Blue Moon - Billie Holiday
Blue Moon - Billie Holiday
Blue Moon - Billie Holiday
"Blue Moon" is a classic popular song. It was written by Richard Rodgers and Lorenz
Hart in 1934, and has become a standard ballad.
*Fill in the blanks in the song with the Simple Past Tense of the verbs between
Blue moon please adore me
You _________ (see) me standing alone And when I _____________ (look) the
Without a dream in my heart moon ________ (have) turned to gold
Without a love of my own
Blue moon
Blue moon Now I’m no longer alone
You _____________ (know) just what I Without a dream in my heart
_________ (be) there for Without a love of my own
You _____________ (hear) me saying a
prayer for Blue moon
Someone I really _____________ (can)
care for *Read the lyrics.
*Now answer the following questions
And then there suddenly ____________ about the song:
(appear) before me Who is singing the song?
The only one my arms _________ (can)
ever hold
Who is he/she singing to?
I ____________ (hear) somebody
whisper please adore me ________________________________
And when I _____________ (look) the What is this person saying through this
moon ___________(have) turned to song?___________________________
Blue moon
The lyrics are presumed to refer to an
Now I’m no longer alone English idiomatic expression: a blue
Without a dream in my heart moon is either the second full moon in a
Without a love of my own month or the third one when four full
moons occur in one season of the year,
which is a somewhat rare occurrence. If
And then there suddenly____________ something happens "once in a blue
(appear) before me moon" it almost never happens. The
The only one my arms _________ (can) narrator of the song is relating a stroke
of luck so unlikely that it must have
ever hold
taken place under a blue moon.
I __________ (hear) somebody whisper