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Nayak Sarojini et al.

IRJP 2 (5) 2011 194-197


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Research Article


Nayak Sarojini*, Sahoo Anjulata Manjari, Chakraborti Chandra Kanti
Kanak Manjari Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rourkela, Orissa, India

Article Received on:22/03/2011 Revised on:26/04/2011 Approved for publication:07/05/2011

*Sarojini Nayak, Kanak Manjari Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rourkela, Orissa-769015,


To know the anthelmintic property of leaves of Saraca indica, we used both maceration and soxhelet methods of extraction using solvents
like ethanol and methanol. Each extract was tested for its anthelmintic activity by following standard method. The ethanolic and methanolic
extracts (obtained from both the methods of extractions) of Saraca indica displayed anthelmintic property in a dose-dependant manner. In
both the methods of extraction, we found that the ethanolic as well as the methanolic extracts were more potent than the positive control as
far as anthelminthic property was concerned. To correlate phytochemical screening with anthelmintic activity, phytochemical evaluation of
the extracts was also performed. From our result, it may be mentioned that the ethanolic extract was relatively more potent as an anthelmintic
agent due to the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, tannins and flavonoids. On the other hand, the methanolic extract was effective as an
anthelmintic agent probably due to the involvement of glycosides and flavonoids. The presence of alkaloids, glycosides, terpenoids, tannins
and flavonoids seems to be the responsible phytochemical constituents for demonstrating anthelmintic activities of our extracts.
KEYWORDS- Saraca indica, ethanolic extract, methanolic extract, phytochemical screening, anthelmintic activity.

INTRODUCTION drugs have been in use since ancient times for the
Plant materials have been used for the treatment of treatment of parasitic disease in human and could be of
serious diseases throughout the world before the advent value in preventing the development of resistance. 4 Some
of modern clinical drugs1. The use of medicinal plants investigators have mentioned the importance of some
still plays an important role to cover the basic health phytochemicals like alkaloids, glycosides, terpenoids,
needs in the developing countries.2 Several top selling tannins and flavonoids for showing anthelmintic activity
drugs of modern times such as Quinine, Artemisinin, of plants. 3,5,6
Shikonin, etc. are obtained from plants1. Most of the Saraca indica (Roxb) de wild (Family-Caesalpinaceae)
phytochemicals, secondary metabolites of plants, are is commonly known as Asoka, Sita Asoka and
physiologically active2. The plants are known to provide Haempushpam. It is an evergreen tree which is 9m in
a rich source of botanical, anthelmintic, antibacterials, height. The flowers are orange yellow in colour and
and insecticides.3 Helminths are recognized as a major arranged in dense corymbs. It occurs throughout India up
problem to livestock production throughout tropics. Most to an altitude of 750m in central and eastern Himalayas 7
of the diseases caused by helminths are of a chronic and Useful parts of the plant are barks, leaves, flowers and
debilitating in nature; they probably cause more seeds. The plant is useful in dyspepsia, fever, burning
morbidity and greater economic and social deprivation sensation, colic, ulcer, menorrhagia, leucorrhoea,
among humans and animals than any single group of pimples, etc. The bark, used for the pharmaceutical
parasites. The parasitic gastroenteritis is caused by mixed preparations, is bitter, astringent, refrigerant,
infection with several species of stomach and intestinal anthelmintic, styptic, stomachic, constipating, febrifuge
worms, which results in weakness, loss of appetite, and demulcent. Even the juice of the leaves, mixed with
decreased feed efficiency, reduced weight gain and cumin seeds, is used for the treatment of stomachalgia 8.
decreased productivity. Chemotherapy is the only The Asoka tree is considered sacred throughout India.
treatment and effective tool to cure and control helminth This tree has many folklorical, religious and literary
infection, as effective vaccines against them have not associations in the religions. Due to its high value and
been developed so far. Indiscriminate use of synthetic handsome appearance, this tree is found close to the
anthelmintics can lead to resistance of parasites. Herbal temples throughout India9.

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Although an extensive literature survey does not reveal Amino acids
anthelmintic activity of leaves of Saraca indica, the Millon’s test:-To 2ml of the test extract about 2ml of
present study was undertaken to investigate the Millon’s reagent (Mercury nitrate) were added. White
preliminary phytochemical screening and anthelmintic precipitate indicated the presence of amino acids.
activity of leaves of Saraca indica 3. This was done Carbohydrates
because it is known that several plants possess Molish test:-To 2ml of the test extract, at first, few drops
phytoconstituents which are responsible for their of alcoholic α-napthol were added. Then through sides of
anthelmintic activity. test tube, few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid were
MATERIALS AND METHODS mixed with it. Purple to violet colour ring appeared at the
Plant material junction indicated the presence of carbohydrates.
The leaves of the plant Saraca indica were collected Flavonoids
from Chhend, Rourkela, during November 2010. The Alkaline reagent test:-To 2ml of the test extract, few
sample was authenticated by Dr.S. K. Padhi, Botanist, drops of sodium hydroxide solution were added. At first,
Rourkela Autonomous College, Rourkela. The shade intense yellow colour was formed, which was
dried leaves were powdered and stored in a desiccator subsequently turned to colourless, on addition of few
until evaporation. drops of dilute acid indicated the presence of flavonoids.
Preparation of extract Glycosides
The powdered leaves were passed through a sieve Borntrager’s test :- The test extract was boiled with
(No.40) and stored in a desiccator. The powdered leaves 1ml of sulphuric acid in a test tube for 5minutes.
were extracted by both Maceration and Soxhlet methods. While hot it was filtered, then it was cooled. Shaking of
1) Maceration method: The powdered leaves (10gm) of the mixture was done with equal volume of chloroform.
Saraca indica were extracted using the maceration Two layers of solution were formed. The lower layer of
method. The powdered leaves were macerated in 60ml of chloroform was separated. Then that layer was shaken
95% ethanol for 3days at room temperature. The with half of its volume of dilute ammonia. Production of
resulting extract was filtered through filter paper a rose pink to red colour suggested the presence of
(Whatman No.1). The residue was further extracted glycosides.
using the same procedure. The filtrates obtained were Saponins
combined and then evaporated to dryness. We also Froth formation test :-Two millilitre of the extract was
followed the same method of extraction using methanol shaken vigorously with water in a test tube.
instead of ethanol10. Formation of persistent foam indicated the presence of
2) Soxhlet method: The powdered leaves (51gm) of saponins.
Saraca indica were successively extracted using solvents Tannins
in order of increasing polarity, viz. ethanol and methanol. Gelatin test :- To 2ml of the extract, 1% gelatin solution
After extraction, each time the marc was dried and later containing 10% sodium chloride was added. Formation
extracted with the next solvent. Both the extracts were of a precipitate suggested the presence of tannins.
dried by distilling the solvents in a rotary vacuum Proteins
evaporator11. The yield of ethanolic extract was 4.6gm Warming test :- Two millilitre of the extract was heated
and that of methanolic extract was 3gm. Both the in a boiling water bath. Proteins get coagulated due to
extracts were dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)12. heating.
After that, at first, phytochemical screening was Steroids and Triterpenoids
performed. Then both the extracts were tested for their Salkowski test :- The test extract was treated with few
anthelmintic activity. drops of concentrated sulphuric acid. Red colour at lower
a) Phytochemical screening- layer indicated the presence of steroids, whereas
Following chemical tests were performed for testing formation of yellow colour at the lower layer suggested
different chemical groups present in both the extracts: the presence of triterpenoids.
Alkaloids b) Anthelmintic activity- The suspension of both the
Mayer’s test:-To 2-3ml of the extract, few drops of the extracts, obtained from the maceration and the soxhlet
Mayer’s reagent methods, was prepared in DMSO to obtain 1, 2.5 and 5%
(1.36gm of Mercuric chloride and 5gm of Potassium concentrations. Solutions of similar concentrations of the
iodide in 100ml distilled water) were added. standard anthelmintic drug like Piperazine citrate (as
Formation of a cream colour precipitate indicated the positive control) were also prepared in distilled water.
presence of alkaloids.

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For our study DMSO and distilled water were used as parasite and cause death4. It is also possible that
negative controls. alkaloids may act on CNS and cause paralysis of
Two millilitre of each concentration of both methanolic Pheritima posthuma worms3.
and ethanolic fractions and Piperazine citrate were To identify the actual phytochemical constituents that are
diluted to 10ml separately with normal saline and poured present in the crude drug extracts of this plant which are
into Petridishes. Nine groups of approximately equal size responsible for anthelmintic activity, should be studied
of earthworms, consisting of six in number in each thoroughly. It would be even better to conduct further
group, were released into each Petridish. The research on pure chemical constituents of the plant to
anthelmintic activity was evaluated by adopting the critically evaluate their activity on many animals3.
standard method 14. Adult Indian earthworms Pheritima REFERENCES
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Nayak Sarojini et al. IRJP 2 (5) 2011 194-197
Table 1: Qualitative analysis of various extracts of Saraca indica leaves

Phytoconstituents Ethanolic extract Methanolic extract

Alkaloids - +
Amino acids + +
Carbohydrates + -
Flavonoids + +
Glycosides + +
Saponins + +
Protiens - -
Steroids + -
Tannins - +
Triterpenoids - +
‘+’ = Present; ‘-‘ = Absent

Table 2: Anthelmintic activity of methanolic and ethanolic extracts (by Maceration method) of Saraca indica leaves.

Treatment group Concentrations (%) Time taken (seconds)

Paralysis Death
Methanolic 1.0 105 180
extract 2.5 100 155
5.0 80 150
Ethanolic 1.0 130 170
extract 2.5 75 135
5.0 60 95
Piperazine citrate 1.0 1920 3000
2.5 1680 2450
5.0 780 2220

Table 3: Anthelmintic activity of methanolic and ethanolic extracts (by Soxhlet method) of Saraca indica leaves

Treatment group Concentrations (%) Time taken (seconds)

Paralysis Death
Methanolic 1.0 370 690
extract 2.5 310 620
5.0 190 435
Ethanolic 1.0 630 945
extract 2.5 510 770
5.0 480 650
Piperazine citrate 1.0 1920 3000
2.5 1680 2450
5.0 780 2220

Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared

IRJP 2 (5) May 2011 Page 194-1974

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