Short Circuit Characteristics of Metallic Shields: Sreaths On

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ICEA P-45-482-1999



ICEA PUBLICATION # P-45-482-1999

April 1999

Fourth Edition


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COPYRIGHT Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc
Licensed by Information Handling Services

Publication # P-4542-1999

1st Edition -- 1963

2nd Edition -- 1979
3rd Edition -- 1994
4th Edition - - 1999"
*Table 2 Revised and Appendix A added

Published By
Post Office Box 440
South Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02664, U.S.A.

o 1999

Copyrighted by the ICEA

Contents may not be reproduced
in any form without permission of the

COPYRIGHT Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc

Licensed by Information Handling Services

A Introduction.
This publication discusses factors for consideration in approximating the operability of the metallic
sheaths and shields on insulated cable under the influence of uninterrupted short circuit currents
encountered as a result of cable or other equipment faults. The duration of such a fault is considered
to be up to approximately 2 seconds. Calculations for single short circuits of longer durations yield
increasingly conservative results.
The following items must be considered in order to estimate the sheath/shield short circuit performance
for a specific circuit:
1. The magnitude and duration of the fault current including any fault current division due
to available conducting paths.
2. The capability of sheath/shield joints, terminations anci other accessories in the affected
circuit to withstand the thermal and mechanical stresses created by the fault.
3. The interaction between the faulting circuit and surrounding equipment, such as supports,
ties and clamps.
4. The capability of the affected cable circuit, as installed, to withstand the electromagnetic
forces created during the fault.
5. The maximm temperature that cablë components can withstand without incurring
damage dur: to heating caused by fault current flow.
6. Damage to adjacent equipment due to arcing at the site of the fault.
7. For limitations imposed by short-circuit current in the cable phase conductor see K E A
Publication P-32-382, Short Circuit Characteristics of Insuhted Cable.
An important simpliíj4ng assumption in the formula is the adiabatic nature of the heat generated, i.e.,
the duration of the fault is so short that all the heat developed by the fault current during this time is
assumed to be completely contained within the sheath or shield. The amount of heat dissipated from
the metallic sheath or shield component during continuous, single fault occurrences of relatively short
duration is small. A significant amount of heat may be dissipated because of the relatively long cooling
periods involved for faults interrupted and reestablished with automatic reclosing of circuit protective
devices. A non-adiabatic calculation may be more suitable for these situations and for single,
uninterrupted short circuits in excess of 2 seconds requiring close accuracy. Non-adiabatic calculation
methods are described in several published works listed in the reference.

COPYRIGHT Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc

Licensed by Information Handling Services
The formula described in this publication is based on the thermal capacity of the metallic sheathkhield
material and the transient temperature limit of the adjacent cable component materials. The quantity of
heat contained in the metallic sheathlshield is that created by the fault current and is also a function of . -- .
the temperature rise in the metallic sheawshield. The magnitude of the temperature rise is the
difference between the upper temperature limit of the cable material in contact with the sheathíshield
and the operating temperature of the sheawshield immediately prior to the initiation of the fault.
The operating temperature of the sheath or shield depends on the temperature of the conductor and
the insulation thickness which is determined by the cable voltage rating. See Part D, Table 2 for
suggested estimated values.
The maximum transient temperature l i t s of the cable component materials are those which cause
no significant change in the materials. These limits were extrapolated from laboratory test data.
Equations and parameters have been established for short circuit calculations for sheaths or shields made
of aluminum, bronze, copper, lead, steel, zinc and cupro-nickel alloy. The types of sheaths or shields
included are:
0 wires, applied either helically, as a braid or serving; or longitudinally with corrugations.
0 helically applied flat tape, not overlapped.
0 helically applied, overlapped, flat tape.
corrugated tape, longitudinally applied.
O tubular sheath.
The types of cable materials in contact with the sheath or shield are: crosslinked (thermoset),
thermoplastic, impregnated paper and varnished cloth.
The materials which determine the maximum allowable short circuit temperatures .are: paper, varnished
cloth and several thermoplastic and thermosetting materials presently appearing in ICEA standards.
Temperature limits, considered safe, were established for the various covering and insulation materials.
The equations may be used to determine:
the maximum short circuit current permitted for a specific sheathlshield and short circuit
the sheaWshield size necessary to carry a specific short circuit current for a given
the maximum duration a specific sheawshield can carry a specific short circuit current.

Page 2
COPYRIGHT Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc
Licensed by Information Handling Services
C. FORMULAE AND CALCULATION Then cauation ( 1) becomes:
Short c’ircuit current, short-circuit time or effectivecross- (3)
sectional area of shield or sheath can be calculated from

- -
the basic equation:
% t 247.0 x 10% SG x SH x
A’ Working equations may be derived from equation (3)

Short-circuit current, amperes.
Effective cross-sectional area of the shield or

sheath, circular mils.

t I= Time of short-circuit, seconds.
SG = Specific gravity of shield or sheath material.
SH = Specific heat of shield or sheath material. the equation becomes:
To = Arbitrsry temperature(usually considered 20°C). IS,MA
Po = Specific resistivity of shield or sheath material at it
temperature To,microhm-cm
A = Inferred temperature of zero resistance for the
shieldsheath material, OC below zero.
Tz = Maximum allowable shield or sheath transient IK-

T, -temperature, OC.
Operating shield or sheath temperature. OC.
Or: A=-
Refer to Section D for tabulated values of the various
*The term “tape” in this guide includes ribbon, strip or parameters.
For equations (6) and (7) the effective cross-sectional
Letting (2) area, A, may k calculated from the formulae in the
following table. U’ A is determined from (8). these
K = 247.0 x lO-*x SG x SH x formulae may be used to determine characteristics of the
shield or sheath.

(SEE NOTES 1 & 2)
1. Wires applied either helically, as a braid or sewins; or longitudinally with corrugations. nd.’
2. Helically applied tape, not overlapped. 1.27 nwb
3. Helically applied flat tape,
overlapped. See note 3. 4bdm X,J

4. Corrugated tape, longitudinally applied. 1.27 [T(di, + 5O)+Bjb

5. Tubular sheath. 4 M m

NOTE 1: Meaning of Symbols: A I= Effective cross-sectional area, shield or sheath.

B = Tape overlap, mils (usually 375)
b = Thickness of tape, mils.
du = Diameter over semiconducting insulation shields, mils.
d, = Mean diameter of shield or sheath, mils.
d, = Diameter of wires. mils.
w = Width of tape, mils.
n = Number of serving or braid wires, or tapes.
L = Overlap of tape, percent.
NOTE 2: The effective area of composite shields is the sum of the effective arcas of the components. For example, the effective area
of a composite shield consisting of a helically applied tape and a wire serving would be the sum of the areas calculated from
Formula 2 (or 3) and Formula 1.
NOTE 3: The effective area of thin. helically applied overlapped tapes depends, also, upon the degree of electrical contact resistance
of the overlaps. Fonnula 3 may be used to calculatethe effective cross-sectional area ofthe shield for new cable. An increase
in contact resistance may occur after cable installation, during service exposed to moisture and heat. Under these conditions
the contact resistance may approach infinity, when Formula 2 could apply.

Page 3
COPYRIGHT Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc
Licensed by Information Handling Services


Suggested Values for Properties of Metals at To = 20°C'

Material SG SH Po h

&uminum' 2.70 0.22 2.83 228

Bronzeb 8.80 0.094 3.95 564 0.030

coppcrc 8.93 0.092 1.72 234 0.030

Leadd 11.3 0.03 1 20.6 236 0.0011 I

Steef 7.85 0.1 1 12.0 180 0.0036
- 0.0080
Zinc' 7.14 0.093 5.91 268
Cupro-Nickel 8.93 0.09 26.5 I800

a Three quarter hard, 1350 Aluminum.

b Commercial Bronze. 90% copper, 10% zinc.
c Annealed, 100% conductivity copper.
d Rire lead (99.99%).
e Mild or low carbon steel.
f Cosnmerciai roiled zinc, 0.08% Lead.
g Cupro-Nickel, 80% Copper, 20% Nickel.
*These vrlues m believed accurate for the materials shown. Variations may occur due to small changes in composition.

Table 2

Rated Conductor Operating Temperature, OC

105 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65
5 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60
15 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60
25 95 90 90 85 80 75 70 65 60
35 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55
46 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55
69 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50

Notes to Table 2:
The maximum conductor temperature should not exceed the n o d temperature rating of the
insulation used.
set Appendix A for additional informaton.
Page 3.
COPYRIGHT Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc
Licensed by Information Handling Services

Cable Material in Contact

with Shield or Sheath T* .

Crosslinked (thermoset) 35w

Thermoplastic .200
impregnated Paper 200
Varnished Cloth 200

NOTE: The temperature of the shield or sheath shall belimited by h e

material in contact with it. For example, a cable having a
crosslinked semi-conducting shield under the metallic shield
and a crosslinkedjacket over the metallic shield would have a
maximum allowable shield temperature of 350°C.With a
thermoplastic jacket, it would be 200°C.
+For lead sheaths this temperature is limited to 200T.


Nickel 0.018 0.019 0.019 0.020 0.020 0.021 0.021 0.02 1 0.022

COPYRIGHT Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc

Licensed by Information Handling Services
- ..

Values of M for the Limiting Condition Where TZ= 350°C

Shield/ . ShieWSheath Operating Temperature (T,),“C
Material 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 SO
Aluminum 0.058 0.059 0.060 0.060 0.06I 0.062 0.063 0.063 0.064
I 0.066
I 0.067 1 0.068 I 0.068 I 0.069 I 0.010 I 0.070 1 0.071 I 0.072
L 1

Copper 0.068 0.089 0.090 0.09 1 0.092 0.093 0.094 0.096 0.097
Steel 0.032 0.033 0.033 0.034 0.034 0.035 0.035 0.036 0.036
Zinc 0.044 0.044 0.045 0.045 0.046 0.046 0.047 0.047 0.048
Nickel 0.028 0.028 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.030 0.030 0.030

1. “The Transient Temperature Rise of Round Wire 2. “Normal and Short Circuit Operating Characteristics
Shields of Extruded Dielectric Cables Under Short of Metallic Shielded Solid Dielectric Power Cable”.
Circuit Conditions” by M A Martin, Jr. and AW. by M.A. Martin, JI., D.A. Silver, R.G.Lukac. R.
Rcczek. Jr.. Presented to the Insulated Conductors Suarez. IEEE Transactions on Power Avvaratus and
Cornminee-Open Forum at the 57th Meeting, Nov. Systems Vol. PAS-93, No. 2, March/Ap;il:pp. 601-
17-19, 1975. 613.

Appendix A.

Notes to Table 2:
These approximate shield temperatures are based upon calculations made per the Nther-McGrath MEE
Paper 57-660. The assumptions are:
3 x 1IC Triplexed loo0 kcmil copper cables insulated for the various voltage ratings. Each cablc has
;u1overall jacket.

one circuit instailed in a non-metallic duct. The duct is buried 36“ deep in 90 rho e h . Earth
ambient temperature is 20°C.
The circuit is operated at 75% daily load factor.
Shielddneutrals are operated closed circuiteû. Cables rateû 69 kV and higher are often connecicd in
methods that effectively opencircuit the shieldneutral as far as sheath losses are concerned and yet
remain effectively grounded permitting the return of ground fault currents. Such connections can
result in lower sheath/shield operating temperatures.
The neutral is 16 No. 10 AWG solid round concentric copper wires, having a resistance of 65.
@fi @ 20°C (approximately one-sixth neutral).

COPYRIGHT Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc

Licensed by Information Handling Services

The Transient Temperature Rise of Round Wire Shield of Extruded Dielectric Cables Under
Short Circuit Conditions, M. A. Martin Jr., A. W. Reczek ir., IEEE-ICC Open Forum at
57th Meeting, Nov. 17-19, 1975.
2. Optimization of Design of Metallic Shield-Concentric Conductors of Extruded Dielectric Cables
Under Fault Conditions, EPRI EL-3014, Project 1286-2, Final Report 4/83.
3. Optimization of Metallic Shieldr for Extruded Dielectric Cables Under Fault Conditions, IEEE
Paper 86 T&D 339-B.
4. N o m l and Short Circuit Operating Characteristics of Metallic Shielded Solid Dielectric Power
Cable, M. A. Martin Jr., D. A. Silver, R. G. Lukac, R. Suarez, IEEE Paper 973 495-9.
5. Fault Test on Embedded Copper Wire and Copper Tape Shielded Single Conductor Cables, C.
Landinger, L. D. Cronin, IEEE Paper C73-124-5.
6. Buried Power And Telephone Distribution Systems-Analysis of Primary Cable Fault Tests and
Evaluation of Experience With Random Separation, EEI Pub. 68-62.
7. The Short Circuit Rating of Thin Metal Tape cable Shieldr, AIEE Trans. Vol. 87, pp. 749-758,
March 1968.
8. Fault Current Rating of Metallic Cable Screens, T. M. White, S. E. Philbrick, JICABLE
1987, Paper B6.2.
9. Are cable Shields Being Damaged During Ground Faults?, P. S. Hamer, B. M.Wood, IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications, Paper PID-86-6.
10. Design of Metallic Shield for Extruded Dielectric Cables, 1984 IEEE IAS Pulp and Paper
Conference, D. A. Silver, M. D. Buckweitz, Paper PPI-84-14.
11. Calculation of Thermally Pennissible Short Circuit Currents Taking Into Account Non-Adiabatic
Heating Efects, IEC Publication 949- 1988.

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COPYRIGHT Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc
Licensed by Information Handling Services

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