Speech Analysis Guidelines: The Content
Speech Analysis Guidelines: The Content
Speech Analysis Guidelines: The Content
The Content
In this analysis, I will be looking for a brief summary of the overall message of the speech. I
would like further exploration into –
Ø What were the main points of the speech? How were they easy/not so easy to follow?
Ø How were these main points developed? (i.e., Use of examples? Use of statistics?, etc…).
What are your thoughts on how the message was developed?
Ø How was the message ‘worded’? What language was used? Did any terms or phrases really
make an impression, repeated, or seem strategic?
Ø Who was the intended audience? What cues/language clued you into who is the intended
audience? How would you evaluate the speaker’s ability to address the intended audience?
The Delivery
In this analysis, I will be looking for your personal, subjective impression of the speaker’s
message, and style from your perspective as an audience member. I would also look for further
examination and discussion of –
Ø How did the speaker try to increase or strengthen his/her credibility? Was s/he effective?
Why or why not?
Ø How would you evaluate their delivery skills? (i.e., eye contact, vocal projection, composure,
etc…). What made a positive/negative impression and why?
Ø How did the speaker seek to meet the needs/wants/emotions of the audience? How effective
was the speaker?
Ø Did the speaker communicate his/her message clearly? Why or why not?
Overall effectiveness
In the conclusion of this analysis, tell me what you think, what impressions did the speaker/the
message make on you, did they ‘reach’ you as part of the audience, did you learn anything or
hear anything valuable? I want you to end with your opinion.
This paper should be typed, 1 ½ to double spaced, 1 in. margins all around and should include
the event information – who the speaker was, the title of the presentation (if there was one), the
time it took place, and where the event took place. I expect this paper to be in essay format,
reflect collegiate level writing standards, and free of spelling or grammatical errors. Here
are a few ideas for a speaking event that will be acceptable:
• The Speech and Communication Studies Dept. Speech or Poetry Night.
• The Speech and Communication Studies Department and Club speakers
• Attend one of the Ohlone Speech Forums. Details and dates TBA.
• Attend one of Ohlone’s Brown Bag seminars this semester
• Attend a meeting on campus, such as an Ohlone Forensics team meeting (T/Th 4104A,
2:15 – 5:00pm) or an Ohlone College Board meeting.
Please deliver a hard copy to my office in Fremont portable, FP-22, room 103. Or, you can
deliver to my mailbox in the mailroom in Fremont Portable, FP-29.
No email submissions will be accepted.