References: Psychology, Pp. 713-731

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A Study in Birendranagar Municipality, Surkhet

Dear Employee,


My name is Sandesh Singh. I am a BBA student of Mid-Western University

and am conducting a study on "Status of Employee Motivation of Nepal Telecom:
A Study of Surkhet Branch." This questionnaire is designed to know your opinion
in relation to Nepal Telecom in Birendranagar, Surkhet. This survey is a part of my
Bachelor’s Degree Report and your kind support is crucial for the successful
completion of this research project. Your responses will be anonymous; data will be
combined and analyzed as a whole. Please answer all the questions and tick one
appropriate box that best suits your perspective for each statement. Thank you very
much for your time and assistance.

Name of the Customer: ………………………… Mobile No.: ……………………

1. Age:

a. 15-24 years b. 25-34 years

c. 35-44 years d. 45 years and above

2. Gender: a. Male b. Female c. Others

3. Caste:

a. Brahman b. Chhetri c. Janajati d. Others

4. Education:

a. Illiterate b. Secondary c. Higher secondary

d. Bachelor e. Masters

Employee Motivation

5. How long have you been working in Nepal Telecom?

a. Less than a year b. More than a year

6. How and to what extent have things changed since you joined Nepal Telecom?

a. Better b. Slightly better c. Not changed

d. Slightly worse e. Very worse

7. Do you have any incentives wage schemes for efficient work in your organization?

a. Yes b. No

8. Are you motivated by the services provided with the organization?

a. Yes b. No

9. What types of leaves do you get?

a. Sick leave b. Maternity leave c. Casual leave d. Study leave

e. Others

10. Does your boss provide you necessary support at work whenever needed?

a. Sometimes b. Often c. Never

11. How does your boss recognize or highlight employees’ work?

a. Appreciate b. Does not appreciate c. Encourage d. Others

12. Do you think you that the company treats all the team members equally?

a. Sometimes b. Often c. Very often c. Never

13. Do you think the organization has fair policies for the encouragement for all

a. Sometimes b. Often c. Very often c. Never

14. Do you feel that the management is just towards administering policies
concerning employees?

a. Sometimes b. Often c. Very often c. Never

15. Are you motivated due to the just management of the company?

a. Yes b. No

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