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Hyundai KIA D diesel engines

Hyundai / KIA

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Manufacturer: Hyundai / KIA
Production period: 2001-2010
Style: Row end cylinder /four-cylinder
1.5 L (1493 cc) / 
Engines: 2.0 L (1991 cc) 
2.2 L (2188 cc)
Cylinder ring order: 1-3-2 / 1-3-4-2
1.5: Hyundai KIA U
Successor: 2.0: Hyundai KIA R
2.2: Hyundai KIA R

VM Motori RA 315 /
Similar models: VM Motori RA 420

The D series consists of two four-cylinder diesel engines and one of the same technology reduced to three
cylinders. The engines feature direct injection , turbocharger and an overhead camshaft ( SOHC ), which operates
four valves per cylinder . The engines are Hyundai / KIA in Ulsan , South Korea made  .

The D-series was the rst o ered for cars diesel series of the group under 2.5 L. Since the 1970s, they already
produced diesel for commercial vehicles, whose range today ranges from 4 to 10 liters displacement  . Although
these as well as the 2.5 to 3.0 L ranging car diesel partly have direct injection and turbocharger, the manufacturer
resorted to this license back to a license . For this purpose, a contract with the engine developer VM Motori
was signed in 1999 and the rst produced by Hyundai in 2000 . The shares in the joint development were not
detailed, the VM engines (1.5 / 2.0 L) from 2006 but also from GM Daewoomade in South Korea .

The engine block is made of gray cast iron , its cylinder head made of light metal  . Both variants up to 2.0L have
the same cylinder dimensions with a bore of 83 mm and a stroke of 92 mm. The 2.2L added in 2006 increases the
bore to 87 mm. He was added by Hyundai to the series, VM Motori does not o er it. The 2.0L four-cylinder weighs
201.4 kg only 14 percent more than the 1.5L three-cylinder with 176 kg, although he has a third more
displacement and power . The 2.0 and 2.2L engines also have two, the 1.5L a balancer shaft (s)  . Engine control
and injection system are supplied by Bosch .
The idling is 750 revolutions per minute . From the second series , the engine is controlled by an electronic
accelerator pedal . Since then, only the four-cylinder versions of Hyundai / KIA continue, while the 1.5L version is
replaced by the completely self-developed U-series .
The power transmission from the crankshaft to the camshaft takes place by means of a toothed belt . His

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inspection is planned every 20,000 km, his replacement after 80,000 km (Series 1) or only when needed (Series
2) .
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The valves are operated by roller rocker arms, whichisact
possible thanks to
like a rocker. At advertising
the vertex of the cam is on. During its
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rotation, it presses one side and thus two valves downwards, while on the other forhand
the hydraulic tappet, which
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is extended by means of a built-in spring, always lies ush . This form of lash adjuster is maintenance-free, even
an inspection is not provided in the maintenance plan  . Wear would be signaled by a ticking sound.
For faster heating of the interior, vehicles with D enginesthis
an electric heater ( PTC ). This is mounted in the air
stream and heats it as needed via an electrical resistance. This achieves a much faster heating than a diesel
engine alone or with a heater for the cooling water circuit could a ord. However, such a cooling water heater has
the advantage of being an integral part of a heater , which could thus be retro tted cost. The built-in electric
heater, however, requires a complete heater kit. Detector module for Joomla
Although not classi ed by the manufacturer in series, in addition to the original version a revision of the series
recognizable, hereinafter referred to as series 2.

Series 1 
VM Motori was founded in Italy in 1947 by the two eponymous entrepreneurs Vancini and Martelli,
where Cento produces around 70,000 diesel engines per year for various manufacturers . However, this
production capacity was not enough for Hyundai / KIA, which is why it was contractually agreed to an exclusive
production in South Korea. This example was later followed by GM / Daewoo, which in 2006 with 260,000 units of
this engine series even 20,000 more than Hyundai schedule . That's why construction-like engines listed here can
also be found as EcoTec CDTi in Chevrolet and Opel models. They complement the 1.3- and 1.9-L diesels from the
joint venture with Fiat and the Isuzu V6 diesels , VM Motori itself has not been producing the engines since 2005 .

The direct injection takes place via perpendicularly from above into the cylinder reaching nozzles. This minimizes
diesel condensate on the relatively cool cylinder inner wall which would become soot. The nozzles are supplied
by a fuel line for all cylinders ( common rail ), in which the diesel is pending at 250 to 1350 bar . The latter gure
indicates that it is a rst-generation system ("CRS1") . Later increases in pressure, which leads to more
homogeneous mixture formation and thus less oxygen-rich, nitric oxide-producing and oxygen-poor, soot-
producing nests.
This series has no soot ltration or nitrogen oxide reduction in exhaust aftertreatment. This consists only of
an oxidation catalyst , which replaces the conventional three-way catalyst due to the high amounts of oxygen in
the exhaust gas comparison to the gasoline engine  . Unlike this, he passes the nitrogen oxides and works as a
two-way catalyst. Like its counterpart, it uses oxygen to process carbon monoxide (CO) into carbon dioxide (CO 2 )
and hydrocarbons (HC) into carbon dioxide and water. The nitrogen oxides are left out, since due to the excess of
oxygen that rst reacts with the carbon monoxide (2 CO + O 2 to 2 CO 2). Thus, this carbon monoxide is no longer
the nitrogen oxides (NO x ) available for reduction in pure nitrogen (CO and NO to N 2 and CO 2 ).
Soot-reducing e ect is the typical diesel lean operation and exhaust gas recirculation (→ next paragraph) of these
engines. From exhaust gas temperatures of 200 ° C and the oxidation catalyst contributes to this. These are
achieved during longer load phases as on highway drives. From 200 ° C is formed in the oxidation catalyst of
nitrogen monoxide and the abundant oxygen, nitrogen dioxide (2 NO + O 2 to 2 NO 2 ). This is reduced by the
absorption of soot (carbon, C) into harmless nitrogen and carbon dioxide : 2C + 2NO 2 = 2CO 2 + N 2 , However,
this does not a ect previously produced soot, as in the particulate lter of the second series. The unoxidized
nitrogen dioxide escapes.
For nitrogen oxide reduction, these engines use exhaust gas recirculation . In the partial load range, this leads up
to 60% of the exhaust gas back into the intake tract. The nitrogen oxides contained therein are thus neutralized,
the same applies to soot particles and not yet burned hydrocarbons (eg PAH ). However, if too much exhaust gas
is introduced, there is a lack of oxygen in the cylinder for complete combustion. That resulted in more
soot. Therefore, the only partial exhaust gas recirculation is possible anyway only in the partial load range. In

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the Euro3 standard achieved by this series, the permitted amount of nitrogen oxide remains at three times that
of a gasoline engine. Nitrogen oxides promote smog and ozone formation as well as acid rain, Nitrogen dioxide is
irritating. Diesel engines work
Thisto site
reduce soot with excess
maintenance oxygen,
is possible which to
thanks leads to locally very high temperatures in
the cylinder. These promote nitricTo
revenues. oxide
keepformation. The
on browsingfeedback
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done here without
you for electrical control or
cooling, as they came in the second AdBlock.
series.Particulate lter retro tting
Refresh the page when done. of this series may possibly result in
obtaining a better particulate plaque. Hyundai / KIA o ers corresponding open lters  .

Turbocharger  Refresh this page

All engines in the series have a turbocharger . This promotes more oxygen in the cylinder chamber, as would
normally ow, whereby the engine can add more fuel. As a result, the performance increases to that of a larger
displacement, the capacity can be provided by means of motor control even at low speeds. Thus, and by the
smaller displacement friction losses are reduced, whereby
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larger engine. This rst series uses a Mitsubishi TDO25M turbocharger . In 2003, a Garrett GT 1752V with variable
geometry followed foroption=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=112&virtuemart_
a 125 hp variant of the 2.0L engine. This minimizes the acceleration delay after pressing
the accelerator pedal. The unvariable turbochargercategory_id=1&Itemid=58)
is a resonance system that has to be excited rst. Only a lot of
exhaust gas accelerates the turbine in the exhaust stream so strong that it promotes the desired more air into
the cylinder on the intake side. This deceleration is called "turbo lag" and must be taken into account during
acceleration by the driver. As a remedy, a VGT system also accelerates low exhaust ows by directing them to the
turbine through a temporarily narrowed airway. The VGT vanes are mounted like on a wheeled excavator
wheel and reach into the exhaust stream, They steer, folded almost to the circle, faster, or unfolded slow exhaust
gas on the turbine of the turbocharger. This accelerates or slows down accordingly. The latter is used at higher
engine speeds, since there is hardly any need for more air. On the contrary, this would exceed the intended
pressure in the cylinder and thus mechanically damage the engine components. Therefore, as with this engine,
the VGT control usually makes the overpressure valve ( wastegate ) unvariable turbocharger super uous.

Series 2 
The second series, launched at the end of 2005, features a second-generation injection system ("CRS2"), with
common rail now running at 250 to 1600 bar. The number of injections per ignition process was increased. This is
therefore controlled by a 32-bit double-band Bosch control chip. Instead of the pilot injection that follows a main /
injection just before the ignition timing, the pilot fuel amount is divided into two injections, which may follow two
post-injections after the main charge as needed. This subdivision improves the running culture as the
combustion process in the cylinder is prolonged. In addition, smaller amounts of fuel are distributed better in the
cylinder. This reduces soot and nitrogen oxides through less inhomogeneous areas of oxygen de ciency and

The exhaust-gas recirculation system (declaration in series 1 ), which reduces emissions as it were , is now
controlled more precisely. Their electrical control reduces the deviation from the desired return rate by 50
percent. For this purpose, the oxygen value in the exhaust gas is also evaluated by the newly added lambda
probe  . In addition, the recirculated exhaust gas is now cooled  . This lowers the combustion temperature
nitrogen oxide lowering and still provides enough oxygen through the denser by means of cooling volume, so as
not to favor soot.
For some markets, including Germany, this series has been equipped with a closed particle lter , preceded by an
oxidation catalyst ( Series 1 declaration ) in the same housing . Both were developed at the European Group
Powertrain Center in Rüsselsheim . In contrast to open systems, this type can not be retro tted, as the motor
must detect the ll level of the lter via sensor technology and regenerate it if necessary. The lter performance
increases from around 30 to more than 95 percent of the particle mass, and the same applies to the number of
particularly relevant nanoparticles (see Particle emission ).

The degradation of the particles takes place in two stages. Passive regeneration is an oxidation of soot
ltrate. This works only at exhaust gas temperatures, as they come on longer highway trips. In this case, by
means of NO 2formed in the oxidation catalyst from 200 ° C., soot particles in the lter are oxidized to CO 2 . The
excess nitrogen dioxide escapes, An active regeneration must intervene if this temperature is not reached and
the lter is lled to about 45% of its capacity. Then, the engine control arti cially produces a temperature of 600 °

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C by injecting diesel directly after ignition, resulting in no additional power but the necessary exhaust gas
temperatures  . The consumption increases by three to eight percent (depending on the frequency), the soot is
burned here. The soot ltrate leaves
This site some ash in theis possible
maintenance lter after active
to advertisingwhich is designed for a
lifetime of 240,000 km, The regeneration
revenues. To keeptakes about 25 minutes
on browsing this site,without stop-and-go
thank you tra c at a speed of over
for disabling
2000 rpm from third gear. If these trips remain o , ashing from 75%
AdBlock. Refresh the page when done. of the lter level a warning light in the
cockpit, which refers to the driver to a necessary regeneration. If it continues to ash after the described drive,
consult a workshop that performs the regeneration. If this also fails, there is a risk of damage to the particulate
lter, which, like all closed ones, has no overpressure thisbypage
valve name .

The turbocharger was replaced by a Garrett GTB1549V  . At 15 mm, this has a turbine diameter that is two
millimeters smaller on the exhaust side and, at 49Detector
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three millimeter
for Joomla smaller turbine diameter on the intake
side compared to the Garrett turbocharger of the rst series  . Like this, it has a variable geometry (explanation
in series 1 ), but is accelerated by the smaller diameter faster.
With this series, the 1.5L engine was discontinued, he was replaced in 2005 by the U-series .
In 2006, a 2.2L engine for larger, comfort-stressed vehicles was submitted later. The previously used in this
vehicle size A range with 2.5L would have to be adapted to a closed particulate lter and had less re nement.

In 2008, the performance of the 2.0L engine was increased by ten to 150 hp, but torque and injection system
remained the same. This also applies to the 136 hp following version of the 140 hp version, for the 120 hp entry-
level variant, the torque was reduced. It also consumes more than the above . The goal of the 136 and 150 hp
variants is to undercut the 160 g CO² / km limit, which represents one of three levels of state support
programs  . Details of the revision have not been published.
With the Euro 5 requirement for new cars from 2011, the use of the D series in its main market in Europe ends. It
will be replaced from model year 2011 by a resulting performance level of the U2 engines with 128 hp, in larger
vehicles also by R engines .

Stroke ×
engine Displacement Torque at
series bore Power at (1 / min) cylinder compression charging injection
code (cm³) (1 / min)
187/191 at
1 D3EA 1493 92 × 83 82 at 4000 3 17.7 turbo 1350
245 at
1 D4EA 1991 92 × 83 112/113 at 4000 4 17.7 turbo 1350
245 at VNT
1 D4EA-V1 1991 92 × 83 125 at 4000 4 17.7 1350
1800-2500 Turbo 2
305 at
1800-2500 CRDI 
D4EA (- 120/136/140/1504 at VNT
2 1991 92 × 83 /  4 17.3 1600
F) 3 4000 Turbo2
278 at bar
2240 5
6 335/343 at VNT
2 (L) / - F 2188 92 × 87 150/155   at 4000 4 17.3 1600
1800-2500 Turbo2
(L) 6 bar
1 V as V ariable Geometry turbocharger, VGT
2 is varied via vanes of the wind ow into the turbine, not the geometry of the turbine wheel itself. The German

translation variable turbines geometry is therefore misleading. VNT is the brand name of the manufacturer

Garrett for VGT turbocharger. AdBlock detected !
3 All D4EAs of the second series have a closed particle lter in Germany, even without explicit -F. In other
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European countries also without ltermaintenance
depending onisthe
possible thankssuch
legislation. -F to advertising
as lters, abbreviations in
revenues. To keep on browsing this site, thank you
parentheses are usually only given to vehicles that were previously available with for D4EA
Series 1 and thus without
lters. AdBlock. Refresh the page when done.
4 140 hp to 2008, from there for some models replaced by 120, 136 and 150 hp
5 278 Nm at 120 hp version, all other 305 Nm
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6- G: ex works without lter, some retro tted with open lter. -F: closed lter ex works, available since end of

2006, engine but only with automatic transmission installed. L: L ow-power version of an otherwise likewise
named, in this case 150 instead of 155 hp. The abbreviations after the stroke are not always listed.

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Listed are the D-motors installed worldwide for each model, not all of the listed con gurations are available in
every country. category_id=1&Itemid=58)

Hyundai Accent
Accent LC
D3EA (82 hp): 2002-2005

Hyundai Elantra
Elantra XD
D4EA (112 hp): 2001-2006

Hyundai Getz
Getz TB
D3EA: 2003-2005
Hyundai grandeur
Grandeur TG
D4EB-F: 2007-2010

Hyundai i30
i30 FH (from Korea) / FDH (from the Czech Republic)
D4EA (140 hp): 2007-2010

Hyundai Matrix
Matrix FC
D3EA: 2001-2005
Hyundai Santa Fe
Santa Fe SM
D4EA (113 hp): 2001-2003
D4EA-V (125 hp): 2003-2005
Santa Fe CM
D4EA (140 hp): 2005-2008
D4EA (150 hp): 2008-2009
D4EB-G, D4EB-GL: 2005-?
D4EB-F: 2006-2009

Hyundai Sonata
Sonata NF
D4EA (140 hp): 2006-2008
D4EA (150 hp): 2008-2010
Hyundai Tucson
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Tucson JM
D4EA (113 hp): 2004-2005
This site maintenance is possible thanks to advertising
D4EA-F (140 hp): 2005-2008
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D4EA-F (150 hp): 2008-2010 AdBlock. Refresh the page when done.
Hyundai Trajet
Trajet FO Refresh this page
D4EA (113 hp): 2001-2006
D4EA-V (125 hp): 2005-2006
KIA Carens
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Carens FC (
D4EA (113 hp):option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=112&virtuemart_
D4EA-F (140 hp): 2006 category_id=1&Itemid=58)
Carens UN
D4EA (140 hp): 2006-2009
KIA cee'd
cee'd ED
D4EA (140 hp): 2007-2010

KIA Cerato
Cerato LD
D4EA (113 hp): 2004-2006

KIA Magentis
Magentis MG
D4EA (140 hp): 2006-2008
D4EA (120, 136, 150 hp): 2008-2010
KIA Sportage
Sportage JE
D4EA (113 hp): 2004-2005
D4EA-V (125 hp): 2005
D4EA-F (140 hp): 2005-2008
D4EA-F (150 hp): 2008-2010


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