MV/LV Substations Remote Monitoring: DNP 3.0 Communication

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MV Network management

MV/LV substations remote


Merlin Gerin Easergy Range

Easergy FLAIR 200C

DNP 3.0 Communication

User’s Manual
F200C DNP 3.0 Communication Summary

SUMMARY ............................................................................3

SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION...........................................4

DEVICE PROFILE DOCUMENT .........................................13

IMPLEMENTATION TABLE................................................16

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS............................................22
F200C DNP 3.0 Communication Software Configuration

Local configuration
Configuration and diagnosis of the Flair 200C is performed by
connecting a laptop PC.

This software can be used to :

-Change the Flair 200C configuration (communication parameters,

alarms, etc.)
-Read the equipment state of the Flair 200C
-Read the recordings made by the Flair 200C
2 -Reset the time of the Flair 200C
3 3
0 V DC
5 5

Requisite equipment
8 8
The equipment is configured using a PC provided with MS-DOS
M etal
M etal part and :

C onn ector on C onn ector on "Flair 200 Configuration and diagnostic" software,
com puter en d F2 00C end

Connection cable

Running the configuration program

Connect the cable to serial port 1 (COM1) of the computer and
to the serial connector of FLAIR 200C.
Start the PC under Windows and insert the "Easergy" CD-Rom.
The configuration program is run. Select the start menu.
The main menu appears.

Comments concerning use of the software :

Following modifications, the configuration data are only
acknowledged by the equipment after validation in the "OK" zone.

During modifications and before the validation operation, the

equipment runs with the previous data, which are therefore at
least partially different from the data momentarily displayed on the
Action in the "Cancel" zone displays the old parameters again.

The zone in which the cursor is positioned is highlighted.

To move between zones (data input fields or function title), the

"arrow keys" or "tabulation" key are used.

To select a highlighted zone, the "Enter" or "Space" keys are


Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

Parameter values are modified using:

the "+" or "Space" keys to increase the value,
the "-" key to reduce the value.
When a parameter value is at its maximum, pressing the "+" or
"Space" key changes the value to its minimum. Pressing the "-
" key changes it back to the maximum.
To exit a sub-menu, the user presses the "Escape" key.
To exit the main menu, the user presses the "Alt" and "F4" keys

Specific messages :

When the configuration software is started up, several types of

message may appear on the screen:
"Unidentified Equipment connected": the serial link between
the configuration computer and the equipment to be configured is
not valid: check the connection cord, and the connection location
at the computer end.
Fault messages: related to a configuration loss or internal

Software configuration :

Pressing the F10 key accesses the software configuration menu.

The menu is used to modify:
display colors,
the serial port used.

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

Main menu
 MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit 
 Easergy Flair 200C DNP3 
RTU address :  PROM v1.00, PIC v2.08, Type: A 
• May take every value between 0 and  
65534.  Equipment name: f200c Measurement and fault detection 
 Alarm Parameters 
• Default value is 0.  DNP3 Setup: Setup Time 
 RTU address : 0 Energy Preset 
 SCADA address : 0 
SCADA address :  DNP3 Parameters 
• May take every value between 0 and  Modem Type: Direct RS 232 
 Communication Parameters 
• Default value is 0.  SAVE CONFIGURATION : 
DNP3 Parameters :  
Displays the configuration screen of  Display events Erase events 
protocol dedicated parameters.  Display analog DNP3 Analyser 
Equipment states

Modem type
• Defines the communication medium. Alarm Parameters :
Possible values : Direct RS232 , Displays the alarm configuration screen.
Hayes, GSM, GPRS.
• In this exemple, default value is : DNP3 Analyser :
Direct RS232. Displays the trace of exchanges between the equipment and the
control station.
Communication Parameters (RS232,
Hayes and GSM only) :
Displays the communication medium
parameters setup screen according to the
medium selected.

 MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit 

 Easergy Flair 200C DNP3 
 PROM v1.00, PIC v0.00, Type: A 
GPRS modem version :  
 Equipment name: f200c Measurement and fault detection 
 Alarm Parameters 
 DNP3 Setup: Setup Time 
GPRS Parameters (GPRS only) :  RTU address : 0 Energy Preset 
Displays the configuration screen of GPRS  SCADA address : 0 
 DNP3 Parameters 
dedicated parameters.  
 Modem Type: GPRS 
 GPRS Parameters 
TCP/IP Parameters (GPRS only) :  TCP/IP parameters 
Displays the configuration screen of  SAVE CONFIGURATION : 
 OK Default Config. 
TCP/IP dedicated parameters  Cancel 
 Display events Erase events 
 Display analog DNP3 Analyser 
Equipment state

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

Alarm Parameters
 MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit 
 Alarm Parameters 
Digital Input :  
 Digital input 1 : no Alarm message enabled : no 
• For each Digital Input, the "yes" option  Digital input 2 : no Dial up test : no 
 Digital input 3 : no 
causes sending of an alarm on each  Digital input 4 : no Cyclic dial up : no 
 Digital input 5 : no Starting time (min) : 0 
change of state of the input.  Digital input 6 : no (hour) : 0 
• Default value is no. 

Flair 200C fault : no Period (hours) : 24 

Alarm on … :  Alarm on AC supply off detection : no 
• The "yes" option causes sending of an
Alarm on phase fault detection : no
 Alarm on earth fault detection : no 
alarm upon occurrence of the fault.  
• Default value is no.  
Alarm message enabled :  

• The yes option activates alarm
• Default value is no. Cyclic dial-up :
Note : Alarm call to the control station and • The yes option causes cyclic dial-up to the control station.
SMS sending can be enabled at the same • Default value is no.
time. The SMS message is sent first.
Starting time (min & hour) :
Dial-up test: • Starting time (in the following 24 hours) of the cyclic dial-up.
• The "yes" option allows a test to be • Default value is midnight.
performed on alarm transmission to
the control station. The Flair 200C is Period :
calling the supervisor after recording of • Time interval between two consecutive cyclic dial-ups, from 0
the configuration. to 255h.
• Default value is no. • Default value is 24 hours

Communication Parameters
(RS232, Hayes or GSM modem type)

 MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit 

 Communication Parameters 
Direct RS 232  
Host baud rate:  Modem : Direct RS 232 
• This is the transmission speed  Host baud rate : 9600 bauds 
between the SCADA and the RTU.  Handle DSR : no 
 Handle DCD : no 
The available values are 200, 300,  
600, 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600  Handle CTS : no 
 CTS delay : 20ms 
bauds  RTS (or CTS) to message delay : 20ms 
 Message to RTS delay : 20ms 
• The default value is set to 9600 bauds.  
Handle DSR:  
• Select "yes" if you want F200C to  
detect connection, using DSR.  
• Default value is "no".

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

Handle DCD: RTS (or CTS) to message delay:

• Select "yes" if you want F200C to • It's the delay F200C will wait after RTS (or CTS if handled)
control reception with DCD. before sending the message. Value is from 0 to 500 ms.
• Default value is "no". • Default value is 20 ms.

Handle CTS: Message to RTS delay:

• Select "yes" if you want F200C to wait • It's the delay F200C will wait after the end of the message
for CTS after asserting RTS before before asserting RTS low. Value is from 0 to 500 ms.
sending the message. • Default value is 20 ms.
• Default value is "no".

CTS Delay:
• It's the delay F200C will wait for CTS if
handled. Value is from 20 to 500 ms.
• Default value is 20 ms.

 MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit 

 Communication Parameters 
 Modem : Hayes 
Host baud rate :  Host baud rate : 9600 bauds 
• This is the transmission speed  Dialing type : Tone 
between the SCADA and the RTU.  Host tel number (main) : 0478574532 
 Host tel number (standby) : 0478574532 
The available values are 200, 300,  Dial up delay time - first attempt : 1s 
 (0s = random value) - second attempt : 1mn 
600, 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600  - third attempt : 2mn 
 Max transmission time : 10mn 
• The default value is set to 9600 bauds.  
 Modem init : E0Q0V1&C1&D2S0=2 
 Factory modem init 
Dialing type :  
• Tone, pulse or none.  

• The default value is tone.
Host tel number (main) : 2 attempt :
In the event that the first call fails, time lag before the second call
• Phone number of the control station
to the SCADA.
(maximum 15 digits).
• Configurable from 0 to 5 min in increments of 1 min.
• This field is empty in default settings
Host tel number (standby) : • Default value : 1mn.
The value 0 corresponds to a random delay between 1 and 5 min.
• Standby number od the control station rd
3 attempt :
if the main number is unavailable
In the event that the second call fails, time lag before the third call
station (maximum 15 digits).
to the SCADA.
• This field is empty in default settings
• Configurable from 0 to 10 min in increments of 1 min.
Dial up delay time : • Default value : 2 mn.
Time lag between the occurrence of an The value 0 corresponds to a random delay between 1 and 5 min.
alarm and the call to the SCADA. Maximum transmission time:
1 attempt : Maximum lasting time of a call. After this time, systematic call
• Configurable from 0 to 60 s in break.
increments of 1 s. • Configurable from 1 to 30 min in increments of 1 min.
• Default value : 1s. • Default value : 10 min.
The value 0 corresponds to a random time
lag between 1 and 60 s to avoid all the Modem init :
equipment calling the SCADA at the same • Hayes modem initialization chain (AT command)
time. • Default settings : E0Q0V1&C1&D2S0=2.
Factory modem init :
Restores the factory initialization chain

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

 MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit 

 Communication Parameters 
Host baud rate :  
 Modem : GSM 
• This is the transmission speed  Host baud rate : 9600 bauds 
 PIN code : 0000 
between the SCADA and theRTU. The  
available values are 200, 300, 600,  Alarm parameters 
 Host tel number (main) : 
1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600 bauds  Host tel number (standby) : 
• The default value is set to 9600 bauds.  Dial up delay time - first attempt : 1s 
 (0s = random value) - second attempt : 1mn 
 - third attempt : 2mn 
PIN code:  Max transmission time : 10mn 
• PIN code of the SIM card.  Short Message System : SMS 
 Short Message System enabled : no 
• Default value : 0000.  SMS service center phone number : 
In the event of an incorrect PIN code, “PIN  SMS user phone number : 
code error” appears in the “Equipment  

states” menu.
Important: after three incorrect attempts
the SIM card becomes invalid. To make 2 attempt :
it valid, a mobile phone must be used In the event that the first call fails, time lag before the second call
(The Flair 200C cannot do this). to the SCADA.
Please, consult the user guide of the SIM • Configurable from 0 to 5 min in increments of 1 min.
Card to return to an available status. • Default value : 1mn.
The value 0 corresponds to a random delay between 1 and 5 min.
3 attempt :
Alarm Parameters :
In the event that the second call fails, time lag before the third call
Host tel number (main) :
to the SCADA.
• Phone number of the control station
• Configurable from 0 to 10 min in increments of 1 min.
(maximum 15 digits).
• Default value : 2 mn.
• This field is empty in default settings
The value 0 corresponds to a random delay between 1 and 5 min.
Host tel number (standby) :
• Standby number od the control station
Maximum transmission time:
if the main number is unavailable
Maximum lasting time of a call. After this time, systematic call
station (maximum 15 digits).
• This field is empty in default settings
• Configurable from 1 to 30 min in increments of 1 min.
• Default value : 10 min.
Dial up delay time :
Time lag between the occurrence of an
Short Message System (SMS) :
alarm and the call to the SCADA.
rst SMS activated :
1 attempt :
• Yes/No, enables SMS’s to be sent or not
• Configurable from 0 to 60 s in
increments of 1 s. • Default value is no.
SMS service center phone number :
• Default value : 1s.
The value 0 corresponds to a random time • Phone number of the SMS server (refer to the notice with the
SIM card)
lag between 1 and 60 s to avoid all the
equipment calling the SCADA at the same • This field is empty in default settings.
time. SMS user phone number :
• Mobile phone number of the recipient of the SMS’s
• This field is empty in default settings.

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

GPRS Parameters
(GPRS version only)
 MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit 
 GPRS Parameters 
 PIN code : 0000 
Setting of the PIN code into the SIM card  
(default value is 0000).  GPRS COMMUNICATION PARAMETERS 
 APN Server (Max 30 Digits) : internet-entreprise 
In case of wrong PIN code, "SIM card  APN Login (Max 30 Digits) : 
 APN Password (Max 30 Digits) : 
failure" appears in the screen "Equipment  
 Time between connection attempt: 5mn 
Important: after three incorrect attempts  
the SIM card becomes invalid. To make  
it valid, a mobile phone must be used  
(The Flair 200C cannot do this).  
Please, consult the user guide of the SIM  
Card to return to an available status.  

APN Server:
Enter the APN(Access Point Name) which
you obtain from your GPRS provider
Time between connection attempt :
APN Login and Password: Delay time between 2 failed connection attempts to the IP network
Enter the login and the password provided
with your GPRS account.
Note: In major case, no login and
password are required for GPRS access.

TCP/IP Parameters
(GPRS version only)
 MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit 
 TCP/IP parameters 
F200C Parameters  
Host address:  Host address( if dynamic) : 
The address of the F200C is currently  Listen mode : yes 
 Local port(1-65535) : 20000 
allocated dynamically ( corresponds  Max transmission time : 10mn 
to dynamic allocation). The allocated  TCP connect. delay - 1st try : 1s 
address is readable in Equipment State  (0s = random value) - 2nd try : 1mn 
 - 3rd try : 2mn 
menu. This field should be writable in  SCADA PARAMETERS 
 IP address : 
future use  Socket type : TCP 
 Remote port(1-65535) : 2404 
Listen Mode:  
Select yes, if you want F200C to listen to  
incoming TCP connection. When the  
equipment is in alarm mode, F200C stops  Escape=Exit

listening to incoming connection.
Local Port: TCP/IP connect. delay:
Enter the port number you want F200C to Time to send an alarm configured with "delayed" option:
listen to incoming TCP connection. Value
is from 1 to 65535. • first attempt: adjustable from 0 to 1min. per steps of 1s.
Setting it to ‘’0’’ selects a random time between 0 and 1 min
Max transmission time: (this is mandatory to prevent all equipment calling the SCADA
Maximum duration of a TCP/IP connection. at the same time).
On time-out expiry, the TCP/IP connection
is closed. • second attempt: configurable from 0 to 5min. per steps of
Each time the F200C receives a request, 1min. Setting it to ‘’0’’ selects a random time between 0 and 5
the timer is re-armed. min.

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

SCADA Parameters
• third attempt: configurable from 0 to Ip address :
10 min, in steps of 1 min. Setting it to Enter the Ip address of the SCADA
‘’0’’ selects a random time between 0
and 10 min Socket type:
Not implemented(for future use).
Note: The 2nd and 3rd emissions are only
used by the equipment if the preceding Remote port:
one did not manage to send the frame. Enter the port number the SCADA listens to incoming connection.

 MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit 

DNP3 Parameters  DNP3 Parameters 
Idle line delay :  Idle line delay : 10ms 
 Requires Data Link Confirm : no 
It's the minimum line idle interval between  Maximum Data Link Re-tries : 3 
two consecutive frames. Values are from  Time-out : 5s 
 Delay before emission : 10s 
10 to 100 ms.  
• 10 ms is the default value.  Handle requested object(s) unknown bit : yes 
 Sends Unsolicited Responses : no 
 Wait delay : 100ms 
Requires Data Link Layer Confirm :  Requires Application Confirm : no 
 Maximum Application Re-tries : 3 
• Select "yes" if you want User Data to  Time-out : 1mn 
 Transmission of currents on changes : yes 
be sent using a "SEND – CONFIRM  Deadband value : 10 
expected" frame type by the Link  
Layer. Selecting "no" configures Link  
Layer to use a "SEND – NO REPLY  

expected" frame type for User Data

Notice that in the case where "SEND – Delay before emission :
NO REPLY expected" frame type is • To avoid collision when spontaneously emitting on a half-
used F200C will never send "RESET duplex link, F200C will wait a T delay after seeing the link is
of remote link" frames. It will work no more busy (using CD). If at this moment, CD is still not
strictly as a slave. present, F200C will send the message. If present, it will wait
• Default is "yes". another T delay. T delay is the sum of "Delay before
emission" and a random value. Configured values are from 0
Maximum Data Link Re-tries : to 10 s.
• Defines the number of re-tries by the • Default value is 0 s.
Link Layer, when the RTU doesn't
receive any "CONFIRM" frame (ACK Transmission of currents on changes :
or NACK) to a frame using a "SEND – • You can permit or inhibit transmission of currents
CONFIRM expected" frame type. measurements on changes by selecting respectively "yes" or
When the Maximum Data Link Re-tries "no".
is reached without confirmation, Link • Default value is "yes".
Layer will perform "RESET of remote
link" to re-initialise the link. Deadband value
• Default value is 3. • It's the difference there must be between last reported value
and current value to have a Change Event generated. Range
Time-out : is from 1 to 10 000 in increments of 1.
• It's the delay Link Layer will wait for a • Default value is 10
"CONFIRM" frame after sending a
"SEND – CONFIRM expected" frame.
Values are from 1 to 10 s.
• Default value is 5 s.

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication
 MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit 
 Equipment state 
 Fault passage indicator: 
 Phase fault Digital outputs: 
 Earth fault -----[|]-----> DO1 
Equipment State  Equipment state:
-----[|]-----> DO2

 Flair 200C fault DO Controle: Select 
 Local conf Confirm command 
 Remote conf cAncel command 
 Config. fault 
The equipment states menu is used to  Alarm processing... Digital inputs: 
 AC supply off DI 1 
display the information linked to the state  DI 2 
of the F200C.  Communication state: Modem state : DI 3 
 Modem not identified TCP Connected ! DI 4 
 SIM card failure Ip address : DI 5 DI 6 
Fault passage indicator  GSM signal quality: 
Faults are indicated in reverse video  The signal must be between 17 and 31 (0 at start, 99 is faulty) 
 0 Max(31) 
 received signal: 0  
Equipment States  Escape=Exit

Current states are indicated in reverse
video Modem state comments
Modem Init... G200 is configuring the modem
Digital Outputs
Use the “S” (select), “C” (confirm) and “A” Entering code pin... -
(cAncel) keys to control the relay outputs Code pin error ! Wrong code pin
Network IMSI registration
Digital Inputs registration...
Inputs in logical state 1 are indicated in GPRS registration...
reverse video PDP Init... Open a PDP session
PDP Closing... Close the PDP session
Modem not identified: F200C was unable PDP Status... Check the PDP status
to PDP Connected ! Stand-bye state when listen mode is
communicate with the modem used. not activated.
Closing TCP listened Close the listen port
GSM SIM card failure: F200C has detected TCP Closing... Disconnection from the SCADA
TCP Listening... Opening the listen port
the embedded GSM modem card, but
TCP Listened ! Stand-bye state when listen mode is
cannot read the SIM card.
TCP Connecting... Try to connect to the SCADA
Ip address (GPRS only): Indicates the
TCP Connected ! Connected to the SCADA
current Ip address of the F200C.
Modem failure !
GSM registration IMSI registration is refused by the
GSM signal quality
denied ! operator (check your SIM card right
Specific to the GSM modem, the barchart with your provider)
indicates the quality of the reception signal GPRS registration GPRS registration or PDP activation is
denied ! refused by the operator (check your
SIM card right with your provider)

 MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit 

DNP3 Analyser 
 31:43.16 >>.......... 05 64 4F 44 00 00 00 00 03 C5

 C7 C7 81 90 00 01 01 00 00 17 07 02 00 1E 02 00 16 82 
 00 06 01 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 F2 60 
 00 01 18 FC 01 86 13 1E 01 00 07 0A 01 F6 08 00 73 B9 
 55:52.99 < .......... 05 64 11 C4 00 00 00 00 CE 83 
This analyser shows the different frames  E0 C4 01 3C 02 06 3C 03 06 3C 04 06 95 9D 
recognised with some complementary  55:53.00 >>.......... 05 64 0A 44 00 00 00 00 F7 93 
 E5 C4 81 90 02 4F 2B 
information such as the direction of the  55:55.09 < .......... 05 64 11 C4 00 00 00 00 CE 83 
 E1 C5 01 3C 02 06 3C 03 06 3C 04 06 FC 67 
frame (Host -> F200C or F200C -> Host),  55:55.10 >>.......... 05 64 0A 44 00 00 00 00 F7 93 
possibly the error detected (character  E6 C5 81 90 02 AD 8C 
 55:57.20 < .......... 05 64 11 C4 00 00 00 00 CE 83 
framing error, overflow, checksum, bad  E2 C6 01 3C 02 06 3C 03 06 3C 04 06 3E 24 
 55:57.21 >>.......... 05 64 0A 44 00 00 00 00 F7 93 
length, bad control character). In case of  E7 C6 81 90 02 EA A5 
 55:57.69 < .......... 05 64 0B C4 00 00 00 00 64 47 
multiple errors, it's the first one that is  E3 C7 01 3C 01 06 3F DB 
indicated.  55:57.78 >>.......... 05 64 4F 44 00 00 00 00 03 C5 
 E8 C7 81 90 00 01 01 00 00 17 07 02 00 1E 02 00 9A D4 
Each correct frame is shown, one block  00 06 01 98 04 01 88 04 01 8F 04 01 92 05 01 8F 49 2A 
 04 01 5E 01 01 8A 13 1E 01 00 07 0A 01 DA 08 00 C0 17 
per line (10 bytes for the first one, 18 bytes  
for next ones, last one may be shorter).

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication Device Profile Document

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Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

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Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

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5'*/!"2. - , 2 -+4 !-+ 5'*/!"2. 6"--"(+ <0." "-' 7
-+ !6"--"(+ <0." "-' 7

, , .'('- ,0 , ,$ , -"-'( "-"' , .'('- ,0 , ,$

&! &!
5'*/!"2. 6"--"(+ <0." "-' 7 C+ &'( ,-"!-,
.9( !-"' 23(-, C + -"-/,)."*, +" *
# -'# ,6"--"(+ <0." "-' 7
-+ ! 0-' ,0 !#'--
8 8
)/ (-' ( ,,/00 !-

5"/.- / -! 23(- "!'"-' $ / -!, .. & !"-$

/ -!, 0 !- / -!, 0 !-
5'*/!"2. 6"--"(+ <0." "-' 7 5'*/!"2. 6"--"(+ <0." "-' 7
5"/.- 23(- 8'-,
5"/.- "!'"-' 8'-,
'-:29:0 '-.',-"--"(+ -+ ! "./ AAAAAAAAAAA
'-:29:0 '-.',-"--"(+

, /.-':)!"*# - ,0 , ,$ ,

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication Implementation Table


"# Description $% $%
!& !& !& !&
&% '( &% '(

8'"!9 0/-; .. "!'"-' ,

8'"!9 0/- ?

8'"!9 0/-B'-+ -"-/, ?

8'"!9 0/- +" * B'-+ '# ?

(+ 5
-! . ."9 /0/-8.(= F4 4@ ? !1/ ,-

8'"!9 / -!; .. "!'"-' ,

:8'-8'"!9 / -! ?

".* 0/-; .. "!'"-' ,

:8'- ".* 0/- ?

:8'- ".* 0/- ?

:8'- ".* +" * & -B'-+ '# ?

".* /-0/- -"-/,; .. "!'"-' ,

:8'- ".* /-0/-8.(= F4 4@

:8'- ".* /-0/-8.(= F4 4@

F '# " "- 6, B+ !

7 1/" -'

.",, "-"

.",, "-" 4 4@
6 7
.",, "-" 4 4@
6 7
.",, "-" 4 4@

@ -! ". '("-' ,
' <J


23(- 6,

'-' - %'*+ ,- & ., /00 !-


Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

Description $& ( ) *% **
!$ ) $ * *!$ !*$
6+ < (7
"# % "# %
-! . ."9 '*'-". /-0/-
-! . ."9 '*'-". /-0/-
-! . ."9 !, - !*9
-! . ."9 , - 5)"/.- ",,"*
/0/-8.(= '("-!

Control relay output block :

0 and 1 : Command of digital output 1 and 2.
2 : Loading of the meter Energy with the preset energy value (32 bits) on closing order.
3 : Fault passage indicator reset on closing order.

Description $& ( ) *% ) $ * *!$ !*$

6+ < (7 * *!$
"# % "# %
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# '*'-". 0/-
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# '*'-". 0/-
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# '*'-". 0/-
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# '*'-". 0/-
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# '*'-". 0/-F
8'"!9 0/- F F -"-/, C '-+ '# '*'-". 0/-
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# , !&
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# , !&
8'"!9 0/- @ @ -"-/, C '-+ '# )."'! 5"/.-
8'"!9 0/- ? ? -"-/, C '-+ '# (".( 5'*/!"-'
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# # - ( 5'*/!"-'
8'"!9 0/- 8 -"-/, C '-+ '# , !&
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# 5'*/!"-' 5"/.-
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# -"(=@ K
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# & -.,,
8'"!9 0/- ) F -"-/, C '-+ '# , !&
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# "!-+5"/.-
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# )/*'-'& "!-+5"/.-
8'"!9 0/- @ -"-/, C '-+ '# ,/00.9 550+",
8'"!9 0/- ? -"-/, C '-+ '# +", 5"/.-
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# )",-0+", 5"/.-
8'"!9 0/- F -"-/, C '-+ '# , !&
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# , !&
8'"!9 0/- -"-/, C '-+ '# , !&

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

Description $& ( ) *% ) $ * *!$ !*$

6+ < (7 * *!$
"# % "# %
".* 0/- :8'- :8'- +", (/!! -
C '-+ '#
".* 0/- :8'- :8'- +", (/!! -
C '-+ '#
".* 0/- :8'- :8'- +", (/!! -
C '-+ '#
".* 0/- :8'- :8'- % # 0 ."!(/!! -
C '-+ '#
".* 0/- :8'- :8'- & !"* (/!! - # "
C '-+ '#
".* 0/- F F :8'- B !5"(-!9

".* 0/- :8'- )!1/ (9

Description $& ( ) *% ) $ * *!$ !*$

6+ < (7 * *!$
"# % "# %
".* 0/- :8'- .-"* 0+",
".* 0/- @ @ :8'- (-'& 0 B !
".* 0/- ? ? :8'- "(-'& 0 B !
".* 0/- :8'- 00"! -0 B !

Description $& ( ) *% ) $ * *!$ !*$

6+ < (7 * *!$
"# % "# %
8'"!9( / -! :8'- !*9

Description $& ( + , !*$

6+ < (7
"# % "# %
".* /-0/- :8'- :8'- 9(.'( '"./00 !'
C '-+ /-
".* /-0/- :8'- :8'- !*90!, -&"./
C '-+ /-
".* /-0/- :2'- :8'- ) " !,,
C '-+ /- 6 & !,' .97
'# 6!" .95 !5/-/! /, 7
".* /-0/- :2'- :8'- " !,,
C '-+ /- 6 & !,' .97

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

Analog output 0 : Cyclic dial period

The Flair 200C may periodically dial up. This function can be used to check if the equipment is still running and to
download measurements. The parameters of the cyclic dial up are coded as follows :

Most significant byte :

Set 0 Hour (0 to 24) 0 Minute (0 to 59)

B15 B8 B7 B0

Set = 1 : Cyclic dial up process is on (only if alarms are activated).

Set = 0 : Cyclic dial up process is off.

Hour and Minute stand for the starting time of the process in the current day.

Least significant byte :

0 Period (0 to 255 hours)

B15 B8 B7 B0

Period stands for the number of hours between two automatic calls.

Analog output 2 and 3 : IP addresses (for GPRS only)

F200C IP address: IP address of the F200C (must be if dynamic allocation is used)
SCADA IP address: IP address of the SCADA

Each byte can be : 0 <byte < 255

For instance, is coded as :

68 / 0x44 byte 1
9 / 0x09 byte 2
251 / 0xFB byte 3
193 / 0xC1 byte 4

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

Description $& ( + , !*$

6+ < (7
"# % "# %
".* /-0/- :8'- :8'- ."!#,
C '-+ /- '#
".* /-0/- F F :8'- :8'- B !- 55-+!,+ .
C '-+ /- '#
".* /-0/- :8'- :8'- B! -+!,+ .
C '-+ /- '#
".* /-0/- :8'- :8'- #"<-+!,+ .
C '-+ /- '#
".* /-0/- @ @ :8'- :8'- -+!,+ .
C '-+ /- '#
".* /-0/- ? ? :8'- :8'- , -5"/.--'#
C '-+ /- '#
".* /-0/- :8'- :8'- #"<5"/.-"(= -'#
C '-+ /- '#
".* /-0/- 8 :8'- :8'- 5"/.-"(= -'#
C '-+ /- '#
".* /-0/- :8'- :8'- )."'! 0 !-
C '-+ /- '# 6 .97
".* /-0/- :8'- :8'- 0 !-
C '-+ /- '# 6 .97

Analog output 4 : Alarms on TSS

1 = Alarm is ON if the TSS is ON
0 = Alarm is not used
Analog output 4 : alarms on TSS
Alarme Désignation Bit
1 Digital input 1 0
2 Digital input 2 1
3 Digital input 3 2
4 Digital input 4 3
5 Digital input 5 4
6 Digital input 6 5
7 Flair 200C fault 6
8 Test alarm 7
9 Short message system enabled 8
10 Reserved 9
11 AC supply off 10
12 Phase fault 11
13 Earth fault 12
14 Alarm message set up 13
15 Reserved 14
16 Reserved 15

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication

Analog output 5 to 11 :

Parameter of measurements range

Analog Output index Parameter min max Incremental unit
(decimal value) value
5 Power off threshold 5 95 1 %
6 Power on threshold 70 120 1 %
7 Imax threshold 40 750 1 A
8 I0 threshold 20 160 1 A
9 Reset fault time 1 12 1 h
10 Imax fault ack. time 40 800 1 ms
11 I0 fault ack time 20 800 1 ms

Analog output 12 and 13 : F200C and SCADA ports (for GPRS only)

F200C port : local port on which F200C is listening to incoming connections (only if local parameter listen mode
is <ON>)
SCADA port : remote port on which the SCADA is listening to incoming connections from F200C

Possible values: 1 to 65535

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

F200C DNP 3.0 Communication Special considerations

Internal INdications
Control center time synchronization

Bit 4 of first IIN byte is set when F200C starts up. This bit is cleared when the SCADA sends its first clock
synchronization message.

Then F200C sets it again regularly (every hour) to ensure the SCADA is answering it on a regular basis.

This clock synchronization is required to ensure a proper accuracy of time-stamping process. Should F200C not
receive a new synchronization message from the master within an hour after the last one, the IIN bit is set.

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc

64-70, avenue Jean-Baptiste Due to changes in standards and equipment,
Clément the characteristics mentioned in the texts and images of this
Schneider Electric SA F- 92646 Boulogne Billancourt document cannot be considered as binding unless confirmed
Cedex by our services.
Tel.: +33 (0)1 46 99 70 00
NT00138EN-01.doc Edition : 09/2006 Fax: +33 (0)1 46 99 71 00 Publication: Schneider Electric Industries SA

Schneider Electric Easergy FLAIR 200C – DNP 3.0 Communication NT00138EN-01.doc


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