SFRX V Torres - Amended Complaint

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Filing # 107898202 E-Filed 05/25/2020 05:34:28 PM




Plaintiff, CASE NO.: 20-CA-3434




Third Party Respondent


The Plaintiff, SEAFARER EXPLORATION CORP., through the undersigned attorney,

pursuant to Rule 1.190(a), Fla.R.Civ.P. hereby files this Amended Complaint for Fraud, Fraud in

the Inducement, Civil Theft under Florida law, and for immediate and permanent injunctive

relief against Defendant, MICHAEL TORRES, and other identifiers as set forth herein. Such

Amended Complaint as verified by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The Plaintiff

names CLEARTRUST, LLC, as its transfer agent, for purposes of response to any order of

injunction. The Plaintiff hereby avers the following:


1. This cause of action prays for an amount of damages in excess of the

jurisdictional amount of $15,000.00. Further, Plaintiff demands trial by jury.

2. The Defendant, MICHAEL TORRES (hereafter referred to as

“TORRES”) is at last known address, is a resident of Brevard County, Florida.

3. The Corporate Plaintiff, SEAFARER EXPLORATION CORP. (hereafter

referred to as “SEAFARER” or “SFRX”) is a Florida Company, with its place of business

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located in Hillsborough County with an address of 14497 N. Dale Mabry Highway, Suite 209

North, Tampa, Florida 33618.

4. The acts which are the subject of this Complaint, all communications, including

meetings, and of the inducements and communications of representations by Torres were made

to the Defendant to the Plaintiff Company in Hillsborough County, Florida. All remuneration,

including all cash payments made, and all stock issuances made by Plaintiff to Torres all

occurred from within Hillsborough County, Florida.

5. This Court has venue over the cause of action in this Complaint since the matters

in dispute are in excess of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00)

6. Jurisdiction in this Court is appropriate since the Defendant is a resident of

Florida, transacted business within Hillsborough County, Florida with the Plaintiff throughout

the course of conduct complained of in this Complaint.


7. SEAFARER EXPLORATION CORP. is a Florida domiciled and operating

Corporation, which is publicly traded Company, with its common stock registered for trading on

the Over the Counter Bulletin Board (“OTCBB”) stock exchange of the New York Stock

Exchange System with the stock symbol of “SFRX.”

8. SEAFARER has been a publicly traded company since June 2008, and has

over 6,000 shareholders across Florida and the United States. The shares of SEAFARER are

distributed and held by their SEC qualified transfer agent, Cleartrust LLC of Lutz, Florida within

Hillsborough County, Florida, which is named as a third party respondent to this lawsuit, since it

involves shares of SEAFARER held under the name of TORRES.

9. SEAFARER is an artifact and treasure recovery Company, with its primary sites

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of operation being on the East Coast of Florida. Seafarer is regulated and permitted to conduct its

activities by the State of Florida, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of

Environmental Protection and other numerous other agencies for its diving and exploration

operations. As well, as a reporting public company, SEAFARER is tightly regulated by the

Security and Exchange Commission, as well as the Florida Office of Historical, and the Bureau

of Archaeological Research, to name a few. SEAFARER is the first commercial salvage

corporation in over twenty years to be granted not just one, but three exploration and other

permits by the Florida Department of State’s Bureau of Archeological Research and is held in

very high regard professionally by such authorities.

10. SEAFARER has its main operational office in Hillsborough County, Florida at all

times material.


11. SEAFARER is a publicly traded company, with over 6,000 shareholders. As a

publicly traded company, SEAFARER must abide by the Securities Regulations including

restrictions on sales of stock, restrictions on insiders and affiliates selling shares, being truthful in

press releases as to activities of the Corporation, restrictions on release of information, and a

high standard of corporate behavior in all matters.

12. On or about February 2018, TORRES introduced himself to Seafarer,

representing, among many things, that he had formal higher education including that he had

achieved a bachelor’s in science in Electrical Engineering, from the Citadel, in Charleston, SC.

13. As well Torres presented a resume to Seafarer that he had a PhD earned in

Aeronautical Engineering, Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

14. Further, Torres represented to Seafarer, its board of directors, consultants, and

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advisors, as well as shareholders on many occasions, including in his resume, that he was a

veteran of the United States Military, representing that Torres was a military intelligence

specialist with the United States Army, in Military Occupation Specialty 35G, being a Geospace

Imagery Intelligence Analyst, for the period of 2003 through 2008.

15. Torres included in his representation to all of Seafarer that he had deployed to

Afghanistan on two tours with the Military. Included in his representations were that he had

numerous awards of the Purple Heart medal for wounds in combat.

16. Torres made further falsities continued where represented, as to his military

service, that you were involved in the ESI/C-17 Program Office, from Robbinsville, Georgia

doing in depth technical work. As well Torres stated to all involved with Seafarer that he met,

that Torres had been awarded numerous military awards, including the Purple Heart for injury

during combat operations, and numerous other awards from the military.

17. Torres represented that he worked with BAE Systems Inc. Electronic Warfare

Systems Endicott, NY from the period of April 2010 through November 2014, as a systems

engineer. As well Torres presented in his resume that he had before then been involved with

Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratories in Cambridge

Massachusetts from December 2014 through March 2017 as a “Project Engineer/ Adjunct


18. Torres resume spoke volumes of the representations in addition to these matters, all of

which he repeated to the management, directors, advisors, and shareholders. Which include

classified projects that he chose not to name interestingly but did state that he was involved in

such being involved with DRS-Intelligence & Avionic Solutions Dayton Ohio /Boston MA

during the period of May 2007, through April 2010.

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19. Torres promised to Seafarer was that he was going to develop an undersurface

search instrument based on a combination of technologies based on magnetic resonance that

would be able to scan under the surface of the ocean floor to be able to identify objects not only

by density, but by type of materials. At all times material Torres maintained that he had the

ability to develop such technology, which would be groundbreaking.

20 Torres made public representations both in the press and to groups of shareholders

and management that he was able to make such technology which would enable Seafarer to

search and find any treasure on suspected sites, be it silver coins, gold coins, jewelry, bullion or

other valuable materials that would have been transported via colonial era Spanish, British,

French, or other commercial vessels which wrecks along the Florida coast line.

21. Seafarer have for a period of ten years been actively working sites as permitted by

the Florida Department of Historical Resources, under the Bureau of Archaeological Resources

under numerous permits granted under heavily regulated applications and oversight for a number

of placements of suspected wreck sites. All of the work being done by Seafarer was done using

millions of invested dollars, all of which were from individual investors, who operated on the

belief that what Seafarer represented to its investors and the public was the truth.

22. On numerous occasions, Torres on his own supposed knowledge and expertise,

made public announcements, including in February 2019, about the abilities of his supposed

technologies that would work to find objects under the surface of the ocean floor. Such was said

in public interviews broadcast on internet interviews, in press releases and in person

presentations on or about January and February 2020. Seafarer never adopted these claims as

their own.

23. On or about January 2019, Torres, publicly faked the finding of what he termed to

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be an ancient burial mask found off Melbourne Beach, Florida, one of Seafarer’s suspected

treasure sites. He was even interviewed on numerous television and newspaper articles

representing that the mask was part of an ancient burial mask from Peru. Such mask was never

claimed by Seafarer as being accurate or trued.

24. In all of the interviews and presentations that Torres made, he represented himself

to be have a doctorate and was a veteran. Including that he was a campaign veteran of tours in

overseas tours, which he included were being wounded twice for a Purple Heart.

25. All of the assurances and communications made by Torres were made and were

completely relied upon by the management of Seafarer, the shareholders, the investing public,

and consultants for Seafarer. Torres made such assurances to many witnesses, including his

military record.

26. All of the representations that Torres made as to his education were

completely false. He had no doctorate in any subject. He had not worked for BAE Systems Inc.

Electronic Warfare Systems Endicott, NY from the period of April 2010 through November

2014, as a systems engineer. As well Torres had never been involved with Massachusetts

Institute of Technology at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratories in Cambridge Massachusetts in

the role that he stated.

27. Torres never received a bachelor’s in science in Electrical Engineering,

from The Citadel, in Charleston, SC. He failed out of the Citadel, after loss of his Air Force

ROTC scholarship.

28. As well Torres presented a resume to Seafarer that he had a PhD earned in

Aeronautical Engineering, Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. He never earned such a

degree. As a matter of fact, Duke University has no Aeronautical Engineering program. Duke

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has a certificate in such program, which Torres never earned, let alone a Doctorate in a program

that did not exist.

29. Further, Torres representations to Seafarer, its board of directors, consultants, and

advisors, as well as shareholders on many occasions, including in his resume, that he was a

veteran of the United States Military, representing that Torres was a military intelligence

specialist with the United States Army, in Military Occupation Specialty 35G, being a Geospace

Imagery Intelligence Analyst, for the period of 2003 through 2008 was false.

30. As a matter of fact, upon a public information request, Seafarer was able to

ascertain through the National Personnel Military Records Center, that Torres was disenrolled

from Air Force ROTC within two years of enrollment for failure to maintain military standards,

and having a GPA of 1.2 at the Citadel. Torres had no other military career or involvement at all

according to such records. His representations to Seafarer were false and were relied upon by the

Corporation as to his military and educational training which he presented to Seafarer.

31. All of Torres’s representations of military experience were false. All of his

representations of education were false as well. Torres completely misled all of Seafarer, its

management, its directors, shareholders, and the public about every material representation he

had made about himself. He never had the overseas deployments, Army involvement, or Purple

Heart and other awards that he assured the Company of having.

32. During the time that Torres was an advisor to Seafarer, from February 16, 2018 to

June 26, 2019 he was paid a total amount of which includes the $96,583.00 in payments for

compensation and an amount of $6,986.50 in expenses that Torres charged to the Company.

Such was paid by the Company based on his assurances of his military record, and his

credentials of U.S. Army service. Otherwise, Seafarer would not have employed or paid Torres

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such amounts of monies or shares without his assurance of his Army experience from his


33. As well during the time period of his being a consultant for the technologies he

was supposed to be developing, Torres was also issued 61,183,645 shares of common stock

Torres was issued from Seafarer under the promises of his fraudulent past and what he offered

for his services. Such issuances were based on his assurances of his military and other expertise,

including the fact that Seafarer would not have employed Torres without his assurance and

representations of his military expertise, and his military service to the United States. Such

communication by Torres included that he was a multiple Purple Heart Recipient,

34. Torres never had any technology being developed in any fashion that he

represented would do the searching and finding of artifacts as he presented it. His representations

proved to be false, upon examination, after he had been paid such amounts.

35. Torres made all such representations in order to mislead Seafarer to gain the

monies paid and the shares issued, including his military background and awards that he made

and communicated he had.

36. Seafarer, through its management, board of directors and advisors, reasonably

relied upon the misrepresentations that were made by Michael Torres, himself, his resume, and

his writings about what he was going to do for Seafarer.

37. As such Seafarer made a demand via a civil theft letter to Torres, which was

served upon him on or about 7 February 2020. Such civil theft demand letter was made and

served pursuant to Section 772.11, Florida Statutes.

38. Torres never responded to such civil demand letter for the monies and stock


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39. All such shares are on and maintained in book form under an account for Michael

Torres at the transfer agent for Seafarer, at Cleartrust Transfer Agent and must be cancelled due

to the fraud committed by Torres.

40. Torres is liable for any and all actual and consequential damages caused by his

fraudulent actions.


The Plaintiff, SEAFARER EXPLORATION CORP., hereby sues the Defendant,

MICHAEL TORRES in a Fraud in the Inducement. The Plaintiff further avers:

41. SEAFARER hereby adopts for purposes of pleading this count, the above

paragraphs one (1) through forty (40).

42. On or about February 2018, TORRES introduced himself to Seafarer,

representing, among many things, that he had formal higher education including that he had

achieved a bachelor’s in science in Electrical Engineering, from The Citadel, in Charleston, SC.

43. As well Torres presented a resume to Seafarer that he had a PhD earned in

Aeronautical Engineering, Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

44. Further, Torres represented to Seafarer, its board of directors, consultants, and

advisors, as well as shareholders on many occasions, including in his resume, that he was a

veteran of the United States Military, representing that Torres was a military intelligence

specialist with the United States Army, in Military Occupation Specialty 35G, being a Geospace

Imagery Intelligence Analyst, for the period of 2003 through 2008.

45. Torres included in his representation to all of Seafarer that he had deployed to

Afghanistan on two tours with the Military.

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46. Torres made further falsities continued where represented, as to your military

service, that you were involved in the ESI/C-17 Program Office, from Robbinsville, Georgia

doing in depth technical work. As well Torres stated to all involved with Seafarer that he met,

that Torres had been awarded numerous military awards, including the Purple Heart for injury

during combat operations, and numerous others.

47. Torres represented that he worked with BAE Systems Inc. Electronic Warfare

Systems Endicott, NY from the period of April 2010 through November 2014, as a systems

engineer. As well Torres presented in his resume that he had before then been involved with

Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratories in Cambridge

Massachusetts from December 2014 through March 2017 as a “Project Engineer/ Adjunct


48. Torres resume spoke volumes of the representations in addition to these matters, all of

which he repeated to the management, directors, advisors, and shareholders. Which include

classified projects that he chose not to name interestingly but did state that he was involved in

such being involved with DRS-Intelligence & Avionic Solutions Dayton Ohio /Boston MA

during the period of May 2007, through April 2010.

49. Torres promised to Seafarer was that he was going to develop an undersurface

search instrument based on a combination of technologies based on magnetic resonance that

would be able to scan under the surface of the ocean floor to be able to identify objects not only

by density, but by type of materials. At all times material Torres maintained that he had the

ability to develop such technology, which would be groundbreaking.

50. Torres made public representations both in the press and to groups of shareholders

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and management that he was able to make such technology which would enable Seafarer to

search and find any treasure on suspected sites, be it silver coins, gold coins, jewelry, bullion or

other valuable materials that would have been transported via colonial era Spanish, British,

French, or other commercial vessels which wrecks along the Florida coast line.

51. The technology used in the industry is limited to magnetometers to detect metals, and

is limited, and any new technology which advances the field and abilities of finding relics such

as these would be highly valued, saving time, man hours, effort and huge amounts of money.

52. Seafarer have for a period of ten years been actively working sites as permitted by

the Florida Department of Historical Resources, under the Bureau of Archaeological Resources

under numerous permits granted under heavily regulated applications and oversight for a number

of placements of suspected wreck sites. All of the work being done by Seafarer was done using

millions of invested dollars, all of which were from individual investors, who operated on the

belief that what Seafarer represented to its investors and the public was the truth.

53. On numerous occasions, Torres made public announcements, including in

February 2019, about the abilities of his supposed technologies that would work to find objects

under the surface of the ocean floor. Such was said in public interviews broadcast on internet

interviews, in press releases and in person presentations on or about January and February 2020.

54. On or about January 2019, Torres, publicly faked the finding of what he termed to

be an ancient burial mask found off Melbourne Beach, Florida, one of Seafarer’s suspected

treasure sites. He was even interviewed on numerous television and newspaper articles

representing that the mask was part of an ancient burial mask from Peru.

55. In all of the interviews and presentations that Torres made, he represented himself

to be have a doctorate and was a veteran.

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56. All of the assurances and communications made by Torres were made and were

completely relied upon by the management of Seafarer, the shareholders, the investing public,

and consultants for Seafarer.

57. All of the representations that Torres made as to his education were completely

false. He had no doctorate in any subject. On information and belief, he had not worked for BAE

Systems Inc. Electronic Warfare Systems Endicott, NY from the period of April 2010 through

November 2014, as a systems engineer. As well, Seafarer on information and belief alleges that

Torres had never been involved with Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the Charles Stark

Draper Laboratories in Cambridge Massachusetts in the role that he stated.

58. Torres never received a bachelor’s in science in Electrical Engineering,

from The Citadel, in Charleston, SC. This was confirmed by the Citadel and military records

received by Seafarer.

59. As well Torres presented a resume to Seafarer that he had a PhD earned in

Aeronautical Engineering, Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. He never earned such a

degree. As a matter of fact, as confirmed by Seafarer, Duke University has no Aeronautical

Engineering program PhD program.

60. Further, Torres representations to Seafarer, its board of directors, consultants, and

advisors, as well as shareholders on many occasions, including in his resume, that he was a

veteran of the United States Military, representing that Torres was a military intelligence

specialist with the United States Army, in Military Occupation Specialty 35G, being a Geospace

Imagery Intelligence Analyst, for the period of 2003 through 2008 was false.

61. As a matter of fact, upon a public information request, Seafarer was able to

ascertain through the National Personnel Military Records Center, that Torres was disenrolled

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from Air Force ROTC within two years of enrollment for failure to maintain military standards,

and having a GPA of 1.2 at the Citadel. Torres had no other military career or involvement at all

according to such records.

62. All of Torres’s representations of military experience were false. All of his

representations of education were false as well. Torres completely misled all of Seafarer, its

management, its directors, shareholders, and the public about every material representation he

had made about himself.

63. During the time that Torres was an advisor to Seafarer, from February 16, 2018 to

April 26, 2019 he was paid a total amount of which includes the $96,583.00 in payments for

compensation and an amount of $6,986.50 in expenses that Torres charged to the Company.

64. As well during the time period of his being a consultant for the technologies he

was supposed to be developing, Torres was also issued 61,183,645 shares of common stock

Torres was issued from Seafarer under the promises of his fraudulent past and what he offered

for his services.

65. Torres never had any technology being developed in any fashion that he

represented would do the searching and finding of artifacts as he presented it.

66. Torres made all such representations in order to mislead Seafarer to gain the

monies paid and the shares issued.

67. Seafarer, through its management, board of directors and advisors, reasonably

relied upon the misrepresentations that were made by himself, his resume, and his writings about

what he was going to do for Seafarer.


Defendant, MICHAEL TORRES in a count of fraud in the inducement under Florida law. The

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Plaintiff seeks compensatory and special damages, including a reservation of rights for punitive

damages to be sought in this cause of action.


The Plaintiff, SEAFARER EXPLORATION CORP., hereby sues the Defendant,

MICHAEL TORRES in a Count of Fraud. The Plaintiff further avers:

68. SEAFARER hereby adopts for purposes of pleading this count, the above

paragraphs one (1) through sixty-seven (67).

69. All pertinent facts in the fact section are adopted herein for purposes of this Fraud


70. On or about February 2018, TORRES introduced himself to Seafarer,

representing, among many things, that he had formal higher education including that he had

achieved a bachelor’s in science in Electrical Engineering, from The Citadel, in Charleston, SC.

71. As well Torres presented a resume to Seafarer that he had a PhD earned in

Aeronautical Engineering, Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

72. Further, Torres represented to Seafarer, its board of directors, consultants, and

advisors, as well as shareholders on many occasions, including in his resume, that he was a

veteran of the United States Military, representing that Torres was a military intelligence

specialist with the United States Army, in Military Occupation Specialty 35G, being a Geospace

Imagery Intelligence Analyst, for the period of 2003 through 2008.

73. Torres included in his representation to all of Seafarer that he had deployed to

Afghanistan on two tours with the Military.

74. Torres made further falsities continued where represented, as to your military

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service, that you were involved in the ESI/C-17 Program Office, from Robbinsville, Georgia

doing in depth technical work. As well Torres stated to all involved with Seafarer that he met,

that Torres had been awarded numerous military awards, including the Purple Heart for injury

during combat operations, and numerous others.

75. Torres represented that he worked with BAE Systems Inc. Electronic Warfare

Systems Endicott, NY from the period of April 2010 through November 2014, as a systems

engineer. As well Torres presented in his resume that he had before then been involved with

Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratories in Cambridge

Massachusetts from December 2014 through March 2017 as a “Project Engineer/ Adjunct


76. Torres resume spoke volumes of the representations in addition to these matters, all of

which he repeated to the management, directors, advisors, and shareholders. Which include

classified projects that he chose not to name interestingly but did state that he was involved in

such being involved with DRS-Intelligence & Avionic Solutions Dayton Ohio /Boston MA

during the period of May 2007, through April 2010.

77. Torres promised to Seafarer was that he was going to develop an undersurface

search instrument based on a combination of technologies based on magnetic resonance that

would be able to scan under the surface of the ocean floor to be able to identify objects not only

by density, but by type of materials. At all times material Torres maintained that he had the

ability to develop such technology, which would be groundbreaking.

78. Torres made public representations both in the press and to groups of shareholders

and management that he was able to make such technology which would enable Seafarer to

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search and find any treasure on suspected sites, be it silver coins, gold coins, jewelry, bullion or

other valuable materials that would have been transported via colonial era Spanish, British,

French, or other commercial vessels which wrecks along the Florida coast line.

79. Seafarer have for a period of ten years been actively working sites as permitted by

the Florida Department of Historical Resources, under the Bureau of Archaeological Resources

under numerous permits granted under heavily regulated applications and oversight for a number

of placements of suspected wreck sites. All of the work being done by Seafarer was done using

millions of invested dollars, all of which were from individual investors, who operated on the

belief that what Seafarer represented to its investors and the public was the truth.

80. On numerous occasions, Torres made public announcements, including in

February 2019, about the abilities of his supposed technologies that would work to find objects

under the surface of the ocean floor. Such was said in public interviews broadcast on internet

interviews, in press releases and in person presentations on or about January and February 2020.

81. On or about January 2019, Torres, publicly faked the finding of what he termed to

be an ancient burial mask found off Melbourne Beach, Florida, one of Seafarer’s suspected

treasure sites. He was even interviewed on numerous television and newspaper articles

representing that the mask was part of an ancient burial mask from Peru.

82. In all of the interviews and presentations that Torres made, he represented himself

to be have a doctorate and was a veteran.

83. All of the assurances and communications made by Torres were made and were

completely relied upon by the management of Seafarer, the shareholders, the investing public,

and consultants for Seafarer.

84. All of the representations that Torres made as to his education were completely

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false. He had no doctorate in any subject. He had not worked for BAE Systems Inc. Electronic

Warfare Systems Endicott, NY from the period of April 2010 through November 2014, as a

systems engineer. Upon information and belief Torres had never been involved with

Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratories in Cambridge

Massachusetts in the role that he stated.

85. Torres never received a bachelor’s in science in Electrical Engineering,

from The Citadel, in Charleston, SC. This was confirmed by Seafarer through military records

and contact with the Citadel.

86. As well Torres presented a resume to Seafarer that he had a PhD earned in

Aeronautical Engineering, Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. He never earned such a

degree. As a matter of fact, Duke University has no Aeronautical Engineering PhD program.

87. Further, Torres representations to Seafarer, its board of directors, consultants, and

advisors, as well as shareholders on many occasions, including in his resume, that he was a

veteran of the United States Military, representing that Torres was a military intelligence

specialist with the United States Army, in Military Occupation Specialty 35G, being a Geospace

Imagery Intelligence Analyst, for the period of 2003 through 2008 was false.

88. As a matter of fact, upon a public information request, Seafarer was able to

ascertain through the National Personnel Military Records Center, that Torres was disenrolled

from Air Force ROTC within two years of enrollment for failure to maintain military standards,

and having a GPA of 1.2 at the Citadel. Torres had no other military career or involvement at all

according to such records.

89. All of Torres’s representations of military experience were false. All of his

representations of education were false as well. Torres completely misled all of Seafarer, its

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management, its directors, shareholders, and the public about every material representation he

had made about himself.

90. During the time that Torres was an advisor to Seafarer, from February 16, 2018 to

April 26, 2019 he was paid a total amount of which includes the $96,583.00 in payments for

compensation and an amount of $6,986.50 in expenses that Torres charged to the Company.

91. As well during the time period of his being a consultant for the technologies he

was supposed to be developing, Torres was also issued 61,183,645 shares of common stock

Torres was issued from Seafarer under the promises of his fraudulent past and what he offered

for his services.

92. Torres never had any technology being developed in any fashion that he

represented would do the searching and finding of artifacts as he presented it.

93. Torres made all such representations in order to mislead Seafarer to gain the

monies paid and the shares issued.

94. Seafarer, through its management, board of directors and advisors, reasonably

relied upon the misrepresentations that were made by himself, his resume, and his writings about

what he was going to do for Seafarer.


Defendant, MICHAEL TORRES in a count of fraud under Florida law. The Plaintiff seeks

compensatory and special damages, including a reservation of rights for punitive damages to be

sought in this cause of action.


The Plaintiff, SEAFARER EXPLORATION CORP., hereby sues the Defendant,

MICHAEL TORRES in a Count of Civil Theft. The Plaintiff further avers:

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95. SEAFARER hereby adopts for purposes of pleading this count, the above

paragraphs one (1) through ninety-four (94).

96. Throughout this count, which takes into inclusion the essential elements and facts

previously cited, as well as the additional facts cited in this Civil Theft claim.

97. At all times material it was the intent of TORRES to gain the monies and the

shares from SEAFARER, by weaving a depth of deceit from the beginning of the relationship. It

was never his intent or within his ability to deliver the promised underwater search technology. It

was the intent of TORRES from the beginning to wrongfully take the monies and shares from

SEAFARER without production of any technology, which he intended to never deliver.

98, On or about February 2018, TORRES introduced himself to Seafarer,

representing, among many things, that he had formal higher education including that he had

achieved a bachelor’s in science in Electrical Engineering, from The Citadel, in Charleston, SC.

99. As well Torres presented a resume to Seafarer that he had a PhD earned in

Aeronautical Engineering, Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

100. Further, Torres represented to Seafarer, its board of directors, consultants, and

advisors, as well as shareholders on many occasions, including in his resume, that he was a

veteran of the United States Military, representing that Torres was a military intelligence

specialist with the United States Army, in Military Occupation Specialty 35G, being a Geospace

Imagery Intelligence Analyst, for the period of 2003 through 2008.

101. Torres included in his representation to all of Seafarer that he had deployed to

Afghanistan on two tours with the Military.

102. Torres made further falsities continued where represented, as to your military

service, that you were involved in the ESI/C-17 Program Office, from Robbinsville, Georgia

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doing in depth technical work. As well Torres stated to all involved with Seafarer that he met,

that Torres had been awarded numerous military awards, including the Purple Heart for injury

during combat operations, and numerous others.

103. Torres represented that he worked with BAE Systems Inc. Electronic Warfare

Systems Endicott, NY from the period of April 2010 through November 2014, as a systems

engineer. As well Torres presented in his resume that he had before then been involved with

Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratories in Cambridge

Massachusetts from December 2014 through March 2017 as a “Project Engineer/ Adjunct


104. Torres resume spoke volumes of the representations in addition to these matters,

all of which he repeated to the management, directors, advisors, and shareholders. Which include

classified projects that he chose not to name interestingly but did state that he was involved in

such being involved with DRS-Intelligence & Avionic Solutions Dayton Ohio /Boston MA

during the period of May 2007, through April 2010.

105. Torres promised to Seafarer was that he was going to develop an undersurface

search instrument based on a combination of technologies based on magnetic resonance that

would be able to scan under the surface of the ocean floor to be able to identify objects not only

by density, but by type of materials. At all times material Torres maintained that he had the

ability to develop such technology, which would be groundbreaking.

106. Torres made public representations both in the press and to groups of shareholders

and management that he was able to make such technology which would enable Seafarer to

search and find any treasure on suspected sites, be it silver coins, gold coins, jewelry, bullion or

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other valuable materials that would have been transported via colonial era Spanish, British,

French, or other commercial vessels which wrecks along the Florida coast line.

107. Seafarer have for a period of ten years been actively working sites as permitted by

the Florida Department of Historical Resources, under the Bureau of Archaeological Resources

under numerous permits granted under heavily regulated applications and oversight for a number

of placements of suspected wreck sites. All of the work being done by Seafarer was done using

millions of invested dollars, all of which were from individual investors, who operated on the

belief that what Seafarer represented to its investors and the public was the truth.

108. On numerous occasions, Torres made public announcements, including in

February 2019, about the abilities of his supposed technologies he was developing that would

work to find objects under the surface of the ocean floor. Such was said in public interviews

broadcast on internet interviews, in press releases and in person presentations on or about

January and February 2020.

109. On or about January 2019, Torres, on information and belief, publicly faked the

finding of what he termed to be an ancient burial mask found off Melbourne Beach, Florida, one

of Seafarer’s suspected treasure sites. He was even interviewed on numerous television and

newspaper articles representing that the mask was part of an ancient burial mask from Peru. Such

aspersions were made on Seafarer by the fraud of TORRES. On information and belief such

mask was not found as he presented it and was not part of the treasure he represented it to be.

This caused tremendous damage to SEAFARER, is management, directors, and shareholders.

110. In all of the interviews and presentations that Torres made, he represented himself

to be have a doctorate and was a veteran.

111. All of the assurances and communications made by Torres were made and were

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completely relied upon by the management of Seafarer, the shareholders, the investing public,

and consultants for Seafarer.

112. All of the representations that Torres made as to his education were completely

false. He had no doctorate in any subject. He had not worked for BAE Systems Inc. Electronic

Warfare Systems Endicott, NY from the period of April 2010 through November 2014, as a

systems engineer. As well Torres had never been involved with Massachusetts Institute of

Technology at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratories in Cambridge Massachusetts in the role

that he stated.

113. Torres never received a bachelor’s in science in Electrical Engineering,

from The Citadel, in Charleston, SC. This was confirmed by Seafarer contacting the Citadel and

through military records.

114. As well Torres presented a resume to Seafarer that he had a PhD earned in

Aeronautical Engineering, Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. He never earned such a

degree. As a matter of fact, Duke University has no Aeronautical Engineering PhD program.

115. Further, Torres representations to Seafarer, its board of directors, consultants, and

advisors, as well as shareholders on many occasions, including in his resume, that he was a

veteran of the United States Military, representing that Torres was a military intelligence

specialist with the United States Army, in Military Occupation Specialty 35G, being a Geospace

Imagery Intelligence Analyst, for the period of 2003 through 2008 was false.

116. As a matter of fact, upon a public information request, Seafarer was able to

ascertain through the National Personnel Military Records Center, that Torres was disenrolled

from Air Force ROTC within two years of enrollment for failure to maintain military standards,

and having a GPA of 1.2 at the Citadel. Torres had no other military career or involvement at all

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according to such records. All of his representations were falsities.

117. All of Torres’s representations of military experience were false. All of his

representations of education were false as well. Torres completely misled all of Seafarer, its

management, its directors, shareholders, and the public about every material representation he

had made about himself.

118. During the time that Torres was an advisor to Seafarer, from February 16, 2018 to

April 26, 2019 he was paid a total amount of which includes the $96,583.00 in payments for

compensation and an amount of $6,986.50 in expenses that Torres charged to the Company.

119. As well during the time period of his being a consultant for the technologies he

was supposed to be developing, Torres was also issued 61,183,645 shares of common stock

Torres was issued from Seafarer under the promises of his fraudulent past and what he offered

for his services.

120. Torres never had any technology being developed in any fashion that he

represented would do the searching and finding of artifacts as he presented it.

121. Torres made all such representations in order to mislead Seafarer to gain the

monies paid and the shares issued.

122. Seafarer, through its management, board of directors and advisors, reasonably

relied upon the misrepresentations that were made by himself, his resume, and his writings about

what he was going to do for Seafarer.

123. Torres never had any technology being developed in any fashion that he

represented would do the searching and finding of artifacts as he presented it.

124. Torres made all such representations in order to mislead Seafarer to gain the

monies paid and the shares issued.

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125. Seafarer, through its management, board of directors and advisors, reasonably

relied upon the misrepresentations that were made by himself, his resume, and his writings about

what he was going to do for Seafarer.

126. As such Seafarer made a demand via a civil theft letter to Torres, which was

served upon him on or about 7 February 2020. Such civil theft demand letter was made and

served pursuant to Section 772.11, Florida Statutes. Such notice is attached as Exhibit A to this


127. Torres never responded to such civil demand letter for the monies and stock


128. All such shares are on and maintained in book form under an account for Michael

Torres at the transfer agent for Seafarer, at Cleartrust, LLC as the Transfer Agent and must be

cancelled due to the fraud committed by Torres.

129. Torres is liable for any and all actual and consequential damages caused by his

fraudulent actions.

130. Under the civil theft statute, the Court has the ability to award triple times the

compensatory damages that were


Defendant, MICHAEL TORRES in a count of civil theft under Florida law. The Plaintiff seeks,

statutory damages in three times the amount of compensatory damages and special damages,

including a reservation of rights for punitive damages to be sought in this cause of action.


The Plaintiff, SEAFARER, moves for an immediate injunction to freeze ownership and

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rights over the 61,183,645 shares of common stock Torres was issued from Seafarer under the

promises of his fraudulent past and what he offered for his fraudulent services. As such the

Plaintiff moves for an immediate injunctive order to be issued to Cleartrust LLC the transfer

agent for SEAFARER for the immediate freeze of the shares held under TORRES’s name before

they enter the public market and cause material harm to the Market of SEAFARER shares and all

stockholders in the Company.

131. SEAFARER hereby adopts all relevant facts from paragraphs one (1) through one

hundred thirty (130) for purposes of such pleading for the entry of an immediate and permanent

injunction over the shares currently held in book form entry at Cleartrust LLC.


132. This motion for the entry of an immediate injunction is based upon the common

shares of SEAFARER, which are wrongfully held under the continued named ownership of


133. Due to the nature of the acquisition of such shares, and the proof that SEAFARER

offers in the form of the proof of facts involved and cited herein shows that such shares of

common stock are not rightfully TORRES’s and as such must immediately be seized and frozen

at the transfer agent until disposition of such shares.

134. Without the entry of an immediate injunction against TORRES there shall be

Immediate and continued harm and damages to SEAFARER, including its 6,000 shareholders

and their value of holdings of SEAFARER stock and the ability of the Corporation to continue

operations. The market devaluation can not make the shareholders whole again who had made

market purchases.

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135. The Company through the below signed counsel has made notification

to the Respondent/Defendant, TORRES, through counsel who is being copied with such

amended complaint. but such notification of such request for return of such shares in the form of

the civil theft demand for the return of such shares. The service of this injunction and amended

complaint to both TORRES shall suffice for service of notice to the Defendant TORRES. The

below signed counsel also certifies that there exists no reasonable expectation of TORRES to

abide by any cease order and may attempt to free such shares, since they are currently held in

restricted form.


136. This Motion is being made as the shareholders are facing the inordinate

prejudice of their Corporation continuing to lose public value due to the actions of TORRES if

he were to have such shares unrestricted under Rule 144 or another exception and place such

shares into the public marketplace. Such actions would have an ongoing and are detrimental to

the Company, and its shareholders from which they could not be remunerated, since any

damages received by the Company from this case would not be able to be recovered by market


137. The imminence of harm exists so that SEAFARER would suffer from TORRES

gaining access to such value of shares, which have an approximate value of over $600,000 in

today’s market.


138. Given the nature of the case, and the fact that there exists no prejudice or

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damage of any kind that the Respondent/Defendant TORRES could suffer through the

suspension of his right to shares which are still under restriction and not sellable, no bond would

be necessary. The Plaintiff would represent that there would be no requisite reason for the

posting of any bond.

139. Because the phraseology of Rule 1.610 as to waivers of bond, if the Court

finds that a Bond is necessary in this cause of action by the Plaintiff, then a de minimis bond

would suffice, that the Court would allow Counsel for the Plaintiff to sign for as a signature bond

with the Clerk’s Office for posting.


Because a temporary injunction, by its nature, is frequently sought and issued under

hurried circumstances, Rule 1.610(b), Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, provides certain due

process requirements which must be followed by the party seeking a temporary injunction

without notice and by the trial court issuing such an injunction. These requirements seek to

assure that "a court ... never issue[s] an ex parte order without notice to defendants and without a

hearing, unless an immediate threat of irreparable harm exists, which forecloses opportunity to

give reasonable notice...." Lieberman v. Marshall, 236 So.2d 120, 125 (Fla.1970).

Rule 1.610 (a)(1) specifies that a temporary injunction without notice may be granted

only if (1) the affidavits or verified pleadings demonstrate that "immediate and irreparable

injury, loss, or damage will result to the movant before the adverse party can be heard in

opposition" and (2) "the movant's attorney certifies in writing any efforts that have been made to

give notice and the reasons why notice should not be required." Moreover, rule 1.610(a)(2)

provides that "[e]very temporary injunction granted without notice shall be endorsed with the

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date and hour of entry and shall . . . define the injury, state findings by the court why the injury

may be irreparable, and give the reasons why the order was granted without notice if notice was

not given."

The threatened injury exists in a continuing and ongoing basis to all shareholders of the

Corporation and the Corporations operations. The amount of proof that the Plaintiffs has

presented is overwhelming as to the actions of the Defendant/Respondent as to his actions. The

matters as set forth are overwhelming enough to cause substantiate there is enough proof for the

Plaintiffs to prevail in this matter.


The continued holding of the restricted shares of SEAFARER by TORRES even if held

in book form at Cleartrust, LLC in restricted form must be frozen by an immediate injunction to

protect the market of SEAFARER. As such the immediate restriction of such shares at Cleartrust

LLC, all of which shares are in restricted form and cannot be sold on the market but must be

protected until final dissolution of such shares and their cancellation. As such the Plaintiff,

including the shareholders of the Corporation, move for this Court to enter an Order as to an

immediate injunction which requires the following: That all such shares as held by Michael

Torres in restricted form be held and frozen from any action until an order of cancellation occurs

from a final order by the Court for his fraudulent activity which induced the issuance of the

shares to begin with as well as the monies which he defrauded from SEAFARER.

Plaintiff hereby demands trial with a jury on such matter.

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Dated this 25th day of May 2020.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Craig A. Huffman

Craig A. Huffman, Esquire
Florida Bar No. 116149
Securus Law Group
13046 Racetrack Road
Tampa, Florida 33626
Telephone (888) 914-4144
Facsimile (888) 783-4712

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