NSCL Recruitment 1

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(A Govemment of India Undertaking- "Mini Ratna" Company)

\ (An ISO 9001:2015 C€rtified)
(Advertisement No. RECTT/I/20/NSC/2020)

National Seeds Corporation Limited under the administrative control of Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Department
of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare is an apex body engaged in production and distribution of quality seeds, invites
online application from Indian Nationals for filling up the following posts on direct recruitment basis at Corporate Office (New
Delhi), Regional / Area Offices and Farms (located all over India):

1. Detail ofvacancies:
OBC (NCL) SC S' : Ex.
sl. Pwd
Name of the Post ServicemCn
No. Total UR EWS bo
o o
bo (Horizontally
&o J1
a o o o 'l1
o reserved)
cg 6 d reaerved)
b b
1 Assistant (Legal) CradeJ 03 I I 1

2. Management Trainee Production) l6 10 I 2 1 I 1

J. Management Trainee Horticulture) 01 1

Fresh: l-
4. Management Trainee Marketing) 07 4 1 1 1
{[VCat "B" anc
5. Management Trainee Human Resource) 02 I 1
6. Management Trainee Agri. Engg.) 04 2 2
disabilities /Cat
7. Management Trainee (Civil Engg.) 01 I
8. Management Trainee (Qualiff Control) 02 2
Backlog: 1-
Management Trainee (Materials Management) - (a) HH/Cat "B"
9. Logistics -1 (b) Certification & Packing Material 03 3

(CPM) -01 (c) Agro Chemicals - 0l

0. Sr. Trainee (Agriculture) 29 12 J 5 2 4 2 1
Fresh: 1-
I Sr. Trainee (Agriculture) - Plant Protection (PP) 03 3

2. Sr. Trainee (Horticulture) 01 1

HH/Cat"B" and
3. Sr. Trainee (Marketing) 10 4 I 2 2 I Fresh: 2
l-OH iCat "C"
4. Sr. Trainee (Humair Resource) 05 4 I
Backlog: 1-
5. Sr. Trainee (Logistics) 05 J 1 I Backlog: I
HtVCat "B" anc
6. Sr. Trainee (Quality Control) 01 1
7. Sr. Trainee (Accounts) 05 J 1 I
8. Diploma Trainee (Agriculture Engineering) 04 2 1 I
9. Diploma Trainee (Electrical Engineering) 03 2 1

20. Trainee (Agriculture) 18 9 2 3 I 1 1 I

21. Trainee (Marketing) t7 6 2 3 2 2 1 1 Fresh: l-
22. Trainee (Human Resource) 08 3 3 2 VH/Cat "A", 1-

23. Trainee (Agri. Stores) 06 5 I HlVCat "B", 1-

24. Trainee (Purchase) 02 2 OH /Cat "C"
Trainee (Technician): and 1-Multiple
(a) Diesel Mechanic - 09 (b) Electrician 04 (c) Disabilities/Cat
25. 27 13 2 5 J 1 2 1 Fresh: 6
Machineman - 03 (d) Welder - 0l (e) Auto Electrician - "D"
Backlog: 3
04 (f) Processing Plant Operator - 05 (g) Blacksmith - 0l Backlog:
26. Trainee Stores Engineering) 09 5 I 2 I O2-HFVCaI "B"
27. Trainee Stenographer) r3 I J I 1 and
28. Trainee Quality Control) 03 2 1 01-Multiple
29. Trainee (Data Entry Operator) 03 I 1 I Disabilities/Cat
30. Trainee (Accounts) 06 2 I 2 I "D"
31. Trainee Mate (Agri.) 03 1 1 I
2. Reservation to Ex. Servicemen is not extended to Agrlcultural based Technical posts and Assistant (Legal) GD. I.:
Accordingly, vacancies for ESM horizontally reserved only for Sr. Trainee (HR /Accounts) Diploma Trainee (Agri. Engg. / Elect.
Engg.), Trainee (HR/Tech./Stores Engg./StenographeriDEOiAccountgjand Trainee Mate (Agri.).
2. Essential Qualification & Experience

Post Essential Qualification and Experience

Professional degree in Law from a recognised University. One year experience ofhandling legal matters in a
Assistant (Legal) reputed organisation or with experienced Advocate. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) shall be desirable.
Grade-I The departmental candidates who are law graduates working in the next below post for two years having
aptitude to work in Legal Department will also be considered on merits, along with others.
B.Sc.(Agri.) plus MBA (Agri. Business Management) OR M.Sc.(Agri.) with specialization in
Management Trainee
Agronomy/Seed Technology/Plant Breeding & Genetics from a recognized University/Institution with
minimum 600Z* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
Management Trainee B.Sc. (Hort.) plus MBA (Agri. Business Mgt.) OR M.Sc. (Horticulture) / M.Sc. (Agri.) with specialization in
(Horticulture) Horticulture from a recognized University/lnstitution with minimum 600lo* marks.
B.Sc. (Agri.) plus MBA (Mktg./Agri. Business Management) full time or Two years Full time pG
Management Trainee
Degree/Diploma in Marketing/Agri. Business Management OR M.Sc. (Agri.) from a recognized
University/Institutions with minimum 60%* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
Two years full time PG Degree / Diploma in Personnel Management / Industrial Relations / Labour Welfare /
Management Trainee
HR Management OR Two years full time MBA (HRM) from a recognized University / Institution with
(Human Resource)
minimum 60%* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
Management Trainee BE/B.Tech.(Agri. Engg.) from a recognized University/Institute with minimum of 60Yo* marks. Knowledge
(Agri. Engg.) of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
Management Trainee BE/B.Tech. (Civil Engg.) from recognized University /lnstitute with minimum of 600/o* marks. Knowledge
(Civil Engg.) of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
M.Sc.(Agri.) with specialization in Agronomy / Seed Technology / Plant Breeding & Genetics from a
Management Trainee
recognized University / Institution with minimum 600%* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is
(Quality Control)
Management Trainee
MBA (Materials Management/ Logistics & Supply Chain Management /Supply Chain Management) OR
B.Sc (Agri.) with MBA (Agri. Business Management) from a recognized University/ Institution with
Management) - minimum 600lo* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
Management Trainee
M.Sc. (Agri.) OR B.E. / B.Tech (Agri. Engg.) OR B.Sc. (Agri.) with MBA (Agri. Business Management)
Management) - OR Two year full time PG Degree / Diploma in Packaging from a recognized University/ Institution with
Certification &
minimum 6002* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
Packing Material
Management Trainee
(Materials M.Sc. (Agri.) with specialization in Plant Pathology / Agriculture Entomology from a recognized University/
Management) - Agro Institution with minimum 600lo* marks. Knowledge of computer (MS office) is mandatory.
Senior Trainee M.Sc.(Agri.) with specilaization in Agronomy / Seed Tech. / Plant Breeding & Genetics with minimum
(Agriculture) 55olo* marks from a recognised University/Institution. Knowledge of computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
Senior Trainee
M.Sc.(Agri.) with specilaization in Plant Pathology OR Agriculture Entomology with minimum 55%*
(Agriculture) - Plant
marks from a recognised University/lnstitution. Knowledge of computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
Senior Trainee M.Sc.(Hort.)/M'Sc.(Agri.)withspecia1izationinHorticulturer.o,"
(Horticulture) minimum 55%* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
B.Sc. (Agri.) plus MBA (Mktg.iAgri. Business Management) full time or Two years Full time pG
Senior Trainee
Degree/Diploma in Marketing/Agri. Business Management OR M.Sc. (Agri.) from a recognized
University/lnstitutions with minimum 55%* marks. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
Senior Trainee
Management / Labour Welfare / MSW with minimum 55olo* marks from a recognised University/lnstitution.
(Human Resource)
In addition to above, candidate should have knowledge of MS-Office.
MBA (Materials Management/Logistics & Supply Chain Management/Supply Ct uin ftaun.rg**t) OR
Senior Trainee
B.Sc. (Agri.) with MBA (Agri. Business Management) with minimum 55olo* marks in both from
(Logistics) a
recognised University/Institution. Knowledge of computer (MS office) is mandatory.

Post Essential Qualification and Experience
Senior Trainee M.Sc. (Agri.) with specilaization in Agronomy / Seed Tech. / Plant Breeding & Genetics with a minimum of
(Quality Control) 55o%* marks from a recognized University/Institution. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.

Senior Trainee M.Com./MBA (Fin.) with minimum 55%* marks from a recognised University/lnstitution. In addition to
(Accounts) above, knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
Diploma Trainee Three years Diploma in Agriculture Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering with minimum 550lo* marks from
(Agri. Engg.) a Golt. recognized Polytechnic/Institution . Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.

Diploma Trainee Three years Diploma in Electrical Engineering/ Electrical & Electronics Engineering with minimum 55%*
(Electrical Engg.) marks from a Govt. recognized Polltechnic /Institution. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office) is mandatory.
B.Sc. (Agri.) with minimum 600%* marks from recognised University. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office)
Trainee (Agriculture)
is mandatory.
B.Sc. (Agri.) with minimum 60oZ* marks from recognised University. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office)
Trainee (Marketing)
is mandatory.
Graduate with minimum 600lo* marks from recognised University with knowledge of MS-Office and
Trainee (Human computer typing with speed of 30 WPM in English. Knowledge of Hindi typing (25 WPM) is desirable. In
Resource) case a candidate does not possess Hindi typing at the time of selection, they have to pass the examination of
Hindi typing during the course of training period.
B.Sc. (Agri.) with minimum 6002* marks from recognised University. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office)
Trainee (Agri. Stores)
is mandatory.
B.Sc. (Agri.) with minimum 600%* marks from recognised University. Knowledge of Computer (MS Office)
Trainee (Purchase)
is mandatory.
ITI certificate in relevant trade with minimum 600Z* marks and one year trade apprenticeship training in any
Trainee (Technician): industry and passed NAC Examination conducted by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) as
(a) Diesel Mechanic per details given below:
- 0!
(b) Electrician - 04 (c)
Machineman - 03 (d) I I I Diesel Mechanic I Diesel Mechanic/Tractor Mechanic lDiesel Mechanic/Tractor Mechanic I

01 (e) Auto I fl Electrician I Electrician I Electrician

Welder - I

lll Machineman I Machinisr,/Tumer I Machinist/Tumer

Electrician - 04 (f) Planl Welder

Processing Operator - 0l l4l I Welder I W.ld., I

(g) Blacksmith - 0l I 5 I Auto Electrician lMechanic(M.V)/Electrician/Electronics(Mechanics) | Auto Electrician I

| 6 | Processing Plant Operatorl Fitter I Fiu., I

I 7 | Blacksmith I Froger and Heat Trearer

I Froger and Heat Treater I

Three years Diploma in Agriculture Engineering / Mechanical Engineering with minimum 550lo* marks
Trainee (Stores) from a Govt. recognized Polytechnic/lnstitution OR ITI certificate in Fitter, Diesel Mechanic & Tractor
Engineering Mechanic with minimum 600/o* marks and one year trade apprenticeship training in any industry and passed
NAC Exarnination conducted by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT).
Sr. Secondary & equivalent with three years Diploma in Office Management with minimum of 600%* marks
with Stenography from Govt. recognized Polytechnic OR Graduate from a recognized university with a
minimum of 600/o* marks preferably with Certificate course of Stenography.

Proficiency in computer operation (including MS Office) working knowledge of Hindi language, Office
Trainee (Stenographer Management and excellent communication skills is necessary.

The candidate shall be required to pass Shorthand Test at a speed of 80 wpm in English and Computer
Typing Test at a speed of 30 wpm in English respectively. The Shorthand Test & Computer Typing Test
shall be of qualifying nafure. It is mandatory to pass both the tests Shorthand Test and Computer Typing
Test to shortlist candidates for preparing Final Merit List.
Trainee (Quality B.Sc. (Agri.) with minimum 600Z* marks from a recognized University/Institution. Knowledge of Computer
Control) (MS Office) is mandatory.
BCAi B'Sc. (Computer Science/lT) OR 3 years Diploma in Engg. in (Computer Application / Computer
Trainee (Data Entry
Science /lT / Electronics) OR Graduate with 1 year Diploma in Computer Applications from a recognised
University/ Institution with minimum 60%* marks
B.Com with minimum 600lo* marks from recognised University. Knowledge of MS-office and comffi
Trainee (Accounts)
application is mandatory.

Trainee Mate (Agri.)

Intermediate in Agriculture/Sr. Secondary (12'h) or equivalent in Science rvittr Biology u, oni of tt*U;..t,
with sound physique. Knowledge and experience in agriculture related field will be desirable.

3. Approximate Monthly Emoluments / Stipend:

DA @ of 18.7% of Perks @ of25oh of

Post Scale of pay (IDA) Basic pay Basic Pay as on Basic Pay as on
01.06.2020 01.06.2020

I Assistant (Legal) Grade-I Rs. 22000-77000/- Rs. 22000/ Rs. 4t t4 Rs. 5500

?" Management Trainee Consolidated stipend including DA during training period of Rs. 474801- per month

Sr./Diploma Trainee Consolidated stipend including DA during training period of Rs. 26114l- per month
.-J. Trainee Consolidated stipend including DA during training period of Rs. 201791- per month

5 Trainee Mate (Agri.) Consolidated stipend including DA during training period of Rs. 195861- per month

Note: 1lr addition to above, HRA/Single seated accommodation will be provided depending upon place of training

4. Age limit and Relaxation as on last date of receipt of application:-

Assistant (Legal) Gd. I Management Trainee Sr./Diploma Trainee Trainee Trainee Mate

Not exceeding Not exceeding Not exceeding Not exceeding Not exceeding

30 years* 27 years* 27 years* 27 years* 25 years*

Sr. No. Category lelaxation in age limit

I Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe 5 vears

2 Other Backward Classes Non Creamy Layer 3 years

J Persons With Disability (PwD) 10 years

Ex-Servicemen, Commissioned Officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers

(ECOs)i Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) who have rendered at least 5 years
4 military service and have been released on completion of assignment otherwise than by 5 years

way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency or physical

disability attributable to military service or invalidment.
n nken by Board in its 272'o Board Meaing held on 30"


Note: Age relaxation/reservation for SC, ST, OBC, Ex-servicemen & PH will be applicable for caste / category

mentioned in the Central List of Govt. of India and as per Government Rules & Guidelines issued time to time.

5. Details ofselection process:

Post Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

Based on the merit of written Taking into together written examination and
Management Written examination, candidates will be interview marks the candidate will be finally
Trainee* examination called for interview and document shortlisted for selection, if everything is found in
verification order i.e. documents/certifi cates

Assistant (Legal) Based on merit of written

Based on the written examination marks OR
Gd.I Written examination OR written examination
written examination and Skill test(s) in case of
Sr. Trainee examination and Skill test(s) in case of Trainee
Trainee (Stenographer / HR), the candidate will
Diploma Trainee (Stenographer / HR), candidates will be finally shortlisted for selection, ifeverything is
be called for document verification. found in order i.e. documents/certificates.
Trainee Mate
* The candidate will be called based on his/her score in the written examination after taking into account the number
of posts and zone of consideration and the weightage of written examination wilt be 70%o and interview 30% for final selection
merit list.

6. Pattern of Examination:

Computer Based Test (CBT)

7. Post ldentified for PwDs:

The post identified suitable for PwDs are available on NSC website at https://rvu'w.indiaseeds.cornidoc-filelPWD-PD.ptlf
Candidates of PwD category are advised to accordingly apply for the posts identified suitable as per their respective
category/sub-category of PWD.

8. How to Apply:

Only online application will be considered. No other mode of application shall be considered.

9. Role & Responsibility:

S. No. Post Role & responsibilities

I Management Trainee Managerial
2. Assistant (Legal) Gd. I
J. Sr. iDiploma Trainee Supervisory / Clerical work in Fields and Offices
4. Trainee

Trainee Mate Supervision of work at fields itself


However, any Management Trainee / Assistant (Legal) Gd. I/ Sr. Trainee / Diploma Trainee / Trainee / Trainee Mate can be
assigned any task / work / area of work as per the need of the Corporation on discretion of the Management.

10. Conditions & Information for Candidates:

Specific Terms & Conditions:

The period of training will be normally onelear duration subject to satisfactory performance and passing out various tests and

carrying out different assignments satisfactorily during the period of training. In the event of failure to pass the piescribed
tests, assignments or not satisfactorily performing the different assignments prescribed, the Management at its discretion, may

extend the period of training by a maximum period of six months only. Trainees not absorbed by the Corporation will be

given a certificate on completion oftraining rvithout any obligation on the part ofCorporation for future absorption

Sl. No. Post Terms & Conditions

On successful completion of training period of one year and satisfactory performance during the
training and personal interview, the Management Trainees may be considered for absorption as

Assistant Manager in respective discipline in the scale of Pay of Rs. 40000-140000 /-.selected
candidates have to execute surety bond of Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rs. 1,50,000 for SC/ ST) to the
I Corporation on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- to complete the training and to serve the
Corporation for a minimum period of three years after successful completion of training period
and absorption. Management Trainees not absorbed by the Corporation will be given a certificate
on completion of training without any obligation on the part of Corporation for future

On successful completion oftraining period ofone year and satisfactory performance during the
training, the Sr. / Diploma Trainees may be considered for absorption as Asst. Gd. I/Jr. Engineer
Gd. IV in respective discipline in the scale ofPay ofRs. 22000 - 77000. Selected candidates have

,, Sr. / Diploma to execute surety bond of Rs. 1,70,000/- (Rs. 85,000 for sc/ sr) to the corporation on non-
Trainees judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- for completing training period and to serve the Corporation for a

minimum period of 03 years after successful completion of training period and absorption. Sr.
/Diploma Trainee not absorbed by the Corporation will be given a certificate on completion of
training without any obligation on the part of corporation for future employment. 0l> --
On successful completion of training period of one year and satisfactory performance during the
training, the Trainees may be considered for absorption as Assistant Gd.V in respective discipline
in the scale ofPay ofRs. 17000-60000 /-. Selected candidates have to execute surety bond ofRs.
1 ,40'000/- (Rs. 70,000 for SC/ ST) to the Corporation on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- for
3. Trainees
completing training period and to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of three years after
successful completion of training period and absorption. Trainees not absorbed by the
Corporation will be given a certificate on completion of training without any obligation on the
part of Corporation for future employment.

On successful completion of training period of one year and satisfactory performance during
training, the trainee may be considered for absorption as Mate (Agri.) in the scale of pay of Rs.
16500-56000/-. Selected candidates have to execute surety bond ofRs. 1,00,000/- (Rs. 50,000 for

Trainees Mate SC/ ST) to the Corporation on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- for completing the'training
(Aeri.) period and to serve the Corporation for a minimum period of three years after successful
completion of training period and absorption. Trainees not absorbed by the Corporation will be
given a certificate on completion of training without any obligation on the part of Corporation for
future employment.


1. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.

2. Candidate should have completed their qualifying degree as prescribed in the essential education qualification for
respective Post as on closing date of online submission of application. Candidate appearing in final year/semester are not
eligible to apply.

Where CGPA/OGPA OR grading system in a degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in
the application form as per nonns adopted by University/lnstitution. The candidates will l.rave to produce copy of these
norms with respect to his/her University/lnstitution at the time of documents verification. There will be no
agelpercentage bar for departmental candidates (served minimum 04 years of services in NSC) who otherwise meet
the prescribed qualifications and experience subject to the condition mentioned above.

4. The eligible candidates can visit r,,rrv.indiaseeds.com for applying Online Application and for other details; no other
mode of application is acceptable. The candidates are required to upload hislher recent colour photograph, signature
and attested/self attested copies of certificates/testimonials as per instructions given in the link.

5. Before submitting the online application, the candidate must ensure that he/she fulfil all the eligibility criteria with
respect to age , education qualification, work experience and other requirements as published in the online advertisement.
Ifthe candidate is not eligible, his/her candidature will be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment. If the
candidate Qualifies in the selection process and subsequently, it is found that he/she does not fulfil the eligibility
criteria, his/her candidature will be cancelled and if appointed, service so obtained will be terminated without any
notice or compensation.

6. Online application containing incorrect/misleading information will lead to the candidate being disqualified, as and when
detected, irrespective of stage of selection process and will also lead to dismissal from service of NSCL, on its detection
at any time after appointment. NSCL will not entertain any corespondence from these candidates.

7. The OBC candidates who belong to "Creamy layer" are not entitled for concession/relaxation admissible OBC
category and such candidates should indicate their category as General only.

8. All Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD category shall produce self-attested copy of the caste/category
certificate in the prescribed 'Central Govemment' format from the Competent Authority empowered to issue such
certificate along with originals for verification at the time of documents verification/ Skill Test. OBC certificate shall be
of a recent date (issued on or after 01.10.2019) with suitable mention about creamy layer / Non Creamy layer status.
(OBC candidates with certificate having the "Non-Creamy Layer Clause" only will be eligible for reservation as per
Government of India guidelines). Income & asset certificate shall be provided by the candidates applying under EWS

9. The candidate's appointment / engagement will remain provisional subject to caste/category certificate for
SC/ST/OBC/PwD and income & asset certificate for EWS being verified through proper channel and verification of
testimonials. The candidate's services will be liable to be terminated forthwith without assigning any reason in case the
above verification reveals that his,4rer claim for belonging to SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD category and other testimonials is
found false. NSC also reserves its right to take such fuither action against the candidate, as it may deem proper, for
production ofsuch false certificates and testimonials.

10. The vacancies reserved for EWS category are tentative and appointment/ engagement of candidates against the reserved
posts of EWS are subject to outcome of any litigations and/or directives of Govt. of India with regard to reservation to
EWS category.

11. The minimum disability in case of PWD candidates is 40%. Sub-category of disability, i.e. (a) blindness and low vision;
(b) deaf and hard of hearing; (c) locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack
victims and muscular dystrophy; (d) autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness; (e)
multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness in the posts identified for
each disabilities is to be indicated. The PWD candidates shall possess a Certificate to this effect issued by the
Board/countersigned by the Medical Superintendent/Chief Medical Officer/Head of Hospital of Government.

12. All the prescribed essential qualifications should be recognized from University/Institution approved by Govt.
Authorities / Statutory bodies / UGC / AICTE otherwise such qualification will not be considered. No equivalency
will be considered for any essential educational qualification.

13. Over-Qualification: As per the qualification criteria, minimum qualification prescribed for recruitment has to be
fulfilled. Any other qualification including higher qualification over and above the minimum qualification will not
disquali! the candidate to appear in written examination/skill test for all the advertised posts. A candidate must possess
the exact prescribed essential qualification for the respective post mentioned in the advertisement, as equivalent
education qualification for any essential qualification will not be considered.

14. Candidate(s) will be required to carry a Govt. issued photo identity proof for the written examination and
skill/proficiency test. The original photo identity proof shall be checked and verified during the tests. A self attested
photocopy of the same shall also be collected during written examination and skill / proficiency test. Candidates without
valid Govt. photo identity proof like Pan card, Voter ID card, Aadhar card, Driving license etc shall not be allowed to
appear in written examination and skill / proficiency test.

15. Electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, electronic wrist watches, wrist watch phones, multimedia watches, pagers,
calculator, pen scanners or any other such electronic devices are not permitted inside the premises of Examination Hall.
Any infringement of these instructions shall entail cancellation of their Candidature.

16. Candidates in the CentraliState Govemment, Public Sector Undertakings of Central/State Govemment
(including NSCL), Autonomous Bodies, Aided Institutions are required to produce No Objection Certificate (NOC)
from the present employer failing which their candidature will not be accepted. Such candidates must bring NOC
from the present employer without which they will not be allowed to appear in the written examination / skill test / Final

17. The final selection of the candidate in the Corporation will be subject to medically fit certification by the prescribed
authority, verification of Character & Antecedents (C&A) and verification of Caste Certificate. PWD cenificate and
income & asset certificate for EWS.

l9' At any stage of this recruitment process including after recruitment or joining,
if any of the following is detected,
the said applicant will be liable to be disqualified, prosecuted and debarred for all appointments in NSCL and his/her
application/appointment will be rej ected forthwith :

a. has provided wrong information or submitted false documents; or
b. has suppressed relevant information; or
c. does not meet the eligibility criteria prescribed for the post; or
d. unfair means during the Recruitment process; or
e. is found guilty of impersonation; or
f. has created disturbance affecting the smooth conduct of the Written Examination at the test centre venue; or
g. has uploaded non-human or irrelevant photograph.

20. In case of multiple / duplicate application for the same post by a candidate only latest application will be taken into
account for further consideration.

21. NecessarY assistance for access & seating will be provided to PWf) candidates at the Written Examination /

22. A candidate should apply for ONLY ONE POST (in individual Group i.e I, II, III, IV) however, candidate applying in
Management Trainee / Trainee / Trainee (Mate) posts can also apply for Sr. Trainee/Diploma Trainee post or vice-versa
as the written examination shall be conducted in two shifts (Morning shift
Management Trainee / Trainee / Trainee
Mate and in Afternoon shift - Sr. Trainee/Diploma Trainee / Assistant (Legal) Gd. I)

23. Candidates are required to submit invariably self-attested copy of the following
certificates/documents as applicable to his/her case along lvith the print out of online application and admit card
at the time of document verification/Skill Test with originals:-
a. Birth Certificate/Ssc Mark Sheet as a proof of Date of Birth
b. SSLC/SSC/HSC Mark Sheet
c. Mark Sheets of (each year or each semester) UG Degree and convocational/Provisional Certificate.
d. Mark Sheets and Certificates of all Educational, Professional and Technical Qualifications. Mark Sheet of
each year or each semester is must.
e. Computer Course Certificate of not less than 6 months duration.
f. Transfer Certificate (TC)
g. Experience Certificate/Service Certificate issued by the Employer indicating the period of service,
nature of experience like full time/part time, designation and details of job or responsibilities clearly
(if applicable).
h. No Objection Certificate (NOC) from present employer - as applicable.
i. Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) issued by the Competent Authority in the
prescribed format by the Government.
j. Income and Assets certificate to be produced by Economically Weaker Sections.
k. Discharge Certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen
1. Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format in respect of Person
with Disabilities (pwD).
m. Any other relevant certificates (as applicable).

Note: Candidate has to retain a copy of his online application and admit card carefully till
completion of recruitment process.

24' Issuance of an admit card for the examination will not confer any right for appointment. Appointment will be
solely subject to fulfilment of all the eligibility conditions and qualifying in the selection criteria prescribed.

25. Canvassing in any form shall be a disquaiification.

26. In case ofany dispute, legaljurisdiction shall be at New Delhi'

27. corporation reserves the right to modiff/cancel/expand the whole process of this
recruitment and selection process at any

stage without assigning any reason or intimation. The NSCL may at its discretion,
conduct re-written test/ skill test,

wherever necessary in respect of a Centre / Venue and / or all Centres / candidates

in case of any eventualities'

28. Management reseryes the right to reject the application without assigning any reason and to raise standard of
specifications/percentage of marks to restrict the number of candidates to be called for
written examination.

29. No correspondence will be made with the candidates not selected'

30. The email id and mobile number entered in the online application form should remain active till completion of
as all the
recruitment process. No change in the email id and mobile number will be allowed once
communication will be made on red email ID and mobile no. and candidate will be ble for an

communication gap due to charge in e-ail ID an

31. The Maximum marks on the basis of which candidates to be called for Interview i Skill
Test will be restricted and may

not be uniform for all categories, disciplines and reserved categories as it depends upon the response ofthe candidates.

A non-refundable fee of Rs. 500/- plus GST on Rs. 500/ plus processingfee and payment gateway charges on actual is

applicable for Unreserved Category/EWS/OBC/Ex-Servicemen. Candidates belonging to any particular category of

SC/ST/PWD are not required to pay the application fee, however, processing fee and payment gateway charges on actual
is applicable for SC/ST/pWD and shall necessarily submit a photo copy of caste/disability certificate, as prescribed by
Govt. of India, as the case may be, from a Competent Authority. Before applying a candidate must see the process of
filling of online application as well as instructions related to payment process of fee. (The Degree of Disability for
PWD Candidates is 40%o & above).

JJ. No pay protection will be given to candidates working in higher post and applying in direct recruitment to the position of
Management Trainee/Assistant (Legal) Gd. I/Diploma Trainee/Sr. Trainee/Trainee/Trainee Mate or any other lower post.

34. Only those candidates who are shortlisted for appearing in the written test/document verification will be intimated at the
communication address furnished by them in the application form. Applications without the required

documents/information/fees/photograph or unsigned will not be considered.

35. Number of posts can be increased or decreased as per the requirement of the Corporation. The recruitment process can be
cancelled/suspended/terminated without assigning any reason. The decision of Management will be final and no appeal
will be entertained.

36. Al1 further announcements/ details pertaining to this process /updatesicorrigendum/addendum etc. will only be published/
provided on NSCL website www.indiaseeds.com from time to time. Candidates are advised to regularly visit the
website of NSC.


I 1. tmportant Dates

a. Commencement of online registration of

Will be notified on NSCL website www.indiaseeds.com
application by candidate
b. Last date for online application by candidate
c. Computer Based Test (CBT) August, 2020 (Tentative)


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