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Pe 1 Q1 Fitness For Life PDF

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Quarter I


This “Fitness for Life” module will introduce you to the key concept and principles
of Physical Fitness. Varied yet selected activities are provided for you to accomplish, to
draw out your understanding of Physical Fitness. At the course of the module, several
questions will be encountered for you to ponder upon and reveal your understanding of
Physical Fitness.

EXPLORE Your Understanding

In this phase, you will be given activities to diagnose and activate your prior
knowledge. Your expectations and tentative understandings will also be
revealed through different questions and activities prepared. At the end of
this module, you are expected to have prepared a personal fitness plan which will be
assessed using the following criteria: completeness of the plan, relevance to your
personal fitness needs and doability.

Activity No. 1: FIT OR NOT?

The following are statements related to Physical Fitness. Write FIT, if the
statement relates to the characteristics and indications of a physically fit individual and
NOT, if the statement is the opposite. Write the answers in your notebook.

1. Can perform daily activities without undue fatigue

2. Is sickly and weak
3. Has reserved energy for emergencies
4. Maximizes leisure for recreation
5. Is always stressed and has no leisure
6. Has awkward posture
7. Is overweight and can’t efficiently move
8. Has normal BMI (Body Mass Index)
9. Has pale skin complexion and can’t easily sleep at night
10. Is confident and cheerful in the performance of physical activities

Points to Ponder:

Read the following questions silently. Ponder on each question then write your
thoughts on your notebook.

 How do you describe a physically fit person?

 When can you say that an individual is not physically fit?
 Based on your responses, how do you describe yourself?
 Are you a physically fit individual? Justify your answer.


Below is a concept map of physical fitness and its components. Each of the
indicated components contributes to the development of your physical fitness. Your
task is to lift a term from the map and match it with the statement defining the term.





1. Ability to do a wide range of movement

2. The capacity to change position and direction quickly
3. The ability to apply of force
4. Repetitive or sustained application of force
5. Ability to stay in equilibrium
6. To respond quickly to a given stimulus
7. To move in a straightforward direction in the shortest possible time
8. The combination of speed and strength in one blow of movement
9. The smooth and accurate execution of movement as conceived in the mind and
executed by the body parts
10. The capacity to perform your daily tasks without undue fatigue and still has extra
energy for recreation and emergency.

Activity No. 3: MATCH, MATCH, MATCH!

The images below illustrate physical activities that display the different
components of Physical Fitness. Select the appropriate component of Physical Fitness
from the box and match it with the given image showing a physical fitness activity.
Write your answers in your notebook.

Components of Physical Fitness

Strength Speed Cardio-Respiratory Endurance Power Coordination

Agility Balance Reaction Time Body Composition


1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.)

Points to Ponder:
In your notebook, write your answers to the following questions:
 How often do you participate in the activities illustrated above?
 Do you do physical activities other than those indicated above? If yes,
name at least five of them.
 How do you feel about participating in those physical activities?
 How do you think can these activities help you improve or maintain your
physical fitness?
 Cite five reasons why physical fitness is necessary in your daily life.

Activity No. 4: SHAPE IT UP

Are you a circle? square? triangle? Choose one from among the shapes
illustrated below. Relate or give your interpretation regarding the chosen shape with
that of your own level of physical fitness. Think! Get started…Write your answer in your
answer notebook.

○ □ ▲
I think you are now ready for the next stage…Read carefully and be
ready for some challenges to be given ahead! Good luck!

FIRM-UP Your Understanding

In this phase, you will be provided with basic information on Physical

Fitness and its Components, Physical Fitness Tests and Principles of
Physical Fitness Training. You will also be tasked to accomplish
different activities and answer several probing questions every after the given readings.
This will allow you to reflect of your understanding on the lesson.


Reading 1. Physical Fitness and Its Components

Do you attend to your daily chores like housekeeping, bathing, water-fetching,

dishwashing and the like? Are you a sportsman who plays games like Volleyball,
Basketball, Badminton or other games? Do you perform fitness routines like brisk
walking, jogging, weight training or even aerobic dancing? If yes, you’re on the right
track! If not, better watch your activities out! You have greater risk of acquiring health
problems with a low level of physical fitness, if that’s the case. Movement is the basis of
physical fitness. If you can stand, don’t sit. If you can walk, don’t just stand. If you can
even run, don’t walk. The more you moderately use your body in the performance of
your daily activities, the better it would become in terms of fitness. For as long as there
is a chance for you to move, move. Don’t leave yourself idle for the rest of the day.
This is what the Hippocratic Law of Use and Disuse means.

Physical Fitness, as popularly defined, is the capacity to perform one’s daily
tasks without undue fatigue and still has extra energy for recreation and emergency. In
this definition of Physical Fitness, three important aspects that an individual should be
able to meet in order to be considered physically fit. These include:

1. Ability to perform one’s daily tasks without undue fatigue. These daily
activities include:
 Preparing for school or work
 Going to school or work
 Doing assignments
 Doing study sessions
 Attending to household chores

2. Enjoying leisure through some recreational activities. Leisure is the amount

of time left after all the daily routine activities are accomplished. It is an
unobligated time where one can enjoy through activities such as sports,
academic games and other productive hobbies. These activities are called
recreation. They may be in the form of:
 Watching TV
 Making handicrafts
 Painting and other art activities
 Listening to music
 Playing games or sports

3. Meeting emergencies. Emergencies are unforeseen events with which one

has to use his energy and time to meet them. They include:
 Accidents
 Doing important errands
 Performing social obligations
 Attending to unexpected guests
 Attending to household problems

The ability to meet these three (3) main aspects of physical fitness is a
manifestation that one is a physically fit individual. The ability to meet these three
demands of physical fitness requires you to have the different components which


 Strength - refers to the ability of the muscle to exert maximal effort in

brief duration. It may be developed through isotonic, isometric or isokinetic
contractions. Isotonic contraction is seen in calisthenics exercises wherein a
body segment makes use of the body resistance during an exercise. Push-ups,
sit-ups and pull-ups are examples. Isometric contraction on the other hand is
seen in exercises in which a group of muscles is contracted against an
immovable resistance. The muscle groups are made to provide maximum

contractions but are not supposed to move. This exercise is advised to bed-
ridden patients. The third is isokinetic contraction. This is seen in exercises
where muscles are exposed to fixed machines with variable degrees of
resistance. They are most often advised by fitness trainers and are usually
performed in fitness gyms.

 Endurance - refers to the ability of the muscle to exert sub-maximal effort

for a prolonged period of time. Performance of strength and speed exercises in a
prolonged period of time is a demonstration of endurance. This component is
improved with repetitive training following the principles of fitness. As one
develops endurance, he also develops his muscle performance including the
performance of lungs and heart.

 Flexibility - the ability of the muscles and joints to go through a full range
of motion. It reduces the risk of injuries, enhances muscle performance and
prevents muscle soreness. It is achieved through stretching designed to
lengthen or elongate shortened soft tissue structures and thereby increases the
range of motion. Always remember that flexibility is highly influenced by the kind
of joint a certain body part has. Specific joints require specific flexibility exercises
and movements.

 Organic vigor/Body composition - refers to proportion of lean body

mass to fat body mass. It stresses one’s relative fatness or leanness in relation
to height. Body composition is classified into three which is known as
somatotype. They are ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph. Ectomorph is
a body type characterized as lean and small body built with greater surface area
to mass ratio. Bone size is relatively small with slender limbs and low muscle
mass. Endomorph is a body type with predominance of soft roundness and
enlarged abdominal section. Mesomorph is characterized by broad shoulders
and muscular predominance. Bone structures are relatively large coupled with
massive limbs contributing to greater weight than ectomorphic body type.

Somatotypes are closely related to fitness activities of an individual. They

somewhat dictate what particular activities are applicable to such body type.


 Speed - the ability to perform a task or move from one point to

another in shortest possible time. It is influenced by reaction time. It is the time
elapsed when the “go” signal has been made by an official to the first motor

 Agility - the ability of an individual to quickly shift or change direction

of the body from one point to the other.

 Power - ability to perform one maximum effort in the shortest
possible time. It is the product of both strength and speed.

 Balance - the ability to stay in equilibrium in relation to changes in body

position. It may be static or dynamic. Static balance is the kind of balance
demonstrated in stationary position. Dynamic balance is demonstrated while
the body is moving.

 Coordination - is the harmonious working relationship between the

skeletal muscles and nerves in one aspect of movement. Hand-eye relationship
in sports or hand-foot relationship in walking is an activity where you can see

All of these components are already present within us. It’s just that, each
individual has a different level of fitness from the other. Individuals with low level of
fitness need to determine their weaknesses and do some activities which may help
elevate their fitness while those with a high level of fitness need not take for granted
their condition. Enhancement activities are suggested for them to maintain if not
improve their present level of fitness.

Activity No. 1: AM I PHYSICALLY FIT?

In your notebook, draw the figure below. Determine whether you are
ectomorphic, endomorphic or mesomorphic. Draw a figure representing your body type
at the center. Considering the three (3) important aspects of physical fitness,
enumerate at least five activities that you personally do, other than those given, in each
of the three aspects discussed.

Aspect 1: Daily Tasks w/o undue fatigue

Body Type
Aspect 2: On Leisure and Recreation (illustrate) Aspect 3: On meeting emergencies


Accomplish the following table by writing at least five (5) physical activities,
including those that you do, that fall under each component of physical fitness. Do this
in your answer notebook.


Reading 2: My Body Mass Index (BMI)

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the proportion of one’s height to his weight. It is
computed using the formula BMI = W/H2. Weight shall be in kilogram and height in
meters. Supposed your weight is 50 kilograms and height is 1.6 meters; here’s your
BMI = 50 __
= _50__
= 19.53

Why BMI? You need to know your personal BMI to determine whether your
weight, in relation to your height, is underweight, normal, overweight or obese. How do
you know if you’re underweight, normal, overweight or obese? Refer to the table below:

Body Mass Index Range Classification

Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5-24.9 Normal
25-29.9 Overweight
30 Above Obese

Activity No. 1: BMI Computation

Do the following in your notebook:

1. What are the classifications of the computed BMI in the above table?
2. How would you describe a person with normal BMI?
3. Now, it’s your turn. If you do not have any height and weight measuring
devices, find one in your barangay health center or day care center. Find
your weight in kilogram and height in meters. Compute your own BMI and
determine your classification. In case the unit of measurement is not the
same with what is required, you may do some conversions before proceeding
with the computation.
4. Are you done? I guess so! Now think of three (3) ways on how you can
improve or maintain your BMI. Don’t forget to consider your capabilities and
limitations. Write your answers in your notebook.


After determining your BMI, you now proceed with the physical fitness test. In
this reading, you will learn how the physical fitness test is conducted. The following are
the tests to be undertaken:

 Standing Long Jump

 Push-Up
 Curl-up
 Shuttle Run
 50m Sprint
 Sit and Reach
 1000m Run

How To Do:

Standing Long Jump

In any flat surface on the ground, measure a distance of 100cm. Put a mark
on the starting line and another on the other end. Measure another 100cm by tens.
Put a mark on each following 10 cm. From the starting line, jump (spring on both
feet and land on both feet) as powerful as you can. Measure the distance based on
your heels. Try two more times. Measure. The highest score shall be recorded.


Put a chair against the wall. Prone lie on the chair with both arms extended
on it. With the arms carrying your body weight, decrease the angle of your elbows to
about 900. Extend arms while moving the body upward. Repeat the whole sequence
as many times as you can. Record your score.


In supine lying position, knees bent, both palms slightly touching the knees,
elevate the upper body (trunk upwards) at about 90 0 on the waist. Move the upper
body down to its starting position. Repeat as many times as you can. Record your

3-Minute Step Test

Get your pulse within 10 seconds. Multiply it by 6. For 3 minutes do the step-
up-and-down motion continuously on stairs with one foot after the other. After 3
minutes, get your pulse for 10 seconds, multiply by 6. Record the result.

Shuttle Run

In an open ground, measure a distance of 9 meters. Draw a semi-circle on

both ends. Put two (2) small wooden blocks with about 1” x 2” x 4” or stones a little
smaller than the given size for the wooden blocks on one end. Stay on the other
end. Set your stop watch at zero. As you start to run and bring one block/stone
after the other, press “start” in your stop watch. After bringing the second
block/stone to other end, press “stop”. Record your time.

50 m Sprint

In an open ground, measure a distance of 50 m. From the starting line, press

“start” in your stop watch, then run as fast as you can through the finish line. Press
“stop” to measure your speed. Record your time.

Sit and Reach

Look for a tape measure or any measuring device not shorter than 100 cm..
Find a space where you can be in stride sitting position with your back against the
wall. Put one end of the tape measure under your groin, extend it vertically forward.
With palms together, extend both arms fully upward, breath-in, bend forward and
reach as far as you can. Do it for two more times. The highest record shall be

1000 m Run

In an open ground or road, bring a stop watch. Measure your endurance by

running a distance of 1000 m. Be sure that before doing this, you have properly
warmed up and conditioned yourself for the activity. This means you have a good
sleep and have had you breakfast or any meal before running. You may walk if
you can’t sustain your speed through the run but you should not stop. As you gain
momentum, you may run fast again and finish. Record your time.


Now that you already know how to conduct the physical fitness test, I guess you
are ready to do it yourself! Go and change for your fitness outfit and start the ball

1. Get your notebook and bring in the physical fitness testing area you have
decided the things that you need. For example, your stop watch, tape measure,
wooden blocks, markers and others.

2. Remember to do some warm-up and stretching exercises before the activity.
This will help you perform well the different skills required in the physical fitness
tests and reduce the risk of having injuries at the course of the test.

3. Don’t forget to record your score in your notebook every after a physical fitness


Write your answers to the following questions in your notebook:

1. How well did you perform in the tests?

2. What do you think is the significance of conducting physical fitness tests such as
what you have just done?
3. Regardless of whether you got high or low scores in the physical fitness tests,
how else can you improve your fitness at the level of the different components?

Reading 4: Personal Fitness Program

There are at least four (4) phases of the fitness exercise program, namely:

Warm-Up Exercises
Flexibility Exercises
Strength and Endurance Exercises
Cool Down Exercises

Warm-Up Phase

From the word warm alone, you already know what this phase of the fitness
exercise program means. It is to elevate the body’s temperature to prepare the muscles
to any succeeding strenuous activity.. By warming up the muscles are provided with
sufficient amount of blood and oxygen supply so that they will contract more efficiently.
Without warming up, you may have greater risk of physical injuries as you proceed
immediately with vigorous activities.

Flexibility Exercises

This phase of exercise follows immediately after warm-up. It is done by doing

gradual stretching activities from upper to lower extremities. There are different ways to
stretch your muscles: ballistic, passive and static stretching. The most recommended
type is static stretching. It allows muscles and connective tissues surrounding the joint
to stretch far enough to its full range. This is generally proven to decrease tendencies
of injuries as you go on with the exercise program you have designed.

Strength and Endurance Exercises

As mentioned earlier, there are at least three (3) types of muscle contractions
that are currently used to develop your muscle strength and endurance. These are
isotonic, isometric and isokinetic contractions. Though each of these contractions has
its own advantages, we will focus only with isotonic strength exercises.

The strengthening exercises include both calisthenic exercises and weight

training. Calisthenic exercises using the body weight are practical and inexpensive to
perform especially if there are no weight training equipment in the school or if there are
no fitness gym near you. In addition, only minimal space is needed to perform the

Weight training is another effective way in developing your muscle strength and
endurance. Unlike calisthenic exercises, this training program uses fixed machines of
varying degrees of weight as resistance. Both calisthenic and weight training exercises,
if you are to maximize the effectiveness of any of them, shall be guided by the principles
of exercise. These principles include specificity, overload, reversibility and individuality.

Cool Down exercises

These exercises serve to gradually lower blood pressure and muscle stress
caused by the strenuous strength and endurance training. Cooling down relaxes your
muscles and smoothens the flow of blood around the body to prevent you from
experiencing some form of dizziness caused by inadequate blood and oxygen supply to
the brain. Cool down exercises are somewhat the same with that of warm-up and
stretching part of the training and as important as them, too. An indication that you
have cooled down is when your profuse sweating and heart rate drops down to less
than 100 beats per minute.



This principle states that there are specific exercises for specific muscles. A
certain body segment or muscles is developed by a certain exercise.


This principle dictates that there must be a gradual increase in work load given to
the muscle. The process involves gradual adaptation of the muscle to the work load
and later, progressively increased as the muscle adapts to it.


This simply states that if regular training of a particular segment of the body
stops; the strength of the body segment returns to its initial strength level.


Because an individual has different fitness attributes, lifestyle, social environment

and nutritional practices, response to training differs from one person to another. Thus,
even if the above principles are taken into consideration during training, physiological
benefits that may be derived from it will vary from individual to individual.


Frequency - How frequent will the exercise be performed? Will it be

twice or trice a week, or every other day, or every day?
Intensity - How hard, intense and stressful will the exercise be?
Time - How long will the exercise be performed? This refers to the
duration of the performance of the exercise.
Type - What type of activity will you perform?



One of the most important factors to be considered in fitness planning is nutrition.

What comes into your mind when we talk about nutrition? Food! There are six (6) basic
types of food nutrients. These are carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and
water. These building blocks needed for growth, repair, reproduction, maintenance and
repair of body tissues.

 Carbohydrates
They are the primary source of energy for the muscles during exercise.
They also help control the breakdown of protein and protect the body against
toxins. Sources of carbohydrates include rice, corn, bread, noodles, pasta,
potatoes, crackers and cereals.

 Protein
This nutrient is responsible in building and repairing muscle tissues,
red blood cells (RBC), hair and other tissues and synthesizing hormones.
About 15% of our calorie intake comes from proteins. Sources of proteins
include pork, beef, chicken, fish, egg, milk and beans.

 Fats
Fats are sources of stored energy (calories) that we burn primarily
during low level activity such as sitting, lying down, walking, etc. They are
important for growth and repair of tissues. They are our body insulators that
help maintain body temperature. Though dietary fats are necessary, we need
to consider its saturation. Unsaturated fats do not produce as much blood
cholesterol as saturated fats. Cholesterol is a complex waxy substance that
is an essential component of the walls of the body cells. Our body has the
ability to produce cholesterol through the liver. Too much cholesterol-rich
food intake may cause danger to our health and may even amplify the risk of
having coronary heart disease.

 Vitamins
These are chemical substances needed by the body to process other
nutrients. They help regulate functioning of body systems especially nervous
system. Since our body doesn’t have the capacity to produce its own
vitamins, we need to obtain them from food we eat. Eating a balanced diet
may help us gain the necessary vitamins that our body needs.

 Minerals
They are inorganic substances that the body needs for forming bones,
teeth, blood cells, for assisting chemical reaction of cells and for regulating
body fluids. Essential minerals include calcium, iron, sodium, zinc,
phosphorous and magnesium.

 Water
This is an essential substance that makes up to 50-50% of the total
body weight. It functions to stabilize body temperature, carries food nutrients
to and waste away from cells, and is needed by the cell to function. Water is
not a source of energy like vitamins and minerals but is equally essential in
regulating bodily functions.


1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories

1 gram of protein = 4 calories
1 gram of fats = 9 calories
vitamins = 0calories
minerals = 0 calories
water = 0 calories


This activity will provide you opportunity to do some researching and balancing
on calorie intake and consumption. You will be given different activities which may
serve as your body exercise; all you have to do is research over the net the

corresponding calories consumed per activity. After that, suggest foods to be eaten to
replace the consumed energy taking into consideration the amount of calories they

You may use the following table for your output:


10 min. Brisk
10 min. Jogging

15 min. Aerobic
10 min. Basketball
10 min. Volleyball
10 times/3
repetitions Push-Up
10 times/3
repetitions Curl-up
10 min. Stretching
10 min. Cycling

20 min. Swimming


In fifteen (15) minutes, organize your thoughts and come up with your own idea
of what physical fitness means to you (At least 300 words). Write your answer in your

They say, “if you want to get things done, do it yourself!” Congratulations!
You’ve done the activities successfully on your own. I think you are more
than ready for the next stage…

DEEPEN Your Understanding

In this phase, you will be given more activities to enhance your

understanding of physical fitness. You will be made to enhance and
deepen your understanding of the importance of physical fitness and become
responsible of your own fitness.


Here’s how you will know whether you passed or failed in your physical fitness
test. Get your scores and refer to the following table showing the desired results in
relation to your age. Beside your score in each test, write AB for Above Target if your
score is the same or higher than the given target; write BT for Below Target if your
score is lower than the given target.

Suggested Format of Your Output in this Activity:

Name:______________________________________ Age: _________________

BMI:_______________________________________ Classification:_________


Standing Long jump
50 m Sprint
3 Minute Step Test
Chair Push-Up
Shuttle Run
Sit and Reach
1000 m Run


Standing 3 Sit 1000

Curl- 50 m. Chair Shuttle
Long min. and m
AGE Up Sprint Push- Run
Jump Step Reach Run
(sec.) Up (sec.)
(cm.) Test (cm.) (min.)
9 155 23 9.2 122 15 12.0 37 4.57
10 164 25 8.8 121 16 11.8 39 4.40
11 172 26 8.6 119 17 11.5 41 4.27

12 179 28 8.3 117 18 11.4 43 4.25
13 191 32 8.0 115 19 11.2 45 4.19
14 198 36 7.8 110 20 11.0 50 4.18
15 205 38 7.5 107 21 10.9 55 4.14
16 215 42 7.3 105 22 10.8 56 4.10
17 222 45 7.0 102 23 10.7 64 4.00
18 230 47 6.8 99 24 10.4 69 3.55
19 235 49 6.6 98 25 10.2 70 3.45
20 240 51 6.5 96 26 10.0 72 3.35
21 250 55 6.4 95 27 9.8 72 3.30


Standing 3 Sit 1000

Curl- 50 m. Chair Shuttle
Long min. and m
AGE Up Sprint Push- Run
Jump Step Reach Run
(sec.) Up (sec.)
(cm.) Test (cm.) (min.)
9 134 20 9.5 119 7 13.5 43 5.30
10 146 21 9.5 117 7 13.2 45 5.00
11 150 21 9.0 115 8 12.9 47 4.55
12 155 22 8.8 113 9 12.8 49 5.5.
13 163 22 8.7 111 10 12.6 52 4.47
14 167 23 8.5 108 11 12.5 54 4.38
15 170 23 8.5 103 12 12.0 58 4.30
16 172 24 8.5 101 13 11.8 63 4.25
17 175 25 8.2 100 14 11.5 68 4.17
18 180 26 8.2 98 14 11.3 72 4.10
19 184 27 8.2 96 15 11.0 74 4.05
20 187 30 8.0 95 15 10.8 75 3.37
21 190 30 8.0 93 16 10.5 75 3.35


After putting AB or BT in your score notebook, it’s time for you to make a move in
improving your fitness by completing the following fitness table:

Suggested Format of Your Output in this Activity:

FITNESS (Alternative
TEST Activities to
Improve Fitness)
Standing 1.
Long 2.

Curl-Up 1.

50 m Sprint 1.

3 Minute 1.
Step Test 2.

Push-Up 1.

Sit and 1.
Reach 2.

1000 m Run 1.

Points to Ponder:

Answer the following in your notebook:

1. What do you think will happen if calorie intake exceeds your calorie
2. What happens if your calorie consumption exceeds your calorie intake?
3. How significant is nutrition in physical fitness training?


1. Go to the nearest internet café in your place. Don’t forget your flash drive,
blank cd or any computer recording device.
2. Search the internet for a number of warm-up, flexibility, strength and
endurance and cool down exercises.
3. Save your searches to your flash drive or to the blank cd you brought for this
4. Familiarize the exercises you have searched by phase at home or in any
space where you can execute the movements.
5. Make a tentative fitness training plan based on the principles and variables
learned which you can use for your personal fitness program. Do this in a
short bond paper; if you can have it computerized; it would be better.

6. Submit a copy to your teacher for his/her feedback. Let a friend, a gym
instructor or a fitness enthusiast critique your plan so as to gain positive
insights which may contribute to the improvement of your plan.


 (Salundiwa) In a drawing paper, draw a medium-sized circle at the

middle. Inside the circle, draw anything that may symbolize physical
fitness. Around the circle, draw as many symbols as you can think
which correspond to ideas related to physical fitness. At the back of
your work, make a short written description of what you have drawn.
Submit this to your teacher. Be ready to justify your ideas!


Related Related
Symbol Symbol


Related Related
Symbol Symbol



Answer the following questions in your notebook:

1. How significant for you is undergoing a physical fitness test?

2. Why it is important for you to do warm-up and flexibility exercises before
proceeding immediately with the strength and endurance training?
3. Do you always have to consider nutrition in your personal physical fitness?
4. How can you develop your personal physical fitness?

You’re getting nearer to accomplishing all tasks in this module…that’s

great! I can see some efforts! Keep it up!

TRANSFER your Understanding

In this phase, you will now apply the things you have learned to
yourself. Consider your present fitness strengths and weaknesses as
a result of your fitness test, your individuality and your lifestyle in doing the following
activities to be given.

Activity No. 1: Designing Your Personal Fitness Plan

You may use any mode of presentation in coming up with your personal fitness
design. It may be through graphic organizer, tabular presentation, flow chart, planner,
scrap book or portfolio type. It’s up to you! For as long as you can articulate it through
actual performance and create a change for the better in your personal fitness, then be
it. Just don’t forget to take into consideration the principles of fitness training, the
variables to be considered for the training and the result of you physical fitness test
because these serve as your springboard in laying down your fitness plans.

Submit a copy of your work to your teacher for evaluation.

“How good is the aim if you won’t pull the trigger?” You may have designed
the best fitness plan ever but its purpose would be lost in vain if you won’t
start a step to execute and apply it to your own lifestyle. I commend you for
having gone this far so don’t waste your time. What are you waiting for, lay
your fitness plans and act them out! Goodluck!

Resources (Web sites, softwares, etc.)

 JOSE P. CATAPANG, A Manual on Physical Fitness, Sports Physiological
Training, Consultancy and Research Services (SPTCRS) Publications (1st Ed.),
 Web-based resources
 MAPEH Books

Materials/Equipment Needed:
 Illustrations
 Drawing papers/bond papers
 Answer notebook
 Chair
 Stop watch
 Wooden blocks/stones


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