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RFIC Imp Questions

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Essay type Questions
1. A) Give the importance of RF System in Communications and write in detail.
B) Give the importance of LNA in RF system?
2. Discuss the basic Architectures of the RF System in detail.
3. Interpret he reflections in transmission medium of RF System.
4. A) The maximum power transfer in networks is deciding the distribution of power to other networks
give the details on it.
B) State and prove the Maximum power is transfer theorem.
5. A) Write about RLC Networks with network examples
B) Derive quality factor for parallel RLC network.
6. A) Discuss the importance of matching in RF Systems.
B) Discuss how three degree of freedom is achieved in π –match.
7. Prove that three degree of freedom is achieved using T-match.
8. Draw and explain in detail about IC interconnects of capacitors.
9. Write about interconnects of resistors
10. A) What are the conditions for resonance in parallel RLC network.
B) What is skin effect.
C) Write the importance of matching.
D) Define 'Q' in RF SYSTEMS.
E) Write advantages of π –match over L-match.

Two Marks Questions

1) What is RF System?
2) What are the shapes are there to design RF System?
3) What is the role of RF amplifier in receivers?
4) Give the examples of RF design circuits.
5) Passive IC components having interconnections of capacitors give that cases of interconnection of
6) Explain the Hallow shape interconnection of Inductors
7) Why need Quality factor ‘Q’ in RF system?
8) Discuss the Series RLC network with circuit.
9) Get the idea of Parallel RLC network in RF circuits
10) What is matching in networks?
11) What is the importance of Maximum power transfer theorem in network?
12) What is the importance of reflection coefficient (Γ)?
13) In super heterodyne receiver what is the function of RF amplifier
14) What are the types of Resistors in interconnections?
15) Define skin depth in RF Systems
16) Write short notes on π- matching networks
17) Write short notes on T- matching networks
18) What is Square spiral inductor explain it?
19) What is Hallow spiral inductor explain it?
20) Mention the advantages of RF Systems


Essay type Questions

1. a. Give the advantages of MOS Technology.
b. For N-Channel MOSFET, prove that drain current in linear region linearly changes with Vds .

2. Derive the drain current in pentode region for N-Channel MOSFET.

3. a. Derive the characteristic impedance of ideal and lossy transmission line.
b. Derive the reflection coefficient of transmission line.
4. Illustrate Schmitt chart to estimate impedance.
5. Illustrate how Short circuit constants (SCTs) technique used to estimate the bandwidth of linear
network .
6. Illustrate how Open circuit constants (OCTs) technique used to estimate the bandwidth of linear
network .
7. a. Define Elmore delay.
b. Describe the delay of systems in cascade in terms of moments of impulse response.

8. a. Derive expression for overall rise time of systems in cascade using rise time addition rule.

b. Prove that risetime bandwidth product of first order system is 2.2.

9. a. Explain zeros as bandwidth enhancers.
b. Design the shunt-series amplifier to enhance bandwidth.
10. a. Describe how single tuned amplifier achieves narrow band amplification.
b. Describe how gain of cascaded amplifier changes with ‘n’.
Short Answer Questions
1. Explain “Conductance modulation” in MOSFET.
2. Distinguish long channel and short channel MOSFET.
3. Explain important regimes of operating frequency.
4. Define the reflection coefficient.
5. Brief the bandwidth estimation techniques.
6. Draw the circuit for shunt peaked amplifier.
7. Draw the circuit for shunt-series amplifier.
8. Define rise time.
9. Define delay of the cascading system.
10. State the relation between bandwidth and risetime for first order system .
11. Write the equation drain current in long channel MOSFET.
12. State the relation between ID and Vds in in triode region of operation.
13. Brief the open circuit time constants (OCTs) technique.
14. Brief the short circuit constants (SCTs) techniques.
15. What is the use of smith chart in RF system.
16. Describe how bandwidth of cascaded amplifier changes with ‘n’.
17. Draw the circuit of single tuned amplifier.
18. State the bandwidth of multi stage amplifier.
19. State the role of RF in shunt series amplifier.
20. Brief about shunt series amplifier.

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