Draft: Florida State University Graduate Waiver Receipt Form
Draft: Florida State University Graduate Waiver Receipt Form
Draft: Florida State University Graduate Waiver Receipt Form
1. I acknowledge tuition waivers cover only the tuition portion of the cost associated with taking classes.
2. I acknowledge that if my waivers are canceled or if I withdraw from the University, drop below the required academic load, or my
assistantship or fellowship is terminated my waivers will be revoked and I will be financially liable for the dollar amount(s) listed
above. If any University authority terminates the assistantship upon which the waiver is based or cancels my enrollment I will be
financially liable for the dollar amount(s) listed above. Waivers will not cover any dropped classes.
3. I acknowledge that if I officially withdraw from the University and my petition is approved, a refund can only be provided if the
refund or withdrawal request is submitted within six months after the end of the semester in which the withdrawal occurred. If
financial aid is received during the term in which the refund is granted, state and federal regulations may require that the refund
be returned to the aid source.
4. By allowing this waiver to pay for my tuition in the Student Financial (OMNI) system I am accepting the policies stated in
Graduate Student Waiver Manual.
5. Waivers can cover only courses related to the student's academic degree. Waivers cannot be used for Sponsored Institute
Student Fees
Tuition waivers cover only the cost of tuition. Students are responsible for all other fees associated with attending the university.
For detailed information on fees, visit: http://controller.vpfa.fsu.edu/Student-Financial-Services/SFS-For-Students/Tuition-Rates/Main-
I have read the above information and understand the waiver policies.
Student Signature________________________________________________Date________________________________________