Linguistic Distance Effect On Cross-Ling
Linguistic Distance Effect On Cross-Ling
Linguistic Distance Effect On Cross-Ling
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1 author:
Dongbo Zhang
University of Exeter
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Received: October 18, 2010 Accepted for publication: October 14, 2011
This study examined transfer facilitation effect of first language morphological awareness on second
language lexical inference ability among Grade 6 Chinese-speaking English as a foreign language
learners in China. A set of paper and pencil tests was administered to measure children’s morpho-
logical awareness and lexical inference ability in both Chinese and English. Results showed that the
contribution of Chinese morphological awareness to English morphological awareness was larger for
compound words than for derived words. In addition, the indirect effect of Chinese compound aware-
ness on English compound word meaning inference was significant, but that of Chinese derivational
awareness on English derived word meaning inference did not achieve significance. These findings
confirmed that cross-linguistic transfer of Chinese morphological awareness was responsive to the
linguistic distance between Chinese and English.
morphological awareness measures in most cases only dealt with one structure
shared by first language (L1) and second language (L2), such as inflectional
morphology in French and English (Deacon et al., 2007) and compounding in
Chinese and English (Wang et al., 2009). A better understanding of a linguistic
distance effect on transfer of morphological awareness necessitates a concurrent
investigation of more than one morphological structure in both L1 and L2, which
was the objective of this study. Specifically, we aimed to examine how L1–L2
distance influences the facilitation effect of L1 morphological awareness transfer
on L2 word learning, or lexical inference ability, by focusing on young Chinese-
speaking readers of English as a foreign language (EFL).
languages of the present study. Wang et al. (2009) documented transfer of com-
pound awareness in that Chinese immigrant children’s English compound aware-
ness accounted for a unique proportion of variance in Chinese character reading,
over and above Chinese compound awareness and a few other related variables.
A similar finding was also reported in a study of Chinese learners of English in
a foreign language context. Zhang et al. (2010) trained fifth graders’ Chinese and
English compound awareness. Four comparable classes were assigned to three
experimental conditions: one received training on Chinese compound morphol-
ogy, and one on English compound morphology; the other two served as controls.
Children were posttested on a compound analogy task in both Chinese and English.
The study showed that the Chinese intervention group significantly outperformed
the control groups on the English task, which indicated an effect of cross-linguistic
transfer from Chinese to English because the children who had received training
in Chinese compounding applied their insights to English compound analysis.
Interestingly, reverse transfer from English to Chinese also surfaced in the study,
but this transfer only happened to those children with a high level of English
Participants were sixth graders of a public elementary school located in the central
town of a small county in Northeast China. Because the town is the county’s
business and political center, most of its residents are generally better educated
and financially better off than those living in more rural areas. Nevertheless,
Applied Psycholinguistics 7
Zhang: Transfer of morphological awareness
most of the town residents still belong to the working class. The town is a largely
monolingual community. Mandarin Chinese is predominantly used for both formal
and informal communications. The 204 children participating in the current study
included 115 boys and 89 girls with an average age of 12.08 years (SD = 0.61).
They all spoke Mandarin Chinese as their home language. From Grade 3, these
children had four 40-min English classes per week. With about 18 weeks in a
semester, they should have received over 350 hr of classroom instruction at the
time when the current study was conducted.
English tasks
English derivational awareness. Two tasks were used to measure derivational
awareness in English. The morphological relation task touched on children’s abil-
ity to perform morpheme segmentation for derived words. The children were asked
to judge whether the second word in a word pair “came from,” or was morpholog-
ically related to, the first word. A similar test had been used in previous research to
measure monolingual and bilingual children’s English morphological awareness
(e.g., Nagy et al., 2006; Saiegh-Haddad & Geva, 2008). The task included 10
related (e.g., teach and teacher) and 10 unrelated (e.g., man and many) word pairs,
plus a practice item.
The affix choice task was based on Nagy et al. (2006). It measured children’s
knowledge about the functions of English derivational affixes. The children were
presented with a sentence frame followed by three derived words sharing a stem.
They were to select an appropriate derived form to fill into the sentence. To
minimize confounding from grammatical knowledge, all sentence frames were
very simple in grammatical structure. An example is My little sister brings us a lot
of ___ (happily, unhappy, happiness). To choose happiness as the correct answer,
the children needed to know the function of the suffix -ness. This test consisted of
10 test items and 1 practice item.
English compound awareness. Two tasks were used to measure English com-
pound awareness. The compound structure task followed Nagy et al. (2006). It
measured the understanding of the modifier–head structure of English nominal
compounds. Children were to choose a better answer to a riddle from two given
options, for example, Which is a better name for a bee that lives in the grass:
a grass bee or a bee grass? Each riddle was paired with a version in which the
modifier–head relationship between the two nouns was switched, for example,
Which is a better name for grass where a lot of bees like to hide: bee grass or
grass bee? The children had learned the relative clause structure on which the
riddle questions were based. The task consisted of 20 items with 10 riddle pairs,
plus 1 practice item.
The morpheme discrimination task was constructed following Ku and Anderson
(2003). It measured the understanding that a word part shared by different words
may vary in meaning in these words. Children were presented with groups of three
words (e.g., classroom, bedroom, and mushroom); two words in each group were
transparent compound words with the target word component having the same
meaning (classroom and bedroom). Children were to circle the word that did not
Applied Psycholinguistics 8
Zhang: Transfer of morphological awareness
Chinese tasks
Chinese derivational awareness. Two tasks similar to the English ones were used
to measure Chinese derivational awareness. For the morphological relation task,
the children were presented a two-character derived word, followed by a character
Applied Psycholinguistics 9
Zhang: Transfer of morphological awareness
that appeared in the derived word but was not necessarily its base. They were
to judge whether the character was morphologically related to the two-character
word. The task included 10 related (e.g., – ) and 10 unrelated word–character
pairs (e.g., – ). A practice item was also provided.
The affix choice task tested the children’s knowledge of the function of Chinese
derivational affixes. It asked them to select, from among three derived forms,
an appropriate one to fill an incomplete sentence. All characters in the sen-
tence frames were highly frequent and familiar to the children. All derived word
choices were two-character forms sharing a pseudocharacter base. For example,
___ (He wants to be a ___ after he grows up) ( , ,
). To choose the correct answer , the children needed to know the function
of the suffix and discriminate it from the other two affixes (denoting change)
and (-able). This task consisted of 10 test items and 1 practice item.
Chinese compound awareness. The form of the two Chinese compound aware-
ness tasks was similar to that of the English ones. The compound structure task
was constructed after Wang, Cheng, et al. (2006) and Chen et al. (2008). Chil-
dren were to choose a two-character compound that better answered a riddle,
for example, : (Which is a better name
for the flower that grows in a tree: a tree flower or a flower tree?). Its paired
version was : ? (Which is a better name for
the tree that grows a flower: a tree flower or a flower tree?). Following Wang,
Cheng, et al. (2006), more complex riddles involving three-character compounds
were also used to increase the difficulty level of this task. For example,
: , , , ? (Which is a
better name for a candy that is packed in a box made out of bronze: bronze candy
box, bronze box candy, candy box bronze, or box bronze candy?). The task con-
sisted of 20 items with seven riddle-pairs of two-character compounds and three
of three-character compounds, plus 1 practice item.
Based on Ku and Anderson (2003), the morpheme discrimination task measured
whether children understood that a root or a bound root might vary in meaning in
different compound words. For example, means commerce in (business)
and (commercial product) but discuss or consult in . There were 10 test
items, plus 1 practice item. All words in this task were familiar to 6th graders.
Chinese lexical inference. This task included both derived and compound words.
Like the English task, four meaning interpretations were provided for each target
word, and the children were to select the best interpretation. All of the target words,
as opposed to the base morphemes, were low in frequency and unfamiliar to the
children. In addition, as in the English task, all the compound words in this task
were transparent nominals with the noun–noun structure. There were 15 derived
and 15 compound words, plus 1 word for practice. Most items were from Ku and
Anderson (2003) and had been previously used on Grade 6 Chinese children. A
compound example is : (a) , (b) , (c) ,
and (d) ; a derivative example is : (a) ,
(b) , (c) , and (d) .
Applied Psycholinguistics 10
Zhang: Transfer of morphological awareness
Transfer of compound awareness
To examine a potential linguistic distance effect on cross-linguistic transfer of
morphological awareness (i.e., how the similarities and differences in the morpho-
logical structure of Chinese and English influenced the pattern of transfer), this
section and the section that follows report the analyses for transfer of compound
awareness and derivational awareness, respectively. The means and standard de-
viations of children’s performance on all tasks are provided in Table 1.
Table 2 shows the bivariate correlations between compound awareness and
compound word meaning inference measures in Chinese and English. Chinese
compound structure and English compound structure correlated significantly (r =
.152, p < .05), so did Chinese morpheme discrimination and English morpheme
discrimination (r = .211, p < .01). The two measures of Chinese compound
awareness only weakly correlated with English compound word meaning infer-
ence; neither correlation has achieved significance. On the other hand, both English
compound structure (r = .218, p < .01) and English morpheme discrimination
(r = .209, p < .01) significantly correlated with Chinese compound word meaning
inference. Finally, the measure of compound word meaning inference in the two
languages significantly correlated (r = .213, p < .01).
SEM analysis was performed to investigate further the cross-linguistic relations
and test transfer of Chinese compound awareness in facilitating English compound
word meaning inference. Based on the findings of previous research, we hypoth-
esized that English compound word meaning inference was predicted by English
compound awareness, Chinese compound word meaning inference, as well as Chi-
nese compound awareness; in addition, Chinese compound awareness predicted
Applied Psycholinguistics 11
Zhang: Transfer of morphological awareness
Table 1. Means and standard deviations of all variables
Variables n M SD α
Morphological relation 20 0.698 0.13 0.78
Affix choice 10 0.759 0.17 0.64
Compound structure 20 0.873 0.15 0.83
Morpheme discrimination 10 0.782 0.13 0.69
Derived word meaning inference 15 0.752 0.18 0.80
Compound word meaning inference 15 0.634 0.16 0.71
Morphological relation 20 0.588 0.13 0.75
Affix choice 10 0.380 0.15 0.53
Compound structure 20 0.705 0.14 0.78
Morpheme discrimination 10 0.553 0.18 0.61
Derived word meaning inference 15 0.292 0.11 0.75
Compound word meaning inference 15 0.323 0.13 0.63
Note: The mean is the mean proportion correct, and the α is the Cronbach α.
Note: EMADER, English morphological relation; EMAAFFIX, English affix choice; EMACOMST, English compound
structure; EMAMORDI, English morpheme discrimination; ELEXDER, English derived word meaning inference;
ELEXCOM, English compound word meaning inference. CMADER, Chinese morphological relation; CMAAFFIX,
Chinese affix choice; CMACOMST, Chinese compound structure; CMAMORDI, Chinese morpheme discrimination;
CLEXDER, Chinese derived word meaning inference; CLEXCOM, Chinese compound word meaning inference.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
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inference was removed. The optimized model showed χ2 (7, N = 204) = 5.494,
p = .600; CFI = 1.000, RMSEA = 0.000, CI = 0.000, 0.074. This new model
displayed very good model fit, and while making the model more parsimonious,
it did not lead to significant change to the baseline model: χ2 (1) = 0.303,
p = .582. Therefore, this optimized model was considered the final model for
the cross-linguistic relationship between compound awareness and compound
word meaning inference in Chinese and English. Figure 2 provides a graphic
representation of the final model.
Table 3 details the standardized parameter estimates. For the measurement
model, both measures of Chinese compound awareness loaded significantly on
the factor of Chinese compound awareness (β = 0.559 and 0.339 for compound
structure and morpheme discrimination, respectively). The factor explained about
31.2% and 11.5% of the variance in the two measures, respectively. The two
English compound awareness measures also significantly loaded on the factor of
English compound awareness (β = 0.303 and 0.321 for compound structure and
morpheme discrimination, respectively). The latent variable explained about 9.2%
and 10.3% of the variance in these two measures of English compound awareness,
Table 3 also provides the standardized parameter estimates for the structural
model with direct, indirect, and total effects. Chinese compound awareness signifi-
cantly predicted both Chinese compound word meaning inference (β = 0.883, p <
.001; 77.9% of variance explained) and English compound awareness (β = 0.785,
p < .01; 61.6% of variance explained). English compound awareness and Chinese
compound word meaning inference together explained about 6.9% of the variance
in English compound word meaning inference. However, neither variable’s unique
contribution achieved significance at β = 0.216 for English compound awareness
and β = 0.063 for Chinese compound word meaning inference. Different from the
baseline model, the indirect effects of Chinese compound awareness on English
Figure 2. The final model of transfer of compound awareness (N = 204). CLEXCOM, Chinese compound word meaning inference; CMACOM, latent
variable of Chinese compound awareness; CMACOMST, Chinese compound structure; CMAMORDI, Chinese morpheme discrimination; ELEXCOM,
English compound word meaning inference; EMACOM, latent variable of English compound awareness; EMACOMST, English compound structure;
EMAMORDI, English morpheme discrimination.
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Table 3. Parameter estimates of the model for testing transfer
of compound awareness
Predictor β R2 β β
compound word meaning inference, which were equal to the total effects of Chi-
nese compound awareness in the final model, became significant (β = 0.225, p <
Two limitations were noted in the above analyses of indirect effects. First, the
indirect effects were tested using a z test (Sobel, 1982), which requires a normal
sampling distribution. As an indirect effect is made up of a multiplicative effect
(e.g., γ31× β13 in Figure 1) whose sampling distribution is often unknown, the indi-
rect effects reported above might be biased. Shrout and Bolger (2002) proposed the
use of bootstrapping, a data-based simulation method for statistical inference, for
testing indirect effects. The bootstrapping method uses empirical sample data to
generate a certain number of bootstrap samples (typically 1,000) through random
sampling with replacement. Each bootstrap sample is then analyzed to estimate a
parameter. As the method uses CI to determine whether a statistic is significantly
different from zero, it does not have the assumption of normality of sampling distri-
bution. Cheung and Lau (2008) showed that the bootstrapping method performed
the best in estimating indirect effects, in comparison to a number of other methods.
Second, like many other SEM programs, EQS only reports total indirect effects
in the output. When there are multiple indirect effects of an independent variable
on a dependent variable through different pathways, the indirect effect through
Applied Psycholinguistics 16
Zhang: Transfer of morphological awareness
Table 4. 95% Confidence interval for examining frequency distribution
of indirect effect parameters in testing transfer of compound awareness
each individual pathway and its relative contribution are unknown. For example,
in the final model (see Figure 2), Chinese morphological awareness contributed to
English lexical inference indirectly through two pathways: one via Chinese lexical
inference (γ21 β12 ) and the other via English morphological awareness (γ31 β13 ).
From the EQS-based SEM analyses, it was unknown whether these individual
indirect effects were significant on their own, although the total indirect effects
(γ31 β13 + γ21 β12 ) achieved significance. The bootstrapping method provides a
robust way to disentangle and estimate these component indirect effects.
Considering these limitations, 1,000 bootstrap samples were generated from
the original sample data to estimate the component indirect effects of Chinese
morphological awareness on English lexical inference. To examine the frequency
distribution of the parameters to be estimated, percentile scores of 2.5% and
97.5% were requested for computing 95% CI. As shown in Table 4, the total
indirect effects of Chinese compound awareness on English compound word
meaning inference (γ31 β13 + γ21 β12 ) were significantly different from zero, which
confirmed the result of the Sobel test (95% CI = 0.0807–0.6383). However, neither
the indirect effect via Chinese compound word meaning inference (γ21 β12 ) nor the
one via English compound awareness (γ31 β13 ) was significant, because their CIs
included zero (CI = −1.1050–6.2490 for γ31 β13 and −5.9912–1.3681 for γ21 β12 ,
English morphological relation, r = .208, p < .01 for English affix choice). The
correlation between derived word meaning inference in Chinese and English was
weak and did not achieve significance (r = .097).
A similar model of cross-linguistic predictive relations between morpholog-
ical awareness and lexical inference was hypothesized for derived words (see
Figure 3). Chinese derivational awareness predicted its English counterpart (γ31 )
and L1 derived word meaning inference (γ21 ). English derived word meaning
inference was predicted by English derivational awareness (β13 ), Chinese derived
word meaning inference (β12 ), as well as Chinese derivational awareness (γ11 ).
Based on the above hypotheses, we proposed a baseline model for transfer
of L1 derivational awareness. In the model, Chinese morphological relation and
affix choice loaded on the factor of Chinese derivational awareness and English
morphological relation and affix choice on the factor of English derivational
awareness. Derived word meaning inference in both Chinese and English had
only one indicator, namely, children’s performance on the derived word part of
the lexical inference task in the respective language. In testing the baseline model,
factor loadings of Chinese morphological relation and English morphological
relation were fixed at 1.0.
The baseline model displayed good fit, χ2 (6, N = 204) = 6.106, p = .411;
CFI = 0.999, RMSEA = 0.009, CI = 0.000, 0.092. The normalized estimate of the
Mardia κ was 1.45. No adjustment of multivariate nonnormality was needed and
regular chi-square was reported without Satorra–Bentler correction. To optimize
the baseline model, a Lagrange Multiplier Test was first performed. The result
suggested that adding no path would significantly improve the baseline model’s
goodness of fit. A Wald test was performed next. The optimized model after the
Wald test displayed very good model fit, χ2 (7, N = 204) = 6.229, p = .513; CFI =
1.000, RMSEA = 0.000, CI = 0.000, 0.074. There was no significant change of
goodness of model fit from the baseline model: χ2 (1) = .123, p = .726. Thus,
Applied Psycholinguistics 18
Zhang: Transfer of morphological awareness
this new model was considered as the final model (see Figure 4 for a graphic
representation of the model).
Table 5 details the standardized parameter estimates. In the measurement model,
the two measures of Chinese derivational awareness significantly loaded on the
latent variable at β = 0.479 for morphological relation (23.0% of variance ex-
plained) and β = 0.505, p < .001 for affix choice (25.5% of variance explained).
The factor loadings of the two measures of English derivational awareness were
also significant (β = 0.664 for morphological relation, β = 0.497, p < .001 for
affix choice). The factor, English derivational morphological awareness, explained
about 44.1% and 24.7% of the variance in the two observed variables, respectively.
In the structural model, Chinese derivational awareness significantly predicted
both Chinese derived word meaning inference (β = 0.766, p < .001; 58.7% of
variance explained) and English derivational awareness (β = 0.628, p < .01;
39.4% of variance explained). English derivational awareness (β = 0.211) and
Chinese derived word meaning inference (β = −0.003) explained about 4.4% of
the variance in English derived word meaning inference. Neither variable’s unique
contribution achieved significance. The indirect effects of Chinese derivational
awareness on English derived word meaning inference, now equal to its total
effects, were not significant (β = 0.131). A further bootstrap-based analysis with
1,000 samples confirmed this finding in that the 95% CI −0.0161–0.6367 of the
parameter for the total indirect effects (γ31 β13 + γ21 β12 ) included zero. As the total
indirect effects were not significant, the two component indirect effects, one via
English derivational awareness and the other via Chinese derived word meaning
inference, could not be significant.
The significant contribution of Chinese compound awareness to English com-
pound awareness found in this study does not seem to be a surprise, given that
compounding is a productive way of word formation in both Chinese and English
(Fabb, 1998; Packard, 2000). In other words, compound awareness is a shared facet
of morphological awareness typical of both languages. The finding corroborates
previous research that has examined transfer of morphological awareness with
a focus on a shared structure of the focal languages (e.g., Deacon et al., 2007;
Zhang et al., 2010). Zhang et al. (2010), for example, found that young Chinese
EFL learners who received training in the structure of Chinese compound words
developed better insights into English compound structure than did those who
had not received any such training, which suggested a transfer facilitation effect
of Chinese compound awareness on English compound awareness. The present
study extends Zhang et al. (2010) as well in that Chinese compound awareness
also facilitated learners’ ability to infer meanings of unknown English compound
words, albeit indirectly via its influence on English compound awareness and
the ability to infer meanings of Chinese compounds (discussed later). It thus
supports previous research that has observed the contribution of morphological
awareness in one language to reading and its related skills in another language
(e.g., Pasquarella et al., 2011; Ramirez et al., 2010). It suggests that Chinese
Figure 4. The final model of transfer of derivational awareness (N = 204). CLEXDER, Chinese derived word meaning inference; CMAAFFIX,
Chinese affix choice; CMADER, Chinese morphological relation; CMADERIV, latent variable of Chinese derivational awareness; ELEXDER, English
derived word meaning inference; EMAAFFIX, English affix choice; EMADER, English morphological relation; EMADERIV, latent variable of English
derivational awareness.
Applied Psycholinguistics 20
Zhang: Transfer of morphological awareness
Predictor β R2 β β
English, are typologically distant, the focal skill is of a particular linguistic level,
that is, morphology. Morphological awareness is morphological awareness. In
other words, although derivation is very limited in Chinese, once children have
developed insights into this morphological process, they may naturally utilize these
insights for analysis of the structure of English derived words. Previous research
(e.g., Ku & Anderson, 2003) has shown that the low productivity of derivation
in Chinese does not prevent children from developing some insights into this
particular morphological process, although these insights clearly lag behind those
related to compounding.
The next logical question to ask is why such a cross-linguistic relationship
between Chinese derivational awareness and English reading subskill had not
been observed in previous Chinese–English biliteracy studies, such as Paqsuarella
et al. (2011) and Wang, Cheng, et al. (2006). We conjecture that this might be
attributable to two possible reasons: first, Chinese derivational awareness was not
measured in Pasquarella et al. (2011), and consequently, it is unknown if there
would be any relationship of Chinese derivational awareness to English reading
skills in that study. Second, in both studies, the sample included children at diverse
learning/developmental stages, whereas ours was a homogeneous group. Although
grade or age was included as a covariate in the regression or SEM analysis, it is
possible that the identified patterns about derivational awareness might not hold
for each and individual group. Paris (2005) and Duke and Carlisle (2010) discuss
a similar issue in the context of monolingual reading.
Do the above findings refute the prediction of the transfer facilitation model
(Koda, 2005, 2008) with regard to a linguistic distance effect on transfer of
metalinguistic awareness? Not necessarily. As we can see from Tables 3 and
5, the relationship between Chinese and English compound awareness was clearly
stronger than that between derivational awareness in the two languages. Chi-
nese compound awareness explained more than 60% of the variance in English
compound awareness, whereas the proportion was about 40% for derivational
awareness. In addition, SEM results have shown that the indirect effect of Chinese
derivational awareness on English derived word meaning inference did not achieve
significance, whereas that of Chinese compound awareness on English compound
word meaning inference was significant. Therefore, overall, the findings of the
present study are aligned with, rather than divergent from, the prediction of the
transfer facilitation model.
The present study also showed that in the situation where a significant transfer
facilitation effect was observed (i.e., transfer of compound awareness), L1 mor-
phological awareness did not have a significant, direct contribution to L2 lexical
inference. SEM analysis indicated that after partialing out the influence of L2
morphological awareness and L1 lexical inference, L1 morphological awareness
did not uniquely explain a significant amount of variance in L2 lexical inference.
Percentile confidence intervals of bootstrap-based estimates of indirect effect pa-
rameters further revealed that the transfer facilitation effect of L1 morphological
awareness on L2 lexical inference took place indirectly via its influences on L2
morphological awareness and L1 lexical inference.
It makes sense for indirect effects to be available in L2 reading or biliteracy
acquisition because of the close relationship of L1 metalinguistic awareness with
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one hand and French morphological awareness and French word reading ability
on the other hand, the significance of the contribution of French morphological
awareness to English word reading might have diminished if French word reading
had been controlled for as another covariate.
In Pasquarella et al. (2011), however, the authors did include English reading
comprehension in the model when Chinese reading comprehension served as a
dependent variable, yet the study revealed a direct effect of English compound
awareness on Chinese reading comprehension. Without concluding which finding,
Pasquarella et al.’s or ours, stands as a better representation of the cross-linguistic
relationship between compound awareness and reading or its related skills, we
offer two explanations that may account for the divergence. First, on the side of
the present study, the divergence might have resulted from its not including other
related variables in the SEM model, a limitation that we explicate at the end of
the paper. Second, with respect to Pasquarella et al.’s study, English and Chinese
reading comprehension, which correlated significantly (see their table 2, p. 31)
and were allowed to be mutually predicted, showed no significant relationship in
the final structural model (see their figure 2, p. 34). In addition, besides Chinese
word reading, neither Chinese vocabulary knowledge nor Chinese compound
awareness, as opposed to English compound awareness, significantly predicted
Chinese reading comprehension. We wondered if allowing all between-language
variables to be bidirectionally predicted (hence, a complex nonrecursive model
with little parsimony) and consequently, the very small participant/parameter ratio
(i.e., 137 children for the estimate of dozens of path coefficients as well as error
terms of all within and between language variables) have led to biased estimations
in Pasquarella et al.’s study.
Whichever explanation above makes more sense, the issue of whether there
is a linguistic distance effect on transfer of morphological awareness warrants
more attention in future L2 reading or biliteracy research. In addition, a few
interesting questions emerged from the findings of the current study, which could
not be addressed here but should provide directions for future research. To begin
with, what would the relationships be between morphological awareness, lexical
inference, and reading comprehension, both intralingually and interlingually, in
biliteracy acquisition? As mentioned earlier, lexical inference seems to a missing
link in previous research on the relationship between morphological awareness and
reading comprehension. With the effects of morphological awareness on lexical
inference documented in this study, it would be interesting to further test how
lexical inference ability functions in establishing the link between morphological
awareness and reading comprehension. A question of interest would be: does
lexical inference serve as a mediator for the effect of morphological awareness on
reading comprehension in children’s L1 as well as L2? Another interesting issue
worth exploring would be: how does L1 morphological awareness contribute
to the development of L2 reading comprehension ability? Zhang and Koda (in
press) noted that adult EFL learners’ morphological awareness predicted reading
comprehension indirectly through the mediation of vocabulary knowledge as well
as the multiple mediation of lexical inference ability and vocabulary knowledge. It
remains a question whether such a relationship is similarly true of young learners’
L1 as well as L2. Finally, future research might want to consider whether the
Applied Psycholinguistics 24
Zhang: Transfer of morphological awareness
cross-linguistic relations identified in this study would hold for EFL learners of
L1 backgrounds other than Chinese. Because the linguistic distance effect on mor-
phological awareness transfer as found in this study was based on the similarities
and variations in morphological structure of Chinese and English, the pattern may
not necessarily hold for learners with L1s that share and contrast morphologically
with English in different ways. To answer such a question, a more sophisticated
statistical method, such as multiple-group SEM, would be needed to compare dif-
ferent learner groups by testing if there is structural invariance of cross-linguistic
This paper is based on my doctoral dissertation completed at Carnegie Mellon University.
Thanks to Keiko Koda, G. Richard Tucker, and William Nagy for their supervision and
support, and all of the children for their participation in the study.
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