The Fly Ash Brick Industry in Bihar: Bihar State Pollution Control Board
The Fly Ash Brick Industry in Bihar: Bihar State Pollution Control Board
The Fly Ash Brick Industry in Bihar: Bihar State Pollution Control Board
Brick Industry
in Bihar
An Analysis
November 2016
Suggested Citation
Maity, S., Chandran, K. The Fly Ash Brick Industry in Bihar Development Alternatives, New Delhi
Contact Details
Development Alternatives
B-32, Tara Crescent
Qutub Institutional Area
New Delhi-110016
Tel: 011-26544100
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T he first edition of the Fly ash brick industry in Bihar” was published in
2014. The report has been appreciated by public and private
organisations in providing a true analysis of the fly ash brick industry.
Since then quite an appreciable change has happened in the sector which
prompted the second edition. We hope that this study will be very useful to
all concerned.
It would not have been possible for the project team of Development
Alternatives to undertake this analysis on the fly ash brick sector in Bihar
without the active involvement and assistance of a number of individuals
and organizations. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge
these invaluable contributions.
This study would not have been successful without the support of Shri.
Vivek Kumar Singh I.A.S, Chairman; Shri. Chandrasekar I.F.S; Member
Secretary and Dr. Naveen Kumar, A.S.O, Bihar State Pollution Control Board
who have taken a key interest in the study and have strategically guided and
supported us through the entire study. Special thanks are extended to
other members of the Task Force including National Thermal Power
Corporation, Eastern region and Kahalgaon plant Department of Mining
and Building Construction Department (BCD) for their support.
We would also like to thank Mascot Foundation who has supported the
team through the entire study. A special mention is due to the brick
entrepreneurs without whom the study would not have happened. We
thank you for sharing data and insights on your plants and the sector with
us. The openness and alacrity with which they shared information and
ideas was truly remarkable.
Last but definitely not the least, we would like to thank Shri. Kunal Sharma
and Ms. Arshpreet Kalsi, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation for their
guidance and support at every step.
We do hope that the study will provide an overall status of the fly ash brick
sector in Bihar and encourage the establishment of a favourable ecosystem
in Bihar to promote the large scale adoption of cleaner brick production
technologies like Fly Ash bricks.
Development Alternatives
T he Bihar brick industry is currently based on decentralized production activity using energy intensive, resource depleting
and highly polluting technologies and production methods with Fixed Chimney Kilns (FCKs) being the predominant firing
technology. Fired clay bricks consume around 2-4 million tonnes of coal per year leading to emissions of 4-6 million
tonnes of carbon-dioxide (CO2) per year. The increasing emissions of greenhouse gases from the clay brick making industry
contribute massively to the climate change concerns. They also emit sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides, and suspended
particulate matter (SPM).
In order to ensure that the state’s economic growth is not at the cost of environment and public health, it is extremely necessary
to take initiatives for promoting cleaner brick production technologies and waste management. The optimal solution is to
encourage the production and usage of fly ash bricks. This offers an opportunity for productive utilization of waste while
preventing the emission intensity of the unit and providing decent jobs to the local community.
The first edition of the Fly ash brick industry in Bihar” was published in 2014. The report provides a true analysis of the fly ash
brick industry. Since then quite an appreciable change has happened in the sector which prompted the second edition. The
second edition of the study aimed at tracking the growth of the fly ash brick industry by tracking the number of enterprises in
the state and assess the status of these units through individual surveys from fly ash brick enterprises across the districts of
Bihar to estimate the supply of fly ash bricks and also to assess the quality of bricks produced by these units across the districts
of Bihar.
The fly ash brick units tracked during the survey were categorised into functional, non-functional, status unknown and virtual
depending on the operational status and other criteria. Analysis on the survey results revealed that despite the increase in the
total number of units compared to 2014, the total number of functional units in the state was found to be 46 and the other units
tracked were found to be non-functional due to lack of demand for the bricks produced by these units. The survey team were
unable to trace some of the units identified in the initial list due to non-availability of accurate information.
The rated production capacity of the total number of units (129) as per the initial list identified through data collected from
sources such as Bihar State Pollution Control Board (BSPCB), members of the fly ash brick association and other secondary
sources is estimated to be 300 million bricks annually. Running at rated capacity they are projected to save 67,000 tonnes of coal
and 210,472 tonnes of CO2 and 914,400 tonnes of soil saved in 2016. This represents, on a per brick measurement, a 100
percent saving on directly burned coal, a 98.1 percent saving on CO2 , and a 100 percent saving on soil, by fly ash, over clay, per
Despite the initial success of fly ash bricks in Bihar, further steps need to be taken in order to help supplement the demand for
(clay) bricks, which are produced in over 6,000 kilns in Bihar. Fly ash brick makers face several barriers to entry, including a lack of
market demand, negative mindset regarding fly ash bricks, lack of fiscal incentives, problems with fly ash sourcing, and lack of
regulation, leading to market uncertainty and awareness. If Bihar is to grow its fly ash brick industry into one that occupies a
significant part of the market share and provides significant coal and CO2 savings, it will need to implement policies that can
facilitate the improved supply of fly ash bricks, and augmenting the demand through quality assurance of the bricks produced.
Policy push is a major driver for accelerating the uptake of the technology. The concerns of the government regarding the
management of fly ash is reflected in the policies and schemes formulated by the government. However, better enforcement of
these policies is required. The state needs to incentivise entrepreneurs to set up more units. Market is the most important
factor in facilitating a shift from the conventional resource inefficient technologies to fly ash brick technology. Increasing brick
demand presents an opportunity to shift towards low carbon and energy efficient fly ash brick technology.
Other drivers include heightened awareness among the entrepreneurs as well as consumers, ease of access of technology and
the active engagement of civil society organisations in promoting the technology. However, a few barriers like weak
enforcement of policies, lack of market demand of fly ash bricks, lack of access to finance and the lack of quality control needs to
be addressed to popularise the use of fly ash bricks in other parts of the country.
T he Bihar brick sector is dominated by the production of fired clay bricks which consume 2-4 million tonnes of
coal per year leading to emissions of 4-6 million tonnes of carbon-dioxide (Co2) per year contributing
massively to the climate change concerns.
90 percent of the brick making soil is procured from agricultural land with only 10 percent from river bed. This
rampant use of agricultural soil is leading to a loss of around 5,500 acres of fertile agricultural land per year.
The usage of fly ash bricks offers an opportunity for productive utilization of waste while preventing reducing the
emission intensity of the unit and providing decent jobs to the local community.
Field study conducted in Bihar to understand the present scenario of the fly ash brick industry indicate that the
sector has seen an upsurge of fly ash brick production units in the last four years. The number of fly ash brick
enterprises in the state has grown from 25 in 2014 to 129 in 2016.
Analysis from the survey reveal that only 46 out of the 129 fly ash brick enterprises remained functional units
(currently in operation) while the rest of the units were either non-functional or shutdown due to lack of market
Fly ash brick makers face several barriers to entry, including a lack of market demand, negative mindset regarding
fly ash bricks, lack of fiscal incentives, problems with fly ash sourcing, and lack of regulation, leading to market
uncertainty and awareness.
Promotion and implementation of policies such as preferential procurement of fly ash bricks for use in public
construction along with quality assurance and control system in addition to the incentives to entrepreneurs is a
major driver for the accelerating the uptake of the technology.
Other drivers such as heightened awareness among the entrepreneurs as well as consumers, ease of access of
technology and the active engagement of civil society organisations can play a crucial role in the market uptake of
fly ash bricks chartering a Low carbon development pathway for the state of Bihar.
Policy Interventions
Through their policy interventions along with awareness generation activities, Task Force have managed
• Enhance the rates of fly ash bricks in the state Schedule of Rates (SoR)
• Streamline the process of procurement of fly ash from NTPC, Kahalgaon.
Other intervention areas include:
• Development of a rating system for fly ash bricks
• Use of fly ash bricks in public construction
• Inclusion of fly ash brick production technology in the thrust area of Bihar Industrial Incentive Policy 2011
• Exemption of cleaner brick production technologies from the list of industries ineligible for incentives in
the Bihar Industrial Incentive Policy 2011
• Amendment of mining royalty structure on the basis of production capacity and soil use of different brick
production technologies
• Relaxation in the citing criteria of brick kilns owing to low pollution levels of these technologies
Chapter 5: Recommendations 28
1. Improving supply side conditions 28
2. Enhancing demand side conditions 29
References 30
List of Figures
Figure1a: Google earth map of Patna region showing Fixed Chimney Kilns (FCK) circled in red (2006) 4
Figure1b: Google earth map of Patna region showing Fixed Chimney Kilns (FCK) circled in red (2016) 5
Figure 2: Number of fly ash brick units 7
Figure 3: Status of fly ash brick units by category 8
Figure 4: Status of major fly ash brick clusters 9
Figure 5: Major fly ash brick clusters and thermal power plant location 9
Figure 6: Fly ash rated capacity by districts in Bihar 10
Figure 7: Brick enterprises in Bihar as classified by size 10
Figure 8: Modes of fly ash utilisation 12
Figure 9: Sourcing patterns of fly ash enterprises from NTPC’s in Bihar 13
Figure 10 : Units receiving fly ash directly from NTPC 13
Figure 11 : Fly ash sourcing pattern of units in Bihar 13
Figure 12: Technology providers share towards service and maintenance in Bihar 14
Figure 13: Market share of technology providers 15
Figure 14: Technology providers and their average compressive strength 15
Figure 15: Technology providers in major districts 16
Figure 16: Major reasons for setting up fly ash brick enterprises 16
Figure 17: Type of other businesses owned 17
Figure 18: Average compressive strength in selected districts of Bihar 17
Figure 19: Graph on quality testing results – Water Absorption 18
Figure 20: Graph on quality testing results – Compressive Strength 19
Figure 21: Nalanda Quality Cluster 20
Figure 22: Gaya Quality Cluster 20
Figure 23: Patna Quality Cluster 20
Figure 24: Average production costs of districts 21
Figure 25: Selling price of fly ash bricks (Rs) 21
Figure 26: Financial aspects 22
Figure 27: Banks providing loans to the entrepreneurs 22
Figure 28: Type of support needed from the government 22
Figure 29: Annual savings in coal consumption and Carbon emission 23
Figure 30: Soil saved annually 24
Figure 31: Jobs created per anum 24
Figure 32: Major buyers of fly ash bricks 26
Figure 33: Concerns raised by buyers 27
Figure 1a: Google earth map of Patna region showing Fixed Chimney Kilns (FCK) circled in red (2006)
Figure 1b: Google earth map of Patna region showing Fixed Chimney Kilns (FCK) circled in red (2016)
brick units 100
The Bihar brick sector has seen an upsurge of fly ash 63
brick production units in the last four years. Initial 60
Functional Functional
3 4 8
17 Non Functional Non Functional
29 8 Status Unknown 2
Status Unknown
Virtual Virtual
Begusarai Muzzaffarpur
Functional Functional
1 1
Non Functional Non Functional
5 5
Status Unknown 4 Status Unknown
Virtual Virtual
Figure 5: Major fly ash brick clusters and thermal power plant location
4. Fly Ash generation and Fly Ash: The finer, thinner ash that is produced in the
utilisation in Bihar burning of coal is known as fly ash. This is the ash
collected from the top of chimneys in thermal power
Over the years, fly ash utilisation across NTPCs has plants, and is the norm for usage in fly ash bricks. Fly
reached to about 55.69% (102.54 MT) in the year ash is best used in bricks which require its thin particle
2014-2015 as compared to less than 10% (6.6 MT) of size and fineness.
the ash generated during the year 1996-97 (CEA, Pond Ash: Pond ash or bottom ash contains larger
2015). The Ash Utilisation Division (AUD), set up in particles, and includes unburnt coal particles. Because
1991, strives to derive maximum usage from the vast of the larger particle size, particles of pond ash are
quantities of ash produced at its power stations. The generally heavier than particles of fly ash, and thus
ash is now being looked at as a commodity that could change the quality of the bricks in which they’re used.
generate wealth for the company in the long run. The Pond ash is currently used for agriculture and land
AUD proactively formulates policies, plans and development, rather than for bricks. It can also be used
programmes for ash utilisation. It further monitors the in mortar and concrete. Research is underway
progress in these activities and works for developing regarding minimizing strength loss due to high
new segments of ash usage. The fly ash generated at molecular size and finding the best method of utilizing
NTPC stations is ideal for use in the manufacture of pond ash for bricks.
cement, concrete, concrete products, cellular
concrete products, bricks, blocks and tiles.
The quantity of fly ash generated from NTPCs in Bihar
is 6.2 million tonnes with an utilisation rate equivalent the production of fly ash bricks. Fly ash consumes less
to 28 percent. The fly ash generation in the state is mortar during construction. Additionally, it conserves
progressively set to increase in the next five years due fertile top soil since no soil is used in the production of
to new power plants commencing operation by 2018 bricks.
to 2020. Currently, there are only a few power plants Of the four power plants in the state, the National
operational in the state. NTPC Kahalgaon has an Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) Kahalgaon
installed capacity of 2340MV, generating 5.6 MT of fly produces five million metric tonnes (MT) of fly ash per
ash every year. The installed capacity of power plants annum, which is collected and available for use in brick
with details on the operational status, fly ash making However, the government is investing in more
generation and utilisation rates can be found in Table thermal/capacitive power plants, with plans of
2. expanding capacity by approximately 12,000 MW in
the next five years. With the increase in the capacity of
5. Use of Fly Ash in brick thermal power plants, the fly ash brick entrepreneurs
will be able to acquire almost 4.5 million tonnes of fly
production ash for free, assuming a 20 percent usage of the free fly
ash availability.
Fly ash is produced during the combustion of coal in
thermal power plants. It is suitable for use as raw Modes of fly ash utilisation
materials in various building materials, and is The opportunity is ripe for the promotion of fly ash
particularly suitable for use in bricks. Fly ash bricks are brick technology, especially in lieu of the upcoming
made from fly ash, lime, gypsum and/or cement. There thermal power plants. Recognising this, several
are no emissions of GHG, since coal is not burnt during entrepreneurs have set up fly ash brick production
units in Bihar. More than 100 units have been
Roads & flyovers 6. Source of Fly ash
Concrete There are only 4 major sources of fly ash in Bihar. These
Hydro Power Sector are all existing thermal power plants in Kahalgaon,
others Muzzaffarpur, Barh and Barauni.
Out of the total 46 functional units surveyed during the
Figure 8: Modes of fly ash utilisation tracking study, 15 units source fly ash from NTPC,
Kahalgaon. Surprisingly, entrepreneurs in the Patna
region are also sourcing fly ash from NTPC, Kahalgaon,
which is almost 280 km away. The fly ash is transported
established between 2006 and 2016. However, the to the location of the units through authorised
market uptake of such bricks is being hampered by transporters, who pack the fly ash in bags and ship it in
concerns regarding the timely supply and quality of trucks.
these bricks. Similar concerns were raised by
government departments involved in construction. It The lack of easy access to fly ash from NTPC Kahalgaon
is necessary to address these concerns to ensure the was a major issue for entrepreneurs. Consequently,
further dissemination of this technology. Realising the the NTPC revised its procurement process so that just
need to alleviate such concerns, Development three forms (an application form, an undertaking, and
Alternatives decided to track the fly ash brick a declaration of excise duty exemption) have to be
production and consumption in the state. The data on submitted in order to acquire fly ash. After the
fly ash utilization received from Thermal Power submission of the required documents and a site
Stations/Power utilities for the year 2014-15 has been inspection, NTPC signs an agreement with the
analysed to ascertain the modes in which fly ash was entrepreneurs.
utilized and the quantity utilized in each mode. The After the revision of the procurement process, the
modes in which fly ash were utilized during the year entrepreneurs source fly ash at frequent intervals,
2014-15 along with utilization can be found in the depending on their sales; Most of the enterprises
figure 8. source fly ash on a monthly basis. The amount of fly
Fly ash can be gainfully utilised in various way and ash procured varies with the size of the enterprise and
research studies show that the quality of fly ash the demand for the product; a vast range of 10 to 2300
produced at NTPC’s power stations is extremely good tonnes of fly ash per unit per month are currently
with respect to fineness, low unburnt carbon and has sourced.
high pozzolanic activity and conforms to the
requirements of IS 3812 – 2003 - Pulverized Fuel Ash
for use as Pozzolana in cement, cement mortar and
concrete. The fly ash generated at NTPC stations is 7. Technology trends
ideal for use in the manufacture of cement, concrete,
concrete products, cellular concrete products, 7.1 Te c h n o l o g y a n d s e r v i c e
bricks/blocks/ tiles etc. The important areas for this providers
utilisation are cement industry, bricks industry, road
embankment, mine filling, land development and ash A host of technology service providers provide
dyke raising. It is also a source of micro and macro- equipment and machinery for the production of fly ash
nutrients in agriculture. bricks. TARA Machines and Tech Services Pvt. Ltd.
(TMTS) and Neptune and Ashtech Coimbatore provide
NTPC is also looking at innovative ways to utilise the fly equipment and services and hold 20 to 30% of the
ash for development of new segments through market shares. Other technology service providers
partnerships with leading research institutions and include B&B machines, MEC Coimbatore, Bharat
organisations. Use of fly ash in the manufacture of pre- Hydraulic, Orbit Intelligent Engineering, Shree Hari
stressed railway concrete sleepers is demonstrated in Engineering, Navkar Engineers, Speed Sales, Shanthi
association with IIT Kanpur. In case of mine filling, a industries and Ashtech. The majority of these service
research study is being done by the Central Institute of
Once in
two days
M/s. Maa Bhawani Fly ash Bricks
M/s. Madhav Industries
from NTPC
M/s. Maa Durgeshwari Metal Products/
M/s. Magadh Enviro Industries Pvt. Ltd.
M/s. Jagadamba Fly ash Bricks Industries
M/s. Srijan Materials & Engineering Pvt./
M/s. Urmila Industries
M/s. Moti Fly ash Bricks
M/s. Savera Fly ash Bricks
M/s. Arya Bricks
M/s. Sindh Fly Asia Bricks
M/s. Raj Fly ash Bricks Udyog
M/s. Beeconn Fly ash Bricks & Pawers
M/s. Raghav CLC Bricks
M/s. Bimla Group of Industries
providers also provide troubleshooting services.
However, during the survey it is noted that a few
entrepreneurs were not satisfied with their after sales
Analysis of the survey results revealed that technology
providers with in the state and other unknown players
hold a significant percentage (30% – 40%) of the
market share including service and maintenance of
the machines.
Tara Machine
Local / Self
16 14.7
14 13.1
11.8 12 11.8
12 10.8
10.2 10.2
Avg Compressive Strength(N/mm2)
10 8.9
8.14 7.8
8.5 8.5 8.4 8.1 8 8.3 8.3 8.6 7.9
8 6.95 6.6
Chinese Machine
Speed (Pune)
Sri Hari engineering, Ahmedabad
Local Assembled
Navkar Engineers
MEC, Coimbatore
Tara Machine
Shanthi Industries (Asansol), West Bengal
Patna Begusarai Bhagalpur Gaya Nalanda
! ! ! ! !
B&B Machine TARA Machines Buildwell (Sahjanad Ashtech TARA Machines
! ! ! !
TARA Machines Manya Associates Fly ash Bricks ) Neptune Local
! ! ! ! !
Kailash Machine Samarth fly ash Megha Engineering Jodee Engineering Neptune
! ! !
Tools machine Bharat Hydraulic Janta (Morvee Speed
! ! ! !
Ashtech Neptune Jayem Gujrat) Shanthi Industries
! ! ! ! !
Local Buildwell (Sahjanad Navkar Engineers Speed Chinese Machine
! !
MEC Fly ash Bricks) Soni Automatic
Flenan Tengfei
Orbit Intelligent
Sri Hari
8. Business trends
Entrepreneur profile
Reasons for Establishing
Majority of the entrepreneurs had previous business
experience and 22 percent of entrepreneurs reported
30 that their fly ash unit was their first business venture.
Amongst them, 40 percent had experience in the
construction sector. While the sector itself is new, it is
10 also attracting those with expertise in construction
and engineering.
Profitable Environment The major reasons for setting up new fly ash units were
! Profit through business
Experience as an Entrepreneur
! Positive impact on the environment
Bricks from 47 units across Bihar were tested
according to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) 10
testing procedure (BIS 12894). Bricks were tested for 5 Avg Compressive
their compressive strength, water absorption, and 0
determination of efflorescence.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Water Absorption
Durgeshwari 8.1
M/S Kuswaha Bricks 8.4
M/S Moti Fly Ash 8.3
M/S Akriti-Sharghati 7.8
Maa Bhavani 8.3
Raj 10.8
Sindhu 8
Savera 8.1
Sri Ram IMT Udyog 8.3
Arya Bricks 8.4
UPS 8.3
Beeconn 8.5
M/S Baba Fly Ash Brick 6.5
M/S Kumar Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd 8.3
M/S Sai Bricks 5.3 Min requirement
Nextgen Tech lmpex Ltd 8.7 7.5 N/mm2
M/S ECO Paver & Brick 8.2
Madhav Industries 8.1
Synergy Eco Tech Pvt. Ltd. 8.5
Magadh Enviro Industry Pvt lts 7.8
M/S Jagdama Fly Ash Bricks Industries 5.9 Average compressive
M/S Ganpati Blocks 7.9
M/S Hariom Fly Ash Bricks Pvt. Ltd. 7.4 strength 9.1 N/mm2
Bimla Group of Industries 5.8
Nextgen Tech lmpex Ltd 8
Nextgen Tech lmpex Ltd 8.3
Sugam Infra Enterprises 8.7
Savar Infra Pvt Ltd 10.2
Savar Infra Pvt Ltd 8.8
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Compressive strength (N/mm2)
Savera 16.3
8.1 13.7
Maa Bhavani
Sri Ram IMT 8.3
Udyog 8.3 Water
absorbtion test
14.7 14.8 absorption
Arya Bricks 8.4 M/S Moti Fly Ash
Compressive 8.3
UPS 15.7
8.3 M/S Akriti- 15.6
14.8 Sharghati 7.8
Beeconn 8.5
0 10 20
0 10 20
Figure 22: Gaya quality cluster
Figure 21: Nalanda quality cluster
the brickmaking unit. Hence, the total cost of fly ash entrepreneurs to produce. Additionally, fly ash bricks
depends on the distance of the brickmaking unit from do not suffer the fluctuations and increases in coal
the source of fly ash. For example, in Patna, which is cost.
the furthest from NTPC Kahalgaon, which is the source
of fly ash for majority of the enterprises, the price of fly It is surprising that producers in Patna and clusters far
ash is around Rs. 1300 per tonne. Bhagalpur, which is away from Bhagalpur continue to produce bricks; this
nearest to the power plant, obtains fly ash for Rs. 200 is indicative of the profitability of fly ash bricks. The
per tonne. producers in Patna are continuing to produce in
anticipation of supply of fly ash in a full-fledged
manner from NTPC Barh power plant, yet still manage
to make a profit even when having to pay high
10.2 Trends in selling price production costs for the transport of fly ash.
The price of red bricks has been increasing over the
years, due to rising coal costs; however, the price of red
bricks has risen less than the increase in their 10.3 Financial trends
production costs, thus reducing their profit margins.
Because of this increase in production costs for clay Discussions with the brick entrepreneurs revealed that
bricks, fly ash bricks currently have a competitive majority availed bank loans for establishing new units.
advantage, making them more attractive for Very few entrepreneurs set up new units through
2 Average Production
1.02 cost (Rs)
0.9 0.75 0.80 0.80 0.85
1 0.55 0.71
0.42 0.38 0.49 0.40
0.10 0.2
Patna Begusarai Bhagalpur Gaya East Vaishali Nalanda
Nalanda 6
Vaishali 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 5 10 15 20
Tonnes Saved
Tonnes of coal saved
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Total Annual Soil Savings
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Number of Jobs
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Table 3: Annual Impacts of fly ash brick units from 2016-2025 (PROJECTED)
The Government of Bihar under an initiative towards low-carbon economy formed an inter-departmental task
force involving various stakeholders for improving the brick sector in terms of pollution reduction, coal
consumption, and use of top soil for brick production. A workshop was organized on 6 December 2012 by the
Bihar State Pollution Control Board on cleaner brick production in Patna. The workshop was inaugurated by the
Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister of the state and was attended by more than 170 brick-kiln entrepreneurs,
service providers, and various government officials. The formation of the task force was facilitated by
Development Alternatives, an NGO, under an initiative of Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation. The task force
has proposed several actions to promote cleaner brick production.
In order to counter the lack of awareness, Bihar must The use of these bricks in government construction
will also aid in popularising them among other
2. Lalchandani, Dheeraj, and Sameer Maithel (2013). Towards Cleaner Brick Kilns in India. A Win-Win
Approach Based on Zigzag Firing Technology. Greentech Knowledge Solutions Pvt., Chennai
3. Mathiel et al. (2012). Brick Kilns Performance Assessment & a Roadmap for Cleaner Brick Production
in India. United Nations Environmental Programme
4. Ministry of Finance (2013). Economic Survey 2012-13. Ministry of Finance, Government of India,
New Delhi
5. Planning Commission (2013). Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) Economic Sectors. Rep. Vol. II.
Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi
Development Alternatives
B-32, Tara Crescent, Qutub Institutional Area
New Delhi 110016, India
Tel: +91-11-2654-4100, 2654-4200, Fax: +91-11-2685-1158
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