Online Course Mushrooms: HAS Training and Consultancy
Online Course Mushrooms: HAS Training and Consultancy
Online Course Mushrooms: HAS Training and Consultancy
Postbus 90108
5200 MA ‘s-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
T: + 31 88 - 890 36 37
Delphy Mushrooms
P.O. Box 6207
5960 AE Horst
The Netherlands
Online course Mushrooms
T + 31 317 - 73 98 75 00
mushrooms, which processes are important for industry
good results in yield and quality. You are able to • Markets & chains, Consumer behavior &
determine, measuring and improving your trends
Scope aspects of mushroom production from • Different growing systems/Cultivation systems Location
Various questions are asked along the composting, cultivation, harvesting and • Different phases in mushroom growing Online course
profitability. What shape will my building plans What you can expect • Composting, raw materials & phase 1,2 & 3 After successful completion of all modules, you
be taking in the coming years? Which crop The e-learning course consists of 8 modules. • Spawn carriers and spawn strains will receive a certificate of attendance for the
protection agents can I use? How can I Each module consist of short lectures, live chats • Casing soil e-learning course Mushrooms from HAS
organise my harvesting activities best? What with the course teacher, a platform to chat with • Supplements University of Applied Sciences and Delphy.
About this course you can start with the next level. During the • Cultivation steps & handling
This course is in association with:
The Dutch mushroom growers and supplying course you are able to put in your actually • Climate and technical requirements
(technical) companies have many years of cultivation process by photos, graphs and • Harvesting and product handling
experience and knowledge that we now want figures. Together with the course teacher the • Hygiene and crop protection
to share with the world. cultivation will be analyzed for future improve-
ments. The course content is primarily related to 5. Management & Marketing (2 modules)
For who? practical applications and more complex • Strategy and monitoring performance
The course is meant for people who are theoretical content is only added when indicators
rs per mo
involved in mushroom production all over the absolutely necessary. At the end of the course • Human Resource management & Certification
T U DY LO AD: 3 hou
• Sustainability & Innovations in mushroom EXPECTED s
world and want to learn more about all the you will have a clear view how to grow : 8 module
DURATION : L amiaa Fare
C 8 890 3774 / +31 8