Making Diversity Work: Key Trends and Practices in The Indian IT-BPM Industry
Making Diversity Work: Key Trends and Practices in The Indian IT-BPM Industry
Making Diversity Work: Key Trends and Practices in The Indian IT-BPM Industry
diversity work
Key trends and
practices in the Indian
IT-BPM industry
Strictly private
and confidential
15 March 2016
Multiplicity of thoughts, ideas and backgrounds adds and have now evolved to include new threads, such as inclusion
meaning to our society. However, it also generates of PwDs in 2011. The most recent addition, which happened in
multiple identities that may lead to disturbances. Different 2014, recognises business leaders for promoting diversity and
viewpoints, backgrounds and approaches can lead to inclusion (D&I). This year, the award categories were revamped
better outcomes. Managing diversity is not an option; it is a to highlight the success stories and best practices in D&I across
business imperative for all organisations who wish to have the industry.
sustainable growth in the new socio-economic order. Over the years, NASSCOM’s sustained efforts to build
India is the seventh largest country in the world. A culture awareness on diversity through various forums have resulted
change occurs every two hundred kilometres. Most in a significant increase in the participation in these awards. It
organisations today have a diverse workforce. Managing is heartening to see an increase in the number of nominations
the expectations of diverse employees and keeping them from 23 in 2007 to 109 in 2015. This year, we also recorded the
engaged is not an easy task. Organisations cannot assume highest number of new entrants, which includes MNCs, leading
and apply a common formula to attract, retain and e-commerce start-ups and other Indian IT-BPM companies.
motivate all employees in their organisation. They need Leading names from the industry, including Krishnakumar
to create an environment where no one is advantaged or Natrajan, Sandhya Vasudevan, Ganesh Natarajan, Srinath Batni,
disadvantaged—namely an environment where ‘we’ means Hema Ravichandar, Kalpana Morparia, N R Narayana Murthy,
everyone. Dr Rekha Jain, Sharad Sharma, Som Mittal, Sangeeta Gupta,
India continues to be the one-stop destination for global Vasanthi Srinivasan and Vinita Bali, have supported the awards
sourcing, with a 56% share in 2015.¹ The information through the years as jury members. The awards process has
technology-business process management (IT-BPM) benefited tremendously from their perspective, insight and
workforce is becoming increasingly diverse—in terms of investment of time.
socio-economic, linguistic, multinational and regional PricewaterhouseCoopers Private Limited (PwC) has been
backgrounds. The Indian IT-BPM industry has seen the the knowledge partner for this initiative since 2010. We have
number of women employed increase to over 1.3 million,2 advised, analysed and facilitated the process of evaluating and
which is more than a third of the total workforce. Women shortlisting applications for the awards jury. Our proprietary
constitute more than half of the current entry-level hires. human capital measurement and benchmarking tool, Saratoga,3
Over the last few years, the industry has also been actively has diversity as one of its key metrics. The evaluation process
pursuing inclusion of persons with disabilities (PwDs) as applies the Saratoga metrics to assess long-term sustainable
well as encouraging an overall inclusive work culture. diversity practices that drive the desired outcomes.
The NASSCOM Corporate Awards for Excellence in This report, ‘Making diversity work’, highlights the emerging
Diversity and Inclusion, constituted in 2007, recognise trends of D&I that IT-BPM organisations have adopted in India.
companies that have adopted and implemented policies A further value add is detailed case studies of some of the
and practices to promote diversity, and have enabled organisations that have won this award. We trust this report
inclusion of their employees to contribute to the success of will have significant takeaways in the form of best practices that
their enterprise. These awards acknowledge the fact that a firms can adopt and implement.
‘culture of inclusion’ has become a business imperative.
We hope you will find the report useful and welcome your
Over the last nine years, these awards have reinvented feedback and comments. We encourage you to reach out to our
themselves, and have been setting high benchmarks within members to deepen your understanding of these case studies of
the industry. They started with a focus on gender diversity member companies.
2 PwC
The Indian
IT-BPM are graduates (excluding engineers), the sector employs a
diverse mix in terms of skills and knowledge, with a fair
share of engineering graduates (32%) and postgraduates
A diverse
cloud (SMAC).
Currently, the information technology-business process
management (IT-BPM) industry employs around 3.7
million people and generates indirect employment for
more than 10 million employees. This makes
it the largest private employer in India.4 The industry,
which is fast growing, enjoys worldwide demand for its
services. In FY2016, it clocked an estimated revenue of
143 billion USD. This in turn has given rise to
challenging job opportunities as well as roles, and has
made the industry an attractive place for millennials and Today, women constitute 34% of the IT-BPM
young minds, who view the sector as a viable career option, workforce (i.e. over 1.3 million women employees)—an
irrespective of gender, disability and location. The average
age of the workforce within the industry stands at increase of around 1.8 times since FY2009. Nearly
27 years. It thus emerges as a leading sector in terms 10% of these women are in senior management roles
of employing the millennial workforce (defined roughly as (approximately 1% in the C-suite). Further, around
those born between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s, and 28% of the women employees in the sector are primary
for whom digital is a way of life). breadwinners, thereby indicating the changing trend of
The industry is a melting pot of different cultures, women’s employment and inclusion in the sector. The IT-
nationalities and geographies in India. Today, around BPM sector is one of the frontrunners in driving practices
for the inclusion of persons with disabilities (PwDs) in
50% of its employees hail from Tier I locations
in India. Further, it employs foreign nationals from India. However, PwD representation in the sector is less
over 100 countries (a total of 1,70,000 foreign than 1%, which indicates the need to implement
nationals), and over 40% of the headcount of global MNCs progressive measures in this space.
in India. While a majority of its hires (approximately 50%)
50% of employees
34% women Less than 1% from Tier I locations 1,70,000
employees PwDs in India. foreign nationals
4 PwC
Making diversity work 5
moves towards
and ‘hyper-
specialised’ D&I
Leading diversity practitioners in the industry are beginning to adopt
very focussed approaches to D&I programmes. They are applying
measures such as analytics and concepts from organisational and
behaviourial psychology to identify potential segments, especially
among women and the PwD workforce. Targeted programmes are
being created to attract, develop and retain diverse talent segments.
The diverse needs of women, depending on their career stage, must be
considered in order to develop women leaders in the industry.
6 PwC
Based on participation in this year’s awards, some
examples of key segments or hyper-specialised
initiatives that have emerged are given below: Targeted and customised
leadership development
Born between 1980–1995, the female millennial programmes for
is more career confident and ambitious than every band of women
her predecessors. In order to be successful and employees
capitalise on the stellar traits of the female
millennial, employers must commit to an
inclusive culture, talent processes, policies and
programmes that tap into the confidence and
ambitions of the female millennial. The average
age of the Indian IT-BPM industry employee is
27 years, and the maximum number of women
for women in
employees is at the entry level. This makes
technology or
it important for the industry to form talent
SMAC roles
strategies tailored for this segment, which will be
a vital step to achieving the long-term aims and
ambitions of an individual organisation.
Hiring women
on a career
break for more
than three years Engaging
and retaining
12 PwC
Questions for your organisation
• What will it cost your organisation if you get your talent pipeline wrong?
• Do you have the right role models in place to attract, develop and retain female millennials at the middle-management level?
• What are you doing to enable objective talent, performance management and career progression systems and processes?
• What are you doing to create a progressive feedback culture for the development of female millennials?
• What is your organisation doing to create a cadre of women leaders with a global mindset?
• What are you doing to make your international assignment programme inclusive to women? And how will these efforts manifest
themselves in your international assignment programme structure and the selection of international assignees?
In 2014, both SAP and EMC won the award for best IT
company with more than 5,000 and less than 10,000
employees for excellence in gender inclusivity.
14 PwC
Case study 6: PwD inclusion programme, ANZ10
ANZ Bengaluru Hub currently employs 106 PwDs, which is approximately 1.72% of the total workforce. ANZ has adopted a metric-
driven approach to increase PwD representation year on year. They began this journey in 2010 and have hired 20 employees. PwD
representation includes people with various disabilities, such as hearing and speech impairment, visual impairment, orthopaedic
disability, paralysis and cerebral palsy. They have created a focussed recruitment and sourcing strategy by tapping into unique and
specialised sources to hire PwDs. They started a dedicated PwD referral programme and built strong partnerships with NGOs such
as v-shesh and EnAble India, which helped in acquiring a strong talent pool, training support and the all the required know-how for
hiring PwDs.
ANZ has augmented their hiring efforts with structured and segmented initiatives for greater inclusion of PwDs within the
organisation by creating changes at three levels:
Change in perception of regular workforce: The transport team has been trained to communicate through SMS (for hearing and
speech impaired) and in sign language. The existing PwD staff have been leveraged as brand ambassadors.
Change in attitude of managers: A series of sensitisation workshops have been conducted. Also, hiring managers have been
coached through focus group discussions and training to resist the natural urge to use body language as a decision driver when
interviewing candidates with cerebral palsy. Further, a task force (with hiring managers, business unit leads, team leads and project
managers) and performance dashboards have been set up to track progress.
Change in infrastructure: Supportive infrastructure has been installed in doors, ramps and washrooms after performing a detailed
audit. Assistive devices such as wheelchairs, joysticks and pedals (one of the employees with cerebral palsy has been provided with
an innovative device for operating the mouse with his legs) have been made available. House nurses/assistants have been hired to
help staff with movement, along with special medical cabs. A library of finance terminologies in sign language has been created.
In addition to these initiatives, there is an overall focus on building long-term employment opportunities by monitoring the
performance of candidates and conducting open sessions to understand their requirements and progress, mapping existing
processes to the skills and capabilities of PwD candidates, and amending/revising the recruitment test criteria from the existing/
traditional tests in order to assess the required skills/attitude for the job (for example, while hiring for a business, the focus is on
judging candidates more on their analytical skills rather than their language skills).
In the last six years, about 80% of eligible PwDs have been promoted and 20% have received double promotions. Further, there has
been minimal attrition among employees with disabilities. The programme has brought about a cultural shift in the organisation.
Employees talking in sign language on the floor has become a common sight, and this form of communication has become a part of
their DNA.
ANZ Bengaluru plans to hire 70 additional PwDs in 2016, taking the total representation of PwDs to 176, which is projected to be
about 2.5% of the total workforce. This is far higher than the industry average of around 1%.
10. Data for the case study was provided by NASSCOM. Questions for your organisation
• Does your organisation have a target-driven or more federated
approach to managing diversity initiatives?
• How will you deliver visible diversity action and results?
• What measures of diversity are important to help your
organisation achieve its goals?
flexibility as a talent-wide proposition.
A growing number of IT-BPM organisations are extending
flexibility benefits across employees, and continue to leverage
them as a key tool to attract and retain women talent. It’s
therefore important to make flexibility a real part of all
employee’s working lives rather than just a passive policy. This
includes identifying why women think taking advantage of Nearly half of the respondents (47%) to PwC’s survey
flexibility policies can harm their careers and addressing their of female millennials said that although flexibility
reservations. and work-life balance programmes existed in their
Some of the leading flexibility initiatives include teleworking organisation, they were not readily available to them
(full time, ad hoc, days per month, days per week), sabbaticals, in practice.
extended maternity leave, work flexibility (part-time/reduced
Create a culture of
flexibility – embed The future staffing
everyday flexibility in model,including non-
how and where traditional workers
we work
16 PwC
Questions for your organisation
• What are you doing to create a culture where performance trumps presence?
• How will you shift from a culture of work-life policies to a culture of work-life
in practice?
• How will you transform your flexibility strategies so they are attractive to your
complete talent pool?
• What are you doing to identify and tackle unconscious biases to building
80% 77%
73% 72%
70% 67%
Attract Enhance business Stregthen our Innovate Collaborate Enhance cutomer Serve new and Leverage Compete in
talent performance brand and internally or satisfaction evolving customer technology new industries
reputation externally needs /geographies
18 PwC
82% 82%
Further, 82% of those
As compared to 64% of
the CEOs globally, 82% who said they had a
of the CEOs in India strategy claimed that
stated that they had it has helped them
a strategy to promote enhance business
D&I. performance (85%
globally). Dr Vishal Sikka
CEO and MD
Source: 18th Annual Global CEO Survey Infosys, India
‘If you have a diverse team, they create as per
definition, a richer understanding of the kind
of backgrounds of end users you will serve.
So, diversity is intricately tied to financial and
business success.’
D Mark Durcan
Chief Executive Officer
Micron Technology, Inc., US
Michael Dell
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Today, a company without a global workforce is
at a significant disadvantage, and that means you
Dell Inc., US
have to have diversity, people who can interact in
“We want access to all the world’s talent, and all cultures and all environments and understand
we’ve found tremendous value in having a what consumers want and need, as well as
diverse set of ideas and opinions and insights understand how people think about the value of
integrated into our business.” different solutions. Diversity is a fundamental
underpinning of a successful company.’
20 PwC
Executive sponsors We would like to thank the following for support with
research, editing and design:
Mohit Kharbanda, People & Organisation, PwC
Ashok Pamidi
Dion D’Souza, Nayantara Som, Abhishek Kakar, PwC
Director and National Lead, Diversity & Inclusion, NASSCOM
Achyuta Ghosh, Diksha Nerurkar, Nirmala Balakrishnan and
Bharati Kapoor from various offices at NASSCOM
Padmaja Alaganandan
Special thanks to our featured case-study companies:
Partner and Leader, People & Organisation, Advisory, PwC SAP Labs India Private Limited
EMC Software and Services India Private Limited
Lead researcher and author Wipro Limited
Goldman Sachs Services Private Limited
Neetu Mishra
ANZ Operations and Technology Private Limited
Senior Consultant, People & Organisation, Advisory, PwC Finally, our special thanks to:
All member organisations of NASSCOM who have gone out
Please feel free to contact us to discuss the report in of their way to share relevant data and best practices and the
more detail. NASSCOM D&I Steering Committee for their time and counsel.
22 PwC
Making diversity work 23
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