18 Budimir
18 Budimir
18 Budimir
doi: 10.20471/acc.2017.56.04.18
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center,
School of Medicine and School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia;
Division of Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center,
School of Medicine and School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia;
Department of Surgery, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center, School of Medicine
and School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; 4Division of Gastroenterology,
Department of Internal Medicine, Dubrava University Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia;
Gastronterologie, Allgemeine Innere Medizin und Geriatrie, Rems-Murr Klinik Winnenden, Winnenden,
Germany; 6Magdalena Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, Osijek School of Medicine,
Krapinske Toplice, Croatia
SUMMARY – The aim of this study was to demonstrate epidemiological, clinical and endo-
scopic characteristics of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) with special reference to peptic
ulcer bleeding (PUB). The study included 2198 consecutive patients referred to our emergency depart-
ment due to acute UGIB from January 2008 to December 2012. All patients underwent urgent upper
GI endoscopy within 24 hours of admission, and 842 patients diagnosed with PUB were enrolled and
prospectively followed-up. The cumulative incidence of UGIB was 126/100,000 in the 5-year period.
Two out of five patients had a bleeding peptic ulcer; in total, 440 (52.3%) had bleeding gastric ulcer,
356 (42.3%) had bleeding duodenal ulcer, 17 (2%) had both bleeding gastric and duodenal ulcers, and
29 (3.5%) patients had bleeding ulcers on gastroenteric anastomoses. PUB was more common in men.
The mean patient age was 65.9 years. The majority of patients (57%) with PUB were taking agents that
attenuate the cytoprotective function of gastric and duodenal mucosa. Rebleeding occurred in 77
(9.7%) patients and 47 (5.9%) patients required surgical intervention. The 30-day morality was 5.2%
and 10% of patients died from uncontrolled bleeding and concomitant diseases. In conclusion, PUB
is the main cause of UGIB, characterized by a significant rebleeding rate and mortality.
Key words: Gastrointestinal hemorrhage – epidemiology; Gastrointestinal hemorrhage – therapy; Peptic
ulcer hemorrhage – epidemiology; Peptic ulcer hemorrhage – therapy; Endoscopy, gastrointestinal; Prognosis;
Tertiary care centers; Croatia
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is a com-
mon medical emergency and accounts for 5% of emer- Correspondence to: Sanja Stojsavljević, MD, Division of Gastro-
gency department presentations per year and 2% to 3% enterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Sestre milosrdnice
University Hospital Center, Vinogradska c. 29, HR-10000 Zagreb,
of hospital admissions in developed countries1. The Croatia
incidence rate of UGIB varies from 48 to 160 cases per E-mail: sanja.stojsavljevic1@gmail.com
100,000 population, with consistent reports of higher Received May 5, 2017, accepted June 7, 2017
incidence among men and the elderly2. The most com- Prior to endoscopy, a written informed consent was
mon cause of acute UGIB is non-variceal, where pep- obtained from all patients or their relatives, which in-
tic ulcer bleeding (PUB) accounts for 28% to 59% of cluded possible risks, benefits and treatment options
cases2-4. during the procedure. In addition, a written informed
Endoscopy has become the standard of care in the consent was obtained from patients or their relatives
diagnosis and treatment of UGIB. Most national and before trial entry. The study was approved by the Eth-
international guidelines recommend performing upper ics Committee of the hospital. Data were collected
endoscopy within 24 hours of presentation in patients prospectively into a database, with patient details
with UGIB5-7. Despite major advances in diagnostic stored in a depersonalized manner to protect patient
and therapeutic approaches, PUB remains a significant confidentiality.
problem and an important cause of morbidity and
Data collection
mortality. Rebleeding after initial hemostasis occurs in
10% to 30% of patients with PUB8-11. The reported The following data were collected for each patient:
PUB mortality rates in various countries across Eu- demographic data, signs and characteristics of the
rope range from 3.4% to 14%, and the reason for this bleeding episode, symptoms and history of ulcer or
difference remains unknown12-15. liver disease, coexisting illness, drug use, laboratory re-
The aim of this prospective study was to determine sults, endoscopic diagnosis including the cause of
the epidemiological, clinical and endoscopic charac- bleeding, presence of fresh blood/clots or stigmata of
teristics of UGIB with a focus on the treatment and recent hemorrhage, endoscopic intervention, medical
prognosis of PUB in a tertiary care center. treatment, rebleeding incidence, surgical therapy, du-
ration of hospitalization and cause of death. Shock was
defined as syncope or signs of shock upon physical ex-
Patients and Methods amination, including systolic blood pressure <100 mm
Hg or heart rate >100 beats/min.
This prospective study was conducted in a tertiary
Grading of overall health and comorbidity was
care center in the City of Zagreb, Croatia, which cov-
performed according to the American Society of An-
ers a population of approximately 300,000 people. All
esthesiology (ASA) classification (grade 1, normal
consecutive patients presenting with UGIB (he-
healthy patients; grade 2, mild systemic illness; grade
matemesis, melena, hematochezia or blood admixture
3, severe, but incapacitating systemic illness; and grade
upon nasogastric aspiration) to the Emergency Inter- 4, life-threatening illness). Stigmata of recent hemor-
nal Medicine Unit, Sestre milosrdnice University rhage were defined according to Forrest classification
Hospital Center between January 2008 and December as follows: Forrest Ia, spurting bleeding; Forrest Ib,
2012 were included. These patients were then, if neces- oozing bleeding; Forrest IIa, non-bleeding visible ves-
sary, hospitalized in the Interventional Gastroenterol- sel; Forrest IIb, adherent clot; Forrest IIc, hematin on
ogy Unit of the same hospital. If the same patient was ulcer base; and Forrest III, clean ulcer base16. The size
hospitalized more than once during the study period, of ulcer was classified as <2 cm or ≥2 cm. The com-
only the first episode was counted as the incident case, monly used hemostatic procedures were epinephrine
irrespective of previous or subsequent episodes of PUB. injections (1:10000 solution of epinephrine) and/or
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed mechanical hemostasis with stainless steel hemoclips
in all patients within 24 hours of hospital admission. (Olympus, Japan) and/or thermocoagulation with a
Only patients with PUB confirmed by endoscopy were heater probe (Olympus, 7F, 20-30 joules).
prospectively followed-up for 30 days. After initial en- Two biopsy specimens were obtained from the gas-
doscopic examination, patients in whom endoscopic tric antrum and body in all patients and the presence of
therapy had been performed were hospitalized. All pa- Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection was assessed by
tients received high-dose acid suppression therapy histopathologic examination of the specimens using
(pantoprazole or esomeprazole 80 mg intravenously as hematoxylin-eosin (HE) stain. In all patients with gas-
an initial bolus followed by 40 mg intravenously and/ tric ulcers in whom recurrent bleeding was not observed,
or oral 3 times per day for at least 48 hours, followed by follow-up endoscopy was performed four to five days
40 mg daily per os). after initial hemostasis and biopsy specimens were ob-
Fig. 1. Patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) from 2008 to 2012.
tained from the margins and base of gastric ulcers to package. The Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-
exclude malignancy. Follow-up endoscopy with histol- Wallis ANOVA test were used as nonparametric tests
ogy was planned in all patients with gastric ulcers. In all where appropriate, and a p-value <0.05 was considered
patients with negative histology for H. pylori at index significant. The predictive value of qualitative variables
endoscopy, urea breath test (UBT) or follow-up endos- on mortality and rebleeding was studied in univariate
copy with histology was performed 2 weeks after proton analysis using Pearson χ2-test, when appropriate. Mul-
pump inhibitor (PPI) treatment had been discontinued. tivariate analysis was conducted using a forward elimi-
Patients were considered positive for H. pylori infection nation logistic regression model to identify a final set
in case of positive histology or positive UBT. of variables independently associated with either mor-
Clinical outcomes of PUB were analyzed accord- tality or rebleeding. A significance level α=0.05 was
ing to the rebleeding rate, need for surgical interven- used to retain variables in the multivariate model. All
tion, need for blood transfusion, length of hospital stay, results were presented as odds ratios (ORs) with the
and 30-day mortality. associated 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs).
Rebleeding was defined as one or more signs of on-
going bleeding, including fresh hematemesis or melena,
hematochezia, aspiration of fresh blood via nasogastric
tube, instability of vital signs, and reduction of hemo- From January 2008 to December 2012, 2198 pa-
globin or hematocrit levels by more than 2 g/dL or 5%, tients with UGIB were analyzed; 89.5% of patients
respectively, over a 24-hour period after primary bleed- had non-variceal bleeding, 8.3% had variceal bleeding,
ing was stopped. Patients that had unsuccessful initial and in 2.2% the source was not identified.
endoscopic treatment or more than two successful re- In the group of patients with non-variceal bleed-
treatments underwent emergency surgery. ing, 42.8% had bleeding ulcer, while 57.2% had non-
ulcer bleeding (Mallory-Weis tear, angiomata, Dieula-
foy’s lesion, malignancy, acute erosive gastropathy, re-
All analyses were performed with the Statistica flux esophagitis, portal hypertensive gastropathy, arte-
11.0 (Statsoft, Inc., Tulsa, OK) for Windows statistical rial enteric fistula). In patients with bleeding ulcers,
Table 1. Clinical and endoscopic characteristics of patients Table 2. Endoscopic therapy and clinical outcomes
at study entry
n (%)
n (%) Treatment
Age (yrs) Endoscopic therapy 465 (58.4)
<65 358 (45) Initial hemostasis 411 (51.6)
65-80 300 (37.7) Types of initial hemostasis
>80 138 (17.3) Epinephrine 164 (39.9)
Gender (male/female), n (%) 501 (62.9)/295 (37.1) Endoclips 81 (19.7)
Hb level median (range), g/L 93.9 (26-182) Epinephrine + endoclips 142 (34.6)
Findings at endoscopy Heater probe 17 (4.1%)
Gastric ulcers 440 (55.3) Heater probe + epinephrine 7 (1.7%)
Duodenal ulcers 356 (44.7) Outcome
High-risk ulcers Rebleeding 77 (9.7)
414 (52)
(Forrest Ia-IIb) 30-day mortality 41 (5.2)
Low- risk ulcers Blood transfusion 394 (49.5)
382 (48)
(Forrest IIc-III) Surgery 47 (5.9)
Ulcer size, n (%) Median hospital stay (days, range) 6 (0-45)
<2cm 696 (87.4)
≥2cm 100 (12.6) had a higher incidence of bleeding (62.9% vs. 37.1%;
Shock 77 (9.7) p<0.001). High risk ulcers (Forrest Ia-IIb) were veri-
Helicobacter pylori 220/531 (41.4) fied in 52% of patients, most ulcers were >2 cm in di-
Comorbidity (ASA class) ameter, 9.7% of patients presented with shock, and
ASA I 110 (13.9) 57.9% of patients had moderate to severe comorbidi-
ASA II 225 (28.2) ties. When analyzed according to medication usage,
ASA III-IV 461 (57.9) 28.3% of patients with peptic ulcers had been taking
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
20.3% acetylsalicylic acid, 2.6% anti-aggregation med-
NSAIDs 225 (28.3)
ication, 5.8% anti-coagulation therapy, and 9.2% gas-
Acetylsalicylic acid 162 (20.3) troprotective medication (histamine 2 blockers or
Antiaggregation therapy 21 (2.6) PPI). H. pylori testing was performed in 531 (66.7%)
Anticoagulant therapy 46 (5.8) patients of which 220 (41.4%) tested positive. The
Proton pump inhibitors presence of H. pylori infection was more common in
73 (9.2)
or H2 blockers patients with duodenal peptic ulcer (46.7% vs. 36.9%),
Hb = hemoglobin; ASA = American Society of Anesthesiology;
which was statistically significant (p<0.023) (Table 1).
NSAIDs = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Endoscopic treatment was performed in 456
(58.4%) patients; in 54.3% of cases hemostasis was
achieved with hemoclips or with a combination of he-
94.6% of cases were attributed to gastric or duodenal moclips and diluted epinephrine infiltration. Rebleed-
ulcers, 2% to both gastric and duodenal ulcers, and ing occurred in 9.7% of patients (Table 2).
3.4% to ulcer on previous gastroenteric anastomoses The risk of rebleeding was increased in patients
(Fig. 1). with shock [OR 5.85 (CI 95% 3.01-11.37)], bleeding
The cumulative incidence of UGIB in the observed ulcer Forrest Ia type [OR 6.48 (CI 95% 3.12-13.48)]
5-year period was 126/100,000. In the group of 796 and ulcers >2 cm in diameter [OR 2.79 (CI 95% 1.49-
patients that were carefully followed-up, 55.3% had 5.20)] (Fig. 2).
bleeding from gastric ulcers and 44.7% from duodenal Forty-seven (5.9%) patients were transferred to the
ulcers. The mean patient age was 65.9 years and men Department of Surgery (5 due to successful endoscop-
ic hemostasis, 1 due to perforation during the proce- Fig. 3. Univariate and multivariate factors influencing
dure, and 41 due to recurrent bleeding). Most of the mortality in 796 patients with bleeding peptic ulcer.
transferred patients had bleeding from the posterior
wall of the duodenum, posterior proximal third of the
Only 1/10 patients died from bleeding out and half
gastric corpus, and from the small gastric curvature.
of them were treated with red blood cell transfusions.
The most common surgical procedure performed was
The median volume of red blood cell transfusion was
mechanical hemostasis (ligation) and gastric resection.
2.2 (1-6) units and the median hospital stay was 6 (1-
The total 30-day mortality was 5.2%. The risk of lethal
45) days (Table 2).
outcome was increased in patients with shock [OR
2.74 (CI 95% 1.19-6.33)], recurrent bleeding [OR
3.54 (CI 95% 1.59-7.88)], ulcers >2 cm in diameter
[OR 3.08 (CI 95% 1.50-6.33)] and moderate to severe There has been a significant decline in the inci-
comorbidities (ASA ≥3) [OR 6.32 (CI 95% 2.38- dence of PUB and its complications since the intro-
16.7)] (Fig. 3). duction of PPIs and H. pylori eradication therapy. A
lower incidence was observed in Sweden from 1987 to to severe comorbidities (ASA ≥3). Almost 60% of pa-
2004 in both men and women, and one study conduct- tients with PUB presented with moderate to severe
ed in the Netherlands found a decline from 61/100,000 comorbidities (ASA III and IV). When considering
to 48/100,000 per year from 1993 to 200017. In Ger- other studies, Marmo et al. report a PUB mortality rate
many and the United Kingdom, the incidence of PUB of 4% to 5% in one prospective study26. Van Leerdam
has remained unchanged, but the average patient age et al. showed that 40% of patients that died because of
has increased18,19. In the Zagreb County, Croatia, the UIGB had one or several life-threatening comorbidi-
incidence of UGIB and PUB did not significantly ties17. Marmo et al. showed that in the first 24 hours of
change from 2008 to 2012. This can be explained by hospitalization, less than 30% of all patients died26.
the lower prevalence of H. pylori infection and in- Villauneva et al. compared the efficacy of a restrictive
creased use of drugs that affect the cytoprotective transfusion strategy (target hemoglobin 7-9 g/dL)
function of gastric mucosa (NSAIDs and acetylsali- with that of a liberal transfusion strategy (target he-
cylic acid), which has also been shown in other stud- moglobin 9-11 g/dL) in patients with acute gastroin-
ies20. The average patient age in this study was higher testinal bleeding, finding that the probability of sur-
than 65 years. In one study, Van Leerdam found that vival at 6 weeks was higher in the restrictive-strategy
70% of patients with UGIB were older than 60 years group27. This was also observed in a subgroup analysis
and 40% had several life-threatening diseases4, and in of patients with PUB. Other authors also suggest bet-
another one Van Leerdam et al. report that about 50% ter patient outcomes when the restrictive red blood
of patients with PUB were taking NSAIDs and ace- cell transfusion strategy is used8,28-30. In our study, half
tylsalicylic acid, with only 12% of them taking PPI as of the patients received red blood cell transfusions,
protection17. H. pylori infection was diagnosed in 40% with a median of 2.2 units.
of patients and was found more frequently in patients The limitations of this study included diverse med-
with bleeding duodenal ulcers. In one prospective ical staff involved in endoscopic evaluation and treat-
study conducted in the Netherlands, H. pylori testing ment, resulting in inter-observer variability in endo-
was performed in 65% of patients with 43% having scopic evaluation and treatment. Furthermore, this
positive findings, while a German study found that study had a short follow-up period of 30 days and was
56% of patients with PUB were H. pylori positive18,21. conducted in a tertiary center.
Gralnek et al. found that PUB made up 28% to 59% of In conclusion, the incidence of UGIB and PUB re-
all UGIB. Half of the patients were categorized as mained unchanged in the observed period from 2008 to
high-risk ulcer patients (Forrest Ia, Ib, IIa and IIb)22. 2012, but we recorded an increase in the average age of
In a study by Bratanic et al., around 30% of patients PUB patients. Predictors of mortality in patients with
were described as high-risk23. In our study, PUB repre- PUB included shock, recurrent bleeding, ulcers larger
sented about 40% of all non-variceal UGIB, and than 2 cm in diameter, and moderate to severe comor-
bleeding gastric ulcers were found more frequently bidities. Prevention of PUB, prompt intravascular vol-
than bleeding duodenal ulcers. Rebleeding after endo- ume replacement, early (≤24 hours) upper GI endosco-
scopic treatment with endoclips or endoclips/diluted py, and a restrictive red blood cell transfusion strategy
epinephrine occurred in 10% of patients and 5.9% of are important in the management of these patients.
them required surgical intervention. The risk of recur-
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Cilj ove studije bio je prikazati epidemiološke, kliničke i endoskopske karakteristike akutnog krvarenja iz gornjeg pro-
bavnog sustava s naglaskom na krvarenje iz peptičkog vrijeda. U studiju je bilo uključeno 2198 bolesnika koji su pregledani
u hitnoj službi naše ustanove zbog akutnog krvarenja iz gornjeg probavnog sustava u razdoblju od siječnja 2009. do prosinca
2012. godine. Svim bolesnicima je učinjena hitna gastroskopija unutar 24 sata od prijma, a u 842 bolesnika kod kojih je do-
kazana peptička ulkusna bolest nastavljeno je kliničko praćenje. Kumulativna incidencija krvarenja je bila 126/100.000 u
razdoblju od 5 godina. Dva od pet bolesnika su imali krvareći peptički vrijed; ukupno 440 (52,3%) bolesnika je imalo krva-
reći želučani vrijed, 356 (42,3%) duodenalni vrijed, 17 (2%) želučani i duodenalni vrijed, a 29 (3,5%) krvareći vrijed na
gastroenteralnoj anastomozi. Srednja dob bolesnika je bila 65,9 godina. Većina bolesnika je uzimala lijekove koji suprimiraju
citoprotektivne funkcije želučane i duodenalne sluznice (57%). Recidiv krvarenja zabilježen je u 77 (9,7%) bolesnika, a 47
(5,9%) je zahtijevalo kiruršku intervenciju. Smrtnost kroz 30 dana je bila 5,2%, a 10% bolesnika je umrlo zbog krvarenja i
pratećih komorbiditeta. Krvarenje iz peptičkog vrijeda je najčešći uzrok krvarenja iz gornjeg probavnog sustava, a obilježeno
je značajnom stopom recidiva krvarenja i smrtnosti.
Ključne riječi: Gastrointestinalno krvarenje – epidemiologija; Gastrointestinalno krvarenje – terapija; Peptički vrijed, krvare-
nje – epidemiologija; Peptički vrijed – terapija; Endoskopija, gastrointestinalna; Prognoza; Tercijarni zdravstveni centri; Hrvatska