Faerie-Magick PDF
Faerie-Magick PDF
Faerie-Magick PDF
1 tablespoon cinnamon
Dry peel of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon almond extract
1 teaspoon lemon extract
5 drops of your favorite scent
Dry petals of pink rose
Dryad Oil
An excellent blend for pursuing the arts of natural magick, this
preparation was specially designed for contacting the elemental spirits of
the earth.
Faerie Oil
1 Garnet crushed
1 Dram Dragon's Blood Oil
Coriander Seeds
Merlin Oil
1/4 oz. olive oil
6 drops vetiver oil
5 drops pine oil
5 drops green forest oil
5 drops oakmoss
2 drops cypress or cedar
2 drops rose geranium
1 drop clove oil
clove buds or cedarwood
tiger's eye
1 part yarrow
1 part lemon grass
Place all herbs in a tea ball or bag, put in your nicest or most favorite
cup or mug, and cover with boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes.
Remove tea ball or bag, and add sugar, honey, sweetener, milk, cream or
whatever, to taste.
Faerie Charm
Faeries are nature spirits found in many different forms around the
world. They can be helpful or mischievous, depending on their type and
how you treat them. This charm attracts friendly faeries to the area;
they may bless your house, help your plants grow, or otherwise add a little
sparkle to your life.
You will need a crystal prism (of quartz or leaded glass) and some glitter.
First wash the prism in plain water
and chant this verse over it:
Now hang the prism in a window where sunlight can reach it. Go around
your house and yard, sprinkling a pinch of glitter wherever you want to
attract faeries. They will soon arrive.
Faerie Brew 1
Assemble your herbs, grind them manually, and put about a handful into
a pot; Strain. Drink a cup before seeking your encounter and return
what you do not use to the Earth.
3 parts rose petals
2 parts yarrow
1 part cinnomon
Faerie Brew 2
A Faery Blessing
Items needed:
a pinch of glitter to use as an offering
"Faeries of the air, I call you now, accept this offering, with love from me
to you!"
Close your eyes. Spend a moment open and receptive to your energies
and those around you. When you feel you are no longer alone, take out
your glitter and hold it in your hand. Focus on your wish. When your wish
has been visualized and projected, Toss the glitter into the air. Cry out:
This incantation can be done anytime during the summer, when the
fireflies are out.
Can be performed clothed but is best done skyclad. You must find a
VERY quite and private place to do the incantation.
Start with your arms out and walk in an open area that fireflies are
in.Stop in the same position and call upon the great mother with the
following chant:
(Dance a joyous dance from your heart, Allow yourself to be free and at
Continue Chant:
"Fireflies, faerie Folk, Oh Great Mother,
Come dance with me, Be with me,
faerie Folk show your true self to me
I will protect you tonight as we dance"
Dance the dance of the faerie Folk and repeat the above lines, dance the
dance of the faerie Folk until you feel and see that the faerie Folk are
with you...
Play with them as you like, when you are done do the following Chant to
End the Dance:
"faerie Folk,Fire Flies, Oh Great Mother
faerie Folk, I (your name) leave you now, Go back to hide from where you
Be not sad, or cry or weep, For I (your name) will return
To dance the Dance of the faerie Folk, Peace be with you. Blessed Be!"
Fairies are most often seen on nights between Midsummer, or Litha, and
June 29. The best way to see fairies is to gather fern seed on the night of
Midsummer. On June 27, make a wreath of fairies’ thimble, otherwise
known as foxglove. Go to your favorite spot in the woods just before
sunset. Make a ring of stones, and build a fire in the ring. When the Sun
dips below the horizon, rub the fern seed on your eyelids. Keep your
thoughts away from the drudgery of the work-a-day world. Fill your
thoughts with the beauty of the plants and trees around you. Dance
around the fire. Do you see them?
To Meet a Faerie
Don't take this lightly. The Fey Folk are wild, and their integrity so strong
and unusual that you must be careful with them. However, if you
approach one correctly, he\she can be an honorable, powerful and
delightful friend and ally.
If you find you cannot handle the power of this rite, courteously end the
visit. If an evil entity arrives by accident, end the visit, either with
courtesy or rudeness, whichever is safest and most effective.
Do each step before going onto the next.
Enjoy drinking in that magic for a minute. Let that Fey power feed you,
cleanse you, and give you things you need. Let it work its magic on you.
Into that green mist, call out for a Faerie friend. Don't demand a visit,
for we do not control the Fey Folk. Invite with warmth, courtesy, good
will and good cheer. Greet and welcome your visitor with dignity and
courtesy. Ask his\her name and his\her need of you. If no name is given
you, usually you should end the visit. When you meet someone on the
physical plane who will not tell you their name, there is usually something
awry, right?
Make thanks for the visit, and for any help you were given. At this point
it may be appropriate to give or promise a gift such as a bit of food and
drink to be left out at night. Perhaps this spirit will become your friend
for a while or even a lifetime. You can use this ritual to visit with him\her
again. But for now say "Farewell." After doing something like this ritual,
one might be in an altered state without realizing it. If you then do
something like drive, walk at night along a city street, or cook, you could
possibly go through a red light, get mugged, or burn yourself, all because
you were off in another world!
So, after you finish the last step, do the following two steps: Spend some
time consciously focusing on the embodied, mundane plane by making
your mind concentrate on physical things. Then continue this focusing by
looking both ways carefully when crossing streets or paying special,
conscientious attention to kitchen safety or whatever focus is
appropriate to the activity in which you become involved.Use these two
steps until you are well focused onto the embodied plane. You may feel
very sharp and alert. Don't think there is no need for this step. Please do
it anyway. For one thing, alert as you are, you might be alert only to the
SPIRIT plane! Take the time to become alert to the physical realm. If
you're feeling really spacey or "out there" add body stretches or do some
other very physical but safe activity that will focus you onto your own
Faeries like shiny baubles including items of copper, silver, quartz, flint,
labradorite, amethyst.
Some trees have personalities of their own while others are simply the
homes or favorite places of the Faeries. Some are even included in both
of these categories.
*The apple tree is one of the most magical trees in Faerie mythology, and
indeed in many other mythologies as well. The apple is a tree of spells and
enchantment. To fall asleep under an apple tree in to put yourself at
great risk of falling under a Faerie spell. The apple fruit is often used as a
way to transfer a spell, as is the well known fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. To
eat an enchanted apple is also one way to enter Faerie-land, and apples
and apple peels can be used in certain forms of divination. The apple tree
has strong ties to Arthurian Legend; Avalon, or the "Isle of Apples" is
the home of the four Faerie Queens, and the place to which they carried
King Arthur's corpse. It is even sometimes considered to actually be
Faerie-land, or at least an entrance into it.
*Birch trees are said to be the tree of death. They may have a spirit
associated with them which chase travellers in the dark, and if the
manange to catch this traveller, and touch him on the head, he will die,
and his body will be left with a white hand-print on it.
*It is said that witches can transform themselves into elder trees. A tree
which is a transformed witch will bleed when cut. Elder trees are also
supposed to give protection from Faeries, particularly evil ones, since it is
also said that they are a refuge for good Faeries from those evil.
*Elm trees are extremly senstive; it has been reported that if you cut one
down, the one next to it will die of grief.
*Hawthorn trees are immensely magical plants, and Faeries are often
present near them.
*The hazel is also a highly mystical tree. In Ireland, they are considered to
be the tree of magical wisdom, and in England, they are associated with
fertility. Due to this fact, a bag of hazelnuts would be given to a bride at
her wedding.
*It is said that if an oak tree is cut down, the shoots which grow up from
the roots will try to take revenge. Oaks are generally considered to be an
angry tree, and it is therefore dangerous to walk through an oak copice
at night.
*The willow is another tree with animate qualities. At night, a willow will
uproot and wander after travellers, muttering to itself. Willows are not
considered dangerous, however.
"Ellum do grieve,
Oak he do hate,
Willow do walk,
If yew travels late."
*Fennel is known for it's ability to repel the Faeries. It is hung over doors
to prevent them from entering a house, and smeared on cow's udders to
prevent the Faeries from stealing the milk.
*It is said that there are seven herbs which can, when used correctly,
protect from anything natural or unnatural. They are St. John's wort,
vervain, speedwell, eyebright, mallow, yarrow and self-help. They are best
gathered at noon on a bright, sunny day, near the time of the full moon.
*Ragwort stalks are used to construct magic Faerie horses. Also, it is said
that ragwort and rye grasses belong entirely to the Faeries and cannot be
used against them.
*St. John's wort is a protective plant, used to break Faerie spells and heal
illnesses brought on by them.
*Wild thyme is a plant under the control of the Faeries, and to have it in
the house is to invite the Faeries in.
*The Faeries adore tulips in the garden and are upset if they are cut and
even more if they are sold for money. Therefore it is considered unlucky
to do so.
Faeries don't like iron, whistling in the woods or when you are offensive
towards them.
Paths that are worn across the fields are from faeries' dancing feet, and
it is bad luck to cross one.
Barren hilltops are also said to be from the grass being trampled by
dancing faeries.
Faerie Rings are bright green or matted down circles in the grass..
sometimes mushrooms will surround the circles.
A wish that has been made while standing in the middle of a faerie ring is
sure to come true.
If you are to step inside a faerie ring while they are celebrating, you will
be forced to dance to exhaustion.
To get out of the faerie ring, a friend must pull you out, or other
traditions say a ring of people on the outside must get you out.
Air Pudding
1/8 cup sugar
4 egg whites (be careful to ensure there's no yolk in 'em or they won't
work) - at room temperature
1) Stir the Gelatin into the boiling water, and let it sit in the freezer
until it's nearly firmed-up & very cool.
2) Meanwhile, use a fork to mix the lemon juice and Vanilla extract
into the sugar. Make sure the sugar isn't lumpy.
3) When the gelatin's just a shade shy of firm, add the flavored sugar,
gently blend this mixture. If it gets too runny, you may need to put in
back into the freezer for a little while.
4) When the flavored gelatin mix is a tad short of firm, beat the egg
whites until they're really frothy, and can stand up in peaks. This is
tricky - too little beating, and they're not firm enuf. Too much
beatting, and they turn to goop.
5) Gently fold the flavored sweetened gelatin mixture into the egg
whites. Be careful not to over do it, or the egg whites will deflate!
6) Pour into small serving bowls, or little jello molds that are slightly
wet, and freeze for at least an hour or so.
1 cup sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 1/2 tablespoons baking soda
1 package (12 ounces) milk chocolate
sugar, syrup and vinegar in 3-quart saucepan.
stirring constantly so candy does not scorch,
and until mixture reaches hard crack stage,
300 degrees.
It is not necessary to
spread candy
over bottom of pan.
Simply Wonderful
Remove from heat, and let it cool for a little while (until you can put your
finger in it without an "ouch!")
Fold-in the nuts, coconut or raisins & mix gently until they're spread
throught the mixture.
Try squeezing a small amount of the mixture into a 1-inch ball. If it's too
wet to hold its shape, add a little more powdered milk. If it's too dry &
crumbly, add a little more melted butter.
These can be served right away - but must be stored in the 'fridge.
Snow Ice Cream
This is a winter treat loved by the Fae ... and it's the actual ancestor
to all such frozen delights.
The Snow
When there's been a nice snowfall, go outside, and get some snow.
Avoid any discolored snow, and scrape off a bit of the top layer, to
avoid any soot, etc.
Be really careful not to compact the snow as you gather and work
with it.
The Topping(s)
Gently mix Sweetened Fruit Juice (berry is best) in light cream (or half-
and-half) to taste. Chill this topping before serving.
~ or ~
Gently mix real Vanilla extract and sugar in light cream (or half-and-
half) to taste. Chill this topping before serving.
(Note: the Fae, being such great tricksters, just love it, if you add a
bit of yellow food coloring to this second topping - making it look like
... ummmm ... "used" the snow, if you get my drift)
Chill enough small serving bowls for the number of intended servings
in the freezer until they're frosty.
Put an ice cream sized scoop of snow (or shaved ice) gently into each
serving bowl.
Gently (and creatively) pour or drizzle the topping over the ice - like
you would syrup over ice cream.
Serve immediately!
Faerie Gold Cookies
1 egg
Add the flour in thirds, beating well after each addition. Chill
Form the chilled dough into balls about the size of walnuts and place 2
inches apart on the baking sheets. Flatten with a fork.
Mix cream cheese, sugar, eggs, lemon juice and vanilla in medium bowl
light and fluffy.
Place vanilla wafer on the bottom of each paper baking cup. Fill each cup
full with cream cheese mixture.
Top each fairy cake with 1 tablespoon cherry pie filling or icing sugar
Soft Mead
pinch of salt
1) boilt water, honey, lemon slices and nutmeg, scooping-pff the scum
at the top. 2) when all the scum is gone, remove from heat, and add
lemon juice and salt. 3) strain, and cool in class or ceramic container,
in refrig. NOTE: different honeys have their own unique tastes,
depending on the types of flowers the bees harvest. So choose a
honey you particularly enjoy.
Largely due to the her choice of garb, the domain of the female gnome is
the home and thus it is with the male that almost all human contact
occurs. Females wear either gray or khaki colored clothing consisiting of
a blouse, an ankle length skirt, knee socks and high shoes or slippers. (The
color combination results in a possibility that she may be mistaken for a
mouse or other small forest animal and be captured by an owl before he
realized his mistake.) Prior to marriage, the outfit is complemented by a
green cap and braids which later disappear under a scarf while the green
cap is replaced by more somber tones after she marries.
Male Gnomes wear red caps and blue smocks complemented by green
pants and footwear. They are fair of face, though the boast rosy red
cheeks. Long beards adorn their faces and turn gray far sooner than
their hair. Males are the guardians of animal kind and show little
preference for their animal friends, not withstanding their aversion to
cats both wild and domesticated. They are known for freeing wildlife
from man's traps and for operating on farm animals whose owners have
neglected them or who are simply to poor to afford a vetrinarian.
Brownies are domestic faeries, offering aid to mortals who are churning
butter or grinding meal. For their service, they expect rewards of milk
and bread. (Brownies who are displeased with their gifts often turn into
the nasty Boggarts who harass the inhabitants of their domicile.) As with
other faeries, should a human mistakenly offer them clothes in return for
their labors, brownies will cease their efforts and disappear forever. In
addition to their labors in the home, some brownies also guarded the
corn yard during winter. Because of their industrious and beneficial
nature, the Girl Scouts have adopted the name Brownies for their
youngest members.
They are nocturnal, although most are able to appear in the sunlight
should they wish. However, there are a few non-Scottish House brownies
who will perish if exposed to sunlight. Legends holds that it is for this
reason that the brownies' familar, the rooster, crows in the morning,
warning his friends that it is time for bed. (Some Scots even held that
brownies could take the form of roosters.)
Small and usually male, brownies tend towards the hairy side and have
slightly pointed ears, long fingers and dress in blue, green or the most
typical brown. Their size makes them extremely cautious of cats and the
humans they assist must not harbor the beasts within their homes. Most
are keenly intelligent, except the Dobie who is a dull witt. He wishes to
help, but always flubs the job because of his lack of intelligence.
Green is the color of choice among this race, though their clothing is
never extravagant. Their footwear, however, is a source of pride and
every Leprechaun posses the very finest he can make. Their clientele is
exclusively faery and legend holds that they only make one shoe at a time,
never pairs.
Apparently, the race is exclusively male as no female Leprechaun have
ever been seen.
Some Leprechauns belong to the unseelie court; they are raiders of wine
cellars who revel drunkenly after dark riding the backs of sheep or
shepherd's dogs. The name cluricauns (kloor-a-kawns) is applied to the
dark members of the family. Cluricauns often favor red clothing to set
themselves apart from the seelie Leprechauns.
They delight in leading people astray from their paths and leaving them to
wander aimlessly for hours until dropping into a deep sleep, a practice
which spawned the term pixie-led. While pranksters, Pixies were also
known to led helpful hands to humans in need. The elderly might find
household tasks mysteriously complemented, the worthy farmer may
discover his grain has been mysteriously threshed and maidens searching
for their true love may beseech his name by going to a well and pleading
with the Piskey folk.
Typically they appear as wise old men no taller than a hand's span.
Green Man
The Green Man is also connected to Robin Goodfellow and Puck, as well
as Jack the Green who dances ahead of the May Queen in May Day
Some legends say Boggarts are brownies that have gone bad.
Either because they are mischevious in nature or because they were
wronged through some interaction with humans. Others tell that they
are merely small dwarfish cousins of the brownies. Their origin is traced
to Scotland where they are also known as Hobgoblins, the Boogey Man,
Boogies, Padfoot, Boggans, Hobbers, Gobs and Blobs.
They are always of the male persuasion. Whatever their relation to the
gentle brownies, boggarts have vastly different intentions. They delight in
playing tricks on humans. The favorite food of a boggart is smooth wood
and a home they have chosen as their residence provides not only shelter,
but also their sustenance! Boggarts pose a threat to children, as they
love to steal their food and try to smother them as they sleep at night.
Should your home be infected with a boggart a complete exorcism may be
necessary to rid your abode of the pest. Others can simply be tricked
into leaving a home. One of the best ways to do this is to ask the boggart
to leave the house and stay out as long as 'the hollies are green'. It will
most likely take at least two seasons for him to remember that hollies are
always green and that he's been tricked. His resulting anger most likely
needn't be feared as he will never be able to enter the house again.
and other plants. They are very shy and so are elusive, however
tend to
unwanted babies were taken out into the snow by tribal elders
to die of
atop his shoulders and a mouth may be found in his torso. His
lack of a
Arkan Sonney
capture it.
seduce and exhaust them, making sure they don't venture into
areas that
The Asrai
Awd Goggie
fortells a death. They have very long, flowing hair and wear
dresses with grey cloaks. Their eyes are bright red because of
continuous weeping.
and fiery eyes. It can take many forms, but usually is a shaggy
people who will soon die. They are rumored to be the ghosts of
who died in childbirth and will continue to wash until the day
after the children so long as you give her milk and cakes.
naughty children.
and murderers.
in the forest.
come out at night to finish small chores, look over the cattle.
honey cake. Never leave clothes and never leave too much
food. They
find this offensive and will leave. Care should be taken not to
The Bwca - They are the Welsh version of the Brownie (see
above). They
Cannered-Noz - Breton version of the Bean-Sidhe.
jealously guard nut crops and hate lazy humans. They usually
the day when a human man might fall in love with her and be
Biblical Fall, but did not fall. It's generally assumed that they
awaiting salvation.
this day hold court in his palace beneath the faerie hill of
They are skilled chess players, and no human has ever beaten
usually man made, like houses. Especially old houses. They are
their feet since they are usually deformed in some way. If you
curious of their feet, the only way to get an idea is to put
turns them to stone. Some say they exist as toads during the
day and
but far more dangerous. They inhabit lochs and seas and will
eat their
victims after tearing them into pieces, except for the liver,
they leave. If they are ridden inland, they are safe to ride, but
One, p. 31]
classes, light and dark, like the Seelie and Unseelie. The Danish
are beautiful from the front, but hollow when seen from
behind. The
faerie tribe of Man), but he was exiled and his good looks
taken when
the Tuatha de Danaan exiled them to the sea. They have since
lures men to dance with her, then feeds like a vampire on their
as animals. They are thieves and villains and count the dead
their companions. They like to tempt people with faerie fruits.
where they know there are rich deposits of ore. To avoid the
shouting warnings.
appears as ivy.
Guillyn Veggey
passing by, creeping the travellers out. For some reason I find
incredibly cool.
kindness. The story goes that there was once a farmgirl who
came across
them out and returns home. Then a look at her skirt reveals
that the
chips still stuck to her apon had turned to gold. She went
back in
Hyter Sprites - They are faeries from East Anglia. They are
able to
actually harmless.
child with greenish skin, webbed toes and fingers with a long
nose and
a concave head that held water, if this was spilled the kappa
lost its
marked with the names of their family into the water. Kappas
The Kelpie - They are Scottish water faeries. Usually they are
seen as
and streams, letting men mount them and then riding off into
the water,
seated on a man.
Oakmen: Britain. Wood sprites who live in oak trees and oak
groves. They are hostile to humans but benevolent to wildlife.
People fo the Hills: Britain. Faeries who live under green mounds,
sub-terrainean faeries.
The Wild Hunt: The night hunt by the Slaugh with their terrible
hounds. They are said to kidnap humans they encounter during
their rides.
Will o' the Wisp: A faery who appears at night in lonely places
carrying a lantern. It uses this light to cause travelers to lose
their way.