CPT Manual PDF
CPT Manual PDF
CPT Manual PDF
Kathleen M. Chard, Ph.D.
Cincinnati VA Medical Center and University of Cincinnati
August 2008
Second Printing
Correspondence should be addressed to:
Patricia Resick, WHSD (116B-3), VA Boston Healthcare System,
150 South Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02130
(CPT) has been organized to maximize the ease with which therapists prepare for and
conduct CPT.
Part I includes background information on CPT and other common issues related to
PTSD that may arise during the therapy. We recommend that therapists read the entire
manual before meeting with patients.
Part II includes instructions on each of the 12 sessions. Each session opens with a
summary that briefly outlines the format of the session and gives recommended times
for each segment of the session. Each segment is then reviewed in detail, with goals,
rationale, and sample dialogue. Call-outs are located throughout this section in the right
margins of the text to allow therapists to quickly locate specific topics. Sample session
progress notes follow the close of each session to facilitate tracking of therapist/patient
progress. Relevant patient handouts also follow each session; please refer to the
Materials Manual for additional information on handouts.
Part III offers information on alternatives to conducting CPT, including variations of CPT
and adaptations of CPT for group administration.
Table of Contents
CPT is based on a social cognitive theory of PTSD that focuses on how the Theory
traumatic event is construed and coped with by a person who is trying to regain a behind CPT
sense of mastery and control in his or her life. The other major theory explaining
376'LV/DQJ¶V2 (1977) information processing theory, which was extended to
PTSD by Foa, Steketee, and Rothbaum3 (1989) in their emotional processing
theory of PTSD. In this theory, PTSD is believed to emerge due to the Emotional
development of a fear network in memory that elicits escape and avoidance processing
theory of
behavior. Mental fear structures include stimuli, responses, and meaning
elements. Anything associated with the trauma may elicit the fear structure or
schema and subsequent avoidance behavior. The fear network in people with
PTSD is thought to be stable and broadly generalized so that it is easily accessed.
When the fear network is activated by reminders of the trauma, the information in
the network enters consciousness (intrusive symptoms). Attempts to avoid this
62&$.61.)!Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74, 898±907K!01&2+3'!/)!4)'!L2&,2?,'!/)'!
62&$.61.!2%!H178J1!.8F1!@2+?27&)!Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 70'!QDR±QRSK!
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 60(5)'!RUQ±RVDK!01&2+3'!/)!4)'!>!*+,%2+31'!#)!T)!
A"SSWE)! Cognitive processing therapy for rape victims: A treatment manual. L1IX-.G!/8.3'!(4Y!
!Foa, E. B., Steketee, G. S., & Rothbaum, B. O. (1989). Behavioral/cognitive conceptualizations
of posttraumatic stress disorder. Behavior Therapy, 20, 155±176.
Social-cognitive theories focus more on the content of cognitions and the effect
that distorted cognitions have on emotional responses and behavior. In order to
reconcile information about the traumatic event with prior schemas, people tend
to do one or more of three things: assimilate, accommodate, or over-
accommodate. Assimilation is altering the incoming information to match prior
something I GLG´). Accommodation is altering beliefs enough to incorporate the
about oneself and the world to the extreme in order to feel safer and more in
working toward accommodation, a balance in beliefs that takes into account the
reality of the traumatic event without going overboard.
Because we know that PTSD symptoms are nearly universal immediately PTSD
following very serious traumatic stressors and that recovery takes a few months symptoms
under normal circumstances, it may be best to think about diagnosable PTSD as a
disruption or stalling out of a normal recovery process, rather than the
development of a unique psychopathology. The therapist needs to determine what
has interfered with normal recovery. In one case, it may be that the patient
believes that he will be overwhelmed by the amount of affect that will emerge if
he stops avoiding and numbing himself. Perhaps he was taught as a child that
so shamed and humiliated that she is convinced that others will blame her, too. In
a third case, a patient may have seen something so horrifying that every time he
falls asleep and dreams about it, he wakes up in a cold sweat. In order to sleep, he
drinks heavily. Another patient is so convinced that she will be victimized again
that she refuses to go out any more and has greatly restricted her activities and
relationships. In still another case, in which other people were killed, a patient
experiences survivor guilt and obsesses over why he was spared when others were
killed. He feels unworthy and experiences guilt whenever he laughs or finds
himself enjoying something. In all these cases, thoughts or avoidance behaviors
are interfering with emotional processing and cognitive restructuring. There are as
many individual examples of things that can block a smooth recovery as there are
individuals with PTSD.
Pre-Therapy Issues
CPT was developed and tested with people with a wide range of comorbid Who is
disorders and extensive trauma histories. In research settings, we have appropriate
implemented the protocol with people who were from 3 months to 60 years post- for CPT?
trauma (worst trauma), although we have used it clinically for more recent
traumas. We have implemented the protocol successfully with people who had no
more than a fourth-grade education and as little as an IQ of 75 (although in both
cases, we needed to modify the worksheets somewhat). In research protocols,
people have met full criteria for a PTSD diagnosis, but there is no reason that it
could not be implemented with someone who is subthreshold for diagnosis.
However, if the person does not have PTSD at all and has some other diagnosis!
We are frequently asked if it is important to develop a relationship with the When should
patient before beginning any trauma work. Our answer is no, this is not necessary. the CPT
In fact, if a therapist waits for weeks or months to begin trauma work in the protocol
absence of any of the contraindications listed above, the patient may receive the
message that the therapist thinks that she is not ready or able to handle trauma-
focused therapy. This reluctance on the part of the therapist may collude with the
coping). The therapeutic relationship develops quickly within the protocol when
the therapist is using a Socratic style of interacting, because the therapist is
demonstrating to the patient her deep interest in understanding exactly how the
patient thinks and feels through these questions. Also, if additional time is taken!
The contents of each session are described in Part 2 along with issues that Overview of
therapists are likely to encounter. The therapy begins with an education CPT sessions
component about PTSD, and the patient is asked to write an Impact Statement in
order for the patient and therapist to begin to identify problem areas in thinking
label thoughts and feelings and to recognize the relationship between them. The
next two sessions focus on generating a trauma account of the worst traumatic
incident, which is read to the therapist in session. During these first five sessions,
the therapist uses Socratic questioning to begin to challenge distorted cognitions,
particularly those associated with assimilation, such as self-blame, hindsight bias,
and other guilt cognitions. Thereafter, the sessions focus on teaching the patient
cognitive therapy skills and finally focus on specific topics that are likely to have
been disrupted by the traumatic event: safety, trust, power/control, esteem, and
After the individual CPT protocol is described in detail, there are subsequent
sections on using the protocol without the written trauma account component, a
section on delivering CPT in a group format, and a section on treatment issues
with comorbid disorders.
The usual format for sessions is to begin with review of the practice assignments Format of
each session
using the Practice Assignment Review, located in the Therapist Materials section
of the Materials Manual, followed by the content of each specific session. The
session practice assignments because of the therapist specifically inquiring
about these assignments at the beginning of therapy sessions (starting with
Session 2). Review of this form at the beginning of the sessions also decreases the
likelihood of getting off protocol due to an immediate focus on the assignments.
During the last 5 or so minutes of the session, the assignment for the next week is
introduced and is accompanied by the necessary explanation, definition(s), and
handouts. It is not recommended that the therapist start a general discussion at the
beginning of the session but should begin immediately with the practice
assignment that was assigned. If the patient wishes to speak about other topics,
we either use the topic to teach the new skills we are introducing (e.g., put the
content on an A-B-C Worksheet) or we save time at the end for these other topics,
reinforcing the trauma work with discussion of the topic. If the therapist allows
the patient to direct the therapy away from the protocol, avoidance will be
reinforced, along with disruption in the flow of the therapy. In addition, placing
the practice assignments last in the session will send a message to the patient that
the practice assignments are not very important and may lead to less treatment
adherence on the part of the patient. Among the most difficult skills for the
therapist to master, especially if he or she has been trained in more nondirective
therapies, is how to be empathic but firm in maintaining the protocol. If a patient
does not bring in his practice assignment one session, it does not mean that the
therapy is delayed for a week. The therapist has the patient do the assignment
orally (or they complete a worksheet together) in the session and reassigns the
uncompleted assignment along with the next assignment.
Socrates was convinced that thoughtful questioning enabled the logical self-
examination of ideas and facilitated the determination of the validity of those
ideas. As described in the writings of Plato, a student of Socrates, the teacher
capacity to recognize contradictions, Socrates assumed that incomplete or
inaccurate ideas would be corrected during the process of disciplined questioning
and hence would lead to progressively greater truth and accuracy.
1. C larification
Patients often accept their automatic thought about an event as the only option. Clarification
Clarification questions help patients examine their beliefs or assumptions at a questions
deeper level, which can help to elicit more possible reactions from which to
typified by the following:
beliefs on which her argument is founded. Often patients have never questioned assumptions
inspection, the patient can see the tenuous bedrock that the beliefs are built on.
Probing reasons and evidence is a similar process to probing assumptions. When Probing
reasons and
the therapist helps patients look at the actual evidence behind their beliefs, they evidence
often find that the rationale in support of their arguments is rudimentary at best.
Often the patient has never considered other viewpoints but instead adopted a Questioning
perspective that fits his needs for safety and control most readily. By questioning and
alternative viewpoints or persSHFWLYHVWKHWKHUDSLVWLVLQHIIHFW³FKDOOHQJLQJ´WKH perspectives
position. This will help the patient see that that there are other, equally valid,
viewpoints that still allow the patient to feel appropriately safe and in control.
Often patients are not aware that the beliefs that they hold lead to predictable and Analyzing
often unpleasant logical implications. By helping the patient examine the implications
potential outcomes to see if they make sense, or are even desirable, the patient consequences
may realize that their entrenched beliefs are creating a large part of their distress.
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6. Q uestions A bout the Q uestion
about the
boundaries by directly inquiring whether the therapist has experienced a specific question
traumatic event. For example, patients may ask the therapist directly, ³+DYH\RX
HYHUEHHQWRZDU"´ or ³+DYH\RXHYHUEHHQUDSHG"´ In this often difficult
situation, therapists may rely both on their good clinical judgment, as well as
CPT-specific skills, to inquire why the patient might be interested in this
s/he is willing to disclose. It is also important to consider, as always, the effect
" Are you wondering whether I will be able to handle hearing about
your experience?
" Why is this information important to you? What would it mean to
you if I did or did not share your experience?
" What would my answer either way mean to you?
you think I am missing. I would like to understand what the
experience was like for you.
Many therapists were never trained to conduct manualized psychotherapies and Therapist-
may feel uncomfortable with both the concept and the execution. It is important patient
that the patient and therapist agree on the goal for the therapy (trauma work for agreement on
therapy goals
PTSD and related symptoms) so that the goals do not drift or switch from session
to session. Without a firm commitment to the treatment goals, when the therapy is
³RIIWUDFN´WKHWKHUDSLVWPD\QRWNQRZZKHther to get back on the protocol or to
how, to incorporate them into the sessions. A few words on these topics are
appropriate here. Once therapists have conducted protocol therapy a few times,
they usually find that they become more efficient and effective therapists. They
learn to guide the therapy without tangents or delays. They find they can develop
rapport with patients through the use of Socratic questions because the patients
are explaining to the therapist exactly how they feel and think and the therapist
expresses interest and understanding with these questions. There is usually
enough time in the session to cover the material for the session and still have time
for some other topics, such as things that came up that week or other current
issues related to their PTSD (childrearing, job concerns, marital issues, etc.).
However, if those are major issues, then the therapist will need to prioritize the
order. It is inadvisable to try to deal with several types of therapy for different
problems simultaneously.
1. Comorbidity
Although PTSD has very high rates of comorbidity (other disorders along with the Comorbidity
PTSD), normally, comorbid depression, anxiety, and dissociation remit along
Substance dependence should be treated before addressing PTSD, but substance- Substance
abusing patients may be treated with CPT if there is a specific contract for not use disorders
drinking abusively during the therapy, and if there is a specific focus on the
suspected role of abusive drinking as avoidance coping. Further, it may be
possible to implement CPT immediately following substance abuse treatment.
In fact, if the veteran is following an inpatient admission for detoxification with a
residential program, there may be a unique window of opportunity to treat PTSD.
It is not unusual for intrusive recollections of traumatic events, particularly
nightmares and flashbacks, to emerge after someone has stopped drinking or
using drugs. The substance use may have served as a method to avoid these
memories and to suppress unwanted emotions. So, after detoxification, these
PTSD symptoms may reassert themselves. If the patient is motivated to work on
his PTSD, or if the therapist can use the increase in symptoms as a motivator,
there may be an opportunity to improve those PTSD symptoms before the patient
can fall back into his usual coping method and relapse. At this point, based on
clinical experience rather than research, our best predictor of success with CPT
with this population is motivation to change. The therapist should ask in a very
straightforward fashion whether the patient wants to improve his PTSD
symptoms enough to refrain from alcohol or drugs for treatment to commence.
Some patients have been able to tolerate CPT, including the account writing,
fairly soon after stopping their substance abuse, while others announce that they
will relapse if they talk about the trauma even years after sobriety. We take these
patients at their word. If someone promises to relapse, we do not implement the
protocol, but let them know that it is available when they are ready. Those who
proceed with treatment need to understand how their substance abuse has served
as avoidance, and the therapist should check in frequently about urges to drink or
use. If such urges occur during treatment, they can, in fact, indicate particular
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is the most common comorbid disorder with MDD
PTSD. Being depressed is not a rule-out for PTSD treatment. In fact, PTSD
treatment should successfully address MDD that is often secondary to the PTSD.
All treatment outcome studies on PTSD have found substantial and lasting
improvement in depressive symptoms along with PTSD improvement. There are
only a few caveats to consider. Although medication instability is a typical
exclusion criterion for psychosocial treatment outcome studies for pragmatic
purposes (i.e., is change attributable to the intervention or the medication?),
medication changes can also complicate clinical practice. A clinician may be
tempted to throw every possible intervention at the patient at once, expecting to
achieve the quickest possible results. However, if a patient is beginning or
increasing a medication while starting psychotherapy, neither the patient nor the
clinician will know what was effective. Why does this matter? When the patient
begins to feel better, she may attribute the change to the medication, even if it is
not the case, and not attribute the change to her own efforts. She may even stop
complying with psychotherapy. Also, if the medication was the locus of the
change, the prescribing physician needs to know what the minimally effective
dose of the medication is without the confusion of the common occurrence of
increasing symptoms during the trauma account or decreasing symptoms after the
trauma accounts or cognitive therapy. The prescribing physician and therapist
need to coordinate their efforts to minimize this confusion.
We have occasionally seen patients who were so heavily and multiply medicated Psychotherapy
that they were unable to engage in treatment or access appropriate emotions. We and medication
have also occasionally seen unmedicated patients whose depression was so severe
they could not muster the energy to attend treatment or comply with assignments.
Either extreme is a problem that must be rectified before appropriate
psychotherapy can be implemented. It is important to stress that we are not
suggesting that all patients with PTSD, with or without MDD, should be on
medications. Rather, we suggest that, if a patient can tolerate her distress for a
few more weeks while CPT begins, there may not be a need for medications at
all. In addition, many of the young returning service members may not want to
begin a regimen of psychotropic medications. There is very little research on the
combination or sequencing of medication and psychotherapy to guide us at this
point. Good communication between providers can assist with decision making
on the appropriateness and sequencing of medication.
Panic disorder is commonly comorbid with PTSD, and more so under the DSM- Panic
IV decision rules than under the previous DSM-III-R, which disallowed the disorders
diagnosis in the presence of other Axis I disorders. Our research with CPT
indicates an improvement in panic symptoms without any particular extra
intervention. However, there are some people who are so crippled by their panic
disorder that they cannot tolerate discussing the traumatic event without having
panic attacks. In this case, the therapist may want to consider treating the panic
disorder first with a cognitive-behavioral treatment such as panic control
treatment (Craske, Barlow, & Meadows, 20005) or simultaneously with CPT
!Craske, M. G., Barlow, D. H., & Meadows, E. A. (2000). Mastery of your anxiety and panic:
Therapist guide for anxiety, panic, and agoraphobia (MAP-3). San Antonio, TX:
Graywind/Psychological Corporation.
The challenge with personality disorders in PTSD treatment is how to stay on Personality
track with the protocol and not get derailed by side issues. In other words, the disorder
therapist does not attempt to treat the personality disorder but treats the PTSD in
spite of the personality disorder. The therapist needs to keep in mind that the
patient has been coping with his life circumstances for a long time, albeit
an avoidance function to doing the trauma work. If one can conceptualize
personality disorders as over-generalized patterns of responding across a range of
situations, then it is quite easy to see how someone with a long history of trauma,
or coping with his trauma, might develop avoidant personality, dependent
personality, and so forth. These beliefs and behavioral patterns served a
dysfunctional because these patterns are so over-generalized (and probably
obsolete). Within the cognitive framework, these over-generalized assumptions
and beliefs become reified to the schema level and become automatic filters
through which all experiences pass. Any experiences that do not conform to the
over-riding schema are either distorted (assimilated) to fit the construct or
ignored. Those experiences that appear to confirm the over-riding schema are
used as proof and lead to further over-accommodation. It is difficult to challenge
P\VHOI´ so the therapist should continually bring these global ideas down to very
specific events, thoughts, and emotions and then challenge the evidence on those
specific events with Challenging Beliefs Worksheets. When the same
assumptions emerge across many worksheets, the therapist can say, ³,DP
detecting a theme here. Across these six worksheets it always comes back to the
thought that people are trying to harm you (or whatever the schema is). You have
said this to yourself so often and across so many situations that you have come to
believe it is carved in stone as TRUTH. And we are going to have to chip away at
that belief just like you would have to chip away at stone to get it to change ²in
this case, one worksheet at a time. Now I see that each time you have done a
Challenging Beliefs Worksheet that you were able to challenge the thought that
someone was intentionally trying to harm you. How many experiences will you
need to have, how much evidence will you need to move to the thought that some
While dissociative disorders are relatively rare, dissociative responses are fairly Dissociation
common in traumatized individuals. In fact, peritraumatic dissociation, and amnesia
dissociation during or immediately after the traumatic event, is one of the most
robust predictors of PTSD. Dissociation can become conditioned, just like the
!Falsetti, S. A., Resnick, H. S., Davis, J., & Gallagher, N. G. (2001). Treatment of posttraumatic
stress disorder with comorbid panic attacks: Combining cognitive processing therapy with panic
control treatment techniques. Group Dyna mics, 5(4), 252±260.
Another option for problematic dissociation is to use the CPT-C protocol. A third
option is to use the CPT protocol but have the patient write the account using
techniques to minimize dissociation. One strategy that we have used successfully
is to have the patient set a kitchen timer for 5 minutes and start writing. The bell
serves to interrupt dissociation, orienting the patient back to the present. The
kitchen timer can then be set for 6 minutes, with the patient returning to reading
or writing the account. The timer can be set for progressively longer periods to
provide graded habituation and stronger grounding skills.
2. A voidance
Most veterans present for PTSD treatment many years after the traumatic event. Discourage
They are usually not in crisis and are able to handle their day-to-day lives (at
whatever level they are functioning) without constant intervention. Much of the
disruption in the flow of therapy for PTSD comes from avoidance attempts on the
part of the patient. We point out avoidance whenever we see it (e.g., changing the
subject, showing up late for sessions) and remind the patient that avoidance
will happen to her disability status and entitlements if the PTSD is effectively disability
treated. For OIF/OEF veterans, the goal is to have them return to gainful status
employment and not be on disability for their PTSD. At the beginning of
treatment with these patients, they may not be able to conceptualize sleeping
through the night again, not being disrupted by flashbacks, or having the
concentration to hold down a job. The therapist needs to impart a clear message
that these symptoms can improve, to instill some hope in the patient. However,
specific career or job planning might be postponed until later in therapy to see
how much symptom remission has been achieved. If the veteran sustained head
injuries during his deployment, it may not be clear how much of the symptom
picture is due to PTSD and how much is due to brain injury until the PTSD
symptoms are resolved.
There are several ways in which religion and morality more generally intersect Issues of
religion and
with PTSD. It is not uncommon for there to be disruptions in religious beliefs morality
are produced by the conflict between the traumatic event and prior religious
³:K\QRWPH"´³:K\GLGP\IULHQGIDPLO\GLH"´), which is taught directly by
some religions but could have been inferred by the patient and not actually part of
You should not avoid these topics, because they may prove to be at the heart of
\RXUSDWLHQW¶V37SD. Even if you have a different set of religious beliefs (or are
agnostic or atheist), it is not a good reason to avoid these topics. You need to
wade into cross-cultural beliefs as part of your work, and religion is an important
SDUWRI\RXUSDWLHQW¶VFXlture. The just world belief is probably the most common
assumption that is taught, not just by religions but also by parents and teachers.
People like to believe that if they follow the rules that good things will happen
and that if someone breaks the rules that they will be punished. People fail to
learn this as a probability statement (³,I,IROORZWKHUXOHVLWGHFUHDVHVP\ULVNRI
VRPHWKLQJEDGKDSSHQLQJ´), which would be more realistic. If people hold
strongly to the just world belief, then they may engage in backward reasoning.
This would lead them to the conclusion that if something bad happened to them,
they will end up railing at the unfairness of the situation or of God. No religion
guarantees that good behavior will always be rewarded and bad behavior
punished (here on earth), so if your patient says this, then he may have either
distorted his religion or was taught this by a mistaken parent or religious leader.
Like any profession, there is variability on how educated or adherent a religious
leader is to the tenets of the religion. Please make sure you differentiate the
religion itself from an individual practitioner when you discuss these issues. You
may be able to check with the tenets of the religion through a Web search or by
talking to clergy at your VA or your own place of worship.
involves another person (rape, assault, combat), the concept of free will may be
very helpful. Most Western religions adhere to the concept of free will, of choice
to behave or misbehave (or what are heaven and hell for?). If God gives an
individual free will to make choices, then it does not follow that He would take
away the free will of another person in order to punish the patient. That person
also had free will to fire the gun or rape, etc. Free will implies that God does not
step in and stop the behavior of others any more than He forces the patient to
behavior and choice involved, it does not take a great deal of inspection of the
world to find evidence that God is not using natural events, accidents, or illnesses
only to punish bad people. When we see these events happening to infants,
children, or people we know to be wonderful, caring individuals, the only thing
However, it could also be the case that God does not intervene in day-to-day lives
and that the concept of God should be used for comfort, community, and moral
If a patient believes that lives are predetermined and that he has no free will, then
you may wonder why he has PTSD. What is the conflict? Is he having trouble
accepting his fate? Or is it just a matter of not being able to process emotions?!
The concepts of self- or other-forgiveness are sometimes brought up in therapy. If Self- or other-
these issues are comfortable concepts for a patient, she probably would not bring forgiveness
them up for discussion. Instead, they are typically mentioned because there is
some discomfort with or conflict over the subjects. As noted above, with regard to
self-forgiveness, it is very important for you to first challenge the specifics of the
event to see if your patient has anything to forgive herself for. Because it is
almost axiomatic that people will blame themselves for traumatic events, it does
not mean that they intended the outcome. Therefore, blame and guilt may be
misplaced. If someone is the victim of a crime, she is just that, a victim. There is
nothing she could have done that would justify what happened to her. Because a
woman feels dirty or violated does not mean that she did anything wrong that
needs forgiveness. This would be an example of emotional reasoning. Killing
someone in war is not the same as murdering someone. The person may have had
no other options than what occurred at the time, so the Socratic questioning needs
to establish intent, available options at the time, etc. One should only discuss self-
forgiveness when it has been established that the patient had intended harm
against an innocent person, that he had other available options at the time and
willfully chose this course of action. Killing a civilian by accident (e.g., someone
caught in the crossfire) in a war is just that, an accident. Committing an atrocity
(raping women or children, torturing people) is clearly intended harm. Guilt is an
appropriate response to committing an atrocity or a crime. A patient may well
need to accept what he has done, be repentant, and seek out self-forgiveness, or if
religious, forgiveness within the church or other place of worship. Even then you
should work with your patient to contextualize who he was then with what his
values are now to help him realize that he is not the same as when the event
occurred. Once all this has been thoroughly processed and digested, some form of
restitution or community service may assist the patient in moving beyond his
permanent, self-inflicted sentence.
Forgiving others is sometimes brought into the session when the concept is
premature or forced by others. If a patient has just accepted that the event was not!
Although there are many different types of traumatic experiences, each unique in Military sexual
its own way, experiences of sexual trauma often raise special issues for patients trauma (MST)
and clinicians. This is particularly true when the trauma is what the VA terms
sexual harassment that occurred while the veteran was in the military. Sexual
assault is any sort of sexual activity between at least two people in which
someone is involved against his or her will. Physical force may or may not be
used. The sexual activity involved can include many different experiences such as
unwanted touching, grabbing, oral sex, anal sex, sexual penetration with an
object, and/or sexual intercourse. Sexual harassment that falls into the category of
MST involves repeated, unsolicited, and threatening verbal or physical contact of
a sexual nature. Examples of this include threats of retaliation for not being
sexually cooperative or implied faster promotions or better treatment in exchange
for being sexually cooperative.
A number of studies have shown that MST experiences are extremely prevalent
among veterans; rates are typically even higher among veterans using VA
healthcare. Although sexual trauma occurs more frequently among women than
among men, the disproportionate ratio of men to women in the military means
that as a clinician working with veterans, you are about equally likely to
encounter men with experiences of MST as you are to encounter women with
experiences of MST. In general, rape is the trauma most likely to be associated
with PTSD, meaning that you may treat sexual trauma quite frequently in your
CPT work.
Most military groups are characterized by high unit cohesion, particularly during
combat. Although this level of solidarity is typically a positive aspect of military
service, the dynamic it creates may amplify the difficulties of responding to
sexual harassment and assault in this environment. For example, the high value
placed on organizational cohesion may make it taboo to divulge any negative
information about a fellow soldier. As a result, many victims are reluctant to
report sexual trauma and may struggle to identify even to themselves that what
occurred was an assault. Those who choose to report to those in authority often
feel that they are not believed or, even worse, find themselves blamed for what
happened. They may be encouraged to keep silent and their reports may be
ignored. Having this type of invalidating experience often has a significant
How might these factors impact your CPT work with veterans? First, trust (both MST and
of oneself and others) may be a particularly potent issue given that perpetrators
are most often someone the victim knows and may have been someone with
whom the victim was quite close. Because of this relationship, victims may have
stuck points related to the idea that the sexual assault or harassment was
consensual, or at least condoned on their part; it will be important for you to
remind them of the coercive aspects of the context surrounding the trauma. As
with sexual trauma occurring outside the military, the stigma associated with
sexual trauma may mean that you encounter a great number of stuck points
related to self-blame and esteem. Men in particular may express concerns about
their sexuality, sexual identity, or their masculinity. It may be hard for them to
reconcile what happened with societal beliefs about men being strong and
powerful²acknowledging their vulnerability is at odds with how they have been
taught to think about themselves as men. In addition, individuals who have been
sexually traumatized are at particularly high risk of experiencing subsequent
sexual victimization. When this happens, victims may find themselves stuck on
issues related to agency (power and control) and self-worth.
Another issue to consider is that because sexual arousal typically occurs in Sexual
pleasurable settings, most people assume that sexual arousal equates with! during MST
Patients are often reluctant to bring up this topic in therapy. They may feel deep
shame that they experienced sexual arousal in a situation in which they believe it
to be inappropriate and may view it as some type of personal failing. The
therapist can help alleviate this guilt and shame through education and should
bring up the topic in a low-key and routine way if the patient does not broach the
topic. One of the simplest ways to help the patient to think differently about it is
to remind the patient that sexual arousal is not a voluntary response any more
than being tickled is. In fact, tickling is a good analogy to use. Someone can be
tickled against his will, be laughing, and hate it at the same time. When nerve
endings are stimulated, there is no conscious choice about whether those nerve Example
endings should react. If the patient is helped to see that his or her reactions were worksheets
on MST
the normal outcome of stimulation and not some moral choice, he or she should on MSTin
experience relief and the lessening of guilt or shame. Please refer to the Patient located in
Workbook for examples of an A-B-C Worksheet, Challenging Questions Appendix
Manual B
Worksheet, and Challenging Beliefs Worksheet on MST.
It is recommended that the patient be assessed, not just before and after treatment Using PTSD
but during treatment as well. We typically give patients a brief PTSD scale and a & depression
depression scale, such as the Beck Depression Inventory7 (if comorbid depression scales
is a problem), once a week. The PCL-S monthly version is administered once
month. Subsequent administrations of the PCL-6HYDOXDWHWKHSDWLHQW¶VV\PSWRPV
during the prior week and are administered weekly. We recommend that the
weekly versions of the PCL-S be given to the patient while he is waiting for the
start of the session. Most often there is a large drop in symptoms when the
assimilation about the trauma is resolving. Typically this occurs around the fifth
or sixth session with the trauma account and cognitive therapy focusing on the
traumatic event itself. Occasionally this takes longer, but with frequent
assessment, the therapist can monitor the progress and see when the shift occurs.
Both the monthly and weekly versions of the PCL-S are located in the Therapist
Materials section of the Materials Manual.
Beck, A. T., Ward, C. H., Mendelson, M., Mock, J., & Erbaugh, J. (1961). An inventory for
measuring depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 141, 1311.
Included in this manual is a module for traumatic bereavement (Session 2a). This Optional
module is not included as 1 of the 12 sessions but could be added to the therapy. session
If the additional bereavement session is added, the protocol becomes 13 sessions;
session 2a does not replace any of the other sessions. We recommend that the
session be added early in therapy, perhaps as the third session. Although we
expect PTSD to remit as a result of treatment, we do not necessarily expect
bereavement to remit. Grief is a normal reaction to loss and is not a disorder.
Bereavement may have a long and varied course. The goal of dealing with grief
issues within CPT is not to shorten the natural course of adjustment but to remove
blocks and barriers (distorted cognitions, assumptions, expectations) that are
interfering with normal bereavement. Therefore, the focus is on normal grief,
myths about bereavement, and stuck points that therapists may need to focus on in
this domain. If the bereavement session is added to CPT, one possibility is to have
the patients write two Impact Statements if they have both lost a loved one and
have PTSD related to something that happened to them directly. One statement
would be about what it means that the traumatic event happened to them. The
other statement would be about what it means that the loved one has died.
Summary of Session 1 ± Introduction and Education Phase
A dminister the PC L-S (monthly version) before the start of this session, collect, and
1. Set agenda (5 minutes)
2. T herapist explanations to patient (10 minutes)
¾ PTSD Symptoms: 3 Clusters (Handout)
- Reexperiencing: thoughts, dreams, flashbacks, psych, physio
- Arousal: sleep, irritability/anger, concentration, hypervigilance, startle
- Avoidance: thoughts, places/activities/people, facts, no interest, detached,
no feelings, no future. Many other forms of avoidance: alcohol, staying as
busy as possible, physical symptoms, avoiding therapy or practice
¾ Trauma Recovery and Fight-Flight Response
- Fight/flight, freeze
- Paired with cues: sight, sound, smell, etc.
¾ Cognitive Theory
- Belief structure: categories²just world, good things to good people, etc.
- Change memories to fit beliefs (assimilation)
- Change beliefs about the world (accommodation/over-accommodation)
¾ Types of Emotions
- Two types of emotions that follow trauma: natural and manufactured
3. B rief review of most traumatic event (5 minutes)
4. T herapy rationale²stuck points (10 minutes)
¾ Goals of Treatment
- To recognize and modify old thoughts and feelings that may be unhelpful
- To accept the reality of the event
- To change beliefs enough to accept it without going overboard
- To feel your emotions about the event
¾ Review Stuck Point Handout
5. A nticipating avoidance and increasing compliance (5 minutes)
6. O verview of treatment²structured (5 minutes)
¾ 12 Sessions, 50 mins.±1 hour each:
1- Introduction 7- Problematic Thinking
2- Meaning of the Event 8- Safety
3- Identifying Thoughts and Feelings 9- Trust
4- Remembering the Event 10- Power and Control
5- ,GHQWLI\LQJ³6WXFN3RLQWV´ 11- Esteem
6- Challenging Questions 12- Intimacy and Meaning
¾ Note importance of compliance with attendance and practice assignments
7. Assign practice and problem solve re: completion (5 minutes)
¾ First Impact Statement
8. C heck-LQUHSDWLHQW¶VUHDFWLRQVWR session (5 minutes)
It is necessary to address treatment compliance early in the course of therapy Compliance &
because avoidance behavior (half the symptoms of PTSD) can interfere with avoidance
successful outcomes. We are concerned with two forms of compliance:
attendance and completion of out-of-session practice assignments. It is strongly
recommended that patients attend all sessions and complete all assignments in
order to benefit fully from therapy. We set the expectation that therapy benefit is
dependent on the amount of effort patients invest through practice assignment
compliance and practice with new skills. It may be helpful to remind the patient
that what he has been doing has not been working and that it will be important to
tackle issues head-on rather than continue to avoid. Avoidance of affective
experience and expression should also be addressed.
In this session, patients are also given the opportunity to ask any questions they
the questions and concerns they express during this first session. And finally, as
with all therapies, rapport building is crucial for effective therapy. The patient
needs to feel understood and listened to, otherwise she may not return.
Patients sometimes arrive with a pressing need to speak about their trauma. Trauma
However, the therapist should prevent the patient from engaging in an extended disclosure
exposure session at the first session. Intense affect and graphic details of an event,
disclosed before any type of rapport or trust has been established, may well lead
to premature termination from therapy. The patient is likely to assume that the
therapist holds the same opinions about his guilt, shame, or worthlessness that he,
the patient, holds, and may be afraid to return to therapy after such a disclosure.
Other patients will be very reluctant to discuss the traumatic event and will be
quite relieved that they do not have to describe it in detail during the first session.
In these cases, the therapist may have to draw out even a brief description of the
event. Dissociation when attempting to think about or talk about the event is
common. An initial assessment session grants the patient and therapist the
opportunity to get acquainted before the therapy begins and allows the therapist to
provide the patient with a description of what the therapy will entail. In this first
session, it is important that the therapist remind the patient that CPT is a very
structured form of therapy and that the first session is a bit different from the
event. A natural reaction to intrusive memories and strong emotional symptoms±
reactions is the urge to push these thoughts and feelings away. You criterion C
might avoid places or people who remind you of the event. Some
people avoid watching certain television programs or turn off the
TV. Some people avoid reading the newspaper or watching the news.
You might avoid thinking about the event and letting yourself feel
your feelings about the event. There might be certain sights, sounds,
or smells that you find yourself avoiding or escaping from because
they remind you of the event. Sometimes people have trouble
remembering all or part of the event. Sometimes people feel numb
and cut-off from the world around them. This feeling of detachment
immediately following a trauma, most people will have the symptoms
of PT S D that we just talked about. However, over time, for many
people, those symptoms naturally decrease, and they are not
diagnosed with PT S D. In other words, they naturally recover from
the traumatic event. There are some people who do not recover and
are later diagnosed with PTS D. Based on that, it is helpful to think of
PTS D as a problem in recovery. Something got in the way of you
having that natural process of recovery, and our work together is to
determine what got in the way and to change it so that you can
recover from what happened. We will be working to get you
recovering. F irst, there is an automatic component during the event freeze reactions
that you should consider as you evaluate how you responded during
the time. When people face serious, possibly life-threatening events,
they are likely to experience a very strong physical reaction called
the fight-flight reaction. More recently we have learned that there is
a third possibility, the freeze response. In the fight-flight reaction,
your body is trying to get you ready to fight or flee danger. The goal
here is to get all the blood and oxygen out to your hands, feet, and
big muscle groups like your thighs and forearms so that you can run
or fight. In order to do that quickly, the blood leaves your stomach
or your head. You might feel like you have been kicked in the gut or
are going to faint. Your body stops fighting off diseases and
digesting food. You are not thinking about your philosophy of life
and may have trouble thinking at all. The same thing happens with
the freeze response, but in this case your body is trying to reduce
both physical and emotional pain. You may have stopped feeling
pain or had the sense that the event was happening to someone else
as if it were a movie. You might have been completely shut down
emotionally or even had shifts in perception like you are out of your
body or that time has slowed down.
done then, you might need to consider what your state of mind was
during the event. Did you have all possible options available to you?
particular places, or situations that are based on your reactions rather
than the actual realistic danger of those situations. This leads us to
examine how your thoughts may affect your reactions. Besides
thoughts about dangerousness, many different types of beliefs about
organized it into categories or beliefs. For example, when you were theory
small, you learned that a thing with a back, seat and four legs is a
have even called a couch a chair or a stool a chair because they had
a back, seat, and four legs. Later, as you got older, through
experience, you learned more complex categories, so you may have
learned dining room chair, rocking chair, recliner, or folding chair.
We develop many categories of ideas and beliefs about others, the
world, and ourselves, as well as for objects.
their life, traumatic events can seem to reinforce or confirm these
previously held beliefs. For example, prior to having experienced a
the world is generally unsafe. The traumatic event comes along and
seems to confirm those beliefs. Or, maybe you were told that
everything was your fault growing up, so when a bad thing happens,
it seems to confirm that once again, you are at fault.
event, 2) to feel your emotions about it, and 3) to help you develop
directly in response to the event but based on how you interpret the
be feeling angry at yourself or shame. These emotions are not based
on the facts of the event but on your interpretations. The more that
you continue to think about the event in these ways, the more and
more of the manufactured feelings you are going to have. The upside
of the fact that you are producing these feelings is that if you change
your thoughts and interpretations, you will change your feelings.
Think of your emotions as a fire in a fireplace. The fire has energy
and heat to it, just like your emotions. However, it will burn out if it
is not continually fed. Self-blame or guilty thoughts can continue to
feed the emotional fire indefinitely. Take away the fuel of your
thoughts, and the fire burns out quickly.
working together for you to express and accept your natural
In this first session, the therapist and patient work together to define the most Honing in on
the traumatic
traumatic event that they will work on first. The patient then provides a brief
account of the traumatic event. It is important the therapist keep the patient
contained and not conduct an exposure to the traumatic material. Most veterans
affect. However, if the patient starts to become distressed or dissociates, the
therapist should ask questions and keep the patient grounded in the present. If
enough of the details to begin to hypothesize what problematic interpretations and
cognitions might need to be explored.
We begin with the worst incident because there is more likely to be generalization
of new, more balanced cognitions from the worst event to less severe events than
the other way around. Also, if the patient begins with a less severe event because
she believes she cannot handle the worst event, she will still believe that after
working on the less distressing event. If the patient is resistant to writing an
account about the worst event, the therapist needs to do some cognitive therapy
during Session 2 and have the patient complete some A-B-C Worksheets on her
thoughts and feelings about working on the worst event (see Sessions 2 and 3).
It is helpful to provide an expectation that the patient provide a brief, less
affectively charged event by providing a time frame in the request.
what you are saying to yourself²in other words, your thoughts and stuck points
interpretations about the event, which may have become automatic.
These distorted beliefs may become so automatic that you aren't
even aware that you have them. Even though you may not be aware
of what you are saying to yourself, your beliefs and self-statements
affect your mood and your behavior. Often, people aren't aware that
they are having thoughts about whatever they are experiencing. For
example, on the way here today, you were probably wondering what
this therapy would be like or what I would be asking you to talk
about. Do you remember what you were thinking about before the
and how they influence what you feel. I will also teach you ways to
challenge and change what you are saying to yourself and what you
believe about yourself and the event. Some of your beliefs about the
discussed at the beginning of this session about how some people get
stuck in their recovery process. We will be focusing on changing the
Give patient
beliefs that are interfering with your recovery or keeping you stuck. Stuck Points
given the Stuck Points Handout and the Stuck Point Log.) We will Stuck Point
keep a Stuck Point Log in your folder so that as we identify Log
problematic ideas, we can write them down. Then when we move to
The patient has been avoiding thinking about the event, thereby escaping and Increasing
avoiding strong and unpleasant emotions. The therapist must develop a strong and patient
compelling rationale for therapy in order for the patient to be motivated to do compliance
something completely antithetical to what she has been doing. It is very important
that the patient understand what the therapy consists of and why it will work. She
should have ample opportunity to ask questions and express concerns. The
therapist needs to express confidence, warmth, and support.
which is what you usually have done to try to cope since the event.
This will be your biggest (and probably scariest) hurdle. I cannot
help you feel your feelings, or challenge your thoughts if you don't
come to therapy or if you avoid completing your practice
assignments. If you find yourself wanting to avoid, remind yourself
that you are still struggling with the event because you have avoided
dealing with it head-RQ´
Overview of Treatment
The therapist should describe the course of therapy (and the nature of the trauma
account in Sessions 4 and 5) and the importance of doing practice assignments.
about and explain the traumatic event. I also want you to pay
attention to how the traumatic event impacted on your views of
yourself, other people, and the world. I want you to write at least one
page on 1) why you think this event happened to you, and 2) how has
changed or strengthened your views about yourself, other people,
and the world in general?
suggest you try to start this assignment soon, so that you have
enough time to write thoughtfully. Pick a time and place where you
have as much privacy as possible, so you can feel any feelings that
Practice Assignment
event occurred. You are not being asked to write specifics about the Session 1
traumatic event. Write about what you have been thinking about the practice
cause of the worst event. Also, consider the effects this traumatic
event has had on your beliefs about yourself, others, and the world
in the following areas: safety, trust, power/control, esteem, and
intimacy. Bring this with you to the next session. Also, please read
over the handout I have given you on stuck points so that you
understand the concept we are talking about and begin making a list
of your own stuck points.´
whether he has any questions about the content or the practice assignment.
Remember to normalize any emotions and praise the patient for taking this
important step toward recovery.
Content: The patient completed the first session of CPT for PTSD. An overview of PTSD
symptoms and a cognitive explanation of the development and maintenance of PTSD was
presented. A related rationale for treatment was provided, including the use of cognitive
restructuring to alleviate stuck points that prevent the patient from more fully emotionally
processing the traumatic event(s). The patient provided a brief description of his most
traumatic event.
The patient was given a practice assignment to write a one-page Impact Statement describing
the impact of his traumatic experiences on his thoughts and beliefs about himself, others, and
the world and to begin identifying stuck points on the stuck point log.
Intrusive Emotions
Reminders Angry
Flashbacks Scared
Nightmares Horrified
Images Shame
Escape/ Avoidance
1. Stuck points may be conflicts between prior beliefs and beliefs after a traumatic experience.
If you cannot change your previous beliefs to accept what happened to you (i.e., it is possible that I cannot protect myself in all
If you are stuck here, it may take some time until you are able to get your feelings out about the trauma.
you are able to accept that it happened and move on from there.
2. Stuck points may also be formed if you have prior negative beliefs that seem to be confirmed or are
reinforced by the event.
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Summary of Session 2: The Meaning of the Event
1. A dminister P C L-S (in waiting room if possible), collect, and store. Complete
Practice Assignment Review and set agenda. (5 minutes)
2. H ave patient read Impact Statement²begin to look for stuck points (5 minutes)
¾ If practice not written, have patient describe meaning of event orally and reassign.
5. H elp identify and see connections among events, thoughts, and feelings (10 minutes)
¾ Six basic emotions: angry, disgusted, ashamed, sad, scared, happy
¾ Combined: jealous = mad + scared
¾ Varying intensity: irritated/angry/enraged
¾ Secondary emotions: guilt, shame.
¾ Patient examples of own feelings, including physical sensations
¾ Interpretation of events/self-talk affecting feelings (snubbed on street),
¾ Go back to Impact Statement for personal application
6. *Introduce A-B-C Wor ksheets and fill one out together (5 minutes)
¾ Collect Stuck Point Log
*Note: If you decide to add the optional traumatic bereavement session (session 2a), instead
of introducing the A-B-C sheet (items 6 &7 in this outline), please discuss how the loss also
about safety, trust, power/control, esteem and intimacy. Introduce and assign the traumatic
bereavement impact statement instead of the A-B-C worksheet as the practice assignment for
the next session.
The therapist should begin the session by asking how the practice assignment Reviewing the
went and asking the patient to read it to the therapist. In listening to the Impact Impact
Statement, the therapist should be attuned to stuck points that are interfering with Statement
acceptance of the event (assimilation) and extreme, over-generalized beliefs
(over-accommodation). If the patient did not do her practice assignment, the
therapist should discuss the importance of completing practice assignments,
review the problem of avoidance in the maintenance of the symptoms, and then
ask the patient if she thought about the meaning of the event. W e never reinforce
read this and all other assignments out loud. If the therapist were to read it, the
patient could tune out. It is another attempt at avoidance. The assignment to write
the Impact Statement should be reassigned if it was not completed out of session,
but the therapist should proceed with the next assignment as well.
The purpose of the Impact Statement is to have the patient examine the effect that
the event has had on his life in several different areas. When reading the essays, it
will be important for the therapist to determine whether or not this goal has been
achieved. After listening to the Impact Statement, the therapist should praise the
patient and review with the patient the major issues that emerged that will be
focused on during treatment. The therapist should normalize the impact of the
event but also begin to instill the idea that there may be other ways to interpret the
event or begin to move beyond it.
The therapist should use the framework of the Impact Statement to help the Using the
patient begin to recognize which of her statements reflect assimilation and over- Impact
Statement to
accommodation. Please note that it is not necessary to use these terms. For address
H[DPSOHLQUHVSRQVHWRDSDWLHQW¶VVWDWHPHQWRQWKLnking of ways she could have assimilation
handled the traumatic situation differently, the therapist might say, ³,WVRXQGVOLNH and over-
feeling that I must be bad or a bad person for something like this to Impact
have occurred. I feel it will or could happen again at any ti me. I feel
only safe at home. The world scares me and I think it unsafe. I feel
all people are more powerful than I, and am scared by most people. I
me. I have a hard time communicating with people of authority, so
and sometimes just a hug revolts me and scares me. I feel if I spend
too much time out in the world an event like my past will take place.
I feel hatred and anger towards myself for letting these things
The therapist then describes how interpretations of events and self-statements can Interpretation
affect feelings. The therapist can use as an example an acquaintance walking of events
down the street and not saying hello to the patient, or an alternative is if someone
the patient is unable to generate alternative statements, the therapist should
present several other possible self-statements (³6KHPXVWQRWKDYHKHUJODVVHV
Then the therapist can ask the patient what she would feel if she said any of the
other statements. It can then be pointed out how different self-statements elicit
different emotional reactions.
of things did you write about when thinking about what it means to
you that _______ happened to you? What feelings did you have as
If the patient does not recognize his feelings or their connection to beliefs, help Connection of
influence your mood? How do they affect your behavior?´7KHWKHUDSLVWVKRXOG behavior
make sure the patient sees the connection among his thoughts, feelings, and
This exchange also allows the therapist to begin some gentle Socratic challenges
WRDVVHVVKRZIOH[LEOHWKHSDWLHQW¶VWKLQking is, and whether the patient has made
going to happen?
P: I had a strange feeling that morning, like something was going to
T: Have you ever had those kinds of feelings when nothing
P: Yes, but it was very strong. I should have done something.
T: Did your feeling tell you what was going to happen or when it
was going to happen?
P: No.
T: Then what could you have done?
T: Were you certain about your feeling? You said that someti mes
you have had feelings and then nothing happened.
what to do even if you were sure?
P: No, but I still feel guilty that I should have done something.
what was going to happen and exactly when it was going to
happen, and knew exactly who to call to warn. What do you think
their reaction would have been?
just some crank.
T: And then how would you feel?
at them and frustrated at not being able to do anything.
P: Yes, I hate it.
T: It is very difficult to accept that some events can be out of our
control. But it is not really your fault that it happened, is it?
P: No, I suppose not.
If the patient begins to argue with the therapist or dig in her heels over her beliefs, Dealing with an
the therapist should back off immediately and just say something like, ³:HOO, argumentative
can see that this is an important topic that we will need to work on later in
Although some patients will have very convoluted thinking that justifies their
problematic cognitions, often a therapist will find almost no answers in response
to Socratic questions. For example, in response to questioning the statement ³,OHW
LWKDSSHQ´ with ³+RZGLG\RXOHWLWKDSSHQ"´ the patient may just say, ³,GRQ¶W
NQRZ,GLGQ¶WSUHYHQWLW´The therapist then would ask, ³+RZFRXOG\RXKDYH
Several A-B-C Worksheets are given to the patient (enough for one each day until Give patient
the next session). The therapist points out the different columns and how to fill blank and
them in. More than one event can be written on each worksheet. The patient and example
therapist should fill out one worksheet together during the session. As an Worksheets
example, an event the patient has already brought into therapy or some event that
occurred within the past few days should be used. Example A-B-C Worksheets
between your thoughts and feelings following events. Anything that A-B-C
happens to you or you think about can be the event to look at. You
may be more aware of your feelings than your thoughts at first. If
that is the case, go ahead and fill out Column C first. Then go back
and decide what the event was (Column A). Then try to recognize
what you were saying to yourself (Column B). Try to fill out these
worksheets as soon after the events as possible. If you wait until the
end of the day (or week) you are less likely to remember what you
negative events. You also have thoughts and feelings about pleasant
and neutral events. However, I want you to do at least one A-B-C
Worksheet about the traumatic event.´
At the bottom of the A-B-C Worksheets are two questions that introduce the
notion of alternative interpretations of events. The primary focus of the A-B-C
Worksheets should be on the patient identifying the link between thoughts and
feelings before moving on to challenging cognitions. Thus, the therapist should
use her judgment about introducing these questions in this session to the patient
based on the patLHQW¶VJUDVSRIWKHEDVLFFRJQLWLYH-behavioral process. If the
patient fills out the session spontaneously with an appraisal that the thought is not
realistic, this may be an indicator that he is already beginning to challenge his
own thoughts. If he insists that the extreme thought is realistic, then the therapist
the bottom can also be used in addition to the rest of the form as an alternative to
the Challenging Beliefs Worksheet if that form proves to be too difficult for the
patient due to low intelligence or literacy issues (see Session 7).
The therapist should collect the stuck point log and review it. If the patient has
included stuck points that are not challengeable (e.g. feelings, questions,
compound statements) the therapist should ask questions that will help to hone the
patient in on a workable stuck point (e.g. what is the thought behind this feeling,
is this true, or can you put this in an if/then statement?).
Note. If you opt to use Session 2a, review the first impact statement and finish
any material that has not been finished in the previous sessions. Then introduce
the idea that grief and PTSD are somewhat different and can complicate the
recovery from the traumatic event. Grieving the loss of other people may entail
different stuck points than those involved with the PTSD that the patient
experienced directly. The patient may have trouble with the concept that they still
have a relationship with the person who has died (i.e., they relate to them in
person has died). Assign the second impact statement instead of the A-B-C
worksheets for the next session.
Content: This was the second session of CPT for PTSD. The patient did (not) complete the
practice related to writing an Impact Statement describing the impact of his traumatic
experiences on his thoughts and beliefs about himself, others, and the world. We discussed
the assignment in session, with an emphasis on identifying stuck points in his thinking that
interfere with recovery. The relationships amongst thoughts, feelings, and behaviors were
reviewed, and an example from his discussion about the impact of his trauma on his life was
used to illustrate the cognitive model. The patient agreed to complete A-B-C Worksheets
daily to monitor his thoughts, feelings, and behaviors until the next session.
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!9*7*&,:!
Not Quite
little Moderately Extremely
at all a bit
1. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images, of the
1 2 3 4 5
stressful experience?
PCL-S for D SM-IV (11/1/94) Weathers, Litz, Huska, & Keane National Center for PT S D ± Behavioral
Science Division.!
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Summary of Session 2a: Optional Traumatic Bereavement Session
1. A dminister P C L-S (in waiting room if possible), collect, and store. Set agenda.
(5 minutes)
2. Patient reads the second impact statement on the meaning of the loved
one should be read and processed first. (5-10 minutes)
3. Identify and discuss any stuck points that have emerged from the
bereavement impact statement that are different from the first impact
statement. ( 5 minutes)
5. H elp identify and see connections among events, thoughts, and feelings (10 minutes)
¾ Six basic emotions: angry, disgusted, ashamed, sad, scared, happy
¾ Combined: jealous = mad + scared
¾ Varying intensity: irritated/angry/enraged
¾ Secondary emotions: guilt, shame.
¾ Patient examples of own feelings, including physical sensations
¾ Interpretation of events/self-talk affecting feelings (snubbed on street),
¾ Go back to Impact Statement for personal application
6. Introduce A-B-C Wor ksheets and fill one out together (5 minutes)
1. To begin to normalize the grief process and differentiate it from PTSD Session 2a goals
2. To identify stuck points that may interfere with the normal course of
3. To begin to assist the patient in viewing his relationship with the person who
died as altered but not finished.
If this session is added, the topic should have been introduced at the end of
session 2 instead of the A-B-C worksheets. However, if the patient did not
complete the first impact statement and it was reassigned, that one should be read
first. After reviewing the practice assignment to write a second impact statement,
the therapist will begin an education portion on the topic of normal bereavement
and will look for stuck points that may interfere with normal grief reactions. To
facilitate this process, some information is provided below to assist the therapist
to think about traumatic versus normal bereavement issues and to provide some
education to the patient about the course of bereavement as varying and
multidimensional. It is important for the therapist to refrain from pathologizing
the grief process and to begin to differentiate grief from PTSD or depression.
PTSD can interfere with the normal course of bereavement. It is also possible that
unresolved grief can further complicate recovery from PTSD. Although
witnessing or being injured during an event in which a loved one/friend was killed
is more obviously associated with PTSD, therapists need to consider a PTSD
diagnosis among those who were not present at the traumatic death of a loved
one. In civilian life, the sudden, unexpected, and perhaps violent death of a
significant other is so shocking, horrifying, and schema-discrepant that family and
friends of the victim may have trouble taking in the fact that the person has been
killed. During war, service members may accept the possibility, on an abstract
level, that they or others may be killed, but losing friends, seeing children die, or
having deaths occur in unexpected places (when one thought he was safe) can
also be shocking and hard to accept. Acceptance may be particularly difficult for
parents who lose children because of the expectation that their children will
survive them. And like other trauma survivors who actively avoid accepting the
reality of the situation, traumatic-death surviving family and friends may engage
in self-blame as an attempt to undo the event (e.g., ³,IRQO\,KDGQ¶WGRQH;KH
ZRXOGQ¶WKDYHEHHQWKHUHDWWKHWLPH´). Unlike other trauma victims, traumatic-
death survivors may believe that to accept the trauma and begin to move on with
their lives means they have betrayed the other peUVRQWKDWWKHRWKHUSHUVRQLVQ¶W
being properly honored.
Flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, and other intrusive reminders can recur even if Flashbacks &
someone was not present at the death of her significant other. People may flash intrusive
back on or have strong emotional or physiological reactions when reminded of reminders
When some people are killed during a traumatic event, those who survive, Survivor guilt
whether they are friends, family, or strangers, may well have survivor guilt. When
do not have the right to go on when others cannot, or believe that they are less
deserving of happiness (or even of living) than the person or people who died.
They try to determine why they survived and cannot find an acceptable
explanation. Both types of thoughts reflect the just world belief.
An issue that may need to be addressed with military and veteran populations is Service PHPEHU¶V
not just witnessing or hearing about the death of someone the patient cared about, guilt re: killing or
but also issues that arise from having killed others. Service members may find violence
themselves forced to engage in behavior that is against their personal moral code
or in conflict with the circumstances under which they believed that they would
be killing others. In our experience, situations in which civilians, and especially
children, are killed are particularly traumatic for veterans and service members
(e.g., children with backpack bombs, children put in front of transportation
complicated because of the nature of war itself. Veterans and military personnel
may blame themselves, the combatants, the government that put them in the
position they found themselves, or the behavior and perceived failures of
The goal of CPT for bereavement is to help patients determine and eliminate any
stuck points, problematic cognitions that are blocking their recovery, and to help
Once the therapist understands what the patient understood about death and the
Give the patient the Myths of Mourning Handout. Discuss each statement with the Give patient
patient to determine which, if any, statements the patient has been subscribing to. Myths of
Along with debunking some common myths, the therapist uses this session to Handout
help the patient understand the normal process of bereavement, to see how the
traumatic bereavement relates to symptoms of PTSD, and to begin to identify
distorted cognitions, conflicts between prior beliefs and the traumatic event.
spiritual, and physical reactions. They also have to adjust their roles with regard
to other people, the community more generally, and with regard to tasks and
behaviors. While some grief reactions may feel like and share some
characteristics with other psychological reactions such as depression, it is
important for the therapist not to pathologize grief. Bereavement is not the result
of personality traits but is the normal and time-limited reaction to loss. Mourning bereavement
is not the same as depression and does not respond to antidepressants. continued
In the past it was possible to tell that someone was grieving for a period because
of clothing indicative of mourning and institutionalized rules about mourning
In the early stages of bereavement, people need information and support in coping Coping
emotionally. Later, if the person who died is a family member, they need to focus mechanisms
more on instrumental tasks. Some tasks, like dealing with insurance companies
and changing names on titles, are directly due to the death of the family member.
Other tasks represent a realignment of typical chores (e.g., now the patient needs
to pay bills or cook, when before the other partner took responsibility for those
tasks). Each instrumental adjustment, if successfully negotiated, will help the
bereaved person accept the reality of the situation and assist in a greater sense of
control. As the tasks and roles are realigned, then the person also moves to
reconnect with his community, to reestablish and adjust relationships with his
friends and relatives, and finally to rebuild his assumptive world. This latter task
includes adjusting his beliefs about himself and the world with regard to the loved
RQH¶VGHDWK$s elsewhere in CPT, the therapist is looking for accommodation
rather than assimilation or over-accommodation, balance in beliefs rather than
extreme statements.
In a military setting, the death of a fellow service member or members may also Veterans &
be accompanied by tasks and changes. Roles and responsibilities may shift along
with the dynamics of the remaining members of the unit. Sometimes the
bereavement process for military personnel becomes more acute once they leave
the military. While in the military, other people in that environment may have
been able to provide support and understanding of the losses that a service
people in the environment may not be able to understand or appreciate the loss of
comrades or may even be unsympathetic because of different viewpoints on the
war. Although our society appears to be doing a better job separating the war
from the warrior in the recent OIF/OEF conflict, this is not universally true, and
there are many Vietnam veterans who carry the scars of verbal abuse upon
returning to the United States after their tours of duty. They may not have been
never be the same. At first I kept trying to be the same self²tried so
hard that I would get these panic attacks, so I just tried not to think
about it.
³,IHHO like this big cloud has settled over me and someti mes it
suffocates me. I would like to just pull the covers over my head and
my son. He says he would like to go into a closet and not come out.
frozen inside, that I cannot pray and do not feel spiritual at all. It
makes me feel so empty. I miss the fellowship I had with my God. I
do want to have that again.
While the example above illustrates assimilation through nonacceptance and Example of a
avoidance, the next excerpt is from a different patient whose friend was killed, bereavement
impact statement
and illustrates both assimilation and over-accommodation. (assimilation and
anyone. I feel like a failure. I failed him. I should have been
watching his back, then no one would have been able to shoot him in
his back. I could have administered CPR and helped to breathe in
him the breath of life. He would have calmed down and fought
have any other chance to make it up to him.
family and I really am no longer close to my family. I no longer use
It may be helpful for a patient to realize that his relationship with the deceased has Change, not
changed rather than ended. The patient can still have a relationship with the end of
deceased even though the relationship is not reciprocal. As part of the Impact relationship
Statement on the death of the significant other, the patient is asked ³+RZKDVWKH
event affected your relationshLSZLWKWKHGHFHDVHG"´
One of the problems that can occur early in the grieving process, and stall out in Over-
some cases, is the tendency to over-idealize the person who has died. It is difficult idealization of
for the bereaved person to move on, reestablish connections with others, and alter the deceased
her relationship with the deceased if the person who died is not the person who
lived before. Loved ones may experience more survivor guilt or hindsight bias if
they believe that the person who died was perfect or that it is bad or wrong to
remember any flaws or foibles. The therapist needs to tread lightly on this topic,
perhaps pursuing it later in therapy, although it can be broached gently at this
time. The therapist, in hearing an over-idealized description of the deceased can
whole man that you knew. Tell me a little about his eccentricities or
The goal here is to help the patient to grieve for the person who really lived with
an integrated and balanced view.
Finally, when a group of people experience the same event and then support each
other in the aftermath, they can help each other progress through the various
stages of grief. However, there are two risks. One is that the members of the
group will be recovering at different rates, leading to misunderstandings or some
people being held back from their natural rate. A worse outcome is that the group
becomes stuck together and stops recovering altogether. They develop an us-
against-them mentality in which they come to believe that no one can understand
what they have experienced and that they can never recover. If someone who
seeks therapy is enrolled in a long-term support group (either formally or
informally) in which this has occurred, it will be somewhat more difficult for the
therapist to intervene with over-generalized beliefs because they are held by a
group of people, lending credence to them. The therapist will need to remind the
patients during cognitive therapy that other people saying things does not
constitute evidence for a belief.
The following is a list of possible stuck points that the therapist may encounter Possible
while working on bereavement issues. This list is, of course, not exhaustive, but stuck points
merely suggestive. traumatic
ORQJHUEHKDSS\´ (Survivor guilt).
(Denial in many of its forms).
WEHKDSSHQLQJWRPH´ (Personal non-acceptance).
Content: This was the third session of CPT for PTSD. The patient did (not) complete the
impact statement about his/her traumatic loss. The client read the second impact statement
and we discussed the assignment in session. Myths of mourning and psychoeducation about
normal bereavement were discussed in this session. The relationships among thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors were reviewed, and an example from his discussion about the impact
of his trauma on his life was used to illustrate the cognitive model. The patient agreed to
complete A-B-C Worksheets daily to monitor his thoughts, feelings, and behaviors until the
next session.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' '''''' '''''''''''F+=+"$G'
Not Quite
little Moderately Extremely
at all a bit
1. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images, of the
1 2 3 4 5
stressful experience?
PCL-S for D SM-IV (11/1/94) Weathers, Litz, Huska, & Keane National Center for PT S D ± Behavioral
Science Division.''
Summary of Session 3: Identification of Thoughts and Feelings
1. A dminister P C L-S (in waiting room if possible), collect, and store. Complete
Session 3 Practice Assignment Review and set agenda. (5 minutes)
2. Review A-B-C Wor ksheets, further differentiating between thoughts and feelings
(15 minutes)
¾ Label thoughts vs. emotions
¾ Recognize changing thoughts can change intensity of type of feelings
- Begin challenging self-blame and guilt
¾ Point out mismatches:
- Dominant emotion(s)? - Emotions follow thoughts?
- Dominant thought(s)? - Thoughts and emotional intensity match?
¾ Look for stuck points and use Socratic questioning to help patient identify
alternative hypotheses
1. To assist the patient in labeling thoughts and emotions in response to events. Session 3
2. To introduce the idea that changing thoughts can change the intensity or type of goals
emotions that are experienced.
7REHJLQFKDOOHQJLQJWKHSDWLHQW¶VVHOI-blame and guilt with regard to the
traumatic event through Socratic questions.
4. To assign the patient to write a detailed account of the traumatic incident.
(N O T E : If the therapist is using the CPT protocol without the trauma accounts,
then the assignment will be to do the A-B-C Worksheets again until the next
Homework Noncompliance²If the patient did not write the initial Impact
Statement for the last session, this session should begin with having the patient
read the Impact Statement and noticing any changes or additions since the last
session. If the patient fails to bring in the Impact Statement again or the A-B-C
motivation for treatment at this time. If the patient continues to be noncompliant
with the assignments, therapy should not proceed without a commitment from the
patient. The therapist should consider whether some other form of treatment is
needed first (e.g., Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), skills, substance abuse
treatment, panic disorder treatment) before PTSD treatment can commence. It is
preferable to ask the patient to return to treatment when he can devote himself to
the work than to have him fail to recover due to noncompliance. If the latter is the
case, it will be more difficult to implement the protocol at a later time (³7KDW
WKHUDS\GLGQ¶WZRUN,¶PDIDLOXUH´). Remind the patient that avoidance behavior
is a symptom, not an effective method of coping. If the patient recommits to
treatment, have him bring in both the Impact Statement and A-B-C- Worksheets,
but hold off on the trauma account assignment to determine if he is going to
follow through. The therapist should begin by going over the A-B-C Worksheets
completed for practice. In looking over the worksheets that the patient has
completed since the previous session, the therapist should look for several
patterns first. Is there a particular dominant emotion that repeatedly occurs (e.g.,
anger at self)? Is there a particular thought that recurs across situations that might
indicate a greater schema distortion (³,FDQ¶WGRDQ\WKLQJULJKW´²
incompetence)? Do the emotions follow logically from the thoughts that are
expressed? Is there a match between the thoughts and the degree of the emotions
(small event, disproportionately large feelings)?
After looking over the entries generally, the therapist assists the patient in sorting Mismatch
through the individual items that were problematic for the patient. Frequently between
mismatches occur between thoughts and either type or degree of emotion because thoughts and
Frequently, patients label thoughts as feelings. For example, one patient brought Thoughts vs.
in an A-B-C Worksheet that said ³*HW\HOOHGDWEHIRUH,HYHQKDYHP\FRIIHH´ at feelings
the patient and asked her which of the feelings fit the statement best. She said,
understand the distinction between thoughts and feelings. The therapist also
pointed out that just using the words ³,IHHO´ in front of a thought does not
make that thought a feeling. Patients are encouraged to use the words ³,WKLQN
WKDW´ or ³,EHOLHYH«´ for thoughts and to reserve ³,IHHO«´ for emotions.
catch himself. It is quite acceptable, and in fact better, for the therapist to correct
himself during the session if it occurs, thus normalizing how our spoken language
can be misapplied.)
It is important for the therapist to praise the efforts of the patient and help with
corrections in a low-key manner, particularly if the patient has lots of issues with
negative self-evaluation (e.g., ³2.OHW¶VPRYHWKLVWKRXJKWRYHUWRWKH³%´
column. Now what feeling goes with that thoughW"-XVWRQHZRUG´).
When going over the worksheet about the traumatic event, the therapist again has
an opportunity to begin cognitive challenges with Socratic questions. Consider
the following bereavement issue:
T: Who were you angry at?
P: Myself.
P: ,GRQ¶WNQRZ- it just is.
T: (Therapist waits silently)
The out-of-session practice assignment for the next week is to write a detailed Writing the
account of the chosen index trauma. The patient is asked to write down exactly Trauma
what happened with as many details as possible. He should be encouraged to
include sensory detail (sights, sounds, smells, etc.) and his thoughts and feelings
during the event. To encourage a more in-depth account, set the expectation that
the average handwritten trauma account is about eight pages long. If the patient is
unable to complete the assignment, he should be encouraged to write as much of
it as he can. He may need to write on several occasions to complete the
assignment. If he is unable to complete the assignment in one sitting or becomes
emotional and needs to stop for a few minutes, he should draw a line at the point
he stopped. The therapist may be able to determine some of the stuck points by
examining the points at which he quit writing. The patient should be instructed to
read the account to himself every day until the next session. (Once the account is
written, reading the account should only take a few minutes a day.) Encourage the
patient to pick a time when he has privacy and can cry and feel other emotions
without being interrupted or embarrassed. Be direct about discouraging
completing practice assignments at work, during lunch, or in a public place. For
those with substance abuse issues, directly indicate that they should not write the
account while using substances. Identify this as avoidance behavior. Also, the
account should be handwritten and not typed. As mentioned previously, there is
evidence that writing the account is more evocative. Typing the account lends
more objectivity and tends to focus on grammar rather than the emotional
engagement that is desired.
Practice Assignment
Session 3
account of the traumatic event and include as many sensory details practice
(sights, sounds, smells, etc.) as possible. Also, include as many of assignment
your thoughts and feelings that you recall having during the event.
Pick a ti me and place to write so you have privacy and enough time.
Do not stop yourself from feeling your emotions. If you need to stop
writing at some point, please draw a line on the paper where you
stop. Begin writing again when you can, and continue to write the
account even if it takes several occasions.
Content: This was the third session of CPT for PTSD. He did (not) complete A-B-C
Worksheets daily, identifying his thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. These worksheets were
used to further illustrate the relationships among thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to daily
events. Some initial challenging of dysfunctional thoughts was introduced. The session
concluded with the assignment to write about the most traumatic event the patient has
experienced and to include as many sensory and emotional details as possible. Daily
monitoring of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors continues.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' '''''' '''''''''''F+=+"$G'
Not Quite
little Moderately Extremely
at all a bit
1. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images, of the
1 2 3 4 5
stressful experience?
PCL-S for D SM-IV (11/1/94) Weathers, Litz, Huska, & Keane National Center for PT S D ± Behavioral
Science Division.''
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Summary of Session 4: Remembering the Traumatic Event
1. A dminister P C L-S (in waiting room if possible), collect, and store. Complete
Session 4 Practice Assignment Review and set agenda. (5 minutes)
2. H ave patient read full T rauma A ccount aloud with affective expression (10 minutes)
¾ Goals of Written Trauma Account:
- Affective Expression²Holding back feelings? Why? (soda bottle analogy)
- Identify Stuck Points²Over-accommodation?
- Challenge Self-Blame²Assimilation?
¾ Remain quiet during reading (except to stop and ask to restart if no emotions are
¾ Ask about feelings during writing and reading
¾ Ask about areas where it seemed something was avoided
¾ If Trauma Account was not written, discuss reasons and then have patient recount
the trauma during the session and reassign the writing
1. To have the patient read his account, with affective expression. Session 4
3. To begin challenging self-blame and other assimilation with Socratic
4. To reassign the account with more details and anything that was left out.
The therapist should begin the session by having the patient read the trauma Patient
account. If the patient did not do the assignment, the therapist should first ask her reading of full
why she did not complete it. Discuss the problem of avoidance and how it trauma
prevents recovery. Then ask the patient to describe the event as if she had written account
it. Be sure to help the patient to identify her thoughts and feelings as she recounts
the event, but do not have the patient write it during session. If the patient has
brought the trauma account, having the patient, rather than the therapist, read the
account assists in engagement with the memory and reduces the likelihood of
dissociation or other emotional disengagement from the account. If the patient
expresses emotions, the therapist should remain still and not interfere with the
expression of affect. Comforting words or even handing the patient a tissue can during
actually interfere with expression of affect because the patient is brought back to reading
the present. Patients are usually trying so hard not to experience their emotions
that just about anything the therapist does can disrupt the process. Therapists who
are new to trauma therapy are often concerned that patients will experience an
overwhelming amount of affect. Patients are also frequently concerned about the
extent of emotions they have been avoiding. However, we have not found that to
be the case in the vast majority of cases and are usually very pleased with even a
small expression of affect. In those rare cases in which the therapist is concerned
about the extent of emotion that the patient is expressing, the therapist can begin
to do those very things mentioned above²talking to the patient, saying the
It is important that the therapist allows and encourages the patient to express his Therapist
emotions about the event and help him to identify both his thoughts and feelings. guidance
The patient should be encouraged to discuss his feelings and thoughts while doing during
the assignment, as well as during the incident. ³:KDWZDVWKHPRVWIULJKWHQLQJ reading
UHFDOOLQJ"´This exercise may help the patient and therapist to identify his stuck
points. The therapist should notice the points at which the patient stopped writing
and ask if these were particularly difficult points of his memory, and why. ³:KDW
particularly anxiety-provoking because they were the most life-threatening to the
patient or the moment at which he perceived a loss of control over the situation.
If the patient reads or recounts the event without any emotion, the therapist
should stop the patient early in the account and ask him if he is holding back his
feelings, and why. The therapist may need to discuss the issue of loss of control
IRUHYHU´). The analogy we typically use is one of a bottle of soda that has been Soda bottle
shaken. When the cap comes off, there is a rush, but it is temporary and analogy of
eventually the soda flattens. If the patient were to quickly put the cap back on, the
keep producing that energy when the cap is left off. Natural emotions can be
viewed the same way. The patient feels the strength of the emotions but keeps the
lid on them, thinking that they will continue indefinitely. At this point, the
therapist can ask the patient to recall times when he has experienced feelings such
as sadness or anger and what happened after he allowed himself to feel his
emotions. It can also be helpful for the therapist to remind him that the actual Let the
event is over and that he is no longer in imminent danger. The strong feelings are patient feel
of a memory. After addressing this issue, the therapist should resume with the full emotions
account and ask the patient what he was feeling at the time. Again, when a patient
begins to experience emotions, it is important that the therapist sits quietly and
does not disrupt the emotions, minimize them, or interfere in any way.
Sometimes, the patient is not avoiding affect but is experiencing the emotions just
as they were experienced at the time. If the patient dissociated, she may dissociate
again as she recalls her memories of the event. If patients were nauseated, they
may feel the same way as they recall the event in detail the first time. Typically
the emotions change after the first account and the patient begins to experience
more current emotions, not just those that were encoded at the time of the event.
Finally, the therapist should ask the patient about stuck points that may not be in Stuck points
her trauma account (i.e., what she thought she should have done). Often, patients from Trauma
have regrets afterward because they believe they should have prevented an event, Account
Sometimes stuck points emerge because other people respond to hearing about
discuss 20/20 hindsight (hindsight bias) and how easy it is to say how you should
Self-blame is often encountered early in therapy as the patient recalls the event. Self-blame
This form of assimilation occurs because the patient is looking for ways in which
he could have prevented or stopped the particular outcome that occurred. Even
guilt are common. People imagine ways they could have changed personal
outcomes; they have regrets about not saving others; they feel guilty about things
they did or did not do, and about feelings they did or did not feel during or after
attempt to undo the event in retrospect. It usually never occurs to the patient that
about how one should react or how long it should take to recover, and then feel
guilty that they are not doing it right. Some people even feel guilty because they
are coping well when others around them are not.
It is important for the therapist to help the patient contextualize the traumatic Contextualization
event. For example, if a veteran blames himself for killing someone in Vietnam of traumatic
the context of the situation. Going through the account will help the patient see
that he was in a war, that the other person was shooting at him, and that he had no
other good option at the time (or perhaps a worse option). Part of the context
would also include the age of the person (and developmental level) at the time of
the event and his beliefs about war and the military at the time. He may also have
been sleep-deprived or hungry, or terrorized and dissociative at the time. It is
important for the patient to understand that actions he thinks of later, but not at
through the use of Socratic questions, to realize that events can occur in spite of
RQH¶VEHVWHIIRUWV7KHEHVW-made plans do not always result in positive outcomes.
The following is an example of Socratic questioning early in therapy about the
context of killing.
T: Earlier you mentioned that you were feeling angry about the Example of
reports from Abu Ghraib. Can you tell me what makes you Socratic
angry? questioning
T: What specifically upsets you about Abu Ghraib?
to plant the seeds of a different interpretation of the event. She was careful not to
push too far, and she retreated when it was clear that he was not amenable to an
Because rape is a very personal event, patients who have experienced it may also Rape
believe that it means something about them as people. Again, the therapist will
need to guide the patient to see that she was the occasion for the assault (she was
convenient or had higher risk factors such as small size or alcohol use) but not the
cause of the event. The perpetrator is entirely responsible and to blame for the
event, and no risk factor can force someone to commit an assault. In fact, some
risk factors would result in protective behavior in good people (e.g., intoxication,
small size). Blame and fault are words that should only be used when intent was
present (i.e., when the patient says she is to blame for the event, the therapist can
ask if the patient intended for this to happen. When she says no, the therapist can
explain that blame and fault only apply to intentional acts.)
P: It is my fault that the sergeant raped me. I should have been able
to stop it.
T: How could you have stopped it?
P: I was trained in close combat.
T: When did you recognize that you were in danger?
P: We were talking and then he closed the door, walked over and
pushed me down.
T: And is this the type of situation you had been trained to handle?
P: No. They were training us for situations with strangers, with the
enemy. I never expected to be assaulted by my sergeant.
T: So you were surprised by him. Were you confused as to what was
going on?
P: Yes, very.
going on and what to do?
T: Was he bigger than you? Stronger than you?
the entire context in which he was operating when he killed civilians, or
possibly insurgents. She also began to plant seeds that he not only did nothing
wrong, but did what he was supposed to do to protect the area. Whenever
possible, point out acts of heroism or courage as powerful interventions with
A Comment on Perpetration
Aside from acts of war and killing in that context, it is possible that a patient will Perpetration
describe an event in which she did commit what might be considered murder (in
war, the intentional killing of an unarmed and nonthreatening person) or a sexual
blame is a form of assimilation described earlier. If it was indeed intended and
unprovoked harm against an innocent person, the therapist should ascertain if this
is behavior that has continued since the person left the military or if it only
occurred in the context of war. If the former, then the therapy needs to shift focus
to assess whether someone is currently in danger (and possible Tarasoff Safety of
warnings), and more generally to cease the behavior. In this case, it may be others
necessary to stop the CPT protocol to focus on the more basic safety of others. If
it is the latter case, that the behavior occurred during the combat and not since,
the therapist may need to help the patient to contextualize and differentiate who
she was then from who she is now. Too often people fall prey to the fundamental
attribution error and do not fully appreciate the contextual factors that determine
behavior. They make characterological attributions that may not be accurate
based on a review of their behavior.
Ultimately, the therapist must make a clear statement that the patient was not to
blame for things he had no control over and did not cause, but does have
responsibility for intended acts. The therapist and patient can discuss what values
the patient has now and strive for self-forgiveness in those situations for which he
has responsibility. He may also want to engage in some type of remediation to
society if it is not possible to do something for the victim.
Vicarious Traumatization
As a side note, therapists reading or hearing graphic accounts may experience Therapist
vicarious traumatization and may need to process their own reactions to hearing reactions to
these accounts (McCann & Pearlman, 91990a). If a therapist becomes trauma
Practice Assignment
For the practice assignment, the therapist asks the patient to write the whole Second
account again at least one more time. If the patient has been unable to complete Trauma
the assignment the first time, he should be encouraged to write more than last
time. Often, the first version reads like a police report with nothing but the facts.
The patient should be encouraged to add more sensory details and more of his
thoughts and feelings during the incident. The therapist should add that this time,
the patient is also requested to write his current thoughts and feelings, what he is
thinking and feeling as he is writing the account, in parentheses (e.g., ³,¶PIHHOLQJ
YHU\DQJU\´). Also, the trauma may encompass much more than the narrow
circumstance of the event. Police or military procedures, medical treatment,
funerals, or rejection from loved ones may compound the trauma and should be
considered part of the event, for all practical purposes. Memories of these events
and concomitant stuck points should be included in the writing assignments and
discussions. If the patient is experiencing different thoughts and feelings from
those in the first account, then he can write his current thoughts or feelings in the
PDUJLQVRULQSDUHQWKHVHVHJ³At that moment I was absolutely terrified (now I
am feelLQJDQJU\´
The patient should be reminded to read over the new account every day until the
next session.
unable to complete the assignment the first ti me, please write more Session 4
than last time. Add more sensory details, as well as your thoughts assignment
and feelings during the incident. Also, this time write your current
Remember to read over the new account every day before the next
Content: This was the fourth session of CPT for PTSD. The patient completed his practice
assignments related to writing a detailed account of his most traumatic event and daily
monitoring of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The patient was distressed in this session
when discussing his thoughts and feelings about the traumatic event but was able to tolerate
these emotions. The goal of this intervention is to increase his access to and expression of
these feelings and to allow the natural resolution of them. The therapist used cognitive
session concluded with practice to write again about the most traumatic event the patient has
experienced and to further elaborate on the sensory and emotional details. He agreed to
include his thoughts and feelings while writing the account and to read the account daily.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' '''''' '''''''''''F+=+"$G'
Not Quite
little Moderately Extremely
at all a bit
1. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images, of the
1 2 3 4 5
stressful experience?
PCL-S for D SM-IV (11/1/94) Weathers, Litz, Huska, & Keane National Center for PT S D ± Behavioral
Science Division.'
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7+(5$3,67¶60$18$/± Cognitive Processing Therapy: Veteran/Military Version Page 96!
Summary of Session 5: Second Trauma Account
1. A dminister P C L-S (in waiting room if possible), collect, and store. Complete
Session 5 Practice Assignment Review and set agenda. (5 minutes)
2. Read second T rauma A ccount aloud; help to identify differences between the first
and second accounts (15 minutes)
¾ Goals: New Additions (or Deletions)?
- Progress of affective expression and self-blame/guilt?
- Continue cognitive therapy on stuck points
- Introduce Challenging Questions
¾ Discuss: Feelings of when it happened and now
- Differences and similarities: at time of event, now
- Feelings after writing it the second time vs. the first time²less
3. E ngage patient in challenging assumptions and conclusions that the patient had made
after processing affect, with particular focus on self-blame (10 minutes)
¾ Use some of the challenging questions to help introduce the next worksheet, The
Challenging Questions Worksheet, to continue cognitive therapy on stuck points
regarding the worst traumatic event.
¾ Help patient reduce use of word blame, which implies intentionality
4. Introduce C hallenging Q uestions Wor ksheet to help patient challenge stuck points
(10 minutes)
¾ Go through blank question worksheet
¾ Go through example worksheets
focus on assimilation is helpful at this point in the therapy)
The therapist should continue to use Socratic questions, particularly the questions Examining
listed on the Challenging Questions Worksheet in order to continue to help the various forms
patient to examine assimilation, self-blame, and other forms of hindsight bias. By of
including questions that the patient will be introduced to, he will begin to become
acquainted with the concepts. Hopefully, by the time the patient has completed
two accounts and has put the event back into context, much of the self-blame will
have diminished. As with Sessions 3 and 4, it is important for the therapist to
keep in mind that often the self-blame and assimilation occur because the patient
is not remembering how he was thinking, feeling, or coping during the event. The
patient may assume that he had or should have had skills or knowledge that he did
not have and then judge himself harshly for not behaving differently. Typically,
when the therapist can put the patient back in the full context of the situation, the
patient can then see that the event (or his component of the event) was not
preventable and hence, he is not to blame.
The list of challenging questions is introduced during this session. The list can be Give patient
used to question and confront maladaptive self-statements and stuck points. In Challenging
order to help patients comprehend the assignment, we have created a handout of a Questions
sample that walks the patient through the assignment step by step with a stuck Worksheet
point. The therapist should reiterate that stuck points are conflicts between old
beliefs and the reality of the event, or negative beliefs that were seemingly
self-blame, guilt, anger at self and others, etc. The therapist can choose a
statement the patient has made during the session and use the questions to begin
confronting the validity of the belief. At this stage of therapy, it is particularly
valuable to focus attention on stuck points indicating assimilation and self-blame.
Until the patient can accept that she was not to blame or accept the reality of the
outcomes, it will be difficult to work on other issues. If there is time in the
session, it is helpful for the patient and therapist to complete one sheet together. It
should be pointed out that not all questions will be relevant to every thought.
Practice Assignment
Content: This was the fifth session of CPT for PTSD. The patient completed his practice
assignment related to rewriting his traumatic event, including further elaboration and
inclusion of his current thoughts and feelings. He was able to experience the associated
emotions, and his distress related to them was decreased compared to the last session.
Cognitions about self-blame/guilt were specifically targeted for cognitive restructuring. In
dysfunction and erroneous beliefs. The notion of stuck points (i.e., conflicts between existing
beliefs and traumatic events, or beliefs that were confirmed as a result of the traumatic
events) was reviewed, and the patient agreed to identify one stuck point each day to
challenge with the aid of the Challenging Questions Worksheet.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' '''''' '''''''''''F+=+"$G'
Not Quite
little Moderately Extremely
at all a bit
1. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images, of the
1 2 3 4 5
stressful experience?
PCL-S for D SM-IV (11/1/94) Weathers, Litz, Huska, & Keane National Center for PT S D ± Behavioral
Science Division.''
Below is a list of questions to be used in helping you challenge your maladaptive or problematic
beliefs/stuck points. Not all questions will be appropriate for the belief/stuck point you choose to
challenge. Answer as many questions as you can for the belief/stuck point you have chosen to
challenge below.
Belief/Stuck Point:
3. Are your interpretations of the situation too far removed from reality to be accurate?
5. Are you using words or phrases that are extreme or exaggerated (i.e., always, forever, never,
6. Are you taking the situation out of context and only focusing on one aspect of the event?
3. Are your interpretations of the situation too far removed from reality to be accurate?
5. Are you using words or phrases that are extreme or exaggerated (i.e., always, forever, never,
6. Are you taking the situation out of context and only focusing on one aspect of the event?
thought given to the circumstance of others being there.
Below is a list of questions to be used in helping you challenge your maladaptive or problematic
beliefs/stuck points. Not all questions will be appropriate for the belief/stuck point you choose to
challenge. Answer as many questions as you can for the belief/stuck point you have chosen to
challenge below.
A G A I NST : !"5&&6"1&##&+"37&'"!"#$%&"#7&/4"!#"8(9&,"/&"#(/&"#."/$%&"1&##&+")&2(,(.',4!
3. Are your interpretations of the situation too far removed from reality to be accurate?
5. Are you using words or phrases that are extreme or exaggerated (i.e., always, forever, never,
need, should, must, cDQ¶WDQGHYHU\WLPH"
6. Are you taking the situation out of context and only focusing on one aspect of the event?
Below is a list of questions to be used in helping you challenge your maladaptive or problematic
beliefs/stuck points. Not all questions will be appropriate for the belief/stuck point you choose to
challenge. Answer as many questions as you can for the belief/stuck point you have chosen to
challenge below.
Belief/Stuck Point"!!!"#$"%&'()*VLEOHIRUP\PRP¶VGHDWK!
#$!!!What is the evidence for and against this idea?!
67689:;5)+,&%&"-'"*)"3)*3%&/&"&2-5&*3&"/)"/,-'"0&1-&76) )
%$! Is your belief/stuck point a habit or based on facts?
&$!!!Are your interpretations of the situation too far removed from reality to be accurate?!
'$!!!Are you thinking in all-or-none terms?"
5. Are you using words or phrases that are extreme or exaggerated? (i.e., always, forever, never,
($!!!Are you taking the situation out of context?"
)$!!!Is the source of information reliable?!
*$!!!Are you confusing a low probability with a high probability?
Summary of Session 6: Challenging Questions
1. A dminister P C L-S (in waiting room if possible), collect, and store. Complete
Session 6 Practice Assignment Review and set agenda. (5 minutes)
Unless the patient has a strong need for the therapist to hear a new account, the
writing and reading of other trauma accounts can be done outside the session.
However, the therapist will want to check on progress and ask the patient to
report on stuck points that need to be resolved.
point in treatment, this may indicate that the core conflict about the event has still PTSD
not been resolved. The therapist should continue to spend the bulk of the session symptom
working on the index trauma with the Challenging Questions Worksheets and outcomes
Socratic questioning. At this point, the therapist should go over the PTSD scale
used to assess outcomes to see which symptoms are still most problematic. If the
patient is still avoiding thinking about or feeling emotions about a portion of the
event, having him write a more detailed account of that portion or confirming that
he is reading the account outside of session on a regular basis is indicated. If the
patient reports continued nightmares or flashbacks, the therapist should check on
the content. The content might give clues as to the part of the event in which the
patient is still stuck. On the other hand, if there has been a significant drop in
PTSD scores, then the therapist may turn attention to over-accommodated beliefs
in the present and future.
answers to the Challenging Questions Worksheet. The therapist assists the patient Questions to
to analyze and confront her stuck points. For the most part, patients do an confront stuck
excellent job answering the questions. The most common problem we encounter points
is that patients will try to use another thought as evidence supporting their
problematic belief. For example, in challenging the stuck point ³,VKRXOGKave
EHKDYHGGLIIHUHQWO\GXULQJWKHHYHQW´a patient says the evidence for the
statement is ³,VKRXOGKDYHSUHYHQWHGWKHHYHQW´The second statement is not
evidence for the first. The therapist can help define evidence as actions that would
could agree on. In this case, the only evidence that might support the statement
would have to be some proof of negligence or intentional harmful behavior.
Occasionally, a patient will lose sight of the fact that he is trying to answer one
question and will wander around using the Challenging Questions to challenge
completely different thoughts instead of one thought. Other times a patient may
until now, the therapist has been asking the Socratic questions to guide the patient
to question her assumptions. With the introduction of the Challenging Questions,
patients begin to ask and answer those questions for themselves. The therapist
begins to take on a more consultative and supportive role. The interchange can be
more interactive and the therapist may be able to suggest other possible answers
to the questions. The therapist will only need to return to Socratic questions when
the patient is stuck.
The first five or six sessions of therapy focus on encouraging natural affect to run Addressing
its course and to modify maladaptive cognitions about the event through the over-
only statements, and denial or functional amnesia) has been resolved, attention
causes of the event, he then draws conclusions about himself and the world in
order to feel safer and in more control, as if he could prevent other negative
events from happening. For example, people who have been assaulted by
someone they know are likely to experience disruptions in trust. They may also
develop over-generalized problems with trust if their loved ones let them down in
the aftermath of the event. If a patient decides he had poor judgment that allowed
concludes that authorities were responsible for the event, he will have distrust and
disregard for authorities. Such over-generalized, over-accommodated beliefs are
an attempt to feel safer but result in disrupted relationships, fearful behavior, poor
self-esteem, or suspicion of others
After discussing the questions, Patterns of Problematic Thinking are introduced. Give patient
This worksheet is different from the Challenging Questions Worksheet in that it is Patterns of
focused on patterns of thinking and not a specific belief. Rather than focusing on Problematic
a single thought or belief, the patient is asked to notice whether he has tendencies Worksheet
toward particular counterproductive thinking patterns. The therapist should
describe how these patterns become automatic, creating negative feelings and
causing people to engage in self-defeating behavior (e.g., avoiding relationships
because of the conclusion that no one can be trusted). The therapist should use
For the practice assignment, the patient should consider her stuck points and find
examples for each relevant thinking pattern. As she experiences events in the
following days, she should notice and record any patterns she identifies. She
should be asked to look for specific ways in which her reactions to the event may
have been affected by these habitual patterns. Some of these thinking patterns
may have predated the event, or they could have developed in response to it. In
order for patients to understand these problematic thinking patterns better, we
give them a worksheet with examples along with blank worksheets for them to
complete. If the patient had difficulty with the Challenging Questions Worksheet,
assign another one in addition to the Patterns of Problematic Thinking Worksheet.
Content: This was the sixth session of CPT for PTSD. The patient completed his practice
assignment related to challenging stuck points daily with aid of the Challenging Questions
Worksheet. Stuck points related to self-blame and hindsight bias were particularly targeted.
Patterns of problematic thinking contributing to stuck points continue to be targeted for
restructuring. The patient has developed a greater ability to challenge his dysfunctional and
erroneous beliefs associated with his stuck points. Patterns of problematic thinking (e.g.,
minimization/exaggeration, all-or-none thinking) were introduced, and examples from the
patterns. He agreed to identify examples of each problematic thinking pattern before the next
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' '''''' '''''''''''F+=+"$G'
Not Quite
little Moderately Extremely
at all a bit
1. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images, of the
1 2 3 4 5
stressful experience?
PCL-S for D SM-IV (11/1/94) Weathers, Litz, Huska, & Keane National Center for PT S D ± Behavioral
Science Division.'
Listed below are several types of patterns of problematic thinking that people use in different life
situations. These patterns often become automatic, habitual thoughts that cause us to engage in
self-defeating behavior. Considering your own stuck points, find examples for each of these
patterns. Write in the stuck point under the appropriate pattern and describe how it fits that pattern.
Think about how that pattern affects you.
6. M ind reading (you assume people are thinking negatively of you when there is no definite
evidence for this).
7. E motional reasoning (you have a feeling and assume there must be a reason).
Listed below are several types of patterns of problematic thinking that people use in different life
situations. These patterns often become automatic, habitual thoughts that cause us to engage in
self-defeating behavior. Considering your own stuck points, find examples for each of these
patterns. Write in the stuck point under the appropriate pattern and describe how it fits that pattern.
Think about how that pattern affects you.
6. M ind reading (you assume people are thinking negatively of you when there is no definite
evidence for this).
7. E motional reasoning (you have a feeling and assume there must be a reason).
6. M ind reading (you assume people are thinking negatively of you when there is no definite
evidence for this).
7. E motional reasoning (you have a feeling and assume there must be a reason).
Summary of Session 7: Patterns of Problematic Thinking
1. A dminister P C L-S (in waiting room if possible), collect, and store. Complete
Session 7 Practice Assignment Review and set agenda. (5 minutes)
3. Introduce C hallenging Beliefs Wor ksheet with a trauma example (15 minutes)
¾ Point out that much of this is repeated from previous worksheets
- Rate strength of belief (0%±100%)
- Rate strength of emotion (0%±100%)
- Use Challenging Questions Worksheet
- Use Patterns of Problematic Thinking Worksheet
- Generate new, balanced, evidence-based statement
4. Introduce first of five problem areas: Safety issues related to self and others
(10 minutes)
¾ Five themes: safety, trust, power/control, esteem, intimacy
¾ Prior/after: How did trauma affect beliefs about _____ for self? For others?
¾ If stuck point Æ worksheet
¾ Need to recognize how beliefs influence behavior/avoidance
¾ Help the patient begin to introduce more moderate self-statements
¾ Practice Challenging Beliefs Worksheet by introducing one on a safety-related
stuck point (which may be completed for practice)
(N O T E : If the therapist is using CPT without trauma accounts, this session will
be divided and the Safety Module will be introduced at the next session. This
session will introduce the Challenging Beliefs Worksheet, and the patient will
work from his stuck point log.)
The session should begin with review of the practice assignment on Patterns of Reviewing
Problematic Thinking. The therapist helps the patient to confront the automatic Patterns of
self-statements and replace them with other more adaptive cognitions. The Problematic
therapist should discuss with the patient how these patterns may have affected his Thinking
reactions to the traumatic event(s). There are a number of problematic thinking
patterns that are seen frequently with this population. For example, a patient who
habitually jumps to the conclusion that negative outcomes are his fault may
increase the likelihood of self-blame after the event. Mind reading is very
common. The patient assumes that other people think and feel the same way she
does and reacts as if this were the case, resulting in alienation from others.
Emotional reasoning about safety and guilt are frequently observed. Because a
patient feels fear, she then assumes that she is in danger. If a person feels shame
or guilt, he may assume that means this is proof he must have done something
At this point the therapist should introduce the Challenging Beliefs Worksheet Give patient
(adapted from Beck & Emery10, 1985, p. 205). The introduction of this worksheet Challenging
is very important so the patient is not overwhelmed by the seeming complexity of Beliefs
it. The worksheet brings together all the skills taught in the worksheets used thus Worksheet
far in the therapy and introduces the notion of alternative thoughts and feelings.
The Challenging Beliefs Worksheet will be used throughout the rest of the
sessions. The A-B-C Worksheet is incorporated into the two columns on the left.
However, at this point the patient is asked to rate the extent to which she believes
her statements (0%±100%) and how strong her emotions are (0%±100%). In order
to challenge the belief, the patient begins by examining the challenging questions
and answering the most pertinent ones. Next, she looks over the Patterns of
Problematic Thinking Worksheet to see if she has been engaging in one of the
counterproductive thinking patterns. Then, for the first time, the patient is asked
to generate another statement that is more balanced and evidence-based"
It is important at this point to emphasize that the goal of therapy is not necessarily Developing
to return people to their prior beliefs. If someone had extreme beliefs before the balanced
event, the goal would be to develop more balanced, adaptive beliefs. For example, beliefs
if someone used to believe that she could trust everyone, it would not be very
realistic and might be high risk to return to that belief. Or if someone believed
return him to that belief. People with a long history of trauma, particularly
beginning in childhood, are prone to extreme beliefs that can become very
The practice assignment will be to analyze stuck points or other trauma reactions
and to confront and change problematic cognitions with the Challenging Beliefs
Worksheet. As an example, a stuck point that was identified from the initial
Impact Statement assignment or from preceding sessions should be used. The
therapist and patient should fill out one worksheet together in session. The
therapist should help the patient choose at least one stuck point to work on every
day over the next week, but should also encourage him to use the worksheets as
events occur during the week for practice.
!Beck, A. T., & Emery, G. (1985). Anxiety disorders and phobias: A cognitive perspective. New
York: Basic Books, Inc.
After the patient describes her prior beliefs, the therapist should help her to Over-
determine whether her prior beliefs were disrupted or reinforced by the traumatic
fear & safety
event. The therapist and patient should determine whether she continues to have
negative beliefs about the relative safety of others or her ability to protect herself
from harm. They should discuss how negative beliefs can elicit anxiety reactions
will need to recognize how these beliefs and emotions affect her behavior
(avoidance). Over-generalized fears lead some patients to avoid entire groups of
people who were associated with a particular conflict. A Vietnam veteran
reported that he was always uncomfortable around Asian people, while an Iraq
veteran said he was always on guard when near someone who looks Middle
from foe during the war, they had learned to be leery of most people they
encountered who reminded them in any way of their experiences. In the
beginning of therapy, they saw no difference between low-probability and high-
probability events and believed that they were at equal risk in Iraq and their
hometown. Any possibility of harm was too much to tolerate. The therapist
challenged them by asking how many times they had been shot at since being
home. When the veteran announced that he was safe because he secured his
perimeter every night and patrolled much of the evening, the therapist asked how
often the neighbors and people on the next block were attacked in their own
homes and mildly wondered if the patient had any evidence that he was in danger
other than his own fear (emotional reasoning).
The therapist should help the patient recognize his self-statements and begin to
introduce alternative, more moderate, less fear-producing self-statements (e.g.,
DJDLQ´). Sometimes patients believe that if the event happens once, it will happen
again. The therapist may need to give the patient some probability statistics and
remind him that this event was not a daily, weekly, or even yearly event for him.
It is, in fact, a low-probability event. Although the therapist cannot promise that it
as if it were a high-frequency event. The therapist can also point out that the
patient is jumping to conclusions without supporting evidence.
Practice Assignment
The patient should be given the Safety Module to remind her of these issues. The Give patient
modules on safety and other issues are based on the work of McCann & Safety
Pearlman11 (1990a). If self-safety or other-safety issues are evident in the Module
safety before the next session. Otherwise, the patient should be encouraged to
complete worksheets on other identified stuck points and recent trauma-related
events that have been distressing.
Session 7
least one of your stuck points each day. Please read over the module practice
on safety and think about how your prior beliefs were affected by the assignment
[event]. If you have safety issues related to yourself or others,
!McCann, I. L., & Pearlman, L. A. (1990b). Psychological trauma and the adult survivor:
Theory, therapy and transformation. Philadelphia: Brunner/Mazel.
Content: This was the seventh session of CPT for PTSD. The patient completed his practice
assignment related to identifying patterns of problematic thinking. The Challenging Beliefs
Worksheet was introduced as a method of self-guided cognitive restructuring. An example
stuck point was used to illustrate the use of the worksheet. He is increasingly able to
challenge his own maladaptive thinking. The five themes targeted in the remainder of the
treatment were introduced, with a focus on safety for exploration in the next session. The
patient agreed to complete a Challenging Beliefs Worksheet each day about stuck points
before the next session and to read the materials related to safety stuck points.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' '''''' '''''''''''F+=+"$G'
Not Quite
little Moderately Extremely
at all a bit
1. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images, of the
1 2 3 4 5
stressful experience?
PCL-S for D SM-IV (11/1/94) Weathers, Litz, Huska, & Keane National Center for PT S D ± Behavioral
Science Division.
Evidence Against?
Exaggerating or minimizing:
Habit or fact?
All or none?
Extreme or exaggerated?
Mind reading:
Low versus high probability?
H. Emotion(s)
Based on feelings or facts?
Now what do you feel? 0-100%
Emotional reasoning:
Irrelevant factors?
I have to ride on a Air travel is dangerous. ± Evidence For? People have been Jumping to conclusions: The chances are very small that I will
plane. 75% killed. be killed or hurt while flying. ± 95%
I could be killed. ± 50% Even if the plane blew up, I could not
Evidence Against? Airport security has do anything about it. ± 80%
been increased. Exaggerating or minimizing:
Habit or fact?
All or none?
Extreme or exaggerated?
G. Re-rate Old Thought(s)
Out of context? Over-generalizing: Re-rate how much you now believe
the thought(s)/stuck point(s) in
C. Emotion(s) Column B from 0-100%
Source unreliable?
Specify sad, angry, etc., 15%, 10%
and rate how strongly you
Mind reading:
feel each emotion from 0-
Low versus high probability?
Afraid ± 100%
H. Emotion(s)
Based on feelings or facts? I am letting
Helpless ± 75% Now what do you feel? 0-100%
myself believe this because I feel Emotional reasoning: ,IHHOYHU\VPDOO«
Anxious ± 75%
scared and not because it is realistic. that I will be hurt or killed flying ± 95%
Afraid ± 40%
Helpless ± 5%
Irrelevant factors?
Anxious ± 10%
B. Thought(s)/Stuck
A. Situation D. Challenging Thoughts E. Problematic Patterns F. Alternative Thought(s)
Describe the event, Write thought(s)/stuck Use Challenging Questions to Use the Patterns of Problematic What else can I say instead of
thought or belief leading point(s) related to Column examine your automatic thoughts from Thinking Worksheet to decide if this is Column B? How else can I interpret
to the unpleasant A. Rate belief in each Column B. one of your problematic patterns of the event instead of Column B?
emotion(s). thought/stuck point below thinking.
from 0-100% Consider if the thought is balanced Rate belief in alternative thought(s)
(How much do you believe and factual or extreme. from 0-100%
this thought?)
I led my company into I should have seen it Evidence For? People were killed. Jumping to conclusions: There was no way to see it coming at
an ambush, and many coming. ± 100% the time. ± 85%
of my men were killed. Evidence Against? There was no way
I should have prevented it ± to know that there was going to be an I did the best I could given the
it is my fault that people ambush²WKDW¶VWKHQDWXUHRIDQ circumstances. ± 90%
were killed. ± 100% ambush. To think I should have known Exaggerating or minimizing:
it was coming is to ignore the fact that ,W¶VQRWP\IDXOWWKDWSHRSOHZHUH
it was an ambush. killed in the ambush. ± 75%
Habit or fact?
Disregarding important aspects: I
Interpretations not accurate? that it was an ambush. There was no
way I could have known.
B. Thought(s)/Stuck
A. Situation D. Challenging Thoughts E. Problematic Patterns F. Alternative Thought(s)
Describe the event, Write thought(s)/stuck Use Challenging Questions to Use the Patterns of Problematic What else can I say instead of
thought or belief leading point(s) related to Column examine your automatic thoughts from Thinking Worksheet to decide if this is Column B? How else can I interpret
to the unpleasant A. Rate belief in each Column B. one of your problematic patterns of the event instead of Column B?
emotion(s). thought/stuck point below thinking.
from 0-100% Consider if the thought is balanced Rate belief in alternative thought(s)
(How much do you believe and factual or extreme. from 0-100%
this thought?)
If I express anger, I¶OOEH Anger is not right, so it is Evidence For? Feeling my anger Jumping to conclusions: Anger is appropriate in some
out of control. wrong. ± 50% FKRNHVPHEHFDXVH,GRQ¶WOHWLWRXW situations. ± 100%
All or none?
A friend wants to set me ,FDQ¶WJHWLQYROYHGZLWK Evidence For? One person I told about Jumping to conclusions: A date cRXOGWHOOPHWKH\GRQ¶WZDQW
up for a date with anyone because since this the assault while we were dating was anything to do with me because I am
someone she knows. assault I am too afraid to let very supportive at the time, but dealing with having been assaulted. ±
anyone close enough see became more and more distant after 60%
how restricted my life has that and finally stopped calling
become. ± 75% altogether. Exaggerating or minimizing: Because 1
Evidence Against? mean others will.
My mom letting her She never stood up for me Evidence For? There were so many Jumping to conclusions: It sucks that we had to be in that
boyfriend beat me for or listened to my side of the occasions when he would come home VLWXDWLRQDQGVKHFRXOGQ¶WSD\PRUH
VRPHWKLQJ,GLGQ¶Wdo story. ± 90% drunk and beat me for just lying in my attention to me. ± 100%
when I was younger. bed. My step-brothers got away with a
lot and I took the blame.
Exaggerating or minimizing: Maybe a
beat me twice. But that was because ZKROHOLIHDQGVKHUHDOO\GLGQ¶WVWLFNXS
the evidence was overwhelming it for me most of the time.
My Lt. sent us down a He got them killed ± 100% Evidence For? They are dead! Jumping to conclusions: ,JXHVV,GRQ¶W I hate that my friends died and
road that he knew was know what he thinking when he ordered DOWKRXJKLWGLGQ¶WVHHPcritical to
filled with insurgents. Evidence Against? None. us there. PDNHWKDWUXQ,GRQ¶WNQRZZKDWWKH
Four friends were killed Lt was thinking or responding to.
because of him Habit or fact? +HGLGQ¶WDFWXDOO\NLOO It was really risky but we had made it
them. safely 4 times previously. ± 90%
Exaggerating or minimizing: Yes.
Interpretations not accurate?
Insurgents killed them.
Irrelevant factors?
My boss said that I did a She liked my work! ± 80% Evidence For? She said she liked it Jumping to conclusions: She liked my work ± 90%
good job. and she has criticized my work in the No.
<$="%0>$' 6,)0%0>$'
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01,)$.)!+,-12$&(:!)#$!)1*-3*)'.!$5$/)!>'&&! )*?$!2)$02!),!01,)$.)!3+2$&(!(1,3!#*136!7!
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Summary of Session 8: Safety Issues
1. A dminister P C L-S (in waiting room if possible), collect, and store. Complete
Session 8 Practice Assignment Review and set agenda. (5 minutes)
2. Review the C hallenging Beliefs Wor ksheet to address safety stuck points (10 minutes)
¾ Help the patient to complete practice, if necessary
¾ Discuss success or problems in changing cognitions
¾ Help the patient confront problematic cognitions that he was unable to modify by
3. H elp patient confront problematic cognitions and generate alternative beliefs using
the C hallenging Beliefs Wor ksheet (15 minutes)
¾ Probability: Low vs. high = reality vs. fear
4. Introduce second of five problem areas: T rust issues related to self and others
(10 minutes)
¾ After trauma, many begin to second-guess own judgment about
- Being there in the first place: ³'LG,GRVRPHWKLQJWRµDVNIRULW¶"´
- Own behavior during event: ³:K\GLGQ¶W,BBBBZKHQLWZDVKDSSHQLQJ"´
- Ability to judge character: ³,VKRXOGKDYHNQRZQBBBBBDERXWKLP´
¾ Trust in others is also frequently disrupted after a trauma
- Betrayal if perpetrator was trusted
¾ Compare trust in self/others before/after
¾ Go over module
1. To go over the Challenging Beliefs Worksheets with the patient and assist the Session 8
veteran as needed to complete the worksheets. goals
2. To review the Safety Module and focus on self- or other-safety issues for
which the patient should complete worksheets.
3. To introduce the Trust Module and the concepts of self- and other- trust.
The therapist should begin the session by going over the worksheets and Review
subsequent emotions). The therapist and patient should use the Challenging Beliefs
Questions to help the patient confront problematic cognitions that he was unable Worksheets
to modify himself. As an example, one patient was in an elevator that fell 20
floors and then stopped just as it reached the bottom. Aside from having
nightmares and flashbacks, he found himself unable to get back into an elevator
GLH´ On the worksheet, the patient stated that the evidence was correct that
elevators were unsafe and that he knew he would die the next time because he
survived this time. He did not see that he was exaggerating or drawing
conclusions when evidence is lacking, nor did he report engaging in emotional
reasoning. At the end of the worksheet, his ratings did not change.
Unfortunately, the above example is sometimes typical of the forms filled out for Probability
the first time by patients. The patients are sometimes so entrenched in their beliefs estimates
that they can't look at them any other way. For this patient (and for many with
safety issues) the therapist began to focus on the probability of being in an
elevator crash again. The therapist needs to remind the patient that, although most
people experience a serious traumatic event during their life, in day-to-day living,
traumatic events are very low probability. Yet, he continues to behave as if the
probability were extremely high. For example, in the case above, the therapist
asked the patient how often he rode in elevators before. The patient informed the
therapist that his apartment and work place both had elevators, and he estimated
that he had ridden in elevators six to eight times a day for the past 20 years. The
therapist asked him if he had been in an elevator crash before and when the
patient said ³QR´, he was asked if he knew anyone who had ever been in a crash
(also ³QR´).
means that if everything stayed the same and these events occurred
at the same rate, and you began using elevators again, you might
have a 1 in 58,000 chance of being in a crash and a 57,999 out of
58,000 chance of not being in an elevator crash over the next 20
years. Does it make sense to you that you walk around being
terrified all of the time and avoid places where you might need to use
an elevator? Do you want those few terrifying moments to own the
The therapist also pointed out that the patient probably had a greater chance of
of an accident. The patient agreed with the statements and began to rethink his
beliefs. The patient and therapist completed the worksheet a second time. Under
UHDVRQLQJ´He then re-rated his fear as 40%. The next week he reported that he
had gone on an elevator for a few floors and was not as frightened. The idea that
the next time would result in death was also challenged successfully. Once a
patient has a worksheet that successfully challenges a stuck point, the patient
should be encouraged to re-read the worksheet regularly so that the reasoning
becomes comfortable.
Another patient, an Iraq veteran, who struggled with his first Challenging Beliefs Example of
Worksheet, believed that, even though he had been back in the United States for an Iraq
6 months, he was at the same level of danger that he had been in Baghdad. He veteran
insisted that because there might be some people in the United States who could
plan another attack, he was in just as much danger. He could not see the
difference between the ideas ³VRPHWKLQJFRXOGKDSSHQ´ and ³VRPHWKLQJZLOO
KDSSHQ´ His high level of fear led him to emotional reasoning and to the
assumption that he was in danger. The therapist asked him how many times he
was shot DWLQ,UDTDQGKHVDLG³PDQ\´ Then the therapist asked him how many
times he had been shot at before going over there or since returning (³QRQH´).
When the therapist asked him how he concluded he was in equal danger, his
response was ³EXWLWFRXOGKDSSHQ´ The therapist agreed with that statement but
not the assumption that it will happen and had him notice how he felt when he
said it could happen versus that it will happen. The patient was able to
acknowledge that the two statements felt somewhat different and that could was
different from will in terms of probability (100% for the latter and something less
for the former). The therapist assigned him to work on this with more Challenging
Beliefs Worksheets.
³6HOI-trust is concerned with the belief that one can trust or rely
many people begin to second-guess themselves and to question their
own judgment about being in the situation that led to the event, their
behaviors during the event, or about their ability to judge character
if, in the case of an assault, the perpetrator was an acquaintance.
Trust in others is also frequently disrupted following traumatic
events. Aside from the obvious sense of betrayal that occurs when a
trauma is caused intentionally by someone the patient thought he or
she could trust, sometimes patients feel betrayed by the people they
turned to for help or support during or after the event. For exa mple,
if a patient thought that someone let him down during battle, he
might decide right then and there not to trust anybody. Sometimes
patients carry that belief for decades without actually knowing
whether the other person or group in fact betrayed them or whether
there might be an alternative explanation for their behavior.
you trust other people? In what ways? How did your prior life
experiences affect your feelings of trust? How did the ________
The therapist and patient should briefly go over the Trust Module. For practice, Give patient
the patient should analyze and confront themes of safety and trust using the Trust Module
experiencing [event] as well as how the event changed or reinforced Session 8
those beliefs. Use the Challenging Beliefs Worksheets to continue practice
analyzing your stuck points. Focus some attention on issues of self- assignment
or other-trust, as well as safety, if these remain important stuck
Content: This was the eighth session of CPT for PTSD. The patient completed his practice
assignment related to daily completion of the Challenging Beliefs Worksheet. Examples from
these worksheets were reviewed to offer further cognitive restructuring and to fine-tune
completion of the worksheets. Safety-related stuck points were specifically targeted. Stuck
points related to trust were introduced, and he agreed to read materials related to this theme.
The patient also agreed to complete a Challenging Beliefs Worksheet each day about stuck
points before the next session.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' F+=+"$G'
Not Quite
little Moderately Extremely
at all a bit
1. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images, of the
1 2 3 4 5
stressful experience?
PCL-S for D SM-IV (11/1/94) Weathers, Litz, Huska, & Keane National Center for PT S D ± Behavioral
Science Division.
Evidence Against?
Exaggerating or minimizing:
Habit or fact?
All or none?
Extreme or exaggerated?
C. Emotion(s) G. Re-rate Old Thought(s)
Specify sad, angry, etc., Out of context? Over-generalizing: Re-rate how much you now believe
and rate how strongly you the thought(s)/stuck point(s) in
feel each emotion from 0- Column B from 0-100%
100% Source unreliable?
Mind reading:
Low versus high probability?
H. Emotion(s)
Based on feelings or facts? Now what do you feel? 0-100%
Emotional reasoning:
Irrelevant factors?
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Summary of Session 9: Trust Issues
1. A dminister P C L-S (in waiting room if possible), collect, and store. Complete
Session 9 Practice Assignment Review and set agenda. (5 minutes)
2. Review C hallenging Beliefs Wor ksheet to challenge trauma-related trust stuck points
and generate alternative beliefs (10 minutes)
3. Discuss judgment issues that may arise from stuck points related to trust (15 minutes)
¾ Different kinds of trust: with money vs. with a secret
¾ 'LVFXVVSDWLHQW¶VVRFLDOVXpport systems (family and friends): may be protecting
themselves from emotions/helplessness/vulnerability, inadequacy/ignorance²not
4. Introduce third of five problem areas: Power/control issues related to self and others
(10 minutes)
¾ Self-power (self-efficacy)
¾ People naturally expect they can solve problems and meet new challenges
¾ Traumatized people often try to control everything±to stay safe
¾ Lack of TOTAL CONTROL may feel like NO CONTROL
¾ Power over others:
- Need to control may spill into relationships, ruining old ones and preventing
new ones
As with the other sessions, the therapist should begin by going over the practice
assignments and discussing the patieQW¶VVXFFHVVRUGLIILFXOWLHVLQFKDQJLQJ
cognitions. Although trust is often an issue for patients with PTSD generally, it is
particularly an issue for those who were victimized by acquaintances (for
example, in military sexual trauma situations). They often think that they should
have been able to tell that this person might harm them and, as a result, they begin
to question their judgment in whom they can or cannot trust. Looking back at the
event, many people look for clues and indicators that may have indicated that this
event was going to happen. They judge themselves as having failed at preventing
what they determined to be a preventable event (or at least the outcome was
preventable for them, as in the case of a disaster).
Self-distrust may even generalize to other areas of functioning, and the patient Explaining
may have difficulty making everyday decisions. Rather than falling on a
continuum, trust becomes an either/or concept in which people tend not to be
trusted unless there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. As a result, they
tend to avoid becoming involved in or withdraw from relationships.
The therapist needs to present the idea that trust falls on a continuum and is multi-
T: Along with different levels of trust, there are also different kinds
of trust. Have you ever met anyone that you would trust to $20
P: Yes.
T: I can imagine someone that I would trust with my life, but I
P: I know someone like that.
T: I know someone else that I would not trust with my opinion about
takes ti me to determine in which ways you can and cannot trust
So you could have a line for trusting with a secret, and another
line for trusting with money, and still another line for not using
your weaknesses to hurt you, and so forth. Then as you get
information about the person, they could move further out on the
lines. If they all head in the positive direction then this is
someone you can trust more in many ways. If some lines are
going one way and others are going the other, then perhaps you
MXVWZRXOGQ¶WWHO l them your deepest secrets or loan them your
life savings, but you might be able to still have them in your life.
You would just know what their limitations are. Someone who
always scores on the negative side is someone you want to stay
away from.
someone a chance to hurt me.
things and see how they handle them. You also listen to what
other people say about the person and what their experiences
are. They can provide information too.
With regard to trusting family and friends, it may be helpful for the therapist to Trust &
explain why other people sometimes react negatively to the patient²as a defense RWKHUV¶
With regard to self-trust, it is important for the therapist to point out that it is Self-trust
probable that other people would not have picked up on cues that the event was
going to occur either, and that no one can know for sure what the outcome of her
behaviors will be in the middle of an emergency (or what the outcome would
have been if she had done something else). In addition, while 20/20 hindsight
may be more accurate, no one has perfect judgment about how other people are
going to behave in the future. However, in being overly suspicious of everyone,
the patient may lose many people who are, in fact, trustworthy. In the end, she
will end up feeling isolated and alienated from people who could provide genuine
support and intimacy.
The theme of power and control is introduced next as the topic for the next
session. The patient is given the Power/Control Module to read and work with for
she can solve problems and meet new challenges. Because the event was out of
their control, traumatized people often attempt complete control over other
situations and their emotions. These people may adopt the unrealistic belief that Give patient
they must control everything or they will be completely out of control. Again, Power/
there is a tendency to engage in either/or thinking. Conversely, if someone over-
generalizes and believes she has no control over anything, she may refuse to make
any decisions or be proactive with her life because she believes that nothing will
work out anyway. Like trust, control is also multidimensional, so it is appropriate
VSHQGLQJ"<RXUQHUYRXVKDELWV"´ It is not uncommon for patients with PTSD to
other extreme and lose control completely.
Power with regard to others involves the belief that one can or cannot control
future outcomes in interpersonal relationships. People who have been the victim
of interpersonal violence, particularly by acquaintances, attempt to have complete
control in any new relationships they may develop after the trauma and have
difficulty allowing the other member to have any control. As a result, previously
existing relationships may become disrupted, or they may have great difficulty
establishing new relationships, and possibly avoid the situation all together. This
The therapist should describe how prior experience affects these beliefs and how
traumatic events can confirm negative or disrupt positive beliefs. For practice, the
patient should continue using worksheets to analyze and confront these beliefs.
Practice Assignment
your stuck points. After reading the Power/Control Module and Session 9
Content: This was the ninth session of CPT for PTSD. The patient completed his practice
assignment related to daily completion of the Challenging Beliefs Worksheet. Examples from
these worksheets were reviewed to offer further cognitive restructuring and to fine-tune
completion of the worksheets. Trust-related stuck points were specifically targeted. Stuck
points related to power/control were introduced, and he agreed to read materials related to
this theme. The patient also agreed to complete a Challenging Beliefs Worksheet each day
about stuck points before the next session.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' '''''' '''''''''''F+=+"$G'
Not Quite
little Moderately Extremely
at all a bit
1. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images, of the
1 2 3 4 5
stressful experience?
PCL-S for D SM-IV (11/1/94) Weathers, Litz, Huska, & Keane National Center for PT S D ± Behavioral
Science Division.
Evidence Against?
Exaggerating or minimizing:
Habit or fact?
All or none?
Extreme or exaggerated?
C. Emotion(s) G. Re-rate Old Thought(s)
Specify sad, angry, etc., Out of context? Over-generalizing: Re-rate how much you now believe
and rate how strongly you the thought(s)/stuck point(s) in
feel each emotion from 0- Column B from 0=100%
100% Source unreliable?
Mind reading:
Low versus high probability?
H. Emotion(s)
Based on feelings or facts? Now what do you feel? 0=100%
Emotional reasoning:
Irrelevant factors?
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Summary of Session 10: Power/Control Issues
1. A dminister P C L-S (in waiting room if possible), collect, and store. Complete
Session 10 Practice Assignment Review and set agenda. (5 minutes)
2. Discuss connection. Set agenda between power/control and self-blame, and help
challenge related problematic cognitions using the C hallenging Beliefs Wor ksheet
(10 minutes)
¾ Help patient gain a balanced view of power/control
- No such thing as total control, but not completely helpless either
¾ Address anger issues:
- Over-arousal, lack of sleep, increased startled reactions
- Anger vs. aggression (not the same thing)²can come out on family
- Innocence/responsibility/intentionality
3. Review ways of giving and taking power using the handout (10 minutes)
4. Introduce fourth of five problem areas: Esteem issues related to self and others
(15 minutes)
¾ Review Esteem Module; self and others
¾ Explore paWLHQW¶VVHOI-esteem before event
2. To introduce the Esteem Module for challenging self- and other-esteem issues.
3. To assign the patient to practice giving and receiving compliments.
4. To assign the patient to do at least one nice thing for herself every day
(pleasant events scheduling).
For example, one patient had come to believe that she was helpless and
incompetent in many areas of her life because of her helplessness during the
traumatic event. As a result of feeling incompetent, she did not assert herself
when she had the opportunity. She believed that such efforts would be futile. She
was stuck in a job that was unsatisfying and felt helpless to influence her
HPSOR\HU¶VXQUHDVRQDEOHGHPDQGV:KHQWhe therapist began to help her look at
and get interviews for other jobs, she felt more comfortable asserting herself with
her boss. Although she eventually left that job for a better one, her last months on
the first job were more satisfying, and she was able to see that she could effect
change in other people.
Control issues are evident in people who exhibit compulsive behavior such as Addressing
checking and rechecking, compulsive neatness, binging and purging, etc. These control issues
patients need to understand how their behavior, an attempt to control their
emotions, serves as an escape or avoidance. In fact, as compulsions increase over
time, the patient is eventually controlled by them rather than the other way
around. Reframing the behavior as out of control may help the patient to shift his
thinking about the effectiveness of the compulsive behavior. Response prevention
of the behavior and tolerance of affect are the means of treatment, perhaps after
completing the CPT protocol if the behavior continues to be a significant
The topic of anger frequently emerges in treatment with veterans. Some anger is Addressing
related to the hyperarousal symptoms of PTSD such as irritability from anger issues
physiological arousal, lack of sleep, and frequent startle reactions. It is important
to also remember that while fear is associated with the fight-flight response, so is
anger. Environmental cues may trigger anger associated with the fight response
that did not stop when the imminent danger stopped. In fact, military training
encourages the fight and anger response. Unfortunately, there is no equivalent
While some veterans and many crime victims report that they did not experience Anger vs.
anger during the event, many people find feelings of anger emerge in the aggression
aftermath. However, because the person or persons who harmed them may not be
available for them to express their anger (or are too dangerous to express anger
toward), the anger is sometimes left without a target and is experienced as
helpless anger. Some victims turn their anger on those who are close by, family
and friends. Many people have never been taught to discriminate between anger
and aggression and believe that aggression is the appropriate outlet for anger.
Anger directed at self often emerges, as traumatized people dwell on all the things
entering therapy are angry at themselves for this reason. Once they are able to see
that a change in their behavior may not have prevented the event, they may direct
their anger outward at anyone they perceive to have taken away their control and
created feelings of helplessness. Anger may also be directed at society, at
government, or at other individuals who may be held responsible for not
preventing the event in some way. As in the case of guilt, it may be necessary for
the therapist to help the patient discriminate innocence, responsibility, and
intentionality. Only the intentional perpetrator of events should be blamed. Others
may be responsible for setting the stage or inadvertently increasing the risk to the
service member, but they should not have an equal share of the blame and anger.
"#$%!&'(!)#&*($&!&'(!+#,-!./!0*1*$2!#$%!3#4*$2!5.6(7!"#$%.8&9!! Ways of
! giving and
The remainder of the session should focus on the theme of esteem. The therapist Introducing
briefly goes over the Esteem Module with the patient and describes how self- Esteem
esteem and esteem toward others can be disrupted by traumatic events. The
SDWLHQW¶VVHOI-esteem before the event should be explored.
Practice Assignment
For practice, drawing from the Esteem Module, the patient completes Challenging Give patient
Beliefs Worksheets on stuck points for self- and other-esteem. In addition, the Esteem
patient is assigned to practice giving and receiving compliments during the week handout
and to do at least one nice thing for herself each day without any conditions or
strings attached (e.g., exercise, read a magazine, call a friend to chat). These
assignments are given to help the patient become comfortable with the idea that
she is worthy of compliments and pleasant events without having to earn them or
disown them. The assignments are also intended to help the patient connect
socially with others because those with PTSD tend to isolate themselves. Pleasant
events scheduling can also be helpful for those with depression and may assist
with relapse prevention.
Content: This was the 10th session of CPT for PTSD. The patient completed his practice
assignment related to daily completion of the Challenging Beliefs Worksheet. Examples from
these worksheets were reviewed to offer further cognitive restructuring and to fine-tune
completion of the worksheets. Power-/control-related stuck points were specifically targeted.
Stuck points related to esteem were introduced, and he agreed to read materials related to this
theme. The patient also agreed to complete a Challenging Beliefs Worksheet about stuck
points and give or receive a compliment each day before the next session. He also agreed to
do one nice thing for himself daily.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' '''''' '''''''''''F+=+"$G'
Not Quite
little Moderately Extremely
at all a bit
1. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images, of the
1 2 3 4 5
stressful experience?
PCL-S for D SM-IV (11/1/94) Weathers, Litz, Huska, & Keane National Center for PT S D ± Behavioral
Science Division.
Evidence Against?
Exaggerating or minimizing:
Habit or fact?
All or none?
Extreme or exaggerated?
C. Emotion(s) G. Re-rate Old Thought(s)
Specify sad, angry, etc., Out of context? Over-generalizing: Re-rate how much you now believe
and rate how strongly you the thought(s)/stuck point(s) in
feel each emotion from 0- Column B from 0-100%
100% Source unreliable?
Mind reading:
Low versus high probability?
H. Emotion(s)
Based on feelings or facts? Now what do you feel? 0-100%
Emotional reasoning:
Irrelevant factors?
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Summary of Session 11: Esteem Issues
1. A dminister P C L-S (in waiting room if possible), collect, and store. Complete
Session 11 Practice Assignment Review and set agenda. (5 minutes)
pleasant activity (5 minutes)
¾ Reinforce²How did it go?
¾ Compliments/Pleasant Activities
- What happened? - Like it?
- Able to hear for self? - Feel you deserved it?
- Recipients pleased? - Feel guilty?
- Continue to talk? - Encourage more and enjoy!
3. H elp patient identify esteem issues and assumptions, and challenge them using
C hallenging Beliefs Wor ksheet (20 minutes)
¾ Does patient believe she is permanently damaged as a result of the trauma?
¾ Perfectionist? Does patient believe she made a mistake?
¾ Esteem for others²over-generalize disregard to whole groups?
4. Introduce fifth of five problem areas: Intimacy issues related to self and others
(10 minutes)
¾ How have relationships been affected by the trauma?
¾ Self-intimacy²ability to calm and soothe oneself?
¾ How were these both before and after?
¾ Any problems: e.g., food? alcohol? spending?
1. To review the compliments and nice things that the patient has done for Session 11
2. To review the Challenging Beliefs Worksheets on esteem and other topics.
3. To introduce the concepts of self- and other-intimacy.
4. To assign Challenging Beliefs Worksheets on intimacy.
5. To assign a new Impact Statement.
The patient and therapist then discuss the Challenging Beliefs Worksheets on Identifying
esteem. A very common stuck point on the topic of self-esteem is that the patient
issues &
is now damaged in some way because of the event. Because he has been suffering assumptions
from flashbacks, nightmares, startle reactions, etc., the patient may have
concluded that he is crazy or is permanently damaged. Perceiving oneself as
damaged, believing that one has poor judgment, or believing that others blame
perception of self-esteem. In the case of interpersonal crimes (such as military
sexual trauma) the victim may also conclude that there must have been something
wrong with him to begin with to have been targeted. If the patient makes global
negative comments about himself, the therapist can begin by pinning down what
the patient is being self-critical about. Like trust, esteem is a global construct that
is multidimensional.
It is sometimes helpful to address issues about perfectionism here. Patients often Addressing
have poor opinions of themselves because they so harshly judge themselves perfectionism
whenever they make a mistake. This overgeneralization follows logically from
event. It may be helpful for the therapist to remind the patient about the basic
unfairness she is practicing with herself.
P: I would say that is unfair.
T: Right. That way there would be two grades, A for perfect, F for
everything else. Normally an A, an outstanding grade, goes to
those people who score 90% or better. That gives people up to
10% mistakes and still be considered outstanding. 80% would be
above average and 70% would be aYHUDJH6ROHW¶VJUDGH
yesterday. You say it was a bad day and that you really screwed
would have liked. It sounds like you gave yourself an F.
P: I did.
T: So how many things did you do yesterday? How many decisions
did you make? What percentage correct did you have for the
made at work.
T: Sure. Not everything has equal importance. At school, some of
your projects earned more points than others, too. Was it the
most important activity of the day?
P: Yes, I think so.
T: Was it the most important event or activity of the week?
P: No. Two days before, I turned in a big report to my boss that I
had worked on for weeks. She was very pleased with what I had
T: So, if you give yourself a grade only for the day, it would carry
more points, but if you gave yourself a grade for the entire week,
it would not be very important?
P: No, I would give myself an A for the week.
T: Thinking of it that way, do your emotions feel a bit less than
anything right?
P: (Laughs) Yeah. It is such a bad habit to make those extreme
T: And to believe them when you say them.
P: Yes, at the time, it feels right and true.
T: Sure. It feels right because it is what you have been practicing
for a long time. It is a habit rather than a fact. Just because it
following traumatic events is through selective attention. For example, before selective
being criminally victimized, many people pay little attention to reports about attention
crime in the media. After being victimized, they begin to notice how often the
topic emerges on the news, programs on television, or in magazines. Because they
are now attending to crime, it appears to them that crime is everywhere and that
all people are bad. They forget that these events are being reported because they
Like crime, other devastating events such as natural disasters, wars, plane crashes,
and terrorist activities may not elicit much attention until they strike near home.
Then these events suddenly become very real and very personal. And the victims
often over-generalize blame of others (as well as themselves) in order to regain a
sense of control. It is not at all unusual for patients with PTSD to over-generalize
to the entire population of the country that was at war and assume that everyone
in that country has identical attitudes about Americans and the war. The patient
may express great disdain for everyone from that country, even those people who
have lived in the United States for generations.
Another topic that emerges frequently with patients as an other-esteem issue is an Addressing an
PTSD use their outrage at the government as an avoidance strategy. Instead of viewpoint of the
focusing on specific traumatic events, some patients with PTSD will immediately government
try to move the focus to politics and the government (avoidance by rhetoric or
diatribe). It is important for the therapist early in therapy to bring the focus of the
discussion back to the index event and not allow the patient to dominate the
session with ranting. And just as the therapist may ask, ³WUXVWZLWKUHJDUGWR
ZKDW"´ he or she can also ask, ³:KDWGR\RXPHDQE\JRYHUQPHQW"'R\RXPHDQ
the federal government? Which administration or which branch of government?
Do you mean state or local government? Are they all the same? When you say
that the government is no good, does that mean that when you call 911 no one
DQVZHUVWKHSKRQH"´ As with other overly vague terms, it is important for the
patient to move off of the extreme and see the different types and categories that
he might in fact judge in a more graded fashion. Although this issue might
emerge early in therapy, it could reemerge with the topic of esteem and can be
challenged again.
The topic of intimacy is introduced toward the end of the session, and the Introducing
therapist and patient briefly discuss how relationships may have been affected by Intimacy
the event. Intimacy with others (or lack of intimacy) will be easier to identify than
self-intimacy. However, it is important that there is a focus on nonsexual intimacy
as well as sexual intimacy. Self-intimacy is the ability to soothe and calm oneself
Practice Assignment
Finally, in order to assess how the patient's beliefs have changed since the start of
treatment, the patient is asked to write a new Impact Statement reflecting what it
now means to her that the event(s) happened, and what her current beliefs are in
relation to the five topics of safety, trust, power/control, esteem, and intimacy. It
is important to stress that the patient should write about her current thoughts and
not how she may have thought in the past.
Session 11
confront stuck points regarding self- and other-intimacy. Continue practice
completing worksheets on previous topics that are still problematic. assignment
Content: This was the 11th session of CPT for PTSD. The patient completed his practice
assignment related to completing the Challenging Beliefs Worksheet daily, giving/receiving
a compliment each day, and doing something nice for himself each day. Examples from the
worksheets were reviewed to offer further cognitive restructuring and to fine-tune completion
of the worksheets. Esteem-related stuck points were specifically targeted. Stuck points
related to intimacy were introduced, and he agreed to read materials related to this theme.
The patient also agreed to complete a Challenging Beliefs Worksheet about stuck points each
day and to write another Impact Statement describing his current thoughts and beliefs about
himself, others, and the world related to his traumatic experiences.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' '''''' '''''''''''F+=+"$G'
Not Quite
little Moderately Extremely
at all a bit
1. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images, of the
1 2 3 4 5
stressful experience?
PCL-S for D SM-IV (11/1/94) Weathers, Litz, Huska, & Keane National Center for PT S D ± Behavioral
Science Division.
Evidence Against?
Exaggerating or minimizing:
Habit or fact?
All or none?
Extreme or exaggerated?
C. Emotion(s) G. Re-rate Old Thought(s)
Specify sad, angry, etc., Out of context? Over-generalizing: Re-rate how much you now believe
and rate how strongly you the thought(s)/stuck point(s) in
feel each emotion from 0- Column B from 0-100%
100% Source unreliable?
Mind reading:
Low versus high probability?
H. Emotion(s)
Based on feelings or facts? Now what do you feel? 0-100%
Emotional reasoning:
Irrelevant factors?
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Summary of Session 12: Intimacy Issues and Meaning of the Event
1. A dminister P C L-S (in waiting room if possible), collect, and store. Complete
Session 12 Practice Assignment Review and set agenda. (5 minutes)
2. H elp patient identify intimacy issue, assumptions, and any remaining stuck points,
and challenge them using C hallenging Beliefs Wor ksheet (15 minutes)
¾ Focus on development and maintenance of relationships
¾ Be watchful for deficits in self-soothing (Food? Alcohol? Spending?)
¾ Intimacy
- Interpersonal Intimacy²withdrawal from others
- Sexual Intimacy²physical cueing
(10 minutes)
¾ Review concepts and skills
¾ Patient to reflect on own good work, progress, and changes made
¾ Patient to take credit for facing and dealing with difficult and traumatic event
5. H elp patient identify goals for the future and delineate strategies for meeting them
(5 minutes)
¾ Also remind patient that he is taking over as therapist now and should continue to
use the skills that he has learned
With regard to intimacy with others, two types of intimacy are often issues: Nonsexual
intimacy with
closeness with family/friends and sexual intimacy. Many people with PTSD
withdraw from people who could be supportive and avoid being close to others,
as a way of protecting themselves from possible rejection, blame, or further harm.
Sexual intimacy can be a particular problem with victims of sexual assault, Sexual
although sexual functioning can be interrupted as well, in response to other kinds intimacy
of trauma. Symptoms of PTSD and depression can interfere with normal sexual
functioning, particularly sexual desire. However, to sexual assault victims, sexual
behavior becomes particularly threatening because the act of being sexual has
become a cue associated with the assault, and because of the level of trust and
others, however, is in direct conflict with their need for comfort and support from
others. These intimacy issues are often interwoven with trust issues that may still
be unresolved and deserve continued attention from the patient. Although CPT is
not intended as a sex therapy, this cognitive therapy can be useful in identifying
and correcting problematic cognitions that may interfere with sexual functioning.
However, more serious dysfunctions should be treated with other therapy
protocols designed specifically for the purpose.
The therapist and patient should go over the new Impact Statement about the New Impact
meaning of the event. The patient should first read his new Impact Statement to Statement
the therapist. Below is an example of a new Impact Statement written by
³&KD]]´DQ,UDTYHWHUDQZho had been forced to shoot at a car that did not heed
warnings to stop at a checkpoint. A woman and child died in the event.
me. My thoughts about myself, others, and the world were changed,
and changed again. When I started therapy, I believed that I was a
murderer. I blamed myself completely. Now, I believe that I shot a
family, but I did not murder them. I realize that I had to do what I
did at the time, and that others around me also chose to shoot
because we had to. I will never know what that man or maybe even
family was trying to do by going through that checkpoint, but I know
now that I had no choice but to shoot to stop them. Regarding safety,
I used to think that there were people that were out to get me, but
now I realize that the probability of that is slim. Now I worry about
the stuff that everyone worries about like crazy drivers, illness, or
some accident. I also used to worry that I was going to go off and
done that before and basically this trauma messed with my head
trusting myself more in terms of the decisions I make, and I have
some more faith and trust in my government now that I realize that I
really needed to shoot in that situation. I think I may always struggle
The therapist subsequently reads to the patient his original Impact Statement that
the therapist kept from the second session (or subsequent session if not brought to
the second session) so that the patient can see how much change has taken place
in a rather short period. Usually, there is a remarkable change in the second
Impact Statement from the first, and a typical patient remark is ³'LG,UHDOO\WKLQN
WKDW"´The patient should be encouraged to examine how his beliefs have
changed as a result of the work he has done in therapy. The therapist should also
look for any remaining distortions or problematic beliefs that may need further
The rest of the session is saved for review of all the concepts and skills that have Reviewing
been introduced over the course of therapy. The patient is reminded that her concepts with
success in recovering will depend on her persistence to practice her new skills and patient
resistance to returning to old avoidance patterns or problematic thinking patterns.
Any remaining stuck points should be identified and strategies for confronting
them should be reiterated. Patients are asked to reflect on the progress and
changes they have made during the course of therapy and are encouraged to take
credit for facing and dealing with a very difficult and traumatic event.
Goals for the future are discussed. Patients with traumatic bereavement issues Goals for the
would not be expected to be over their grief but should be encouraged to allow future
themselves to continue with the process as they work to rebuild their lives.
Patients should be reminded that if they encounter a reminder and have a
flashback, nightmare, or sudden memory WKH\KDGQRWDFFHVVHGEHIRUHLWGRHVQ¶W
mean that they are relapsing. In response to any of these intrusive experiences, the
patient should be encouraged to write an account if needed or to utilize with his
A topic that sometimes emerges among people who have had PTSD for decades
is a question about who they are or will be without their PTSD. If someone has
carried a diagnosis for many years and has organized his life around avoidance
and managing flashbacks and other symptoms, he may wonder who he is now.
5HWLUHPHQW´:HUHPLQGSDWLHQWVWKDWSHRSOHchange their roles, and to some
extent their identity, at different points in their lives, including retirement, and
many of their age mates are asking themselves the same questions, because of
retirement from work. What will I do when I retire? How will I spend my time?
Who will be in my life? The therapist should help the patient to see that these are
normal questions, and instead of fearing the future, he now has the opportunity to
explore and decide how he wants to spend his time. Many older adults are
changing careers or working part time. They adopt new leisure activities or do
volunteer work. They spend time with grandchildren. The therapist should guide
the patient to see these changes in a positive light and should encourage him to
explore his options.
Younger patients are also going through important developmental milestones in PTSD in
terms of jobs and careers, as well as relationships and family. The reduction of younger
PTSD symptoms can help these patients get back on their developmental patients
trajectory, and this process should be normalized. Those who have experienced
permanent injuries will need some assistance in considering alternative jobs than
those they might have considered.
A Note on Aftercare
We recommend that after completing the protocol, whether conducted weekly or Aftercare
twice a week, the therapist set up a follow-up appointment for a month or two into
the future. The patient should be encouraged to continue to use her Challenging
Beliefs Worksheets on any remaining stuck points. The follow-up session should
include the same assessment measures that were used during treatment and can be
used to get the patient back on track or to reinforce gains. This practice is also
helpful in instilling with patients the notion of episodes of care. They are
encouraged to work as their own cognitive therapist on their stuck points and
daily events that arise, and then present for treatment when they have difficulty
resolving a stuck point or recent event. A specific goal-oriented piece of work can
be done, and then they are encouraged to continue using the skills they develop in
the therapy episodes.
Content: This was the 12th and final session of CPT for PTSD. The patient completed his
practice assignment related to completing the Challenging Beliefs Worksheet daily and
writing a final Impact Statement. Examples from the worksheets were reviewed for further
cognitive restructuring, especially aimed at the development and maintenance of
relationships. The first and final Impact Statements were compared, which led to discussion
about the course of therapy. Goals for the future were established, and the patient was
encouraged to continue using his developed skills and to share his treatment experiences with
his referring clinician (e.g., what worked, how he might use the skills in future therapy).
Plan: Conclusion of CPT. Follow-up appointment scheduled for 1 month from date.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' '''''' '''''''''''F+=+"$G'
Not Quite
little Moderately Extremely
at all a bit
1. Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images, of the
1 2 3 4 5
stressful experience?
PCL-S for D SM-IV (11/1/94) Weathers, Litz, Huska, & Keane National Center for PT S D ± Behavioral
Science Division.
Listed below are several types of patterns of problematic thinking that people use in different life
situations. These patterns often become automatic, habitual thoughts that cause us to engage in
self-defeating behavior. Considering your own stuck points, find examples for each of these
patterns. Write in the stuck point under the appropriate pattern and describe how it fits that
pattern. Think about how that pattern affects you.
6. M ind reading (you assume people are thinking negatively of you when there is no definite
evidence for this).
7. E motional reasoning (you have a feeling and assume there must be a reason).
3. Are your interpretations of the situation too far removed from reality to be accurate?
5. Are you using words or phrases that are extreme or exaggerated (i.e., always, forever, never,
6. Are you taking the situation out of context and only focusing on one aspect of the event?
Evidence Against?
Exaggerating or minimizing:
Habit or fact?
All or none?
Extreme or exaggerated?
C. Emotion(s) G. Re-rate Old Thought(s)
Specify sad, angry, etc., Out of context? Over-generalizing: Re-rate how much you now believe
and rate how strongly you the thought(s)/stuck point(s) in
feel each emotion from 0- Column B from 0-100%
100% Source unreliable?
Mind reading:
Low versus high probability?
H. Emotion(s)
Based on feelings or facts? Now what do you feel? 0-100%
Emotional reasoning:
Irrelevant factors?
Because the above results need to be replicated, and because the first study with
veterans used the full CPT protocol (Monson et al., 2006), we have included the
full protocol here for training and implementation. However, these recent results
indicate that CPT-C is a good alternative for those veterans for whom the trauma
account is problematic. It also provides a good solution to the dilemma of how to
handle the trauma accounts in group treatment. For whom is the trauma account
problematic? In our studies of CPT, we have never excluded people with
personality disorders or other comorbidities as long as the person was lucid, not
engaging in any self- or other-harm behaviors, or under current risk by others
(e.g., domestic violence or stalking). Therefore, CPT was tested with people who
had a range of disorders who did not worsen with the administration of the trauma
account. However, one might consider using CPT-C if a patient is so avoidant
that he already has one foot out the door. Some patients arrive in therapy
announcing that they cannot or will not talk about the traumatic event. Most of
the time we have been able to do cognitive therapy around these stuck points, and
they find the account to be a beneficial component. If the patient will quit
treatment rather than do the account, CPT-C should be used. In giving people a
choice of which version of the protocol to use, we have found some veterans will
choose the CPT protocol.
The CPT-C protocol does not ignore the processing of emotions. Patients are CPT-C
encouraged to both feel and label their natural event-related emotions and to
challenge those that are secondary to appraisals and thoughts (manufactured).
However, because the trauma account is an assignment that tends to elicit
stronger emotions, the therapist using the CPT-C protocol needs to make a
specific effort to draw out natural emotions and to help the patient notice the
differences in emotions when she changes her self-dialogue. Also, the therapist
The CPT-C protocol is still 12 sessions. Rather than shortening the therapy
(which would be possible), we took advantage of the opportunity to reinforce new
skills and divide up two sessions with as much information as in the original
protocol. The first change is at Session 3. Instead of assigning the trauma account
or moving straight to challenging questions, we continue to focus solely on A-B-
C Worksheets. In the CPT protocol, patients are asked to continue working on A-
B-C Worksheets and write their accounts. We believe that 1 week of doing the
worksheets is often not sufficient, especially if the patient has difficulty
identifying his thoughts or labeling his emotions. Therefore, an additional week
of practice is very beneficial before the challenging questions are introduced. This
points about the worst traumatic event, and focus on assimilation regarding that
event before the patient is asked to begin doing it himself.
The next change occurs at Session 4. Instead of re-assigning the written account,
patients are asked to complete Challenging Questions Worksheets on a daily basis
with a focus on assimilation. In Session 5 the next worksheet, Patterns of
Problematic Thinking, is introduced.
The last major change involves dividing Session 7 of the CPT protocol (in CPT-C
Session 6), in which the Challenging Beliefs Worksheet and Safety Module are
both introduced after going over the Patterns of Problematic Thinking
assignment. In the CPT-C protocol, the Challenging Beliefs Worksheet is
introduced, but not the Safety Module. Again, this gives the therapist another
opportunity to elicit assimilated beliefs about the worst trauma that might have
emerged more naturally with the trauma account. The Safety Module and the
topic of over-accommodated safety are introduced in the next session (Session 7).
From Session 8 on, the protocols are identical. The outline for CPT-C is as
Session 2: Patient reads Impact Statement. Therapist and patient discuss meaning
of trauma. Begin to identify stuck points and problematic areas. Review
symptoms of PTSD and theory. Introduction of A-B-C Worksheets with
explanation of relationship among thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Practice
assignment: Complete 1 A-B-C sheet each day including at least one on the worst
Session 12: Go over all the Challenging Beliefs Worksheets. Have patient read
the final Impact Statement. Read the first Impact Statement and compare the
differences. Discuss any intimacy stuck points. Review the entire therapy and
identify any remaining issues the patient may need to continue to work on.
Encourage the patient to continue with behavioral assignments on compliments
and doing nice things for self. Remind patient that he is taking over as therapist
now and should continue to use skills he has learned.
CPT has been shown to be effective in a group format, either alone or in Group CPT
combination with individual therapy. Group CPT has been used to treat PTSD administration
successfully in a variety of patient populations, including rape victims, childhood
sexual abuse survivors, combat veterans, and military sexual trauma victims. The
format also has been used in residential treatment programs in conjunction with
other treatments (such as coping-skills building, Dialectical Behavior Therapy,
and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to name a few). Please see the CPT
Group Manual for details on conducting CPT in a group.
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! #(4!;%*#1'0$8!!
! #;':')2!)0!5#'()#'(!30.%$!#(4!/0()$0:!07)/05%&!'(!)*%!/0()%J)!0-!'()%$3%$&0(#:!
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! +12""%38#38!(#8#4:),%(%.,;*#+2"!-#%0)9!.$!.,1%()&!
! 0#,1.6,!$%%"#38!".3%";!.(!%=*,;?!234!27#"#,;!,.!+.33%+,!0#,1!.,1%()&!51#)!2").!$.+6)%)!
! .3!,1%!#332,%!16=23!4%)#(%!$.(!+".)%3%))!0#,1!.,1%()&
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