01 Sarapal-Nuaparha Salient Feature PDF

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2. Area : 17.08 Sq,km.
3. Location and : The block is located in north central part of the
Communication coalfield to the dipside of Aunli-patrapara block.
The limiting coordinates of the block are
Latitude : 21o07’45” – 21o09’30”N (Approx)
Longitude: 84o46’29” – 84o50’56”E (approx)
Topo Sheet No: 73 C/16

Angul, the district head quarters is about 55

kms from the block and is connected by an all
weather metalled road. The nearest rail head is
also Angul on the Cuttuck-Sambalpur line of the
East Coast Railway.

Aunli nadi flows W-E in south eastern & south

central part of the block. Jamaharia nala flows
in the northern part of the block. There are
numbers of rain-fed streams flow in the block.

About 5% of the area of the block is covered by

forest areas

4 to 5 villages are located to the north of Aunli

4. Status of : Regionally Explored
Agency No. of Meterage
GSI 9 5062.85m
5. Structure : Strike : East-West
Dip : 2o-7o northerly
Faults : 2 faults with throw varying from 20-70m.
6. Sequence of Coal : A total of 6 coal seam zones occur in this block.
Seams The parameters of coal seam zones are given

SEAM Thickness of Depth Remarks
Coal Seam Range
zone (m)
thickness of
coal seam &
range (m)
VI-VII-VIII 0.68-48.18 263-435 Occurs in 1-9 sections. The thickness
(0.68-12.84) of section ranges from 0.44m to 5.00m.
Parting ….…………6.50m-29.46m……………..
IIIT 0.92-22.91 291-492 Occurs in 1-5 sections. The thickness
(0.92-7.77) of section ranges from 0.50m-5.77m.
Parting 8.82m to 20.17m and from 38.30m to 45.81m where seam No.IIIm
thickness is not developed (tsn-5, 6, 7 and 8)
IIIM 6.05-8.30 309-483 Occurs in 2 sections. The thickness of
(1.62-2.87) section ranges from 0.62m to 1.64m.
Parting …………….. 8.06m-28.92m………………
IIIB 3.46-39.84 345-554
Occurs in 1-5 sections. The thickness
(3.46-20.71) of section ranges from 0.50m to
Parting ………………….13.75m-27.82m…………………
II 9.69-26.10 377-542 Occurs in 2-5 sections. The thickness
(1.98-7.14) of section ranges from 0.65m to 3.35m.
Parting ……………………………62.51m-83.75m…………………………….
I 1.25-75.53 464-652 Occurs in 1-9 sections. The thickness
(1.25-20.65) of section ranges from 0.52m to 7.88m.

7. Quality : The broad quality parameters of different seams in the

block are given below :

SEAM M% Range Ash% Range UHV Range Grade

VI-VII-VIII 4.10-12.1 17.5-45.5 1823-5036 C-G
III Top 3.6-8.5 21.0-41.7 2434-4829 D-F
III Middle 4.3-7.6 26.2-37.8 2731-4527 D-F
III Bottom 3.2-8.4 21.2-43.6 2372-4953 C-G
II 3.2-6.6 26.2-47.7 1806-4635 D-G
I 3.2 – 6.9 23.2 –43.1 2414 – 5124 C-F

8. Reserves : A total of 701.16 Mt of reserves 622.46 Mt
Indicated and 78.7 Mt Inferred have been
estimated in the area. The seam-wise, grade-
wise reserves are given below:

Seam C D E F G Total Inf Total

VIII 0 8.85 42.14 86.39 15.59 152.97 10.56 163.53
III T 0 0 37.52 35.63 0 73.15 12.36 85.51
III M 0 4.04 5.53 4.35 0 13.92 4.84 18.76
III B 5.14 38.92 155.36 62.14 0 261.56 40.42 301.98
II 0 5.84 0 35.75 8.4 49.99 8.63 58.62
I 19.13 22.59 15.16 13.99 0 70.87 1.89 72.76
Total 24.27 80.24 255.71 238.25 23.99 622.46 78.7 701.16

The depth-wise break up of the reserves are given below:

0-300m - 33.31 Mt
300-600m - 645.38 Mt
600-1200m - 22.47 Mt
TOTAL - 701.16 Mt

1. Salient features, Block boundary plan & lithologs are based on
GSI report of Regional Exploration on Sarapal-Nuaparha Block,
Talcher Coalfield.
2. Block boundary shown in the plan is approximate.
3. Forest cover details are not available with CMPDI.
4. Infrastructure details are not available with CMPDI.

Final report on Regional Exploration for coal in Sarapal-Nuaphara
Block, Talcher Coalfield, Angul District, Orissa, Coal wing 2003

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