Interview Questions

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Interview Questions

 Software Quality Assurance

 What's difference between client/server and Web Application ?
 Software Quality Assurance Activities
 What's the difference between STATIC TESTING and DYNAMIC TESTING?
 Software Testing
 What's difference between QA/testing
 What black box testing types can you tell me about?
 What is software testing methodology?
 What’s the difference between QA and testing?
 Why Testing CANNOT Ensure Quality
 How to find all the Bugs during first round of Testing?
 Is regression testing performed manually?
 How to choose which defect to remove in 1000000 defects? (because It will take too
much resources in order to remove them all.)
 What is software quality?
 What are the five dimensions of the Risks?
 What is good code?
 How do you perform integration testing?
 Why back-end testing is required, if we are going to check the front-end ....?
 What is Software “Quality”?
 What is retesting?
 How to establish QA Process in an organization?
 What is software testing?
 Any recommendation for estimation how many bugs the customer will find till gold
 When the build comes to the QA team, what are the parameters to be taken for
consideration to reject the build upfront without committing for testing ?
 What is software testing?
 What is the testing lifecycle?
 How to validate data?
 What is quality?
 What is Benchmark?
 Which of the following Statements about gernerating test cases is false?
 What is “Quality Assurance”?
 Quality Assurance and Software Development
 Which things to consider to test a mobile application through black box technique?
 What is the general testing process?
 What's normal practices of the QA specialists with perspective of software?
 from low-level to high level (Testing in Stages)
 How to test and to get the difference between two images which is in the same window?
 Testing Strategies
 When do we prepare a Test Plan?
 What is boundary value analysis?
 Describe methods to determine if you are testing an application too much?
 Procedural Software Testing Issues
 How do I start with testing?
 OO Software Testing Issues
 What is the purpose of black box testing?
 How do you create a test plan/design?
 What is the purpose of a test plan?
 Can we prepare Test Plan without SRS?
 How do test plan templates look like?
 How to Test a desktop systems ?
 How do you create a test strategy?
 How to do Estimating Testing effort ?
 What is the purpose of test strategy?
 What's Quality Approach document? what should be the contents and things like that...
 What does a test strategy document contain?
 Why Q/A should not report to development?
 Which of the following statements about Regression statements are true?
 How do you execute tests?
 What is a requirements test matrix?
 Can you give me a requirements test matrix template?
 What metrics are used for bug tracking?
 In QA team, everyone talks about process. What exactly they are taking about? Are there
any different type of process?
 What metrics are used for test report generation?
 What is quality plan?
 What is the difference between verification and validation?
 What is the difference between efficient and effective?
 How effective can we implement six sigma principles in a very large software services
 What stage of bug fixing is the most cost effective?
 What is Defect Life Cycle.?
 What is the difference between a software bug and software defect?
 Are developers smarter than tester? Any suggestion about the future prospects and
technicality involvedin the testing job?
 What's the difference between priority and severity?
 How to test a web based application that has recently been modified to give support for
Double Byte Character Sets?
 What is the difference between software fault and software failure?
 before creating test cases to "break the system", a few principles have to be observed:
 Would like to know whether Black Box testing techniques like Boundary Value Analysis
and Equivalence Partitioning - during which phases of testing are they used,if possible
with examples ?
 Test Case Design
 How to use methods/techniques to test the bandwidth usage of a client/server application?
 How do test case templates look like?
 How to insert a check point to a image to check enable property in QTP?
 How do you write test cases?
 Diferences Between System Testing and User Acceptance Testing?
 What is the difference between a test plan and a test scenario?
 Can you give me an example on reliability testing?
 Need function to find all the positions? Ex: a string "abcd, efgh,ight" . Want break this
string based on the criteria here ever found the..
 What is the difference between monkey testing and smoke testing?
 It's a good thing to share test cases with customers
 Tell me about daily builds and smoke tests.
 How to Read data from the Telnet session?
 What is the difference between system testing and integration testing?
 How to trace fixed bug in test case?
 What is the difference between performance testing and load testing?
 After the migration done, how to test the application (Frontend hasn't changed just the
database changed)
 What is the difference between reliability testing and load testing?
 Some general guidelines on what to test for web based applications.
 What is the difference between volume testing and load testing?
 What types of testing can you tell me about?
 Which test cannot be automated? Acceptence test plan is prepared from? Which is the
test case design methodology? Does test plan contains bug tracing procedure and
reporting procedure?
 What is ACH and NACHA?
 What is the role of documentation in QA?
 Is there a way to automate XML file comparison?
 How do you introduce a new software QA process?
 What's requitrement of Bug tracking tool?
 When do you choose automated testing?
 What a Coverage Matrix is? or What is a traceability matrix?
 Is white box testing different from unit testing?
 Do automated testing tools make testing easier?
 Ho to write Software Requirement Sepcification (SRS) document for Grade Card
 How can I schedule the different testcases in a (.t) test script so that all the test cases it
contains run one after another ? ...
 Why are there so many software bugs?
 What are Test Cases, Test Suites, Test Scripts, and Test Scenarios (or Scenaria)?
 Give me five common problems that occur during software development.
 What is SRS and BRS . and what is the difference between them?
 What should be done after a bug is found?
 Qive some examples of Low Severity and Low Priority Bugs .....
 Give me five solutions to problems that occur during software development.
 What is risk analysis? What does it have to do with Severity and Priority?
 It is logical to be described different expected results for one action? ....
 What if the software is so buggy it can't be tested at all?
 What is API Testing?
 What if there isn't enough time for thorough testing?
 How to test a module(web based developed in .NET) which would load data from the
list(which is text file) into the database(SQL Server)
 What if the project isn't big enough to justify extensive testing?
 Is the testing an art of thinking ?
 What is the role of test engineers?
 What is the role of a QA engineer?
 What are the responsibilities of a QA engineer?
 The system runs at Intranet environment and it has a security system.....
 What is the ratio of developers and testers?
 What is the difference between V-model and water fall model?
 Which of these roles are the best and most popular?
 For Reliability, Usability and Testability. Explain why you would test for these factors?
 What other roles are in testing?
 Whats the difference between ISO vs CMM ?
 To build and release the build to the QA. Does any body knowing in detail about this
 What makes a good test engineer?
 What's the role in CMM Level in Testing? What's the diff b/w 5 levels? which level most
commonly used in testing?
 What are Internationalization, Localization, Globalization, and Multilingualization
 What makes a good QA engineer?
 Difference between Verification and Validation?
 Looking for a tool whcih can do bulk data insert to various tables in the test database and
also that tool which work with DB2, SQLServer and Oracle.
 What makes a good QA/Test Manager?
 Need to shut down network connectivity mid tansaction. How to do this
programmatically via windows interface?
 What can be done if requirements are changing continuously?
 What if the application has functionality that wasn't in the requirements?
 How to write Test Case for telephone ?
 How do you know when to stop testing?
 How can software QA processes be implemented without stifling productivity?
 How to solve this issue - When developers blame testers for reporting bugs that is not
reproducible on their machine?
 Why do we recommended that we test during the design phase?
 How to test a application in flash?
 How test estimation (in terms of schedule, cost, resources required) will be done during
developing of test plan?
 What kind of automated software used to test a Web-based application with a .NET
(ASP.NET and C#...also SQL Server) framework?
 What kind of automated testing tool should Small company use?
 What if organization is growing so fast that fixed QA processes are impossible?
 Can We do performance testing manually?*
 What's the SDLC models- waterfall and v-models?
 What's server side testing
 How a particular test team is formed ?
 Need a template for preparing the Test Environment.
 What is the exact difference between functional and non functional testing?
 How is testing affected by object-oriented designs?
 Standards and templates - what is supposed to be in a document?
 Need some QA advice: * Improve Management Commitment to Quality Assurance , *
Improve the Internalization Quality Assurance as a process
 I don't have a lot of money. How can I become a good tester?
 What's fuzz testing ?
 Which of these tools should I learn?
 What's differentiate Test_Plan and Test_Strategy
 What are some of the software configuration management tools?
 How to write Nunit test cases
 What is documentation change management?
 How can I test without requirements?
 What is the difference between user documentation and user manual?
 Why was bug x or bug y caught NOT during testing?"
 How do you conduct peer reviews?
 Internal Server Error problem while doing load testing using Microsoft Web Application
Stress Tool ....
 How do you check the security of an application?
 How do I write a Test Case?
 How to estimate product test hours for new releases?
 When testing the password field, what is your focus?
 What are the metrics to be collected as part of testing?
 What is your view of software QA/testing?
 How to test a web application, for security testing of Web Application?
 Who write the user acceptance testing testcases?
 What is automatic recovery testing?
 What's the difference between Alpha, Beta and User Acceptance testing?
 How can I be a good tester?
 How to do Laod testing for web based Application?
 What is GUI testing? What elements will we cover in GUI testing?
 What is that column "steps to reproduce" mean in bug tracking?
 When is a process repeatable?
 If you don't have requirements specification, how will you go about testing the
 How can I start my career in automated testing?
 What should test in BANKING DOMAIN application ?
 Collaboration between dev and testing
 Is there any common testing framework or testing best practices for distributed system?
For example, for distrbuted database management system?
 Why is that my company requires a PDR?
 A list of ten good things about PDRs!
 What is the best way to simulate the real behavior of a web based system?
 How can I shift my focus and area of work from QC to QA?
 How to use loadrunner for testing web-based application?
 What techniques and tools can enable me to migrate from QC to QA?
 What is the BEST WAY to write test cases?
 What is the difference between build and release?
 How to test the memory leakeage mannually?
 What is the difference between version and release?
 How to write Test cases for Login screen?
 What is the checklist for credit card testing?
 How do you test data integrity?
 What is the difference between data validity and data integrity?
 What is the difference between static and dynamic testing?
 What testing tools should we use?
 Why should I use static testing techniques?
 What is the definiton of top down design?
 What is the future of software QA/testing?
 How can I be effective and efficient, when I'm testing e-commerce web sites?
 What is the difference between top down and bottom up design?
 Give me one test case that catches all the bugs!
 What testing approaches can you tell me about?
 Can you give me five common problems?
 Can you give me five common solutions?
 What if the application has functionality that wasn't in the requirements?
 How can software QA processes be implemented without stifling productivity?
 Should I take a course in manual testing?
 To learn to use WinRunner, should I sign up for a course at a nearby educational
 Test Specifications
 Formal Technical Review: Reviews that include walkthroughs, inspection, ....
 Reluctance of implementing Software Quality Assurance
 Benefits of Software Quality Assurance to the organization
 Constraints of Software Quality Assurance
Interview Questions

 Software QA Testing Interview A&Q

 Software Localization Testing

 SilkTest A&Q

 Load/Stress Testing of Websites

 LoadRunner Interview A&Q

 WinRunner 1 Interview A&Q

 WinRunner 2 Interview A&Q

 QTP Interview A&Q

 Rational Robot A&Q

 QA/Testing Technical A&Q

 Check List for Software Testing

 Bugzilla A&Q

 JUnit Interview A&Q

 Software Bugs A&Q

 Test Plan Sample

 To be a good software tester

 Writing The Test Plan

 Test Documents Sample

 Testing Tools A&Q

 Bug Tracking Tools A&Q

 Manual Testing A&Q

 Database Testing A&Q

 Knowledge for Testers

 Rational Coding

 Software Testing Methodolog

 Quality On Time

 Software Development Models

 The Product Quality Measures

 Glossary Software Testing

 Glossary Internet

 Glossary Windows

 WinRunner In Simple Steps

 SilkTest User Guide

 Rational Suite Tutorial

 SilkTest Tutorial

 WinRunner 7.0 Tutorial

 LoadRunner Controller User Guide

 LoadRunner Creating Vuser Scripts

 Tutorial - Checking XML with QuickTest

 WebLOAD Quick Start Guide

 Perl Test Tutorial

 TestDirector Tutorial

 Rational Test RealTime Users Guide

 Rational TestManager User Guide

 Rational Robot Tutorial

 Rational Robot User`s Guide

 QTP Tutorial

 PopUp Windows Coding/Testing Tutorials

 On-Line Testing Tools

 General Basic Interview A&Q

 XML Interview A&Q

 Windows Programming A&Q

 Web Service A&Q

 Visual Basic Interview A&Q

 Unix Interview A&Q

 64 Tough Interview A&Q

 Struts A&Q

 SQL Interview A&Q

 SIEBEL Interview A&Q

 Servlet Interview A&Q

 SAP 1 Interview A&Q

 SAP 2 Interview A&Q

 SAP 3 Interview A&Q

 SAP 4 Interview A&Q

 SAP 5 Interview A&Q

 RMI Interview A&Q

 Python A&Q

 PHP Interview A&Q

 Perl A&Q

 PeopleSoft Interview A&Q

 ORACLE 1 Interview A&Q

 ORACLE 2 Interview A&Q

 ORACLE 3 Interview A&Q

 ORACLE 4 Interview A&Q

 ORACLE 5 Interview A&Q

 Networking Interview A&Q

 Networking Programming A&Q

 Microsoft Interview A&Q

 JSP Interview A&Q

 JMS Interview A&Q

 JDBC Interview A&Q

 Java Interview Tips

 JavaScript Interview A&Q

 Java 1 Interview A&Q

 Java 2 Interview A&Q

 Java 3 Interview A&Q

 J2SE Interview A&Q

 J2ME A&Q

 J2EE 1 Interview A&Q

 J2EE 2 Interview A&Q

 Windows Tutorials/FAQs
 XHTML XHTML Tutorials/FAQs

 RSS Tutorials/FAQs

 PHP Tutorials

 CSS Tutorials/FAQs

 ORACLE Tutorials/FAQs

 MySQL Tutorials/FAQs

 Bioinformatics A&Q

 EJB Interview A&Q

 Electrical Engineering A&Q

 .NET 1 Interview A&Q

 .NET 2 Interview A&Q

 C# Interview A&Q

 C++ 1 Interview A&Q

 C++ 2 Interview A&Q

 C Interview A&Q

 ASP Interview A&Q

 XHTML Interview A&Q

 Swing AWT Interview A&Q

 Socket programming 1 A&Q

 Socket programming 2 A&Q

 Socket programming 3 A&Q

 Socket programming 4 A&Q

 Socket programming 5 A&Q

 Socket programming 6 A&Q

 Operating System A&Q

 Web Developers A&Q to Ask

 HTML Interview A&Q

 Computer Security 1 A&Q

 Computer Security 2 A&Q

 CSS Interview A&Q

 BEA WebLogic A&Q


 64 Toughest Interview A&Q

 Fifty Standard Interview A&Q

 DB2 Interview A&Q

 DB2s Dates A&Q

 DBA Interview A&Q

 What DBA job like? A&Q

 Data Warehousing A&Q

 Java database A&Q

 Database developer A&Q

 MS SQL Server A&Q


 SQL Server DBA FAQs


 Oracle DBA Checklist A&Q

 Oracle DBA Interview A&Q

 SQL Server database developer A&Q


 SQL Server Enterprise Manager A&Q

 The Best Jobs In America

 SQL Server Tutorials

 MySQL Tutorials Tutorials

 Oracle Tutorials Tutorials

 Submit your questions

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