Contact: Bruce Howard or Steven Mcgee, 316 Washington Avenue, Wheeling, WV 26003, (304) 243-2388

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AERA 2000 1

American Educational Research Association 2000,

New Orleans: Roundtable

Metacognitive Self-Regulation and Problem-Solving: Expanding the

Theory Base Through Factor Analysis

Bruce C. Howard1, Steven McGee,

Regina Shia, Namsoo S. Hong

NASA Classroom of the Future™

At Wheeling Jesuit University


This instrument development study had two goals. First, we had the pragmatic goal of
developing a measurement tool that would be valid for research and useful for assessment and
intervention in classrooms. Second, we sought to develop theory in the area of self-regulated
learning. To accomplish these goals, we began with theory-driven ideas and existing
instruments, and combined these with constructs that emerged from exploratory factor analysis.
Our results indicate that metacognitive awareness and regulatory skills in a problem-solving
context are comprised of five independent factors: Knowledge of Cognition, Objectivity,
Problem Representation, Subtask Monitoring, and Evaluation.
This research had two phases. In the first phase, we reviewed current techniques for
measuring variables related to metacognition and self-regulation and decided on a self-report
measure— mainly for pragmatic reasons. Next, data was collected using two existing
inventories related to metacognition and problem solving. After eliminating items based on
reliability analyses, remaining items were factor-analyzed resulting in five factors. In the second
phase, a new inventory was developed focusing on these five factors. Again, reliability analyses
were conducted, and the remaining items were factor-analyzed.
Our results have important implications for education. They indicate that there are five
particular metacognitive and self-regulatory constructs relevant to problem solving. Being able
to identify and delineate these constructs further should allow our educational research and
teacher professional development teams to begin providing teachers with a set of tools and
training resources to help them promote student self-regulation in their classrooms. These
resources would be important to teachers who are concerned not only about what students learn
but also about how they learn it.
Further, our analyses indicate that the constructs measured by the IMSR are independent,
and therefore a student may show preferences or “styles” of metacognitive strengths and
weaknesses that depend upon his or her unique combination of constructs. If these “styles” can
be further understood and delineated, it might be possible to train students to habitually use
particular regulatory behaviors.

1 1
Contact: Bruce Howard or Steven McGee, 316 Washington Avenue, Wheeling, WV 26003, (304) 243-2388
AERA 2000 2


Self-Regulated Learning, Metacognition, and Problem Solving

Various definitions and models of self-regulated learning abound in the research
literature (Bruning, Schraw and Ronning, 1995). Zimmerman (1989) captured the sweeping
purview of self-regulated learning when he said, “Students can be described as self-regulated to
the degree that they are metacognitively, motivationally, and behaviorally active participants in
their own learning process” (p.4).
For this study, we concentrated on measuring what it means to be a “metacognitively
active participant” in the process of problem solving. Metacognition has been referred to as
knowledge and regulation of one’s own cognitive system (Brown, 1978; Palincsar & Brown,
1987). Metacognition enables students to coordinate the use of current knowledge and a
repertoire of reflective strategies to accomplish a single goal. Metacognitive awareness,
therefore, serves a regulatory function and is essential to effective learning because it allows
students to regulate numerous cognitive skills. Investigation of metacognition in academic
settings has traditionally focused on two major components: knowledge of cognition, or how
much learners understand about their own memory organization and the way they learn, and
regulation of cognition, or how well learners can regulate their own memory and learning
(Brown 1980; 1987).
Schraw and Dennison developed a 52-item Likert scale self-report inventory for adults
(the MAI, or Metacognitive Awareness Inventory), which measured both knowledge of
cognition and regulation of cognition (Schraw & Dennison, 1994). Although Schraw and
Dennison set out to confirm the existence of eight factors (three related to knowledge of
cognition and five related to regulation of cognition), the final factor structure was best
represented by two factors (accounting for 65% of the sample variance). Post-hoc content
analyses confirmed that these factors were indeed knowledge of cognition and regulation of
These two factors were found again in a second instrument development study.
Dennison, Howard, Krawchuk, and Hill used the results from the MAI study to develop two
inventories for use with younger learners, the Jr MAI, versions A & B, (Dennison, Howard,
Krawchuk & Hill, 1996). Their results indicated that both versions A & B revealed two distinct
factors, accounting for 64% and 56% of the sample variance respectively.

We began with the pragmatic goal of developing an instrument that would further our
research and could also be used extensively in classrooms across the country to help teachers
identify students’ self-regulatory strengths and weaknesses. It was not our intention to replicate
the work of our predecessors in this area. Instead, we wanted to develop an easy-to-use self-
report inventory for use with 12–18-year-olds that focused more specifically on metacognitive
awareness and regulatory skills for solving mathematical and scientific problems.

Phase One
In Phase One the objectives were: (1) to confirm the existence of factors related to
knowledge of cognition and regulation of cognition in the context of problem solving, and (2) to
extend our understanding of regulatory skills related to planning, monitoring, and evaluating. To
this end, we began with two existing public domain inventories, the Jr.MAI, version B (discussed
AERA 2000 3

previously) to examine constructs related to knowledge of cognition and regulation of cognition,

and the How I Solve Problems inventory (HISP) to examine constructs related to regulatory
skills of planning, monitoring, and evaluating. The HISP (Fortunato, Hecht, Tittle &
Alvarez,1991) is discussed in detail below.

Procedure and Participants

We had three groups of participants: 134 students enrolled in two summer computer
camps near Pittsburgh, 85 students from California, and 120 students from Michigan. Together
these totaled 339 students aged 10-19 (53.3% male, 45.7% female). Ethnic breakdown included
70.3% Caucasian, 8.2% Asian American, 7.7% Hispanic, and 2.1% African American.

Jr.MAI form 2 (Version B)
The Junior Metacognitive Awareness Inventory was developed by Dennison, Murphy,
Howard, & Hill (1996). In version B, for grades 7-9, students are instructed to read 18 items,
and for each item circle the answer that best described the way they are when doing schoolwork
or homework (1=never, 2=seldom/rarely, 3=sometimes, 4=often/frequently, 5=always).

How I Solve Problems

The HISP was developed by Fortunato, Hecht, Tittle, & Alvarez (1991) and originally
used 21 items, with a 3-point scale (yes, maybe, no). In addition, the inventory was subdivided
into four sections: three sections about working the problem before, during, and after, and one
section about particular strategies a student might use. For our use the HISP was adapted to be
similar in style and form to the Jr.MAI— with a five-point scale instead (1=never,
2=seldom/rarely, 3=sometimes, 4=often/frequently, 5=always) and some minor wording
changes. Students were instructed to read 21 items and for each item circle the answer that best
described the way they are when trying to solve a problem they might see in a math or science

Item Analysis
Both instruments were treated as a single inventory for our purposes. Item means ranged
from 2.3 to 4.5, and standard deviations ranged from .71 to 1.1. The standardized coefficient
alpha was .8569. Upon eliminating items 11, 17, 18, and 20 from the HISP, the reliability rose to
alpha = .8911.

Factor Analysis
We conducted an exploratory factor analysis with the expectation that we would see four
factors: a knowledge of cognition factor from particular Jr.MAI items, and three regulation of
cognition factors (planning, monitoring and evaluation) from both Jr.MAI items and the
remaining HISP items (36 total items). For the purposes of extracting the most independent
constructs, we utilized a principle components extraction method using varimax factor rotation.
Initial results revealed an eight-factor solution with eigenvalues 1.043 and above, which
accounted for 55.2% of the sample variance. Visual inspection showed that factors 6, 7, and 8
were comprised of only a total of four items that loaded .35 and above. A content analysis of
these four items showed that they measured particular learning strategies (e.g., “I draw pictures
AERA 2000 4

or diagrams to help me understand while learning”; “I write down important information”).

These items were dropped, and the factor analyses were conducted again. The resulting solution
revealed five factors accounting for 42.7% of the sample variance.
Our next procedure was to establish face validity for the five factors and the items that
comprised them. Face validity was an important goal since we wanted an inventory that could
be widely used by classroom teachers. We conducted a content analysis of the remaining 32
items. We wrote definitions for the five factors based upon the three or four items that loaded
the most heavily on a factor (.5 and above), and used a team of five raters to determine which
items they thought “hung with” the factor definitions. Each rater categorized all the items into
the five categories, and we worked towards consensus on the items we thought best represented
the five factors. We thus eliminated another nine items, resulting in a final set of 23 items to use
for Phase Two. The final 23 items were again factor analyzed, and again five factors were found
accounting for 56.3% of the sample variance.

Phase Two
In Phase Two, our goal was to create a new inventory specific to metacognitive
awareness and regulatory skills in the context of problem solving. To this end, we examined the
23 remaining items from the original two inventories and revised or rewrote them to increase
reliability, and wrote additional items to clearly demonstrate the existence of the five factors that
had emerged in Phase One.

Procedures/ Participants
We recruited 829 students from schools across the country in grades 6-12 to complete the
revised inventory (51% male, 49% female). The ethnic breakdown included 85.2% Caucasian,
7.5% Hispanic, 5% African American, 1.9% Asian American, and 0.8% Pacific Islander.
We titled the new instrument the Inventory of Metacognitive Self- Regulation (IMSR).
The IMSR included 37 items with a five-point Likert scale. For each of the 37 items, students
were instructed to circle the answer that best described the way they are when doing schoolwork
or homework (1=never, 2=seldom/rarely, 3=sometimes, 4=often/frequently, 5=always). The
items are shown in Table 1.

The overall inventory demonstrated a reliability of alpha=.935. We conducted an
exploratory principle components factor analysis using a varimax rotation. The resulting
solution revealed five factors with eigenvalues over 1.12, which accounted for 51.6% of the
variance. Reliability for each factor ranged from alpha=.720 to alpha= .867. Table 1 shows the
factors, their descriptions, and the factor weights above .40. In addition, Table 1 shows three
items (asterisked) that weighed only moderately across several factors, or weighed heavily on
factors different than those hypothesized. For future research we would recommend removing or
revising these three items.

We found Knowledge of Cognition to be an important factor in this instrument as it was
in the Jr.MAI and the adult MAI (Dennison et. al., 1996; Schraw & Dennison, 1994). The fact
that Knowledge of Cognition stands out so clearly and independently indicates that more work
should be done in understanding this construct. Prior research on metacognition and self-
AERA 2000 5

regulation has also discussed the importance of constructs similar to Monitoring and Evaluation,
but very little research has connected the factors of Objectivity and Problem Representation to
Our results have important implications for education. They indicate that there are five
particular metacognitive and self-regulatory constructs relevant to problem solving. Being able
to identify and delineate these constructs further should allow our educational research and
teacher professional development teams to begin providing teachers with a set of tools and
training resources to help them promote student self-regulation in their classrooms. These
resources would be important to teachers who are concerned not only about what students learn
but also about how they learn it. Our analyses indicate that the constructs measured by the IMSR
are independent, and therefore a student may show preferences or “styles” of metacognitive
strengths and weaknesses depending upon his or her unique combination of constructs. If these
“styles” can be further understood and delineated, it might be possible to train students to
habitually use particular regulatory behaviors.

Bruning, R. H., Schraw, G. J., & Ronning, R. R. (1995). Cognitive psychology &
instruction. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Merril.
Brown, A. L. (1978). Knowing when, where, and how to remember: A problem of
metacognition. Advances in Instructional Psychology, 1, 77-165.
Brown, A. L. (1980). Metacognitive development and reading. In R.J. Spiro, B.C. Bruce,
& W. F. Brewer (Eds.), Theoretical issues in reading comprehension (pp. 458-482). Hillsdale,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Brown, A. L. (1987). Metacognition, executive control, self-regulation,, and other more
mysterious mechanisms. In F. Weinert & R. Kluwe (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology: Vol.
3. Cogntive development (pp. 263-340). New York: John Wiley.
Dennison, R. S., Krawchuk, C. M., Howard, B. C., & Hill, L. (1996). The development
of a children's self-report measure of metacognition. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, New York.
Fortunato, I., Hecht, D., Tittle, C. K., & Alvarez, L. (1991). Metacognition and problem
solving. Arithmetic Teacher, 38(4), 38-40.
Palincsar, A. M., & Brown, D. A. (1987). Enhancing instructional time through
attention to metacognition. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 20(2), 66-75.
Schraw , G., & Dennison (1994). Assessing metacognitive awareness. Contemporary
Educational Psychology, 19, 460-475.
Schwartz, N. H., Anderson, C., Howard, B., Hong, N., & McGee, S. (1998). The
Influence of configural knowledge on children's problem solving performance in a hypermedia
environment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, San Diego.
Zimmerman, B. (1989). A social cognitive view of self-regulated academic learning.
Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, 329-339.
AERA 2000 6

Table 1

The Five Factors, Their Descriptions and Factor Weights Above .40

Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5

Knowledge of Cognition: How much learners understand about the extent and
utilization of their unique cognitive abilities and the ways they learn best
I can make myself memorize something. 0.6952
I use different ways to memorize things. 0.6493
When it comes to learning, I can make myself learn when I need to. 0.6350
When it comes to learning, I know how I learn best. 0.6282
I use learning strategies without thinking. 0.5000
When it comes to learning, I know my strengths and weaknesses. 0.4060

Objectivity: Standing outside oneself and thinking about one’s learning as it

When I am done with my schoolwork, I ask myself if I learned what I wanted to 0.7006
I think about how well I am learning when I work a difficult problem. 0.6793
I ask myself if there are certain goals I want to accomplish. 0.6384
I ask myself how well I am doing while I am learning something new. 0.6056
I think of several ways to solve a problem and then choose the best one. 0.4938
I try more than one way to learn something. 0.4842
*I ask myself what is the easiest way to do things. .0269 0.4926 0.2344 .1450 .2093

Problem Representation: Understanding the problem fully before proceeding

I try to understand what the problem is asking me. 0.6406
I read the problem more than once. 0.6322
I read the problem over and over until I understand it. 0.5842
I think to myself, do I understand what the problem is asking me? 0.5582
I try to understand the problem so I know what to do. 0.4615
*I make an extra effort to pay attention to what’s important. 0.3496 0.3252 0.1658 0.2970 0.0668

Subtask Monitoring: Breaking the problem down into subtasks and monitoring the
choice of learning strategies and completion of each subtask
I use different learning strategies depending on the problem. 0.6595
I use different ways of learning depending on the problem. 0.5746
I try to break down the problem to just the necessary information. 0.5530
I identify all the important parts of the problem. 0.5335
I try to eliminate information in the problem that I don’t need. 0.5025
I pick out the steps I need to do this problem. 0.4650
I think about what information I need to solve this problem. 0.4466
*I think about all the steps as I work the problem. 0.3871 0.3868 0.3110 0.3566 0.1446

Evaluation: Double-checking throughout the entire problem-solving process to

evaluate if it is being done correctly
I go back and check my work. 0.7786
I double-check to make sure I did it right. 0.7486
I check to see if my calculations are correct. 0.6942
I look back to see if I did the correct procedures. 0.6592
I check my work all the way through the problem. 0.6346
I look back at the problem to see if my answer makes sense. 0.5888
I stop and rethink a step I have already done. 0.5776
I make sure I complete each step. 0.4591

*asterisked items weighed only moderately across several factors, or weighed heavily on
factors different than those hypothesized.
How do You Solve Problems?
Please read the following sentences and circle the answer that best describes the way you are when
you are trying to solve a problem. Think about a problem that you might see in a science or math
• Think about when you have to solve a hard problem. What do you do before you start?
• What do you do while you work the problem?
• What do you do after you finish working the problem?

There are no right answers--please describe yourself as you are, not how you want to be or think you
ought to be. Your teacher will not grade this.

Never Seldom/ Rarely Sometimes Often/ Frequently Always


1. I try to understand what the problem is asking me. A B C D E

2. I think of several ways to solve a problem and then choose the best one. A B C D E

3. I look back at the problem to see if my answer makes sense. A B C D E

4. I use different ways to memorize things. A B C D E

5. I think to myself, do I understand what the problem is asking me? A B C D E

6. I read the problem more than once. A B C D E

7. I think about what information I need to solve this problem. A B C D E

8. I use different learning strategies depending on the problem. A B C D E

9. I look back to see if I did the correct procedures. A B C D E

10. I think about how well I am learning when I work a difficult problem. A B C D E

11. I use different ways of learning depending on the problem. A B C D E

12. I go back and check my work. A B C D E

13. I read the problem over and over until I understand it.. A B C D E

14. For this question, please circle letter B. A B C D E

15. I check to see if my calculations are correct. A B C D E

16. When it comes to learning, I can make myself learn when I need to. A B C D E
Never Seldom/ Rarely Sometimes Often/ Frequently Always

17. I ask myself how well I am doing while I am learning something new. A B C D E
18. I check my work all the way through the problem. A B C D E

19. I identify all the important parts of the problem. A B C D E

20. I try to understand the problem so I know what to do. A B C D E

21. I think about all the steps as I work the problem. A B C D E

22. I can make myself memorize something. A B C D E

23. When it comes to learning, I know my strengths and weaknesses. A B C D E

24. I pick out the steps I need to do this problem. A B C D E

25. When I am done with my schoolwork, I ask myself if I learned what I wanted to A B C D E

26. I double-check to make sure I did it right. A B C D E

27. For this question, please circle letter A. A B C D E

28. I try to break down the problem to just the necessary information. A B C D E

29. I use learning strategies without thinking. A B C D E

30. When it comes to learning, I know how I learn best. A B C D E

31. I ask myself if there are certain goals I want to accomplish. A B C D E

32. I try more than one way to learn something. A B C D E

The Inventory of Metacognitive Self-Regulation ©. Copyright 1998-2000 by Wheeling Jesuit University/ Center for
Educational Technologies. All rights reserved.
First presented in Howard, B. C., McGee, S., Shia, R., & Hong, N. S. (2000, April). Metacognitive Self-Regulation and
Problem-Solving: Expanding the Theory Base Through Factor Analysis. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

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