
topic involvement of students in a lecture, recalling old materials, and
finding solutions to the posed issues)
• Discussion – (to develop students' activity and reasoning skills, to
develop their own ideas for discussion and help clear up the issue in
• Visual aids - slide show, atlases, posters, charts, demo products, power
point presentations.
• Verbal Method - verbal presentation of the material – talking about the
material on a particular issue, answering the questions;
• Demonstration of practical skills - examination of the patient, data
registration, scheduling testing methods, interpretation of test results,
conducting differential diagnosis, determining the type diagnosis and
determine the appropriate treatment plan.
• Analysis – based on the specific case prescribing the relevant medicine
and determining pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
The student's independent work includes learning the provided materials;
understanding and analyzing; if necessary, researching additional
materials using computer technology.
Evaluation criteria: Components of evaluating student knowledge:
Assessment components:
Assessment sum 100%/max. 100 points
Among them:
Mid-term evaluations Max 60 points
Among them:
Oral presentation of theoretical material maximum 30 points
Presentation maximum 10 points
Midterm maximum 20 points
Final Exam maximum 40 points
3. Mid-term exam:
Mid-term exam includes 20 MSQs, each for 1 point.
4. Final exam:
The final exam will be in written form. Final exam consists of 40 closed
questions , each for 1 point;
Evaluation system Student's knowledge will be assessed with a 100-point system. The
maximum score is 100 points. Prerequisite for receiving credit is obtaining
at least 51 points from 100.
Points Evaluation
91%-100% A Excellent
81%-90% B Very good
71%-80% C Good
61%-70% D Satisfactory
51%-60% E Poor/ sufficient
41-50% Fx Did not pass (In order to pass, the student needs to do
independently and is given the opportunity to retake
more time)
0-40% F Failed( The work that the student has done is not eno
should retakethe course)
Administrative Notes On the first lecture of the course, the lecturer is obliged to inform the
students on the work requirements of the program and the strategies
for the proceeding work.
The student must:
Carefully study the course syllabus.
Comply with the requirements set forth in the syllabus (to comply
with homework, prepare for seminars and practical work, testing,
presentation, etc.).
Required Books 1. Shvartz, Shires, Spencer - PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY 9th
edition, 2010
2. Bailey and Love’s – Short practice of Surgery - 2018 27th ed. by
Norman S Williams, Christopher J.K. Bulstrode, and P Ronan
3. NMS Surgery-2016
Language of instruction English
Appendix 1
The content of learning course
N Subject (lectures, group work and practical work sessions)
(Lecture - 1 hour, practical training - 2 hours)
Lymphatic disorders
Learning objectives
To understand:
•• The main functions of the lymphatic system
•• The development of the lymphatic system
•• The various causes of limb swelling
•• The aetiology, clinical features, investigations and
treatment of lymphoedema