Jimma University Engineering and Technology College Department of Water Resources & Environmental Engineering
Jimma University Engineering and Technology College Department of Water Resources & Environmental Engineering
Jimma University Engineering and Technology College Department of Water Resources & Environmental Engineering
2. Energy Dissipation
2.1. General
2.2. Energy Dissipation on Spillways
2.3. Characteristics of hydraulic jump
2.4. Stilling Basins Mode of evaluation
2.5. Bucket type energy dissipators Assignment 10 %
2.6. Energy Dissipation at bottom outlets
Mid Examination 30 %
Final Examination 60 %
3. Gates and Valves Total 100
4. Dam Safety: Instrumentation and Surveillance
Mid Examination
5. Diversion Works
5.1. Design of Weirs and Barrages on Permeable foundation
5.2. Bligh’s theory, Lanes theory and Khosla’s theory
5.3. Intakes
5.4. River diversion for the purpose of construction
1. Novak, Moffat, Nalluri & Narayanan ( 1996) Hydraulic Structures, 2 nd Ed. Chapman & Hall
2. Davis & Sorrensen, “Hand Book of Hydraulics”, 3rd Ed. 1984 Reissue
3. Varshney, R.S, “Hydropower Structures”, Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkey 2001
4. Garg, S.K.,”Irrigation Enginnering And Hydraulic Structures” Khanna Pub. Delhi,2000
5. Arora, K.R. “Irrigation, Water Power and Water Resource Engineering”, St. Pub. Delhi