From NEDC To WLTP: Effect On The Type-Approval CO Emissions of Light-Duty Vehicles
From NEDC To WLTP: Effect On The Type-Approval CO Emissions of Light-Duty Vehicles
From NEDC To WLTP: Effect On The Type-Approval CO Emissions of Light-Duty Vehicles
EUR 28724 EN
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Contact information
Name: Biagio Ciuffo
Address: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Via E. fermi 2749, I-21027, Ispra (VA) - Italy
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EUR 28724 EN
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How to cite this report: S. Tsiakmakis, B. Ciuffo, G. Fontaras, C. Cubito, J. Pavlovic, K. Anagnostopoulos, From
NEDC to WLTP: effect on the type-approval CO2 emissions of light-duty vehicles, EUR 28724 EN, Publications
Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017, ISBN 978-92-79-71642-3, doi:10.2760/93419, JRC107662.
From NEDC to WLTP: effect on the type-approval CO2 emissions of light-duty vehicles
The present report summarises the work carried out by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre to
estimate the impact of the introduction of the new type approval procedure, the Worldwide Light duty vehicle
Test Procedure (WLTP), on the European car fleet CO2 emissions.
To this aim, a new method for the calculation of the European light duty vehicle fleet CO 2 emissions, combining
simulation at individual vehicle level with fleet composition data is adopted. The method builds on the work
carried out in the development of CO2MPAS, the tool developed by the Joint Research Centre to allow the
implementation of European Regulations 1152 and 1153/2017 (which set the conditions to amend the European
CO2 targets for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles due to the introduction of the WLTP in the
European vehicle type-approval process).
Results show an average WLTP to NEDC CO2 emissions ratio in the range 1.1-1.4 depending on the powertrain
and on the NEDC CO2 emissions. In particular the ratio tends to be higher for vehicles with lower NEDC CO2
emissions in all powertrains, the only exception being with the plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). In this
case, indeed, the WLTP to NEDC CO2 emissions ratio quickly decreases to values that can be also lower than 1
as the electric range of the vehicle increases.
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ 1
Executive summary ............................................................................................... 2
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 5
2 Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles.................................................................... 7
2.1 Methodology ............................................................................................... 7
2.2 Data Sources & Analysis ............................................................................... 8
2.3 Results ..................................................................................................... 10
2.3.1 Passenger Cars .................................................................................. 10
2.3.2 Light-Commercial Vehicles .................................................................. 13
3 Electric powertrains ......................................................................................... 14
3.1 Battery Electric & Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Vehicles .................................. 14
3.1.1 Methodology & Data Sources ............................................................... 14
3.1.2 Results ............................................................................................. 15
3.2 Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles ..................................................................... 15
3.2.1 Methodology & Data Sources ............................................................... 15
3.2.2 Results ............................................................................................. 20
3.3 Hybrid Electric Vehicles .............................................................................. 20
3.3.1 Methodology & Data Sources ............................................................... 20
3.3.2 Results ............................................................................................. 23
4 Summary ....................................................................................................... 25
References ......................................................................................................... 26
List of abbreviations and definitions ....................................................................... 29
List of figures ...................................................................................................... 31
List of tables ....................................................................................................... 32
Annex 1. Database of measured cars ..................................................................... 33
Annex 2. Fields of public datasets .......................................................................... 34
Annex 3. Road Loads Calculation Model .................................................................. 37
Definition of Masses ......................................................................................... 37
Definition of Aerodynamic Drag ......................................................................... 37
Definition of Wheel Rolling Resistance ................................................................ 38
Definition of Procedural Differences affecting Road Loads ..................................... 38
Results / Road Loads Definitions ........................................................................ 39
Annex 4. Procedural differences between the WLTP and the NEDC for the CO2 emissions
of PHEVs ............................................................................................................ 47
Driving cycles.................................................................................................. 47
Test-procedures .............................................................................................. 47
Charge-Depleting Test .................................................................................. 48
Charge-Sustaining Test ................................................................................ 48
Weighted Final CO2 Emissions ....................................................................... 49
The authors would like to acknowledge the help of Vincenzo Arcidiacono, Victor Valverde,
Alessandro Tansini and all colleagues participating in the WLTP/NEDC correlation exercise
for the valuable support and the feedback provided.
Stefanos Tsiakmakis, Joint Research Centre and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Georgios Fontaras, Joint Research Centre
Claudio Cubito, Joint Research Centre and Politecnico of Turin
Jelica Pavlovic, Joint Research Centre
Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos, Joint Research Centre
Biagio Ciuffo, Joint Research Centre
The views expressed here are purely those of the authors and may not, under any
circumstances, be regarded as an official position of the European Commission.
Executive summary
The present report presents the results of a study aimed at analysing the impact on the
European light duty vehicle fleet CO2 emissions of the introduction of the Worldwide
Light duty vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) in the European vehicle type-approval process.
The calculations made in this report for conventional vehicles rely mainly on the use of
the PyCSIS (Passenger Car fleet emissions SImulator) model, which was developed on
the basis of CO2MPAS (CO2 Model for PAssenger and commercial vehicles Simulation),
the model used in the phasing-in of the WLTP for the adaptation of the CO2 targets for
light duty vehicles to the new test procedure1. However, while CO2MPAS depends on the
test results of individual vehicles, PyCSIS makes use of limited information, referring
mainly to already available data sources and using empirical models and information
collected from measurements at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
The methodology was applied to assess the impact of the introduction of the new CO2
certification procedure in Europe on the vehicle fleet CO2 emissions. The main results of
this calculation are reported in Table Ε.1 for passenger cars and in Table Ε.2 for light
commercial vehicles. For conventional, internal combustion engine (ICEV) passenger
cars, the PyCSIS model has been applied to all new registrations of year 2015. For
battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric, and hybrid electric vehicles, a different approach
has been used due to the limited number of such vehicles sold in the European market in
2015. For this reason, in the table below only the WLTP to NEDC ratio is shown for these
vehicle segments and not the NEDC values.
Considering the certification values for CO2 emissions, results for ICEV passenger cars
show an average WLTP to NEDC CO2 ratio of 1.21 (sales weighted average across the
fleet). The ratio is higher for cars with lower NEDC emission values, while at very high
emission levels (about 250 CO2 g/km) WLTP and NEDC lead to comparable results
between the two procedures. Similar trends are found for light commercial vehicles, with
a slightly higher average ratio for passenger cars (~1.3).
Results for battery electric (BEVs) and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) show an expected
average WLTP to NEDC electric energy ratio of approximately 1.28 and a pure electric
range ratio of approximately 0.9 (approximately 0.8 for BEVs and 0.95 for FCVs).
Differently from the case of the ICEVs, the ratio for EVs remains almost constant for
vehicles of different size. In addition, the energy ratio is slightly higher for bigger
vehicles than for smaller vehicles.
Results for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) show an average WLTP to NEDC CO2 ratio
significantly higher than for ICEVs (approximately 1.33 for passenger cars and 1.4 for
light commercial vehicles). Like in the case of ICEVs, the ratio is higher for vehicles with
lower CO2 emissions.
European Commission Regulations 1152/2017 and 1153/2017
Table Ε.1: Relationship between WLTP and NEDC CO2 emissions for different passenger cars
PHEV 1.00
Small 1.258
Large 1.299
Table Ε.2: Relationship between WLTP and NEDC CO2 emissions for different types of light
commercial vehicles
Gasoline 1.22
Diesel 1.31
LPG 1.16
Gas 1.36
PHEV 1.00
BEV/FCV2 1.21
Finally, results for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) show a peculiar trend. Due to
the differences between the two test procedures (especially in the way they combine
results from the charge-depleting and charge-sustaining tests), the WLTP to NEDC CO2
emissions ratio strongly depends on the capacity of the electric battery. The ratio quickly
decreases as the battery capacity increases. For this reason, also considering the
evolution in the battery capacity, an average ratio of 1 has been estimated for PHEVs.
The WLTP to NEDC RATIO for BEVs and FCVs refer to the electric energy consumption
1 Introduction
Light-duty vehicles only – passenger cars and vans – produce around 15% of the EU’s
CO2 emissions [1]. Regulation (EU) No 443/2009 sets the target of fleet-wide sales
weighted average CO2 emissions from passenger cars to 130 gCO2/km and 95 gCO2/km,
for years 2015 and 2020, respectively3. The aim is to curb transport generated
greenhouse gas emissions and incentivize investments in new technologies that will
improve fuel efficiency and fuel consumption [2]. In order to respect the competitiveness
and diversity among different manufacturers, manufacturer-specific targets are defined
according to a limit-value line, proportional to the sales-weighted average mass of their
fleet while the fleet-wide emissions need to comply with the targets set in the Regulation
[3]. Manufacturers failing to achieve their targets are subject to costly penalties.
The current test protocol and associated New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), on which
the CO2 targets are based, has received criticism regarding its effectiveness to reduce
CO2 emissions in real world operating conditions [4–10]. There are multiple reasons
contributing to this, the NEDC itself [4,11], the flexibilities of the NEDC-based test
procedure, i.e. the interpretation made on various loosely defined boundaries [12], and
differences in the operation of the car under laboratory conditions compared to that over
real life conditions [13].
In order to address these issues and to strengthen the effectiveness of existing policies,
the European Commission is introducing a new, more realistic test procedure in the type-
approval process. The new World-wide harmonized Light duty Test Cycle (WLTC) and the
new World-wide harmonized Light duty Test Procedure (WLTP) were developed as a
global standard for determining pollutant and CO2 emissions. The objective of WLTP was
to provide a more robust test-basis and a procedure which is more representative of
actual on-road vehicle operation [14–17]. WLTP significantly differs from NEDC; its main
differences affecting fuel consumption include the test cycle and gear-shifting sequence,
vehicle mass definition, road load determination, chassis dynamometer preconditioning,
temperature, and REESS (Rechargeable Electric Energy Storage System) Charge Balance
The WLTP is introduced in the European type-approval process from September 2017
[18], in parallel with the introduction of the final Euro 6c emission limits [19,20] and
following the recently established procedure for measuring Real Driving Emissions
[21,22]. These three pillars create a robust framework for pollutant and CO2 emission
control in Europe. However, the WLTP introduction will have an effect on the monitored
CO2 emission values and consequently on the targets for the year 2021, as those are
based on the NEDC. Through the correlation and target translation legislation, the WLTP
procedure will be introduced without amending the targets set for the 2015-2021 period.
Until 2021, the existing (NEDC) CO2 targets will not change, and CO2 emissions
measured at type-approval using the WLTP procedure will be translated into the
corresponding NEDC-based value using a technology-based vehicle simulation model,
CO2MPAS (CO2 Model for PAssenger and commercial vehicles Simulation) [23], developed
by the European Commission for the implementation of EU Regulations 1152/2017 [24]
and 1153/2017 [25]. In 2020, the ratio between the average sales-weighted NEDC-
simulated emissions and the manufacturer-specific target will be applied to the WLTP-
measured, sales-weighted CO2 emissions to identify, for each vehicle manufacturer, a
specific WLTP-based target for 2021 and thereafter [26,27].
The exact effect of WLTP introduction on fleet-wide CO2 emissions is difficult to estimate
and limited literature on the topic is available. Most studies published to date estimate
the effect of the WLTP introduction on individual cars, rather than the effect on the
European fleet as a whole. The present report attempts an estimate of the impact of
WLTP introduction on the officially reported CO2 emissions from light duty vehicles. To
achieve this the PyCSIS tool (Passenger Car fleet emissions SImulator) was used [28];
Regulation (EU) 510/2011 sets the targets for vans.
PyCSIS makes use of as limited information as possible, referring mainly to already
available data sources and using empirical models and information collected from
measurements at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in order to
calculate CO2 emissions over the two test protocols.
PyCSIS focuses mainly on conventional vehicles but the methodology based on PyCSIS
was extended to cover electric vehicles (battery and fuel-cell vehicles), plugin-in hybrid
electric vehicles and hybrid electrics in order to provide a comprehensive picture. The
remainder of the report is structured as follows: initially, the methodology applied for the
internal combustion engine vehicles is outlined. The outline of the PyCSIS tool is provided
along with its main inputs, models and sub-models. The two main datasets used are
presented together with the various data analysis steps. The results obtained with the
model on the 2015 European fleet of passenger cars are presented. Next, the
methodology is extended to cover electric powertrains. Simulation results obtained for
conventional vehicles are coupled with powertrain specific assumptions and extended to
cover the WLTP/NEDC ratio of battery electric and fuel-cell powered vehicles. Plug-in
hybrid electrics’ and hybrid electrics’ operation is modelled using a simplified back-
engineering approach starting from individual vehicles’ laboratory measurement data.
The approach is used to define the on-off operation of the internal combustion engine of
an hybrid architecture. The approach is combined with the PyCSIS outputs for
conventional internal combustion engine vehicles and, applying the respective
legislations, calculates the respective CO 2 emission figures assuming that each vehicle
operates as an hybrid.
2 Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles
2.1 Methodology
The following paragraphs provide a high level description of the PyCSIS model’s structure
(Figure 1). More information about PyCSIS and its sub-models can be found in [28]. The
approach uses a methodology similar to the methodology of the CO 2MPAS Model [27,29],
the open-source software developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European
Commission to support the introduction of WLTP in the European Legislation and to allow
the back-translation of a WLTP test to the equivalent NEDC CO 2 emission value [23].
Figure 1: Outline of the Vehicle Simulation Tool and its key modules: the inputs module, the
drivetrain module, and the fuel consumption module
Table 1 lists the main raw inputs of PyCSIS, the main parameters that define a single
car. In addition, the tool uses a list of default values, plus a list of values calculated by
empirical formulas derived from a pool of available measured cars (Annex 1).
Vehicle energy demand is calculated via simple vehicle longitudinal dynamics. The
drivetrain module includes the various sub-models of the vehicle’s drivetrain, excluding
the engine. The calculation starts with a predefined velocity profile, and, respecting the
energy equilibriums in the various steps, goes backwards from the forces applied to the
vehicle and the wheels, to the final drive, the gearbox, the clutch or torque converter, up
to the required engine’s speed and power output. Engine power, engine speed,
temperature and fuel consumption are then calculated by the engine module, using an
extended Willans’ lines approach [30,31] for the “fuel map” representation. A detailed
description of the model and its sub-modules can be found in [28].
Table 1: Inputs of the Vehicle Simulation Tool
Dynamic Rolling
Mm Dynamic rolling radius of the wheel
Mass in Running
Kg As defined in Regulation No. 1230/2012 [32]
km/hr, sec,
Velocity Profile Velocity, time, gear
Table 2: Outputs of the Vehicle Simulation Tool used in the present study
Energy Demand kJ Overall and instantaneous energy demand for the simulated mission profile
Fuel Consumption l Overall and instantaneous fuel consumption for the simulated mission profile
CO2 Emissions g/km Average CO2 emissions for the simulated mission profile
vehicle type, variant, and version. For each entry the following information, among
others, is provided: CO2 emissions (g/km), mass in running order (kg), displacement
(cm3), engine power (kW), type of fuel, number of registrations in Europe for the specific
year and vehicle footprint. Provisional data for the year 2015 were used for the present
Figure 2: Flow-chart of the various data analysis steps performed to the two main datasets: the
Vehicles Dataset and the Fleet Dataset (see footnote for notes 4)
The information included in each Fleet Dataset is not sufficient to run the model, as it
provides no information on most vehicle characteristics, engine characteristics, road
loads and on the type and the characteristics of the transmission. This information deeply
affects the model’s performance. Information from the official EEA database was
combined with additional information retrieved from on-line publicly available sources
(i.e. online databases like,,, etc., and vehicle
manufacturers’ websites) which was used to formulate a second, more detailed database
(“Vehicles Dataset”). This second database contains vehicle-specific information of
approximately 1,200 vehicles, all available in the market in 2015, for both gasoline and
diesel fuelled cars, with automatic and manual transmissions. Vehicles using other fuels
and electric or electrified vehicles were excluded due to their very low share in vehicle
sales. The Vehicles Dataset contains information regarding gearbox (gearbox ratios and
Notes: (1) Defined as entries with an error of Simulated vs. Reported NEDC CO2 Emissions value
of < -10% or +30%; (2) The Sim Vehicles Dataset contains all entries of the Vehicles Dataset, plus
two new entries: Simulated NEDC & Simulated WLTP CO2 emissions; (3) Defined as falling in one
of the two following categories: (a) vehicles with carbon based fuels with no CO2 emissions, or (b)
vehicles with CO2 emissions less than 70 g/km; (4) Other fuels include entries with either
“hydrogen” or “others” in the fuel field of the raw dataset; (5) Defined as entries with no available
data on at least one of the following fields: capacity, model, mass, CO2, power.
final drive), engine (capacity, bore, stroke), drive system, fuel, nominal power and
engine speed, etc.), vehicle body dimensions (width, height, length), additional
technologies (start-stop and engine aspiration), tyres, mass, type approved fuel
consumption and CO2 emissions. A complete list of the fields included in the various
datasets is available in the Annex 2.
The two datasets are combined into a single dataset (referred to as the Final Dataset) as
shown in Figure 2 and described hereafter. The Fleet Dataset is initially created by
removing erroneous data (i.e. vehicles with carbon based fuels and no CO2 emissions,
non-electrified vehicles with CO2 emissions of less than 70g/km), entries representing
electrics/electrified vehicles or vehicles fuelled with non-gasoline or diesel “equivalent”
fuels (e.g. hydrogen or others), and finally entries missing key information, i.e. capacity,
mass, CO2, power and model. The Vehicles Dataset is used as an input to PyCSIS. The
simulation results (namely the CO2 emissions for NEDC and WLTP) are added to the
Vehicles Dataset. All cases with a simulation deviation (namely the percentage difference
between simulated and reported NEDC CO 2 emissions), falling outside the range of the
average plus minus two standard deviations, are removed to minimize the uncertainty
introduced by the simulation to the overall quality of the present exercise. This new
dataset (referred to as “Sim Vehicles Dataset”) constitutes the basis for further analyses
including filtering, clustering and grouping. More information regarding the data
treatment process can be found in [28].
2.3 Results
ADAC EcoTest attempts to characterize the fuel consumption performance of passenger
cars based on a series of tests performed over NEDC, WLTP and other ADAC developed
realistic driving cycles. From this figure three main conclusions can be extracted: i)
independently of the absolute accuracy of the simulations presented in this analysis, the
proposed methodology manages to capture well the trends of the passenger car fleet,
with the trend-lines of the two datasets coinciding in a large part of the range of data; ii)
there is a clear decreasing trend of the WLTP/NEDC ratio as the NEDC value increases,
confirming the observations drawn from Figure 3; iii) the WLTP/NEDC ratio tends towards
very high values as the NEDC value decreases. Considering that different sources show
an increasing gap between real-world and NEDC fuel consumption and CO2 emissions
[13], the fact that a similar trend is expected also between WLTP and NEDC confirms that
the new test procedure should be more representative of real-world emissions. In this
light, the recent introduction of WLTP in the EU emission type-approval of light duty
vehicles seems crucial in order to reduce the gap between real-world and certification
Figure 4: Correlation Factor, i.e. ratio, between WLTP/NEDC vs. Reported NEDC values
Finally, Table 3 summarizes the simulation results following the segmentation of COPERT
[35] regarding fuel type and engine capacity. COPERT is one of the main methodologies
used in Europe and in several non-European countries, for emissions monitoring and
inventorying. For ICEV passenger cars, the overall (sales-weighted average) ratio
between the two tests is equal to 1.21, which corresponds to an overall difference
between the 2015 WLTP and NEDC CO2 emissions of 23.5 gCO2/km. Gasoline and diesel
vehicles on average show almost the same ratio (1.22 vs 1.20) and the respective
emissions’ increases for 2015 are 25.0 vs. 22.2 gCO 2/km. This occurs independently of
the capacity category. When capacity is taken into account, both for average and sales-
weighted average values, segments of higher capacity show lower ratios as opposed to
lower capacity ones. This finding is in line with the observation made previously that
WLTP and NEDC emissions’ difference reduces as CO2 increases.
Table 3: Summary of the Average and Sales-Weighted (SW) Average values for various fuel /
capacity segments among ICE passenger cars
122.6 146.1 23.5 1.21
124.6 149.6 25.0 1.22
Gasoline <1.4 l
115.2 141.8 26.6 1.24
Gasoline >2.0 l
224.6 237.8 13.2 1.07
121.2 143.5 22.2 1.20
Diesel <1.4 l
92.9 116.1 23.3 1.26
Diesel 1.4-2.0 l
114.3 136.7 22.4 1.21
Diesels >2.0 l
159.3 180.4 21.1 1.14
115.8 133.9 18.1 1.16
103.9 137.8 33.9 1.36
WLTP Type Approval value equals to the simulated WLTP increased by 2% to account for a series
of corrections (e.g. temperature, battery discharge, etc.) that are foreseen by the WLTP and take
place after the official test is performed.
2.3.2 Light-Commercial Vehicles
Different from the passenger cars where all entries of the respective Fleet dataset have
been considered, only the “top sellers” of each individual class6 of the light-commercial
vehicles’ respective Fleet dataset have been used in the present. The “top sellers” were
defined as vehicles representing more than 10% of the sales in their equivalent class.
The resulting WLTP to NEDC conversion factors for the two main fuel categories are
provided in Table 4 below.
Table 4: Summary of average conversion factors for light-commercial vehicles
Diesel 1.31
Gasoline 1.22
Classes are defined as: Class I: mass <= 1305 kg; Class II: mass 1305-1760 kg; Class III: mass
>1760 kg
3 Electric powertrains
The calculations performed using PyCSIS for internal combustion engine based vehicles
have been adapted in order to capture the effect of the WLTP introduction also on
vehicles with electrified powertrains (i.e. HEV, BEV, FCV and PHEV). In particular, results
from PyCSIS constituted the basis for various hypotheses and assumptions regarding the
difference of an electric vehicle as compared with a conventional one in terms of the
various efficiencies and losses, the fuel / energy storage systems, etc. The boundaries
and provisions of the WLTP and NEDC type approval regulations were then applied to the
sample, and the end results of CO2 emissions, energy, and zero emissions vehicles
range, for the two cycles were calculated. In the next sections, the approach used for the
different types of electric vehicles is described in details.
Where menergy storage system and mvehicle is the mass of the energy storage system and the
vehicle, respectively. In order to guarantee a representative sample of both
contemporary and future systems, parameter α is sampled from a uniform distribution
from 15% to 35%. The energy storage capacity is then calculated multiplying the energy
storage system’s energy density with its mass. The energy storage system’s energy
density is sampled from a uniform distribution in the range of 100 to 150 Wh per kg.
Lastly, the usable energy available from the energy storage system is assumed to be
equal to 70% of the system’s total storage capacity. The remaining 30% is accounted for
the battery’s depth of discharge, other losses, etc. The end driving range is then
calculated dividing the usable energy available in the energy storage system by the
normalized energy demand of the cycle. The latter, is further divided by the respective
powertrain efficiency to estimate the exact energy requirements from the energy source
and accounting for the differences between the two systems, BEVs and FCVs, as defined
Battery Electric Vehicles: powertrain efficiency of 70% and 73% is assumed for
the NEDC and the WLTP, respectively;
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Vehicles: powertrain efficiency of 27% for the NEDC
and 32% for the WLTP is assumed.
Figure 5 provides a schematic representation of the various assumptions and steps to
calculate the usable energy at the wheels.
3.1.2 Results
Table 5 provides a summary of the resulting WLTP/NEDC energy and pure electric driving
range ratio. Results are grouped based on the designated engine capacity segments of
the respective conventional vehicles, which are used as an indicator of the vehicle’s size
and category.
Table 5: Energy & Range Ratio of WLTP vs. NEDC for Battery Electric & Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered
storage capacity is similar to the battery electric vehicles, except that the nominal
capacity is assumed to be 1/3 as compared to the BEVs considering the smaller batteries
used. The powertrain efficiencies over the two cycles are considered equal to the ones
used for the battery electrics, i.e. 70% for the NEDC and 73% for the WLTP. In the case
of PHEVs though, the usable energy available is assumed to be equal to 60% of the
overall available, given the usually smaller depth of discharge of the batteries and the
higher regeneration frequency.
Additionally, EC Regulation No 1151/2017 [18] prescribes a specific procedure for
calculating the equivalent CO2 emissions of a PHEV under WLTP and NEDC, respectively.
A detailed description of the two different procedures, together with an experimental
evaluation of the effect of the WLTP regulation regarding PHEVs, is provided in Annex 4
of the present document.
Procedural changes regarding the prescribed laboratory procedures and post-processing
of the test data significantly affect the final PHEV CO 2 and fuel consumption figures.
However, in order to perform the simulations of a PHEV and calculate the WLTP/NEDC
correlation coefficients based on the prescribed procedure, modelling the behaviour of
PHEVs was necessary. PHEV's modelling is based on a reverse engineering test campaign
carried out on two different plug-in vehicles, characterized by the same hybrid
architecture (Flywheel Alternator Starter or FAS, which is widely diffused between several
PHEVs), the same electric machine (Max output power 70 kW) and different internal
combustion engine size (respectively 3.0 and 1.4 litres spark ignition). The PHEV model
aims at identifying and reproducing the typical operating conditions of a hybrid
powertrain, namely:
Electric vehicle: the internal combustion engine is off and all the power requested
by the driver is supplied by the high voltage battery, allowing zero tail pipe
emissions at the exhaust;
Regenerative braking: the kinetic energy during the deceleration phases is
recovered by the electric machine and stored in the high voltage battery;
Load point moving: when the internal combustion engine is enabled (for example
when the battery is depleted or the driver’s power demand overcomes the
physical limits of the electric powertrain) and used both to propel the vehicle and
to charge the high voltage battery, increasing the overall powertrain efficiency;
Electric boost: during aggressive transient phases, the internal combustion engine
is on and it is supported by the electric machine.
The control logic for the simulation of the several test cases is the same and it reflects
the behaviour identified from the two test campaigns. The model simulates both the CD
and CS sustaining conditions, by supposing different initial battery State of Charge (SOC)
at the beginning of the cycle and using the same simulation approach. The PHEV model
simulates the engine on/off strategy using curves designed as function of the SOC,
vehicle acceleration and motive power, as reported in Figure 6, based on the analysis of
the experimental data. In Figure 6 the red line represents the engine-on curve, while the
blue the engine-off one. The necessity to define two curves relies on the necessity to
prevent frequent engine on/off, which are not representative of a realistic engine
The efficiency of the powertrain during the regenerative braking and the electric drive is
assumed to be constant and equal to 0.8, since the average efficiencies of a permanent
magnet and of a mechanical transmission are around 0.9.
The enabling of the load point moving (or smart charge) or the electric boost is modelled
using statistical analysis performed on the two reference vehicles tested at JRC. The load
point moving/electric boost model correlates the battery SOC, the product between
vehicle speed per acceleration and the motive power, obtaining the volume reported in
Figure 7, where the green points stand for the load point moving while the magenta for
the electric boost.
Figure 6: Engine on/off strategy for a PHEV as function of battery SOC, vehicle acceleration and
wheel power
Figure 7: Powertrain operating volume of PHEVs when the internal combustion engine is enabled
During the simulation of the PHEV powertrain along the NEDC and WLTC cycles, the
model evaluates the weight of the load point moving or electric boost depending on the
SOC and vehicle kinematic parameters (speed, acceleration and motive power) at each
instant of time, allowing the correct mode enabling.
The power adsorbed or released by the battery during these two modes is modelled
through maps, detected during the reverse engineering activity, as shown in Figure 8.
These two maps are effective for different size of the battery since the power
adsorbed/released are strictly dependent on the maximum charge/discharge current of
the cell, which chemistry is supposed to be similar for all the virtual prototypes and equal
to the LiFePO4 [36], actually used by several PHEVs manufacturers.
Figure 8: Load point moving (top) /Electric boost (bottom) for a PHEV
The battery modelling, necessary for the computation of battery current and
consequently for the evaluation of SOC swing, is based on a 0-D circuital approach,
reported in Figure 9. The computation of battery current is done using the Ohm’s law
using as Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) and Internal Resistance (R0) data representative of
a LiFePO4 cell, which are variable as function of the battery SOC, as illustrated in Figure
10. Moreover, the battery cells are supposed to be connected in series similarly to the
available hybrid technologies.
Figure 10: OCV and Internal resistance curves for a LiFePO4
Several sizes of the battery were considered during the simulation. The battery sizing for
the different vehicles class was done as function of the three different electric distances
(20, 40 and 80 km) and as function of the vehicle mass. Since the chemistry is the same
for all vehicles and the cells are connected in series, the number of cells varies as
function of the target electric range and of the vehicle mass. The definition of number of
cells for different vehicle classes was done to satisfy the electric range requirements,
through the evaluation of cycle energy demand along the NEDC cycle, since the actual
hybrid portfolio is designed on the energetic requirements of the actual type approval
procedure. An example of battery sizing for a target range of 40 km is reported in Figure
Figure 11: Battery size versus vehicle mass for a target electric range of 40 km on NEDC
3.2.2 Results
Considering the simulation results and the application of the specific procedural elements
of the two Regulations, Figure 12 presents the resulting WLTP/NEDC CO2 emissions ratios
as a function of the size of the battery. As it can be seen on the graph, increasing the
energy storage capacity, i.e. the battery size, leads to a decrease on the ratio as the
WLTP procedure results more dependent on the electric range than the NEDC one (which
uses a more simplistic and therefore less realistic approach in the combination of charge
depleting and charge-sustaining conditions). In this light, from the results it seems clear
that in the future, WLTP emissions are expected to be below the NEDC equivalent ones,
confirming what was experimentally calculated (reported in Annex 4). It can be
concluded that the energy storage system is thus of decisive importance both for
environmental and economic reasons (batteries constitute one of the biggest elements in
the cost structure of electric vehicles).
Given the approximation of the calculations carried out and considering 25kWh as a
reasonable battery size after 2020, a WLTP-NEDC correlation factor of 1 for plug-in
hybrid vehicles (both passenger cars and light commercial vehicles) is
considered appropriate in the present exercise.
Figure 12: WLTP/NEDC ratio for Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles changing the battery size
Where MCO2, corr are the corrected tail pipe CO2 emissions, MCO2 are the raw CO2 emissions
measured during the chassis dyno test, KCO2 is the K-Factor calculated according to the
WLTP legislation and Q is the integral of the battery during corresponding to MCO2
measurement. The K-Factor evaluation for both procedures requests at least two
measurements performed at different starting battery SOC values.
One crucial difference among the WLTP and NEDC correction formulations is that the
WLTP formulation uses the battery energy for the correction of tail pipe CO2 emissions,
allowing the car manufacturers to measure the voltage, while on the contrary, the NEDC
assumes that the battery voltage is constant; therefore the correction uses the integral
of the battery current.
For the evaluation of WLTP/NEDC ratios for HEVs, the battery voltage for the evaluation
of the corrected CO2 emissions along the WLTC cycle is assumed to be constant,
according to Annex 8 - Appendix 3 paragraph 3, making the computational approach
equivalent to Equation 2.
Figure 13: Engine on/off strategy for a HEV as function of battery SOC, vehicle speed and wheel
Figure 14: Powertrain operating volume of HEVs when the internal combustion engine is enabled
Similar to the PHEVs, the modelling of the HEVs operation is based on reverse
engineering test data of a Euro 6 hybrid vehicle based on an Electric Continuous Variable
Transmission (eCVT) architecture, which uses two electric machine with a rated power of
60 kW and a 1.8 l spark ignition engine. Similar to the PHEV model, the HEV model
identifies and predicts the various operating conditions of a hybrid powertrain. For the
computation of K-Factor, the model simulates the vehicle considering two different initial
SOC values (40% and 65% representative of the discharged and charged condition). The
HEV model, as the PHEV one, simulates the engine on/off strategy using curves defined
as function of the SOC, vehicle speed and motive power, as reported in Figure 13.
The efficiency of the powertrain during the regenerative braking and the electric drive, as
the PHEV case, is assumed to be constant and equal to 0.8. The enabling of the load
point moving (or smart charge) or the electric boost is modelled using a statistical
approach, based on the experimental data of the reference vehicle used for the model
development. The load point moving/electric boost model correlates the battery SOC, the
product between vehicle speed per acceleration and the motive power, obtaining the
volume reported in Figure 14, where the green points stand for the load point moving
while the magenta for the electric boost.
During the simulation of the HEV powertrain along the NEDC and WLTC cycles, as the
PHEV case, the model evaluates the weight of the load point moving or electric boost
depending on the SOC and vehicle kinematic parameters (speed, acceleration and motive
power) at each instant of time, allowing the correct mode enabling.
The power adsorbed or released by the battery during these two modes is modelled
through maps, using the same approach as PHEVs. These maps are effective for different
size of the battery since the power adsorbed/released are strictly dependent on the
maximum charge/discharge current of the cell, which chemistry is supposed to be same
for all the virtual prototypes and equal to the NiMH [37], actually used by the main HEV
manufacturer (Toyota).
The battery modelling is based on a 0-D circuital approach, similar to the one used for
PHEVs (Figure 9). The Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) and Internal Resistance (R0) data
representative of a NiMH cell, which are variable as function of the battery SOC, as
illustrated in Figure 15. Moreover, the battery cells are supposed to be connected in
Finally, the model computes the CO2 emissions for the two initial SOC levels (40% and
65% of battery SOC) and the integral of battery current, necessary for the computation
of K-Factor. The approach for the computation of CO2 emissions is equivalent to the
PHEVs methodology.
The simulation of the considered vehicle portfolio uses a fixed size of the electric
machine, equal to 60 kW representatives of the actual HEV portfolio, and variable
number of cells connected in series, which is function of the vehicle mass, as reported in
Figure 16.
3.3.2 Results
From the application of the modelling approach presented in the previous sections to the
fleet of vehicles (in line with what presented for BEVs and FCVs) the WLTP-NEDC CO2
correlation factors presented in Table 6 have been derived for the different vehicle
Using the factors presented in Table 6 the conversion factors of hybrid light-commercial
vehicles have been also calculated. Due to the lack of adequate data, the ratio between
conventional and hybrids WLTP to NEDC ratios for diesel and gasoline vehicles calculated
for the passenger cars has been applied to calculate the respective values of light-
commercial vehicles as defined in the following equation (pivoting approach):
Table 6: WLTP/NEDC CO2 Ratio for Hybrid Passenger Cars
Diesel 1.45
Gasoline 1.38
4 Summary
Conversion factors were calculated between NEDC and WLTP type approval CO2 values
that can be used for the analytical work performed for the impact assessment of future
WLTP-based CO2 emission targets. The analysis was based on the reported 2015 CO2
emissions from the European CO2 Emissions Monitoring Database, and a collection of
approximately 1,200 vehicles, whose technical characteristics were available. The main
findings are the following:
The fleet-wide, sales weighted average ratio between WLTP and NEDC officially
reported CO2 emissions for conventional passenger cars for year 2015 fleet
composition was estimated to be 1.21.
The WLTP/NEDC ratio decreases as the NEDC CO2 value increases. This ratio
becomes around 1 at values of approximately 250 gCO2/km in NEDC.
A slightly higher ratio between WLTP and NEDC is observed for gasoline
vehicles as compared to diesel ones, while there is a decreasing trend in the
ratio with increasing mass, capacity, or power of the vehicle.
Results for Light-Commercial Vehicles are expected to follow the same trend
as passenger cars. However the WLTP to NEDC ratios resulting from the
calculations seem overall higher than those derived for passenger cars
(especially for diesel vehicles, which however represent the vast majority of
the fleet of light-commercial vehicles)
Battery electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles and hybrid vehicles show slightly
higher WLTP/NEDC ratios than ICEVs and for BEVs and FCVs the dependency
of the ratio from the size of the vehicle is less pronounced and opposite in
sign, with bigger vehicles experiencing slightly higher ratios).
Different considerations hold for plug-in hybrid vehicles instead. Due to the
difference in the two procedures (NEDC & WLTP) for calculating the final CO2
emissions, after several analyses it resulted that the WLTP to NEDC ratio will
quickly decrease as the size of the vehicle batteries will increase. Given the
uncertainty in the market evolution, in the present report it was considered
appropriate to assume that in the coming years the WLTP CO2 emissions for
plug-in hybrid vehicles will be very close to the NEDC ones.
Considering that different sources show an increasing gap between real-world and NEDC
fuel consumption as CO2 emissions decrease, the fact that a similar trend is found also
between WLTP and NEDC confirms that the new test procedure should be more
representative of real-world emissions. In this light, the recent introduction of WLTP in
the EU emission type-approval of light duty vehicles is crucial in order to reduce the gap
between real-world and type-approval fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
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List of abbreviations and definitions
EU European Union
EC European Commission
NEDC New European Driving Cycle
WLTC Worldwide Light duty vehicle Test Cycle
WLTP Worldwide Light duty vehicle Test Procedure
REESS Rechargeable Electric Energy Storage System
CO2MPAS CO2 Model for PAssenger and commercial vehicles Simulation
PyCSIS Passenger Car fleet emissions Simulator
ICE Internal Combustion Engine
S/S Start/Stop System
2WD 2 Wheel Drive
4WD 4 Wheel Drive
Pdtr Drivetrain Power (kW)
F0, F1, F2 Road Load Coefficients (N, N/(km/h), N/(km/h)2)
m Vehicle Mass (kg)
v Vehicle Velocity (km/h)
α Vehicle Acceleration (m/s2)
φ Road Gradient (radians)
g Acceleration of Gravity (m/s2)
ηtrn Transmission Efficiency (%)
Peng Engine Power (kW)
Pelc Vehicle Electrical System Power (kW)
Pmec Vehicle Auxiliaries Mechanical Power (kW)
t Time (s)
FMEP Fuel Mean Effective Pressure (bar)
BMEP Brake Mean Effective Pressure (bar)
Cm Engine Mean Piston Speed (m/s)
a, b, c, a2 Willans Lines Model Thermodynamic Efficiency Parameters (-)
l, l2 Willans Lines Model Engine Losses Parameters (-)
k Exponential Parameter (-)
T Engine Temperature (oC)
Ttrg Engine Target Operating Temperature (oC)
Tthres Engine Thermostat Temperature (oC)
Tmax Engine Max Allowed Temperature (oC)
N Engine Speed (RPM)
s Engine Stroke (mm)
CC Engine Displacement (cc)
FC Engine Fuel Consumption (g/s)
FLHV Fuel Lower Heating Value (kJ/kg)
ΔT Delta Temperature (oC)
ΔQ Delta Heat (J)
engm*cp Engine Heat Capacity (J/K)
cc Cooling Constant (-)
coolm*cp Coolant Heat Capacity (J/K)
coolflow Coolant Flow (g/s)
EEA European Environmental Agency
AP Affinity Propagation
CO2fleet Fleet Sales Weighted CO2 Emissions (g/km)
CO2model Individual Model CO2 Emissions (g/km)
rmodel Individual Model Registrations (-)
mfleet Fleet Sales Weighted Mass (kg)
mmodel Individual Model Mass (kg)
TA Type-Approval
List of figures
Figure 1: Outline of the Vehicle Simulation Tool and its key modules: the inputs module,
the drivetrain module, and the fuel consumption module ............................................ 7
Figure 2: Flow-chart of the various data analysis steps performed to the two main
datasets: the Vehicles Dataset and the Fleet Dataset (see footnote for notes) ............... 9
Figure 3: Simulated WLTP vs. Reported NEDC CO2 emission values.............................10
Figure 4: Correlation Factor, i.e. ratio, between WLTP/NEDC vs. Reported NEDC values 11
Figure 5: Schematic representation of usable energy at the wheels calculation .............15
Figure 6: Engine on/off strategy for a PHEV as function of battery SOC, vehicle
acceleration and wheel power ................................................................................17
Figure 7: Powertrain operating volume of PHEVs when the internal combustion engine is
enabled ...............................................................................................................17
Figure 8: Load point moving (top) /Electric boost (bottom) for a PHEV ........................18
Figure 9: 0-D Battery model ..................................................................................18
Figure 10: OCV and Internal resistance curves for a LiFePO4 .....................................19
Figure 11: Battery size versus vehicle mass for a target electric range of 40 km on NEDC
Figure 12: WLTP/NEDC ratio for Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles changing the battery size
Figure 13: Engine on/off strategy for a HEV as function of battery SOC, vehicle speed and
wheel power ........................................................................................................21
Figure 14: Powertrain operating volume of HEVs when the internal combustion engine is
enabled ...............................................................................................................21
Figure 15: OCV and Internal resistance curves for a NiMH .........................................22
Figure 16: Battery size versus vehicle mass for HEVs ................................................23
List of tables
Table Ε.1: Relationship between WLTP and NEDC CO 2 emissions for different passenger
cars ..................................................................................................................... 3
Table Ε.2: Relationship between WLTP and NEDC CO 2 emissions for different types of
light commercial vehicles ........................................................................................ 4
Table 1: Inputs of the Vehicle Simulation Tool ........................................................... 8
Table 2: Outputs of the Vehicle Simulation Tool used in the present study .................... 8
Table 3: Summary of the Average and Sales-Weighted (SW) Average values for various
fuel / capacity segments among ICE passenger cars .................................................12
Table 4: Summary of average conversion factors for light-commercial vehicles ............13
Table 5: Energy & Range Ratio of WLTP vs. NEDC for Battery Electric & Hydrogen Fuel
Cell Powered Vehicles............................................................................................15
Table 6: WLTP/NEDC CO2 Ratio of for Hybrid Passenger Cars .....................................24
Table 7: WLTP/NEDC CO2 Ratio of for Hybrid Light Commercial Vehicles ......................24
Table A.1: Measured cars ......................................................................................33
Table A.2: Fields in the passenger cars fleet dataset .................................................34
Table A.3: Fields in the vehicle dataset ...................................................................35
Table A.4: Fields in the light-commercial fleet dataset ...............................................36
Table A.5: Key parameters of the driving cycles NEDC and WLTC ...............................47
Table A.6: Difference in CS weighting factors depending on electric distance in the NEDC
and WLTP ............................................................................................................50
Annex 1. Database of measured cars
Table A.1: Measured cars
Annex 2. Fields of public datasets
Table A.2: Fields in the passenger cars fleet dataset
ID ID integer
T Type varchar(120)
Va Variant varchar(120)
Ve Version varchar(120)
Mk Make varchar(120)
Table A.3: Fields in the vehicle dataset
Table A.4: Fields in the light-commercial fleet dataset
ID ID Integer
T Type varchar(120)
Va Variant varchar(120)
Ve Version varchar(120)
Mk Make varchar(120)
mb (kg) Integer
mf (kg) Decimal
Annex 3. Road Loads Calculation Model
Definition of Masses
A list of the required vehicle masses for the calculation of the Road Loads is provided
Mass in Running Order (MRO) is defined as in Article 2(4)(a) of Commission
Regulation (EU) No 1230/2012.
Reference Mass (RM) is defined as 𝑅𝑀 = 𝑀𝑅𝑂 + 25 [𝑘𝑔]
Max Permissible Mass (MM), when not available is defined as 𝑀𝑀 = 𝑅𝑀 + 500 [𝑘𝑔]
Unladen Mass Min (UMMin) is defined as 𝑈𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑛 = 𝑅𝑀 − 100 [𝑘𝑔]
Unladen Mass Max (UMMax) is defined as 𝑈𝑀𝑀𝑎𝑥 = 𝑅𝑀 + 𝐷𝑈𝑀 [𝑘𝑔], where DUM is
defined from the following empirical relationship for passenger cars:
𝐷𝑈𝑀 = 0.00009 ∗ 𝑈𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑛2 − 0.0364 ∗ 𝑈𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑛 [𝑘𝑔]
While for light-commercial vehicles the following functions are used:
𝑐𝑙𝑎 = 0.00009 ∗ 𝑈𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑛2 − 0.0364 ∗ 𝑈𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑛 [𝑘𝑔]
𝑐𝑙𝑏 = 0.0777 ∗ 𝑈𝑀𝑚𝑖𝑛 + 67.744 [𝑘𝑔]
(𝑐𝑙𝑎 + 𝑐𝑙𝑏)⁄
𝐷𝑈𝑀𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝐼 𝑙𝑐𝑣 = 𝑐𝑙𝑎; 𝐷𝑈𝑀𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝐼𝐼 𝑙𝑐𝑣 = 2 ; 𝐷𝑈𝑀𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝐼𝐼𝐼 𝑙𝑐𝑣 = 𝑐𝑙𝑏
Laden Mass Max (LM) is defined as equal to MM, 𝐿𝑀 = 𝑀𝑀 [𝑘𝑔]
Test Mass High (TMH) is calculated as:
𝑇𝑀𝐻 = 𝑈𝑀𝑀𝑎𝑥 + 100 + 0.15 ∗ (𝐿𝑀 − 𝑈𝑀𝑀𝑎𝑥 − 100) [𝑘𝑔]
Test Mass Low (TML) is calculated as:
𝑇𝑀𝐿 = 𝑈𝑀𝑀𝑖𝑛 + 100 + 0.15 ∗ (𝐿𝑀 − 𝑈𝑀𝑀𝑎𝑥 − 100) [𝑘𝑔].
Definition of Aerodynamic Drag
The Aerodynamic Drag (Drag) is defined as 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑔 = 𝐹𝐴 ∗ 𝐶𝑤 [−], where FA and Cw are
defined as presented in the following paragraphs.
The Delta Drag (DCDA) which captures the effect in the drag of the difference between
the "best case" and the "worst case" cars within the same category, is defined as
𝐷𝐶𝐷𝐴 = 2 ∗ 0.04 [−] for passenger cars and class I light-commercial vehicles, 𝐷𝐶𝐷𝐴 = 0.1 [−]
for class II light-commercial vehicles, and 𝐷𝐶𝐷𝐴 = 0.12 [−] for class III light-commercial
Frontal Area
The Frontal Area (FA) of the vehicle is defined as 𝐹𝐴 = 𝑊 ∗ 𝐻 ∗ 0.84 [𝑚2 ], where W
represents the vehicle’s width, in meters, and H the vehicle’s height, in meters.
The factor 0.84 is an empirical factor used for the correction of the "dead" areas of the
product of width and height, e.g. area between ground and vehicle's bottom side in-
between the wheels, side areas between vehicle's sides and tips of mirrors, etc. For class
II and class III light-commercial vehicles, this factor is considered equal to 0.91 and 0.98
Aerodynamic Coefficient
The Aerodynamic Coefficient (Cw) of the vehicle is provided by the following table, based
on the vehicles carbody type.
These values are taken from the BOSCH Automotive Handbook [28] and amended in
order to capture the effect of advanced aerodynamic design of modern cars - when it was
judged that the minimum value does not well define modern cars another value has been
picked from the defined range. For class II and class III light-commercial vehicles, the
aerodynamic coefficient is increased by 12.5% and 25% respectively.
Carbody Cw
Cabriolet 0.28
Sedan 0.27
Hatchback 0.3
Stationwagon 0.28
SUV/Crossover 0.35
MPV 0.3
Coupe 0.27
Pick-up 0.4
According to the WLTP, the lowest tyre pressure for the vehicle test mass shall be used,
while this is not specified in the NEDC. For the purpose of determining the tyre pressure
to be taken into account for the purpose of calculating the NEDC road load, the tyre
pressure shall, taking into account the different tyre pressure per vehicle axle, be the
average between the two axles of the average between the minimum and the maximum
tyre pressure permitted for the selected tyres on each axle for the NEDC reference mass
of the vehicle. The calculation shall be carried out for both the "best case" vehicle /
vehicle L and the "worst case" vehicle / vehicle H.
For the purpose of the present exercise the followings are defined:
𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3 [𝑏𝑎𝑟], is the average of the maximum tyre pressures of the selected tyres for the
two axles; considered constant for both vehicles L and H
𝑃𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 2 [𝑏𝑎𝑟], is the average of the minimum tyre pressures of the selected tyres for the
two axles; considered constant for both vehicles L and H,
(𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 + 𝑃𝑚𝑖𝑛 )⁄
𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 2 [𝑏𝑎𝑟], the average between the previous two.
The corresponding effect in terms of resistance applied to the vehicle, defined as TP, shall
be calculated using the following formulae: 𝑇𝑃 = ( ⁄𝑃 ) [−].
A minimum tyre tread depth of 80% is to be considered for the WLTP test, while the
minimum allowed tyre tread depth for the purpose of the NEDC test is to be considered
as equal to 50% of the nominal value. This results in an average difference of 2mm in
tread depth between the two procedures. The corresponding effect in terms of the
resistance applied to the vehicle, defined as TTD, shall be determined for the purpose of
the NEDC road load calculation in accordance with the following formulae: 𝑇𝑇𝐷 =
2 ∗ 0.1 ∗ 𝑅𝑀 ∗ 9.81⁄
1000 [−].
Inertia of Rotating Parts
During the WLTP test four rotating wheels are to be considered, while for the purpose of
the NEDC tests only two rotating wheels are to be considered. The effect this has on the
forces applied to the vehicle, defined as RI, shall be taken into account in accordance
with the formulae: 𝑅𝐼 = 1.015⁄1.03 [−].
The three functions bellow define the "physical" road loads which are later used for the
calculation of the regulated road load coefficients.
𝐹0 = 𝑅𝑀 ∗ 𝑊𝑅𝑅 ∗ 9.81 [𝑁]
0.5 ∗ 1.2 ∗ 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑔⁄ 2
𝐹2 = 3.62 [𝑁/(𝑘𝑚/ℎ) ]
(−71.735 ∗ 𝐹2 + 2.7609)⁄
𝐹1 = 2 [𝑁/(𝑘𝑚/ℎ)]
The last function, F1, is an empirical function derived from known road load coefficients
of measured cars. For class II and class III light-commercial vehicles F1 is calculated by
the following empirical functions:
(−44.5 ∗ 𝐹2 + 2.6)⁄
𝐹1𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝐼𝐼 𝑙𝑐𝑣𝑠 = 2 [𝑁/(𝑘𝑚/ℎ)]
(−18.31 ∗ 𝐹2 + 2.4439)⁄
𝐹1𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝐼𝐼𝐼 𝑙𝑐𝑣𝑠 = 2 [𝑁/(𝑘𝑚/ℎ)]
Definition of NEDC Road Loads
Starting from the physical coefficients F0, F1, F2, and taking into account the respective
procedural differences the road load coefficients for NEDC are calculated, along with the
respective reference mass, as follows:
𝐹0𝑁 = (𝐹0 − 𝑇𝑇𝐷) ∗ 𝑇𝑃 ∗ 𝑅𝐼 [𝑁]
𝐹2𝑁 = 𝐹2 [𝑁/(𝑘𝑚/ℎ)2 ]
𝐹1𝑁 = 𝐹1⁄2 [𝑁/(𝑘𝑚/ℎ)]
𝑅𝑀𝑁 = 𝑅𝑀 [𝑘𝑔]
Definition of WLTP H Road Loads
Starting from the NEDC coefficients F0N, F1N, F2N, and performing all correction in order
to take into account the respective procedural differences the road load coefficients for
WLTP High are calculated, along with the respective reference mass, as follows:
𝐹0𝐻 = (𝐹0𝑁 + 𝑃𝐶𝐸 + 𝑇𝑇𝐷) ∗ 1⁄𝑅𝐼 ∗ 1⁄𝑇𝑃 ∗ 𝑇𝑀𝐻⁄𝑅𝑀 + (𝐷𝑅𝑅 ∗ 𝑇𝑀𝐻 ∗ 9.81) [𝑁]
Starting from the NEDC coefficients F0N, F1N, F2N, and performing all correction in order
to take into account the respective procedural differences the road load coefficients for
WLTP Low are calculated, along with the respective reference mass, as follows:
𝐹0𝐿 = (𝐹0𝑁 + 𝑃𝐶𝐸 + 𝑇𝑇𝐷) ∗ 1⁄𝑅𝐼 ∗ 1⁄𝑇𝑃 ∗ 𝑇𝑀𝐿⁄𝑅𝑀 [𝑁]
Annex 4. Procedural differences between the WLTP and the NEDC
for the CO2 emissions of PHEVs
Driving cycles
A comparison of the two driving cycles (NEDC and WLTC) is provided in Table A.5, which
can be helpful for a better understanding of the difference between the two testing
Table A.5: Key parameters of the driving cycles NEDC and WLTC
A summary of the main procedural differences identified between NEDC and WLTP
procedures that will have either direct or resulting impact on CO 2 emissions and Fuel
Consumption can be mainly summarized in the following three points:
1. Higher WLTP road load (RL) due to stricter road load and mass determination
2. Changes in the test protocol and the laboratory test conditions;
3. Procedures introduced for post-processing of the data.
However, for PHEVs there are additional differences to consider related to laboratory
procedures and post-processing of the data that need to be considered and that
significantly affect the final CO2 and FC numbers. These procedural differences are
discussed in the following sections.
Charge-Depleting Test
In the NEDC if the electric range of a vehicle is longer than 1 NEDC cycle (~11km), the
manufacturer (OEM) had the possibility to request CD mode test to be carried out in a
pure electric mode. Given that most PHEVs present in the market already have range
higher than 11km, CD mode CO2 emissions resulting from NEDC testing are equal 0
These favourable testing assumptions for CD NEDC testing will be eliminated with the
introduction of WLTP, where WLTP CD test can bring a non-negligible increase in the CD
CO2 emissions and FC. In the WLTP, CD CO2 emissions and FC of each phase of WLTP
test (low, medium, high, and extra-high) have a different weighting in the final CD CO 2
emissions in line with the formula:
∑kj=1(UFj × MCO2,CD,j )
∑kj=1 UFj
Where 𝑀𝐶𝑂2,𝐶𝐷 is the WLTP’s utility factor-weighted CD CO2 emission in g/km, 𝑈𝐹𝑗 is the
utility factor of WLTP’s CD phase j, and 𝑀𝐶𝑂2,𝐶𝐷,𝑗 is the CO2 mass emission of CD phase j
in g/km.
Method for calculation of specific utility factors for each phase of the WLTP is explained in
details in Annex 8 (Appendix 5) of the GTR#15 8. Utility factors represent the ratio of the
distance covered in CD mode to the total distance covered between 2 subsequent
charges. The UF curve (Figure 1) is developed based on driving statistics described in
SAE J28419.
UF [-]
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Charge depleting range [km]
The UF curve for Europe (according to statistics for Europe) is valid from 0 km to 800 km
where at 800 km the UF converges to 1. With increasing electric range CD phase-CO2
emissions contribute less to 𝑴𝑪𝑶𝟐,𝑪𝑫 and their phase-UFs decrease with increasing the
number of WLTP tests in CD mode.
Charge-Sustaining Test
CS test is performed following procedures for standard Type 1 test under cold start
conditions, i.e. the standard European Certification test. Although the WLTP test will
inevitably result in higher CS CO2 emissions and FC compared to the NEDC due to higher
WLTP RLs and more energy demanding driving cycle, it is worth to recall that the WLTP
introduces an energy balance correction which was not present in the NEDC TA
SAE 2841. “Utility factor definitions for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles using travel survey data”, September
2010, Hybrid-EV Committee
procedure, and which might result in lower WLTP CS CO 2 emissions and FC compared to
the NEDC CS results. Therefore, the increase in the CD CO2 and FC, as described in the
previous section, might be partially compensated by the energy-balance correction
foreseen in the WLTP.
Under the WLTP procedure, the OEM has the possibility to correct the CS CO 2 emissions
for the difference of the State of Charge (SOC) of the battery between the start and end
of the CS test. This was not foreseen under the NEDC and the formula for WLTP CS
correction is the following:
Where 𝐾𝐶𝑂2 is the CO2 correction coefficient (g/km)/(Wh/km)), 𝐸𝐶𝐷𝐶,𝐶𝑆 is the electric
energy consumption of CS test (Wh/km), and 𝑀𝐶𝑂2,𝐶𝑆,𝑛𝑏 is the non-balanced CO2 result
(g/km) obtained in the CS cycle, which doesn’t take into account whether the
Rechargeable Electric Energy Storage System (REESS) has been charged or discharged
during the test. For the correction of FC 𝐾𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 shall be developed in a similar way.
The correction coefficients 𝐾𝐶𝑂2 and 𝐾𝑓𝑢𝑒𝑙 are determined by the manufacturer from
results of at least three CS Type 1 tests and are approved and reviewed by the approval
authority. If the electric energy change during the CS test is more than 0.5% and the
SOC decreased (that corresponds to battery discharge) correction is mandatory.
Correction is optional in situations with SOC increase, but since in these cases applying
the correction will result in lower CO2 and FC it is easy to predict that OEMs will take
advantage of it. Therefore, for the vehicles with charging battery strategy during the CS
test this correction will reduce the CS CO2 and FC and since this correction did not apply
under the NEDC, this is an important reduction that OEMs can benefit under the WLTP.
In this formula UFs are used to weight CD and CS CO2 and FC. The longer the electric
range is, the lower contribution of CS CO 2 and FC to the total weighted result is
Before performing any test, in order to quantitatively compare and estimate the effects
of the two different weighting approaches (NEDC and WLTP) on CS results and total
weighted results, simple calculations with different assumed electric ranges of the
vehicles were performed by the authors and the results are shown in Table A.6.
Table A.6: Difference in CS weighting factors depending on electric distance in the NEDC and WLTP
In the first scenario (first six rows of the table) we assumed the same electric distances
driven under the NEDC and WLTP (NEDC/WLTC electric range ratio equal to 1) to see the
influence of only different CS weighting formulas present in two regulations. As it can be
seen, with the same electric range the contribution of CS emissions is lower in WLTP
compared to the NEDC. Increasing the range results in lower WLTP/NEDC CS ratio. For
example, the ratio WLTP/NEDC of CS UFs decreased from 0.62 for vehicle with 25 km
electric range to the ratio of 0.27 for vehicle with 200 km range.
In the second scenario (last six rows of the table) we assumed electric distance of WLTP
to be 25% lower than that of NEDC (NEDC/WLTC electric range ratio equal to 1.25), due
to the more energy demanding cycle and the higher road loads resulting from the more
strict new procedure. That consequently resulted in higher WLTP/NEDC CS UFs ratios
compared to the first case. In the last column, the WLTP/NEDC CS UFs ratio has been
further increased by 10%, providing the WLTP/NEDC CS TOTAL ratio, which considers
also the overall higher CS CO2 emissions and FC expected from the WLTP compared to
the NEDC testing10. The results of the experimental campaign reported in the following
sections will show how close to reality these pure theoretical calculations are.
Pavlovic, J., Marotta, A., Ciuffo, B. “CO2 emissions and energy demands of vehicles tested under
the NEDC and the new WLTP type approval test procedure”, Applied Energy, 2016, 177, 661-670.
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ISBN 978-92-79-71642-3