Bode Plot2019
Bode Plot2019
Bode Plot2019
Bode Plot
Dr V S Krushnasamy
• How can one visualize P(jω) as ω is varied?.
It gives M & P details separately.
Magnitude Plot
Bode Plot
Phase Plot
Both are
Magnitude Plot 𝑷(𝒋𝝎) 𝑽𝒔 𝝎 function of
Phase Plot Phase of 𝑷(𝒋𝝎) 𝑽𝒔 𝝎 Only
Magnitude Plot
Linear Vs Logarithmic Scale
Logarithmic Scale
Why did bode suggest plotting the magnitude
of a frequency response on Log-Log coordinates
• First advantage is that the multiplication of magnitude
converted to addition.
• The frequency in a typical control system application
varies over many powers of ten. So that most information
would be compressed near the origin if the linear scale is
• The logarithmic scale is nonlinear.(i.e.) distance between 1
and 2 is greater than the distance between 2 and 3 and so
on. As a result use of this scale us to cover greater range of
frequencies both low high frequency behavior of a system
can be adequately displayed in one plot.
• Simple method to get approximate plot.
Phase Angle Plot
• A slope of -20 dB/decade implies that the magnitude
decreases by -20 dB when the frequency increased
by a factor 10.
• Decade : A decade is an increase in frequency by a
factor of 10.
• Octave: A octave is an increase in frequency by a
factor of 2.
• Asymptotes: In bode plot the low frequency and high
frequency approximations can be represented by
straight lines called asymptotes.
• Corner frequency: These two asymptotes meet at a
frequency known as corner frequency.
Stability from Bode Plot
• System is said to be stable-When P.M and
G.M are positive .
• System is said to be unstable-When P.M and
G.M are negative or any one is negative.
• System is said to be marginally stable – when
GM and PM both are zero
Procedure for plotting Bode plot
1.Convert the transfer function in to time constant
2.List the corner frequency in increasing order.
3.Magnitude Plot
For finding the magnitude consider the factor as
(i)Constant K or .
(ii)Other function in increasing order of corner
(iii)Prepare a table as shown in below
S.No Factor Corner Slope Change in slope=
Frequency (dB/Decade) sum of previous slope +
Present slope
2.For 𝝎𝒄𝟏 Magnitude = 20log When 𝝎=𝝎𝒄𝟏 .
Calculate magnitude at every corner frequency one by one
using the following formula.
3.For 𝝎𝒄𝟐 Magnitude
= [Slope change from 𝝎𝒄𝟏 , 𝝎𝒄𝟏 X Log ] + Magnitude @𝝎𝒄𝟏
4.Calculate magnitude up to 𝝎𝒉 .
Mark all the points (magnitude & C.F) in the semi log graph
5.Joined the points by straight line & Mark slope @ every part
of the graph.
Phase Plot
• Find the Phase Equation.
• Vary the frequency from in and around corner
frequency and calculate corresponding phase
• Fix the points in the graph and join the points
by free hand.
Calculate ω𝑔𝑐 , ω𝑝𝑐 ,PM and GM,and comment
on stability.
1.Draw the bode plot for UFBCS has the OLTF
G(s) = and find ω𝑔𝑐 , ω𝑝𝑐 ,PM and
Phase Plot
Phase Plot
• ω𝑔𝑐 = 6.2 rad/sec
• ω𝑝𝑐 = 22.36 rad/sec
• PM= 360
• GM= 20 dB.
• Stability: System is stable