Network Architecture I (CSEE-5110) : Fall 2020

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Network Architecture I (CSEE-5110)

Fall 2020

Instructor Information

Instructor Email Office

Farid Nait-Abdesselam, PhD 570B Flarsheim Hall

Office Hours
MW 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Or by appointment

General Information


This course examines the principles and concepts behind computer networking. It will use Internet as the example
network to understand how it works, how TCP/IP protocols suite is designed and implemented, how addressing, naming
and routing are designed and implemented, and Internet is evolving into more software-based networking system.

CS-420, CS-431 (C/C++/Java/Python Programming, Algorithms, Operating Systems, Basic Knowledge of Probability)

Instructional strategies – Pedagogical approach

This course will use an asynchronous online format for lectures. It is also supported by homework assignments, quizzes,
projects, and exams that reinforce the lecture material. The lectures will cover material from the recommended
textbooks, but significant material will be from other sources.

- Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 7th Edition, by James Kurose and Keith Ross, Prentice Hall.
- Computer Networks, 5th Edition, by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall.
- Data Communications and Networking, 5th Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan.
- Class notes, other assigned readings.

Assignments, quizzes, exams and grading

Homework will be assigned throughout the semester. Unless otherwise specified, the deadline for turning in a homework
is exactly two weeks after the date it was assigned (on the same day of the week, before class).
Late homework will be accepted only within one week of the deadline. A penalty of 10% per day will be applied towards
any late work, except in the case of university-approved absences, when adequate extensions will be granted.

There will be occasional, possibly unannounced, quizzes, during the semester. Missed quizzes/exams may not be made up
(unless this is the result of an officially excused absence).

There will be one project to be done over the semester. It will involve teams of no more than three people. The
association and topic are at your discretion. You must report your team and your chosen topic to the instructor, for
approval, as soon as you pick them, but no later than the end of the third week.

N.B: The syllabus is subject to change. I will keep you posted for any changes.
There will be two midterm exams and a comprehensive final. Exams may include multiple choice, short answer, True-
False, fill in the blank, problem/computational solving, and essay questions. All the material tested in the exams will have
been covered in lecture or homework. The vast majority of the material will also have been covered in the textbooks.
Material in the textbook that is not covered in lecture/homework will not be included on the exams.
Tentative Exam Schedule:

Exam 1 (take-home) – in the 6th week

Exam 2 (take home) – in the 10th week
Final exam (take home) – end of the semester

Evaluations Homework Projects Exams
Percentage 20% 40% 40%

Grade letter
A: [85–100] A -: [80–85[
B+: [78–80[ B: [73–78[ B-: [70–73[
C+: [68–70[ C: [63–68[ C-: [60–63[
D+: [58–60[ D: [53–58[ D-: [50–53[
F: ]50,0].

Collaboration policy
- I encourage you to collaborate with one another in studying the textbook and the lecture material.
- Collaboration on the homework assignments is permissible and will not reduce your grade as long as it satisfies the
following conditions:
1. Before discussing any homework problem with anyone else, you must give it an honest time of serious thought.
2. The work you submit must be entirely your own, which you must complete without looking at other people's
work, and you must not allow others to copy your work. You must also acknowledge clearly in the appropriate
portion of your solutions people with whom you discussed ideas for that portion.
- Working together on exams, is expressly forbidden. This point is particularly important: if you do not make an honest
effort on the homework but always get ideas from others, your exams scores will reflect it.

Classroom protocol
- During class, the audio/ring modes of beepers, communication devices, cell phones must be turned off (or on vibrate).
- You can use your laptop computer during class, for the purpose of the lecture.
- Any distraction from the main lecture in the class would be strongly discouraged. However, any emergency or serious
medical condition should be brought to the instructor’s notice immediately.
Student Conduct Code: Academic dishonesty such as plagiarism and cheating are a serious matter. Students will be dealt
according to university regulation.

Students with disabilities

If you anticipate issues related to the format or requirements of this course, please meet with me. I would like us to
discuss ways to ensure your full participation in the course. If you determine that formal, disability-related
accommodations are necessary, it is very important that you contact the Office of Students with Disabilities Services (816-
235-5696; and notify me of your eligibility for reasonable accommodations. We can then plan how
best to coordinate your accommodations.

N.B: The syllabus is subject to change. I will keep you posted for any changes.

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