26697-Article Text-79821-1-10-20191213 PDF
26697-Article Text-79821-1-10-20191213 PDF
26697-Article Text-79821-1-10-20191213 PDF
Legal aid is a system of providing free or inexpensive advice,
assistance, or representation for those who cannot afford to pay for
the services of professional lawyers mainly because of a difficult
financial situation. The provisions of legal aid to the poor are based on
humanitarian considerations and the main aim of these provisions is
to help the poverty-stricken people who are socially and economically
backward. It can be said that the spiritual essence of the scheme
consists in investing law with a human heart to ensure immanence of
social justice in the juridical order on the substantive and the procedural
planes of law. In this article the author clearly presents the notion of
legal aid, its relevance, institutions rendering legal aid services in
Nepal and examines the Nepalese scenario, legal provisions, policies,
practices as well as the problems of legal aid in Nepal.
Keywords: Access, court, equality, justice, lawyer, legal Services
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights
(Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Article 1). Every
person should have equal access to justice when their dignity or
rights are infringed. Therefore, human dignity is always at risk
if a justice system is not able to ensure equal access to justice
(Subedi, 2012: 50). Justice is the ultimate need of every human
being. The term justice suggests the quality of being just or right
or reasonable. Justice is the synthesis of liberty, equality and
fraternity. If justice is denied, there is question in the existence
of law and law is said to be non-prevailing. So, the state and the
Law Courts
Court is one of the sources of providing legal aid in Nepal.
There are three tires of court in Nepal i.e. District court, High
court and Supreme Court. Legal aid is available in all courts
through stipendiary lawyer (Baitanik Wakil). There is provision
Legal aid is essentially a mechanism that enables the poor and
the vulnerable sector of society to be able to enforce their legal
rights in order to access a fair and equitable justice in the society.
In the democratic country, it is an immitigable pre-requisite that
all citizens get economic and social justice in one way or another.
As long as poverty exists in society legal aid will be necessary
to uphold human rights and equality for one and all. Therefore,
the state must render legal aid to all, whether rich or poor and
should not make any distinction among its people on the basis of
wealth, power and prestige.
Impediment in the way to justice leads vulnerable and
marginalized towards more vulnerability and marginalization.
In the absence of legal aid to the destitute party to litigation, the
judge in any court can hardly protect their interests. Therefore,
legal aid is an essential ingredient for the implementation of
laws in the true sense of their enactment. Absence of legal aid
means the deprivation of justice, so necessity of legal aid cannot
be ignored. In the present context, the scope and necessity of
legal aid is increasing day by day. So, the concerned authority
must transform, modify the concerned legal provisions and
institutionalize the legal aid by the allocation of sufficient
budget, widen their activities and legal aid schemes. They should
also give continuity to legal aid services through a follow-up
programme. Finally, Nepal Bar Association, Nepal Bar Council,
Civil Societies and NGOs must assist the court to extend legal
aid schemes on macro basis.