MV/LV Substations Remote Monitoring: DNP 3.0 Communication
MV/LV Substations Remote Monitoring: DNP 3.0 Communication
MV/LV Substations Remote Monitoring: DNP 3.0 Communication
SUMMARY ............................................................................3
SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION...........................................4
IMPLEMENTATION TABLE................................................16
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS............................................22
F200C DNP 3.0 Communication Software Configuration
Local configuration
Configuration and diagnosis of the Flair 200C is performed by
connecting a laptop PC.
Requisite equipment
8 8
The equipment is configured using a PC provided with MS-DOS
M etal
M etal part and :
C onn ector on C onn ector on "Flair 200 Configuration and diagnostic" software,
com puter en d F2 00C end
Connection cable
Specific messages :
Software configuration :
Main menu
MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit
Easergy Flair 200C DNP3
RTU address : PROM v1.00, PIC v2.08, Type: A
• May take every value between 0 and
65534. Equipment name: f200c Measurement and fault detection
Alarm Parameters
• Default value is 0. DNP3 Setup: Setup Time
RTU address : 0 Energy Preset
SCADA address : 0
SCADA address : DNP3 Parameters
• May take every value between 0 and Modem Type: Direct RS 232
Communication Parameters
• Default value is 0. SAVE CONFIGURATION :
DNP3 Parameters :
Displays the configuration screen of Display events Erase events
protocol dedicated parameters. Display analog DNP3 Analyser
Equipment states
Modem type
• Defines the communication medium. Alarm Parameters :
Possible values : Direct RS232 , Displays the alarm configuration screen.
Hayes, GSM, GPRS.
• In this exemple, default value is : DNP3 Analyser :
Direct RS232. Displays the trace of exchanges between the equipment and the
control station.
Communication Parameters (RS232,
Hayes and GSM only) :
Displays the communication medium
parameters setup screen according to the
medium selected.
Alarm Parameters
MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit
Alarm Parameters
Digital Input :
Digital input 1 : no Alarm message enabled : no
• For each Digital Input, the "yes" option Digital input 2 : no Dial up test : no
Digital input 3 : no
causes sending of an alarm on each Digital input 4 : no Cyclic dial up : no
Digital input 5 : no Starting time (min) : 0
change of state of the input. Digital input 6 : no (hour) : 0
• Default value is no.
Flair 200C fault : no Period (hours) : 24
Alarm on … : Alarm on AC supply off detection : no
• The "yes" option causes sending of an
Alarm on phase fault detection : no
Alarm on earth fault detection : no
alarm upon occurrence of the fault.
• Default value is no.
Alarm message enabled :
• The yes option activates alarm
• Default value is no. Cyclic dial-up :
Note : Alarm call to the control station and • The yes option causes cyclic dial-up to the control station.
SMS sending can be enabled at the same • Default value is no.
time. The SMS message is sent first.
Starting time (min & hour) :
Dial-up test: • Starting time (in the following 24 hours) of the cyclic dial-up.
• The "yes" option allows a test to be • Default value is midnight.
performed on alarm transmission to
the control station. The Flair 200C is Period :
calling the supervisor after recording of • Time interval between two consecutive cyclic dial-ups, from 0
the configuration. to 255h.
• Default value is no. • Default value is 24 hours
Communication Parameters
(RS232, Hayes or GSM modem type)
CTS Delay:
• It's the delay F200C will wait for CTS if
handled. Value is from 20 to 500 ms.
• Default value is 20 ms.
GPRS Parameters
(GPRS version only)
MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit
GPRS Parameters
PIN code : 0000
Setting of the PIN code into the SIM card
(default value is 0000). GPRS COMMUNICATION PARAMETERS
APN Server (Max 30 Digits) : internet-entreprise
In case of wrong PIN code, "SIM card APN Login (Max 30 Digits) :
APN Password (Max 30 Digits) :
failure" appears in the screen "Equipment
Time between connection attempt: 5mn
Important: after three incorrect attempts
the SIM card becomes invalid. To make
it valid, a mobile phone must be used
(The Flair 200C cannot do this).
Please, consult the user guide of the SIM
Card to return to an available status.
APN Server:
Enter the APN(Access Point Name) which
you obtain from your GPRS provider
Time between connection attempt :
APN Login and Password: Delay time between 2 failed connection attempts to the IP network
Enter the login and the password provided
with your GPRS account.
Note: In major case, no login and
password are required for GPRS access.
TCP/IP Parameters
(GPRS version only)
MERLIN GERIN - Configuration and Diagnostic - ALT+F4=Exit
TCP/IP parameters
F200C Parameters
Host address: Host address( if dynamic) :
The address of the F200C is currently Listen mode : yes
Local port(1-65535) : 20000
allocated dynamically ( corresponds Max transmission time : 10mn
to dynamic allocation). The allocated TCP connect. delay - 1st try : 1s
address is readable in Equipment State (0s = random value) - 2nd try : 1mn
- 3rd try : 2mn
menu. This field should be writable in SCADA PARAMETERS
IP address :
future use Socket type : TCP
Remote port(1-65535) : 2404
Listen Mode:
Select yes, if you want F200C to listen to
incoming TCP connection. When the
equipment is in alarm mode, F200C stops Escape=Exit
listening to incoming connection.
Local Port: TCP/IP connect. delay:
Enter the port number you want F200C to Time to send an alarm configured with "delayed" option:
listen to incoming TCP connection. Value
is from 1 to 65535. • first attempt: adjustable from 0 to 1min. per steps of 1s.
Setting it to ‘’0’’ selects a random time between 0 and 1 min
Max transmission time: (this is mandatory to prevent all equipment calling the SCADA
Maximum duration of a TCP/IP connection. at the same time).
On time-out expiry, the TCP/IP connection
is closed. • second attempt: configurable from 0 to 5min. per steps of
Each time the F200C receives a request, 1min. Setting it to ‘’0’’ selects a random time between 0 and 5
the timer is re-armed. min.
SCADA Parameters
• third attempt: configurable from 0 to Ip address :
10 min, in steps of 1 min. Setting it to Enter the Ip address of the SCADA
‘’0’’ selects a random time between 0
and 10 min Socket type:
Not implemented(for future use).
Note: The 2nd and 3rd emissions are only
used by the equipment if the preceding Remote port:
one did not manage to send the frame. Enter the port number the SCADA listens to incoming connection.
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The Flair 200C may periodically dial up. This function can be used to check if the equipment is still running and to
download measurements. The parameters of the cyclic dial up are coded as follows :
Hour and Minute stand for the starting time of the process in the current day.
Period stands for the number of hours between two automatic calls.
F200C IP address: IP address of the F200C (must be if dynamic allocation is used)
SCADA IP address: IP address of the SCADA
68 / 0x44 byte 1
9 / 0x09 byte 2
251 / 0xFB byte 3
193 / 0xC1 byte 4
Analog output 5 to 11 :
Analog output 12 and 13 : F200C and SCADA ports (for GPRS only)
F200C port : local port on which F200C is listening to incoming connections (only if local parameter listen mode
is <ON>)
SCADA port : remote port on which the SCADA is listening to incoming connections from F200C
Internal INdications
Control center time synchronization
Bit 4 of first IIN byte is set when F200C starts up. This bit is cleared when the SCADA sends its first clock
synchronization message.
Then F200C sets it again regularly (every hour) to ensure the SCADA is answering it on a regular basis.
This clock synchronization is required to ensure a proper accuracy of time-stamping process. Should F200C not
receive a new synchronization message from the master within an hour after the last one, the IIN bit is set.