Notes For Business Law Students
Notes For Business Law Students
Notes For Business Law Students
Proposal: When one person signifies to another
his willingness to do or to abstain from doing
anything, with a view to obtaining the assent of
that other to such act or abstinence, he is said to
make proposal.
If the time of payment of money is mentioned in agreement then no dispute arises.
But if the said object is not provided then definitely dispute will arise. It requires to be
decided. Contract Act assists us in this case by providing us guiding principles. Business on a
particular place or market sets particular principles. These practices are followed in the
solution of cases. Law determines the rights and obligations of the parties, which are not
incorporated in contract.
If a seller sells goods and buyer not pays the price, seller has right of stoppage of goods in
transit. This is determined in law. If buyer has credit of six months, then this practice cannot
be followed. Rights given by law, but not incorporated in contract do not mean that they have
been lost. A machine is given to mechanic for repair. His is responsible for repair and may
retain the object on demand until payment is made.
These are the contracts that are impossible to perform by an act of God or State. These
are beyond the control of parties.
Death: Generally death does not cause to discharge contract, but the agreement where
particular skill is involved, death discharges the contract. For instance, A agrees to file
law suit on certain date, but he dies before the date. Representatives are not responsible.
Breach of contract: Where the requisite performance is not made, second party is at
liberty to put it an end if contract is not continued after break.
Frustration of contract: It puts contract to end when an act of God or State come into
force or anything occurs which is beyond the control of party. Compulsion makes
contract abolish.
Procedure: If contract lacks to provide necessary ingredients of the contract that may
include, date, time, place etc. may discharge the contract. Readily available principles or
practices and standard of reasonableness may solve this problem.
By excuse of party: If one party excuses performing then contract will be the part of
Where a creditor issues more than one debts to debtor under one or more contract and
in which method of payment and/or appropriation (settlement) is not mentioned, there section
59 to 61 are applied.
Section- 59 deals with the case where debtor repays his debt and particularly mentions as
to against which this repayment is to be appropriated. Law gives authority to creditor to
appropriate the repayment at his option or discretion. Debtor cannot compel creditor to
appropriate as per his will.
Section-60 deals with the case where debtor repays the debt and do not mention as to
which debt this repayment is to be appropriated. Here creditor again has discretion to
appropriate the debt, as he wants.
Section-61 deals with the situation where neither debtor nor creditor mentions the
appropriation for the repaid debt. If dispute arises then creditor will be provided full
opportunity to appropriate the debt in series as they were issued. First debt will be
appropriated first, and then second and at last third loan will be appropriated
Section 124, it is the promise or commitment to pay compensation to whom suffers
from loss. A person who pays compensation is named indemnified, one who receives
compensation is called indemnity holder, and this process is called contract of indemnity.
Example: A has to dispatch some goods to other city through a transport company. Transport
Company commits A to compensate in case his goods suffers from any loss or hazard. A is
indemnity holder, i.e., may receive compensation upon the occurrence of loss to goods,
transport company is indemnified and this agreement is called contract of indemnity.
Payment of rent is consideration.
The promisee in a contract of indemnity, actingwithin the scope of his authority, is entitled to
recover from the promisor:
all damages which he may be compelled to pay in any suit in respect of any matter to
which the promise to indemnify applies;
all costs which he may be compelled to pay in any such suit if, in bringing or defending it
he did not contravene the orders of the promisor, and acted as it would have been prudent
for him to act in the absence of any contract of indemnity, or if the promisor authorized
him to bring or defend the suit;
all sums which he may have paid under the terms of any compromise of any such suit, if
the compromise was not contrary to the orders of the promisor, and was one which it
would have been prudent for the promisee to make in the absence of any contract of
indemnity, or if the promisor authorized him to compromise the suit
Under section 126 is a contract to perform the promise or discharge liability of a third
person in case of his default.
Party who gives loan to second party is called creditor. A person who receives the loan or
the person in respect of whose default the guarantee is given is called the principal debtor. A
person who gives the guarantee is called the surety. A guarantee may be either oral or
written. Introduction in account opening process is not a guarantee.
A principal debtor can be compelled to discharge his liability in case of default. Liability of
principal debtor is not discharged if surety runaways. If contract of guarantee is fulfilled, then
the surety is discharged, too.
SECTION-129: deals with continuing guarantee which extends over a series of transactions.
Illustration: A employees B on the guarantee of C, for the collection of rent due upto Rs.
5,000/- and A will pay him fixed salary Rs. 1,000/-. This is continuing guarantee because it
spreads over number of series.
We give and take many things in our routine life daily. Many of them delivers
gratuitous and many non-gratuitous. We owe movies, pressure cooker, fan, book, and car etc.
In all instances possession is changed from one to another. This is temporary possession or
transfer of possession. When other party fulfills his object, goods are returned to the party
who had transferred the possession.
Titled goods are transferred temporarily and after accomplishment goods are returned
is called contract of bailment. One who transfers the possession is called bailor and in favour
of whom possession is transferred is called bailee.
Bailor is bound to disclose faults in goods, to bailee. In contrast bailee can claim damages on
the occurrence of injury to him. Bailor should not be negligent and must be vigilant u/s 150 at
the time of delivery of goods without faults.
Duty of bailee is defined u/s 151. Bailee is duty bound to take care of goods bailed to him in a
manner as he takes care of his own goods, as reasonable man and in reasonable manner.
If bailee takes care as defined u/s 151, he is no more liable to pay damages to bailor u/s 152,
if occurred. Normal depreciation is acceptable.
If bailee does not act for which bailment is made, bailment would become void-able at option
of bailor. Example, A, lets a horse to B for his own riding. B drives the horse in his carriage
in-spite of riding. It becomes void-able at the option of A being violation of the bailment u/s
Damages are recoverable upon the unauthorized use of bailment, if injury occurred. If goods
bailed are used other than bailee and loss occurred, bailee is liable u/s 154.
Goods of bailor and bailee can be mixed with consents of bailor either separable or non-
separable u/s 155. No liability arises if loss occurs.
If bailee mixes the goods bailed without consents of bailor and goods are separable, expenses
will be borne by the bailee for separation or division u/s 156.
Goods of bailor, which are inseparable, if mixed with the goods of bailee, bailee is liable for
loss of mixing, if the mixing is without consents of bailor u/s 157.
If the necessary expenses are incurred on the goods bailed by bailee, bailor is liable to pay
such expenses u/s 158.
It is duty of the bailee to return the goods bailed to him after accomplishment of the purpose,
soon, irrespective that bailor demands or not u/s 160. If duty u/s 160 is not performed then
bailee is responsible for the loss u/s 161.
Death either of bailor or bailee terminates the gratuitous bailment u/s. 162.
Bailor is entitled to receive any increase or profit, which is attached to the bailment, if
contrary is not provided. Pregnant cow will be returned with young cow (calf) if she delivers
before return u/s 163.
Finder of lost goods may retain the goods to receive the reward specific from the bailor u/s
Finder of lost goods may sell goods if they are perishable or if lawful charges are equal to
2/3rd. of the value of goods found u/s 169.
Bailee can retain goods bailed to him in order to receive remuneration against services
involving the exercise of labour or skill, if applicable u/s 170.
A, a motorcycle bailed to B for repair. After duly repair B can retain motorcycle until the
services rendered are recovered.
Bankers, commission agents, god-own owners, advocates of High Court, and insurance
agents can retain goods bailed to them until they are paid against the services they have
rendered by them to bailor u/s 171.
Pledge is delivery of goods, as security against loan. These goods are also called pawn
and are returnable after the debt is retired. Pledge is applied on moveable property. The
person who pledges his moveable property or bailor is called pawnor and the person, in
whom favour goods are bailed, is called Pawnee.
There are some prerequisites of the act of ratification as follows:
Act must have been done for and in the name of principal.
The principal should know facts and figures and his knowledge must not be defective. If
there is concealment of facts, ratification would become void.
Since the effects of ratification take place in back dates, so ratifier is supposed major at
the date of ratification. A principal ratifies certain acts of an agent or sub agent from back
says January 01, 1980, it should be assured that principal was then competent to authorize
the acts ratified.
Ratifier should live at the time of ratification. Written statement of dead person is invalid.
Only lawful act can be ratified thus forged signatures are not ratified.
Whole and not partly transactions must be ratified.
An act of ratification must be completed within reasonable time. Reasonable time is a
question of fact.
Ratification may be expressed or implied.
If the right of interest or benefit was terminated in back date then it cannot be granted.
Transaction void ab initio cannot be ratified.
Act, which injures third person’s interest, cannot be ratified.