Astm B917 - B917M-2009 - 5000
Astm B917 - B917M-2009 - 5000
Astm B917 - B917M-2009 - 5000
B917/B917M – 09
the heat treatment environment. Salt baths are not recom- 5.1.2 Working instruments shall be calibrated at least once
mended for the commercial heat treatment of aluminum every three months against a test instrument that is traceable to
castings in volume. (Warning—Nitrate baths must not be used NIST. Accuracy shall be 6 \0.3 % of range.
in the heat treatment of 5xx.0 series castings because of the 5.2 Furnace Temperature Survey:
inherent explosion hazard. 5.2.1 A temperature survey, to ensure compliance with the
4.2 Air Chamber Furnaces—may be oil or gas-fired or may applicable recommendations presented herein, shall be per-
be electrically heated. The atmosphere in air chamber furnaces formed for each furnace.
must be controlled to prevent porosity resulting from solution 5.2.2 A new temperature survey shall be made after any
heat treatment. Furnace components that are significantly modification, repair, adjustment (for example, to power con-
hotter than the metal should be suitably shielded for section trols, or baffles), or rebuild which may have altered the
thicknesses of less than 0.250 in. [6 mm] to prevent adverse temperature uniformity characteristics of the furnace and
radiation effects. The atmosphere in air chamber furnaces must reduced the effectiveness of the heat treatment.
be controlled to prevent porosity resulting from solution heat 5.3 Batch Furnace Surveys:
treatment (see Note 1). The suitability of the atmosphere in an 5.3.1 The initial temperature survey shall be made at the
air-chamber furnace can be demonstrated by testing, in accor- maximum and minimum temperature of solution heat treat-
dance with, that products processed in that furnace are ments and precipitation heat treatments for which each furnace
substantially free of heat treat induced porosity. is to be used. There shall be at least one test location for each
NOTE 1—Heat treat induced porosity may lower mechanical properties 25 ft3 [0.70 m3] of air furnace volume up to a maximum of 40
and commonly causes blistering of the surface of the material. The test locations, with a minimum of nine test locations, one in
condition is most likely to occur in furnaces in which the products of each corner and one in the center.
combustion contact the work, particularly if the gases are high in water 5.3.2 After the initial survey, each furnace shall be surveyed
vapor or contain compounds of sulfur. Surface discoloration is a normal
monthly, except as provided in 5.3.7. The monthly survey shall
result of solution heat treatment of aluminum alloys and should not be
interpreted as evidence of damage from overheating or as heat treat be at one operating temperature for solution heat treatment and
induced porosity. one for precipitation heat treatment.
5.3.3 There shall be at least one test location for each 40 ft3
4.3 Automatic Recording and Control Equipment—to con- [1 m3] of load volume, with a minimum of nine test locations,
trol temperature of air furnaces shall be capable of maintaining one in each corner and one in the center.
temperature in the working zone to within 610°F [65°C] of
5.3.4 The surveys shall reflect the normal operating charac-
the specified temperature.
teristics of the furnace. If the furnace is normally charged after
4.4 Quench Baths—Quenching is normally performed by being stabilized at the correct operating temperature, the
immersion of castings in a hot-water bath as described in temperature-sensing elements shall be similarly charged. If the
Tables 1-4. The water baths must be located close enough to furnace is normally charged cold, the temperature-sensing
solution heat-treating facilities to minimize delay in quenching. elements shall be charged cold. After insertion of the
Tanks must be of adequate size for the expected work load and temperature-sensing elements, readings should be taken fre-
must have the means of providing adequate circulation of the quently enough to determine when the temperature of the
quenching media about the work load. Means for heating or hottest region of the furnace approaches the bottom of the
cooling the quench water should be available when needed. temperature range being surveyed. From that time until thermal
NOTE 2—Quenching may be performed by alternative means such as equilibrium is reached, the temperature of all test locations
total immersion in a glycol and water solution, a liquefied gas, cold water, should be determined at 2-min intervals in order to detect any
hot water, or boiling water, or by air blast or fog to minimize distortion over-shooting. After thermal equilibrium is reached, readings
provided samples from the material, so quenched, will conform to the (1) should be taken at 5-min intervals for sufficient time to
mechanical properties, (2) other requirements of the applicable casting determine the recurrent temperature pattern, but for not less
specification and (3) not exhibit more intergranular corrosion susceptibil-
ity than if the metal was immersion quenched in cold water. The use of
than 30 min. Before thermal equilibrium is reached, none of the
water sprays or high-velocity high-volume jets of water in which the temperature readings should exceed the maximum temperature
material is thoroughly and effectively flushed is satisfactory for quench- of the range being surveyed. After thermal equilibrium is
ing. Alternative quench media are frequently contingent on the particular reached, the maximum temperature variation of all elements
alloy and the end use of the casting. (both load and furnace thermocouples) shall not exceed 20°F
[10°C] and shall not vary outside the range being surveyed.
5. Furnace Temperature Uniformity and Calibration 5.3.5 For furnaces of 10 ft3 [0.25 m3] or less the temperature
Requirements survey may be made with a minimum of three thermocouples
5.1 Calibration of Equipment: located at front, center, and rear or at top, center, and bottom of
5.1.1 Thermocouple wire and sensors shall be calibrated the furnace.
against wire or sensors whose calibration is traceable to NIST). 5.3.6 For furnaces used only for precipitation treatment,
Thermocouples made from calibrated wire rolls may be used in after the initial temperature-uniformity survey, as outlined in
lieu of individually calibrated thermocouples in which case, the 5.3.7, surveys need not be made more often than at each
roll calibration shall be that of the average of samples taken 6-month interval provided that (1) test specimens from each lot
from both ends of the roll. The roll shall not be used if the are tested and meet applicable material specifications require-
difference in the highest and lowest reading exceeds 2°F [1°C]. ments, (2) the furnace is equipped with a multipoint recorder,
B917/B917M – 09
TABLE 1 Recommended Heat Treatment for Sand and Investment Type Alloys (Inch-Pound Units)