Warmth Fun Excitement Security Social Approval Self-Respect

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Feelings Dimensions

 Warmth
 Fun
 Excitement
 Security
 Social Approval
 Self-respect

Resonance Dimensions

 Behavioral loyalty
o Frequency and amount of repeat purchases
 Attitudinal attachment
o Love brand (favorite possessions; “a little pleasure”)
o Proud of brand
 Sense of community
o Kinship
o Affiliation
 Active engagement
o Seek information
o Join club
o Visit website, chat rooms

Customer-Based Brand Equity Model

Brand Asset Valuator (Young & Rubicam): The four pillars


 Has your brand attracted consumers attention more than your competitors?
 how often consumers have come across your brand, if they recognize your
brand, and how different it is from your competitors.
 As a brand matures, Brand Asset Valuator model states that Differentiation
often declines.
 A low level of Differentiation is a clear warning that a brand is fading.


 How appropriate your brand is for your consumers?

 Is your product relevant to consumers in regards to price, convenience, and
fulfilling their needs?
 How likely they would be to purchase your product or service, regardless of
whether or not they have purchased your product or service in the past.
 Relevance & Differentiation determines the success.
 There exists a direct correlation between Relevance and market penetration.


 Perceived quality and customer perceptions about growing popularity of a

 The customer’s response to a marketers’ brand building activity is driven by his
perception of two factors; quality and popularity.
 Does the brand keep its assurances?


 Knowledge measures the extent of the customer’s awareness of the brand and
understanding of its identity.
 Shows the familiarity that consumers share with the brand.
 Brand Knowledge is the result and represents the successful finale of building a
 Knowledge is a result of strong idea generation.

BAV Dynamics

Differentiation > Relevance. 

• This can attract customers, get them to explore the brand, and find out if it is relevant to

Relevance > Differentiation. 

• Brand is no longer interesting or pulling in consumers.

• Competing on relevance alone.

Esteem > Knowledge. 

• Consumers respect and desire your brand.

• Consumers want to purchase your product or service.

Knowledge > Esteem. 

• Can lead to problems, if they believe they know negative things about your brand.

• Consumers who think they don’t need to learn anything else about your brand have already
judged it

• Learning more about your competition and less about you.

Brand Strength & Brand Stature

• Differentiation and Relevance combine to determine Brand Strength.

• Brand Strength is an important indicator of future potential & performance.

• Esteem and Knowledge together create Brand Stature.

• Brand Stature is more of a report on past performance.

BAV Power Grid

BrandZ Methodology

Step 1: Calculating Financial Value

Part A

• A corporation owns only one brand or many brands.

• Apportion the earnings of the corporation across a portfolio of brands.

Step 2: Calculating Brand Contribution

• Peeling away a few more layers — for example: price, availability and distribution.

• Assessing the ability of brand associations in consumers’ minds to deliver sales by

predisposing consumers to choose the brand or to pay more for it.

Step 3: Calculating Brand Multiple

• Future earnings prospects as a multiple of current earnings.

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