Subject: Advance Nursing Practice: Lewine's Theories
Subject: Advance Nursing Practice: Lewine's Theories
Subject: Advance Nursing Practice: Lewine's Theories
Lewine’s theories
Ms. Christa Mathew Ms. Bhawna joshi
Assistant Professor Ist year
Medical Surgical Nursing Dept. SNSR
General objectives: By the end of the class students will be able to understand the: LEWINE’S THEORY
30min To explain the Levine’s Conservation Model Lecture cum ppt What is the
Levine’s • It is focused in promoting adaptation and discussion Levine’s
Conservation maintaining wholeness using the principles of Conservation
Model and theory conservation. The model guides the nurse to focus Model/
on the influences and responses at the organismic theory?
level. The nurse accomplishes the goals of the
model through the conservation of energy,
structure, and personal and social integrity
• Adaptation is the process of change, and
conservation is the outcome of adaptation.
Adaptation is the process whereby the patient
maintains integrity within the realities of the
• Levine stated that “the unceasing interaction of the
individual organism with its environment does
represent an ‘open and fluid’ system, and a
condition of health, wholeness, exists when the
interaction or constant adaptations to the
environment, permit ease
• The assurance of integrity in all the dimensions of
• The product of adaptation. Conservation is from the
Latin word conservation, meaning “to keep
together. “Conservation describes the way complex
systems are able to continue to function even when
severely challenged. Through conservation,
individuals are able to confront obstacles, adapt
accordingly, and maintain their uniqueness. “The
goal of conservation is health and the strength to
confront disability” as “the rules of conservation
and integrity hold” in all situation in which nursing
is requires”.
• The primary focus of conservation is keeping
together of the wholeness of the individual.
• Although nursing interventions may deal with one
particular conservation principle, nurses must also
recognize the influence of other conservation
principles (Levine, 1990).
• The person is a holistic being who constantly
strives to preserve wholeness and integrity and one
“who is sentient, thinking, future-oriented, and
past- aware.” The wholeness (integrity) of the
individual demands that the “individual life has
meaning only in the context of social life” The
person is also described as a unique individual in
unity and integrity, feeling, believing, thinking and
whole system of system.
• The environment completes the wholeness of the
individual. The individual has both an internal and
external environment.
• Levine (1991) clarified what she meant by health
as: the avenue of return to the daily activities
compromised by ill health. It is not only the insult
or the injury that is repaired but the person himself
or herself… It is not merely the healing of an
afflicted part. It is rather a return to selfhood, where
the encroachment of the disability can be set a side
entirely, and the individual is free to pursue once
more his or her own interests without constraint.”
• Disease is “unregulated and undisciplined change
and must be stopped or death will ensue”.
• Nursing involves engaging in “human
interactions” “The nurse enters into a partnership
of human experience where sharing moments in
time—some trivial, some dramatic—leaves its mark
forever on each patient”. The goal of nursing is to
promote adaptation and maintain wholeness
• The nurse creates an environment in which healing
could occur.
• A human being is more than the sum of the part
• Human being respond in a predictable way
• Human being are unique in their responses
• Human being know and appraise objects, condition
and situation.
• Human being sense ,reflects, reason and understand
• Human being action are self-determined even when
• Human being are capable of prolonging reflection
through such strategists raising question
• Human being make decision through prioritizing
course of action
• Human being must be aware and able to
contemplate objects, condition and situation
• Human being are agents who act deliberately to
attain goal
• Adaptive changes involve the whole individual
• A human being has unity in his response to the
• Every person possesses a unique adaptive ability
based on one’s life experience which creates a
unique message
• There is an order and continuity to life change is
not random
• A human being respond organismically in an ever
changing manner
• A theory of nursing must recognized the
importance of detail of care for a single patient
with in an empiric framework that successfully
describe the requirement of the all patient
• A human being is a social animal
• A human being is an constant interaction with an
ever changing society
• Change is inevitable in life. Nursing needs existing
and emerging demands of self care and dependent
care. Nursing is associated with condition of
regulation of exercise or development of
capabilities of providing care.
3min To conclude the Conclusion Lecture cum ppt
topic • Nurses should actively support the development of discussion
nursing theory because it offers them a sense of
identity and can help patient, managers and other
healthcare professionals to recognize the unique
contribution nurses make to the healthcare service.
The definition of nursing theory also provides
nurses with an understanding of their purpose and
role in the healthcare setting.
3min Recaptualization
What is the
• Levine’s Conservation Model/ theory?
Prepare assignment on Conservation Model .
Brar Kaur Navdeep, HC Rawat, Textbook of Advanced Nursing Practice, The Health Sciences Publishers,
2015 First Edition, Page no. 948-956.
Soni Samta, Textbook of Advance Nursing Practice, Jaypee Publication, 2013, First Edition Page no. 164-
Hickey V. Oumitte M, Venegoni S. Advance Practice Nursing Changing roles and clinical application. 2 nd
Edition. Lippincott Publishers. Page no.4-10,240-52. Levine’s theories