Develop Tools For Job
Develop Tools For Job
Develop Tools For Job
This brochure is
designed to help you develop the tools you will need to complete
your job search and find the job that is right for you.
This section will help you develop the tools necessary to begin your job search, including a résumé and a
cover letter.
Having trouble with a particular aspect of your job search? There are many other job search
resources available from your local career information centre and regional employment
development office. To find the locations nearest you, please visit
If you find labour market information a bit of a mystery, the staff at your local career information centre
and regional employment development office can help. Contact your local career information centre or
regional employment development office today or visit
This section will help you prepare for an interview, determine if a job is right for you, and agree on terms of
If the idea of a job interview makes you nervous, rest assured that you are not alone. With some preparation, you
can make a great impression on an employer and have confidence in yourself as you outline why you are the
right person for the job.
An employer will often interview several qualified applicants for a job. It can be a simple, informal meeting
between you and your potential employer, or it can be a formal interview between you and a group of people
with set questions. Remember that the interview is your chance to find out if the job is right for you.
• To learn tips about what to do before, during and after an interview, visit the website section for job seekers
within the Working in New Brunswick, Canada Tool
• Effectively demonstrate your skills by following the outline for interviews available within the website
section for job seekers and workers on the Job Bank website (
• Prepare for your interview by following the steps outlined in Looking for a Job, a Service Canada publication.
To learn more, visit Service Canada ( and search by
publication name.
Contact your regional employment development office today to learn if you are eligible for available
training or educational programs. For more information, please visit
Developed in partnership with the Canadian Career Development Foundation with support from Human Resources and
Skills Development Canada. Funded by the Government of Canada and the Government of New Brunswick through the
Canada-New Brunswick Labour Market Agreements.