Memory Enhancer Pills

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This research examines the ineffectiveness of memory enhancer

pills. The researchers focused only to college students. Data

have been collected from archives, interviews, newspapers, and

published reports. This research challenges the argument that

memory enhancer pills are consequential. Interview questions

about the effects of memory enhancers on one’s behaviour and the

best alternatives to memory enhancer pills were prepared for a

medical doctor. Survey forms were distributed to different

college students from different schools between the ages of 16-

21. The results of the methods were used to prove the

inefficiency of memory enhancer pills. The data gathered from

varying resources were analyzed to come up with the conclusion;

memory enhancer pills are not effective. This research is for the

college students who do not have any idea about the harmful

effects and inefficacy of memory enhancer pills. This research

can be used in future studies as an evidence to prove that these

drugs are just wastes of money and are not relevant to the

consumers’ demand, particularly the college students and board

takers. Additionally, this review is an attempt towards

discussing various approaches available to enhance memory, along

with the symptoms of the side effects of the known memory

Memory Enhancer Pills 3

Memory Enhancers cannot Improve One’s Memory

As a person ages, brain cells become weaker and weaker and

it results to poor memory. But there are some cases wherein some

people, even at an early age, experience some difficulties in

remembering and memorizing things. These problems result with

poor performance at school and at work. Because of poor memory,

drug manufacturers came up with the idea of creating memory

enhancers. Scientific research showing the inefficiency and risks

of these drugs that have been conducted by neurologists, have not

altered college students’ mindset. According to some users,

memory enhancers are the best way to achieve an outstanding

ability of mind processing. This research provides its readers an

idea how to have a healthy mind and sharp memory and enough

knowledge about what they can get from these pills. This paper

provided factual evidence based on survey, interview and

extensive research which are useful for better understanding

about the truth behind memory enhancers.

Perhaps the idea of a memory pill sounds like something

straight out of a science fiction movie. Given today’s rapidly

expanding medical frontier, this kind of reality may actually be

right around the corner. This research is essential to every

constituent of the society, to awaken them on the reality of

Memory Enhancer Pills 4

memory enhancer hazards. Nowadays, memory enhancers are known as

a part of the modern lifestyle of a common college student caused

by the pressure surrounding them. This is a must-read research

paper for every college student concerned with their mind health.

The effectiveness of memory enhancers has been the heart of

this paper. It focused on how these drugs affect the higher

mental function of the human body. With this certain subject, the

researchers came up with the idea of the ineffectiveness of

memory enhancers and ended up with the point of view that memory

enhancers do not improve one’s memory. Since the main objective

of having this research was to prove that memory enhancers are

not really effective and manufacturers do nothing but to lure

college students and waste money for this kind of senseless and

inefficient drug, the researchers have established the thesis

statement that will provoke the mindset of college students who

rely on memory enhancer pills particularly during the preparation

stage for examinations. The researchers believed that the youth,

together with the researchers should have been simultaneously

organizing a campaign against such memory enhancer pills.

The researchers focused on the inefficiency of memory

enhancers because they believed that memory enhancers cannot

absolutely provide the enhancement of the memory. The researchers

also included the list of companies, along with their memory

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enhancer products, to prove that they have been luring the

people, promising to achieve a sharp memory and high exam grades,

by means of their advertisements. The researchers focused on

college students whose ages range from sixteen to twenty-one

years old. The paper did not include students ranging below

sixteen years old and above twenty-one years old. This research

has been restricted to the latest and updated facts. This

research covered methods such as the interview to a specific

professional-medical doctor and survey to college students to

support the fact that memory enhancers have not been effective to

its user. This research provided better and cheap ways for memory

enhancement. The research paper is all about proving how

effective a memory enhancer can be for college students

particularly for board takers.

Memory enhancers originally came from nootropics. Nootropics

are thought to work by altering the availability of the brain's

supply of neurochemicals. A nootropic is a memory

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enhancer described as neuroprotective or extremely nontoxic. The

term memory enhancer is different from the word "nootropic"

because nootropics are memory enhancers by definition, but a

memory enhancer is not necessarily a nootropic. The word

"nootropic" which was coined by Romanian Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea,

has been abused by researchers who wish to promote a certain drug

as side-effect free.

Memory enhancers are those drugs that can improve memory or

mental agility by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain.

They are very useful in treating people with cognitive

difficulties of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, narcolepsy and

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Nootropics were said to

be drugs. Memory enhancer pills are supplements, and functional

foods to improve mental functions such as cognition, memory,

intelligence, motivation, attention, and concentration.

Considering the kind of stress and tension people endure

every day at home and at work, it is imperative to conduct a

research on the memory enhancers. These products are developed

from synthetic and natural components. They are not only to keep

the mind sharper, but also offer the person a clear thought

process. The enhancers are popular among the ever accelerating

aging population and kids and adolescents competing for

recognition in school and at work. It is important to check the

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alternatives available and then make a timely and well-informed

decision. The memory enhancers help a lot as we move into the

future. They help to address the onslaught of Alzheimer's illness

and even dementia. What the researchers are trying to convey to

the millions of memory-enhancer-dependent students is that these

pills are not prescribed for them, it is for those who have

cognitive illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's, narcolepsy

and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Schienberg (2010) article states that: “The frequent use of

memory enhancer pills is known to improve memory and help the

person to retain content and information longer but these

enhancers are not all derived from the utilization of chemicals.

They are commonly available in the form of tablets, capsules and

potions. These pills are said to hold a lot of potential because

it help stimulate thought processes and build on the level of

retention power desired” (Schienberg,para. 2). Does Schienberg’s

statement imply that memory enhancer pills are efficient and safe

enough to use?

According to Middleton (2006), Modafinil is one of these

cognitive enhancers which is licensed to treat narcolepsy,

a chronic sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime

sleepiness (EDS) in which a person experiences

extreme fatigue and possibly falls asleep at inappropriate times,

such as while at work or at school, and can keep you awake and
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alert for up to 90 hours straight, but it also has side effects

like jitteriness and bad concentration just like coffee and

amphetamines produce.(p.27); what inference does this bring to

its users? Some victims of this drug have experienced abnormal

thinking because of its high chemical dosage. Do adults have to

wait for every student of this generation to be lured with memory

enhancers? Grown-ups believe that the youth are the key to

progress for tomorrow. So why do adults have to poison them

today? Think of it.  

Published studies have been able to support a link in brain

function to Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12, Omega-3, Fatty Acids,

Caffeine, Anti-oxidants, Protein and Iron, which are also known

as the composition of memory enhancers. Memory enhancers are

known to be composed of chemicals that are not good for the

health such as Modafinil, Phenibut, Piracetam and Sulbutiamine

which has been reported that has adverse effects at therapeutic

dosages. There are many different functions of these chemical

substances that memory enhancer pills contain. Modafinil can work

by simply improving the supply of oxygen to the brain. Phenibut

elicits tranquilizing effects, reduction of stress and anxiety,

improvement of impaired sleep, and the potentiation of the

effects of tranquilizers, narcotics, and neuroleptics. Research

has been conducted in Russia (Sahelian, 2005) but little

knowledge exists in Western medicine regarding its

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properties. Phenibut is widely used in Russia to relieve tension,

anxiety, and fear, to improve sleep in psychosomatic or neurotic

patients; as well as a pre- or post-operative medication.  

Piracetam improves the metabolic processes in the brain cells,

possesses an antihypoxic action, accelerates the reparative

processes in functionally damaged cells after traumas,

intoxications, and stoke (Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.,

1999). Sulbutiamine promotes alertness, strengthens long-term

memory, improves reaction time, fights fatigue, lowers anxiety,

and improves resistance to stress.

Another main component of a cognitive pill is Glutaphos.

Glutaphos is known to be composed of glutamate, dicalcium

phosphate, thiamine and B12. It is said to be effective in

enhancing the memory but it has also adverse effects such as

insomnia because it contains caffeine which is well-known as a

stimulant that can keep you awake longer. And it causes acne and

pimples because of the B vitamins particularly vitamin B12.

But the users of these chemicals are not familiar with its

adverse effects. All they know is that memory enhancers are

effective in some way, not knowing, after taking these pills;

they may endure symptoms of abnormal behaviour and thinking. It

is really hard to unlearn things than to learn it. So with the

memory-enhancer-dependent people, they won’t be able to leave or

stop what they believe has changed their lives once. Living and
Memory Enhancer Pills 10

studying throughout years with these pills will not even make you

smarter than your seatmate in class. Intelligence has nothing to

do with all of those chemicals because it is acquired through

experiences and knowledge.

Since supplements are not tested like regular prescription

drugs, they are not proven to help with anything, other than a

vitamin or nutrient deficiency and possible side effects are

unknown.  These pills, comprising of different forms of chemical

substances which are somehow effective but not safe for the

nervous system and other parts of the body, must not be in the

hands of the youth. Adults should not let the youth depend on

these pills.

There are many reasons why college students take memory

enhancers. Pressure is one reason. Performing well during

examinations is a responsibility of every student in this world.

Whether how hard the exams are, students should have prepared and

have to be aware of it. Therefore students are pressurized by

parents and professors to pass their exams because education

nowadays is so precious. Parikh (2009) said that instead of a

supportive environment that is needed to help make students feel

calm and relaxed, there is a tendency by teachers and parents to

constantly prod them and it places excessive pressure on them to

perform. One who seeks recognition is also after memory

enhancers. Students who are enthusiasts of studying in a way they

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stay awake for longer hours are the main users of memory

enhancers. The best examples for this kind of students are the

scholars because they must maintain a grade that will allow them

to continue their studies without spending a lot of money

compared to non-scholars. Another reason is that many students

complain that they experience blackouts even if they are

preparing for a simple class test. Many are not fortunate to

remember everything what they had studied during the night before

examinations. Still another reason is to pass the licensure

examinations. College graduates that are required to take

licensure exams undergo months and even a year of reviewing their

field of study. Reviewing for board exams must be taken seriously

because the success of one’s career will depend on the result of


Memory enhancer pills are misused by those who seek to gain

a mental edge particularly college students. Recently, Nature

magazine conducted an informal survey and found that 20 percent

of respondents admitted using cognitive enhancers for non-medical

reasons (Koch, para.1); this proves that memory enhancers are

being used without a medical prescription. A survey of University

of Delaware business majors (2006) found that 90 percent used

such drugs as a study aid during big exams and finals; only about

one in four had a legitimate prescription (Glossner, 2006).

(Mendoza [personal communication], November 4, 2010) Memory

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enhancer pills are considered only as supplements. Any drug not

prescribed by a medical doctor was taken in any dosage the user

wants. This practice is very risky because varied amounts may

also cause diverse effects.

Students who depend on these pills say that so-called

'smart pills' increase their concentration, focus and short-term

memory. Short-term memory is the ability of the mind to hold a

little amount of information in an active, readily available

state for a short period of time. Students who are not capable to

remember information through their short term memory during exams

often rely on these pills to keep them awake for longer hours.

Staying awake for longer hours help students to review and

prepare for their examinations. Short-term memory often functions

in times of fast remembering of information, usually retrieved

within twenty-four hours.

Local drug companies that manufacture memory enhancer pills

were just luring the college students by means of advertisements.

Those ads give the youth an idea about the memory enhancer pills.

Those ads promote testimonials of different people showing

feelings of being boosted and confident enough at school or at

work. Companies endorse these drugs the way how they want their

viewers to believe in them. They try to encourage the youth to

buy their products by telling that these drugs are the best and

fast way to retrieve information and to have better performance.

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According to Liska (2000), manufacturers lure the youth who have

no idea how hazardous these memory enhancer pills can be (Liska,

2000, p.214). Drug companies take students for granted, since

they knew that students are in great need of instant acquiring of

knowledge. Students do not realize that they have been already

tricked by these businessmen.

Cognition drugs are already a big market. Many companies

nowadays are into drug selling because many people are dependent

on drugs. The companies are making promises that are not even

true. They pay promoters of their products to lie in their

advertisements, saying memory enhancer pills don’t have any side

effects and are safe at any dosage. Commercials promote that

these products can provide enhancement that weren’t even capable

of doing it and at the same time, provide harmful effects. These

advertisements just make confusion to people.

The purpose of this research is to enlighten the minds of

the consumers and prove that memory enhancers doesn't actually

work like it was shown in commercials. Memory enhancer pills have

varying effects to students’ behaviour. There are countless

remedies which swear to rejuvenate a person’s memory, but which

medicines truly work? It wasn’t enough for college students to

see only the side of drug advertisements. They must also have an

idea about what can memory enhancer pills bring to them, either

beneficial or bad effects. It is better to prevent than to cure

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illness people can get from these drugs. Students must be aware

of their environment that moulds them in varied ways. Living in

this world is simple; people are the only one who makes it

harder. The youth should not live and develop in an atmosphere

that couldn’t live without medicines, supplements and drugs.

Every human being must learn how to survive through the safest

natural remedies available.

Memory enhancer pills have varying effects to students’

behavior. The most controversial part of this research states the

truth behind memory enhancer pills. Disadvantages and side

effects of these pills can put anyone’s health into risk. The

main concern with pharmaceutical drugs is adverse effects, and

these concerns apply to cognitive-enhancing drugs as well.

According to Dr. Bernstein (2008), those who take memory enhancer

pills always experience hallucinations for a long period of time

(as cited in Koch, 2008, para.4). Symptoms of general

excitability, including anxiety, insomnia, irritability,

headache, agitation, nervousness and tremor, are occasionally

reported. One of the side effects is that these stimulants

produce certain types of neurotransmitters, which increase blood

pressure and heart rate to a dangerous level.

Other negative effects can include critically high-body

temperature, irregular heartbeat, cardiovascular failure and

lethal seizures. Feelings of hostility and paranoia are also

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negative side effects, which can occur after only a brief time of

high dosage use. Fatigue, depression and disruption in sleeping

patterns are other affects. In a recent study (Dean, Morgenthaler

& Fowkes, 1993), the effects of using all-round memory enhancers

might do something worse than merely fill our heads with clutter.

Such agents could etch traumatic experiences more indelibly into

our memories. Or worse, such all-round enhancers might promote

the involuntary recall of our nastiest memories with truly

nightmarish intensity (Dean, Morgenthaler & Fowkes, para.3).

The components of memory enhancers cause these bad effects.

Glutaphos has adverse effects such as insomnia and it causes acne

and pimples because of the B vitamins it contains, particularly

vitamin B12. Ingesting more than three 200 mg tablets of

Sulbutiamine a day may result in severe headaches. Phenibut can

cause drowsiness with severe dizziness and vertigo. Piracetam

causes headaches too. Reports about the bad effects of memory

enhancers only prove that it is harmful for the mind. Other users

of memory enhancers may think that these effects are just signs

of its effectiveness, but the truth is that these pills weaken

the brain cells by making its users suffer from the said effects.

Memory enhancer pills were inefficient for boosting the

mind. Many drugs and supplements indirectly help the memory by

simply making a person healthier. Many substances can help the

learning process itself (e.g. small doses of caffeine, sugar,

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etc.), but these should not be central to your concerns. It is

like running a marathon. There are foods and drugs that can help

you run, but if you are a lousy runner, no magic pill can make

you finish in less than 3 hours. These pills are said to be

effective, only because its users and those who’ve tried it think

it absolutely improved their memory. Memory enhancers only

provide a placebo effect (Mendoza, 2010). Memory enhancer pills

were still not proven inefficient and there were still no

intensive research done about its ineffectiveness. But there are

some reports claiming it is only a result of placebo effect which

are known to be psychological response to the intake of this

pill. Since it is proven to be one of the placebo groups, there

is no need to ingest memory enhancer pills. Memory enhancer pills

are just wastes of money. These pills are significant to those

who have cognitive disabilities and syndromes but not to those

who only seek for better memory and performance.

Alternatives to enhance the memory were a lot better than

such memory drugs. Medical doctors advise not to depend on these

pills to boost the mind. Students should not rely on these pills.

Students should review at their best and follow a healthy

lifestyle so that they will have a mind, free from any disorder.

Memory enhancers do not help in enhancing the memory. These pills

were just supplements and not prescribed medicine (Mendoza,

2010). Medical doctors advise students not to intake such pills

Memory Enhancer Pills 17

especially during examinations and rather, just eat what is right

and avoid taking substances in your body because no matter what

drug people intake for their mind, their intelligence quotient

will never increase. The intelligence quotient of a person is

consistent through age.

There are safe and healthy ways to improve the memory

without the use of drugs. One of the healthy ways to enhance

memory is to eat peanuts because it contains Vitamin B12 to keep

the mind sharp. Eating breakfast in the morning before going to

school was proven to be the most important meal for the body

(Mendoza, 2010). It was proven to be an effective way to have an

alert mind. Exercising your mind through board games such as

chess or puzzles is a good way to sharpen your mind. There are a

lot of ways to improve one’s memory without any help from those

drugs. Students must not wait for the memory enhancer pills to

ruin their mind health.


Memory enhancer pills are not the future, the youth are the

future. College students and even graduates must not rely on

memory enhancers. Memory enhancers are packed with a lot of

chemicals that are used to boost the mind and at the same time

destroy your mind and brain cells. These drugs only provide a

placebo effect. So no matter what dosage you ingest, your

intelligence quotient will remain constant. Companies that

Memory Enhancer Pills 18

manufacture memory enhancer pills are the hindrances towards a

drug free mind. Isn’t it wonderful to have a healthy mind? The

youth must not be lured with what these drug companies wanted to

endorse. In order to maintain a healthy mind, avoid using memory

enhancer pills. These drugs are slowly killing its users in

different kinds of illness.

Memory enhancers are said to be beneficial only for those

who are undergoing treatments for cognitive disabilities and are

not for healthy people. Students nowadays, are often moody,

depressed and stressed after classes. It is because of the

substances they ingest everyday during meal time like caffeine.

Those substances are just like the components of memory enhancer

pills which are the main causes of headaches, anxiety and

insomnia. That is the reason why college students must not depend

on these drugs. Instead of enhancing your minds, memory enhancer

pills will even destroy them.


Bernstein, Jeffrey .(2008). Abuse. . Retrieved November

24, 2010, from


Bulgarian Pharmaceutical Group Ltd. (1999). Piracetam. Retrieved

November 21,2010 from

Memory Enhancer Pills 19

Dean, Ward; Morgenthaler, John & Fowkes, Steven. (1993).

Smart drugs II: the next generation : new drugs and

nutrients to improve your memory and increase your

intelligence, Volume 2. United Kingdom: Health Freedom


Glossner, Galon R. (2006). Students turn to 'Smart Pills'

to boost performance. Retrieved November 29, 2010, from


Koch,Damon. (2010). Types of drug enhancers. Retrieved November

24, 2010, from


Liska, Ken. (2000). Drugs and the human body with implications

for society. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,Inc.

Middleton, John. (2006). Upgrade your brain. New York, USA:

Penguin Group.

Modafinil As A Smart Drug. (2010). How does Modafinil work?

Retrieved November 21, 2010, from

Narcolepsy. (n.d.). In Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia. Retrieved

November 10,2010, from Wikipedia database

Nootropic.(2010). In Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia. Retrieved

Memory Enhancer Pills 20

Nov 10, 2010, from Wikipedia database:

Parikh, Samir. (2009). Exam stress: students taking memory pills,

smoking. Hindustan Times. Retrieved November 21,2010, from


Sahelian, Ray. (2005). Phenibut supplement benefit and side

effects Retrieved November 21,2010, from

Schienberg, Judy. (2010). Memory enhancers. Ezinearticle.

Retrieved November 21, 2010, from


Short-term memory. (n.d.). In Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia.

Retrieved November 10,2010, from Wikipedia database

Sulbutiamine. (2003). Drug safety society Encyclopedia version

2010. Retrieved November 21,2010, from
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Interview Guide Questions

1. What is the efficiency of memory enhancer pills?

2. Does this kind of drug have negative side effects to our


3. Can this drug cause addiction to its users?

4. Are there any chances that this drug can damage our brain or

any organs in our body?

Memory Enhancer Pills 23

5. According to the Philippine Law. Article 13 Section 11

should this drug must be illegalized?

6. Can you give us any alternatives to memory enhancer pills?

Summary of the Interview

The interviewee Dr. Mark Mendoza said that the body

components of memory enhancing pills such as glutamine are proven

effective. He also said that it depends on the pills if it is

efficient or not. If there is a glutamine, it is proven

effective. Dr. Mendoza also stated that memory enhancer pills

Memory Enhancer Pills 24

have no side effects into our body because that kind of drug is

just a supplement. But in the other hand it can help in the

performance of our brain. He also said that this kind of drug may

cause addiction but it benefits our body. Dr. Mendoza disagree

that this kind of pills/drugs can damage our brain or any body

organ because just like what he have said it is beneficial, but

sometimes it can cause you to become insomniac. Dr. Mendoza also

thinks that this kind of drug may be illegalized but he also

mentioned that all of those medicines in the market are

undergoing into a process before they will be able to sell in the

market, and if there is an insufficient effects to those medicine

it must be illegalized. According to him, there are some drugs

that are created not for a certain purpose that’s why the doctors

must be aware of those medicines that they are issuing into their

patients. Lastly, his advice for those users, instead of using

those expensive drugs, they can just take a break during their

work, they may eat a peanut butter sandwiches or drink a cup of

coffee to help them stay awake for longer hours and in the

morning, just take a breakfast. Breakfast is the most important

meal of the day because it provides the human body its energy for

the whole day.

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Survey Questions

1. What do you prefer to drink during/before your examination?

2. Do you find the questions easy to answer after drinking (answer

in No. 1)?

3. In what way do you exercise your mind?

4. How do you prepare for an examination?

Memory Enhancer Pills 26

5. 5. Have you ever taken a memory enhancer? If yes, how often

do you take?

6. If you are using memory enhancer pills, what are your

reasons for taking it?

Survey Analysis
Memory Enhancer Pills 27

1. What do you prefer to drink during/before your examination

Supplements / Memory Enhancers

E. Water

27% Cofee/Tea

As shown in the graph, students prefer to drink a cup of coffee

or tea before their examination. Coffee contains caffeine which

is believed to make the brain more alert, which can help the

students to stay awake at night.

Memory Enhancer Pills 28

2. Do you find the questions easy to answer after drinking

(answer in No. 1)?
Absolutely yes


As shown in the graph, only few of the students answered that

what they drink before they take their exam can help them in

answering the questions on the exam.

Memory Enhancer Pills 29

3. In what way do you excercise your mind?

palying chess



The graph shows that most of the students exercise their minds by

reading, and few exercise their minds by other leisure practices.

Memory Enhancer Pills 30

4. How do you prepare for an examination?

Do not sleep, Just review




The graph shows that most of the students read, sleep, and

memorize as they prepare for their examinations. Some don’t sleep

and just review the rest of the night.

Memory Enhancer Pills 31

5. Have you ever taken a memory enhancer? If yes, how

often do you take?
Twice a day
6% once a day

during exam only


once a month


Most of the respondents haven’t take memory enhancers. Some

students who take memory enhancers take it during exams only.

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