8.5.1 Air Emissions AIR Emission
8.5.1 Air Emissions AIR Emission
8.5.1 Air Emissions AIR Emission
TUG BOATS, BARGES & GUN BOATS engaged in project shall comply as a minimum requirement with
the MARPOL Convention for the prevention of marine pollution applicable to the size of the vessel.
The vessels shall also comply with all relevant national and local regulations.
In accordance with SEM-REV requirements, the project shall put in place systems and equipment to
manage effluents and waste and prevent pollution incidents. Specific pollution prevention measures
that will be utilized by the project are described below.
However, where any high noise generating activities (9OdBA for 8 hours working periods) have the
potential to cause discomfort or disturbance to marine fauna and human receptors due to noise and
vibration, the following measures shall be implemented as appropriate:
Fluids (oils, paints, corrosion protection products) used for the operation of the prototypes shall be
non-toxic to the marine environment.
The project shall provide the list of all fluids on board the vessels involved in project activities. The
project shall demonstrate to ECN that materials used (such as hydraulic fluids, anti-fouling paints,
anti-corrosion products) comply with current standards in accordance with the ‘Concession
d’utilisation du Domaine Public Maritime’ and are non-toxic (bio degradable) in the marine
The project shall ensure that all chemicals are stored securely in suitable containers in bunded areas,
capable of retaining 110% of the storage containers plus 10% of the aggregate tank volume within
the containment area, or as otherwise specified by regulatory requirements.
Construction vessel and plant refuelling and maintenance shall be carried out under controlled
conditions at port. Refuelling at sea is prohibited.
All spills shall be reported to JAD QHSE MANAGER. Incidents that could have impact on the health,
safety, livelihoods and wellbeing of people and/or have visible impacts (smoke etc.) will be
communicated to the public via the emergency response system of SEM-REV.
The project shall adopt a waste hierarchy, aiming to minimise waste generation through prevention,
reuse and recycle where practicable. Any waste that cannot be reused or recycled shall be disposed
of in environmentally sound manner and in accordance with applicable legislation.
All solid waste shall be collected on board the ship in appropriate containers and brought onshore.
Waste materials shall be segregated into non-hazardous and hazardous wastes. These wastes will be
pre-classified as recyclable and non-recyclable. No wastes shall be thrown into the sea.
Project vessels covered by MARPOL Convention shall develop a Vessel Garbage Plan detailing how
each type of waste will be stored onboard. Manifests shall be kept on board all construction vessels
of all waste streams transferred to shore.
The project shall ensure that all vessels involved in the project dispose of sewage and grey water
according to the minimum requirements of Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78. MARPOL describes facilities
aboard vessels for the treatment of sewage and for reception facilities in ports and harbours.
MARPOL prohibits vessels in excess of 400 gross tonnes discharging raw sewage within a 12 nautical
mile territorial limit.
It is likely that many of the construction or supply vessels involved in the Project will be equipped
with a MARPOL approved waste water treatment plant designed to treat sewage and grey water to
reduce the levels of BOD, E. coli, MPN and suspended solids in sewage prior to discharge.
In this eventuality the contractor shall ensure the following:
- That the treatment plant and holding tanks complies with applicable MARPOL regulations
- That ECN are provided with copies of valid International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificates
for vessels equipped with treatment facilities
- Vessels equipped with compliant treatment plants may discharge treated sewage to the sea
provided that the vessel is in excess of 4 nautical miles (nm) offshore in accordance with
- Vessels without treatment facilities or with non-compliant sewage treatment facilities must only
discharge sewage to the sea if they are in excess of 12nm offshore in accordance with legislation.
It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that sewage is either treated aboard vessels, and
discharged while in open offshore areas (4nm minimum from the coast), not treated and discharged
while in open offshore areas (12nm minimum from the coast), or pumped out to appropriate shore
reception facilities. These procedures should be applied to all vessels involved in the project
activities regardless of the vessel size.
Where applicable, project vessels shall operate Ballast Water and Sediments Management Plan in
accordance with the IMO Ballast Water Directive, and carry a Ballast Water Record Book.
Bilge water shall be treated to be discharged with less than 15ppm oil in water in accordance with
MARPOL Annex 1. All water discharges will be conducted in accordance with the relevant MARPOL
73/78 requirements and provisions and relevant national and local regulations.