Zerelly Radhoine

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Zerelly Radhoine

Rue Carthage Zaouit Contech Jemmel

Monastir –Tunisia 5028
Tél: 53816116
E-mail: zerelly.radhoine@gmail.com


Anglais: 2011 Professional Master in Management and Industrial Networks

current (Electrical Engineering)
French: Tunisia Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Kairouan.
Arab:Mother 2009 Tecnical's degree in Electronics, Electrotechnics and Automation
tongue Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Kairouan.


DEMCOINTER (Group of Belgium Company)

Maintenance engineer

 Supervision and animation of a team of 8 people.

08/2014  Applying KAIZEN system
Actual  Adjustment of laser robots to have a good quality for the
JOB production Jeanologia technology
 Intensity regulation, design, area, Switch production to 100%
Moknine laser to gain 80% cost.
Oversees corrective and preventive maintenance on:
 Laser cutting and engraving robot
 Gas and infrared ovens
 Steam and gas networks Wastewater treatment plant
 Upgrade and management of the systematic and conditional
preventive maintenance plan.

 Participation in the drafting of the single document and the self-

monitoring schedule of utilities subject to regulatory controls.

 Project of compensation of electrical and thermal energy.

 Pilot and participate in continuous improvement projects and
investments to Increased productivity capacity,

OGIM (Oil and Gas Institute of Monastir) Petroleum

 Petroleum fundamental knowledge

10/2013  Well construction engineering
TO  Drilling, directional drilling, mud engineering,
08/2014 (hydraulic)Cementing Casing
Monastir  Reservoir engineering
Tunisia  (reservoir performance, Reservoir Monitoring management.
Reservoir estimation).
 Well performance and completion
 Processing (Oil, Gas)
 and surface facilities Safety HSE,
 Corrosion in petroleum industry.
 Economics management (tax legislation).
 Small project (Well integrity in drilling and well operation Upper
Zakum Field Zadco(Abu Dhabi)

12/2011 USA Company Diode Laser Conception

TO Monastir Tunisia
Monastir  Production engineering, planning, Analyses data.
Tunisia  QMS Quality Management System.
 Development Systems laser and realization of test pieces
according to customer specification for a validation of the laser
process .
 Daily report and training for Productivity and security.
 Design and deployment of components, systems and electrical
structures to improve the reliability of equipment Preparation,
 Review and assembly of different documentation Execution and
review of updates and specifications.

o English, French; Read/Write/Speak
o Polyvalent,
o Team Worker
o Excellent oral and written communication skills
o Leadership
o Computer data analysis

Center of interest
o Sports, Formations, Passions, Projects

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