Sir PL Check The Replies and Then We Will Discuss at 10AM Radhakrishna
Sir PL Check The Replies and Then We Will Discuss at 10AM Radhakrishna
Sir PL Check The Replies and Then We Will Discuss at 10AM Radhakrishna
As discussed, WRT to our conversation regarding type of flow meters and their suitability for
conductivities of HH as given below, :
Hydrazine Hydrate ( 40 % ) : 350 - 370 micro siemens / cm
Hydrazine Hydrate ( 80 % ) : 310 - 320 micro siemens / cm
Considering above data the FT tags are grouped as following:
Nos. of
Tag No. Service conditions Remarks
15 FT-1406, FT-2406, FT-1405, FT- 2405, FT- Having significant HH Considering above data w
3525, FT-3501A, FT-3501B, FT-3506, FT- concentration (20 to 80 % can go for Magnetic type
3507, FT-3505, FT-3508, FT-3509, FT-3510, HH) flow meters.
FT-3515, FT-3512
Section 500 Distillate service
FT-3502A, FT-3502B, FT-3503A, FT-3503B,
Having traces or NIL HH
9 FT-3504A, FT-3504B, FT-3516, FT-3517, FT- We may go for SS-316L M
content + Low DT (85 Deg. C
or below)