Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101681
Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101681
Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101681
Keywords: Social sustainability is quickly becoming a measured threat to sustainability with human activities taking con-
Social sustainability tributing substantial causes. Despite of huge literature that has contributed, yet the dimension of social sus-
Sustainability fluctuation tainability seems to be extremly new in the service sector; the healthcare zone to be specified. This study de-
Performance measurement monstrates a stochastic exponential distribution model for measuring the social sustainability status of a supply
Exponentially distributed indicators
chain based on stakeholder theory. Iranian healthcare situated in Tehran is studied to illustrate the applicability
Stakeholder theory
of the proposed framework. In the results obtained, the sustainability index for Suppliers, Patients, Patient
relatives, Employees, and Government & Decision makers are 47%, 60%, 59%, 75%, and 56% respectively. The
proposed model can be applied as an extensive tool for measurement of the social sustainability level of any
supply chain system.
Corresponding author at: Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus, via Mersin 10, Cyprus.
E-mail addresses: (F. Khosravi), (G. Izbirak).
Received 8 April 2019; Received in revised form 6 June 2019; Accepted 22 June 2019
Available online 06 July 2019
2210-6707/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Khosravi and G. Izbirak Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101681
private settings. This is a result of various degrees of responsibilities environmental, and social. (Ashby, Leat, & Hudson-Smith, 2012). Singh
that have placed on them with the growing economy as well as an in- et al. (2019) have added the fourth dimension as stakeholders in those
crease in the utility requirements of both human and the society. These three areas and applied hierarchical pathway trading for finding vitality
have grabbed the attention of stakeholders and business owners and and magnitude of factors. Social sustainability is considered less im-
showed them the need to redesign the current clumsy-like configura- portant in supply chain management; (Klassen & Vereecke, 2012) pre-
tions in order to ensure optimal delivery, even in the face of the sented the three levels of social supply chain as (I) who – stakeholders,
dwindling economic and social preferences (Lamberton & Zhou, 2019; (II) which issues – social concerns influencing the organization and (III)
Singh, Sushil Kar, & Pamucar, 2019; Soma & Polman, 2018; Xian, Patel, how – the responsiveness of the management to these concerns in terms
Al-hussein, Yu, & Gül, 2018). of manipulating the attendant risks and enhancing the value added to
We propose the social sustainability of a healthcare due to its the customers. Mani, Gunasekaran, Papadopoulos, Hazen, and Dubey,
strategic influence on the quality of life, as we know the popular saying 2016; Mani, Childe et al. (2016) reported dimensions such as equity,
that “health is wealth”. The central focus of the healthcare supply chain safety, health and welfare, philanthropy, ethics, and human rights as
are the patients; however, this objective will be difficult to achieve if those highly germane for assessing the social sustainability supply
the social roles of other stakeholders are ignored. Synergy surrounded chain. More so, Mani et al. (2015), Sodhi and Tang (2018) all opined
by clients and providers must be put first above the mind of how to treat that this will be followed by customers’ needs, liquidity, and the social
the patients. According to Eizenberg and Jabareen (2017), researches in awareness level of the organization. Incorrect application of these social
the social facet of sustainability are scanty and grossly lacking, theo- features could lead to colossal losses for the organization (2016b, Mani,
retical and empirical outputs. Gunasekaran et al., 2016). Puska, Maksimović, and Stojanović (2018)
The enablers and barriers of various stakeholders within the have noticed the importance of sharing information for developing
healthcare system are yet to be deciphered technically and analytically organizational learning inside a supply chain. With the recent submis-
despite different views to adopt and emphasize social sustainability sion of Mani, Gunasekaran, and Delgado (2017) that social sustain-
(Ajmal, Khan, Hussain, & Helo, 2018; Karamat et al., 2019; ability has a high propensity to increase the efficiency of the supply
Maruthappu, Hasan, & Zeltner, 2015). According to the studies of Mani, chain, managers have deemed it necessary to integrate several dimen-
Agrawal, and Sharma (2015), it could be said that the nonchalant at- sions to the issues of sustainability in a supply chain (Marshall,
titude of the developing countries toward healthcare social sustain- McCarthy, McGrath, & Claudy, 2015). Business requires reporting some
ability is evidently shown in the high rate of maternal mortality, gender of their corporate social sustainability as suggested in Tate, Ellram, and
inequality and general health problems that have been ravaging the Kirchoff (2010). Unfortunately, few studies have been conducted to
quality of healthcare delivery in those countries. Most of these pro- report social sustainable supply chain (Badri Ahmadi, Kusi-Sarpong, &
blems are due to the ignorance and lip-service paying to the issues of Rezaei, 2017; Ehrgott et al., 2011; Pfeffer, 2010) and this has called for
social sustainability in the logistics supply chain of drugs and other proactive steps to further explore the supply chain in the social content
areas. Therefore, stakeholder theory found its way among prominent perspective (Morais & Silvestre, 2018).
and commonly used theoretical techniques by many researchers and Over the last decade, the healthcare system has witnessed stiffer
this theory led to important hedges in dimensioning sustainability (see competitions due to the huge influence of the patients and the quest to
Clark, Feiner, & Viehs, 2014; Baric, 2017; Alves, do, & Rodrigues, 2018; provide quality healthcare services (Castro, de, Mateus, & Bragança,
Carroll & Brown, 2018). 2017; Samuel, Gonapa, Chaudhary, & Mishra, 2010). Presently, the
The field of health care services has many potential for further system is faced with the emerging and evolving challenges of new
studies on the interactions between the environment and the human circumstances related to risks and twists in the known disease. It can be
factor. For this reason, the need to pay attention to this vital connection noted that the human element is sacrosanct at managing the healthcare
has been of interest to scientists and researchers (Daughton, 2014). process (Santilli & Randy Vogenberg, 2015). Roy, Adhinkari, Pamučar
This research has some original and new points. In fact, there are Kar, and Pamučar (2018) have developed a new model for measuring
several investigations related to the analysis of sustainability. Some of hospital service quality for finding priorities of internal and external
them are related to statistical methods, but little focus has been made factors; they realized that in this area, medical staff with professional
on the effect of statistical distributions on sustainability value. This abilities is the most important one. Previous studies (Griffith, Harvey, &
paper has tried to fill this gap by developing a novel model for mea- Lusch, 2006; Huibin & Yuan, 2014; Grembowski, Cook, Patrick, &
suring the social sustainability of involved stakeholders in a supply Roussel, 2002) have proven beyond doubt that interactions with ex-
chain. Different from the previous studies, the application and exten- ternal suppliers, inter-organizational, physicians, and their patients, as
sion of this model will allow to focus on the fit ability of statistically well as intro-organizational interactions, team members' relationships,
meaningful distributions to challenge and capacity indicators. supervisor-member relationships, and employee-organization relation-
Furthermore, this new vision (involving statistical distribution to sus- ships, are all necessary factors. No research has fully exposed or ex-
tainability measurement) makes this methodology flexible and applic- amined how these relationships are linked together in the framework of
able to different contexts. the service supply chain. Additionally, past research has also failed to
The remainder of this article after the introduction in Section 1 is examine the influence of enablers and barriers on social sustainability.
structured as follows. Section 2 presents a brief literature review. Sec- Ajmal et al. (2018) suggested that to implement social sustainability
tion 3 addresses the research methodology where the conceptual fra- across any supply chain, both the enablers and barriers of the social
mework for the proposed the exponential distributed sustainability aspect of the specific organization must be thoroughly considered. We
model with the rationales for the selection of enablers and barriers, the propose to employ this strategy in measuring the social sustainability
exponential model for the social sustainability of the healthcare system, supply chain of a healthcare system.
and the validation procedure for the exponential distribution is ex- As earlier stated, the stakeholder theory is the most formidable
posed. The numerical illustration of the model is presented in Section4. framework of sustainability measurements. The majority of researchers
Results and discussion are given in Section 5. Section 6 presents the supported the assertion that social sustainability and the stakeholder
conclusion. theory are consistent (Perrini & Tencati, 2006; Collier, Bates, Wood, &
Linkov, 2014; Bellantuono, Pontrandolfo, & Scozzi, 2016; Herazo &
2. Literature review Lizarralde, 2016). Therein are the criteria for identifying which of the
stakeholders to be engaged in a particular organization. Some schools
In the last few decades, the concept of sustainability has been dis- of thought Veralg. (2018) opined that the legal tendency, power, and
cussed in managing resources in different areas including economic, relevance to the issues pertaining to sustainability features of the
F. Khosravi and G. Izbirak Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101681
F. Khosravi and G. Izbirak
Table 1
Rationales for enablers and barriers selection for the social sustainability evaluation of a healthcare system.
S/N Supplier Patients Patient relatives Employee Government
1 Understanding of the cultural values and Ability to assess and decide on the activities Availability of a healthy workplace Availability of adequate resources, The commitment of the leadership to the
integrity of the hospital and its surrounding of the healthcare providers equipment, and technology-driven healthcare of the populace
healthcare gadgets
2 The rate performance of the supplier balance Available resources at their disposal for Ensuring effectiveness of comments Poor working conditions and terms of Poor management of socio-economic policies and
sheets and demand uncertainty healthcare service regulations
3 Ability to liaise with classified service High resistance to change Satisfaction with the behavior of Poor management and unreliable Diversity of the populace culturally and ethically
providers and partners medical staff with patients leadership support
4 Level of training and experience to cope with Healthcare quality and reliability concern Access to easy payment system during Ambiguous rules of engagement and Incoherent healthcare plans and structure on the
pressure from manufacturer and customers treatment and patient clearance empowerment basis of lack of consensus and agreement among
various arms
5 Capability to foster sustainability issues Patient-healthcare provider relationship Availability and easy access to facilities Work monotonous and capable conflict of The level of commitment to the Green supply
(entrance, lobby, staff assistance, and interests chain culture
6 Adequate coordination, Collaboration, and Level of health Education and awareness Accessibility to meaningful information General organizational management Perceived image and reputation of the head of
management of its systems leadership
7 Adequate facilities for promoting healthy Ethno religion and cultural values –ego and Easy access to technological Capable of offering services that can Inadequate budgetary provisions to appropriate
Communication and up-to-date information beliefs components, including internet, enhance customers' Satisfaction various healthcare incentives
and Feedback television, computer
8 Sense of humor toward corporate social Inadequate communication between and Promoting caring connections between The flexibility of the workplace, equal Bad implementation of policies and regulations
obligations within various organs of the healthcare patients and relatives opportunity, and fairness
9 The propensity for total quality management High concerns for safety and security of life The behavior of staff to reduce anxiety Reward in consonant with productivity Sponsoring of various health education and
and stress of patient relatives and output awareness programs
10 Awareness of the needs of the community and Issues related cost pressure and constraints Easy access to the patient in emergency Proper dispensation of policies and Perception, beliefs, and commitment to issues
the ability to measure success yet cases regulations relating to social sustainability
Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101681
F. Khosravi and G. Izbirak Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101681
Fig. 2. Progress charts of social sustainability values in stakeholders of the supply chain.
The model further obtains the probability in Eq. (1) through a In many statistical models, we are interested in the testing cap-
probability density function for capacity and challenge factors as in Eq. ability of fitting one of the statistical distributions to the data related to
(2), where 1 and 2 as the exponential parameters; a process, which is extracted from the historical data of that process.
The goodness of fit test is a nonparametric method that shows the
1 h ability to perform this task well and accurately. We perform a Chi-
f (h, 1) = e 1
pdf= 1 square goodness of fit test for checking the fit ability of exponential
f (c, 2) =
distribution to challenge and capacity indicators corresponding Chi-
2 (2) square values.
This test is well-suited for continuous and categorized data. To find
Thus, Eq. (3) the Cumulative Density Function (CDF) of Y, FY (y) Is the number of intervals from the square root of observations and also to
piecewise, when find class interval, the range of data divided by the number of intervals
has been used.
y 0 or y> 0FY (y) = P(Y y) The goodness of fit test requires the analyst to state a null hypoth-
esis H0 , and an alternative hypothesis H1, the hypothesis is based in a
fH,C (h, c)dcdh = ( 1e 1h)( 2c)dcdh
way that they are mutually exclusive. It means that accepting one of
0 h y 0 h y
hypothesis, makes it impossible to accept another; and conversely.
1e Step 1: The first step is to state the null and alternative hypothesis to
= y 0
1 + 2 be tested clearly. Hypothesis are H0 =
h y
Distribution of indicators is exponential
= 1 fH,C (h, c)dcdh
y 0 H1 = Distribution of indicators is not exponential
h y
=1 ( 1e 1h)(
2c)dcdh Step 2: After establishing the hypothesis, the decision about
y 0 choosing a level of significance must be taken. Confidence level with
which the null hypothesis is accepted or fail to accept. The standard
=1 e 1y y>0 value for α is 0.05.
1 + 2 (3)
Step 3: After the hypothesis are constructed, and the significance
By differentiating Equation 3 with respect to y, Eq. (4) as a prob- level is decided upon, the next step is to specify an appropriate test
ability density function is achieved as; statistic and its distribution and also finding the p-value (Asymp. Sig.)
Step 4:
1 2 2y
Making a decision about rejecting H0 or fail to reject H0 considering
e y<0
1 + 2 the p-value (Asymp. Sig.). According to the definition, the p-value
fY (y) =
1 2 1y
(Asymp. Sig.) is the smallest amount of probability that leads us to
e y>0
1 + 2 (4) reject H0 , it means that the null hypothesis H0 will be accepted for all
values of less than the p-value(Asymp. Sig.).
Finally, Eq. (3) can be used for finding the exact value of sustain- Step 5: Once all the steps are performed, the statistical conclusions
ability; can be drawn, and we can make our decision. If the result of the test,
F. Khosravi and G. Izbirak Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101681
Table 3
sale`s money
healthcare Employee 22.62 7.71 0.75
Government 20.72 16.25 0.56
4. Numerical illustration
15, 20 and 80 patients respectively. The five (5) elements of the pro-
posed healthcare supply chain are shown in Fig. 2. The challenge and
capacity factors based on the social enablers and barriers evaluated for
each element are presented in Table 2. The value for each capacity and
1- Time between two complaints from
The SPSS results for the determination and validation of the ex-
2- Waiting time for taking an
the significant level obtained for the capacity and challenging factors
for each element. The output reveals that the significance values of both
factors for all stakeholders are greater than the level of significance
Patient relatives
of the healthcare supply chain system. Applying the mean values of the
1- Waiting time for clinic appointments or
using Eq. (5) as 47%, 60%, 59%, 75% and 56% for Suppliers, Patients,
Patient relatives, Employees, and Government &Decision Makers re-
Utilizing the indicators in Tables 2 and Eq. (4), the sustainability of
specialist treatment
the supply chain stakeholders was obtained according to Eq. (5) as;
the pharmacy
Sustainability= 1 2
e 2y dy
1+ 2
For example,
0.47 = 47%
customers about the packaging of drugs
• Capacity
• Challenge
lenges can increase the value of sustainability. From Table 3 and Fig. 2,
F. Khosravi and G. Izbirak Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101681
Table A1
Exponential distribution determination and validation of Supplier.
Capacity-Supplier Challenge-Supplier
Table A2
Exponential distribution determination and validation of Patient.
Capacity-Patient Challenge-Patient
1 30 31.3 −1.3 1 32 27 5
2 27 21.1 5.9 2 17 20 −3
3 13 13.8 −0.8 3 10 14 −4
4 4 9.2 −5.2 4 8 11 −3
5 8 5.5 2.5 5 12 8 4
6 2 3.7 −1.7 6 4 6 −2
7 2 2.8 −0.8 7 3 4 −1
8 2 1.8 0.2 8 4 3 1
9 1 0.9 0.1 9 5 2 3
10 2 0.9 1.1 10 2 2 0
Total 91 Total 97
Table A3
Exponential distribution determination and validation of Patient relatives.
Capacity-Patient relatives Challenge-Patient relatives
F. Khosravi and G. Izbirak Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101681
Table A4
Exponential distribution determination and validation of Employees.
Capacity-Employees Challenge-Employees
Table A5
Exponential distribution determination and validation of Government & Decision Makers.
Capacity-Government Challenge-Government
1 35 36 −1 1 58 54.1 3.9
2 24 24.4 −0.4 2 35 30.9 4.1
3 22 15.9 6.1 3 13 17.7 −4.7
4 12 10.6 1.4 4 8 10.1 −2.1
5 4 6.4 −2.4 5 4 5.8 −1.8
6 1 4.2 −3.2 6 1 3.3 −2.3
7 1 3.2 −2.2 7 2 1.9 0.1
8 3 2.1 0.9 8 1 1.1 −0.1
9 2 1.1 0.9 9 1 0.6 0.4
10 1 1.1 0 10 1 0.4 0.6
11 1 1.1 0 11 1 0.2 0.8
Total 106 12 1 0.1 0.9
Total 126
Test Statistics Test Statistics
Capacity-Government Challenge-Government
Chi-Square 8.613 Chi-Square 16.087
df 10 df 11
Asymp. Sig. 0.569 Asymp. Sig. 0.138
the highest value. This means the hospital under investigation is so- supplier’s side and delay in securing Local Purchase Order (LPO) from
cially sustainable according to the perception of the employees. Overall financial institution are capable of lowering the way the other two
the hospital is meeting the social yearnings of the employees. For the stakeholders perceived the supplier. Therefore, an unsatisfactory social
patients, a higher value equally indicates how patients, Patient relatives incentives and supports from other stakeholders especially the
and other visitors appreciate the level of the social incentives and Government could be a serious clog in the wheel of the suppliers toward
various supports provided to the patients and their relatives. The gov- attaining social sustainability goals. It could be deduced that the huge
ernment assumed the fourth higher level of social sustainability. This impact of social activities cut across all the participating parties (sta-
nececiates the evaluation of the same governmental interventions or keholders) irrespective of the projected sustainability value obtained
incentives toward the hospitalphysicians, patients and the employees. for each of them. This implies adjusting just a factor from any stake-
Certainly, these values scored by the Government might be elusive if holder would produce a ripple impact on all other factors thereby
environmental and economic issues have been sacrificed for the de- shifting the sustainability value of all the system. Therefore, holistic
velopment of social facet in a hospital. Obviously, the yearnings of both maneuvering or improvement of the overall sustainability index of the
the employees and patients must have met by the Government to a system is necessary. Another inference could be deducted a positive
reasonable extent. Intuitively, Governmental allocations must have perception of all and sundry in the issues related to sustainability and
been dissipated and influence the social ability of these two stake- also should learn to integrate social sustainability objectives within
holders. their mission and value statements. Depending on the prevailing con-
On the aspect of the supplier, a lower sustainability value is ob- ditions, it could be that mere scrutiny of a factor would lead to the
tained. Reasons not limited to bottlenecks from the hospital, reduction in the challenge loads resulting in an enhanced social sus-
Government and even the suppliers’ staff could be a bane hindering the tainability trait.
perceptions and low social traits within the supplier circle. Hindrances
like bureaucracy within the Government functionaries toward ap-
praising and selecting the adequate supplier, logistics issues from the
F. Khosravi and G. Izbirak Sustainable Cities and Society 50 (2019) 101681
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