99 - UnknownSecrets SWEATFEMALE

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01 Low Fat = Stay Fat
If you have been a member of Weight Watchers or Slimming World or something
similar in the past you have probably been told that low-fat foods and products are
the key to weight-loss success. Well, unfortunately,
low-fat foods are actually to blame for keeping us
overweight and unhappy. Most low-fat products
contain high amounts of sugar in exchange for their
low-fat content; this sends insulin – a fat storage
hormone – out of control, leading the body to store
horrible stubborn belly fat we could do without. So,
ditch all of your low-fat products NOW!

02 Use Coconut Oil

Please don’t tell me you are using those horrible
low-calorie sprays to cook with. If you are, you
need to go and get yourself some extra-virgin
coconut oil right away! Not only is it full of good
fats, it can actually increase your metabolism by
42%! I encourage some clients to eat it straight
from the spoon every morning to kick-start their
metabolism – it works a treat!

03 Eat Your Greens

Unfortunately, your mum was right; you do need
to eat your greens, preferably the dark green leafy
varieties. High in fibre, Vitamin C and iron they are a
necessity for any nutritional plan. Spinach and kale
are awesome choices, but anything that is green is
usually very good. There are a lot of green drinks on
the market to help ensure you get plenty of greens
into your everyday diet – Lean Greens is a personal
favourite of mine.

99 Unknow Secrets 2
04 Drink More Water
This is one of the most over-looked yet easy ways
to speed up the fat-loss process. There are far too
many people out there who are dehydrated, and
dehydration will seriously slow down any weight-loss
results. If you are hydrated correctly, you will be able
to exercise at a higher level and your body will be
able to metabolise body fat more efficiently. Look for
one litre of water per 25-30kg of body weight as a
rough guide. Everyone should be drinking a minimum
of two litres of pure water every day without fail. It
does wonders for your energy too!

05 Always Eat Breakfast

After a good night’s sleep the body is understandably screaming for vitamins, minerals
and hydration. If you then make it wait another six hours before you give it what it
needs, it’s not going to do you any good and your metabolism will start slowing down. If
you feel you’re someone who
just doesn’t feel like having
breakfast in the morning, it’s
because your body is in a
habit of missing it. Get BACK
in the habit right away. You
had breakfast when you were
a kid, right?

06 Fruit Can Keep You Fat

Fruit is super healthy, right? Yes, obviously fruit holds high nutritional value, but too much
of it can be a problem. This is because fruit contains a natural sugar called fructose;
fructose acts like any other sugar when we consume too much of it – it triggers a fat
storage insulin response. Grapes and bananas are the two worst offenders for raising
blood sugar. Bottom line, you will never lose weight by consuming lots of fruit.

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07 Eat More Fish
Eating more fish (especially the oilier kinds)
is a fantastic first step toward achieving
a flatter stomach. Not only is fish high in
omega-3s that can help balance your sugar
levels, it is also high in protein; this will
keep hunger at bay and help maintain your
muscle mass, which in turn will increase
your metabolic output.

08 Exercise Like You Really Mean It

In our gym there is no mollycoddling and there are no lame excuses. You’re there
because you have a goal, and that means 100% commitment! That’s why we get
such amazing results; if you want the same kind of results you need to push yourself
hard; after all, things worth doing are never easy, but 95% of the changes you make
to your body will happen in that last 5% of the workout where you push beyond that
comfortable point. You will get nothing out of a half-assed workout, except frustration
and disappointment.

09 Diet Coke (or any diet fizzy drink) is Poison

There are no ‘healthy’ alternatives for fizzy drinks. In fact, diet fizzy drinks are probably
worse for you as they contain a load of artificial flavourings and sweetness; these
cause a chemical s*** storm inside you. The body doesn’t know how to process these
chemicals and so instead stores a lot of them as body fat, along with a load of water. If
you drink this poison every day, please do yourself a favour and just STOP RIGHT NOW.
Trust me; it will do you the world of good

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10 Avocados are Awesome
Avocados are naturally high in ‘good’ fat and are a fantastic
day-time snack. Good fats promote balanced sugar levels;
balanced sugar levels release a fat-burning hormone.
Enough said.

Alcohol Is The Enemy

11 I have had way too many clients in the past who think they will get the
results they want whilst still drinking alcohol regularly. WRONG. Not
only does alcohol consist of empty calories, most of it is high in sugar
too. Also, it takes at least 24 hours for the body to rid you of the toxins
you have consumed via the liver. Whilst the body is doing this it
can’t metabolise any body fat, so the more you stay clear of
alcohol the better.

12 Eat More Nuts

Nuts are high in monounsaturated fats. These are good fats that the body needs
in order to run efficiently and burn more body fat. Limiting the amount of fats you
intake will limit the fats being released by the body, which will ultimately keep you fat.
Almonds are a great choice to snack on if you want to lose unwanted love handles.

99 Unknown Secrets 5
13 Breakfast Cereals Suck
If you are still eating breakfast cereals you need to stop. Like, NOW! Highly-processed,
sugary foods are going to lead to one thing and one thing only… BODY FAT. No matter
what the cereal box or adverts say these artificial foods add no real health benefit. They
are keeping you sick, fat and tired.

Soya Is Not A Good Alternative

14 Soya is often publicised as a good alternative for dairy products, such as cow’s milk
and yoghurt. Unfortunately, the body often mistakes soya for oestrogen; too much
oestrogen can lead the body to stick stubborn fat around the back of the legs. Opting
for things like rice and coconut milk and using full-fat live bio yogurt is much kinder to
the body.

15 No Processed Foods. Period.

Anything that is NOT a natural whole food should be left alone. Most processed foods
are packed full of sugar and chemicals, and eating them will have a devastating effect
on your quest for a new body. The box may claim that the product inside is natural and
healthy, but you are way better off just leaving them alone as this is rarely the case with
processed food.

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16 Have Protein With Every Meal
Protein is pretty awesome. Not only does it help keep your hunger at bay, but it also
helps stabilise your blood sugars. This in turn fires off a hormone called glucagon.
Glucagon is a hormone involved in controlling blood sugar levels, and it loves to burn
body fat. At the same time, it helps
repair and maintain muscle mass, which
increases metabolism.

Make Your Meals Lighter As The Day

17 Goes On
Most people do it other way round – skip breakfast and then have a huge dinner in the
evening. When I say your meals should get lighter, I mean lighter in carbs. Our natural
metabolism slows down throughout the day, and is slowest in the evening as our bodies
prepare us for sleep. Eating high-carb foods in the evening, such as potatoes, pasta or
bread will have a devastating effect on your quest to burn fat.

18 Eat Grass-Fed Meats

Not all meat is created equal. To make sure your meat is as natural as possible, try to
only eat grass-fed meats. Unfortunately, we know there are all sorts of nasties that go
into animal feed that will get passed on to our food, and nobody wants or needs that.
Grass-fed meats have other advantages; they are naturally higher in Omega 3s, and
they contain other beneficial nutritional bonuses such as Vitamins B, K and E and beta-
carotene. Again, farm shops are a great place to go to find grass-fed meats.

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19 Eat Local & Organic
Eating locally sourced, organic food is a POWER move.
The less our food has been tampered with, the better.
The more natural it is, the better it is going to be for
you, as it holds greater nutritional value due to fewer
pesticides and less travel time from the farm to the
shelf. Plus, it’s great to support your local farm shop.
Source as much food locally as possible; a lot of farm
shops now deliver, and some even do vegetable/fruit
boxes where each week you get a variety of produce
delivered to your doorstep. Many do meat and cheeses
too. Do your research though, as many of the bigger companies source from abroad.

Constantly Read Success Stories

20 Constantly reading other people’s success stores can be massively encouraging. You
can find a lot of videos on YouTube that will inspire you and make you feel empowered.
If they can do it, why can’t you?

21 Drink a Coconut
Coconut water is totally brilliant and is great for quick rehydration. Packed with tons
of potassium, coconut water is great to drink before, during and after workouts as it
is naturally full of electrolytes. Remember, better hydration means better and quicker

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22 Fruit Juice = Sugar
Fruits are naturally high in fructose, so if you’re drinking things like orange juice or
creating your own fruit smoothies, do be careful and do so in moderation. Fructose acts
like any other sugar in that it can cause insulin resistance, which leads to things like
obesity and Type II diabetes. Also, just like any sugar,
fructose is highly addictive.

23 Always Set New Goals After Hitting Old Ones

This is a problem I always see with my clients; they forget to reset their goals after
smashing old ones. If you don’t come up with new goals, you may find yourself slipping back
into old ways and completely undoing all the hard work. Do it straight away!

24 Get More Sleep

We all know the importance of sleep, so why is it we never get enough? When you’re
asleep, your body repairs and rejuvenates itself. It needs at least 6-8 hours a night if we
are training hard.

99 Unknown Secrets 9
25 Go Easy On Coffee
Drinking any more than two cups of coffee a day is a sign that you may need to slow
down. Coffee is toxic to your liver, and will slow it down as it tries to metabolise body
fat. If you are balancing your sugar levels with food correctly, you won’t feel the need to
use coffee as a way to keep you going through the day.

26 Drink Green Tea

Swap coffee for green tea. This is a very easy change to put in place straight away, and it
will naturally raise your metabolism and get you burning more calories throughout the day.
Drinking green tea is thought to have a host of benefits, including protecting the body from
heart disease and reducing bad cholesterol in your blood.

27 Stay Away From Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are made up of chemicals that hold no nutritional value whatsoever.
Just ditch them. If you really need something to sweeten things up from time to time, use
Manuka honey instead.

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28 Find A Support Network
This can be either online or offline. Find a group
of people that are working toward similar goals
and transformations as you. Doing this together
and supporting each another along the way is
very powerful. The results-based community I
have at my studio is phenomenal

29 One Mishap Doesn’t Mean It’s All Over

One custard cream is not the end of the world; just forget about it and move on. I see
people who think they are a failure because temptation got the better of them for one
moment. The failure actually occurs when you give up. Success is just moving forward
and learning from your mistakes.

30 Eat Eggs In The Morning

Your breakfast should be high in protein, good fats and include omega 3s, and a good way
of getting all three in is by eating eggs for breakfast. Things like delicious omelettes or
scrambled eggs in the morning are a good place to start. Eating eggs will leave you feeling
fuller for longer and help balance your sugar levels.

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31 Don’t Under-Eat
This is one of the BIGGEST mistakes I see people making. They think eating less =
weight loss. Well, they are right to a certain degree as the body will be dropping muscle
weight rather than fat weight. This will cause your metabolism to slow down and you
will put on weight a lot easier in the future.

32 Set A Date
We all have personal goals we want to achieve. One day, I’d like to be size 10 again
… blah blah blah. Alright, but “one day” is never going to happen. You need to be a
bit more proactive to make it happen; first, write down a date for when you would like
to achieve your goal. Then, work backwards on the action steps that need to be put in
place and do them! It’s that simple!

33 Have Mini Goals

Everyone has awesome goals they want to achieve in their transformation. What’s
important, though, is that we have mini goals along the way to keep us focused. Mini
goals can include drinking two litres of water a day for the next 10 days, doing 10 full
press-ups or being able to run up that awful hill around the corner from your house.
Keep setting mini goals – it’s fun! And don’t forget to celebrate the little wins.

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34 Take Before Photos
Nobody enjoys doing this at the start of their journey but it is necessary – it’s a
HUGE motivating factor to see your body shape changing. Taking profile shots every
four weeks is a POWER move as it will keep you focused and moving forward to
achieving your goals at a quicker pace. Few people do this because it makes them feel
uncomfortable, but trust me and just GET IT DONE!

35 Pasta Is NOT Healthy

I have heard this too many times: ‘I eat really healthy at night; I have pasta’.
Unfortunately, pasta is super-high in starchy carbs, and these get broken down into
sugar VERY quickly. Eating pasta at night will also slow down your metabolism, as your
body will struggle to break down the stodgy mess. I hope that’s sorted that one out!

36 Increase Your Omega-3s

Why are we feeding omega-3s to our children but not ourselves? Omega-3s help
brain function, energy production and help maintain your blood sugars so your body is
burning body fat all day long. Things like fish and eggs are naturally high in omega-3s,
but investing in an omega-3 fish oil supplement as well is a POWER move

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37 If It Has A Long Shelf Life,
Don’t Eat It!
If food has a long shelf life, this should be a warning
to you. Real food does not take six months to
deteriorate and become out of date.
Makes sense, right?

38 Chuck Your Microwave

Have you ever asked yourself this question… how can something take less than half
the time to cook in a microwave than in a conventional oven? Cooking in the microwave
completely changes the genetic make-up of food and, I believe,
damages its nutritional content and renders it toxic. Do yourself
a favour and take your microwave down to the dump.
Yes, I’m serious!

39 Visualise Success
I can’t quite express just how mega-powerful this next tip is. Spend at least five minutes
every day visualising in your mind’s eye exactly what you want your transformation
to look like; see it and feel it like it’s already happened. This primes your body for
suggestion; do it at least once a day and watch as your body becomes less resistant to
change and you see the figure of your dreams slowly emerge in reality.

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40 Find Out Why It’s Important To You And
Write It Down
Why is achieving a new body important to you? Is it because your confidence is at an
all-time low and you just want to feel comfortable in your clothes again? Do you want
more energy for your children? Do you feel awful when you look in the mirror and wish
to feel sexy again? Whatever it is, really think about why this is so important to you and
write it down. Read it every day; it will give you huge amounts of motivation to push
forward and achieve exactly what it is you want.

41 Reward Yourself
When you hit a big mile stone with your transformation it’s important to reward your
success. Go on a shopping spree and buy some new clothes to match your new figure,
book that music gig you wanted to see; whatever it is you want to do to celebrate, do it.
You deserve it!

42 Have a food diary

You will be less likely to make poor food choices if you have to write it down. So keep a
constant journal of what you eat and drink at what times. This will also help you identify
when you are more likely to eat badly and you can find a solution. Do this for 30 days to
hold yourself accountable for what you eat and drink and watch the pounds fall off!

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43 Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Get out of your comfort zone with your training; do things that are constantly testing
you. Do that boxing class, go running, or if you think you need a push take on a coach
to constantly keep testing and pushing you. It will massively speed up your results

44 Use Isolateral Exercises To Perfect Yourself

We all have imbalances in our body, whether they be from one side of our body to the
other or from our head to our toes. This is because of the way we live our daily lives; we
just don’t use each side of our body equally. For example, if we use one arm to throw a
ball, the other arm isn’t used. Isolateral exercises work one side of your body at a time
instead of training both at once, and this is a great way of perfecting these imbalances
over time.

45 Test Yourself With A Challenge

Want to hold yourself accountable for your training? Then why not book yourself in for
a 5k fun run, mud run or obstacle race (these are super-fun and less scary then they
sound). Book it for the future and it will give you an extra bit of an incentive to keep you
turning up to training sessions

99 Unknown Secrets 16
46 Your Old Habits Will Try And Take Over
When starting any new task, you have to do give it at least 30 days for it to become
a habit. During those 30 days, old eating habits will try and creep in, so it’s mega
important you stay strong and stick to the plan of action. It will get easier, I promise!

47 Read Positive Affirmations Everyday

Read or listen to something positive every day. Doing so will help rewire your mindset
and you’ll feel a lot tougher in times of fear, adversity and when things don’t go quite to
plan. You can download positivity apps onto your
mobile phone, start reading self-development
books, or even listen to audio books on the way to
work. These moves could potentially change your
life, so don’t disregard this step.

48 Train Every Part Of The Body

Modern life often provides us with little unwanted gifts, such as like bad posture, tight
or weakened areas or massive instability. Let’s face it: we’re not the nimble, fit, agile
race we once were. We are now plagued with conditions such as kyphosis (look it up:
I can guarantee 8 out of 10 of you reading this have a kyphotic posture), and these
conditions are often made worse by people just training the body parts they want to
change. Every part of the body is linked, and over-emphasis on one body part can lead
to other parts of the body over-compensating and causing all sorts of problems in your
life, from strained muscles to degenerative disc disease (DDD

99 Unknown Secrets 17
49 Don’t Do The Same Thing Over and Over
Eating the same thing or doing the same exercise day in day out is ridiculously boring!
Variety really is the spice of life; changing things up a bit will really help you stay on
track and keep you interested in what you’re doing. Try new recipes and change your
workout often; it will help your transformation immensely.

50 Chart Your Progress

This is great tool to keep motivation high and gauge how and when to change things
up. I take my clients’ measurements (body fat and tape measurements) every two
weeks and pictures every six weeks to reveal how much they have lost and what,
if anything, needs changing. It’s a good idea to invest in an experienced body
transformation specialist to do these checks for you, and remember to follow what they
suggest! You’ll be surprised at how many people feel like they’ve lost nothing when they
are in fact way ahead of target

51 Concentrate On Your Form

Walk into any big leisure centre gym and you can count on one hand the amount of
people exercising with correct form. This is possibly one of the biggest training points
you can take from this book; bad form is not only incredibly dangerous, with the
potential to damage your body irreparably, but it can also cause many minor problems
and render the total exercise completely pointless. If in any doubt, invest in a good
personal trainer to ensure you are exercising correctly and safely.

99 Unknown Secrets 18
52 Have A Motivating Playlist
Listening to music that lifts your mood and makes you feel empowered is a great way
to go. Listen to music in the morning to start your day on a high and listen to it while
working out. It’s amazing what a soundtrack can do for your energy and motivation to
work that little bit harder!

53 Don’t Be Influenced By Others

Unfortunately, there are people in life who try to bring us down and stop us from
achieving amazing things. Sometimes the people doing this can even be friends and
family. They may say things that aren’t very encouraging, or even try and lead you
down a wrong path in order to make themselves feel better, and the reason they are
doing is usually because they are not achieving the type of transformation you are. They
probably won’t even know they’re doing it. Stay strong to what you set out to achieve
and don’t be afraid to say NO

54 Have A Vision Board

Cut out pictures of clothes you want to buy, the body shape you will have and other
things you will obtain when you have achieved your amazing transformation. Actually
seeing these things in a visual form will really help focus your mind on what needs to
be done in order to achieve what you want.

99 Unknown Secrets 19
55 Progression Is Key
The reason we get fitter and slimmer the more we train is due to our body’s incredible
adaption techniques. If we put the body under the same amount of stress each time we
train, there is no real progression as our body has already adapted. Instead, we need
to introduce new stimuli to the body each time we train; this may be by lifting more
weight, rowing faster, or exercising for a longer period. There are many ways we can
increase the intensity of a workout in order to force our bodies to adapt.

56 Vary Your Workouts

This is often one of the most underestimated and underused tools in enhancing your
progress. Most people you see “training” do the same thing, day in, day out for weeks
and months on end, and then wonder why they don’t see the results they want. Your
body adapts extremely quickly to any stimulus it is put under; without any new stimuli
your results stall completely and you get extremely bored. This is always a recipe for

57 Focus On Full Body Exercises

Yes, we’ve all heard it before – doing 100 sit ups a day will get you a six-pack in 6
weeks, or doing an hour of tricep extensions will rid you of your bingo wings. How
many of you have actually fallen for it? I’m willing to bet most of you reading this
have at some point; I know I did when I first started out training. Unfortunately, guys,
claims like this are ridiculous. To really strip off that midsection fat, arm fat or any
fat from any area of your body you need to be focusing on full body, compound joint
movements, such as the squat, the burpee, the clean and press. We all have abs and
toned muscles under our layers of fat, but you can’t select which areas you burn fat
from first – that is down to your genetics. Full-body compound movements burn a
much higher amount of calories and produce fat-burning hormones to ensure you
get the most out of every workout.

99 Unknown Secrets 20
58 Rest
I know how it feels when you’re in the zone: you feel invincible, you feel alive and your
results to date are amazing, so you decide to train more and more until you are pushing
your body to its limit. This ends up becoming counter-productive, especially if your
nutrition isn’t spot on. You end up overworking yourself, which isn’t ideal. Remember,
your body only repairs itself when it’s resting and sleeping, so ensure you get at least
6-8 hours of quality sleep per night.

59 Take A Week To De-Load Your Body

A scheduled week of lighter activity is important; doing a few light days reduces the
likelihood of injury and ensures that your body keeps progressing. This doesn’t mean
taking a week off exercise completely; still do your exercise, but do it at a lower level.
It’s important that this is scheduled in advance and not taken randomly, as this will
increase the likelihood of you taking it too often and before your body actually needs it.
I would recommend taking a De-Load week every 12 weeks to start with and gauging
how you go from there.

60 Do Something For Charity

Why not up the ante and kill two birds with one stone? At the end of your transformation
do something physical for charity and get sponsored. It will not only be an achievement
to show you how far you have come, but it will also help change other people’s lives.

99 Unknown Secrets 21
61 Don’t Fear Weight Training
A very common thing I hear when taking someone through their first sessions using
free weights is, “But I don’t need weights – I don’t want to be big and bulky.” Relax!
This is very unlikely to happen; resistance-based training is without doubt the best way
to lose weight quickly, tone up and improve your health. The only way you will get big
and bulky is if you eat more than you need

62 Don’t Compete Against Others, Compete

Against Yourself
Each one of us has a different level of ability and fitness. Trying to compete with
someone else who may be further along than yourself, or someone who is more
genetically able, can prove frustrating and demoralising. It can sometimes result in
people giving up altogether. This is your journey; these are your goals and it’s all about
taking baby steps. Compete against yourself every time you work out, and before long
you’ll be 100 times better.

63 Mix High Intensity With Low Intensity

Debate is constantly waging amongst the fitness community as to what type of exercise,
whether high or low intensity, is best for rapid fat loss and body transformation. The
issue has become too convoluted when the answer is actually very straight-forward;
simply mix the two together. As both have their advantages and disadvantages, having a
mix of low and high intensity exercises will not only provide you with the advantages of
both types of training, it will also keep your body guessing and adapting.

99 Unknown Secrets 22
64 Use Intensity Techniques To Supercharge
Your Results
Intensity techniques are rarely talked about
when it comes to training; however, I use
them with my clients with great success.
Nothing gets your metabolism rocketing like
a triple dropset on squats. There are many
different forms of intensity techniques you
can incorporate into your own training to
finish off an exercise. Dropsets, isometric
holds, partials, rest-pause sets –just to name a few –are a fantastic way to ramp up
your results.

65 Never Give Up; Try, Try and Try Again

“You will never realise how close to success you came when you gave up” This is
a quote I love and aspire to live by. Weight loss and happiness will not occur in a
straight line. There will be ups, there will be downs and there will be plateaus. This,
unfortunately, is just how the body works, and this is when most people give up; they
don’t realise that they were still on the right track, but that they needed to give it more
time. Use these tough periods to push yourself even harder. This is what makes the
difference between you and all those people who will never see a change

66 Foam Roll Regularly

Foam Rolling is a fantastic– albeit painful –way of relieving tension in the muscle,
stretching out the fascia and helping your sore muscles recover from the awesome
workouts you’ve been having! The great thing is you can get the foam roller out in the
evening in front of the TV. This should not be neglected!

99 Unknown Secrets 23
67 Know Which Parts Of Your
Body Need Stretching And
This is a simple but integral part of your full-body health.
Having one muscle overly-tight and one muscle weak can
cause a massive stress on other areas of your body over
time, which can lead to injury and possibly permanent
damage. For an experienced personal trainer, it takes a
simple assessment to work out which of your body parts
need stretching out or improving on.

68 Stretch Correctly
It is common knowledge for even the least experienced within the fitness industry that
static stretching (the usual kind of stretching) should not be performed before exercise.
However, I’m still even professional sports teams doing static stretching all the time.
Static stretching creates micro-tears in the muscle and actually leaves you even more
prone to injury. Dynamic stretches, where the muscles are gently propelled to their
maximum range of motion,
should precede a workout
to ensure your muscles are
warmed up safely. Static
stretching should be saved for
after the exercise.

69 Always Have A Plan

How many times have you walked into a gym, maybe been a little intimidated by all the
buff people walking around so you’ve wandered around aimlessly and ended up doing
a few minutes on the runner and a few on the cross trainer? Well, guess what? You just
wasted an hour of your time. It is essential that you always have a plan when you enter
the gym; this will keep you on track and prevent you from wasting an hour of your time
on a pointless workout and insecure thoughts

99 Unknown Secrets 24
70 Use Functional Equipment Instead Of
Machine Weights
Machines are a great way of overloading and isolating a target muscle, but they are
far from perfect for weight loss. You should ideally be using functional equipment and
movements that work the whole body over a variety of different planes of motion and
actions for the majority of your workout: sleds, battle ropes, TRXs, free weights, Slam
Balls- all these are great pieces of equipment to ensure you get the most value out of
your session.

71 Increase Your NEAT

Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is quite simply the amount of energy you
burn during the day that’s not part of an intended workout. This may be taking the
stairs instead of the elevator, walking to the shop, standing up at work etc. There are a
million different of ways of increasing your NEAT, and it all comes down to you making
that decision to change. You’ll be surprised how much it adds up!

72 Schedule Everything
It’s a well-known fact that if tasks are scheduled and written in our diaries we complete
them a lot more consistently than when they are not. Preparation is always the most
important part of rapidly transforming your body. Schedule everything in that needs
it; schedule an hour for meal preparation on a Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, for
example. Book-in for all your training sessions for the week, and schedule your times to
meditate. Schedule everything to ensure you don’t miss a thing!

99 Unknown Secrets 25
73 Invest In Yourself
I cannot stress how important this is for your progress. Investing in yourself is a very
powerful act that takes time and commitment (whether financial and/or personal).
Sometimes it’s easier to leave things in the hands of an expert who will be there to
teach you, guide you and support you. Hiring a professional will save you time, money
and effort in the long run. I always suggest to my clients that they invest in what they
will struggle to afford; if you are struggling to pay for a service you will give it a lot more
commitment and effort than if you could easily afford it! Sometimes it’s best to ask
yourself honestly – can you really afford not to invest?

74 Meditate
Meditation is often dismissed as being a bit “wacky” and new-age, but give it a go and
you’ll see it means nothing more than appreciating where you are at this very moment
Most of us waste our time either worrying about future events or reminiscing about the
past, instead of just living in the moment. Children are great at living in the moment, but
it’s a skill we lose as we get older. It’s so important to take some time out each day to
relax, reflect and plan without any outside interference. Schedule in just 20 minutes a
day to meditate, maybe with some relaxing music, and you’ll be amazed at the amount
of clarity you achieve about things that are going on in your life.

75 Change Your Habits

Leading a healthy life all comes down to good habits. You’ll have plenty of ingrained
habits, whether it is a glass of wine or two after a long day at work, or picking up a
couple of croissants whilst waiting for the train. It’s important to replace these habits
with healthy ones. Make exercise a habit, make ordering a black coffee instead of a
latte a habit; these little things all add up. They say it takes seven months of doing
something continuously for it to become a lifetime habit. Start now.
Changing your habits will also change the habits of your family and
enable them to lead richer, healthier lives.

99 Unknown Secrets 26
76 Be Patient
How long did it take you to get to the size you are now? Be honest: five years, 10 years,
15 years, 30? More? Most people I see have never done any real form of exercise and
have gradually let the weight pile on. You need to understand that losing weight is a
process that takes time. You are never going to get rid of five years of fat gain with two
weeks of exercise. At the studio we get better, faster results than anyone else around.
However, you need to be patient; it takes time and consistency but you’ll never get there
if you give up.

77 Engage Your Core At Work

Something as simple as engaging your core at work – perhaps by sitting on a fitness
ball instead of a chair – can massively improve your
core stability, your balance and increase your NEAT.
Simple changes like this can make all the difference
in achieving your goals

78 Acknowledge Your Accomplishments

Every step forward is a step forward, no matter how small. Be proud of what you’ve
achieved and DO NOT beat yourself up if it wasn’t as good as you were expecting. Be
proud of each step and keep moving forward.

99 Unknown Secrets 27
79 Learn To Love The Changes
Love the changes you see in your body, and use them to motivate you and push you to
the next level. Nothing is more inspiring than catching yourself in the mirror and seeing
how you’ve progressed.

80 Speed Of Action
Once you have set your goal you need to immediately take action and keep that forward
momentum going. Let’s say your goal is a dress for a party you’ve been invited to. Ask
yourself, what size do I want to be in time for the party? Decide on a size and then go
and buy the dress! Don’t wait until a week before the party! Buying it now will spur you
on to achieve your goal.

81 Don’t Overtrain
There are very few goals that would require you to work out for more than an hour.
The chances are that if you are training for more than an hour at a time then you are
not working hard enough. In fact, when you train for longer than about an hour and 15
minutes your body raises hormone levels that negatively affect weight loss. Keep your
session to under an hour, but keep it intense.

99 Unknown Secrets 28
82 Ditch the Mags, Ditch the Pills
There are no quick fixes, I’m afraid. Anything that sounds too good to be true probably
is. Unfortunately, that’s how the big companies
sell their products, by misleading advertising
and promises of results that just can’t happen.
Hard work, patience, a well-devised exercise and
nutrition plan and this book are all you need to
get the body of your dreams.

83 Hold Yourself Accountable

This is one of the reasons a personal trainer, a fitness community or a training buddy
work so well. You have someone to hold you accountable, and this is a lot more
powerful than it seems. Once you’ve set a goal, make
sure you’re held accountable. If you haven’t progressed
as much as you’d like in two weeks because you haven’t
been sticking to the plan, then you need someone to tell
you to sort it out and stop making excuses!

84 Face The Fear

As the old saying goes, the key to change is letting
go of fear. Fear of change will hold you back from
achieving success. Fact. What you need to do is
embrace fear. Are you happy with yourself now? No?
Then get out of your comfort zone and go and do
something that scares you, even terrifies you! Bungee
jumping, crocodile walking, swimming with sharks,
whatever it is that will gets you out of that comfort zone
and into that state of mind. Then come and see me and
together we’ll smash that fear out of the park.

99 Unknown Secrets 29
85 Excuses Are Just That
Your brain is whirring, trying to think up an excuse, any excuse not to exercise. Maybe
the train is five minutes late meaning you can’t possibly get to the gym now. Or maybe
you swear you have the beginnings of a cold, or there is something really good on telly
tonight. Life throws up little obstacles every now and again; be sure you don’t let them
stop you from getting what you really want. You want
change, and you will only see it if you put in the work.
Excuses aren’t good enough. One missed session
becomes two, then three, and before you know it you
have given up exercising and the weight is starting to
pile back on.

86 Prioritize Yourself
Most people that come to see me struggling with their weight
have one thing in common – they keep putting others before
themselves. Whilst that’s fine sometimes, if you live your life in
a way where you are not making your own health and fitness a
priority, it will be no time before the weight creeps on and you
get stuck in a depressive cycle that just keeps getting worse.
Taking time for yourself is good for your mind and body, and
if you are a shining example of health and happiness your friends and family will only
want to follow in your footsteps. Ask yourself: are you really getting enough time for
yourself? If not, make time!

87 Find A Results-Based Community

A results-based community, such as the one I’ve created, can be the life blood of the
gym. Together with like-minded people you can share your successes, help each other
through the struggles and create friends for life. I personally believe the biggest reason
my clients get the amazing results they do is down to our awesome community.

99 Unknown Secrets 30
88 Preparation
“Fail to prepare, prepare to fail” It’s a cliché, but it’s true! Preparation and organisation
are going to be your biggest allies on your journey
to the body of your dreams. One of the easiest ways
to ensure you’re on track with your diet is to cook
your meals the night or a few days beforehand;
some of my clients even cook a big meal once a
week on a Sunday and separate that into smaller
meals during the week. This will ensure you always
have healthy food available and are never in the
dire situation of having to run to the local shop to get a sandwich.

89 Have Your Own Cupboard

Maybe your family doesn’t want to join you on your journey to transforming your body
(this will probably change once they see how happy and confident your transformation
has made you!) No doubt they will still have the same old processed food and naughty
temptations that fill kitchen cupboards around the
country. Don’t let this get in your way. Simply sit
them down and explain to them that you need their
help and support on this journey, and you would like
one cupboard just for you (and maybe half a shelf in
the fridge!) to be filled with foods that fulfill all your
nutritional needs. This will take all temptation out of
the equation, and hopefully your good habits will rub
off on them!

90 Don’t Reward Yourself With Bad Food

So, you’ve seen a good result with your transformation; you’ve worked hard and you’ve
done well and you decide it’s time for a treat. Or maybe you just got through a
tough day at work and now you feel like you owe yourself a reward:
maybe a glass of wine, a chocolate bar, a take-away. I see this
all too often and it’s not acceptable if you really want to see
change in your life. Treats like this halt your progress as
they soon turn into a daily rewards. Rewards are great
and are often well deserved, but they should come in
the form of a scheduled refeed meal at certain pre-
planned times.
99 Unknown Secrets 31
91 Clear The House Of Bad Foods
Nothing quite gets you started on your journey like
going through your whole house, clearing all the bad
food out and starting afresh. This will reduce any
temptation, plus it will cleanse your mind and set
you on the right track. After all, it’s a lot harder to
cheat on your diet when you’ve got nothing to cheat
with! Once you’ve done this, go to the farm shop,
pick up loads of fresh meats and vegetables and fill
your house with goodness. Your body will thank you.

92 Get A Training Buddy

A training partner who is working toward the same goals as
you is a fantastic way to increase your accountability and
results. You’ll probably push yourself way harder than you
would be able to on your own, and remember: 95% of your
progress will happen just 5% outside of your comfort zone

93 Exercise In The Morning

Studies have shown
that you get slightly
more benefit from
exercising in the
morning. Whether
this is true or not,
I think the main
benefit of exercising in the morning is that it sets your day up right; you will be more
motivated throughout the day, you’ll have more energy and enthusiasm and you will be a
lot happier. It’s also a good way to avoid the “I can’t be bothered to train” feeling you get
after a long day at work!
99 Unknown Secrets 32
94 Pack Your Gym Bag At Night
Pack your gym bag at night and leave it by the front door; this way you are all ready to
go in the morning and you don’t have to fight the excuse of not having enough time –
you can just pick it up and go.

95 Always Have A Snack With You

A healthy snack, such as a boiled egg, a handful of nuts or some avocado is a great
way to keep you full, stabilise your blood sugar levels and prevent your body craving
sugary products. Keep them with you at all times and you need never fall victim to a
slice of birthday cake in the office again!

96 Don’t Weigh Yourself Everyday

There is a huge emphasis in modern society on measuring your weight loss through the
use of a scale. We have been programmed by doctors, companies
like Weight Watchers and shows like The Biggest Loser, to constantly
monitor our scale weight. In fact, scale weight is ultimately an almost
irrelevant number. Scale weight changes due to innumerable factors
and can vary by as much as 8lbs in a day. Measuring your progress
by scale weight is a very quick way to become de-motivated and give
up, believing things are not on the right track when in fact they are.

99 Unknown Secrets 33
97 Don’t Be Afraid to Fail
Failing is awesome. Failing is a great way to learn and understand how not to make the
same mistake next time. So, if and when you fail, and you will because you’re human,
try and find out why it happened and then move forward. Remember, proper failure is
quitting the moment you hit a hurdle. Success is reacting positively to a slip-up and
moving forward toward your end goal.

98 Hire A Professional
No, I don’t mean a “wellness advisor”. I mean a highly-trained, experienced personal
trainer who can either set
your programs online or train
you directly.You will avoid the
many pitfalls beginners to
exercise face along the way,
and you will achieve the most
you possibly can out of your
time spent training. Hiring a
personal trainer is a priceless
investment that will help you
regain your happiness and good health. Now is the time to turn your life around. Go and
take action!

99 Believe In Yourself
If you don’t believe you can do it, you won’t.
Wake up every day and remind yourself of the
reason why you want to change your body and
remind yourself, if others can do it, so can I.
And tell yourself you’re worth it, because you
are! This is your time to be happy again, just
like you used to be.

99 Unknown Secrets 34

1. Make Peace With Your Past

Holding onto bad feelings and burying issues from your past will only affect your
present and future happiness and success. Face whatever needs to be dealt with
and release yourself from the pain
you have suppressed for so long.

2. What Others Think Of You Is None Of Your Business

Caring less about what other people think and not worrying about how you are
perceived can only make you happier. Being judged, or the feeling of not being good
enough, is a very popular fear; try your best to let it go and be yourself.

3. Time Heals Nearly Everything

When times are tough it can feel as if everything is falling apart and it’s the end
of the world. Just give it time and you will start to heal. And if you’ve given it time
and there is still pain, don’t worry. As Jeff Buckley once sang, “There’s a crack in
everything; it’s how the light gets in.” Nothing and no-one is perfect, and success
comes from accepting this and moving on anyway and achieving your goals.

4. Don’t Compare Your Life To Others

Comparing yourself to others is a pointless pursuit. Each of us is on our own journey; your journey is no doubt
completely different to the next person’s journey. Instead of comparing, focus on being content with yourself.

5. Stop Thinking So Much

Stop over-analysing everything. The answers will come to you when you least expect them, so just keep positive
and give you brain a rest from worrying!

6. No-one Is In Charge of Your Happiness Except You

You dictate how you think and feel about things and you have the power within you to change the things you are
not happy with. If you’re constantly angry, stressed or in a state of anxiety, try and understand what is making you
feel like that and come to peace with it.

7. Smile!
You don’t own all the problems in the world, right? So remember to smile; if everyone remembered this small act,
the world be a much kinder place to live in! As the writer George Eliot once wisely said: “Wear a smile and have
friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles.” I know which I prefer!

99 Unknow Secrets 35

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