EDQM Guide 16th Edition 2010
EDQM Guide 16th Edition 2010
EDQM Guide 16th Edition 2010
safety, quality and efficacy of blood components, the Council of Europe has developed a guide
as a technical annex to its Recommendation No. R (95) 15 on the preparation, use and quality
y A s s u r a n c e
16 Edition 2
assurance of blood components. The Guide contains recommendations on blood collection,
blood components, technical procedures, transfusion practices and quality systems for blood
U s e a n d Q
establishments. It represents the basis for a large number of national regulations, as well as for
o m p o n e n t s
of Blood C
the blood directives of the European Commission.
This is the 16th Edition of the Guide, compiled by leading European experts under the aegis of
the European Committee (Partial Agreement) on Blood Transfusion (CD-P-TS). This Steering
l Agreemen
Committee was created in 2007 by the Council of Europe to pursue its activities in the field of
blood transfusion following the transfer of these activities to the European Directorate for the
te e (P a rt ia
ommit D-P-TS)
Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM).
European C ra n s fu s io n (C
on Blood T
The EDQM is a Directorate of the Council of Europe, an international organisation
16th Edition
ISBN 978-92-871-7022-4
© Council of Europe, 2011
Printed on acid-free paper by Druckerei C. H. Beck, Nördlingen (Germany)
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Founded in 1949, the Council of Europe is the oldest and largest of all
European institutions and now numbers 47 member states1. One of its
founding principles is that of increasing co-operation between member
states to improve the quality of life for all Europeans.
Within this context of intergovernmental co-operation in the field of
health, the Council of Europe has consistently selected ethical problems
for study. The most important such ethical issue relates to the non-
commercialisation of human substances i.e. blood, organs and tissues.
With regard to blood transfusion, co-operation among member states
started back in the 1950s. From the outset, the activities were inspired
by the following guiding principles: promotion of voluntary, non-
remunerated blood donation, mutual assistance, optimal use of blood
and blood products and protection of the donor and the recipient.
The first result of this co-operation was the adoption of the European
Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human
Origin (European Treaty Series, No. 26) in 1958. It was followed by
the European Agreement on the exchange of blood grouping reagents
(European Treaty Series, No. 39) and of tissue-typing reagents
(European Treaty Series, No. 84) in 1962 and 1976 respectively.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
The members of the Experts working group (GTS) who worked on this
16th Edition of the Guide are listed in the acknowledgements.
They operate under the aegis of the European Committee (Partial
Agreement) on Blood Transfusion (CD-P-TS), a Steering Committee
of the Council of Europe pursuing activities in the field of blood
transfusion in the frame of the European Directorate for the Quality of
Medicines and HealthCare (EDQM)2.
As of the 15th Edition of the Guide, the content has been separated into
two sections. The first, entitled Principles, encompasses background
information that has to be considered in forming policy decisions as
well as educational aspects. The second section, entitled Standards,
contains the matters that are considered to be “minimum standards”
aligning closely to the European Pharmacopoeia and European
Commission Directives. It is intended to assist other jurisdictions to
transpose these into legislation. The Standards Section states “what
must be done”.
The Principles Section provides information on the “why and how”.
It also refers to developments that are not yet incorporated into
standards, thus providing advance information about technical
changes in the field. It was anticipated that in the next editions of
the Guide, apart from changes to its technical content, the Principles
Section would be further expanded.
In view of the good acceptance of this new format for the 15th Edition,
the 16th Edition has been prepared along the same lines.
Special thanks should be made to the chairman, Dr van der Poel and
to the other members of GTS, Dr Flanagan, Dr Klüter, Dr Lozano,
Dr MacLennan, Dr McClelland, Dr O’Riordan, Dr Sondag-Thull
who were involved in the redrafting of the guide for the 15th and
16th Editions.
2 EDQM is a Directorate of the Council of Europe, created in 1964 on the legal basis
of the Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia. 36 member
states, the European Union and 23 observers co-operate in this frame.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Foreword ..................................................................................................................3
Aknowledgements ................................................................................................ 15
Members of ad hoc group (GTS) ........................................................................16
European Committee (Partial Agreement) on Blood Transfusion
(CD-P-TS) .............................................................................................................23
Recommendation No. R (95) 15 .........................................................................40
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 45
PRINCIPLES ........................................................................................................... 47
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
STANDARDS .........................................................................................................189
Chapter 1. Standards for a quality system for blood establishments ............ 191
Chapter 2. Standards for selection of donors ..................................................199
Chapter 3. Standards for blood collection ....................................................... 213
Chapter 4. Standards for blood component preparation, storage and
distribution..................................................................................................................... 219
Chapter 5. Component monographs ................................................................225
Part A. Whole blood components ............................................................... 227
Part B. Red cell components ..........................................................................235
Part C. Platelet components ......................................................................... 269
Part D. Plasma components............................................................................311
Part E. White cell components ......................................................................329
Chapter 6. Standards for blood components for intrauterine, neonatal
and infant use ...................................................................................................... 335
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Foreword ..................................................................................................................3
Acknowledgements .............................................................................................. 15
Members of ad hoc group (GTS) ........................................................................16
European Committee (Partial Agreement) on Blood Transfusion
(CD-P-TS) .............................................................................................................23
Recommendation No. R (95) 15 .........................................................................40
PRINCIPLES ........................................................................................................... 47
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
STANDARDS .........................................................................................................189
Chapter 1. Standards for a quality system for blood establishments ............ 191
Paragraph 1. The quality system ...................................................................... 191
Paragraph 2. Elements of the quality system..................................................192
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Annex ...................................................................................................................373
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
In 2009 and 2010 the Expert working group “Guide to the preparation,
use and quality assurance of blood components” (GTS) was in charge
of preparing the 16th Edition of the Guide. GTS operates under the
aegis of the European Committee (Partial Agreement) on Blood
Transfusion (CD-P-TS), the steering committee created by the Council
of Europe to pursue its activities in the field of blood transfusion in the
frame of the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and
HealthCare (EDQM).
The experts having prepared this edition are gratefully acknowledged
for their valuable contributions. The members and the chairman of the
drafting group – Dr Flanagan, Dr Klüter, Dr Lozano, Dr O’Riordan,
Dr MacLennan, Dr Sondag-Thull and Dr van der Poel (chair) – who
have been in charge of the management of the restructuring process
of the guide are especially acknowledged. Dr McClelland who has
performed the editorial review. The participants to the public enquiry
and the representatives from CD-P-TS who have submitted many
constructive comments are also acknowledged.
The drafting and the publication of the 16th Edition of the guide was
coordinated by Dr Marie-Emmanuelle Behr-Gross (Scientific Officer,
EDQM) supported by Ms Ahlem Sanchez (secretarial assistant,
EDQM) and Ms Ioulia Iankova (editorial assistant, EDQM).
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Secretary Medical Affairs
Stitching Sanquin Bloedvoorziening
Plesmanlaan, 125
Tel. (31) 20 512 32 65 / Fax (31) 20 512 38 72
E-mail: c.vanderpoel@sanquin.nl
Blood Tranfusion Centre
Blegdamsvej, 9
Tel. (45) 35 45 25 83 / Fax (45) 35 39 00 38
E-mail: morten.bagge.hansen@rh.regionh.dk
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
BELL Barbara
Australian Red Cross Blood Service
153, Clarence Street
Tel. () / Fax ()
E-mail: bbell@arcbs.redcross.org.au
Federal Medico Biological Agency
Volokalamskoye shosse, 30
RU – 109074 MOSCOW
Tel. (7) 495 617 14 82 / Fax (7) 495 617 14 83
E-mail: Bogdanova@nic-itep.ru
CAZENAVE Jean-Pierre
Etablissement Français du Sang
10, rue Spielman
67085 STRASBOURG Cédex
Tel. (33) 3 88 35 35 35 / Fax (33) 3 88 36 99 15
E-mail: jean-pierre.cazenave@efs.sante.fr
Udine University Hospital
P. le S. Maria della Misericordia, 15
I – 33100 UDINE
Tel. (39) 04 32 55 23 40 / Fax (39) 04 32 55 23 52
E-mail: vincenzo.deangelis@sanita.fvg.it
Office of Blood Resaerch and Review
HFM 300, 1401 Rockville Pike
USA – 20852-1448 ROCKVILLE
Tel. (1) 301 827 3518 / Fax (1) 301 827 3533
E-mail: epsteinj@cber.fda.gov
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Blood Transfusion Center
Ministry of Health Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit
Training and Research Hospital
TR – 06110 ANKARA
Tel. (90) 532 664 2355 / Fax (90) 312 318 6690
E-mail: nigarertugrul@gmail.com
New Zealand Blood Service
71, Great South Road
Private Bag
Tel. (64) 9 523 57 44 / Fax (64) 9 523 57 54
E-mail: peter.flanagan@nzblood.co.nz
Asker and Baerum Hospital
PO Box 83
N – 1309 RUD
Tel. (47) 67 809 703 / Fax (47) 67 809 705
E-mail: oystein.flesland@sabhf.no
Blutspendedienst SRK Bern AG
Murtenstrasse, 133
CH – 3008 BERN
Tel. (41) 31 384 22 14 / Fax (41) 31 384 24 30
E-mail: Stefano.fontana@bsd-be.ch
GANZ Peter
Health Canada
Bldg n° 6, 3rd floor, Rm 3364
AL 0603C3 Tunneys Pasture
Tel. (1) 613 952 0237 / Fax (1) 613 957 6302
E-mail: peter.ganz@hc-sc.gc.ca
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Etablissement Français du Sang Auvergne-Loire
25, boulevard Pasteur
Tel. (33) 4 77 81 42 55 / Fax (33) 4 77 80 82 94
E-mail: olivier.garraud@efs.sante.fr
Blood Bank, University Hospital
Tel. (354) 543 5530 / 560 2020 / Fax (354) 543 5532
E-mail: sveinn@landspitali.is
KELLER Anthony
Australian Red Cross Blood Service
97, Great Eastern Highway
Tel. (61) 8 94 72 20 22 / Fax (61) 8 94 72 20 20
E-mail: akeller@arcbs.redcross.org.au
Institut für Transfusionsmedizin und immunologie
Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse, 107
D – 68167 MANNHEIM
Tel. (49) 621 3706 817 / Fax (49) 621 3706 818
E-mail: h.klueter@buchspende.de
Finnish Red Cross
Blood Transfusion Service
Kivihaantie, 7
Tel. (358) 9 58 012 70 / Fax (358) 9 58 014 29
E-mail: tom.krusius@veripalvelu.fi
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Hospital Clinic Provincial
Villarroel, 170
Tel. (34) 932 275 448 / Fax (34) 932 279 369
E-mail: mLozano@clinic.ub.es
NHS Blood and Transplant
Leeds Centre
Bridle Path
Tel. (44) 113 214 86 38 / Fax (44) 113 214 86 96
E-mail: sheila.maclennan@nsbt.nhs.uk
Service Immuno Hemoterapia
Parque da Saude de Lisboa
Av. Do Brasil 53, Pav 17
Tel. (351) 917 26 58 35 / Fax (351) 21 795 64 92
E-mail: fatima.nascimento@netcabo.py
Irish Blood Transfusion Board
James Street
Tel. (353) 1 4322800 / Fax (353) 1 4322930
E-mail: joriordan@ibts.ie
POLITIS Constantina
Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity
3, Garnofsky St.
GR – 11742 ATHENS
Tel. (30) 210 922 0482 / Fax (30) 210 922 0248
E-mail: c.politis@hol.gr
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
RADZIWON Piotr Marek
Regional Centre for Transfusion Medicine in Bialystok
UI. M. Skodowskiej, 23
Tel. (48) 85 744 7002 / Fax (48) 85 744 7133
E-mail: rckik.bialystok.pl
Fakultni nemocnice Hradec Kralove
Sokolska, 581
Tel. (420) 495 832 672
E-mail: rehacekv@lfhk.cuni.cz
Naroda Transfuzna Sluzba RS
Limbova ul., 3
Tel. (41) 76 36 92 810 / Fax (41) 22 372 39 57
E-mail: rosochova@ntssr.sk
Akademiska Sjukhuset
SE – 751 85 UPPSALA
Tel. (46) 18 61 14 169 / Fax (46) 18 61 13 745
E-mail: jan.safwenberg@akademiska.se
Zentralikinstitut für Bluttransfusion
und Immunologische Abteilung
Anichstrasse, 35
Tel. (43) 50 504 22 930 / Fax (43) 50 504 22 934
E-mail: harald.schennach@tilak.at
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Blood Transfusion Service of the Red Cross
96, Rue de Stalle
Tel. (32) 2 371 35 20 / Fax (32) 2 371 35 23
E-mail: d.sondag@redcross-transfusion.be
143-147, boulevard Anatole France
F – 93285 SAINT-DENIS Cedex
Tel. (33) 1 55 87 40 41 / Fax (33) 1 55 87 40 32
E-mail: Fenzi.Teskrat@afssaps.sante.fr
National Coordinator of the National Blood Transfusion
Project for Serbia
Lamartinova, 21
Tel. (381) 63 318 556 / Fax (381) 11 3443 014
E-mail: nada99@eunet.yu
Food and Drug Administration
HFM 370
1401, Rockville Pike
USA – 20852-1448 ROCKVILLE
Tel. (1) 301 827 2861 / Fax (1) 301 827 3535
E-mail: alan.williams@fda.hhs.gov
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Klinisk immunologi och transfusionsmedicin
Uppsala University Hospital
Akademiska Sjukhuset
S – 751 85 UPPSALA
Tel. (46) 196 111 097 / Fax (46) 186 113 745
E-mail: rut.norda@akademiska.se
Zentralikinstitut für Bluttransfusion und Immunologische
Anichstrasse, 35
Tel. (43) 50 504 22 930 / Fax (43) 50 504 22 934
E-mail: harald.schennach@tilak.at
KURZ Johann
Federal Ministry of Health
Radetzkystrasse, 2 – Unit III A 2
A – 1030 WIEN
Tel. (43) 1 71100 46 43 / Fax (43) 1 713 4404 1530
E-mail: johann.kurz@bmg.gv.at
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Agence Fédérale du Médicament
et des Produits de Santé – AFMPS
Eurostation Blok II – 8e étage
Place Victor Horta, 40, Boîte 10
Tel. (32) 2 524 83 77 / Fax (32) 2 524 80 01
E-mail: ludo.muylle@health.fgov.be
Agence Fédérale du Médicament et
des produits de Santé – AFMPS
Eurostation Blok II – 8e étage
Place Victor Horta, 40, Boîte 10
Tel. (32) 2 524 83 79 / Fax (32) 2 524 80 01
E-mail: walter.bontez@health.fgov.be
Blood Transfusion Institute F BIH
Cekalu 5A 86
Tel. (387) 33 270 271 / Fax (387) 33 270 100
E-mail: hadzich@ztmfblh.ba
National Centre of Haematology and Blood Transfusion
112, Bratia Miladinovi St.
BG – 1202 SOFIA
Tel. (359) 2 9210 455 / Fax (359) 2 9710 419
E-mail: Nathalie_54@abv.bg
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
VUK Tomislav
Croatian Institute for Blood Transfusion
Petrova, 3
CRO – 10000 ZAGREB
Tel. (385) 1460 0327
E-mail: tomislav.vuk@hztm.t-com.hr
Nicosia General Hospital
Ap. 215, 2029 Strovolos
Tel. (357) 2260 4178 / Fax (357) 2260 3055
E-mail: s.kioupi@cytanet.com.cy
Thomayer Teaching Hospital
Videnskà, 800
RTC – 140 59 PRAHA 4
Tel. (42) 02 61 083 285 / Fax (42) 02 61 082 579
E-mail: petr.turek@ftn.cz
Blood Tranfusion Centre
Blegdamsvej, 9
Tel. (45) 35 45 25 83 / Fax (45) 35 39 00 38
E-mail: morten.bagge.hansen@rh.regionh.dk
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
National Board of Health
Islands Brygge, 67
Tel. (45) 72 22 76 60
E-mail: mkr@sst.dk
Haematology and Oncology Clinic
Vallikraavi 7
ZES – 51003 TARTU
Tel. (372) 731 9808 9606 / Fax (372) 731 9804 9667
E-mail: Hele.Everaus@kliinikum.ee
Finnish Red Cross
Blood Transfusion Service
Kivihaantie, 7
Tel. (358) 9 58 012 70 / Fax (358) 9 58 014 29
E-mail: tom.krusius@veripalvelu.fi
Office of the Republic Macedonia of Blood Transfusion
National Institute for Transfusion Medicine
Vodnjanska, 17
Tel. (389) 2322 6923 / Fax (389) 2311 9227
E-mail: duri50@freemail.com.mk
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
EFS – Etablissement Français du Sang Auvergne-Loire
25, boulevard Pasteur
Tel. (33) 4 77 81 42 55 / Fax (33) 4 77 80 82 94
E-mail: olivier.garraud@efs.sante.fr
FOLLEA Gilles (until November 2010)
EFS – Etablissement Français du Sang Pays de Loire
34, boulevard Jean Monnet
BP 91115
FR – 44011 NANTES Cedex 1
Tel. (33) 2 40 12 33 38 / Fax (33) 2 40 12 33 33
E-mail: gilles.follea@efs.sante.fr
De la VOLPILIERE Alexandre
Ministère de la Santé et des Sports
Direction Générale de la Santé
14, avenue Duquesne
FR – 75350 PARIS 07 SP
Tel. (33) 1 40 56 44 94 / Fax (33) 1 40 56 46 79
E-mail: volpiliere@sante.gouv.fr
HEIDEN Margarethe (vice chair)
Paul Ehrlich Institut
Paul Ehrlich Strasse, 51-59
D – 63225 LANGEN
Tel. (49) 6103 50 79 60 / Fax (49) 6103 97 7979
E-mail: heima@pei.de
Institut für Transfusionsmedizin und immunologie
Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse, 107
D – 68167 MANNHEIM
Tel. (49) 621 3706 817 / Fax (49) 621 3706 818
E-mail: h.klueter@buchspende.de
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
POLITIS Constantina
Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity
3, Garnofsky St.
GR – 11742 ATHENS
Tel. (30) 210 922 0482 / Fax (30) 210 922 0248
E-mail: c.politis@hol.gr
Hôpital Tzaneio de Pirée
Service des Transfusions
Tel. (30) 210 459 27 50
E-mail: aimodosia@tzaneio.gr
Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service
19-21, Karolina St.
Tel. (36) 1 372 4163 / Fax (36) 1 372 4114
E-mail: barotine.toth.klara@ovsz.hu
Irish Blood Transfusion Board
James Street
Tel. (353) 1 4322800 / Fax (353) 1 4322930
E-mail: joriordan@ibts.ie
Istituto Superiore di Sanita – Centro Nazionale Sangue
Via Giano della Bella, 27
I – 00162 ROME
Tel. (39) 06 4990 4971 / Fax (39) 06 4990 4975
E-mail: giuliano.grazzini@iss.it
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Udine University Hospital
P. le S. Maria della Misericordia, 15
I – 33100 UDINE
Tel. (39) 04 32 55 23 40 / Fax (39) 04 32 55 23 52
E-mail: vincenzo.deangelis@sanita.fvg.it
Latvian Blood Centre
Tel. (371) 740 8865
E-mail: anna.steinerte@vadc.gov.lv
Center of Blood Donors
Tel. (371) 74 71 473
E-mail: evelina.jursevica@vadc.gov.lv
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania
Vilniaus St., 33
Tel. (370) 5 266 14 70
E-mail: alvyda.naujokaite@sam.lt
National Blood Center
Zolyno St., 34
Tel. (370) 852 34 05 00
E-mail: nkcentras@takas.it
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Centre de Transfusion sanguine de la Croix Rouge
BP 404
Tel. (352) 450 505 1 / Fax (352) 450 505 247
E-mail: transfusion@croix-rouge.lu
St Luke’s Hospital Blood Bank – St Luke’s Hospital
Tel. (356) 25 92 63 30
E-mail: Stefan.laspina@gov.mt
Blood Transfusion Center – Clinical Center of Montenegro
Ljubljanska bb
Tel. (382) 20 241 552 / Fax (382) 20 241 552
E-mail: grasovic@kccg.cg.yu
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
DE WIT Jeroen
Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation
Plesmanlaan, 125
PO Box 9892
Tel. (31) 20 512 99 93 / Fax (31) 20 512 32 52
E-mail: hjc.dewit@sanquin.nl
Asker and Baerum Hospital
PO Box 83
N – 1309 RUD
Tel. (47) 67 809 703 / Fax (47) 67 809 705
E-mail: oystein.flesland@sabhf.no
RADZIWON Piotr Marek
Regional Centre for Transfusion Medicine in Bialystok
UI. M. Skodowskiej, 23
Tel. (48) 85 744 7002 / Fax (48) 85 744 7133
E-mail: pradziwon@rckik.bialystok.pl
Service Immuno Hemoterapia
Parque da Saude de Lisboa
Av. Do Brasil 53, Pav 17
Tel. (351) 917 26 58 35 / Fax (351) 21 795 64 92
E-mail: fatima.nascimento@netcabo.py
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
DOBROTA Alina Mirella
Regional Centre for Blood Transfusion
Constanta St. Nicolae lorga, n° 85
R – 010024 BUCURESTI
Tel. (40) 241 520 711 / Fax (40) 241 671 030
E-mail: alina_mirella@yahoo.com
National Coordinator of the National Blood Transfusion
Project for Serbia
Lamartinova, 21
Tel. (381) 63 318 556 / Fax (381) 11 3443 014
E-mail: nada99@eunet.yu
Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic
2, Limbova Ulica
Tel. (41) 76 36 92 810 / Fax (41) 22 372 39 57
Head of the Centre for Immunohaematology
Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia
Slajmerjeva, 6
Tel. (386) 1 5438 100 / Fax (386) 1 2302 224
E-mail: primoz.rozman@ztim.si
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia
Slajmerjeva, 6
Tel. (386) 1 54 38 138
E-mail: irena.razborsek@ztm.si
Ministerio de Sanidad Y Consumo
Paseo del Prado, 18-20
S – 28071 MADRID
Tel. (34) 94 400 71 53
E-mail: mvesga@hgda.osakidetza.net
STROM Helena
The National Board of Health and Welfare
Tel. (46) 075 247 40 43
E-mail: helena.strom@socialstyrelsen.se
JUTZI Markus
Swiss Agency for Therapeutic products
Hallerstrasse, 7
CH – 3000 BERN 9
Tel. (41) 31 322 04 93 / Fax (41) 31 322 04 18
E-mail: markus.jutzi@swissmedic.ch
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Blood Transfusion Center
Ministry of Health Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit – Training
and Research Hospital
TR – 06110 ANKARA
Tel. (90) 532 664 2355 / Fax (90) 312 318 6690
E-mail: nigarertugrul@gmail.com
NHS Blood and Transplant
Leeds Centre
Bridle Path
Tel. (44) 113 214 86 38 / Fax (44) 113 214 86 96
E-mail: sheila.maclennan@nsbt.nhs.uk
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
DURO Vjollca
Boulevard Bajram Curri
Tel. (355) 5 364 671
E-mail: mission.coe@mfa.gov.al
Center of Heamatology
Ministry of Health
7, Nersisyan St.
Tel. (374) 10 283 800 / Fax (374) 10 284 478
E-mail: armhaem@arminco.com
Center of Heamatology
Ministry of Health
7, Nersisyan St.
Tel. (374) 10 283 800 / Fax (374) 10 284 478
E-mail: armhaem@arminco.com
Therapeutic Goods Administration Laboratories
136, Narrabundah Lane Symonston
PO Box 100
Tel. (61) 2 62 32 8291 / Fax (61) 2 62 32 8687
E-mail: glenn.smith@tga.gov.au
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Therapeutic Goods Administration Laboratories
136, Narrabundah Lane Symonston
PO Box 100
Tel. (61) 02 6232 8685 / Fax (61) 02 6232 8939
E-mail: Larry.Kelly@tga.gov.au
GANZ Peter
Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals Evaluations
Building n° 6, 3rd floor, Room 3364
AL 0603C3, Tunney’s Pasture
Tel. (1) 613 952 0237
E-mail: peter_ganz@hc-sc.gc.ca
AGBANYO Francisca
Centre for Biologics Evaluation
3rd floor, Room 3379 AL 0603C3
1000 Eglantine Driveway
Tel. (1) 613 946 1879 / Fax (1) 613 948 3655
E-mail: Francisca_agbanyo@hc-sc.gc.ca
The Jo Ann Medical Centre
21, Lubliana St.
Tel. (995) 32 540 670 / Fax (995) 32 540 667
E-mail: levanavali@gmail.com
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
National Blood Transfusion Centre
St. Academi, 11
PO Box 2009
Tel. (373) 2272 1846
E-mail: cebotaris@mail.ru
Belarusian Research and Production Centre
for Hematology – Tranfusiology
Dolginovski tract, 160
ZBR – 220053 MINSK
Tel. (375) 17 289 8744 / Fax (375) 17 289 8745
E-mail: belmission_coe@mail.by
Federal Service of Surveillance in Healthcare
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Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
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Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
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Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Council of Europe
Committee of Ministers
Recommendation No. R (95) 15
of the Committee of Ministers
to Member States
on the Preparation, Use and
Quality Assurance of Blood Components
(Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 12 October 1995
at the 545th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Considering that such components are of human origin and that hence
specific ethical and technical principles have to be taken into account;
Aware that the Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of
blood components published by the Council of Europe has already become
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
to Recommendation No. R (95) 15
on the preparation, use and quality
assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
3 Carried out by the HAEMAN Consortium for the European Commission under
Contract SOC 96 201709 05F01 (96PRVF1-036-0).
Chapter 1
Paragraph 1. Overview
The specific requirements for a blood establishment quality system
are identified in the Standards section of this Guide. This Principles
section aims to provide advice and recommendations that might
assist blood establishments to maintain and develop effective quality
Quality is the responsibility of all persons involved in the processes of
the blood establishments. Management is responsible for a systematic
approach towards quality and the implementation and maintenance of
a quality management system.
The quality assurance function should be involved in all quality-
related matters and review and approve all appropriate quality related
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 1
Paragraph 4. Documentation
Procedures should be designed, developed, validated and personnel
trained in a consistent manner.
The documentation should allow all steps and all data to be checked.
All documentation should be traceable and reliable. It should include a
distribution list.
Computerised systems
There should be procedures for each type of software and hardware,
detailing the action to be taken when malfunctions or failures occur.
The purpose of user testing is to demonstrate that the system is
correctly performing all its specified functions in its real world
environment. Testing should be part of system installation. Testing also
should be performed after any system modifications to ensure that the
changes did not cause any unintended results. Testing should follow a
written plan based on an expert assessment of the risks inherent in the
system and their potential impact on the quality of blood components.
Maintenance activities apply to all elements of the system including
hardware, software, peripheral devices, standard operating procedures
and training. Maintenance activities include prevention, emergency
management and quality assurance audits. At a minimum:
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Paragraph 5. Storage
There should be a system in place to maintain and control the
storage of blood components during their shelf life, including any
transportation that may be required. Temperature and hygienic
conditions should be continuously monitored. Warning systems
should be used where applicable. Autologous blood and blood
components should be stored separately.
Validation policy
A risk assessment approach should be used to determine the scope and
extent of validation.
Principles. Chapter 1
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 1
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
• performance monitoring;
• system retirement.
Operational change control, document control and quality control
procedures support the maintenance of the validated state.
Principles. Chapter 1
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 1
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Control of equipment
The Table below lists some of the equipment used routinely in blood
transfusion practice and the minimum requirements for their control.
Other items of equipment, for example automated blood grouping
machines, automated blood processing systems, etc. require the design
of specific quality control procedures.
Equipment Method of control
of control
Continuous temperature
Blood bag refrigerator, recording plus independent
cold room, Freezer audible and visual alarm for daily
containing transfusates appropriate high and low
temperature parameters
Laboratory refrigerator, (a) Thermometer daily
Laboratory freezer,
incubators, water baths (b) Precision thermometer every 6 months
Principles. Chapter 1
Equipment Method of control
of control
Precision RPM meter plus
at least once a
stopwatch to control speed,
Blood bag centrifuge year
acceleration and retardation
Temperature daily
RPM meter plus stopwatch to
Table centrifuge control speed, acceleration and occasionally
Antiglobulin test
Anti-RhD sensitised cells every run
automatic washer
Calibration standard Hb quality
control daily
Calibration: reference sample.
Cell counters daily
Drift: working standard
at least once a
Automatic pipettes Dye- or isotope-labelled protein
every 6 months
Weights 5 mg – 100 g
Balance or after each
Preparative control weights
location change
100 mg – 100 g
pH meter Control solutions pH 4-7, 7-10 each time of use
Thermometer daily
Platelet agitator
Frequency of agitation monthly
Air pressure meter daily
Laminar flow hood and
sterile area filters Particle counter tri-monthly
Bacteriological plates monthly
Blood mixer (swing) Control weighing and mixing bi-monthly
Spring balance for bags Control weighing monthly
Test and visual examination
Sterile connecting
Standardised tensile strength or every 6 months
pressure test
In the absence of a validated
Blood transport transport system, minimum/ every time of
container maximum thermometer or a use (on receipt)
temperature recording device
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Monitoring of results
The results of tests obtained from equipment should be reviewed to
ensure reproducibility. A check of reproducibility is based on two
principal concepts:
a. the determination of accuracy of the equipment by the testing of a
reference standard;
b. the determination of the drift occurring during the routine day by
testing of working standards at intervals.
Since examination of reproducibility usually implies that the test
concerned is quantitative in nature, it follows that numerical values
can be obtained for each type of control applied. Graphic plotting of
the results of tests for accuracy and drift should be carried out so that
a gradual deterioration in performance can be quickly identified and
Where a numerical value cannot be ascribed to the result of quality
control tests, reproducibility can best be assessed by the inclusion in
the schedule of testing of appropriate strong and weak positive controls
at regular intervals.
Proper education of the personnel using blood transfusion laboratory
equipment is essential. The staff must know not only how the control
tests are to be done, but why they must be done, and they should be
fully instructed not only in the performance of quality control tests
but in the rapid detection of departures from the norm. In almost
every case, normal functioning of the machine is defined by the
manufacturer and confirmed at assessment on installation. Meticulous
charting of quality control results preferably combined with statistical
process controls will be the best methods of quick recognition of
deterioration in function.
Principles. Chapter 1
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Retention of samples
Retention of donor samples for a period of time may provide useful
information. The provision of such systems is contingent on the
availability of adequate human and financial resources.
Principles. Chapter 1
Planning of a system
There are a variety of computer systems and software programs avai-
lable and each has different functions. Prior to purchase, the user should:
a. establish a list of requirements that will meet the needs of the user
including the duration of record keeping (in general 15 years in EU
member states) and the duration of data keeping for traceability
(30 years are required by EU Directive 2002/98/EC);
b. evaluate the different computer systems and choose the one that
will meet the established requirements;
c. audit the developer/manufacturer to ensure they are able to provide
a product that meets regulatory requirements;
d. establish responsibility between the user and the developer/supplier/
manufacturer, to define roles and responsibilities with regard to
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 1
Each test case should include the input, expected output, acceptance
criteria and whether the test passed or failed. For traceability
purposes and to facilitate quality assurance review and follow-up, it
is recommended that any supporting documentation, such as print-
screens, be included to verify the specific test case.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
b. Data migration
The process for data migration should be defined, documented
and appropriately tested. This should ensure full maintenance of
traceability including archiving of data where necessary.
c. Environmental testing
All qualification steps and results should be documented and
approved before routine use of the system (Paragraph 8).
In the actual operating environment, functional tests are performed to
demonstrate that:
a. the software systems work properly with the hardware;
b. all applications of the software perform properly with the operating
system software;
c. proper information passes correctly through system interfaces,
including appropriate data transfer to or from other laboratory and
automated (e.g. apheresis machine) systems, if applicable;
d. accessories, such as barcode scanners, perform as expected with the
blood centre’s barcode symbols;
e. printed reports are formatted correctly and appropriately;
f. personnel are trained and use the system correctly;
g. the system performs properly at peak production times and with
the maximum number of concurrent users;
h. backups restore data in a correct way;
i. if system includes wireless radio frequency (RF) technology, it should
be evaluated for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electro-
magnetic interference (EMI) in the setting in which it will be used.
Change control
In case of changes in the software, the validation status needs to
be re-established. If a revalidation analysis is needed, it should be
risk assessment based and conducted not only for validation of the
Principles. Chapter 1
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Quality assurance
The quality assurance programme should exercise oversight of the
electronic data processing systems that affect product quality. At a
minimum, such oversight should include:
a. assuring the ongoing accuracy and completeness of all documen-
tation on equipment, software maintenance, and operator training;
b. performing audits periodically to verify proper accomplishment
of all performance tests, routine maintenance, change procedures,
data integrity checks, error investigations, and operator competency
Principles. Chapter 1
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 1
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 1
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 1
Example 2
Method of scan statistics
The method of scan statistics provides 1 suitable model for determining
the frequency of control testing.8 In this method, the number of non-
conforming test results in a fixed sample size is determined. However,
the sample set is regarded as a “window” of observations that “moves”
progressively as test results are accumulated. For example, if the
“window size” were set at 60 observations, the first test set would
include observations 1 through 60. The second test set would include
observations 2 through 61; the third test set would include observations
three through 62, etc. (Progression of the “window” can also be done a
few samples at a time, such as by addition of daily test results as a group.)
To apply this method, the blood centre must identify a reasonably large
“universe” of ultimate test samples, typically representing a year or more
of testing, or a period after which routine re-validation might be expected
8 Glaz, J., Naus, J., Wallenstein, S. Scan Statistics, New York 2001: Springer.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
The following example illustrates how the method of scan statistics can
be used.
For a blood centre with 400 QC tests per year (approximately 34 per
month), a non-conforming process can be declared if in any “moving
window” of 60 consecutive QC tests, 2 or more non-conforming test
results are found (i.e. the “trigger” is greater than 1 non-conforming
test in any window of 60 tests.). This model has a power of 80.8% to
detect a true rate of non-conformance of 5% in any window of 60 tests,
and near certainty to detect this rate over 1 year. Based on scan
statistics, the false-positive rate of such declarations is only 2.0%.
If the number of QC tests is 1200 per year (100 per month), a non-
conforming process can be declared if in any “moving window” of
120 sequential QC tests, 3 or more non-conforming test results are found.
The false-positive rate of such declarations is only 0.7%. The power is
80.7% to detect a non-conformance rate of 4.6% (power is 85.6% to detect a
5% failure rate) for any window of 120 tests, and near certainty over 1 year.
Principles. Chapter 1
of test criterion
window of QC tests
a non-conforming
rate” of failure for
Minimum “target
Power to detect
process in any
30 16 2.5% process
63% 81.9%
60 26 2.9% 50% 81.7%
30 17 2.0% 66% 81.3%
60 27 3.8% 52% 83.0%
30 9 3.5% 40% 82.4%
10% 60 14 2.7% 30% 83.8%
1200 30 10 2.8% 43% 81.1%
30 6 3.7% 29% 81.0%
5% 60 9 2.3% 21% 83.7%
1200 30 7 2.2% 33% 82.3%
30 3 1.0% 18% 81.4%
1% 60 4 0.9% 11% 80.3%
1200 60 4 2.7% 11% 80.3%
30 1 1.1 % 10% 81.6%
60 1 2.0% 5% 80.8%
30 1 3.2% 10% 81.6%
120 2 0.7% 4.6% 80.7%
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Example 3
Statistical process control for dichotomous outcomes:
an approach based upon hypergeometric/binomial
The hypergeometric distribution is based upon random sampling
(without replacement) of a factor that has a dichotomous outcome.
This distribution is applicable for the assessment of quality control
measures related to blood components for which the outcome is pass/
fail. The binomial distribution is very similar to the hypergeometric,
but is based upon sampling with replacement. At sampling levels n ≥ 59
to meet the 95% criterion, the 2 distributions are essentially identical.
For statistical quality control using the hypergeometric/binomial
approach, a cycle is defined as the production volume that is being
subject to quality assessment within a defined time period. The
appropriate size for a quality control cycle is determined based upon
the desired frequency of control sampling as described above and the
selected proportion of conforming samples.9
Statistical quality control based upon a hypergeometric distribution
is applicable for cycle sizes between n = 30 and n = 450010. Successful
9 For example, 95% conformance (and the resulting high level of quality control
testing) would be appropriate for a safety-related product standard such as residual
leucocytes in a leucoreduced component. However, 75% conformance may be
acceptable for a standard such as components content, where standardization is
desirable, but is not directly related to recipient safety.
10 For a cycle size of 30, greater than 95% conformance would be reflected by at most
nonconforming unit because 29/30 = 96.7% and 28/30 = 93.3%. To define this
conformance statistically, we would need to be able to conclude with 95% confidence
that greater than 95% of the units are conforming (i.e. n = 1 nonconforming
unit for a cycle size of n = 30). Using a null hypothesis that there are at least
2 nonconforming units among these 30 units, the alternative hypothesis would be
that there are less than 2 nonconforming units among these 30 units. Under this null
hypothesis, the probability that the first 22 units are all good is 6.4%, which is calculated as:
Principles. Chapter 1
So the null hypothesis can not be rejected at 5% significance level which corresponds
to “with 95% confidence”.
Under null hypothesis above, the probability that the first 23 units are all good is 4.8%:
Sizes of random samples needed at various quality control cycle sizes
to assess 95%, 90% or 75% conformance to a standard with 95% confidence
95% / 95% 95% / 90% 95% / 75%
95% confidence that > 95% of the 95% confidence that > 90% of the 95% confidence that > 75% of the
components meet the standard components meet the standard components meet the standard
Failures Sample size Failures Sample size Failures Sample size
allowed 1 failure 2 failures allowed 1 failure 2 failures allowed 1 failure 2 failures
in lot No failure allowed allowed in lot No failure allowed allowed in lot No failure allowed allowed
30 1 23 30 N/A 2 19 26 30 7 9 13 17
31 1 24 31 N/A 3 16 23 28 7 9 14 18
32 1 25 32 N/A 3 17 24 29 7 9 14 18
33 1 26 33 N/A 3 17 25 30 8 9 13 17
34 1 26 34 N/A 3 18 25 31 8 9 14 18
35 1 27 35 N/A 3 18 26 32 8 9 14 18
36 1 28 36 N/A 3 19 27 33 8 9 15 19
37 1 29 37 N/A 3 19 28 33 9 9 14 18
38 1 30 38 N/A 3 20 28 34 9 9 14 18
39 1 30 39 N/A 3 20 29 35 9 9 15 19
40 1 31 39 N/A 3 21 30 36 9 10 15 19
45 2 28 39 45 4 20 29 36 11 9 14 19
50 2 31 43 50 4 22 33 40 12 9 15 19
55 2 35 48 55 5 21 32 40 13 10 15 20
60 2 38 52 60 5 23 34 43 14 10 16 21
65 3 34 49 59 6 22 33 42 16 10 15 20
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
70 3 37 52 63 6 24 36 46 17 10 16 20
75 3 39 56 68 7 23 35 44 18 10 16 21
80 3 42 60 72 7 24 37 47 19 10 16 21
85 4 38 56 69 8 23 36 46 21 10 16 21
90 4 40 59 73 8 25 38 49 22 10 16 21
95% / 95% 95% / 90% 95% / 75%
95% confidence that > 95% of the 95% confidence that > 90% of the 95% confidence that > 75% of the
components meet the standard components meet the standard components meet the standard
Failures Sample size Failures Sample size Failures Sample size
allowed 1 failure 2 failures allowed 1 failure 2 failures allowed 1 failure 2 failures
in lot No failure allowed allowed in lot No failure allowed allowed in lot No failure allowed allowed
95 4 42 62 77 9 24 37 47 23 10 16 21
100 4 45 65 81 9 25 39 50 24 10 16 22
120 5 47 69 87 11 26 40 52 29 10 17 22
140 6 48 72 92 13 26 41 53 34 11 17 22
160 7 49 75 95 15 27 41 54 39 11 17 22
180 8 50 77 98 17 27 42 55 44 11 17 22
200 9 51 78 101 19 27 42 55 49 11 17 23
220 10 52 79 103 21 27 42 56 54 11 17 23
240 11 52 80 104 23 27 43 56 59 11 17 23
260 12 53 81 106 25 27 43 57 64 11 17 23
280 13 53 82 107 27 28 43 57 69 11 17 23
300 14 54 83 108 29 28 43 57 74 11 17 23
320 15 54 83 109 31 28 44 57 79 11 17 23
340 16 54 84 110 33 28 44 58 84 11 17 23
360 17 54 85 111 35 28 44 58 89 11 17 23
380 18 55 85 111 37 28 44 58 94 11 17 23
400 19 55 85 112 39 28 44 58 99 11 17 23
450 22 54 84 111 44 28 44 59 112 11 17 23
500 24 56 87 114 49 28 44 59 124 11 17 23
550 27 55 86 113 54 28 45 59 137 11 17 23
600 29 56 88 116 59 28 45 59 149 11 17 23
650 32 56 87 115 64 28 45 59 162 11 17 23
700 34 57 89 117 69 28 45 60 174 11 17 23
Principles. Chapter 1
95% / 95% 95% / 90% 95% / 75%
95% confidence that > 95% of the 95% confidence that > 90% of the 95% confidence that > 75% of the
components meet the standard components meet the standard components meet the standard
Failures Sample size Failures Sample size Failures Sample size
allowed 1 failure 2 failures allowed 1 failure 2 failures allowed 1 failure 2 failures
in lot No failure allowed allowed in lot No failure allowed allowed in lot No failure allowed allowed
750 37 56 88 116 74 28 45 60 187 11 17 23
800 39 57 89 118 79 28 45 60 199 11 17 23
850 42 56 89 117 84 28 45 60 212 11 17 23
900 44 57 90 119 89 28 45 60 224 11 17 23
950 47 57 89 118 94 29 45 60 237 11 17 23
1000 49 57 90 119 99 29 45 60 249 11 17 23
1500 74 58 91 121 149 29 45 60 374 11 17 23
2000 99 58 92 122 199 29 46 61 499 11 17 23
2500 124 58 92 122 249 29 46 61 624 11 17 23
3000 149 58 92 123 299 29 46 61 749 11 17 23
3500 174 58 93 123 349 29 46 61 874 11 17 23
4000 199 58 93 123 399 29 46 61 999 11 17 23
4500 224 59 93 123 449 29 46 61 1124 11 17 23
5000 249 59 93 123 499 29 46 61 1249 11 17 23
6000 299 59 93 123 599 29 46 61 1499 11 17 23
7000 349 59 93 124 699 29 46 61 1749 11 17 23
8000 399 59 93 124 799 29 46 61 1999 11 17 23
9000 449 59 93 124 899 29 46 61 2249 11 17 23
10000 499 59 93 124 999 29 46 61 2499 11 17 23
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Paragraph 1. Overview
Principles of self-sufficiency from voluntary and non-remunerated
donations have been recommended and promoted by the Council
of Europe and have been defined in Article 2 of Council of Europe
Recommendation No. R (95) 14 as follows:
The definition of voluntary and non-remunerated donation is:
“Donation is considered voluntary and non-remunerated if the person
gives blood, plasma or cellular components of his/her own free will
and receives no payment for it, either in the form of cash, or in kind
which could be considered a substitute for money. This would include
time off work other than that reasonably needed for the donation and
travel. Small tokens, refreshments and reimbursements of direct travel
costs are compatible with voluntary, non-remunerated donation.”
They have also been adopted by the Council of the European Commu-
nities in Directive 2002/98 EC which in the preamble (23) states: “The
definition of voluntary and unpaid donation of the Council of Europe
should be taken into account”, and, in Article 20 paragraph 1: “Member
states shall take the necessary measures to encourage voluntary and
unpaid blood donations with a view to ensuring that blood and blood
components are in so far as possible provided from such donations.”
Specific immunisation programmes are not considered in this document
but donors enrolled for this purpose should at least fulfil the minimum
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
criteria outlined above (see also Annex 2, Requirements for the col-
lection, processing and quality control of blood, blood components and
plasma derivatives, WHO Technical Report Series, No. 840, 1994).
Some criteria for the selection of donors vary according to the type of
donation involved.
This chapter considers the principles on the selection of donors of
whole blood and also donors of components obtained by different
apheresis procedures. The selection of donors of haematopoietic
progenitor cells is to be found in the “Guide to safety and quality
assurance for organs, tissues and cells” (Council of Europe publications,
ISBN 978-92-871-6037-9).
There are general principles which apply to all donors. There are also
further requirements specific to donors of different components collected by
different methods. The main purpose of selecting individuals for blood and
component donation is to determine whether the person is in good health,
in order to safeguard the health of both donor and recipient. All donors
undergo a screening process to assess their suitability (see Standards).
The screening process involves:
• the provision of pre-donation educational material to be provided
to all donors. This educational material should be understandable
by the donors and explain the donation process, the transmission of
blood borne infections and the donor’s responsibility in preventing
such transmission, including the instruction to inform the blood
establishment in case of post-donation information (see Standards);
• an assessment of each donor carried out by a suitably qualified
individual, trained to use accepted guidelines and working under the
direction of a physician. This assessment involves a questionnaire
and an interview, followed by further direct questions if necessary.
Since blood establishments are ultimately responsible for the quality
and safety of the blood and blood components collected, blood
establishments are entitled to decide on the final acceptance or deferral
of a donor or a prospective donor (Resolution CM/Res (2008) 5 on
donor responsibility and on limitation to donation of blood and blood
Principles. Chapter 2
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Donor deferral
Based on the information obtained by the application of the question-
naire and interview the following guidelines should be followed. See
also Standards.
Persons clearly under the influence of alcohol should be deferred until
sober. Illicit parenteral drug taking if admitted or suspected must lead
to permanent deferral.
Abnormal conditions should be referred to the physician in charge
who has the responsibility of making the final decision. If the physician
has any doubt about the donor’s suitability they should be deferred.
Taking into account the requirement that only healthy people are
acceptable as blood donors, deferral criteria are grouped into:
• conditions requiring permanent deferral;
• conditions requiring temporary deferral for defined time periods;
• conditions requiring individual assessment;
• infectious diseases.
Principles. Chapter 2
Prophylactic immunisations
See Standards.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Infectious diseases
For infectious diseases not specifically addressed elsewhere in this
guide, generally a deferral period of at least 2 weeks after cessation of
symptoms should be respected.
If there was contact with an infectious disease, the deferral period
should equal the incubation period, or if unknown, the nature of
the contact and the deferral period has to be determined by the
responsible physician.
Some emerging infectious diseases may represent a threat to the safety
of blood transfusion. A risk/benefit analysis should be carried out on
a country by country basis. Precautionary measures, which should be
proportionate to the risk, should be implemented in a timely fashion
in line with the emerging evidence. Donor selection policies to address
the risk may include deferral for a suitable period of donors exposed in
geographic areas where the disease is occurring. The introduction of
appropriate testing strategies may have to be considered.
It is recommended that national authorities develop detailed guidance
based on prevailing epidemiology in the populations they serve.
Principles. Chapter 2
History of malignancy
Individuals with a malignant disease or a history of such are usually
permanently deferred (see Standards). There is however a lack of
evidence to support the theoretical concern that cancer is transmitted
via blood.
Recent studies have significantly added to the available data on the
risk of cancer following allogeneic blood transfusion in general and
specifically on the risk of cancer following transfusion from donors
with undiagnosed cancer. These large, observational studies provide
convincing evidence that the risk of transmitting cancer via blood
transfusion is either undetectable or insignificant.
Based on this the following framework is recommended.
Donors with a history of malignancy may be considered using the
following criteria:
• Permanent deferral for history of haematological malignancies (e.g.
leukaemia, lymphoma, and myeloma).
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
11 Pearson TC, Guthrie DL, Simpson J, Chinn C, Barosi G, Ferrant A, Lewis SM,
Najean Y; Intrepretation of measured red cell mass and plasma volume in adults:
Expert Panel on Radionuclides of the International Council for Standardisation in
Haematology. Br. J. Haem. 1995,89:748-56.
Principles. Chapter 2
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 2
Apheresis donors
General remarks:
• Specific information on the nature of the procedures involved in
the allogeneic or autologous donation process and their respective
associated risks must be provided to the prospective donor (see
• Written informed consent should be obtained before the first
apheresis procedure.
• To ensure that the maximum extracorporeal volume (ECV) is not
exceeded (see Standards), for donors with a weight between 50
and 65 kg the total blood volume should be estimated using the
approach described in Principles, Chapter 2, Paragraph 3.
• The Standards identify the maximum annual donation frequency
and the minimum inter-donation intervals and the maximum
volumes of components collected by apheresis. An incomplete
apheresis procedure must be taken into account when determining
the timing of the next donation. This should include consideration
of non-reinfusion of red cells and the amount of primary
component already collected.
Special attention should be given to the following conditions:
• abnormal bleeding episodes;
• a history suggestive of fluid retention (of special interest if steroids
and/or plasma expanders are to be used);
• the intake of drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid or other platelet
inhibitory components within five days prior to platelet apheresis;
• a history of gastric symptoms (if steroids are to be used);
• adverse reactions to previous donations.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 2
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 2
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Directed donations
Directed donations are those intended for named patients, where
the request for the donation has been made by patients, relatives, or
friends. The public often believes directed donations to be safer than
anonymous voluntary non-remunerated donations, but this is not the
case: even if directed donations are screened and tested in the same
manner as voluntary non-remunerated donors, infectious disease
marker rates are in general higher among directed donors.
Directed donations are not considered good practice and should be
General questions
• Are you in good health?
• For women: Have you had a pregnancy in the past year?
• Do you have a hazardous occupation or hobby?
• Have you previously been told not to give blood?
• Have you experienced any unexplained fever?
• Are you currently on any medication, including aspirin?
• Have you had any recent vaccinations or dental treatment?
• Have you ever had medication with isotretinoin (e.g. Accutane R),
etretinate (e.g. Tegison R), acitretin (e.g. Neotigason R) finasteride
(e.g. Proscar R, Propecia R), dutasteride (e.g. Avodart R)?
Principles. Chapter 2
• Have you ever suffered from any serious illness such as:
• jaundice, malaria, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever?
• heart disease, high or low blood pressure?
• severe allergy, asthma?
• convulsions or diseases of the nervous system?
• chronic diseases such as diabetes or malignancies?
Questions related to HIV or hepatitis transmission risk
• Have you read and understood the information on AIDS
(HIV infection) and hepatitis?
• Have you ever injected any drugs?
• Have you ever accepted payment for sex in money or drugs?
• For men: have you ever had sex with another man?
• For women: to the best of your knowledge has any man with whom
you have had sex in the past 12 months had sex with a man?
• During the past 12 months have you had sexual contact with
someone who:
• is HIV positive or has hepatitis?
• has injected drugs?
• receives or has received payment for sex in money or drugs?
• Have you had a sexually transmitted disease?
• Have you been exposed to hepatitis? (family or job)?
• Since your last donation or in the previous 12 months have you had:
• an operation or medical investigations?
• any body piercing and/or tattoo?
• acupuncture treatment by anyone other than a registered
• a transfusion?
• an accidental injury involving a needle and/or mucous
membrane exposure to blood?
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Chapter 3
Paragraph 1. Overview
Records should be kept for each activity associated with the donation.
The record should reflect also any unsuccessful donation, the rejection
of a donor, adverse reactions or unexpected events. An authorised
interviewer should sign the donor selection records and final assessment.
The sterile collection systems should be used in accordance with the
instructions of the manufacturer. A check should be made before use, to
ensure that the collection system used is not damaged or contaminated,
and that it is appropriate for the intended collection. Defects in blood
bags should be reported to the supplier and subject to trend analysis.
The donor identification, donor selection interview and donor
assessment should take place before each donation. The donor should
be re-identified immediately prior to venepuncture.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Paragraph 5. Venepuncture
Preparation of the venepuncture site
The venepuncture site should be prepared using a defined and validated
disinfection procedure. The effectiveness of the disinfection procedure
should be monitored and corrective action taken where indicated.
Although it is impossible to guarantee 100% sterility of the skin
surface for phlebotomy, a strict, standardised procedure for the
preparation of the phlebotomy area must exist (see Standards). Of
Principles. Chapter 3
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 3
Paragraph 6. Apheresis
Premedication and apheresis
Routine premedication of donors for the purpose of increasing
component yield is not recommended.
Caution is recommended regarding pre-treatment of donors with
corticosteroids and G-CSF.
Manual apheresis
Manual apheresis is no longer recommended.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 3
Cardiovascular reactions
Angina pectoris
Myocardial infarct
Cerebral ischemia
Related to apheresis procedures
Citrate toxicity
Systemic allergic reaction
Air embolism
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Paragraph 1. Overview
Transfusion therapy in the past was largely dependent on the use of
whole blood. While whole blood may still be used in certain limited
circumstances, the thrust of modern transfusion therapy is to use
the specific component that is clinically indicated. Components
are those therapeutic constituents of blood that can be prepared by
centrifugation, filtration and freezing using conventional blood bank
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 4
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 4
Mean Volume
Mean Density (g/mL)
(10-15 litre)
Plasma 1.026
Platelets 1.058 9
Monocytes 1.062 470
Lymphocytes 1.070 230
Neutrophils 1.082 450
Red Cells 1.100 87
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
lower half of the bag and the upper half contains platelet rich plasma.
More prolonged centrifugation results in platelet sedimentation driven
by a force proportional to the square of the number of rotations per
minute and the distance of each cell to the centre of the rotor, whereas
the leucocytes being now surrounded by a fluid of higher density (the
red cell mass), move upwards. At the end of centrifugation, cell-free
plasma is in the upper part of the bag and red cells at the bottom.
Platelets accumulate on top of the red cell layer, while the majority of
leucocytes are to be found immediately below in the top 10 mL of red
cell mass. Haematopoietic progenitor cells have similar characteristics
to normal mononuclear blood cells. However, their contaminants may
be immature or malignant cells from different haematopoietic lineages
which commonly have larger sizes and lower densities than their
mature counterparts.
Principles. Chapter 4
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Method I II III IV V
low low high high high
plasma +
plasma + plasma +
plasma + plasma + red cells
Separation into buffy coat buffy coat
red cells red cells leucocyte
+ red cells + red cells
Red cells:
Buffy coat:
Principles. Chapter 4
Zonal centrifugation
Sedimentation of blood cells can be achieved when a centrifugal force
is exerted on flowing blood more or less perpendicular to the direction
of the flow. The efficiency of the separation depends on the ratio
between the centrifugal force and the flow velocity. At a high ratio
the plasma obtained is platelet poor, and at a lower ratio platelet rich
plasma can be obtained.
The same principle is also used for both the addition and the removal
of cryoprotectant before freezing and after thawing of blood cell
suspensions in cryopreservation.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
At present, two major types of filtration are available for blood
component preparation:
• the separation of plasma from blood by cross-flow filtration;
• the removal of leucocytes from cell suspensions by depth-filtration
or surface filtration.
Cross-flow filtration
When blood flows along a membrane with a pore size allowing free
passage of plasma proteins but not of blood cells, cell-free plasma
may be obtained by filtration.
Plasmapheresis devices have been developed in which a pumping sys-
tem takes blood from the donor’s vein, mixes it at a constant ratio with
anti-coagulant solution and then leads it along a plasma-permeable
membrane (flat membrane or hollow fibre system). Two pressures are
exerted on the blood: one parallel to the membrane, keeping the blood
flowing along the membrane, and the other perpendicular to the mem-
brane, the actual filtration pressure. This system prevents accumulation
of cells on the membrane while plasma is removed from the blood (the
haematocrit in the system may increase from 0.40 to 0.75). In some
devices, velocity of the flow parallel to the membrane is increased
by an additional vortex action or by movement of the membrane.
Principles. Chapter 4
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Paragraph 6. Leucocyte-depletion
The introduction of any leucocyte depletion process either by
filtration or special centrifugation technique needs careful validation.
An appropriate method should be used for leucocyte counting after
leucocyte depletion. This method should be validated.
The validation should be carried out by the blood establishment using
the manufacturer’s instructions against the requirements for leucocyte
depletion and other quality aspects of the components including
plasma for fractionation.
Particular problems may arise with donations from donors with red
cell abnormalities (e.g. sickle-cell trait) where adequate leucocyte
depletion may not be achieved and more detailed quality control
procedures are necessary (e.g. leucocyte counting of every donation).
The quality of the red cells following filtration processes needs further
Principles. Chapter 4
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Methods of freezing
When freezing plasma, the rate of cooling should be as rapid as
possible and optimally should bring the core temperature down to
– 30 ºC or below within 60 minutes.
Experience has shown that without the use of a snap-freezer it takes
several hours to reach this temperature. The time can be reduced, for
example by the following means:
• plasma should be presented in a regular configuration to maximise
exposure to the freezing process (e.g. bags laid flat or in formers if
vertical), immersion in an environment at very low temperature;
• if a liquid environment is used, it should have been shown that the
container cannot be penetrated by the solvent.
As for the required storage conditions, reference is made to
Paragraph 14 in this Chapter, and the individual monographs.
Methods of thawing
Frozen units should be handled with care since the bags may be brittle.
The integrity of the pack should be verified before and after thawing
to exclude any defects and leakages. Containers which leak must be
discarded. The product should be thawed immediately after removal
from storage in a properly controlled environment at + 37 ºC according
to a validated procedure. After thawing of frozen plasma, the content
should be inspected to ensure that no insoluble cryoprecipitate is
visible on completion of the thaw procedure.
The product should not be used if insoluble material is present. In
order to preserve labile factors, plasma should be used immediately
following thawing. It should not be refrozen.
Thawing of the plasma is an inevitable part of some of the current viral
inactivation processes after which the products may be refrozen. In
order to preserve liable component, the final component should be used
immediately following thawing for clinical use and not further refrozen.
Principles. Chapter 4
The isolation of some plasma proteins, most importantly Factor VIII,
vWF, fibronectin and fibrinogen, can be achieved by making use of
their reduced solubility at low temperature. In practice, this is done by
freezing units of plasma, thawing and centrifugation at low temperature.
Details regarding the freezing, thawing, and centrifugation conditions
required for cryoprecipitate production, are provided under Standards,
Chapter 5, Part D, Paragraph 3 Cryoprecipitate.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
• transplant recipients;
• patients with severe immuno-deficiency;
• foetus (intra-uterine transfusion);
• anti-CMV negative pregnant women;
• low weight premature infants and neonates.
Principles. Chapter 4
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 4
A blood centre wishes to establish surveillance to detect bacterial
contamination rates significantly in excess of 0.2%. The following chart
is derived from binomial statistics:
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
The blood centre collects 12 units of platelets per day, five days per
week. Cultures of units released after 48 hours, plus outdated units,
number 30 units per week that are processed as 6 weekly cultures
of five unit pools. An action limit is set to revalidate the collection
procedures if the observed contamination rate exceeds 0.42% for
yearly samples of 1560 units. The action limit was established based
on an expected contamination rate of 0.2%, a sample size of 1560,
and a cut-off determined as baseline plus 2-sigma variation. For this
scheme, the likelihood of rejecting a conforming process is 4.5% (once
every 22 years). The confidence levels (i.e. power) to exclude actual
contamination rates of 1%, 0.8% and 0.6% are 99.6%, 97% and 84%
Over a one-year period, 7 positive platelet pools are identified,
traceable to 7 individual units. The individual cases were investigated,
but no attributable cause was identified. The observed contamination
rate of 7/1560 = 0.45% exceeds the action level. Confidence that
the actual contamination rate exceeds 0.2% is greater than 95%. An
intensive review is conducted, and all collection and processing
procedures are revalidated.
Principles. Chapter 4
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 4
Additive solutions
An additive solution should allow maintenance of red cell viability
even if more than 90% of the plasma is removed. The use of glucose
and adenine is necessary for the maintenance of red blood cell post-
transfusion viability, phosphate may be used to enhance glycolysis,
and other substances may be used to prevent in vitro haemolysis (i.e.
mannitol, citrate). Sodium chloride or di-sodium phosphate may be
used to give the additive solution a suitable osmotic strength.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Platelets and leucocytes rapidly lose their viability at + 4 °C. They
form microaggregates which are present in considerable amounts even
after 3 to 4 days’ storage of whole blood and even more so in red cell
concentrates. Microaggregates can pass through the filters of ordinary
blood transfusion sets. They are considered to be able to cause
decreased lung function by blocking the lung capillaries and this may
be of clinical importance in massive transfusions. Removal of platelets
during component preparation reduces microaggregate formation.
Likewise, leucocyte depletion by buffy coat removal will also reduce
the frequency of febrile transfusion reactions and will help in obtaining
high-grade depletion of leucocytes when leucocyte removal filters are
used for this purpose.
Platelet preparations
Platelets must be stored under conditions which guarantee that their
viability and haemostatic activities are optimally preserved (see
Principles. Chapter 4
Granulocyte preparations
Ordinarily, granulocyte suspensions are prepared for a specific patient
and administered immediately.
Plasma components
Recommended storage conditions for fresh frozen plasma and cryo-
precipitate and for cryoprecipitate depleted plasma are given in the
Table below.
1 For plasma intended for fractionation refer to the appropriate Ph. Eur. monograph.
2 The recommended temperature ranges are based upon practical refrigeration
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 4
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Chapter 5
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Parameter to be
Requirements Frequency of control
Chapter 6
Paragraph 1. Overview
Specially designed blood components are required for intrauterine and
infant transfusions. The following factors must be considered when
transfusing neonates: (1) smaller blood volume, (2) reduced metabolic
capacity, (3) higher haematocrit and (4) an immature immunological
system. All these aspects are particularly important in fetal trans-
fusions and for small premature infants. There is a significant risk of
GvHD and CMV transmission when the foetus or small infants are
These patients should receive components selected or processed to
minimise the risk of CMV transmission.
There are specific national regulations or guidelines for pretransfusion
blood grouping and compatibility testing of neonates.
Components for intrauterine transfusions
All components for intrauterinetransfusion (IUT) must be irradiated.
To minimise the effect of potassium load, Red Cells for IUT must be
used within five days from donation and within 24 hours of irradiation.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 6
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Chapter 7
Paragraph 1. Overview
Several autologous transfusion techniques may be useful in surgery.
They were designed to avoid the risks of alloimmune complications
of blood transfusion, and reduce the risk of transfusion-associated
infectious complications. This chapter deals with autologous predeposit
Autologous predeposit blood components can be obtained from
pre-operative autologous predeposit whole blood donations in the
weeks preceding surgery. In selected conditions, red cell or platelet
concentrates can be collected using a cell separator: the equivalent
of 2 to 3 red cell concentrates, or 4 to 10 standard platelet concentrate
can be collected in a single procedure.
Autologous predeposit blood components obtained from pre-
operative donations must be collected, prepared and stored in the
same conditions as allogeneic donations. For these reasons, autologous
predeposit autologous donations must be done in or under the control
of blood establishments or in authorised clinical departments which
are subject to the same rules and controls of this activity as blood
establishments (see Standards).
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 7
Oral iron may be given to patients before the first donation and until
Any use of erythropoietin should comply with the product marketing
The following records should be maintained (see also the standards):
• the concurrent use of peri-operative autologous transfusion
• the technique and the volume of autologous blood reinjected;
• the use of allogeneic blood components.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Chapter 8
Paragraph 1. Overview
The aim of any blood transfusion laboratory is to perform the right
test, on the right sample and obtain the right results ensuring that the
right blood component is issued to the right patient. It is essential to
obtain accurate results for tests such as ABO/RhD grouping on the
donor and patient, antibody screening and compatibility testing.
Errors at any stage of performing such tests can lead to incompatible
or inappropriate blood being transfused with significant adverse
health affects on patients. These errors can be due to either technical
failure in serological testing or inadequate procedures leading to
misidentification of patient or donor samples, transcription errors or
misinterpretation of results. Haemovigilance data indicate that in some
cases, a combination of factors contribute to error, with the original
error being perpetuated or compounded by the lack of adequate
checking procedures within the laboratory or at the bedside.
The implementation of a quality management system will help to
reduce the number of technical and more often procedural errors
made in the laboratory. These include quality assurance measures
such as use of standard operating procedures, staff training, periodic
assessment of the technical competence of staff, documentation and
validation of techniques, reagents and equipment, procedures that
monitor day-to-day reproducibility of test results and methods to
detect errors in the analytical procedure.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Validation of reagents
Parameter to Frequency
be checked of control
Principles. Chapter 8
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
No precipitate, particles or gel-formation by
Appearance Each lot
visual inspection
No precipitate, particles or gel-formation by
Appearance Each lot
visual inspection
No agglutination or haemolysis using
compatible AB-serum
Reactivity Each lot
Agglutination of RBC sensitised with a weak
IgG anti-RhD
No agglutination of unsensitised RBC; no Each new
haemolytic activity lot
No precipitate, particles or gel-formation by
Appearance Each day
visual inspection
0.154 mol/L Each new
NaCl content
(= 9 g/L) lot
Each new
lot for
pH pH 6.6-7.6
Appearance No turbidity or particles on visual inspection Each lot
Each new
pH 6.7 (range 6.5-7.0).
Principles. Chapter 8
Quality control
The quality control procedures in blood group serology can be
divided into controls for equipment, reagents and techniques. This
classification is considered to provide clarity, in spite of partial
overlapping, especially between controls for reagents and techniques.
Parameter Minimal requirements Frequency
Control samples
to be checked for testing of control
Test twice in using 2 different
Each test series or
reagents. Use of 2 different
at least once a day
reagents1: monoclonal anti-A One blood sample of each of the
1. ABO-grouping provided the same
and anti-B from different clones; following types: O, A1, B
reagents are used
human antisera anti-A, anti-B and
anti-A,B from different batches2.
Each test series or
at least once a day
2. ABO
Use of A and B cells. provided the same
reagents are used
5. Antiglobulin
Washing the cells at least 3 times Addition of sensitised blood cells
testing tube Each negative test
before antiglobulin is added. to negative test
Serum samples with an amount
of immune anti-A and immune
anti-B respectively above and
6. Testing for high- Use of A1 – and B – RBC, Titration below the accepted saline
titre anti-A and in saline or in antiglobulin test agglutination titre of anti-A and/or Each test series
anti-B (in donors) with plasma (serum) diluted 1:50. anti-B(16).
Using antiglobulin test one control
sample should give positive result
and the other negative result.
Occasional input
7. Testing for by the supervisor
irregular allo- Use of antiglobulin test or other Serum samples with known of the laboratory
antibodies (in tests with the same sensitivity. RBC- alloantibodies and participation in
donors) external proficiency
testing exercises
Principles. Chapter 8
Use of at least the indirect
8. Testing for antiglobulin test or manual or
irregular automated testing with equivalent
As for 7 As for 7
alloantibodies (in sensitivity and homozygous RBC
patients) for the main clinically important
9. Compatibility
testing (including
ABO and D-typing Use of at least the indirect
in donor and antiglobulin test manual or
As for 7 As for 7
recipient RBC and automated testing with equivalent
test for irregular sensitivity.
antibodies in
patient serum)
1 When reverse grouping is undertaken, the two tests may be performed using the same reagents.
2 If ABO and RhD blood group is already known, a single test is sufficient.
Principles. Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Repeatedly reactive
Discard donation
screening test of a donor
Sample(s) of donation Block in-house products of donor
previously screening test
to confirmatory lab
repeatedly reactive3
Principles. Chapter 9
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 9
Anti-HTLV testing
The approach to confirmation is similar to HIV and includes natio-
nally established algorithms as well as specific assays including
immunoblotting and NAT. Sensitive tests for genome detection
including typing may be helpful in defining the infection status of the
Chagas testing
The blood of persons who were born or have been transfused in
areas where the disease is endemic can be selected to be tested for
T. cruzi antibodies. Plasma for fractionation is exempt from such a test
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Chapter 10
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 10
Paragraph 3. Transfusion
Safety measures
Verification of identity should be carried out both by asking the patient
to tell his/her name and date of birth and by reading these or other
identification details on a wrist-band which has been attached to the
patient according to well-specified rules.
Verification that the relevant infusion equipment is being used
according to manufacturer’s recommendations shall be carried out
by a medical officer before attaching the blood components unit.
It is recommended that no transfusion sets are used for more than
6 hours. Verification that there is no visible deterioration of the
blood components shall be carried out with particular emphasis on
Verification of compatibility between patient and blood unit shall be
carried out by:
• comparing the identity information received from the patient
with data on the laboratory’s certificate of compatibility testing (if
• checking the certificate of the patient’s blood group against the blood
group denoted on the blood components label; (bed side testing can
be done to confirm blood groups of the donor and patient);
• checking the identification number of blood units on the
laboratory’s certificate matches with the identification number on
the blood unit labels;
• checking that the expiry date of the blood unit has not been passed;
• recording the identity of the patient.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Clinical surveillance
Principles. Chapter 10
Warming of blood
Air embolism
During blood transfusion, air embolism is possible under some
circumstances if the operator is not sufficiently careful and skilful.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Principles of haemovigilance
Paragraph 1. Overview
Haemovigilance is defined as the organised surveillance procedures
related to serious adverse or unexpected events or reactions in donors
or recipients and the epidemiological follow up of donors.
The ultimate goal of haemovigilance is to prevent the recurrence
of adverse events and reactions. For that purpose, the results of
data analysis should be fed back periodically to their providers and
communicated to any competent authority, indicating, whenever
possible, any preventive or corrective measure to be adopted.
Haemovigilance should also incorporate an early alert/warning system.
Haemovigilance provides useful information on the morbidity of
blood donation and transfusion, and gives guidance on corrective
measures to prevent the recurrence of some incidents. Moreover,
haemovigilance is considered as a part of total health care vigilance,
along with pharmacovigilance, and vigilance on medical devices.
The information provided by haemovigilance may contribute to
improving the safety of blood collection and transfusion by:
• providing the medical community with a reliable source of
information about adverse events and reactions associated with
blood collection and transfusion;
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 11
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 11
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 11
Adverse events
Adverse events are defined as any untoward occurrence associated
with the collecting, testing, processing, storage and distribution of
blood and blood components that might lead to an adverse reaction in
blood recipients or blood donors.
Serious adverse events are those which might (but did not) lead to
death or life-threatening, disabling or incapacitating conditions for
patients or donors, or which might (but did not) result in prolonged
hospitalisation or morbidity. Examples of these serious adverse
events are failures to detect an infectious agent, errors in ABO typing,
wrong labelling of donor blood samples or blood components, for
instance in cases where the components were not transfused. Directive
EC 2002/98 requires that these events are to be notified.
“Near-miss” events are a subgroup of adverse events, defined as
any error, which if undetected, could result in the determination
of a wrong blood group or failure to detect a red cell antibody, or
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Device defects
Reporting of device defects can be viewed as part of haemovigilance
(see Standards).
Principles. Chapter 11
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Principles. Chapter 11
hospital about such test results. If testing of the recipient is not performed,
the blood establishment should also be informed of this by the hospital.
If the recipient is confirmed to be positive for the infection the incident
is reported to a national haemovigilance system and/or competent
Consistent with the recommendations of the competent public health
authority, blood establishments should consider the need to trace and
notify blood component recipients and/or their physicians in cases
where a blood donor subsequently is diagnosed with vCJD infection.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Data analysis
All the reports should be carefully analysed before inclusion in
the haemovigilance data base which can be exploited at different
levels: institutional, regional, national or international. Whatever
the magnitude of the network, an individual institution should have
permanent access to its own data.
Component information
This information should include a detailed prescription of the
component involved:
Principles. Chapter 11
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Chapter 1
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Standards. Chapter 1
All personnel must have clear, documented and up to date job descrip-
tions. There must be an organisation chart showing the hierarchical
structure of the blood establishment and clear delineation of lines of
All personnel must receive initial and continued training appropriate
to their specific tasks. Training and competencies must be documented
and training records must be maintained.
Premises must be located, constructed, adapted and maintained to suit
the operations to be carried out.
Premises must enable effective cleaning and maintenance to minimise
risk of contamination.
Processing and storage areas must be secured against the entry of
unauthorised persons and must be used only for the intended purpose.
Equipment and materials
All equipment must be designed, validated and maintained to suit
its intended purpose and must not present any unacceptable risks to
donors or operators.
Regular maintenance and calibration must be carried out and docu-
mented according to established procedures. Operating instructions
must be available and appropriate records kept.
All critical equipment must have a regular, planned maintenance
to detect or prevent avoidable errors and keep the equipment in its
optimum functional state. The maintenance intervals and actions must
be determined for each item of equipment. The maintenance status of
each item of equipment must be available.
All modifications, enhancements or additions to validated systems and
equipment must be managed through the blood establishment’s change
management procedure. The effect of each change on the system or
equipment and the degree of required validation must be determined.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Standards. Chapter 1
Quality monitoring
Acceptance criteria must be based on a defined set of specifications for
each blood and blood component.
Quality control
All quality control procedures must be validated before use.
The results of quality control testing must be continuously evaluated
and steps taken to correct defective procedures or equipment.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Standards. Chapter 1
The corrective and preventive actions system must ensure that existing
component nonconformity or quality problems are corrected and that
recurrence of the problem is prevented.
An effective recall procedure must be in place, including a description
of the responsibilities and actions to be taken and guidance on the
situations in which a recall may be required.
Chapter 2
Paragraph 1. Overview
Measures must be taken to promote the collection of blood and blood
components from voluntary non-remunerated donations according to
the principles set in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights
and Dignity of the Human Being with Regard to the Application of
Biology and Medicine (Convention on Human Rights and Biomedecine,
CETS No. 164) and its Additional Protocol concerning Transplantation
of Organs and Tissues of Human Origin (CETS No. 186).
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Standards. Chapter 2
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Donor details
There must be secure, unique donor identification, contact details and
robust mechanisms linking donor to donation.
Tables 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3 list conditions to deferral. Specific conditions
for infectious diseases are listed in sections a) to k) of this paragraph.
Standards. Chapter 2
2 Deferral requirements may be waived by the blood establishment when the donation
is used exclusively for plasma for fractionation.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Standards. Chapter 2
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Infectious diseases
Persons whose sexual behaviour puts them at high risk of acquiring
severe infectious diseases that can be transmitted by blood must be
permanently deferred.
Current sexual partners of people with HIV must be deferred.
Previous sexual partners of people with HIV are acceptable after
12 months since the last sexual contact.
b. Brucellosis (confirmed)
Deferral for at least two years following full recovery.
The deferral period does not apply when the donation is used
exclusively for plasma fractionation.
c. Chagas disease
Individuals with Chagas disease or who have had Chagas disease must
be deferred permanently.
The blood of persons who were born or have been transfused in areas
where the disease is endemic should be used only for production of
plasma that is used exclusively for fractionation into plasma derivatives
unless a validated test for infection with T. cruzi is negative.
Standards. Chapter 2
e. Malaria13
Since questioning the donor as to the country(s) in which he was born,
brought up or has visited is essential for effective detection, every
blood establishment must have a current map or list of the endemic
zones and time frames in the countries concerned.
Persons who have lived in a malaria area for a continuous period of
6 months or more at any time in life:
These persons may become asymptomatic carriers of the malaria
parasite. Therefore, the following rules must apply to these individuals
after each return from a malaria area:
• May be accepted as blood donor if the result of a validated
immunological test for antibodies to the malaria parasite, performed
at least 4 months after the last visit to a malaria area is negative.
• If the test is repeatedly reactive the donor must be deferred and may
be re-evaluated after a suitable period when the antibody test may
have reverted to negative (a period of 3 years is suggested).
• If the test is not performed the donor must be deferred until the test
is performed and negative.
Persons who give a history of malaria:
• Must be deferred until asymptomatic and off treatment.
• May be accepted as blood donor if the result of a validated immuno-
logical test for antibodies to the malaria parasite, performed at least
4 months since cessation of treatment/last symptoms is negative.
• If the test is repeatedly reactive the donor must be deferred and may
be re-evaluated after a suitable period when the antibody test may
have reverted negative (a period of 3 years is suggested).
13 The tests and deferral periods may be waived by the blood establishment when the
donation is used exclusively for plasma fractionation.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
• If the test is not performed the donor should be deferred until the
test is performed and negative.
Persons who report an undiagnosed febrile illness consistent with malaria
during or within 6 months of the end of a visit to a malaria area:
• May be accepted as blood donor if the result of a validated immuno-
logical test for antibodies to the malaria parasite, performed at least
4 months since cessation of treatment/last symptoms is negative.
• If the test is repeatedly reactive the donor should be deferred and
may be re-evaluated after a suitable period when the antibody test
may have reverted negative (a period of 3 years is suggested).
• If the test is not performed the donor should be deferred until the
test is performed and negative.
All other persons who have visited a malaria endemic area without
reporting any clinical symptoms consistent with malaria:
• May be accepted as a blood donor if the result of a validated immuno-
logical test for antibodies to the malaria parasite performed at least
4 months after the last visit to a malaria endemic area is negative.
• If the test is repeatedly reactive the donor must be deferred and re-
evaluated after a suitable period when the antibody test may have
reverted negative (a period of 3 years is suggested).
• If the test is not performed, the donor may be re-accepted once a
period of 12 months has elapsed after last return from a malaria area.
f. Q Fever14
Deferral until two years following the date confirmed cured.
g. Syphilis14
Deferral until one year following the date cured.
14 The tests and deferral periods may be waived by the blood establishment when the
donation is used exclusively for plasma fractionation.
Standards. Chapter 2
h. Toxoplasmosis
Deferral until six months following clinical recovery.
i. Tuberculosis
Deferral until two years after having been declared cured.
Quantity of donation
A standard whole blood donation exclusive of anticoagulants must not
exceed 500 mL and usually consists of a donation of 450 mL ± 10%.
15 The tests and deferral periods may be waived by the blood establishment when the
donation is used exclusively for plasma fractionation.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
These maximum donation rates must never be exceeded under any cir-
cumstances, and should only be adopted after careful consideration of
the dietary habits of the populations concerned, and in the knowledge
that extra care may be necessary, beyond routine haemoglobin or
haematocrithaematocrit estimation, in the monitoring of donors for
iron deficiency.
Laboratory examination
• Haemoglobin concentration must be determined each time the
donor attends to donate.
• Minimum values before donation:
Apheresis donors
The supervision and medical care of apheresis donors must be the
responsibility of a physician specially trained in these techniques.
Standards. Chapter 2
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Chapter 3
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Paragraph 4. Labelling
Laboratory samples must be taken at the time of each donation.
Procedures must be designed to minimise the risk of microbial
contamination of the collected blood or deterioration of the sample,
and to prevent potential misidentification of samples.
The blood establishment must minimise the possibility of errors in
labelling of blood containers and blood samples.
At the time of the blood donation, the blood container as well as
those of the samples collected for testing must be labelled to uniquely
identify the blood donation. The labelling system must comply with
the relevant national legislation and international agreements.
The blood donation must be identified by a unique identity number
which is both eye and machine readable. The labelling system must
allow full traceability to all relevant data registered by the blood
establishment about the donor and the blood donation.
Careful check must be made of the identity indicator of the donor
against the labels issued for that donation.
The manufacturer’s label on the blood containers (blood plastic bags
and bag systems) must contain the following eye readable information:
• the manufacturer’s name and address;
• the name of the blood bag and/or the name of the blood bag plastic
• the name, composition and volume of anticoagulant or additive
solution (if any);
• the product catalogue number and the lot number.
Standards. Chapter 3
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Standards. Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Paragraph 1. Processing
Preparation of blood and blood components must follow the principles
of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and comply with appropriate
The premises used for the processing of blood components must be
kept in a clean and hygienic condition and the microbial contamination
load on critical equipment, surfaces and in the environment of the
processing areas must be monitored.
Procedures must detail the specifications for any materials that will
influence the quality of the final blood component. In particular,
specifications must be in place for blood and blood components
(intermediate and final components), starting materials, additive
solutions, primary package material (bags) and equipment.
Procedures must be developed and validated for all processing activities.
These must include time limits for the processing of blood components.
Sterile connecting devices must be used in accordance with a validated
procedure. The resulting weld must be checked for satisfactory
alignment and the integrity validated. When validated, connections
made using sterile connecting devices are regarded as closed system
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Standards. Chapter 4
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Standards. Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Component monographs
Standards. Chapter 5
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO and RhD group;
• blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant solution;
• additional component information: irradiated, etc. (if appropriate);
• the volume or weight of the blood component;
• the temperature of storage;
• that the component must not be used for transfusion if there is
abnormal haemolysis or other deterioration;
• that the component must be administered through a 150-200 µm
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
6. Warnings
Compatibility of Whole Blood for transfusion with the intended
recipient must be verified by suitable pre-transfusion testing.
Adverse reactions
• anaphylaxis;
• post-transfusion purpura;
Standards. Chapter 5
• circulatory overload;
• iron overload.
2. Preparation
Generally a filtration technique is used to produce Whole Blood, LD.
Pre-storage leucocyte depletion within 48 hours after donation is the
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 5A-2
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
1% of all units
with a minimum
Haemoglobin Minimum 43 g per unit
of 4 units
per month
1% of all units
with a minimum
Residual leucocytes2 < 1 × 106 per unit by count
of 10 units
per month
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation.
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
Standards. Chapter 5
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO and RhD group;
• blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant solution;
• additional component information: irradiated, etc. (if appropriate);
• the volume or weight of the blood component;
• the temperature of storage;
• that the component must not be used for transfusion if there is
abnormal haemolysis or other deterioration;
• that the component must be administered through a 150-200 µm
6. Warnings
Compatibility of Whole Blood, LD with the intended recipient must be
verified by suitable pre-transfusion testing.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Adverse reactions
• haemolytic transfusion reaction;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• anaphylaxis;
• alloimmunisation against red cell and HLA antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis can be transmitted if component is stored for less than
96 hours at + 4 °C;
• protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or
• citrate toxicity in neonates and in patients with impaired liver
• metabolic imbalance in massive transfusion (e.g. hyperkalaemia);
• circulatory overload;
• iron overload.
Component monographs
Table 5B-1
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
ABO, RhD Grouping All units
Anti-HIV 1&2 Negative by approved screening test All units
HBsAg Negative by approved screening test All units
Anti-HCV Negative by approved screening test All units
Volume 280 ± 50 mL 1% of all units
Haematocrit 0.65-0.75 4 units per month
Haemoglobin minimum 45 g per unit 4 units per month
Haemolysis at the
< 0.8% of red cell mass 4 units per month
end of storage
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation.
Standards. Chapter 5
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
6. Warnings
Micro aggregates are formed on storage.
Compatibility of Red Cells with the intended recipient must be verified
by suitable pre-transfusion testing.
RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger should
preferably not be transfused with red cells from RhD positive donors.
Red Cells are not recommended in:
• plasma intolerance;
• intolerance due to alloimmunisation against leucocyte antigens;
• exchange transfusion in newborns unless supplementary plasma is
Adverse reactions
• haemolytic transfusion reaction;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• anaphylaxis;
• alloimmunisation against red cell and HLA antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis can be transmitted if component is stored for less than
96 hours at + 4 °C;
Standards. Chapter 5
2. Preparation
Red Cells, BCR is derived from whole blood by centrifugation. The
plasma and 20 to 60 mL of the buffy coat layer are removed from the
whole blood after centrifugation, resulting in the loss of 10 to 30 mL
of the whole blood´s red cells. Sufficient plasma is retained to give a
haematocrit of 0.65 to 0.75.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 5B-2
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control#
ABO, RhD Grouping All units
Anti-HIV 1 & 2 Negative by approved screening test All units
HBsAg Negative by approved screening test All units
Anti-HCV Negative by approved screening test All units
Volume 250 ± 50 mL 1% of all units
Haematocrit 0.65-0.75 4 units per month
Haemoglobin Minimum 43 g per unit 4 units per month
<1.2 × 109 per unit 4 units per month
leucocytes content2
Haemolysis at the
< 0.8% of red cell mass 4 units per month
end of storage
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation.
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
Standards. Chapter 5
6. Warnings
Compatibility of Red Cells, BCR with the intended recipient must be
verified by suitable pre-transfusion testing.
RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger should
preferably not be transfused with red cells from RhD positive donors.
Red Cells, BCR are not recommended in:
• plasma intolerance (may not concern units with a low plasma
content unless IgA incompatibility is present);
• exchange transfusions in newborns unless supplementary plasma is
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Adverse reactions
• haemolytic transfusion reaction;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• anaphylaxis;
• alloimmunisation against red cell and HLA antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis can be transmitted if component is stored for less than
96 hours at + 4 °C;
• protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised;
• citrate toxicity in neonates and in patients with impaired liver
• metabolic imbalance in massive transfusion (e.g. hyperkalaemia);
• circulatory overload;
• iron overload.
Standards. Chapter 5
2. Preparation
Whole Blood is collected with CPD as the anticoagulant solution. After
centrifugation of the whole blood, plasma is removed and the additive
solution is immediately added to the red cells and carefully mixed.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO and RhD group;
• blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant solution;
• the name and volume of the additive solution;
• additional component information: irradiated, etc. (if appropriate);
• the volume or weight of the blood component;
• the temperature of storage;
• that the component must not be used for transfusion if there is
abnormal haemolysis or other deterioration;
• that the component must be administered through a 150-200 µm
Standards. Chapter 5
6. Warnings
Micro aggregates are formed on storage.
Compatibility of Red Cells, AS with the intended recipient must be
verified by suitable pre-transfusion testing.
RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger should
preferably not be transfused with red cells from RhD positive donors.
Red Cells, AS is not recommended in:
• plasma intolerance;
• intolerance due to alloimmunisation against leucocyte antigens;
• exchange transfusion in newborns unless used within 5 days of
donation, with the additive solution replaced by fresh frozen
plasma on the day of use.
Adverse reactions
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
2. Preparation
Red Cells, BCR-AS are derived from whole blood by centrifugation. For
preparation, the plasma and 20 to 60 mL of the buffy coat layer are
removed, resulting in the loss of 10 to 30 mL of the whole blood´s red
cells. The additive solution is immediately added to the red cells and
carefully mixed.
Standards. Chapter 5
Table 5B-4
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
ABO, RhD Grouping All units
Anti-HIV 1 & 2 Negative by approved screening test All units
HBsAg Negative by approved screening test All units
Anti-HCV Negative by approved screening test All units
Volume to be defined for the system used 1% of all units
Haematocrit 0.50-0.70 4 units per month
Haemoglobin Minimum 43 g per unit 4 units per month
leucocytes < 1.2 × 109 per unit 4 units per month
Haemolysis at the
< 0.8% of red cell mass 4 units per month
end of storage
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation.
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
6. Warnings
Compatibility of Red Cells, BCR-AS with the intended recipient must
be verified by suitable pre-transfusion testing.
RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger should
preferably not be transfused with red cells from RhD positive donors.
Red Cells, BCR-AS is not recommended in:
• plasma intolerance;
• intolerance due to alloimmunisation against leucocyte antigens.
Standards. Chapter 5
Adverse reactions
• haemolytic transfusion reaction;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• anaphylaxis;
• alloimmunisation against red cell and HLA antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis can be transmitted if component is stored for less than
96 hours at + 4 °C;
• protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised;
• citrate toxicity in neonates and in patients with impaired liver
• metabolic imbalance in massive transfusion (e.g. hyperkalaemia);
• circulatory overload;
• iron overload.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
2. Preparation
Generally a filtration technique is used to produce Red Cells, LD.
Leucocyte depletion within 48 hours after donation is the standard.
Red Cells, LD can be produced:
• by leucocyte filtration of whole blood with subsequent centrifuga-
tion and removal of plasma;
• by leucocyte filtration of a red cell component.
Table 5B-5
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
Standards. Chapter 5
Haemolysis at the
< 0.8% of red cell mass 4 units per month
end of storage
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation.
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO and RhD group;
• blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant solution;
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
6. Warnings
Compatibility of Red Cells, LD with the intended recipient must be
verified by suitable pre-transfusion testing.
RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger should
preferably not be transfused with red cells from RhD positive donors.
Red Cells, LD are not recommended in:
• plasma intolerance.
Adverse reactions
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic transfusion reaction;
• anaphylaxis;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• alloimmunisation against red cell and HLA (very rarely) antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
Standards. Chapter 5
2. Preparation
Generally a filtration technique is used to produce Red Cells, LD-AS.
Leucocyte depletion within 48 hours after donation is the standard.
Red Cells, LD-AS can be produced:
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 5B-6
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
1% of all units
Residual with a minimum
< 1 × 106 per unit by count
leucocytes content2 of 10 units per
1% of all units
with a minimum
Haemoglobin Minimum 40 g per unit
of 4 units per
Haemolysis at the
< 0.8% of red cell mass 4 units per month
end of storage
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation.
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
Standards. Chapter 5
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO and RhD group;
• blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant solution;
• the name and volume of the additive solution;
• additional component information: irradiated, etc. (if appropriate);
• the volume or weight of the blood component;
• the temperature of storage;
• that the component must not be used for transfusion if there is
abnormal haemolysis or other deterioration;
• that the component must be administered through a 150-200 µm
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
6. Warnings
Compatibility of Red Cells, LD-AS with the intended recipient must be
verified by suitable pre-transfusion testing.
RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger should
preferably not be transfused with red cells from RhD positive donors.
Red Cells, LD-AS are not recommended in:
• plasma intolerance (may not apply to units with a low plasma
Adverse reactions
• haemolytic transfusion reaction;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• anaphylaxis;
• alloimmunisation against red cell and HLA (very rarely) antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis can be transmitted if component is stored for less than
96 hours at + 4 °C;
• protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised;
Standards. Chapter 5
Leucocyte content of Red Cells, Aph might vary. When leucocyte deple-
ted, Red Cells, Aph normally contain less than 1.0 × 106 leucocytes.
2. Preparation
For preparation of Red Cells, Aph whole blood is removed by an
appropriate apheresis machine from the donor and anticoagulated
with a citrate-containing solution. The plasma is returned to the donor.
Either one or two units of Red Cells, Aph can be collected during a
single procedure.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 5B-7
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
4 units per
Haematocrit 0.65-0.75
4 units per
(if additive 0.50-0.70
4 units per
Haemoglobin Minimum 40 g per unit
1% of all units
Residual leucocytes
with a minimum
content2 (if < 1 x 106 per unit by count
of 10 units per
leucocyte depleted)
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation.
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
Standards. Chapter 5
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number. If two or more units are collected from
the donor in one session, each component must have an unique
component identity number;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO and RhD group;
• blood group phenotypes other than ABO and RhD (optional);
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant solution;
• the name and volume of the additive solution (if appropriate);
• additional component information: irradiated, etc. (if appropriate);
• the volume or weight of the blood component;
• the temperature of storage;
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
6. Warnings
Compatibility of Red Cells, Aph with the intended recipient must be
verified by suitable pre-transfusion testing.
RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger should
preferably not be transfused with red cells from RhD positive donors.
Red Cells, Aph is not recommended in:
• plasma intolerance (may not apply to units with a low plasma
content unless IgA incompatibility is present).
Adverse reactions
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic transfusion reaction;
• anaphylaxis;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• alloimmunisation against red cell and HLA (very rarely after
leucocyte-depletion) antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
Standards. Chapter 5
2. Preparation
After centrifugation of the primary component and removal of plasma
or additive solution (and if applicable the buffy coat layer) the red cells
are washed by sequential addition and removal of an additive solution.
Centrifugation must be performed at a controlled temperature.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 5B-8
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
ABO, RhD Grouping All units
Anti-HIV 1 & 2 Negative by approved screening test All units
HBsAg Negative by approved screening test All units
Anti-HCV Negative by approved screening test All units
Volume To be defined for the system used All units
Haematocrit 0.65-0.75 All units
Haemoglobin Minimum 40 g per unit All units
Haemolysis at end
< 0.8% of red cell mass All units
of the process
Protein content of
< 0.5 g per unit All units
final supernatant
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation.
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
Standards. Chapter 5
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
• anaphylaxis;
• alloimmunisation against red cell and HLA (very rarely) antigens;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis can be transmitted if component is stored for less than
96 hours at + 4 °C;
• protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised;
• metabolic imbalance in massive transfusion (e.g. hyperkalaemia);
• circulatory overload;
• iron overload.
2. Preparation
Two methods are in general use for preparation of Red Cells, Cryo. One
is a high glycerol, the other a low glycerol technique. Both methods
require a washing/deglycerolisation procedure.
Standards. Chapter 5
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements.
The following information must be traceable for each frozen unit:
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number;
Standards. Chapter 5
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
6. Warnings
Compatibility of Red Cells, Cryo with the intended recipient must be
verified by suitable pre-transfusion testing.
RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger should
preferably not be transfused with red cells from RhD positive donors.
When Red Cells, Cryo are processed in an open system, the risk of
bacterial contamination is increased and therefore extra vigilance is
required during transfusion.
Adverse reactions
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic transfusion reaction;
• anaphylaxis;
• alloimmunisation against red cell and HLA (very rarely) antigens;
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised;
• iron overload.
Component monographs
Standards. Chapter 5
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
ABO, RhD Grouping All units
Negative by approved
Anti-HIV 1 & 2 All units
screening test
Negative by approved
HBsAg All units
screening test
Negative by approved
Anti-HCV All units
screening test
> 40 mL per 60 × 109 of
Volume All units
1% of all units with
Platelet content
> 60 × 109 a minimum of
per final unit2
10 units per month
Residual leucocytes
per final unit3 1% of all units with
a minimum of
a. prepared from buffy-coat < 0.05 × 109 10 units per month
b. prepared from PRP < 0.2 × 109
pH measured (+ 22 ºC) 1% of all units with a
at the end of the > 6.4 minimum of 4 units
recommended shelf life4 per month
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation. (see next page)
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 75% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
3 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
4 Measurement of the pH in a closed system is preferable to prevent CO2 escape.
Measurement may be made at another temperature and converted by calculation for
reporting pH at + 22 °C.
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number; if platelets are pooled the original
donations must be traceable;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO and RhD group;
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
Standards. Chapter 5
6. Warnings
Platelets, Rec, SU are not recommended in:
• plasma intolerance;
• RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger should
preferably not be transfused with platelets from RhD positive donors.
Adverse reactions
• haemolytic reaction due to transfusion of ABO-incompatible
plasma in the component;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• anaphylaxis;
• alloimmunisation against HLA and red cell antigens;
• alloimmunisation against HPA antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis transmission;
• protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised;
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
2. Preparation
Platelets, Rec, Pool can be produced:
• directly from whole blood derived buffy coats, which is the method
of choice;
• by secondary processing after pooling of 4-6 Platelets, Rec, SU.
Standards. Chapter 5
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
ABO, RhD Grouping All units
Negative by approved
Anti-HIV 1 & 2 All units
screening test
Negative by approved
HBsAg All units
screening test
Negative by approved
Anti-HCV All units
screening test
> 40 mL per 60 × 109 of
Volume All units
1% of all units with a
Platelet content
Minimum 2 × 1011 minimum of 10 units
per final unit2
per month
1% of all units with a
Residual leucocytes
< 1 × 109 per final unit minimum of 10 units
per month
pH measured (+ 22 ºC) 1% of all units with a
at the end of the > 6.4 minimum of 4 units
recommended shelf life4 per month
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation. (see next page)
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 75% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
3 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
4 Measurement of the pH in a closed system is preferable to prevent CO2 escape.
Measurement may be made at another temperature and converted by calculation for
reporting pH at + 22 °C.
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number; if platelets are pooled the original
donations must be traceable;
• the name of the blood component;
Standards. Chapter 5
6. Warnings
Adverse reactions
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic reaction due to transfusion of ABO-incompatible
plasma in the component;
• anaphylaxis;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• alloimmunisation against HLA and red cell antigens;
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
2. Preparation
Platelets, Rec, Pool, LD are leucocyte-depleted by filtration. Pre-storage
leucocyte filtration is recommended in preference to filtration during
or shortly before transfusion.
Standards. Chapter 5
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 5C-3
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
Negative by approved
Anti-HIV 1 & 2 All units
screening test
Negative by approved
HBsAg All units
screening test
Negative by approved
Anti-HCV All units
screening test
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation.
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 75% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
3 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
4 Measurement of the pH in a closed system is preferable to prevent CO2 escape.
Measurement may be made at another temperature and converted by calculation for
reporting pH at + 22 °C.
Standards. Chapter 5
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number; If platelets are pooled the original
donations must be traceable;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO and RhD group;
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant solution;
• additional component information: irradiated, number of
donations combined to make the pool, etc. (if appropriate);
• the volume of the blood component;
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
6. Warnings
Platelets, Rec, Pool, LD are not recommended in:
• plasma intolerance;
• RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger should
preferably not be transfused with platelets from RhD positive donors.
Adverse reactions
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic reaction due to transfusion of ABO-incompatible
plasma in the component;
• anaphylaxis;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• alloimmunisation against HLA (very rarely after leucocyte-
depletion) and red cell antigens;
• alloimmunisation against HPA antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis transmission;
• protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised;
• citrate toxicity in neonates and in patients with impaired liver
Standards. Chapter 5
2. Preparation
Platelets, Rec, Pool, AS is prepared from whole blood derived buffy coats.
A whole blood unit stored in conditions validated to maintain
temperature between + 20 °C to + 24 °C for up to 24 hours is
centrifuged so that platelets are primarily sedimented to the buffy coat
layer together with leucocytes. The buffy coat is separated and further
processed so that usually 4 to 6 blood group compatible buffy coats
are pooled in a sterile manner and suspended in an additive solution.
After careful mixing, the buffy coat pool is centrifuged (soft spin) so
that platelets remain in the supernatant but red cells and leucocytes are
effectively sedimented to the bottom of the bag. The platelet containing
supernatant is immediately transferred into a suitable platelet storage
bag in a sterile manner.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
ABO, RhD Grouping All units
Negative by approved
Anti-HIV 1 & 2 All units
screening test
Negative by approved
HBsAg All units
screening test
Negative by approved
Anti-HCV All units
screening test
> 40 mL per 60 × 109 of
Volume All units
1% of all units with
Platelet content2 Minimum 2 × 1011 per unit a minimum of
10 units per month
1% of all units with
Residual leucocytes
< 0.3 × 109 per unit a minimum of
10 units per month
pH measured (+ 22 ºC) 1% of all units with
at the end of the > 6.4 a minimum of
recommended shelf life4 4 units per month
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation.
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 75% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
3 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
4 Measurement of the pH in a closed system is preferable to prevent CO2 escape.
Measurement may be made at another temperature and converted by calculation for
reporting pH at + 22 °C.
Standards. Chapter 5
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number; if platelets are pooled the original
donations must be traceable;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO and RhD group;
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant solution;
• the name and volume of the additive solution;
• additional component information: irradiated, number of
donations combined to make the pool, etc. (if appropriate);
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
6. Warnings
Platelets, Rec, Pool, AS is not recommended in:
• plasma intolerance;
• RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger should
preferably not be transfused with platelets from RhD positive donors.
Adverse reactions
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic reaction due to anti-A, -B in case of incompatible
• anaphylaxis;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• alloimmunisation against HLA and red cell antigens;
• alloimmunisation against HPA antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis transmission;
• protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised;
• citrate toxicity in neonates and in patients with impaired liver
Standards. Chapter 5
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Standards. Chapter 5
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Adverse reactions
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic reaction due to anti-A, -B in case of incompatible
• anaphylaxis;
• non haemolytic transfusion reactions (mainly chills, fever and
urticaria). The incidence is reduced by the use of pre-storage
leucocyte depleted platelets;
• alloimmunisation against HLA (very rarely after leucocyte-
depletion) and red cell antigens;
• alloimmunisation against HPA antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis transmission;
Standards. Chapter 5
2. Preparation
For preparation of Platelets, Aph whole blood is removed from the
donor by the apheresis machine, anticoagulated with a citrate solution
and platelets are harvested from it.
For use in neonates and infants Platelets, Aph can be divided into
satellite units under sterile conditions.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 5C-6
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
ABO, RhD Grouping All units
Negative by approved
Anti-HIV 1 & 2 All units
screening test
Negative by approved
HBsAg All units
screening test
Negative by approved
Anti-HCV All units
screening test
> 40 mL per 60 ×109 of
Volume All units
Standard unit: minimum
2 × 1011 per unit 1% of all units with a
Platelet content For use in neonates or minimum of 10 units
infants: minimum per month
0.5 × 1011 per unit
1% of all units with a
Residual leucocytes
< 0.3 × 109 per unit minimum of 10 units
per month
pH measured (+ 22 °C) 1% of all units with a
at the end of the > 6.4 minimum of 4 units
recommended shelf life3 per month
1 The frequency of control is an indication of minimal frequency and statistical
process control should be used to minimize the risk of a product deviation.
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
3 Measurement of the pH in a closed system is preferable to prevent CO2 escape.
Measurement may be made at another temperature and converted by calculation for
reporting pH at + 22 °C.
Standards. Chapter 5
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number; if two or more units are collected from
the donor in one session, each component must have an unique
component identity number;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO and RhD group;
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant solution;
• additional component information: irradiated, etc. (if appropriate);
• the volume of the blood component;
• the number of platelets (average or actual, as appropriate);
• the temperature of storage;
• the relevant HLA and/or HPA type, if determined;
• that the component must be administered through a 150-200 µm
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
6. Warnings
Platelets, Aph is not recommended in:
• plasma intolerance;
• RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger
should preferably not be transfused with platelets from RhD
positive donors.
Adverse reactions
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic reaction due to transfusion of ABO-incompatible
plasma in the component;
• anaphylaxis;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• alloimmunisation against HLA and red cell antigens;
• alloimmunisation against HPA antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis transmission;
• protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised;
• citrate toxicity in neonates and in patients with impaired liver
Standards. Chapter 5
2. Preparation
For preparation of Platelets, Aph, LD whole blood is removed from
the donor by the apheresis machine, anticoagulated with a citrate
solution and platelets are harvested from it. To reduce the number of
contaminating leucocytes centrifugation, filtration or other in-process
steps are included in the process. Pre-storage leucocyte depletion
is recommended (within 6 hours after preparation if performed by
For use in neonates and infants Platelets, Aph, LD can be divided into
satellite units under sterile conditions
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 5C-7
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
ABO, RhD Grouping All units
Negative by approved
Anti-HIV 1 & 2 All units
screening test
Negative by approved
HBsAg All units
screening test
Negative by approved
Anti-HCV All units
screening test
Volume > 40 mL per 60 × 109 of platelets All units
Standard unit: minimum 1% of all units
2 × 1011 per unit with a minimum
Platelet content
For use in neonates or infants: of 10 units
minimum 0.5 × 1011 per unit per month
1% of all units
Residual leucocytes with a minimum
< 1 × 106 per unit
content2 of 10 units
per month
pH measured (+ 22 ºC) 1% of all units
at the end of the with a minimum
> 6.4
recommended shelf of 4 units
life3 per month
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation.
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
3 Measurement of the pH in a closed system is preferable to prevent CO2 escape.
Measurement may be made at another temperature and converted by calculation for
reporting pH at + 22 °C.
Standards. Chapter 5
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
6. Warnings
Platelets, Apheresis, LD is not recommended in:
• plasma intolerance;
• RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger
should preferably not be transfused with platelets from RhD
positive donors.
Adverse reactions
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic reaction due to transfusion of ABO; incompatible
plasma in the component;
• anaphylaxis;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
urticaria). The incidence is reduced by the use of pre-storage
leucocyte depleted platelets;
• alloimmunisation against HLA (very rarely) and red cell antigens;
• alloimmunisation against HPA antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis transmission;
• protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised;
• citrate toxicity in neonates and in patients with impaired liver
Standards. Chapter 5
2. Preparation
For preparation of Platelets, Aph, AS whole blood is removed from
the donor by the apheresis machine, anticoagulated with a citrate
solution and platelets are harvested from it. Platelets are stored in a
combination of plasma and an appropriate additive solution
For use in neonates and infants Platelets, Aph, AS can be divided into
satellite units under sterile conditions.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 5C-8
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
ABO, RhD Grouping All units
Negative by approved
Anti-HIV 1 & 2 All units
screening test
Negative by approved
HBsAg All units
screening test
Negative by approved
Anti-HCV All units
screening test
HLA or HPA As required All units
> 40 mL per 60 × 109 of
Volume All units
Standard unit: minimum
2 × 1011 per unit 1% of all units with a
Platelet content For use in neonates or minimum of 10 units
infants: minimum per month
0.5 × 1011 per unit
1% of all units with a
Residual leucocytes
< 0.3 × 109 per unit minimum of 10 units
per month
pH measured (+ 22 °C) 1% of all units with a
at the end of the > 6.4 minimum of 4 units
recommended shelf life3 per month
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation.
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
3 Measurement of the pH in a closed system is preferable to prevent CO2 escape.
Measurement may be made at another temperature and converted by calculation for
reporting pH at + 22 °C.
Standards. Chapter 5
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number; if two or more units are collected from
the donor in one session, each component must have an unique
component identity number;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO and RhD group;
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant solution;
• the name and volume of the additive solution;
• additional component information: irradiated, etc. (if appropriate);
• the volume of the blood component;
• the number of platelets (average or actual, as appropriate);
• the temperature of storage;
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Adverse reactions
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic reaction due to anti-A, -B in case of incompatible
• anaphylaxis;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• alloimmunisation against HLA and red cell antigens;
• alloimmunisation against HPA antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis transmission;
• protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised;
• citrate toxicity in neonates and in patients with impaired liver
Standards. Chapter 5
2. Preparation
For preparation of Platelets, Aph, LD-AS whole blood is removed from
the donor by the apheresis machine, anticoagulated with a citrate
solution and platelets are harvested from it. Platelets are stored in a
combination of plasma and an appropriate nutrient solution. To reduce
the number of contaminating leucocytes centrifugation, filtration
or other in-process steps are included in the process. Pre-storage
leucocyte depletion is recommended (within 6 hours after preparation
if performed by filtration).
For use in neonates and infants Platelets, Aph, LD-AS can be divided
into satellite units under sterile conditions
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 5C-9
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control1
Negative by approved
Anti-HIV 1 & 2 All units
screening test
Negative by approved
HBsAg All units
screening test
Negative by approved
Anti-HCV All units
screening test
1 Where different from “All units” the frequency of control is an indication of minimal
frequency and statistical process control should be used to minimize the risk of a
product deviation.
2 These requirements shall be deemed to have been met if 90% of the units tested fall
within the values indicated.
3 Measurement of the pH in a closed system is preferable to prevent CO2 escape.
Measurement may be made at another temperature and converted by calculation for
reporting pH at + 22 °C.
Standards. Chapter 5
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number; if two or more units are collected from
the donor in one session, each component must have an unique
component identity number;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO and RhD group;
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant solution;
• the name and volume of the additive solution;
• additional component information: irradiated, etc. (if appropriate);
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
6. Warnings
Platelets, Aph, LD-AS is not recommended in:
• plasma intolerance;
• RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger
should preferably not be transfused with platelets from RhD positive
Adverse reactions
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic reaction due to anti-A, -B in case of incompatible
• anaphylaxis;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• alloimmunisation against HLA (very rarely after pre-storage
leucocyte-depletion) and red cell antigens;
• alloimmunisation against HPA antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GvHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis transmission;
Standards. Chapter 5
2. Preparation
Prepared by secondary processing of Platelets, Aph, LD. The component
is cryopreserved within 24 hours of collection, using a cryoprotectant.
Two methods are in general use for preparation of Platelets, Cryo: one is
a DMSO (6% w/v), the other a very low glycerol (5% w/v) technique.
Before use the platelets are thawed, washed and resuspended in
(autologous) plasma or in a suitable additive solution.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements.
The following information must be shown on the label or contained
in the component information leaflet, as appropriate and must be
traceable for each frozen unit:
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number;
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name and volume of the cryoprotective solution;
Standards. Chapter 5
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
6. Warnings
Toxicity of residual cryoprotectant (e.g. DMSO).
RhD negative female recipients of child bearing age or younger should
preferably not be transfused with platelets from RhD positive donors.
Adverse reactions
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic reaction due to anti-A, -B in case of incompatible
transfusions when thawed platelets are resuspended in plasma;
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• alloimmunisation against HLA (very rarely) and red cell antigens;
• alloimmunisation against HPA antigens;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI) ;
• post-transfusion purpura;
• graft versus host disease (GVHD);
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination ;
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• syphilis transmission;
• protozoal transmission (e.g. malaria) may occur in rare instances;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised.
Component monograhs
Pa r t D. P l a s m a co m p o n e n t s
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
2. Preparation
a. From whole blood
Plasma is separated from whole blood collected using a blood bag with
integral transfer packs, employing hard spin centrifugation, preferably
within 6 hours and not more than 18 hours after collection if the unit
is refrigerated. Plasma may also be separated from platelet rich plasma.
Plasma may also be separated from whole blood, which immediately
after donation has been rapidly cooled by a special device validated to
maintain the temperature between + 20 ºC and + 24 ºC and held at that
temperature for up to 24 hours.
Freezing must take place in a system that will allow complete freezing
within one hour to a temperature below – 30 ºC. If Plasma, Fresh
Standards. Chapter 5
c. Quarantine FFP
This FFP is released once the donor has been retested, at least for
HBsAg, anti-HIV and anti-HCV, with negative results after a defined
period of time, designed to exclude the risk associated with the
window period. A period of six months is generally applied. This may
be reduced if NAT testing is performed.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 5D-1(b)
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control
Volume Stated volume ± 10% All units
Average (after freezing and thawing): Every 3 months
Factor VIII not less than 70 IU Factor VIII 10 units in the first
per 100 mL month of storage1
Red cells: < 6.0 × 109/L 1% of all units with
Leucocytes: < 0.1 × 109/L a minimum of
Platelets: < 50 × 109/L 4 units per month
Residual cells2
1% of all units, with
If leucocyte depleted: < 1 × 106 a minimum of
10 units per month3
No leakage at any part of container
e.g. visual inspection after pressure
Leakage All units
in a plasma extractor, before freezing
and after thawing
Visual changes No abnormal colour or visible clots All units
1 The exact number of units to be tested could be determined by statistical process
2 Cell counting performed before freezing.
3 This requirement is deemed to be met if 90% of the units tested fall within the
values indicated.
Standards. Chapter 5
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number; if two or more units are collected from
the donor in one session, each component must have an unique
component identity number;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO RhD group (only for clinical FFP);
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant solution;
• additional component information: leucocyte depleted, irradiated,
quarantined, etc. (if appropriate);
• the volume or weight of the blood component;
• the temperature of storage;
• that the component must be administered through a 150-200 µm
After thawing, the date of expiry must be changed to the appropriate
date (and time) of expiry. The temperature of storage must be changed
6. Warnings
Transfusion of ABO blood group incompatible plasma may result in
haemolytic transfusion reaction.
Plasma, Fresh Frozen must not be used in a patient with intolerance to
plasma proteins.
Before use the component must be thawed in a properly controlled
environment and the integrity of the pack must be verified to exclude
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Standards. Chapter 5
2. Preparation
Plasma, Fresh Frozen, PR is prepared from plasma obtained from
whole blood or collected by apheresis as described for Plasma, Fresh
Frozen. The inactivation procedure is either applied before, or after
freezing and thawing of plasma.
Pathogen reduction procedures are performed according to the
manufacturers’ instructions by one of the following methods:
methylene blue, amotosalen and riboflavin methods.16
3. Requirements and quality control
Table 5D-2 lists the requirements. Additional testing may be required
to comply with National requirements (see also Chapter 9 Standards
for screening for infectious markers).
Table 5D-2(a)
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control
ABO, RhD1 All units
Only for clinical FFP
Negative by approved
Anti-HIV 1 & 2 All units
screening test
Negative by approved
HBsAg All units
screening test
16 For pools of less than 12 single units, solvent detergent may be used as the pathogen
reduction technique but this is not covered in this monograph.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Negative by approved
Anti-HCV All units
screening test
1 Unless performed on whole blood used as the source.
Table 5D-2(b)
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control
Volume Stated volume ± 10% All units
Every 3 months
Average: not less than 50-70 IU
Factor VIII 10 units in the first
Factor VIII per 100 mL
month of storage1
Average (after freezing and thawing): Every 3 months
Fibrinogen ≥ 60 % of the potency of the freshly 10 units in the first
collected plasma unit month of storage1
Red cells: < 6.0 × 109/L 1% of all units with
Leucocytes: < 0.1 × 109/L a minimum of
Platelets: < 50 × 109/L 4 units per month
Residual cells2
1% of all units, with
If leucocyte depleted: < 1 × 106/L a minimum of
10 units per month3
No leakage at any part of container
e.g. visual inspection after pressure
Leakage All units
in a plasma extractor, before freezing
and after thawing
Visual changes No abnormal colour or visible clots All units
1 The exact number of units to be tested could be determined by statistical process
2 Cell counting performed before freezing.
3 This requirement is deemed to be met if 90% of the units tested fall within the
values indicated.
Standards. Chapter 5
• 3 months at – 18 ºC to – 25 ºC.
Storage temperature must be maintained during transport. Unless for
immediate use, the packs must be transferred at once to storage at the
recommended temperature.
In order to preserve labile factors, Plasma, Fresh Frozen, PR must be
used as soon as possible following thawing. It must not be refrozen.
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
• the unique identity number; if two or more units are collected from
the donor in one session, each component must have a unique
component identity number;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO RhD group;
• the date of donation;
• the date of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant solution;
• the name of the pathogen inactivating compound;
• additional component information: leucocyte-depleted, irradiated,
etc. (if appropriate);
• the volume or weight of the blood component;
• the temperature of storage;
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Adverse reactions
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• viral transmission (hepatitis B and C, HIV) is highly unlikely.
Transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or not
sensitive to pathogen inactivation is possible;
• citrate toxicity in neonates and in patients with impaired liver
Standards. Chapter 5
• circulatory overload;
• anaphylaxy and allergic reactions including allergy to the compounds
used for or generated by pathogen reduction procedures.
Paragraph 3. Cryoprecipitate
1. Definition and properties
Cryoprecipitate is a component containing the cryoglobulin fraction
of plasma obtained by further processing of Plasma, Fresh Frozen and
then concentrated.
2. Preparation
Plasma, Fresh Frozen is thawed, either overnight at + 2 ºC to + 6 ºC
or by the rapid thaw-siphon thaw technique. After thawing,
the component is re-centrifuged using a hard spin at the same
temperature. The supernatant cryo poor plasma is then partially
removed. The resulting cryoprecipitate is then rapidly frozen.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 5D-3a
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control
ABO, RhD1, 2 All units
Only for clinical FFP
anti-HIV 1 & 2 Negative by approved screening test All units
HBsAg Negative by approved screening test All units
anti-HCV Negative by approved screening test All units
Table 5D-3b
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control
Volume1 30-40 mL All units
Every 2 months:
a. pool of 6 units of mixed blood groups
Factor VIII ≥ 70 IU per unit during first month of storage
b. pool of 6 units of mixed blood groups
during last month of storage
1% of all units with a minimum of
Fibrinogen ≥ 140 mg per unit
4 units per month
Standards. Chapter 5
Every 2 months:
Von a. pool of 6 units of mixed blood groups
Willebrand > 100 IU per unit during first month of storage
Factor b. pool of 6 units of mixed blood groups
during last month of storage
1 This table is designed for quality control of Cryoprecipitate obtained from FFP
derived from one unit of whole blood. In the event that apheresis FFP is used as a
starting material the volume may be different.
4. Storage and transport
The stability on storage is dependent on the storage temperature. The
optimal storage temperature is below – 25 ºC. Approved storage times are:
• 36 months at or below – 25 ºC;
• 3 months at – 18 ºC to – 25 ºC.
Storage temperature must be maintained during transport. The receiving
hospital blood bank must ensure that Cryoprecipitate has remained
frozen during transit. Unless for immediate use, the Cryoprecipitate
must be transferred at once to storage at the temperature stated above.
Before use, Cryoprecipitate must be thawed in a properly controlled
environment at + 37 ºC immediately after removal from storage.
Dissolving of the precipitate must be encouraged by careful
manipulation during the thawing procedure.
In order to preserve labile factors, Cryoprecipitate must be used as soon
as possible following thawing. It must not be refrozen.
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
• the producer’s identification;
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
• the unique identity number; if two or more units are collected from
the donor in one session, each component must have an unique
component identity number;
• the name of the blood component;
• the ABO group;
• the date of preparation;
• the date of expiry;
• additional component information: Leucocyte depleted, irradiated,
quarantined, etc. (if appropriate);
• the volume or weight of the blood component;
• the temperature of storage;
• that the component must be administered through a 150-200 µm
After thawing, the date of expiry must be changed to the appropriate
date (and time) of expiry. The temperature of storage must be changed
6. Warnings
Before use the component must be thawed in a properly controlled
environment and the integrity of the pack must be verified to exclude
any defects or leakages.
Cryoprecipitate is not recommended for patients with intolerance to
plasma proteins.
Adverse reactions
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• possibility of development of inhibitors to Factor VIII in patients
with haemophilia;
Standards. Chapter 5
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 5D-4
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control
Volume Stated volume ± 10% All units
Standards. Chapter 5
Adverse reactions
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• viral transmission (hepatitis, HIV, etc.) is possible despite careful
donor selection and screening procedures;
• sepsis due to inadvertent bacterial contamination;
• transmission of other pathogens that are not tested for or recognised;
• citrate toxicity in neonates and in patients with impaired liver
• circulatory overload.
Component monographs
Standards. Chapter 5
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
5. Labelling
The labelling must comply with the relevant national legislation and
international agreements. The following information must be shown
on the label or contained in the component information leaflet, as
Standards. Chapter 5
6. Warnings
Because of the possibility of severe adverse effects associated with both
the collection (donor side effects) and the transfusion of granulocytes
(recipient side effects) the goals of granulocyte transfusion must be
clearly defined before a course of therapy is initiated.
As there is significant content of red blood cells, compatibility of donor
red cells with the designated recipient must be verified by suitable pre-
transfusion testing. RhD negative female recipients of child-bearing
potential must not be transfused with Granulocyte Concentrates from
RhD-positive donors; if RhD-positive concentrates have to be used
the prevention of RhD immunisation by use of RhD-immune globulin
must be considered.
Attention to HLA compatibility is also required for allo-immunized
Granulocytes, Apheresis must be irradiated.
CMV-seronegative components for CMV-seronegative recipients must
be considered.
Administration through a micro-aggregate or leucocyte reduction
filter is contraindicated.
The risk of adverse reactions is increased with concomitant
administration of Amphotericin B.
Adverse reactions
The adverse reactions associated with the administration of this
component are:
• non haemolytic transfusion reaction (mainly chills, fever and
• alloimmunisation against red cell antigens, HLA, HPA and HNA;
• transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI);
• post-transfusion purpura;
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Chapter 6
Standards of blood
components for intrauterine,
neonatal and infant use
Standards. Chapter 6
5. Labelling
The additional and/or amended labelling requirements to those of the
primary component are:
• the relevant blood group phenotype, if the maternal antibody is
other than anti-RhD;
• the modified date and time of preparation;
• the modified date and time of expiry;
• the name of the anticoagulant or additive solution;
• additional component information: irradiated;
• the volume or weight of the blood component;
• the haematocrit of the blood component.
6. Warnings
Compatibility of this component with maternal serum/plasma must be
verified by suitable pre-transfusion testing.
The rate of transfusion should be controlled to avoid excessive
fluctuations in blood volume.
As the fetus is at increased risk of graft versus host disease, the
component must be irradiated.
Adverse reactions
Although the component is given to the fetus, adverse reactions may
also affect the mother.
The adverse reactions are outlined in the relevant primary component
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Standards. Chapter 6
Table 6A-2
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control
HPA1 Typing When required
Volume 50-60 mL All units
Platelet content 45-85 × 109 per unit All units
1 HPA typing of the selected donor, not of the individual component.
5. Labelling
The additional and/or amended labelling requirements to those of the
primary component Platelets, IUT, are:
• if components are split for use in neonates and infants each split
must have a unique unit identity number which allows traceability
to the donation;
• additional component information:
• irradiated, plasma or supernatant reduced, etc. (if appropriate);
• the volume or weight of the blood component;
• the platelet count;
• the date and time of expiry.
6. Warnings
As the fetus is at increased risk of graft versus host disease, the
component must be irradiated.
Control the rate of transfusion to avoid excessive fluctuations in blood
Monitor for possible bleeding after puncture.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Adverse reactions
Although the component is given to the fetus, adverse reactions may
also affect the mother.
The adverse reactions are outlined in the relevant primary component
In addition the fetus is especially vulnerable to:
• cytomegalovirus infection;
• citrate toxicity;
• circulatory overload.
Standards of blood
components for intrauterine,
neonatal and infant use
Par t B. Components
for neonatal exchange
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
2. Preparation
If the maternal antibody is anti-RhD, the component is prepared from
type O RhD-negative red cells. If maternal antibody is other than anti-
RhD, red cells are selected that are antigen negative for any relevant
maternal antibody.
Whole Blood, ET must be irradiated:
• if there is a history of prior IUT;
• for all other patients unless compelling clinical circumstances
indicate that delay would compromise the clinical outcome.
Whole Blood, ET must be used within 24 hours of irradiation.
Standards. Chapter 6
6. Warnings
Blood group compatibility with any maternal antibodies is essential.
Control the rate of transfusion to avoid excessive fluctuations in blood
Adverse reactions
In addition to the adverse reactions identified for Whole Blood, LD,
particular concerns in the context of the newborn undergoing exchange
transfusion are:
• metabolic imbalance including: citrate toxicity, hypocalcaemia,
hyperkalaemia, hypoglycaemia, hypokalaemia;
• thrombocytopenia;
• cytomegalovirus infection;
• graft versus host disease unless irradiated;
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic transfusion reaction.
2. Preparation
Whole Blood, LD is selected within five days from donation and a
proportion of the plasma is removed to achieve a clinically prescribed
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
5. Labelling
The additional and/or amended labelling requirements to those of
Whole Blood, LD are:
• blood group phenotype, if the antibody is other than anti-RhD;
• the modified date and time of expiry;
• additional component information: irradiated, haematocrit.
Standards. Chapter 6
6. Warnings
Blood group compatibility with any maternal antibodies is essential.
Control the rate of transfusion to avoid excessive fluctuations in blood
Adverse reactions
In addition to the adverse reactions identified for Whole Blood,
LD, particular concerns in the context of the newborn undergoing
exchange transfusion are:
• metabolic imbalance including: citrate toxicity, hypocalcaemia,
hyperkalaemia, hypoglycaemia, hypokalaemia;
• thrombocytopenia;
• cytomegalovirus infection;
• graft versus host disease unless irradiated;
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic transfusion reaction.
2. Preparation
Red Cells, LD or Red Cells, LD–AS are selected within 5 days from
collection for secondary processing. Supernatant containing additive
solution and/or plasma is removed after centrifugation and thawed fresh
frozen plasma is added to reach the clinically required haematocrit.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Table 6B-3
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control
Haematocrit As clinically prescribed or locally defined All units
Standards. Chapter 6
6. Warnings
Compatibility of Red Cells, in FFP, ET with the intended recipient
must be verified by suitable pre-transfusion testing. Blood group
compatibility with any maternal antibodies is essential.
Control the rate of transfusion to avoid excessive fluctuations in blood
Adverse reactions
The side effects are those of the two constituting components.
Particular concerns in the context of the newborn undergoing
exchange transfusion are:
• metabolic imbalance including: citrate toxicity, hypocalcaemia,
hyperkalaemia, hypoglycaemia, hypokalaemia;
• thrombocytopenia;
• cytomegalovirus infection;
• graft versus host disease unless irradiated;
• circulatory overload;
• haemolytic transfusion reaction.
Standards of blood
components for intrauterine,
neonatal and infant use
Par t C. Components
(small volume) for neonatal
and infant transfusion
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
2. Preparation
Red Cells for Neonatal and Infant Small Volume Transfusion are prepared
by the secondary processing of Red Cells, BCR; Red cells, BCR-AS; Red
Cells, LD or Red Cells, LD-AS. The selected component is divided into
3 to 8 satellite packs by using a closed or functionally closed system.
The component may be irradiated where clinically indicated.
3. Quality control
Quality control of the primary component is stated in the relevant
component monograph. Additional quality control of the final
component is given in the Table 6C-1.
Table 6C-1
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control
Volume 25-100 mL per unit All units
Standards. Chapter 6
5. Labelling
The additional and/or amended labelling requirements to those of the
primary red cell component are:
• if components are split for use in neonates and infants each satellite
pack must have a unique unit identity number which allows
traceability to the donation;
• the name of the blood component;
• additional component information: irradiated, etc. (if appropriate);
• the volume or weight of the component;
• the date and time of expiry.
6. Warnings
Transfusion rates must be carefully controlled.
Not for rapid transfusion or large volume transfusion unless used
within 5 days from red cell donation.
Adverse reactions
Adverse reactions are those of the primary component selected for secon-
dary processing. In addition of particular concern for the infant are:
• metabolic imbalance (e.g hyperkalaemia in massive transfusion or
if rapidly transfused);
• citrate toxicity;
• circulatory overload;
• cytomegalovirus infection;
• GvHD.
Chapter 7
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Standards. Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Chapter 9
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Standards. Chapter 9
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control
Syphilis: TPHA or Detection of weak
Each plate/run
ELISA positive serum1
Anti-HTLV I/II Detection of weak
Each plate/run
screening test positive serum1
Detection of weak
Anti-HBc screening test Each plate/run
positive serum1
1 Where possible, the weak positive control should not be the one provided by the
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control
Detection of 5000 IU1/mL HCV-RNA Internal control for
per donation each NAT reaction
Detection of 10 000 IU1/mL HIV RNA Internal control for
per donation each NAT reaction
1 As defined by WHO standards.
Standards. Chapter 9
Parameter Frequency
to be checked of control
Anti-CMV screening
Detection of weak positive serum1 Each plate/run
Malaria antibody test Detection of weak positive serum1 Each plate/run
1 Where possible the weak positive control should not be the one provided by the
Chapter 10
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
b. Compatibility testing
Standards. Chapter 10
Paragraph 2. Transfusion
Safety measures
Procedures must be in place to assure the safety of each step in the
transfusion process.
The person who administers blood components to a patient must
identify the patient correctly.
The identification number and nature of the units transfused must
be noted in the patient’s record so that the donors can be traced if
Clinical surveillance
Observation of the patient during and after transfusion is essential to
ensure that early signs and symptoms of a possible transfusion reaction
are promptly identified.
Confirmation of transfusion must be sent back to hospital blood bank.
Handling and storage of blood
Once the infusion set is inserted into the blood component pack, the
infusion must generally be completed in no more than 6 hours. If
the transfusion is disconnected, it must not be restarted and the unit
should be discarded because of risk of bacterial contamination.
Warming of blood
If indicated, blood can be warmed. In that case a specifically designed
commercial device must be used according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. Blood warming devices must be properly maintained, and
validated to ensure that the correct temperature of the blood is achieved.
Addition of medicinal products or infusion solutions to
Because of the risk of damage to the blood components medicinal
products or infusion solutions must not be added to blood units.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Adverse reactions
Procedures must be in place for the management, investigation and
reporting of adverse reactions.
Chapter 11
Paragraph 1. Overview
Haemovigilance procedures must be in place, ensuring the organised
surveillance of serious adverse or unexpected events or reactions in
recipients of blood and blood components.
Haemovigilance procedures must be in place, ensuring both the organi-
sed surveillance of serious adverse or unexpected events or reactions in
donors and the epidemiological assessment of infections in donors.
The results of haemovigilance analysis must be fed back periodically to
the providers of haemovigilance data and communicated to the field
and to relevant competent authorities, including recommendations on
preventive or corrective measures.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Traceability must also cover cases in which the blood unit or component
is not transfused to a patient, but is used for the manufacturing of medi-
cinal products or for research and investigational purposes, or disposed of.
Hospitals must inform the blood establishment whenever a recipient
of blood components has a serious adverse reaction, indicating that a
blood component may have been the cause.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
145 cm 3,141 3,167 3,193 3,219 3,244 3,269 3,294 3,319 3,343 3,367
146 cm 3,157 3,183 3,209 3,235 3,260 3,285 3,310 3,335 3,359 3,384
147 cm 3,172 3,199 3,225 3,251 3,276 3,301 3,327 3,351 3,376 3,400
148 cm 3,187 3,214 3,240 3,266 3,292 3,318 3,343 3,368 3,392 3,417
149 cm 3,203 3,230 3,256 3,282 3,308 3,334 3,359 3,384 3,409 3,433
150 cm 3,218 3,245 3,272 3,298 3,324 3,350 3,375 3,400 3,425 3,450
151 cm 3,234 3,261 3,287 3,314 3,340 3,366 3,391 3,416 3,441 3,466
152 cm 3,249 3,276 3,303 3,329 3,356 3,381 3,407 3,433 3,458 3,483
153 cm 3,264 3,291 3,318 3,345 3,371 3,397 3,423 3,449 3,474 3,499
154 cm 3,279 3,307 3,334 3,361 3,387 3,413 3,439 3,465 3,490 3,515
155 cm 3,295 3,322 3,349 3,376 3,403 3,429 3,455 3,481 3,506 3,532
156 cm 3,310 3,337 3,365 3,392 3,418 3,445 3,471 3,497 3,523 3,548
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
157 cm 3,325 3,353 3,380 3,407 3,434 3,461 3,487 3,513 3,539 3,564
158 cm 3,340 3,368 3,396 3,423 3,450 3,476 3,503 3,529 3,555 3,581
159 cm 3,355 3,383 3,411 3,438 3,465 3,492 3,519 3,545 3,571 3,597
160 cm 3,370 3,399 3,426 3,454 3,481 3,508 3,535 3,561 3,587 3,613
161 cm 3,385 3,414 3,442 3,469 3,497 3,524 3,550 3,577 3,603 3,629
162 cm 3,400 3,429 3,457 3,485 3,512 3,539 3,566 3,593 3,619 3,645
163 cm 3,416 3,444 3,472 3,500 3,528 3,555 3,582 3,609 3,635 3,661
164 cm 3,430 3,459 3,487 3,515 3,543 3,571 3,598 3,625 3,651 3,677
165 cm 3,445 3,474 3,503 3,531 3,559 3,586 3,613 3,640 3,667 3,693
166 cm 3,460 3,489 3,518 3,546 3,574 3,602 3,629 3,656 3,683 3,709
167 cm 3,475 3,504 3,533 3,561 3,589 3,617 3,645 3,672 3,699 3,726
168 cm 3,490 3,519 3,548 3,577 3,605 3,633 3,660 3,688 3,715 3,741
169 cm 3,505 3,534 3,563 3,592 3,620 3,648 3,676 3,703 3,731 3,757
170 cm 3,520 3,549 3,578 3,607 3,636 3,664 3,692 3,719 3,746 3,773
171 cm 3,535 3,564 3,593 3,622 3,651 3,679 3,707 3,735 3,762 3,789
172 cm 3,550 3,579 3,608 3,637 3,666 3,695 3,723 3,750 3,778 3,805
173 cm 3,564 3,594 3,624 3,653 3,681 3,710 3,738 3,766 3,794 3,821
174 cm 3,579 3,609 3,638 3,668 3,697 3,725 3,754 3,782 3,809 3,837
175 cm 3,594 3,624 3,653 3,683 3,712 3,741 3,769 3,797 3,825 3,853
176 cm 3,608 3,639 3,668 3,698 3,727 3,756 3,784 3,813 3,841 3,868
177 cm 3,623 3,653 3,683 3,713 3,742 3,771 3,800 3,828 3,856 3,884
178 cm 3,638 3,668 3,698 3,728 3,757 3,786 3,815 3,844 3,872 3,900
179 cm 3,652 3,683 3,713 3,743 3,772 3,802 3,831 3,859 3,887 3,916
180 cm 3,667 3,698 3,728 3,758 3,788 3,817 3,846 3,875 3,903 3,931
181 cm 3,682 3,712 3,743 3,773 3,803 3,832 3,861 3,890 3,919 3,947
182 cm 3,696 3,727 3,758 3,788 3,818 3,847 3,877 3,905 3,934 3,962
183 cm 3,711 3,742 3,772 3,803 3,833 3,862 3,892 3,921 3,950 3,978
184 cm 3,725 3,756 3,787 3,818 3,848 3,878 3,907 3,936 3,965 3,994
185 cm 3,740 3,771 3,802 3,832 3,863 3,893 3,922 3,952 3,981 4,009
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
145 cm 3,391 3,414 3,438 3,461 3,484 3,507 3,529 3,552 3,574 3,596
146 cm 3,408 3,431 3,455 3,478 3,501 3,524 3,547 3,569 3,591 3,613
147 cm 3,424 3,448 3,472 3,495 3,518 3,541 3,564 3,587 3,609 3,631
148 cm 3,441 3,465 3,489 3,512 3,535 3,558 3,581 3,604 3,627 3,649
149 cm 3,458 3,482 3,505 3,529 3,552 3,576 3,599 3,622 3,644 3,667
150 cm 3,474 3,498 3,522 3,546 3,570 3,593 3,616 3,639 3,662 3,684
151 cm 3,491 3,515 3,539 3,563 3,587 3,610 3,633 3,656 3,679 3,702
152 cm 3,507 3,532 3,556 3,580 3,604 3,627 3,650 3,674 3,697 3,719
153 cm 3,524 3,548 3,573 3,597 3,621 3,644 3,668 3,691 3,714 3,737
154 cm 3,540 3,565 3,589 3,614 3,638 3,661 3,685 3,708 3,731 3,754
155 cm 3,557 3,581 3,606 3,630 3,654 3,678 3,702 3,725 3,749 3,772
156 cm 3,573 3,598 3,623 3,647 3,671 3,695 3,719 3,743 3,766 3,789
157 cm 3,590 3,615 3,639 3,664 3,688 3,712 3,736 3,760 3,783 3,807
158 cm 3,606 3,631 3,656 3,681 3,705 3,729 3,753 3,777 3,801 3,824
159 cm 3,622 3,647 3,672 3,697 3,722 3,746 3,770 3,794 3,818 3,841
160 cm 3,639 3,664 3,689 3,714 3,739 3,763 3,787 3,811 3,835 3,859
161 cm 3,655 3,680 3,705 3,730 3,755 3,780 3,804 3,828 3,852 3,876
162 cm 3,671 3,697 3,722 3,747 3,772 3,797 3,821 3,845 3,869 3,893
163 cm 3,687 3,713 3,738 3,764 3,789 3,813 3,838 3,862 3,886 3,910
164 cm 3,703 3,729 3,755 3,780 3,805 3,830 3,855 3,879 3,903 3,928
165 cm 3,720 3,746 3,771 3,797 3,822 3,847 3,872 3,896 3,921 3,945
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
166 cm 3,736 3,762 3,788 3,813 3,838 3,864 3,888 3,913 3,938 3,962
167 cm 3,752 3,778 3,804 3,830 3,855 3,880 3,905 3,930 3,955 3,979
168 cm 3,768 3,794 3,820 3,846 3,872 3,897 3,922 3,947 3,972 3,996
169 cm 3,784 3,810 3,837 3,862 3,888 3,914 3,939 3,964 3,988 4,013
170 cm 3,800 3,827 3,853 3,879 3,905 3,930 3,955 3,981 4,005 4,030
171 cm 3,816 3,843 3,869 3,895 3,921 3,947 3,972 3,997 4,022 4,047
172 cm 3,832 3,859 3,885 3,911 3,937 3,963 3,989 4,014 4,039 4,064
173 cm 3,848 3,875 3,901 3,928 3,954 3,980 4,005 4,031 4,056 4,081
174 cm 3,864 3,891 3,918 3,944 3,970 3,996 4,022 4,047 4,073 4,098
175 cm 3,880 3,907 3,934 3,960 3,987 4,013 4,039 4,064 4,090 4,115
176 cm 3,896 3,923 3,950 3,977 4,003 4,029 4,055 4,081 4,106 4,132
177 cm 3,912 3,939 3,966 3,993 4,019 4,046 4,072 4,097 4,123 4,148
178 cm 3,927 3,955 3,982 4,009 4,036 4,062 4,088 4,114 4,140 4,165
179 cm 3,943 3,971 3,998 4,025 4,052 4,078 4,105 4,131 4,156 4,182
180 cm 3,959 3,987 4,014 4,041 4,068 4,095 4,121 4,147 4,173 4,199
181 cm 3,975 4,003 4,030 4,057 4,084 4,111 4,137 4,164 4,190 4,216
182 cm 3,991 4,018 4,046 4,073 4,100 4,127 4,154 4,180 4,206 4,232
183 cm 4,006 4,034 4,062 4,089 4,117 4,143 4,170 4,197 4,223 4,249
184 cm 4,022 4,050 4,078 4,105 4,133 4,160 4,187 4,213 4,239 4,266
185 cm 4,038 4,066 4,094 4,121 4,149 4,176 4,203 4,229 4,256 4,282
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
145 cm 3,618 3,639 3,661 3,682 3,703 3,724 3,745 3,765 3,786 3,806
146 cm 3,635 3,657 3,679 3,700 3,721 3,742 3,763 3,784 3,804 3,825
147 cm 3,653 3,675 3,697 3,718 3,739 3,761 3,782 3,802 3,823 3,844
148 cm 3,671 3,693 3,715 3,736 3,758 3,779 3,800 3,821 3,842 3,862
149 cm 3,689 3,711 3,733 3,754 3,776 3,797 3,818 3,839 3,860 3,881
150 cm 3,706 3,729 3,751 3,772 3,794 3,816 3,837 3,858 3,879 3,900
151 cm 3,724 3,746 3,769 3,790 3,812 3,834 3,855 3,876 3,897 3,918
152 cm 3,742 3,764 3,786 3,808 3,830 3,852 3,873 3,895 3,916 3,937
153 cm 3,759 3,782 3,804 3,826 3,848 3,870 3,892 3,913 3,934 3,956
154 cm 3,777 3,800 3,822 3,844 3,866 3,888 3,910 3,931 3,953 3,974
155 cm 3,795 3,817 3,840 3,862 3,884 3,906 3,928 3,950 3,971 3,993
156 cm 3,812 3,835 3,858 3,880 3,902 3,924 3,946 3,968 3,990 4,011
157 cm 3,830 3,853 3,875 3,898 3,920 3,942 3,964 3,986 4,008 4,029
158 cm 3,847 3,870 3,893 3,916 3,938 3,960 3,982 4,004 4,026 4,048
159 cm 3,865 3,888 3,911 3,933 3,956 3,978 4,001 4,023 4,044 4,066
160 cm 3,882 3,905 3,928 3,951 3,974 3,996 4,019 4,041 4,063 4,085
161 cm 3,899 3,923 3,946 3,969 3,992 4,014 4,037 4,059 4,081 4,103
162 cm 3,917 3,940 3,963 3,986 4,009 4,032 4,055 4,077 4,099 4,121
163 cm 3,934 3,958 3,981 4,004 4,027 4,050 4,072 4,095 4,117 4,139
164 cm 3,951 3,975 3,998 4,022 4,045 4,068 4,090 4,113 4,135 4,158
165 cm 3,969 3,992 4,016 4,039 4,062 4,085 4,108 4,131 4,153 4,176
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
166 cm 3,986 4,010 4,033 4,057 4,080 4,103 4,126 4,149 4,171 4,194
167 cm 4,003 4,027 4,051 4,074 4,098 4,121 4,144 4,167 4,189 4,212
168 cm 4,020 4,044 4,068 4,092 4,115 4,139 4,162 4,185 4,207 4,230
169 cm 4,037 4,062 4,086 4,109 4,133 4,156 4,179 4,203 4,225 4,248
170 cm 4,055 4,079 4,103 4,127 4,150 4,174 4,197 4,220 4,243 4,266
171 cm 4,072 4,096 4,120 4,144 4,168 4,192 4,215 4,238 4,261 4,284
172 cm 4,089 4,113 4,137 4,162 4,185 4,209 4,233 4,256 4,279 4,302
173 cm 4,106 4,130 4,155 4,179 4,203 4,227 4,250 4,274 4,297 4,320
174 cm 4,123 4,147 4,172 4,196 4,220 4,244 4,268 4,291 4,315 4,338
175 cm 4,140 4,165 4,189 4,213 4,238 4,262 4,285 4,309 4,333 4,356
176 cm 4,157 4,182 4,206 4,231 4,255 4,279 4,303 4,327 4,350 4,374
177 cm 4,174 4,199 4,223 4,248 4,272 4,297 4,321 4,344 4,368 4,392
178 cm 4,191 4,216 4,241 4,265 4,290 4,314 4,338 4,362 4,386 4,409
179 cm 4,207 4,233 4,258 4,282 4,307 4,331 4,356 4,380 4,403 4,427
180 cm 4,224 4,250 4,275 4,300 4,324 4,349 4,373 4,397 4,421 4,445
181 cm 4,241 4,266 4,292 4,317 4,341 4,366 4,390 4,415 4,439 4,463
182 cm 4,258 4,283 4,309 4,334 4,359 4,383 4,408 4,432 4,456 4,480
183 cm 4,275 4,300 4,326 4,351 4,376 4,401 4,425 4,450 4,474 4,498
184 cm 4,291 4,317 4,343 4,368 4,393 4,418 4,443 4,467 4,491 4,516
185 cm 4,308 4,334 4,360 4,385 4,410 4,435 4,460 4,485 4,509 4,533
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
145 cm 3,826 3,846 3,866 3,886 3,906 3,925 3,944 3,964 3,983 4,002 4,021
146 cm 3,845 3,865 3,885 3,905 3,925 3,944 3,964 3,983 4,002 4,021 4,040
147 cm 3,864 3,884 3,904 3,924 3,944 3,964 3,983 4,003 4,022 4,041 4,060
148 cm 3,883 3,903 3,923 3,943 3,963 3,983 4,003 4,022 4,042 4,061 4,080
149 cm 3,902 3,922 3,942 3,963 3,983 4,002 4,022 4,042 4,061 4,081 4,100
150 cm 3,920 3,941 3,961 3,982 4,002 4,022 4,041 4,061 4,081 4,100 4,119
151 cm 3,939 3,960 3,980 4,001 4,021 4,041 4,061 4,081 4,100 4,120 4,139
152 cm 3,958 3,979 3,999 4,020 4,040 4,060 4,080 4,100 4,120 4,139 4,159
153 cm 3,977 3,997 4,018 4,039 4,059 4,079 4,099 4,119 4,139 4,159 4,178
154 cm 3,995 4,016 4,037 4,057 4,078 4,098 4,119 4,139 4,159 4,178 4,198
155 cm 4,014 4,035 4,056 4,076 4,097 4,117 4,138 4,158 4,178 4,198 4,218
156 cm 4,032 4,053 4,074 4,095 4,116 4,136 4,157 4,177 4,197 4,217 4,237
157 cm 4,051 4,072 4,093 4,114 4,135 4,155 4,176 4,196 4,217 4,237 4,257
158 cm 4,069 4,091 4,112 4,133 4,154 4,174 4,195 4,215 4,236 4,256 4,276
159 cm 4,088 4,109 4,130 4,152 4,173 4,193 4,214 4,235 4,255 4,275 4,295
160 cm 4,106 4,128 4,149 4,170 4,191 4,212 4,233 4,254 4,274 4,295 4,315
161 cm 4,125 4,146 4,168 4,189 4,210 4,231 4,252 4,273 4,293 4,314 4,334
162 cm 4,143 4,165 4,186 4,208 4,229 4,250 4,271 4,292 4,312 4,333 4,353
163 cm 4,161 4,183 4,205 4,226 4,248 4,269 4,290 4,311 4,332 4,352 4,373
164 cm 4,180 4,202 4,223 4,245 4,266 4,288 4,309 4,330 4,351 4,371 4,392
165 cm 4,198 4,220 4,242 4,263 4,285 4,306 4,328 4,349 4,370 4,390 4,411
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
166 cm 4,216 4,238 4,260 4,282 4,304 4,325 4,346 4,368 4,389 4,410 4,430
167 cm 4,234 4,257 4,279 4,300 4,322 4,344 4,365 4,386 4,408 4,429 4,450
168 cm 4,253 4,275 4,297 4,319 4,341 4,362 4,384 4,405 4,427 4,448 4,469
169 cm 4,271 4,293 4,315 4,337 4,359 4,381 4,403 4,424 4,445 4,467 4,488
170 cm 4,289 4,311 4,334 4,356 4,378 4,400 4,421 4,443 4,464 4,486 4,507
171 cm 4,307 4,329 4,352 4,374 4,396 4,418 4,440 4,462 4,483 4,505 4,526
172 cm 4,325 4,348 4,370 4,392 4,415 4,437 4,459 4,480 4,502 4,523 4,545
173 cm 4,343 4,366 4,388 4,411 4,433 4,455 4,477 4,499 4,521 4,542 4,564
174 cm 4,361 4,384 4,407 4,429 4,451 4,474 4,496 4,518 4,540 4,561 4,583
175 cm 4,379 4,402 4,425 4,447 4,470 4,492 4,514 4,536 4,558 4,580 4,602
176 cm 4,397 4,420 4,443 4,466 4,488 4,511 4,533 4,555 4,577 4,599 4,620
177 cm 4,415 4,438 4,461 4,484 4,506 4,529 4,551 4,574 4,596 4,618 4,639
178 cm 4,433 4,456 4,479 4,502 4,525 4,547 4,570 4,592 4,614 4,636 4,658
179 cm 4,451 4,474 4,497 4,520 4,543 4,566 4,588 4,611 4,633 4,655 4,677
180 cm 4,468 4,492 4,515 4,538 4,561 4,584 4,607 4,629 4,651 4,674 4,696
181 cm 4,486 4,510 4,533 4,556 4,579 4,602 4,625 4,648 4,670 4,692 4,714
182 cm 4,504 4,528 4,551 4,574 4,598 4,621 4,643 4,666 4,689 4,711 4,733
183 cm 4,522 4,546 4,569 4,592 4,616 4,639 4,662 4,684 4,707 4,729 4,752
184 cm 4,540 4,563 4,587 4,610 4,634 4,657 4,680 4,703 4,725 4,748 4,770
185 cm 4,557 4,581 4,605 4,628 4,652 4,675 4,698 4,721 4,744 4,767 4,789
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
160 cm 3,774 3,813 3,852 3,890 3,927 3,965 4,001 4,038 4,074 4,110
161 cm 3,795 3,834 3,873 3,911 3,949 3,986 4,023 4,060 4,096 4,132
162 cm 3,816 3,855 3,894 3,932 3,970 4,008 4,045 4,082 4,118 4,154
163 cm 3,837 3,876 3,915 3,954 3,992 4,030 4,067 4,104 4,140 4,177
164 cm 3,858 3,897 3,936 3,975 4,013 4,051 4,089 4,126 4,162 4,199
165 cm 3,878 3,918 3,957 3,996 4,035 4,073 4,110 4,148 4,184 4,221
166 cm 3,899 3,939 3,978 4,017 4,056 4,094 4,132 4,169 4,206 4,243
167 cm 3,919 3,960 3,999 4,038 4,077 4,116 4,154 4,191 4,228 4,265
168 cm 3,940 3,980 4,020 4,060 4,098 4,137 4,175 4,213 4,250 4,287
169 cm 3,961 4,001 4,041 4,081 4,120 4,158 4,197 4,235 4,272 4,309
170 cm 3,981 4,022 4,062 4,102 4,141 4,180 4,218 4,256 4,294 4,331
171 cm 4,002 4,042 4,083 4,123 4,162 4,201 4,240 4,278 4,316 4,353
172 cm 4,022 4,063 4,103 4,144 4,183 4,222 4,261 4,300 4,338 4,375
173 cm 4,042 4,084 4,124 4,164 4,204 4,244 4,283 4,321 4,359 4,397
174 cm 4,063 4,104 4,145 4,185 4,225 4,265 4,304 4,343 4,381 4,419
175 cm 4,083 4,125 4,166 4,206 4,246 4,286 4,325 4,364 4,403 4,441
176 cm 4,103 4,145 4,186 4,227 4,267 4,307 4,347 4,386 4,424 4,463
177 cm 4,124 4,166 4,207 4,248 4,288 4,328 4,368 4,407 4,446 4,484
178 cm 4,144 4,186 4,228 4,269 4,309 4,349 4,389 4,429 4,468 4,506
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
179 cm 4,164 4,206 4,248 4,289 4,330 4,371 4,410 4,450 4,489 4,528
180 cm 4,184 4,227 4,269 4,310 4,351 4,392 4,432 4,471 4,511 4,550
181 cm 4,205 4,247 4,289 4,331 4,372 4,413 4,453 4,493 4,532 4,571
182 cm 4,225 4,267 4,310 4,351 4,393 4,433 4,474 4,514 4,554 4,593
183 cm 4,245 4,288 4,330 4,372 4,413 4,454 4,495 4,535 4,575 4,614
184 cm 4,265 4,308 4,350 4,393 4,434 4,475 4,516 4,556 4,596 4,636
185 cm 4,285 4,328 4,371 4,413 4,455 4,496 4,537 4,578 4,618 4,657
186 cm 4,305 4,348 4,391 4,434 4,476 4,517 4,558 4,599 4,639 4,679
187 cm 4,325 4,368 4,412 4,454 4,496 4,538 4,579 4,620 4,660 4,700
188 cm 4,345 4,389 4,432 4,475 4,517 4,559 4,600 4,641 4,682 4,722
189 cm 4,365 4,409 4,452 4,495 4,537 4,579 4,621 4,662 4,703 4,743
190 cm 4,385 4,429 4,472 4,515 4,558 4,600 4,642 4,683 4,724 4,764
191 cm 4,405 4,449 4,492 4,536 4,578 4,621 4,663 4,704 4,745 4,786
192 cm 4,424 4,469 4,513 4,556 4,599 4,641 4,683 4,725 4,766 4,807
193 cm 4,444 4,489 4,533 4,576 4,619 4,662 4,704 4,746 4,787 4,828
194 cm 4,464 4,509 4,553 4,597 4,640 4,683 4,725 4,767 4,808 4,849
195 cm 4,484 4,529 4,573 4,617 4,660 4,703 4,746 4,788 4,829 4,871
196 cm 4,503 4,549 4,593 4,637 4,681 4,724 4,766 4,809 4,850 4,892
197 cm 4,523 4,568 4,613 4,657 4,701 4,744 4,787 4,829 4,871 4,913
198 cm 4,543 4,588 4,633 4,677 4,721 4,765 4,808 4,850 4,892 4,934
199 cm 4,562 4,608 4,653 4,698 4,742 4,785 4,828 4,871 4,913 4,955
200 cm 4,582 4,628 4,673 4,718 4,762 4,806 4,849 4,892 4,934 4,976
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
160 cm 4,145 4,180 4,215 4,249 4,283 4,317 4,350 4,384 4,417 4,449
161 cm 4,168 4,203 4,238 4,272 4,306 4,340 4,374 4,407 4,440 4,473
162 cm 4,190 4,225 4,260 4,295 4,329 4,363 4,397 4,431 4,464 4,497
163 cm 4,212 4,248 4,283 4,318 4,352 4,387 4,421 4,454 4,488 4,521
164 cm 4,235 4,270 4,306 4,341 4,375 4,410 4,444 4,478 4,511 4,544
165 cm 4,257 4,293 4,328 4,364 4,398 4,433 4,467 4,501 4,535 4,568
166 cm 4,279 4,315 4,351 4,386 4,421 4,456 4,490 4,525 4,558 4,592
167 cm 4,302 4,338 4,374 4,409 4,444 4,479 4,514 4,548 4,582 4,615
168 cm 4,324 4,360 4,396 4,432 4,467 4,502 4,537 4,571 4,605 4,639
169 cm 4,346 4,383 4,419 4,454 4,490 4,525 4,560 4,594 4,629 4,663
170 cm 4,368 4,405 4,441 4,477 4,513 4,548 4,583 4,618 4,652 4,686
171 cm 4,390 4,427 4,464 4,500 4,535 4,571 4,606 4,641 4,675 4,710
172 cm 4,413 4,449 4,486 4,522 4,558 4,594 4,629 4,664 4,699 4,733
173 cm 4,435 4,472 4,508 4,545 4,581 4,617 4,652 4,687 4,722 4,756
174 cm 4,457 4,494 4,531 4,567 4,603 4,639 4,675 4,710 4,745 4,780
175 cm 4,479 4,516 4,553 4,590 4,626 4,662 4,698 4,733 4,768 4,803
176 cm 4,501 4,538 4,575 4,612 4,649 4,685 4,721 4,756 4,792 4,826
177 cm 4,522 4,560 4,598 4,635 4,671 4,708 4,744 4,779 4,815 4,850
178 cm 4,544 4,582 4,620 4,657 4,694 4,730 4,766 4,802 4,838 4,873
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
179 cm 4,566 4,604 4,642 4,679 4,716 4,753 4,789 4,825 4,861 4,896
180 cm 4,588 4,626 4,664 4,701 4,739 4,775 4,812 4,848 4,884 4,919
181 cm 4,610 4,648 4,686 4,724 4,761 4,798 4,835 4,871 4,907 4,942
182 cm 4,632 4,670 4,708 4,746 4,783 4,820 4,857 4,894 4,930 4,966
183 cm 4,653 4,692 4,730 4,768 4,806 4,843 4,880 4,916 4,953 4,989
184 cm 4,675 4,714 4,752 4,790 4,828 4,865 4,902 4,939 4,975 5,012
185 cm 4,697 4,736 4,774 4,812 4,850 4,888 4,925 4,962 4,998 5,035
186 cm 4,718 4,757 4,796 4,834 4,872 4,910 4,947 4,984 5,021 5,058
187 cm 4,740 4,779 4,818 4,856 4,895 4,932 4,970 5,007 5,044 5,080
188 cm 4,761 4,801 4,840 4,878 4,917 4,955 4,992 5,030 5,067 5,103
189 cm 4,783 4,822 4,862 4,900 4,939 4,977 5,015 5,052 5,089 5,126
190 cm 4,804 4,844 4,883 4,922 4,961 4,999 5,037 5,075 5,112 5,149
191 cm 4,826 4,866 4,905 4,944 4,983 5,021 5,060 5,097 5,135 5,172
192 cm 4,847 4,887 4,927 4,966 5,005 5,044 5,082 5,120 5,157 5,194
193 cm 4,869 4,909 4,949 4,988 5,027 5,066 5,104 5,142 5,180 5,217
194 cm 4,890 4,930 4,970 5,010 5,049 5,088 5,126 5,165 5,202 5,240
195 cm 4,911 4,952 4,992 5,032 5,071 5,110 5,149 5,187 5,225 5,263
196 cm 4,933 4,973 5,014 5,053 5,093 5,132 5,171 5,209 5,247 5,285
197 cm 4,954 4,995 5,035 5,075 5,115 5,154 5,193 5,232 5,270 5,308
198 cm 4,975 5,016 5,057 5,097 5,137 5,176 5,215 5,254 5,292 5,330
199 cm 4,997 5,038 5,078 5,119 5,158 5,198 5,237 5,276 5,315 5,353
200 cm 5,018 5,059 5,100 5,140 5,180 5,220 5,259 5,298 5,337 5,375
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
160 cm 4,482 4,514 4,545 4,577 4,608 4,639 4,670 4,701 4,731 4,761
161 cm 4,506 4,538 4,570 4,601 4,633 4,664 4,695 4,726 4,756 4,787
162 cm 4,530 4,562 4,594 4,626 4,657 4,689 4,720 4,751 4,782 4,812
163 cm 4,553 4,586 4,618 4,650 4,682 4,713 4,745 4,776 4,807 4,837
164 cm 4,577 4,610 4,642 4,675 4,706 4,738 4,770 4,801 4,832 4,862
165 cm 4,601 4,634 4,667 4,699 4,731 4,763 4,794 4,826 4,857 4,887
166 cm 4,625 4,658 4,691 4,723 4,755 4,787 4,819 4,850 4,882 4,913
167 cm 4,649 4,682 4,715 4,747 4,780 4,812 4,844 4,875 4,906 4,938
168 cm 4,673 4,706 4,739 4,772 4,804 4,836 4,868 4,900 4,931 4,963
169 cm 4,696 4,730 4,763 4,796 4,828 4,861 4,893 4,925 4,956 4,988
170 cm 4,720 4,753 4,787 4,820 4,852 4,885 4,917 4,949 4,981 5,012
171 cm 4,744 4,777 4,811 4,844 4,877 4,909 4,942 4,974 5,006 5,037
172 cm 4,767 4,801 4,835 4,868 4,901 4,934 4,966 4,998 5,030 5,062
173 cm 4,791 4,825 4,858 4,892 4,925 4,958 4,990 5,023 5,055 5,087
174 cm 4,814 4,848 4,882 4,916 4,949 4,982 5,015 5,047 5,080 5,112
175 cm 4,838 4,872 4,906 4,940 4,973 5,006 5,039 5,072 5,104 5,136
176 cm 4,861 4,896 4,930 4,963 4,997 5,030 5,063 5,096 5,129 5,161
177 cm 4,885 4,919 4,953 4,987 5,021 5,054 5,088 5,121 5,153 5,186
178 cm 4,908 4,943 4,977 5,011 5,045 5,079 5,112 5,145 5,178 5,210
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
179 cm 4,931 4,966 5,001 5,035 5,069 5,103 5,136 5,169 5,202 5,235
180 cm 4,955 4,990 5,024 5,059 5,093 5,127 5,160 5,193 5,227 5,259
181 cm 4,978 5,013 5,048 5,082 5,116 5,150 5,184 5,218 5,251 5,284
182 cm 5,001 5,036 5,071 5,106 5,140 5,174 5,208 5,242 5,275 5,308
183 cm 5,024 5,060 5,095 5,129 5,164 5,198 5,232 5,266 5,300 5,333
184 cm 5,047 5,083 5,118 5,153 5,188 5,222 5,256 5,290 5,324 5,357
185 cm 5,071 5,106 5,142 5,177 5,211 5,246 5,280 5,314 5,348 5,381
186 cm 5,094 5,129 5,165 5,200 5,235 5,270 5,304 5,338 5,372 5,406
187 cm 5,117 5,153 5,188 5,224 5,259 5,293 5,328 5,362 5,396 5,430
188 cm 5,140 5,176 5,212 5,247 5,282 5,317 5,352 5,386 5,420 5,454
189 cm 5,163 5,199 5,235 5,270 5,306 5,341 5,376 5,410 5,444 5,478
190 cm 5,186 5,222 5,258 5,294 5,329 5,364 5,399 5,434 5,468 5,503
191 cm 5,209 5,245 5,281 5,317 5,353 5,388 5,423 5,458 5,492 5,527
192 cm 5,231 5,268 5,304 5,340 5,376 5,412 5,447 5,482 5,516 5,551
193 cm 5,254 5,291 5,327 5,364 5,400 5,435 5,470 5,506 5,540 5,575
194 cm 5,277 5,314 5,351 5,387 5,423 5,459 5,494 5,529 5,564 5,599
195 cm 5,300 5,337 5,374 5,410 5,446 5,482 5,518 5,553 5,588 5,623
196 cm 5,323 5,360 5,397 5,433 5,470 5,506 5,541 5,577 5,612 5,647
197 cm 5,345 5,383 5,420 5,456 5,493 5,529 5,565 5,600 5,636 5,671
198 cm 5,368 5,405 5,443 5,479 5,516 5,552 5,588 5,624 5,660 5,695
199 cm 5,391 5,428 5,466 5,503 5,539 5,576 5,612 5,648 5,683 5,719
200 cm 5,413 5,451 5,488 5,526 5,562 5,599 5,635 5,671 5,707 5,742
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
160 cm 4,791 4,821 4,851 4,880 4,909 4,938 4,967 4,995 5,024 5,052
161 cm 4,817 4,847 4,876 4,906 4,935 4,964 4,993 5,022 5,050 5,078
162 cm 4,842 4,872 4,902 4,932 4,961 4,990 5,019 5,048 5,076 5,105
163 cm 4,868 4,898 4,928 4,957 4,987 5,016 5,045 5,074 5,103 5,131
164 cm 4,893 4,923 4,953 4,983 5,013 5,042 5,071 5,100 5,129 5,158
165 cm 4,918 4,948 4,979 5,009 5,038 5,068 5,097 5,127 5,155 5,184
166 cm 4,943 4,974 5,004 5,034 5,064 5,094 5,123 5,153 5,182 5,211
167 cm 4,968 4,999 5,030 5,060 5,090 5,120 5,149 5,179 5,208 5,237
168 cm 4,994 5,024 5,055 5,085 5,116 5,145 5,175 5,205 5,234 5,263
169 cm 5,019 5,050 5,080 5,111 5,141 5,171 5,201 5,231 5,260 5,290
170 cm 5,044 5,075 5,106 5,136 5,167 5,197 5,227 5,257 5,286 5,316
171 cm 5,069 5,100 5,131 5,162 5,192 5,223 5,253 5,283 5,312 5,342
172 cm 5,094 5,125 5,156 5,187 5,218 5,248 5,278 5,309 5,338 5,368
173 cm 5,119 5,150 5,181 5,212 5,243 5,274 5,304 5,334 5,364 5,394
174 cm 5,144 5,175 5,206 5,238 5,269 5,299 5,330 5,360 5,390 5,420
175 cm 5,168 5,200 5,232 5,263 5,294 5,325 5,355 5,386 5,416 5,446
176 cm 5,193 5,225 5,257 5,288 5,319 5,350 5,381 5,412 5,442 5,472
177 cm 5,218 5,250 5,282 5,313 5,345 5,376 5,407 5,437 5,468 5,498
178 cm 5,243 5,275 5,307 5,338 5,370 5,401 5,432 5,463 5,494 5,524
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
179 cm 5,267 5,300 5,332 5,363 5,395 5,426 5,458 5,488 5,519 5,550
180 cm 5,292 5,324 5,357 5,388 5,420 5,452 5,483 5,514 5,545 5,576
181 cm 5,317 5,349 5,381 5,414 5,445 5,477 5,508 5,540 5,571 5,601
182 cm 5,341 5,374 5,406 5,438 5,470 5,502 5,534 5,565 5,596 5,627
183 cm 5,366 5,399 5,431 5,463 5,495 5,527 5,559 5,590 5,622 5,653
184 cm 5,390 5,423 5,456 5,488 5,521 5,553 5,584 5,616 5,647 5,678
185 cm 5,415 5,448 5,481 5,513 5,545 5,578 5,610 5,641 5,673 5,704
186 cm 5,439 5,472 5,505 5,538 5,570 5,603 5,635 5,667 5,698 5,730
187 cm 5,464 5,497 5,530 5,563 5,595 5,628 5,660 5,692 5,724 5,755
188 cm 5,488 5,521 5,555 5,588 5,620 5,653 5,685 5,717 5,749 5,781
189 cm 5,512 5,546 5,579 5,612 5,645 5,678 5,710 5,742 5,774 5,806
190 cm 5,537 5,570 5,604 5,637 5,670 5,703 5,735 5,767 5,800 5,831
191 cm 5,561 5,595 5,628 5,662 5,695 5,728 5,760 5,793 5,825 5,857
192 cm 5,585 5,619 5,653 5,686 5,719 5,752 5,785 5,818 5,850 5,882
193 cm 5,609 5,643 5,677 5,711 5,744 5,777 5,810 5,843 5,875 5,907
194 cm 5,633 5,668 5,702 5,735 5,769 5,802 5,835 5,868 5,900 5,933
195 cm 5,658 5,692 5,726 5,760 5,793 5,827 5,860 5,893 5,925 5,958
196 cm 5,682 5,716 5,750 5,784 5,818 5,851 5,885 5,918 5,951 5,983
197 cm 5,706 5,740 5,775 5,809 5,842 5,876 5,909 5,943 5,976 6,008
198 cm 5,730 5,764 5,799 5,833 5,867 5,901 5,934 5,968 6,001 6,033
199 cm 5,754 5,788 5,823 5,857 5,891 5,925 5,959 5,992 6,026 6,059
200 cm 5,778 5,813 5,847 5,882 5,916 5,950 5,984 6,017 6,051 6,084
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
160 cm 5,080 5,107 5,135 5,163 5,190 5,217 5,244 5,271 5,297 5,324
161 cm 5,106 5,134 5,162 5,190 5,217 5,244 5,271 5,298 5,325 5,352
162 cm 5,133 5,161 5,189 5,217 5,244 5,272 5,299 5,326 5,353 5,379
163 cm 5,160 5,188 5,216 5,244 5,271 5,299 5,326 5,353 5,380 5,407
164 cm 5,186 5,215 5,243 5,271 5,298 5,326 5,353 5,381 5,408 5,435
165 cm 5,213 5,241 5,270 5,298 5,325 5,353 5,381 5,408 5,435 5,462
166 cm 5,239 5,268 5,296 5,324 5,353 5,380 5,408 5,436 5,463 5,490
167 cm 5,266 5,295 5,323 5,351 5,379 5,407 5,435 5,463 5,490 5,518
168 cm 5,292 5,321 5,350 5,378 5,406 5,434 5,462 5,490 5,518 5,545
169 cm 5,319 5,348 5,376 5,405 5,433 5,461 5,489 5,517 5,545 5,573
170 cm 5,345 5,374 5,403 5,432 5,460 5,488 5,517 5,545 5,572 5,600
171 cm 5,371 5,400 5,429 5,458 5,487 5,515 5,544 5,572 5,600 5,627
172 cm 5,398 5,427 5,456 5,485 5,514 5,542 5,571 5,599 5,627 5,655
173 cm 5,424 5,453 5,482 5,511 5,540 5,569 5,597 5,626 5,654 5,682
174 cm 5,450 5,479 5,509 5,538 5,567 5,596 5,624 5,653 5,681 5,709
175 cm 5,476 5,506 5,535 5,564 5,594 5,622 5,651 5,680 5,708 5,736
176 cm 5,502 5,532 5,561 5,591 5,620 5,649 5,678 5,707 5,735 5,764
177 cm 5,528 5,558 5,588 5,617 5,647 5,676 5,705 5,734 5,762 5,791
178 cm 5,554 5,584 5,614 5,644 5,673 5,702 5,732 5,760 5,789 5,818
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
179 cm 5,580 5,610 5,640 5,670 5,700 5,729 5,758 5,787 5,816 5,845
180 cm 5,606 5,636 5,666 5,696 5,726 5,756 5,785 5,814 5,843 5,872
181 cm 5,632 5,662 5,693 5,723 5,752 5,782 5,811 5,841 5,870 5,899
182 cm 5,658 5,688 5,719 5,749 5,779 5,808 5,838 5,867 5,897 5,926
183 cm 5,684 5,714 5,745 5,775 5,805 5,835 5,865 5,894 5,923 5,953
184 cm 5,709 5,740 5,771 5,801 5,831 5,861 5,891 5,921 5,950 5,979
185 cm 5,735 5,766 5,797 5,827 5,857 5,888 5,917 5,947 5,977 6,006
186 cm 5,761 5,792 5,823 5,853 5,884 5,914 5,944 5,974 6,003 6,033
187 cm 5,786 5,818 5,848 5,879 5,910 5,940 5,970 6,000 6,030 6,060
188 cm 5,812 5,843 5,874 5,905 5,936 5,966 5,997 6,027 6,057 6,086
189 cm 5,838 5,869 5,900 5,931 5,962 5,992 6,023 6,053 6,083 6,113
190 cm 5,863 5,895 5,926 5,957 5,988 6,019 6,049 6,079 6,110 6,140
191 cm 5,889 5,920 5,952 5,983 6,014 6,045 6,075 6,106 6,136 6,166
192 cm 5,914 5,946 5,977 6,009 6,040 6,071 6,101 6,132 6,162 6,193
193 cm 5,940 5,971 6,003 6,034 6,066 6,097 6,128 6,158 6,189 6,219
194 cm 5,965 5,997 6,029 6,060 6,092 6,123 6,154 6,185 6,215 6,246
195 cm 5,990 6,022 6,054 6,086 6,117 6,149 6,180 6,211 6,241 6,272
196 cm 6,016 6,048 6,080 6,112 6,143 6,175 6,206 6,237 6,268 6,298
197 cm 6,041 6,073 6,105 6,137 6,169 6,200 6,232 6,263 6,294 6,325
198 cm 6,066 6,099 6,131 6,163 6,195 6,226 6,258 6,289 6,320 6,351
199 cm 6,091 6,124 6,156 6,188 6,220 6,252 6,284 6,315 6,346 6,377
200 cm 6,117 6,149 6,182 6,214 6,246 6,278 6,310 6,341 6,372 6,403
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
160 cm 5,350 5,376 5,402 5,428 5,454 5,479 5,505 5,530 5,555 5,580
161 cm 5,378 5,404 5,430 5,456 5,482 5,508 5,534 5,559 5,584 5,609
162 cm 5,406 5,432 5,459 5,485 5,511 5,536 5,562 5,588 5,613 5,638
163 cm 5,434 5,460 5,487 5,513 5,539 5,565 5,591 5,616 5,642 5,667
164 cm 5,462 5,488 5,515 5,541 5,567 5,593 5,619 5,645 5,671 5,696
165 cm 5,489 5,516 5,543 5,569 5,596 5,622 5,648 5,674 5,699 5,725
166 cm 5,517 5,544 5,571 5,597 5,624 5,650 5,676 5,702 5,728 5,754
167 cm 5,545 5,572 5,599 5,625 5,652 5,678 5,704 5,731 5,757 5,782
168 cm 5,572 5,600 5,626 5,653 5,680 5,706 5,733 5,759 5,785 5,811
169 cm 5,600 5,627 5,654 5,681 5,708 5,735 5,761 5,787 5,814 5,840
170 cm 5,628 5,655 5,682 5,709 5,736 5,763 5,789 5,816 5,842 5,868
171 cm 5,655 5,682 5,710 5,737 5,764 5,791 5,818 5,844 5,870 5,897
172 cm 5,682 5,710 5,737 5,765 5,792 5,819 5,846 5,872 5,899 5,925
173 cm 5,710 5,738 5,765 5,793 5,820 5,847 5,874 5,901 5,927 5,954
174 cm 5,737 5,765 5,793 5,820 5,848 5,875 5,902 5,929 5,955 5,982
175 cm 5,765 5,793 5,820 5,848 5,875 5,903 5,930 5,957 5,984 6,010
176 cm 5,792 5,820 5,848 5,876 5,903 5,930 5,958 5,985 6,012 6,039
177 cm 5,819 5,847 5,875 5,903 5,931 5,958 5,986 6,013 6,040 6,067
178 cm 5,846 5,875 5,903 5,931 5,958 5,986 6,014 6,041 6,068 6,095
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
179 cm 5,873 5,902 5,930 5,958 5,986 6,014 6,041 6,069 6,096 6,123
180 cm 5,901 5,929 5,957 5,986 6,014 6,041 6,069 6,097 6,124 6,151
181 cm 5,928 5,956 5,985 6,013 6,041 6,069 6,097 6,125 6,152 6,180
182 cm 5,955 5,983 6,012 6,040 6,069 6,097 6,125 6,152 6,180 6,208
183 cm 5,982 6,010 6,039 6,068 6,096 6,124 6,152 6,180 6,208 6,236
184 cm 6,009 6,038 6,066 6,095 6,123 6,152 6,180 6,208 6,236 6,263
185 cm 6,035 6,065 6,093 6,122 6,151 6,179 6,207 6,236 6,264 6,291
186 cm 6,062 6,092 6,121 6,149 6,178 6,207 6,235 6,263 6,291 6,319
187 cm 6,089 6,118 6,148 6,177 6,205 6,234 6,263 6,291 6,319 6,347
188 cm 6,116 6,145 6,175 6,204 6,233 6,261 6,290 6,318 6,347 6,375
189 cm 6,143 6,172 6,202 6,231 6,260 6,289 6,317 6,346 6,374 6,403
190 cm 6,169 6,199 6,229 6,258 6,287 6,316 6,345 6,373 6,402 6,430
191 cm 6,196 6,226 6,255 6,285 6,314 6,343 6,372 6,401 6,430 6,458
192 cm 6,223 6,253 6,282 6,312 6,341 6,370 6,399 6,428 6,457 6,486
193 cm 6,249 6,279 6,309 6,339 6,368 6,398 6,427 6,456 6,485 6,513
194 cm 6,276 6,306 6,336 6,366 6,395 6,425 6,454 6,483 6,512 6,541
195 cm 6,302 6,333 6,363 6,392 6,422 6,452 6,481 6,510 6,539 6,568
196 cm 6,329 6,359 6,389 6,419 6,449 6,479 6,508 6,538 6,567 6,596
197 cm 6,355 6,386 6,416 6,446 6,476 6,506 6,535 6,565 6,594 6,623
198 cm 6,382 6,412 6,443 6,473 6,503 6,533 6,562 6,592 6,621 6,651
199 cm 6,408 6,439 6,469 6,500 6,530 6,560 6,589 6,619 6,649 6,678
200 cm 6,434 6,465 6,496 6,526 6,556 6,587 6,616 6,646 6,676 6,705
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
160 cm 5,605 5,630 5,655 5,679 5,704 5,728 5,752 5,776 5,800 5,824 5,848
161 cm 5,634 5,659 5,684 5,709 5,733 5,758 5,782 5,806 5,830 5,854 5,878
162 cm 5,664 5,689 5,713 5,738 5,763 5,787 5,812 5,836 5,860 5,884 5,908
163 cm 5,693 5,718 5,743 5,767 5,792 5,817 5,841 5,866 5,890 5,914 5,938
164 cm 5,721 5,747 5,772 5,797 5,822 5,846 5,871 5,895 5,920 5,944 5,968
165 cm 5,750 5,776 5,801 5,826 5,851 5,876 5,901 5,925 5,950 5,974 5,998
166 cm 5,779 5,805 5,830 5,855 5,880 5,905 5,930 5,955 5,979 6,004 6,028
167 cm 5,808 5,834 5,859 5,884 5,910 5,935 5,960 5,984 6,009 6,034 6,058
168 cm 5,837 5,863 5,888 5,913 5,939 5,964 5,989 6,014 6,039 6,063 6,088
169 cm 5,866 5,891 5,917 5,943 5,968 5,993 6,018 6,043 6,068 6,093 6,118
170 cm 5,894 5,920 5,946 5,972 5,997 6,022 6,048 6,073 6,098 6,123 6,147
171 cm 5,923 5,949 5,975 6,001 6,026 6,052 6,077 6,102 6,127 6,152 6,177
172 cm 5,951 5,978 6,004 6,029 6,055 6,081 6,106 6,132 6,157 6,182 6,207
173 cm 5,980 6,006 6,032 6,058 6,084 6,110 6,135 6,161 6,186 6,211 6,236
174 cm 6,009 6,035 6,061 6,087 6,113 6,139 6,165 6,190 6,215 6,241 6,266
175 cm 6,037 6,063 6,090 6,116 6,142 6,168 6,194 6,219 6,245 6,270 6,295
176 cm 6,065 6,092 6,118 6,145 6,171 6,197 6,223 6,248 6,274 6,300 6,325
177 cm 6,094 6,120 6,147 6,173 6,200 6,226 6,252 6,278 6,303 6,329 6,354
178 cm 6,122 6,149 6,175 6,202 6,228 6,255 6,281 6,307 6,332 6,358 6,384
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
kg 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
179 cm 6,150 6,177 6,204 6,231 6,257 6,283 6,310 6,336 6,362 6,387 6,413
180 cm 6,179 6,206 6,232 6,259 6,286 6,312 6,338 6,365 6,391 6,417 6,442
181 cm 6,207 6,234 6,261 6,288 6,314 6,341 6,367 6,394 6,420 6,446 6,472
182 cm 6,235 6,262 6,289 6,316 6,343 6,370 6,396 6,422 6,449 6,475 6,501
183 cm 6,263 6,290 6,317 6,345 6,371 6,398 6,425 6,451 6,478 6,504 6,530
184 cm 6,291 6,318 6,346 6,373 6,400 6,427 6,454 6,480 6,507 6,533 6,559
185 cm 6,319 6,347 6,374 6,401 6,428 6,455 6,482 6,509 6,535 6,562 6,588
186 cm 6,347 6,375 6,402 6,430 6,457 6,484 6,511 6,538 6,564 6,591 6,617
187 cm 6,375 6,403 6,430 6,458 6,485 6,512 6,539 6,566 6,593 6,620 6,646
188 cm 6,403 6,431 6,458 6,486 6,513 6,541 6,568 6,595 6,622 6,649 6,675
189 cm 6,431 6,459 6,487 6,514 6,542 6,569 6,596 6,624 6,650 6,677 6,704
190 cm 6,459 6,487 6,515 6,542 6,570 6,597 6,625 6,652 6,679 6,706 6,733
191 cm 6,486 6,515 6,543 6,570 6,598 6,626 6,653 6,681 6,708 6,735 6,762
192 cm 6,514 6,542 6,570 6,598 6,626 6,654 6,682 6,709 6,736 6,763 6,791
193 cm 6,542 6,570 6,598 6,626 6,654 6,682 6,710 6,737 6,765 6,792 6,819
194 cm 6,569 6,598 6,626 6,654 6,683 6,710 6,738 6,766 6,793 6,821 6,848
195 cm 6,597 6,626 6,654 6,682 6,711 6,739 6,766 6,794 6,822 6,849 6,877
196 cm 6,625 6,653 6,682 6,710 6,739 6,767 6,795 6,823 6,850 6,878 6,905
197 cm 6,652 6,681 6,710 6,738 6,767 6,795 6,823 6,851 6,879 6,906 6,934
198 cm 6,680 6,709 6,737 6,766 6,794 6,823 6,851 6,879 6,907 6,935 6,962
199 cm 6,707 6,736 6,765 6,794 6,822 6,851 6,879 6,907 6,935 6,963 6,991
200 cm 6,735 6,764 6,793 6,821 6,850 6,879 6,907 6,935 6,963 6,991 7,019
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
List of definitions
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Repeat donor Someone who has donated before but not within the
last two years in the same donation centre.
RhD Immunoglobulin specific for RhD antigen is given
Immunoglobulin routinely to RhD-negative mothers bearing RhD-
positive infants to protect them from red cell exposure
during pregnancy and delivery, and so prevent
Risk assessment Method to assess and characterise the critical
parameters in the functionality of and equipment,
system or process.
Serious adverse Any untoward occurrence associated with the
event collecting, testing, processing, storage and distribution
of blood and blood components that might lead to
death or life-threatening, disabling or incapacitating
conditions for donors or recipients or which results in,
or prolongs, hospitalisation or morbidity.
Serious adverse Unintended response in donor or in recipient
reaction associated with the collection or transfusion of blood
or blood components that is fatal, life-threatening,
disabling, incapacitating, or which results in, or
prolongs hospitalisation or morbidity.
Standard operating Detailed documents:
procedures (SOPs) (1) covering all Good Manufacturing Practice-
compliant activities;
(2) containing specifications where appropriate;
(3) process/procedure based;
(4) modular, and
(5) reflecting current practice.
They must be updated as appropriate, and new
techniques must be evaluated and validated before
being introduced, to ensure conformation with quality
Statistical process Method of quality control of a product or a process
control that relies on a system of analysis of an adequate
sample size without the need to measure every
product of the process.
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Ag Antigen
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
ALT Alanine Amino Transferase
AS Additive Solution
AS-BCR Additive Solution-Buffy Coat Removed
BCR Buffy Coat Removed
BPAT Batch Pre-Acceptance Testing
BSA Bovine Serum Albumin
BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
CD-P-TS European Committee on Blood Transfusion
CETS Council of Europe Treaty Series (formerly ETS: European
Treaty Series)
CJD Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease
CMV CytoMegaloVirus
DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide used as a cell-cryoprotective agent for the
storage of platelets and stem cells in the frozen state
DQ Design qualification
EC European Commission
EDQM European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare
ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
EU European Union
FTA Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody
GCSF Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor
GMP Good Manufacturing Practice
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
GTS Ad hoc working group on the guide to the preparation, use and
quality assurance of blood components
GVHD Graft-Versus-Host Disease
Hb Haemoglobin
HBcAb Hepatitis B core Antibody
HBsAg Hepatitis B surface Antigen
HCV Hepatitis C Virus
Hct Haematocrit
HES HydroxyEthyl Starch
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HLA Human Leucocyte Antigen
HPA Human Platelet Antigen
HPCs Haematopoietic Progenitor Cells
HTLV Human T Leukaemia Virus
IQ Installation qualification
ISBT International Society for Blood Transfusion
IU International Unit
LISS Low Ionic Strength (Salt) Solution
NAT Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques
OQ Operational Qualification
Ph. Eur. European Pharmacopoeia
PQ Performance Qualification
PRP Platelet Rich Plasma
QA Quality Assurance
SAGM Saline Adenine Glucose Mannitol solution
SOPs Standard Operating Procedures
TA Transfusion-Associated
TACO Transfusion Associated Circulatory Overload
TPHA Treponema pallidum Haemagglutination Assay
TRALI Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury
TTP Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
vCJD Variant Creutzfeld Jacob Diseasee
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
List of publications
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
Guide to the preparation, use and quality assurance of blood components
1997 Collection and use of blood and plasma in Europe (member States
of the Council of Europe not members of the European Union)
Study 1995 Report by Dr Rejman
1997 Activities of blood banks in relation to bone marrow
Study Director: I.M. Francklin; Group members S. Koskimies,
R. Kroczek, M. Reti, L. de Waal, R. Arrieta, F. Carbonell-Uberos
1998 Blood transfusion: half a century of contribution by the Council
of Europe
Report by Prof. Dr B. Genetet
2000 Collection and use of human blood and plasma in the non-
European Union Council of Europe member states in 1997
Report by Dr Rejman
2000 Autologous blood donation and transfusion in Europe – 1997 data
Report by Prof. Politis
2001 Pathogen inactivation of labile blood products
Study Director: Prof. A. Morell
2002 Autologous blood donation and transfusion in Europe – 2000 data
Report by Prof. Politis
2004 Collection, testing and use of blood and blood products in
Europe – 2001 data
Report by Dr van der Poel
2005 Collection, testing and use of blood and blood products in
Europe – 2002 data
Report by Dr van der Poel
2007 Collection, testing and use of blood and blood products in
Europe – 2003 data
Report by Dr van der Poel
2008 Collection, testing and use of blood and blood products in
Europe – 2004 data
Report by Dr van der Poel
The use of blood components represents the only therapy available for many seriously ill
safety, quality and efficacy of blood components, the Council of Europe has developed a guide
as a technical annex to its Recommendation No. R (95) 15 on the preparation, use and quality
y A s s u r a n c e
16 Edition 2
assurance of blood components. The Guide contains recommendations on blood collection,
blood components, technical procedures, transfusion practices and quality systems for blood
U s e a n d Q
establishments. It represents the basis for a large number of national regulations, as well as for
o m p o n e n t s
of Blood C
the blood directives of the European Commission.
This is the 16th Edition of the Guide, compiled by leading European experts under the aegis of
the European Committee (Partial Agreement) on Blood Transfusion (CD-P-TS). This Steering
l Agreemen
Committee was created in 2007 by the Council of Europe to pursue its activities in the field of
blood transfusion following the transfer of these activities to the European Directorate for the
te e (P a rt ia
ommit D-P-TS)
Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM).
European C ra n s fu s io n (C
on Blood T
The EDQM is a Directorate of the Council of Europe, an international organisation