Article 18 Impact of Electronic Service Quality

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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Vol. 7, No.1, January 2017, pp. 170–188

E-ISSN: 2225-8329, P-ISSN: 2308-0337
© 2017 HRMARS

Impact of Electronic Service Quality on Customers Satisfaction of Islamic

Banks in Jordan

Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash AL-HAWARY1

Warda Fares AL-SMERAN2
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Finance and Business Administration, Al al-Bayt University,
P.O.BOX 130040, Mafraq 25113, Jordan, 1E-mail:,

Abstract The study aimed to study impact of Electronic Service Quality on Customers Satisfaction of Islamic Banks
in Jordan. The Electronic Service Quality represented by (Reliability, Ease of use, Effectiveness, Web Site
Design, privacy, and Responsiveness). The population of the study consisted customers of Islamic banks in
the North territory of Jordan (Jordanian Islamic Bank, International Arab Islamic Bank), a random sample
was taken amounted (300) participants, SPSS was used to examine the study hypotheses and achieve its
objectives. The researcher found that there is statistical significant impact of the Electronic Service
Quality (Ease of use, Web Site Design, privacy, and Responsiveness) on Customers Satisfaction of Islamic
Banks in Jordan. Regarding the dimensions of reliability and effectiveness, the study indicates that they
had insignificant impact on Customers Satisfaction. The researcher recommended the use of specialists in
the field of electronic sites design in particular, because the site attractiveness needs experience sufficient
experience in this area to support its attractiveness for customers, and to benefit from the experiences of
the developed countries in the field of software technology control and protection of customer
information, in order to strengthen current Software application to those banks.
Key words Electronic Service Quality, customers satisfaction, Islamic Banks in Jordan

DOI: 10.6007/IJARAFMS/v7-i1/2613 URL:

1. Introduction
In light of the rapid development of information and communication technology in the world of
Economics and business, which living a dynamic situation dominated all spheres of life and indispensable,
competitive conflict made it necessary to keep up with the giant global institutions in an environment of
technology that melted spatial and temporal boundaries, which facilitated trade among countries in various
sectors, the digital revolution that was changed from traditional marketing practices, and contributed to
the improvement of marketing activities, and the exploitation of the opportunities and challenges,
information and communications technology became the fundamental criterion which is measured by the
degree of progress of nations in the twenty-first century.
Past years have witnessed widespread if internet network and it became possible for direct
interaction from anywhere and anytime at low cost, global market transformed towards concrete market
to market. cognitive explosion was the reason for many websites and online services, it became necessary
attention to electronic service quality in the light of global competitiveness so stay for the best, e-service
quality make buy and sell through website easier, and deliver the services and products with high
efficiency, and is also the navigation efficiency, and increase the size of the data and information provided
to the customer.
Electronic service quality concept is still new and controversial among in the field of marketing
services for the difficulty in measuring the quality of service, because they are things that are difficult for
consumer to evaluate compared to goods, prior to 1985, there were only a limited number of studies on
the quality of service concepts and its dimensions without address and evaluate methods of measurement,
where attributed the first attempt to measure the quality of service to Parasuraman and others, regarding
the electronic service quality, e-marketing literature lacked clear concepts (AlHawary and Toahir, 2012),

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

where electronic services have reduced direct contribution of the human component of the self service to
customers, and the absence of physical evidence which usually exist in traditional services, measurement
process of electronic services quality is one of modern topics that are still at the stage of building standards
to form a reliable model.
Customer satisfaction plays an important role in the success of business strategies (Gil and Cervera,
2008); customer satisfaction helps keep customers from request service or product from competitors
(Fawcell and Sewnson, 1998). Customer satisfaction helps organizations and businesses to increase their
return and achieve competitive advantage (Lewin, 2009), in addition to customer satisfaction leads to long
term profits by making the customer loyal to the Organization (Jochen, 2003), so customer satisfaction
stems from recognizing companies that they have to interact with changing environment consistent with
the behavior of customers to maintain the survival and continuity of firms in competitive markets (Smith,
1996). In this digital age, interest has increased in financial services over the past few years that require
development and modernization, which became a major challenge for marketers and academics alike,
prompting banks to seek to improve their electronic services offered to customers in order to maintain
current customers, and trying to attract new customers, and even to make banks able to be distinguished in
providing its services, they must keep pace with technology.
Islamic banks have evolved dramatically in recent times, which operates under Islamic principles,
that were adopted to outlaw Islam because usury basically and cancel the interest system. Islamic banks
also seeks in Jordan to provide distinct electronic banking services, developed and improved, and invent
new services in accordance with Islamic principles and values, and meet the expectations of customers by
reviewing quality objectives in accordance with the requirements of international standards.
The importance of the study stems from being a vital and important topic in Banking marketing,
which is one of the basic pillars of electronic services quality, that help Islamic banks in the possession of
the customer attention and attract them to deal with them to achieve satisfaction, and increase
profitability and gain new market share in line with Islamic principles. It also contributes to provide data
base of customer assessment for electronic service quality provided to them that help banks improve and
develop those services, to enhance their competitive position. So the study aims to identify the impact of
electronic service quality dimensions (reliability, ease of use, efficiency, Privacy, website design and
responsiveness) on customer satisfaction of Islamic banks in Northern Territory in Jordan.

2. Literature review and theoretical framework

2.1. Electronic service quality
With continuing competition in the market, the quality of service has become essential to maintain
competitive advantage (Zeithaml et al., 2000b) plus it is urgent and necessary to establish and maintain
customer satisfaction (Khan, 2007). According to Al-Mansour (2003), service quality is the entrance key to
TQM, total quality system should focus on customer satisfaction and meet their expectations. In the
current era, developments in services related to the wireless revolution, this revolution has reduced the
direct connection between service providers and customers (Idris, 2006), which led to the emergence of
electronic service as corporate strategies especially in e-commerce activities. Electronic service differ from
traditional service through other channels of communication with customers (Javadi, 2011) so that modern
technology transferred business processes to achieve more accuracy, speed and protection (Zhang and
Prybutok, 2005), to meet the needs of existing customers, achieve satisfaction and attract new customers
with newer types of technology available.
Jordan's Islamic banks started to realize the importance of banking service quality (Moualla, 1998)
where service quality is widely used to evaluate the performance of banking services. As a result of the
unreasonable development in Internet, which have changed the ways banks communicate with customers
and customer became able to get more information over the day (Wang and Wang, 2006).

2.2. Electronic service concept

As a result of living in an age of information technology (Mahmood, 2013; Marchica, 2004) and with
the rapid growth of electronic commerce, and development of technology-based systems (Akinyele and
Akinyele, 2008) there are two competing worlds: the visible physical world, and the electronic world of
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

information (Rayport and Sviokla, 1995), and from here emerged and developed the concept of websites
due to the rapid expansion of the Internet, and Internet-based services began to emerge which changed
the way companies interact with consumers (Herington and Weaven, 2009) which led many organizations
to reconsider their strategies and using the most appropriate and flexible methods in service and product
delivery along with conventional methods (Brich and Young, 1997), and in turn led to the emergence of
electronic service (Cabello and Kumar, 2006), and became the modern trend of organizations is moving
from traditional services to e-services.
Electronic service is defined as delivering all interactive services via the Internet, and the use of
advanced communications and information and multimedia technology (Boyers et al., 2002). Lemo and
Rust (2001) defined electronic service as information service, while electronic service defined as a set of
bushiness done through information and communications technology (Rowley, 2006).
Electronic service is provided via a mobile phone, Internet, and self service centers, electronic service
includes several elements, which are electronic retail, customer support; service itself, and service delivery
(Akinyele and Olorunleke, 2010). The importance of electronic service as strong source of competitive
differentiation through customer involved in product development process through quick feedback and
enhance customer relationships, in addition to the e-service help get services at lower cost, as it achieve
excellence in quality (DeRuyter et al., 2001).
Electronic service enables companies to exceed the expectations of customers, and go beyond
traditional consumer service, which helps these companies to invest for the long term by promoting the
growth of customers, and keep customers in case of company loyalty (Lake and Hickey, 2002). As a result,
the uses of technology in customer service are important for access to the most basic survival goals of
organization (Wilson, 2004; Mahmood, 2013).
Electronic service is a self-service (Surjadaja et al., 2003; Gera, 2011) instead of access to service by
speaking to an employee over the phone or from behind the desk, the service is obtained through
mechanical interaction and mutual between the applicant and machine (Wetoahir, 2012), and noticed that
there are some challenges to electronic service providers since there is no direct contact between staff and
customers, and consequently, the website became the basis for interaction between customers and
organizations (Fadeleh, 2010) electronic service must therefore meet customer's desires, and to be more
responsive to his expectations (Al-Alaq, 2004).
Van Riel et al. (2001) added two key elements: the Complementary service, and e-services through
the client can access the services provided by the company (User Interface), extended services have the
capability to add value to the central service, by contrast, the complementary service are separate products
don't add value to the central service (Szymanski and His, 2000) so the central service, support and
complement can be referred by the next question. What is the service that the customer receives? (Type of
service), while facilitating services can refer to the following question: how is the service delivered to the
customer? (Anderson and Narus, 1995)

Table 1. Definitions of service quality

Researcher Definition
Al-lawzy (2010) Web applications built on networks of websites to enhance access and communicate
information efficiently and effectively
Rowley (2006 ) Business are made through information and communication technology
Evanschitzky (2007) Set of services that can be delivered electronically and provide customers with low-cost
service and less time
Riedl et al. (2009) Provide services to customers through mobile phone, Internet, and self service centers

2.3. Concept of electronic service quality

The concept of electronic service quality is recent, and there is controversy among researchers about
this concept in the field of marketing services (Wetwahir, 2012). The concept of electronic service quality
defined based on Internet marketing research and quality of service as ' traditional evaluation by customers
of excellence and electronic service offers in virtual market (Santos, 2003). Electronic service quality can be

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

understood as evaluating efficiency and effectiveness of Internet commerce, purchase and delivery of a
product or service (Wang and Wang, 2006). To provide quality service, managers must know how
customers evaluate and perceive electronic service (Parasuraman et al., 2005), the electronic service
quality helps companies in such strategic profits by keeping customers for a long time (Zeithaml, 2000), and
was previously for customer satisfaction (Wang and Wang, 2006).
Electronic service quality featured by the ability to be used in case of any problems with the central
service, it is a remedial service to solve problems when you need any help. Although there are many
dimensions published in researches, while electronic service quality is Un-dimensional. It is noted that the
readiness of the technology has an impact on realization of electronic service quality and customer
satisfaction and on the procurement process and decision making (Zeithaml et al., 2002).

Table 2. Definitions if electronic service quality

Researcher Definition
Parasuraman et al. (2005) Customer interaction with the website in all situations (shopping, purchasing, and
Santos (2003) Evaluation and overall governance for customers with the excellence in electronic
service offerings in the market.
Zeithaml et al. 2000 To what extent website will facilitate buying and selling and deliver the services and
products efficiently and effectively.
Praeg and Spath (2010) Ability to navigate the Web in addition to increasing the size of the data and
information needed by the customer.
Collier and Bienstock (2006) Customer perceptions of the results of the service and its ability to solve problems.

2.4. Dimensions of Electronic service quality

There are many dimensions of electronic service quality measurement used in many research
examples: reliability, responsiveness, accessibility, credibility, safety, ease of use, efficiency, privacy,
security, navigation and website design. The below table shows a set of studies, and the dimensions of
electronic service quality used by researchers.

Table 3. Dimensions of electronic service quality

Researcher Dimensions
Meuter et al., 2000 (Efficiency), (Flexibility), (Convenience), (Security), (Impersonalization)
Cox and Dale, 2002 (Customer Confidence), (Ease of Use), (Relationship Services), (Online Resources)
Lee and Lin, 2005 (Website Design), (Reliability), (Responsiveness), (Trust), (Personalization)
Zeithaml et al., 2002 (Information Availability), (Content), (Privacy), (Security), (Website Graphic Style),
(Usability), (Fulfillment)
Yang et al., 2004 (Reliability), (Access), (Ease of Use), (Attentiveness), (Security), (Credibility)
Madu and Madu, 2002 (Performance), (Features), (Structure), (Aesthetics), (Reliability), (Storage Capacity),
(Serviceability), (Security), (System Integrity), (Trust), (Responsiveness), (Service),
(Differentiation), (Customization), (Web Store Policies), (Reputation), (Assurance)
Long and McMellon, 2004 (Tangibility), (Reliability), (Responsiveness), (Assurance), (Empathy), (Communication)
Parasuraman et al., 2005 (Efficiency), (Reliability), (Performance), (Privacy), (Trust), (Personalization)
Nubur, 2010 (Reliability), (Responsiveness), (Security), (Empathy), (Tangibility)
Swaid and Wigand, 2009 (Information Quality), (Ease of Use), (Reliability), (Responsiveness), (security),
Iliachenko, 2006 (Reliability), (Credibility), (Responsiveness), (Efficiency), (Tangibility), (Communication)

Based on previous studies, the following dimensions were used in this study: Reliability, and Ease of
Use, and Efficiency, Website Design, Privacy, Responsiveness.
Reliability: Reliability is the first determinant of customer satisfaction, and the second determinant of
customer loyalty to the website (Zeithaml et al., 2002). Reliability is defined as a service-based capability to
provide customers with confidence and high resolution (Sung et al., 2009). To achieve reliability, companies
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

must provide service as promised by the company and reliably (Al-Dmour, 2005). It include the correct
technical recruitment of the website and precision in obligations and promises of service (delivery of
customer orders, delivery time, advertising, and product information) (Parasuraman et al., 2005), plus the
correct completion of the request, and direct delivery of applications, and the accuracy of the advertising
(Yang et al., 2004).
Reliability measured by providing website permanently and right action (Gerrard and Barton, 2005).
Reliability refer to the company's ability to deliver quality of information which matches the criteria of
timeliness, accuracy, understandability, relevance, in addition to its ability to fulfill pledges to the customer
thereby achieving a high level of satisfaction (Swaid and Wigand, 2007).

Table 4. Definitions of reliability

Researcher Definition
Sung et al. (2009) The service provider's ability to provide beneficiaries with confidence and high fidelity.
Zeithaml et al. (2000) Website must be easy to use and organized properly, and requires a minimum of
information that answer customer technical recruitment
Parasuraman et al. (2005) Correct Interventions for website and the accuracy of the service offered by the
Yang et al. (2004) Reliability includes correct completion of the request and accurate advertisement.
Al-Dmour (2005) The ability to provide service as promised by the organization with high degree of speed
and accuracy.

Ease of use: Ease of website use is the most important elements that make customers repeat using
the website (Madu and Madu, 2002). Ease of use may be defined as ' anticipating expected customer that
he does not need to use system a great effort ' (Zeithaml et al., 2002)
Ease of use consists many factors such as: (Website Structure), (Ease of Navigation) (Shang, Chen and
Shen, 2004), clarity of orders, action steps, enters the facilities with the query; in addition to customer
satisfaction on how modify the query (Griffiths and Brophy, 2005).
Ease of use is linked to easily remember the Web address (URL) and the website must be complex
and well organized (Yang et al., 2004). Ease of Navigation helps customers to get what they want without
difficulty because having good search engine leading to navigate between pages quickly and easily
(Zeithaml et al., 2000).
Table 5. Definitions of ease of use

Researchers Definitions
Fassnacht and Koese (2006) Easy of using by customers, including searches and scans.
Zeithaml et al. ( 2002) anticipating expected customer that he does not need to use system a great effort
Yang et al. (2004) Usability connected easily remember of website address (URL) and that the location
is well organized, and well-constructed, easy to follow instructions and the ability to
browse and navigate pages easily, and the contents of the website should be
comprehensible and concise terms.
Bresselles and Durrieu (2008) The applicability of interacting with the website and easily navigates and organizes
Davis (1989) How far the customer thinks that using a particular system won't need to effortlessly

Efficiency: Efficiency may be define as customer's ability to accessing and using this website quickly
and easily (Mummalaneni and Meng, 2009) and to be efficient site should be easy to use and designed in a
proper manner and appropriate (Parasuraman, 2005), as must be organized well and doesn't need a lot of
information to answer customer interventions (Zeithaml et al., 2000), and the traditional service efficiency
vary from electronic service efficiency, as efficient traditional service related to skill and ability of the
service provider and his knowledge, and merit that help them to perform their task properly (Al-Dmour,

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

Table 6. Definitions of efficiency

Researchers Definitions
Parasuraman et al. (2005) The website is easy to use and properly constructed and suitable, and needs less
information about customers to use the website.
Zeithaml et al. (2000) The website easy to use and organized properly, and requires a minimum of
information that answer customer interventions.
Mummalaneni and Meng (2009) The ability of customers to access and use the website quickly and easily.
Al-Dmour (2005) The ability to easily access the website, the ease of use, and access to information
associated with the requested service.

Website design: Website design is an influencing dimension on buyers customer perceptions

(Zeithaml et al., 2002), and the website design defined as providing customers with information in a fun
way and have a distinctive and attractive website design (Bresselles et al., 2008).
Numerous studies have shown that Web design includes Website Appearance, and Visual design
(Shang et al., 2004), and according to Bauer et al. (2006) the website design is to design in an aesthetic
attributes and content and features. To assess the standards of aesthetic appearances on website, one
must question about types, sizes, and clearly, wemkrueh texts (Madu and Madu, 2002), as well as for image
clarity, quality and use appropriate visuals from the website
Privacy: Privacy is one of the essential attributes of the dimensions of electronic service quality
appears confidence to the user to make online transactions (Zeithaml et al., 2002), Iliachenko (2006)
defines privacy as ' protect customers from fraud and protect their personal information '. And increase
privacy by securing the website for customers of intervention and protection of their personal information
(Zeithaml et al., 2000). This dimension can be measured by assessing the degree of protection and maintain
customer information of hack plus how customers feeling safe on their special information while dealing
with the website (Sheng and Liu, 2010). The importance of privacy comes from the ability of internet
services to deliver reliable and dependable to build confidence among customers (Madu and Madu, 2002).

Table 7. Definitions of privacy

Researchers Definitions
Iliachenko (2006) Protection of personal information, and protect users from the dangers of fraud and
financial loss.
Sheng and liu (2010) Protection and Province website on information concerning customers of penetration
and how customers feel safe on their own while dealing with the website.
Parasuraman et al. (2005) Site more secure and protect customer information.
Javadi (2011) The degree to which the customer thinks that the website is safe from intrusion and that
personal information is protected.
Liu et al (2009) Security level of customer's information and that the system is protected against
unauthorized access might lead to alter or destroy information, software, or system
materials theft.

Responsiveness: Garvin (1988) defines responsiveness in general as the ability to repair the product
or modify service when problems occur, because the consumer does not have sufficient expertise for
processing and repair . Responsiveness in traditional service centered around the ability of the service to
answer customers questions, respond to them without errors in minutes plus immediate delivery to the
customer (Zeithaml et al., 2002), and electronic service responsiveness known as rapid response and get
help in case of a problem or a question. In electronic service quality, responsiveness measures – the level
of assistance received by the customer during the search, and when needed while using electronic service,
in addition to measuring the extent of guidance and instructions for using electronic service and assistance
when problems arise in the service (Griffiths and Brophy, 2005), in addition to the company's ability to
provide a solution to the problems electronically (Iliachenko, 2006), responsiveness reflects the desire to
help the customer, and it can be measured by the service availability on time, and to meet all requirements
of customer, and to achieve a response quick service request (Al-Bakri, 2005).
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

Table 8. Definitions of Responsiveness

Researchers Definitions
Griffiths and Brophy (2005) The level of assistance available to customers through search, and at the point of need
during use, and the availability of instructions and guidance through context sensitive
assistance when you stop the service or mistakes in use .
Parasuraman et al. (2005) Respond effectively to address the problems and return via the site
Swaid and Wigand, 2007 Provide assistance and providing customer service .
Iliachenko, 2006 The company's ability to provide a solution to problems.

2.5. Customer Satisfaction

No doubt that customer satisfaction is the key to success for organizations that strive to harmonize
with the needs of their customers in time where competition has intensified and markets were packed and
spread of modern technology and techniques that changed the picture dramatically, and reach customer
satisfaction is not easy, Lodenius (2011) considers customer satisfaction concept difficult and contradictory
because it is multidimensional, so several definitions for customer satisfaction.
Oliver (1999) defined customer satisfaction in a traditional manner that buying goods or services
from the same brand by customers without being influenced by the surrounding environment or marketing
methods, Tracey (1999) defined customer satisfaction as the degree to which the customer realizes that he
has received a product or service worth more than the price he paid. Tracey definition (1996) shows that
the value of the customer's perceived difference between assessing future customers for every interest and
every cost offers and alternative performances (Kotler, 2000) because the future benefits include the total
benefits (economic and social benefits) while costs include (price, time, effort, risk, and convenience)
(Razavi and Safari, 2012). Kotler (2003) define customer satisfaction as 'sense of satisfaction when
customers get what they expect from a service or commodity'. And defined again by Kotler and Keller
(2006)' the customer feeling of joy after getting service or buy a product and this feeling caused by
comparing the actual performance of the product or service and the expectations that the customer knows

2.6. Customer Satisfaction of electronic service

Customer satisfaction is more important in the case of electronic service because it's hard to
maintain customers in the virtual world and get their loyalty (Zavareh et al., 2012). Electronic satisfaction
can be defined as ' the outcome of previous experience with the services provided by the website and
allows this experience to assess the effectiveness of the distribution channel of the Web and determine
how he satisfied about the website ' (Al-Hawari and Toaher, 2012).
The importance of customer satisfaction for e-service as a mission to achieve financial performance
as it is possible customer loss if he could not access the website or if the website is unsatisfactory (Heskett
et al., 1994). In banks-where traditional electronic service — lack of direct interaction in Internet banks
requires the need to test the role of technology for building electronic customer service (Schaupp and
Belanger, 2005). Accordingly, the Bank must obtain information on how to satisfy the e-service customers
and Internet banks.

2.7. Electronic service quality and Customer Satisfaction

Parasuramn et al. (1985) noted that receive the high quality service will lead to a rise in customer
satisfaction, Palmer (2005) says that ' the distinction between quality and customer satisfaction is
important for all managers and researchers alike where the service provider needs to know whether their
goal should draw consumers satisfied with their performance or to deliver the highest level of quality
service. Arguably, service quality and customer satisfaction have been instrumental in the success and
continuation of work (Daniel and Berinyuy, 2010). Su et al. (2002) Emphasizes that there is a link between
quality of service and customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction depends on the quality of service
provided service by providers (Lee et al., 2000). Tarawneh (2011) referred to an effect of electronic service
quality collectively and individually on customer satisfaction.

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

Zavareh et al. (2012) referred that electronic service quality dimensions need to reinterpret
especially when used in online banking service quality, in addition to a positive relationship between
electronic service quality and customer satisfaction in online banking. Sheng and Liu (2010) found that
efficiency; achieve privacy requirement have a positive impact on customer loyalty. Carlson and Ocass
(2010) study results indicated that electronic service quality positively impact on consumer satisfaction and
attitudes towards website, and behavior about a particular service provided by website with central
content in the field of sports and professional services. Lee and Len (2005) referred that the dimensions of
electronic service quality affects overall service quality and customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction
significantly associated with purchase intention, and customization dimension is not linked to overall
service quality and customer satisfaction. Based on the above literature, the study hypotheses can be
formulated as:
H1: There is a statistically significant effect of Electronic service quality on customer satisfaction of
Islamic banks in Jordan.
More specifically:
(H1a): There is a statistically significant effect of Reliability on customer satisfaction of Islamic banks
in Jordan.
(H1b): There is a statistically significant effect of Ease of Use on customer satisfaction of Islamic
banks in Jordan.
(H1c): There is a statistically significant effect of Efficiency on customer satisfaction of Islamic banks
in Jordan.
(H1d): There is a statistically significant effect of Website Design on customer satisfaction of Islamic
banks in Jordan.
(H1e): There is a statistically significant effect of Privacy on customer satisfaction of Islamic banks in
(H1f): There is a statistically significant effect of Responsiveness on customer satisfaction of Islamic
banks in Jordan.

3. Research framework
Based on study hypothesis, the following theoretical framework, shown in Figure 1, was proposed in
order to show the relationships among independent and dependent variables. We have argued that
Electronic service quality the reason for improving customer satisfaction. As can be seen from the
framework, the study investigates the impact of the Electronic service quality on customer satisfaction,
where Electronic service quality are the independent variable and are positively related to customer
satisfaction as the dependent variable. This relationship was used to develop the hypotheses for this study.


Ease of Use

Customer satisfaction
Website Design


Figure 1. Theoretical Model

4. Methodology of research
In this section we discuss sample and data collection procedures, and study measures used in the
study as well as the statistical tests used to examine the impact of the multidimensionality of Electronic
service quality and customer satisfaction.
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

4.1. Data collection

Data are collected using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was divided into three sections: Section
A consisted of a list of questions intended to probe the demographic variables of the respondents. Section
B contained questions aimed at gauging the respondents’ attitude toward Electronic service quality
dimensions vsynthesized from previous studies of Loonam and O’Loughlin, 2008; Zavareh et al. 2012;
Rolland and Freeman, 2010; Parasuraman, 2005; Stiakakis and Georgiadis, 2009; Herington and Weaven,
2009; Griffiths and Brophy, 2005. The following practices were focused on; Reliability (five statements),
Ease of Use (five statements), Efficiency (four statements), Website Design (four statements), Privacy (four
statements), Responsiveness (four statements). Section C is customer satisfaction adopted from previous
studies of (Zavareh et al., 2012; Herington and Weaven, 2009; Sheng and Liu, 2010), contained questions
aimed at gauging the respondents’ satisfaction of Electronic service quality provided by Islamic banks in
Jordan, using a five-point Likert scale. A pretest was carried out with four marketing and production
management professors to determine the validity of the content of the survey questionnaires. Next, a pilot
study was carried out in three banks with 30 participants for evaluation. Each participant was requested to
assess the survey questionnaires in terms of wordings, relevancy, and clarity. In the main survey study, a
total of 208 of Islamic bank customers were randomly chosen. A cover letter was attached together with
the survey questionnaire. The cover letter described the aim of the study, guaranteed anonymity of data,
requested the respondent to answer each question, and seal and return the completed questionnaires
using the attached envelope. An initial letter was sent and after 3 weeks, the follow up letters were then
issued. Of the 300 questionnaires delivered to customers, 207 completed and usable survey questionnaires
were returned.
4.2. Measures
The constructs in this study were developed by using measurement scales adopted from prior
studies. Modifications were made to the scale to fit the purpose of the study. All constructs were measured
using five-point likert scales with anchors strongly disagree (= 1) and strongly agree (= 5). All items were
positively worded. Electronic service quality consists of: Reliability was adapted from study of (Loonam and
O’Loughlin, 2008; Zavareh et al., 2012; Rolland and Freeman, 2010; Parasuraman, 2005; Stiakakis and
Georgiadis, 2009). Ease of Use was adapted from study of (Herington and Weaven, 2009; Zavareh et al.,
2012; Rolland and Freeman, 2010; Griffiths and Brophy, 2005). Efficiency was adapted from study of
(Mummalaneni and Meng, 2009; Parasuraman, 2005). Website Design was adapted from study of (Zavareh
et al., 2012; Lee and Lin, 2005; (Bresselles et al., 2008). Privacy was adapted from study of (Sheng and Liu,
2010; Yen and Lu, 2008; Rolland and Freeman, 2010; Parasuraman, 2005). Responsiveness was adapted
from study of (Lee and Lin, 2005; Zavareh et al., 2012; Parasuraman, 2005; Stiakakis and Georgiadis, 2009).
Customer satisfaction construct captures the respondents’ satisfaction Electronic service quality of Islamic
banks in Jordan was adapted from study of (Zavareh et al., 2012; Herington and Weaven, 2009; Sheng and
Liu, 2010).
4.3. Sample characteristics
The data collection resulted in 208 answers from customers of Islamic bank in Jordan. A total of 208
of these questionnaires were completed and used in the data analysis.
Table 9. Sample characteristics
Variable Frequency %
Male 159 76.4
Female 49 23.6
less than 20 years 3 1.4
20- less than 30 years 78 37.5
30- less than 40 years 113 54.3
40 years and more 14 6.7
high school 14 6.7
Diploma 19 9.1
Bachelor 134 64.4
postgraduate 41 19.7

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

The respondents include (76.4 percent) are males and (23.6 percent) are females which indicates
that males make the higher percentage of Islamic bank customers. Regarding the age groups, Table 9
indicates that age group 30- less than 40 years forms the highest percentage of customers (54.3 percent),
and age group less than 20 years forms the lowest percentage of customers (1.4 percent). With regard to
educational level, employees with only high school make (6.7 percent). Diploma holders make (9.1 percent)
of the customers. While holders of Bachelor degrees were the largest group of respondents makes (64.4
percent). Finally, holders of postgraduate degrees make (19.7 percent) of the customers. The sample
characteristics of the respondents represented in Table (9).

4.4. Reliability and validity of the survey instrument

The survey instrument with 31 items was developed based on the five variables as independent
variables: Reliability (R1-R5), Ease of Use (EU1-EU5), Efficiency (EF1-EF4), Website Design (WD1-WD4),
Privacy (PR1-PR4),and Responsiveness(RE1-RE4), and one dependent variable, Customer satisfaction (CS1-
CS5).The instrument was evaluated for reliability and validity. Reliability refers to the instrument's ability to
provide consistent results in repeated uses (Gatewood and Field, 1990). Validity refers to the degree to
which the instrument measures the concept the researcher wants to measure (Bagozzi and Phillips, 1982).
Table 10. Factor analysis of Electronic service quality
Variables Mean Loadings Eigenvalue Variance Reliability
Reliability (R) 3.44 2.131 42.624 .7883
R1 3.95 .774
R2 3.32 .743
R3 3.37 .803
R4 3.40 .543
R5 3.15 .500
Ease of Use (EU) 3.84 2.136 42.717 .7441
EU1 3.93 .582
EU2 3.89 .785
EU3 3.77 .624
EU4 3.97 .701
EU5 3.65 .702
Efficiency (EF) 3.63 2.011 50.271 .7921
EF1 3.84 .740
EF2 3.69 .857
EF3 3.67 .567
EF4 3.33 .770
Website Design (WD) 3.39 2.151 53.778 .7217
WD1 3.55 .772
WD2 3.34 .817
WD3 3.04 .823
WD4 3.62 .559
Privacy (PR) 3.73 1.631 40.779 .7830
PR1 3.71 .570
PR2 3.70 .729
PR3 3.69 .686
PR4 3.81 .745
Responsiveness(RE) 3.58 2.132 53.309 .7462
RE1 3.63 .834
RE2 3.61 .477
RE1 3.52 .852
RE2 3.57 .824

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

Table 11. Factor analysis of Customer satisfaction

Variables Mean Loadings Eigenvalue Variance Reliability

Customer satisfaction (CS) 3.62 2.490 49.802 .7435
CS1 3.69 .601
CS2 3.62 .784
CS3 3.69 .734
CS4 3.38 .800
CS5 3.72 .578

Factor analysis and reliability analysis were used in order to determine the data reliability for the
Electronic service quality dimensions, and Customer satisfaction. A within factor, factor analysis was
performed to assess convergent validity. The results of the factor analysis and reliability tests are presented
in Table 10 and Table 11 . All individual loadings were above the minimum of 0.5 recommended by Hair et
al. (1998). For exploratory research, a Chronbach α greater than 0.70 is generally considerate reliable
(Nunnally, 1978). Chronbach α statistics for the study contracts are shown in table 10. Thus it can be
concluded that the measures used in this study are valid and reliable. On the basis of Cattel (1966) and Hair
et al. (1998) criterion, factors with eigenvalues greater than 1.0 and factor loadings that are equal to or
greater than 0.50 were retained. 31 items, loading under six dimensions of independent variables, and one
dimension of dependent variable, were extracted from the analysis.

4.5. Psychometric properties and dimensions of the Electronic service quality dimensions scale and
customer satisfaction
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity has been used as Pre-analysis testing for the
suitability of the entire sample for factor analysis as recommended by Comrey (1978), the value of The
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure was used to assess the suitability of the sample for each unifactorial
determination. The KMO values found (see Table 12) are generally considered acceptable (Kim and Mueller,
1978). All factors in each unifactorial test accounted for more than 40 per cent of the variance of the
respective variable sets. This suggests that only a small amount of the total variance for each group of
variables is associated with causes other than the factor itself, and the Bartlet tests of sphericity was
significant at p 0:01, thus, indicating that the sample was suitable for factor analytic procedures (see Table
Table 12. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and the Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity

Values Approx.Chi-Square df Sig.
Reliability .697 158.134 10 .000
Ease of Use .647 173.210 10 .000
Website Design .655 145.253 6 .000
Efficiency .625 198.976 6 .000
Privacy .594 58.854 6 .000
Responsiveness .707 184.390 6 .000
Customer satisfaction .725 247.521 10 .000

5. Correlation analysis: relationships between the variables

The correlation matrix in Table 12 further indicates that Electronic service quality dimensions were
positively and moderately correlated with customer satisfaction. The correlation coefficients between the
independent variables (i.e. electronic service quality) and the dependent variable (i.e. customer
satisfaction) were less than 0.9, indicating that the data was not affected by a collinearity problem (Hair et
al., 1998). These correlations are also further evidence of validity and reliability of measurement scales
used in this research (Barclay et al., 1995; Hair et al., 1998).

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

Table 13. Summary of correlations of Electronic service quality dimensions

Variables R EU WD EF PR RE
Reliability 1
Ease of Use .570(**) 1
Website Design .720(**) .600(**) 1
Efficiency .682(**) .662(**) .735(**) 1
Privacy .550(**) .624(**) .511(**) .613(**) 1
Responsiveness .702(**) .537(**) .715(**) .635(**) .519(**) 1
Note: ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

6. Descriptive statistics analysis

Table 13 indicates that customers of Islamic banks in Jordan perceived Ease of Use (with the highest
mean scores, i.e. M = 3.84, SD = 0.593) to be the most dominant Electronic service quality dimensions
within their banks and evident to a considerable extent, followed by Privacy (M= 3.73, SD = 0.629),
Efficiency (M = 3.63, SD = 0.753), Responsiveness (M = 3.53, SD = 0.779), Reliability (M = 3.44, SD = 0.659),
and Website Design (M = 3.39, SD = 0.787), with the lowest mean score was perceived on the overall as
least practiced within banks. With regard to customer satisfaction of Electronic service quality, Table 13
indicates that customers of Islamic banks moderately satisfied. The standard deviations were quite high,
indicating the dispersion in a widely-spread distribution. This means that the effects of Electronic service
quality on customer satisfaction are an approximation to a normal distribution.

7. Multiple regression analysis

Multiple regression analysis was employed to test the hypotheses. It is a useful technique that can be
used to analyze the relationship between a single dependent variable and several independent variables
(Hair et al., 1998). Before employing the multiple regression test, Variance Inflationary Factor (VIF) test and
Tolerance test were used to test the relationships between independent variables, taking into account that
VIF should not exceed the value of 10 and Tolerance value should exceed the value of 0.05. The results can
be seen in Table 14. The results shown in Table V indicate that VIF values for all variables were less than 10
(1.928-3.092), and values of Tolerance for all variables were greater than 0.05 (0.323-0.519). Therefore,
there is no multicolleniarity between independent variables, which means that the model used in this study
is correct. Based on this method, the six main independent variables (Electronic service quality dimensions)
and dependent variable (customer satisfaction) were entered together. Histogram and Normal P-P plot of
standardize residual that were conducted also indicate normality of the error term while scatter plot shows
consistent variance of error terms (Homoscedasticity).

Table 14. Regression results between Electronic service quality and customer satisfaction

Independent Unstandardized Standardized

t Sig. Tolerance VIF
variables B Std. Error beta
Constant .095 .209 .455 .649
Reliability .075 .073 .069 1.030 .304 .372 2.690
Ease of Use .149 .072 .123 2.059 .041 .464 2.154
Website Design .250 .065 .274 3.826 .000 .323 3.092
Efficiency .081 .067 .085 1.215 .226 .339 2.952
Privacy .186 .065 .163 2.875 .004 .519 1.928
Responsiveness .240 .059 .261 4.055 .000 .403 2.481
Notes: R 2 = .665; Adj. R 2 = .655; Sig. F = 0.000; F-value = 66.591; dependent variable, customer satisfaction; p < 0.05

The partial regression plot indicates positive linearity of the relationship between the independent
(Electronic service quality dimensions) and dependent variable (customer satisfaction). From these
analyses, it can be concluded that multiple regression model of this study meets the six assumptions
required to ensure validity of its significance test. This indicates that there is a statistically significant
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

relationship between Electronic service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction. As depicted in Table
14, the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.655, representing that 65.5 percent of customer satisfaction
can be explained by the six model variables. The proposed model was adequate as the F-statistics was
significant at the 5 percent level (p < 0.05). The individual model variables revealed that Ease of Use (b =
0.123, r < 0.05), Website Design (b = 0.274, r < 0.05), Privacy (b = 0.163, r < 0.05), and Responsiveness (b =
0.261, r < 0.01) were found to have a significant and positive effect on customer satisfaction. Therefore, the
hypotheses H1b, H1c, H1e, and H1f were supported. The results also indicated that Reliability (b = 0.069, r >
0.05) and Efficiency (b = 0.085, r > 0.05) were found to have insignificant effect on customer satisfaction.
Therefore, the hypotheses H1a and H1d were not supported.

8. Discussions
 Reliability has got a mean (3.44) with medium evaluation level from the perspective of bank
customers, suggesting that websites of Islamic banking in Jordan provide necessary information about e-
services provided accurately and sufficiently detailed, networking between the customers and the Bank is
constantly pursued by managing the website which in turn are effective technology correction of error
exposed by customer, And draw a positive image in the mind of the customer that the website is capable
of handling errors in case of technical problems on the website, which reflects the customer's impression
that Islamic banks can be trusted, this result is consistent with the study of (Kuo, 2003; Wolfinbarger and
Billy, 2003), that the reliability of the website is an effective dimension of electronic service quality through
the ability of website management to provide electronic service as promised.
 Ease of Use has got a mean (3.84) with high evaluation level from the point of view of the Bank's
customers, this refers to the ease of use of the websites of Islamic banks in Jordan, regardless of their
scientific background, ease of use appears through contain appear the index for all website pages and links
that make it easier to navigate to where you want to meet the desire of customers, then the customer
becomes more effective in finding the information you want quickly., Which allows customers to return to
the website again and again when needed, this result is consistent with (Li et al., 2009) that simply of using
website are vital and important aspects for customers to maintain and attract new customers, and (Griffiths
and Brophy, 2005) noted that to remember the Web address associated with ephedrine.
 Website design has got a mean (3.39) with medium evaluation level from the point of view of the
Bank's customers, this indicates that the website design is an important and vital element for website of
Islamic banks in Jordan, so Islamic banks keen to show their website at best and brightest picture to
attracts customers to visit and reuse, the overall appearance of the website is reflective of the Bank, so the
website design in innovative ways and attractive in pictures and animations make the customer happy and
eager to use the Web site as well as the clarity of text, phrases and use Appropriate visuals for the type of
electronic service provided by the website and consistent colors, to become the site more fun, thus
enhancing the continued use of electronic service, this result consistent with (Jernberg, 2009) that the
attractiveness of the website should be visually satisfying compared with competitors in the age of
technology, and also consistent with (Madu and Madu, 2002) that the aesthetic of the website appear
through the legibility and clarity of texts and sizes under specific criteria.
 Efficiency has got a mean (3.63) with medium evaluation level from the point of view of the Bank's
customers, this shows the speed of customer access to the website as a result of its ease of use leading to
save time and effort on both the customer and the Bank, Islamic banks work to meet customer
requirements and complete their transactions in a proper manner and appropriate, and according to
(Parasuraman et al., 2005; Zeithamal et al., 2000) the efficiency of the website makes the customer does
not need large amounts of information to use the website for its ease of use and speed.
 Privacy has got a mean (3.73) with high evaluation level from the point of view of the Bank's
customers, this indicates secure website for Islamic banks from the unprotected interference and
protection of customer's personal information, which preserves the privacy of customers and reduces their
fear when dealing with online services, especially financial information, and when customers use credit
card means the websites using special software for secure electronic means of payment and this leads to
establish trust between the Bank and the customer. According to Sheng and Liu, (2010) website preserve

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

customer information of hack makes them feel secure about the site, this result consistent with Iliachenko
(2006) that the Privacy protecting customer personal information.
 Responsiveness has got a mean (3.58) with medium evaluation level from the point of view of the
Bank's customers, this indicates that the responsiveness of the websites of Islamic banks in Jordan to
customer needs and providing them online services they need in a timely manner and without any
interruption increase the effectiveness of the Bank's performance, and enable customers to use the online
services they need when and where they want, and responsiveness of website administration to customer
complaints and problems of great importance in the success of banks under current technological race,
According to (Parasuraman et al., 2005), the main focus lies in effective response of website management
in addressing the problems facing the customer, this result consistent with Yen (2008) that the
responsiveness of the website reflect the level of assistance when stop the service or mistakes while using
the service.
 Electronic service quality satisfaction provided by Islamic banks in Jordan has got a mean (3.62)
with medium evaluation level from the perspective of bank customers, suggesting the success of strategies
of Islamic banks in Jordan in achieving customer satisfaction and paying attention by management of banks
to their customers, when the customer gets the service they want and meet his expectations, he feels good
about those banks which helps in maintaining customers and encourage new ones and earn their loyalty to
be reflected on the long term profits and survival, and continuing in competitive markets, Deng et al. (2010)
noted that customer satisfaction can be measured after the experience service directly, according to Oliver
(2010) that the customer feel happy when responding to his present and future requirements and solve all
his problems, Mahmood (2013) referred that to reduce the number of customer complaints to zero as an
indicator of customer satisfaction.
 The results of the study showed that there is a statistically significant impact at the level of
significance (α ≤ 0.05) for the dimensions of electronic service quality on customer satisfaction of Islamic
banks in Jordan, and the details of its dimensions as follows:
 The results of the study showed an effect of reliability on customer satisfaction of Islamic banks in
Jordan, this is consistent with Li et al., 2009; Lee and Lin, 2005; Parasuraman, 2005; Chen and Dubinsky,
2003). This impact results came from the attention of the website management of Islamic banks in Jordan
with the accuracy of the information provided by the website, and providing electronic services is
somewhat free of mistakes to reflect to customers that a reliable Bank, which creates trust between the
customer and the Bank which in turn achieve customer satisfaction about the performance of the Bank.
 The results of the study showed a statistically significant effect of ease of use on the customer
satisfaction of Islamic banks in Jordan, this is consistent with (Lin and Sun, 2009; Carlson, O'Cass, 2010) this
indicates that the ease of use of the websites of Islamic banks in Jordan contributes to customer
satisfaction by organizing pages, clear language, quick loading, and switching easily to another service
which helps customers complete their transactions easily without fatigue, the customer feels relieved and
delighted and accepts the use of electronic services.
 The results of the study showed an effect of efficiency on customer satisfaction of Islamic banks in
Jordan, but not statistically significant, this is consistent with the (Sheng and Liu, 2010; Jun and Cai, 2010)
this shows that efficient websites of Islamic banks in Jordan affects customer satisfaction through
electronic service speed and ease of use by the customer with a few clicks and less time as possible
reflecting the effectiveness of the website where the service was quick and easy.
 The results of the study showed a statistically significant effect of website design on customer
satisfaction of Islamic banks in Jordan, this is consistent with the (Nortasi, 2008; Rexha, 2005; Sheng and
Liu, 2010). Which shows that attractive websites of Islamic banks affect customer satisfaction, and the
quality of the images and colors used on the home page of websites increases the customer's desire to deal
with the websites, they feel pleasure and harmony and aesthetic manifestations help keep current
customers and attract new customers, reflecting the bright image of the Bank, and this will reflect
positively on customer satisfaction.
 The results of the study showed a statistically significant effect of privacy on customer satisfaction
of Islamic banks in Jordan, this is consistent with (Madu and Madu, 2002; Sheng and Liu, 2010; Sahadev and
Purani 2008; Change et al., 2009), comes this effect through the Jordan Islamic Bank websites to keep

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences
Vol. 7 (1), pp. 170–188, © 2017 HRMARS

personal information about customers and ensure protection of financial information which helps to
increase customer satisfaction about the performance of the Bank, secure websites reduces fear dealing
with electronic services, customer feel reassured and satisfied for having confidence in the Bank.
 The results of the study showed a statistically significant effect of responsiveness on customer
satisfaction of Islamic banks in Jordan, this is consistent with (Yen and Lu, 2008; Lee and Lin, 2005; Rexha,
2005) this indicates that managing websites of Islamic banks achieved rapid response to customer demand
and respond to customer inquiries which reflected on customer satisfaction, this shows the success of
Islamic banking in Jordan in solving customer problems and reduce their websites.

9. Recommendations
Based on the findings of the study results researchers recommend Islamic banks management and
decision makers the following :
1. To get assistance by experts in the field of Website design, because the attractive website and
convenient phrases for images need to be sufficient expertise and experience in this area to support their
appeal for customers.
2. Islamic banks to get benefit from the experiences of developed countries in the area of
technology programs for the protection and monitoring of customer information to enhance the current
software in these banks.
3. To use programs supports page load speed to upgrade the efficiency of the website.
4. Create a special section employs specialist staff in resolving customer issues 24-hour works even
on holidays, in addition to undergoing training courses in that area to speed up their response to customers
and save time.
5. Taking into account the quality of electronic services of competitors in the banking sector and the
need for improvement on an ongoing basis, commensurate with the requirements of the customers and
keep abreast of evolving needs and assessments of customer satisfaction periodically appear on the
website through customer feedback to improve weaknesses and enhance customer satisfaction.

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