Triple Talaq

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A dissertation submitted to the School of Education, Gangadhar
Meher University, Sambalpur, in partial fulfilment of requirement for the
degree of Master in Arts in Education

SESSION: 2019-20

Raja Rajhans
Roll No: PG18ED-027

Dr. Mahendra Prasad Behera
Assistant Professor in Education
M.A., M.Phil., PhD
School of Education,

Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar,

Sambalpur – 768004.


I Raja Rajhans, a student of PG, Semester-IV , bearing roll no- PG18ED-

027, Gangadhar Meher University, Sambalpur do hereby solemnly declare that

this research work entitled , “ Impact of education on the perception of

Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law” is investigated by me and is

being submitted by me to the School of Education, Gangadhar Meher

University, Sambalpur, in partial fulfilment for the requirement for the award of

De gree of Master of Arts in Education for the academic session 2019-20.


Dr. Mahendra Prasad Behera

M.A., M.Phil., PhD

Assistant Professor in Education

Gangadhar Meher University,

Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur


This is to certified that Mr. Raja Rajhans , a student of PG 2nd year, IV semester,

bearing roll no – PG18ED-027 of School of Education, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta

Vihar, Sambalpur, has worked under my guidance for the completion of this dissertation

entitled, “Impact of education on the perception of Muslim people about Instant Triple

Talaq Law” Under my guidance and supervision. His dissertation is complete and fit for




Firstly I would like to convey my heartiest gratitude to my revered guide Dr.

(Prof.) Mahendra Prasad Behera, for his kind cooperation and scholarly guidance for the

preparation of this dissertation, without which it was quite impossible on my part to complete

this work. It gives immense pleasure to be thankful to Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta

Vihar, Sambalpur, for providing me such a great opportunity to conduct research on my own

interest area.

I would like to thanks the people who participated in this research.

I express my heartfelt thanks to Dr. Rajashree Baral, Associate

Professor, School of Education, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur for

her support and love for me towards the completion of this dissertation. I feel myself really

indebted before her for her continuous motivation and appreciation.

I am very much grateful to Dr. (Prof.) Harihara Sarangi, Former Head,

School of Education, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur for his kind

cooperation and valuable suggestion throughout my research work.

In addition to this, I am very much grateful to Mr. Mr. Gopikant

Suna, Venketesh Meher Sanjay Sahu ,Brundaban Meher and Basanta Kumar Mahakur,

Research Scholars , School of Education , Gangadher Meher University, Samabalpur who

provides me overall theoretical knowledge on the preparation of dissertation as well as for his

sympathetic guidance.

I am also thankful to my friend Sanjib Gahir, Depanjali Sahu, Shatabdi Sa, Lili Bhoi

Chinmaya Pradhan and Khageswar Bhati for their encouragement.

I would like to convey thanks to my friend Madhusita Nayak , Nikita Bhoi who

helped for collecting data.

I express my sincere thanks to my parents Mr. Sagara Rajhans and Smt. Sabitri

Rajhans for their love, blessing and financial assistance for the completion of this report. I

have no words to express my gratitude to both of them.


Page No.

Title Page.................................................................................................I





List of Tables..........................................................................................VIII

List of Figures.........................................................................................VIII


Chapter-I: Introduction ....................................................1-10

1.1. Background of the study.....................................................................3

1.2. Justification of the Study.....................................................................7

1.3. Statement of the problem.....................................................................7

1.4. Operational definitions of the key term................................................8

1.5. Objectives of the study.........................................................................9

1.6. Hypotheses of the study.......................................................................9

1.7. Delimitation of the study.....................................................................10

Chapter-II: Review of Related Literature ........................11-15

2.1. Reviews / Studies Conducted.............................................................12

2.2. Summary of Related Literature..........................................................15

Chapter-III: Design of the Study .......................................................... 16-14

3.1. Population ..................................................................................................17

3.2. Sample.and.Sampling.Procedure.................................................................. . 17

3.3. Tools and Techniques of Data Collection.........................................................18

3.4. Procedure of Data Collection.........................................................................19

3.5. Statistical Technique........................................................................................19

Chapter-IV: Analysis and Interpretation ..............................................20-27

4.1 - Analysis of the perception of Muslim people about Instant Triple


4.2 - Analysis of the impact of education on perception of Muslim people about

........Instant Triple Talaq Law at Bargarh district........................................23

4.3 – Analysis of comparing the perception of educated male and Female

......Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law at Bargarh district........24

4.4 - Analysis of comparing the perception of uneducated male and Female

`````Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law at Bargarh district..........25

Chapter-V: Main Findings and Discussion ...........................28-30

5.1. Main Findings..........................................................................................29

5.2. Discussion of Results...............................................................................29

5.3. Educational Implications..........................................................................30

5.4. Suggestions for Further Research.............................................................30

5.5. Conclusion................................................................................................30

Bibliography ...........................................................................32



Page .No

Table No. 4.1:-Cut-Off scores of Perception of Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq

````````````````````Law ...........................................................................................................22

Table No.4.2:-Mean, SD, N, df, and t value of perception of Muslim people about Instant
.......................Instant..Triple Talaq Law..................................................................23

Table No.4.3:- Mean, SD, N, df, and t value of perception of educated male and female .24

Table No.4.4:-Mean, SD, N, df, and t value of perception of uneducated male and female..26


Page .No

Figure 3.1:- Distribution of sample ........................................................................18

Figure 4.1:- Percentage of Muslim people perception about Triple Talaq Law ..............22

Figure 4.2:- Result of impact of education on Muslim people perception about Triple Talaq


Figure 4.3:- Comparison of educated Muslim people perception .about Instant Triple Talaq


Figure 4.4:- Comparison of uneducated Muslim people perception about Instant Triple

.....................Talaq Law ..........................................................................................................27


The present study was designed to investigate the Impact of Education on

Perception of Muslim People about Instant Triple Talaq Law. The main

objectives of the study were to study the perception of Muslim people towards

Instant Triple Talaq Law, to study the impact of education on perception of

Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law, to compare the perception of

educated male and female Muslim people towards Instant Triple Talaq Law, to

compare the perception of uneducated male and female Muslim people towards

Instant Triples Talaq Law.. Through stratified random sampling method 100

Muslim people were selected and ex post facto method was employed for the

study. The investigator prepared a tool himself for collection of data. The

statistical techniques used for the study was simple percentage, mean, sd and t-

test. The findings revealed that Most of the Muslim (68%) people have good

perception about Instant Triple Talaq Law and there exists a significant impact

of education on perception of Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law.

Key word; triple talaq law, education


1|P ag e

From the very beginning of Indian history the place of

women was always in a debating point. Especially from sultanate period women were

seen to do more struggle for their rights, because from this period a lot of rules,

regulations and unscientific dogmas were prevailed in the society that not only

hampers the freedom of women but violate their rights as well. The exploitation of

women's right was very common at that time irrespective of Hindu and Muslim.

Basically that exploitation was on physical, mental, emotional etc. Though rules and

regulations where differing in different community but that were designed in such a

way that ultimately rises as a hindrances in the woman's way of progress. For example

in Hindu community there was sati system, that openly violate the women's right to

live where as in Muslim community there was purdah system which was a great

thread to women's livelihood. However there are some systems are travelling till now

that hampers the freedom and rights of women. Though women empowerment is a

great relaxing concept now a day but still the exploitation is not stepping down.

In order to make a balanced society we have to save

both male and female in equal ratio, the decreasing in any of the side will be very

much harmful for the existence of this world. Both men and women are like the two

wheels of a chariot, if any wheel fell down then automatically the chariot will also

break down. In this context we will have to think of both of the side, but we live in

such a society in which one side is always exploited by the other side. From birth to

till death a woman is struggling to prove her in the society. Though many women set

of different examples from the very ancient time of being superior and excellent then

there counterpart, still the society is refusing to add them in the main stream. Hence

2|P ag e
only education has the power to control the situation and to change the mindset of

people about their own necessary believe by educating their minds.

1.1Background of the Study

There are many social evils in Indian society. From the ancient times, in

the name of custom and tradition they exist. After the independence of our country, we wrote

a constitution for ourselves. In that also we don't have any preventive articles on those blind

beliefs, because of our customs and tradition. In this 21st century, we are on a way to develop

the country. To achieve the joy of a developing country we have to remove those blind

believes and Triple Talaq is one of the social evils that are performed by the Muslims.

Talaq is an Islamic word for divorce and it literally means separating and

breaking of marriage. In essence, ‘the talaq is a unilateral repudiation or cutting off the

marital tie’ since,

The Muslim marriage is a civil contract and not a sacrament. Muslim law

imposes obligation upon the husband to pay consideration of the marriage to the wife as a

mark of respect. As per sharia perspective, there are more ways to end a marriage and

talaq is just one of them. Under the Hanafischool, founded by Abu Hanifa (699-767 A.D)

it is to be said that the divorce is only at the instance of the husband is prominent rather

than simple.

In Hanafi law, the talaq-ul-biddat or triple talaq may be used by husband.

Although it is not accepted by classical jurisprudence, husband has the advantage of

simplicity and finality. (Doi, 1984, p. 179) [6] Says it “is usually done by ignorant

Muslims to satisfy their selfish motives. However, such divorce has full validity in the

3|P ag e
eyes of law. The most common method of talaq-ul-biddat is for the triple pronouncement

of talaq al-Hassan to be brought together in a single sitting. No evidence is required to

prove the talaq pronounced by husband, the presence of third person is also not necessary

and the wife left with no option to challenge talaq.

The relevant verses under Chapter LXV of Holy Quran say

Divorce is only permissible twice; after that, the parties can hold up together or proceed

with separation”. Sunni law gives effect to talaq-ul-Biddat through its traditional

interpreters, even if it violates the Quranic law procedures. According to interpreters

talaq-ul-Biddat is “Sinful but effective” proposition in English “Bad in theology but good

in law”. This irregular mode of talaq was introduced by Omayyad’s in order to evade the

stringency of law .A specified above triple talaq or talaq-ul-Biddat becomes irrevocable

immediately pronounced by husband and children born after the dissolution of marriage

by triple talaq will be illegitimate

Talaq was pronounced thrice by the husband in presence of the

witnesses but in absence of wife. After four days talaqnama was executed. But even after

the valid talaq husband and wife started living together and four children’s born to them.

Court held that, since the talaq is valid but there is no evidence to prove that another

marriage has been consummated. Thus, the women failed to perform iddat and children’s

born to them are illegitimate as the bar to remarriage was not removed according to the

principles of Muslim personal law.

Horror of Triple Talaq

Initially, the practice of triple talaq considered as Afterthought. When a

deserted wife knocks the door of court to get relief either of separate maintenance or

restitution of conjugal rights after waiting so long years for reconciliation, the husband

4|P ag e
tries to defend himself by pretending to havdivorced his wife in past, even if it is not

because no burden of proof lies on husband to proof the statement of triple talaq and

intention for dissolution of marriage. These instances turn the marriage scary when court

refuses to decree relief in favour of wife.

But in Dagdu Pathan v Rahimbipathan Aurangabad bench of Bombay

High Court refused to accept husband plea of talaqin a case of maintenance for the very

first time and held that mere making a statement that the husband has triple talaq his wife

is not sufficient, the stages in which talaq has preceded and the factum of talaq is required

to be proved before the court. Then only court would be able to decide the genuineness

and validity of triple talaq. Here court relied upon the words of Quran, “divorcing the

wife without reason just to harm her for protesting the husband’s unlawful demand and

divorcing her in violation of sharia law is haram”.

Nikah Halala

Halala is practice by some sects of Sunni Muslims, in order to remarry her previous

husband, a female divorcee has to marry someone and after consummation she have to

dissolve the marriage. In other words, the women who sleeps with the stranger to save

their marriage. This is very inglorious practice by Sunni Muslims which seems unjust and

unnatural practice not only to non-Islamic people but also to followers of Islam. If women

fail to marry someone and consummate the marriage and goes back to previous husband

without nikah halala the children’s born to them will be illegitimate. Even when Muslim

divorcee live with the same husband after triple talaq without consummating her marriage

with another person is also considered as a Sin and also become a taboo. In all cases it is

women who have to suffer, in a country like India this is very common practice and

women are forced to face stigma.

5|P ag e
In a well-known Adnan Sami case, the husband blatantly used the concept of

halala with a selfish motive. Adnan samiis a noted Pakistani musician (now Indian

Citizen) who got married to an Arab girl and divorced her when wife offered him Khula

and marries her again two years later. Remarriage was absolutely lawful as they

performed the marriage going by the true Islamic law. Finding herself in stumble once


She filed a divorce petition under the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act

1939. Husband contested the validity of three years old marriage stating that “girl hand

not performed halala” before remarrying him and the second marriage with her was void.

As her petition before family court fails to give her relief but in an appeal before High

Court of Bombay she obtained relief. But still we have to worry about the women who

are forced to obey repugnant customs of Islam.

Instant Triple Talaq Bill

There are more than 22 Countries (Islamic and unislamic states) including

India in the world who declared the practice of instant triple talaq null and void, for this

purpose the parliament of India was introduced The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on

Marriage) Bill, on 28 December 2017, by the Central government and passed on the very

same day. The Bill defines talaq as talaq-e-biddat, Instant triple talaq or any other form of

similar talaq pronounced by the Muslim man dissolving marriage irrevocably. It declares all

such form of talaq void i.e. not enforceable by the law Chapter II of the Bill deals with

offence and penalty. Section 4 of the Bill sanction the practice of triple talaq and whoever

pronounces triple talaq upon his wife shall be punished with imprisonment which may extent

up to 3 years. Chapter III of the Bill deals with the allowances and Custody of minor

children’s. A Muslim woman is entitled to seek subsistence allowance from her husband.

6|P ag e
This provision of the bill applies to women and her dependent children’s. Moreover, the

Muslim women against whom talaq has been pronounced can seek the custody of minor

children.(The Jurney of triple Talaq in India ,March 2018 ) . This instant Triple Talaq

which is most beneficial for Muslim women. So it is proposed to study for to examine the

perception of Muslim people on Triple Talaq Law.

1.2. Justification of the Study

India is a democratic country. It has provided an independent right to its

citizens for their peaceful survival. Here both men and women are treated equally, but due to

some unscientific dogmas the goal is not fulfilled yet. It is a matter of grate despair that till

now the women are being exploited by the counter parts. Various researches have analyze the

status of women in all communities and found that women are suffering from the same

worries as comparing the other communities. Recently a bill has passed on the fair of women

of Muslim community i.e. Triple Talaq Law; as it is trying its best to give the rights to the

Muslim women, a lot of researches had been done in this regard. Therefore, the present study

is undertaken to study the perception of Muslim people about Triple Talaq Law of Bargarh


1.3. Statement of the Problem

The present studies have been designed to find answer to the following four questions:

1- What is the perception of Muslim people about the Instant Triple Talaq Law?

2- Is there any impact of education on perception of Muslim people about the Instant

Triple Talaq Law?

3- Is there any significance of difference exists between educated male and female

Muslim people about the Instant Triple Talaq Law?

7|P ag e
4- Is there any significance of difference exists between uneducated male and female

Muslim people about the Instant Triple Talaq Law?

The present study was conducted to find out the answers of all the above questions under the




1.4. Operational Definition of the Key Terms


In the present study educated and uneducated Muslim People considerate educated

those who are above 10th grade pass and uneducated those who are below metric.


The way in which something is regarded, understood and interpreted. It includes

apprehension of people about something by means of sense.

Muslims People:

Muslim peoples are the community of people who practised Islam religion and

consider the Quran as their holy book.

8|P ag e
Instant Triple Talaq Law:

Talaq is an Arabic word of Divorce used mainly by Muslim people. Triple Talaq

Law is a form Divorce which is practised by the Islamic people, in which a Muslim man can

legally divorce with his wife by pronouncing Talaq up to 3 times.

Instant triple Muslim Talaq Law is also known as Muslim

Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019, which was passed by Indian

parliament as a law on July 30, 2019.This law makes instant triple Talaq a criminal offence.

1.5. Objectives of the Study

Following are the main objectives of the present study;-

1. To study the perception of Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law.

2. To study the impact of education on perception of Muslim people about Instant Triple

Talaq Law.

3. To compare the perception of educated male and female Muslim people about Instant

Triple Talaq Law.

4. To compare the perception of uneducated male and female Muslim people about

Instant Triples Talaq Law.

1.6. Hypotheses of the study

1. There perception of Muslim people towards Triple Talaq Law is good.

2. There is a significant impact of education on perception of Muslim people

about Instant Triple Talaq Law.

3. There is no significance of difference between the perception of educated and

uneducated male Muslim people towards Instant Triple Talaq Law.

9|P ag e
4. There exists on significance of difference in between perception of educated

and uneducated female Muslim people.

1.7. Delimitation of the Study

1) The study was confined to 100 Muslim community people of Bargarh district.

2) The study was delimited to the impact of education on perception of Muslim people.

3) The study also delimited to Instant Triple Talaq Law.

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11 | P a g e

2.1. Reviews / Studies Conducted

Review related literature is the collection of a conceptual idea on

the investigation. It consists of journal, thesis and other electronic media which provides a

background Knowles about the study. It helps the investigator to conduct the study in a

smooth manner.

Tabasum (2011) conducted a study on the status of Muslim women in India; A Social

legal critique with special reference to Law related to marriage, divorce and maintenance.

The Crucial objective of the study was to identify the actual position of women in the Quran

and examine the law relating to marriage, Divorce and maintenance in contravention and

personal law in India. The whole study is comprised of six chapters these were ‘'introduction,

status of women in Islam and Marriage laws" The 3rd chapter was on –the status of women in

Islam and Divorce laws", the status of women in Islam and maintenance law, Empirical

study, and last one was conclusion and suggestion. The present study adopted an analytical,

descriptive and evaluative method to drawn conclusion and inference. The material for the

present study has been collected from both primary as well as secondary sources. The

Primary source included-Files, documents, reports, judicial discussion, debate held on the

topic and secondary sources included-Books related to the topic, newspaper, related articles,

Journals etc. The overall study reveals that females were always exploited by the man and

their rights and freedom was always neglected.

Kaneez (2015) conducted a study on the perception of subjective well-being among

divorced women. The main objectives of the study aimed to investigate the phenomenon of

divorce in the given socio-cultural context and to find how it affects the subjective well-being

of Hindu and Muslim divorced women on different parameters of subjective well-being

12 | P a g e
concerning intact married women. For this purpose a sample of 55 divorced women in which

Hindus 25 & 30 Muslim and 60 intact married women in which 30 Hindu and 30 Muslim are

selected randomly from the city of Aligarh. Here Demographic data sheet was given to the

sample & Subjective Well-being Scale (SWS) was developed for the data collection and

interpretation, in which the scale consists of 22 items & cover 6 dimensions. The collected

data were analysed with the help of Independent sample “t”- test. The significant of data were

checked at 0.5 levels. After the study, she concluded that there was no significant difference

between Hindu and Muslim divorced women in respect of a given dimension of PWB.

Anushree and Pandiaraj (2017) they researched "Analysis of Muslim women –

Protection of rights on marriages bill, 2017. The main objective of the study aims to

investigate the on-going debate on the rights of Muslim women. The impact of criminalising

Triple Talaq Law and to protect or to suggest various solutions to empower Muslim women.

Here the investigator takes sample as the cases such as mohad Ahmad Khan vs. Shah Bano

Begum Air 1985 SC 945, Rashida Khatun vs. Ski slam Air 2005. They used purposive

sampling for selection of sample. After the study, they concluded that Muslim women’s are

deprived of the rights & facing various problem after the divorce.

Chattopadhyay (2017) the investigator presented a study that deals with "Muslim

women & divorce in India-Insight from census 2011. The main objective of the study aims to

assess whether divorce rates vary between Hindus & Muslims and whether Muslim women at

a greater disadvantage concerning 2011 census data. To test whether the divorce rate ensures

higher among Muslim women, she used the 2011 census data. For data collection, she takes

Jammu &Kashmir, Assam, West Bengal, Kerala & Uttar Pradesh which have a population of

at least one core and where the amount of Muslims are higher than the Indian average of 14%

as her sample. Here purposive sampling technique was used for the chosen sample and used

demography to calculate divorce rates. This study concluded that the overall divorce rate in

13 | P a g e
India wise 0.24 in which a higher Muslim percentage is greater than Hindus with regards to

rates of divorce.

Wazeema (2017) conducted a study that deals with the psychological perspective of

Divorce among the Muslim community in Sri-Lanka. This descriptive study was conducted

among 20 couple of divorces at Akkaraipattu DS division of Ampara district as the sample to

identify the impact of divorce among Muslim divorced women in psychological perspective

with an application of Kessler's Seven Stage Model of Divorce. Here Interview &

Observation were the primary data collection method and secondary data for the study.

Overall the study reviles that divorce coming emotional difficulties among divorced &

psychological impact of divorce is more severe among divorced women than divorced man.

Parveen (2018) the researcher presented a survey to know “the opinion of the higher

secondary girls on instant Triple Talaq Law Bill to empower Muslim women in India. In

which the sample consisted of 100 girls child from four school and 100 girls child from four

Madras’s at higher secondary level in MAU, U.P. The investigator used random sampling

techniques for the section of the sample. the main objective of the study was to find out the

opinion of both Madras’s higher secondary school girls and the significant difference

between opinion on the need for Instant Triple Talaq Law Bill to empower Muslim women in

MAU(U.P). For the collection of data, the investigator used descriptive survey method & he

developed Openionnaire on Instant Triple Talaq Law with 30 items, which was based on 5

point scale and the reliability of the tools was established by using of Split-Half statistical

techniques such as percentages, t-test and graphical representation are used. After the study,

he concluded that there is no significant difference between opinion of higher secondary

school girls and Madras girls on the need for Instant Triple Talaq Law Bill to empower

Muslim women in MAU (U.P).

14 | P a g e

The review of related studies revealed that females were always exploited by the man

and their rights and freedom was always neglected. There was no significant difference

between Hindu and Muslim divorced women in respect of a given dimension of PWB

(Tabasum, 2011). Muslim women’s are deprived of the rights & facing various problem after

the divorce (Kaneez, 2015). The overall divorce rate in India wise 0.24 in which a higher

Muslim percentage is greater than Hindus with regards to rates of divorce (Anushee and

Pandiaraj, 2017). Overall the study reviles that divorce coming emotional difficulties among

divorced & psychological impact of divorce is more severe among divorced women than

divorced man (chottopadhyas, 2017). There is no significant difference between opinion of

higher secondary school girls and Madras girls on the need for Instant Triple Talaq Law Bill

to empower Muslim women in MAU (U.P) (Praveen, 2018).

15 | P a g e


16 | P a g e

The methodology is the design of the study. It acquaints the reader as will the

researcher about the method of investigation, representative of the study, toll of data

collection procedure used for data collection and the statistics used to inference the result and

the relation among variables. More effective the design, more clear the study.

As per the nature of research (qualitative and

quantitative) various methods are used in educational research. For quantitative research

casual comparative method, correlation method, experimental method etc are used where as

historical research ,narrative research, phenomenological, case study etc are comes under

qualitative research.

The study was conducted through Ex-post Facto method of research as it was

designed with the objective of examining the impact of education on perception of Muslim

people about the Instant Triple Talaq Law.

3.1. Population

In this present study, all the Muslim peoples of Bargarh district were the population

under the study..

3.2. Sample and Sampling procedure

On research point of view study of whole population is a very difficult task for the

researcher, so the researcher has to select a small part from the population which is consider

as the true representative sample of the population. A number of 100 Muslim people of

Bargarh District were taken under the study among which 50 were educated and 50 were

uneducated. Further the Educated were divided into 25 male and 25 female and Uneducated

17 | P a g e
were divided into 25 Male and 25 Female. The sampling procedure used for the study was

Stratified Random Sampling.

Figure: -3.1 Distribution of Sample

3.3. Tools and Techniques

According to John W. Best, (1983) each research tool is appropriate in a given

situation to accomplish a particular purpose. Each data-gathering device has its own merits

and hazards or limitations. The instruments that are employed to gather new facts or to

explore new fields are called as ‘tool’. Different tools are used for collecting different type of

data. An investigator can use one or more than one tools in combination for this purpose.

Mainly there are two types of tools called as standardized and non-standardized tools

(prepare by the investigator himself). Each and every research tools is relevant in a given

situation to accomplish a particular propose.

A self prepared Perception scale was used for the present Study. The scale

was named as Perception Scale on Instant Triple Talaq Law. The scale consists of

34.statements with were designed with 23 positive and 11 negative states. The scale designed

18 | P a g e
with five responses as Strongly Agree, Agree, Undecided, Disagree and Strongly Disagree

.The scoring key of the responses is based on five point Likart scale and scoring is made as 5,

4,3, 2 and 1 for positive statements and reverse for negative statements. The scale was

validated with content and face validity.

3.4. Procedure of Data Collection

Collection of data always plays a vital role in every investigation .on the basis of

these data the formulated hypothesis are tasted. To collect data the investigator was

personally visited the field of study, provide them questionnaire, communicate the

instructions and with the directions request them to fill it and at last conveyed them thanks.

3.5. Statistical Techniques Used

The researcher demanded Simple Percentage and t-test to analyze the data and

reached the result.

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20 | P a g e

Analysis and interpretation is the important part of research. Here the

investigator intelligently examined the relations among the variables as par the collected data

and provide a rational result to the research question. This part of research should be

consciously taken into consideration as it provides a means for valid conclusion of research.

The present study entitled Impact of education on perception of

Muslim people about the Instant Triple Talaq Law was designed with the four objectives as-

1- To study the perception of Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law.

2- To study the impact of education on perception of Muslim people about Instant Triple

Talaq Law.

3- To compare the perception of Educated male and female Muslim people about Instant

Triple Talaq Law.

4- To compare the perception of Uneducated male and female Muslim people about

Instant Triple Talaq Law

To achieve these objectives the Perception Scale on Instant Triple Talaq Law was

employed among the selected Muslim people of Bargarh District and the raw data were

analysed precisely to prove the objectives.

4.1. Analysis of the perception of Muslim people about Instant Triple


. To attain this objective the raw perception scores of Muslim people were levelled

with the Cut-off Score and Simple percentage.

21 | P a g e
Table 4.1 Cut off score of perception of Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law

Sl Cut Off scores Range Number Percentage Total Level

of of Muslim
No (Number of Muslim People
Statements * People
Responses Mark)
1 34*5=170 137-170 10 10% 68% Good

2 34*4=136 103-136 58 58%

3 34*3=102 69-102 31 31% 31% Average

4 34*2=68 35-68 1 1% 1% Poor

5 34*1=34 0-34 .. ..

The above table showing that among the Muslim people of Bargarh district, the

level of perception of 68% Muslim people is good, 31% people have average perception and

only 1% people have people have poor perception.

Perception of Muslim people about Instant

Triple Talaq Law


Figure-4.1: Percentage of Muslim people perception about Triple Talaq Law

22 | P a g e
4.2. Analysis of the impact of education on perception of Muslim people

about Instant Triple Talaq Law at Bargarh district

To attain this objective the entire data was divided in to two part viz;

perception of educated Muslim people and Uneducated Muslim people about Instant Triple

Talaq Law. Then the data were arranged and t test was employed for mean comparison in

order to know the impact of education on perception on perception of Muslim people about

Instant Triple Talaq Law. Below table shows the result of t test.

Table-4.2 Mean, SD, N, df, and t value of perception of Muslim people about Instant Triple

Talaq Law

Mean SD N Df t test

Educated Muslim people 121.72 15.20 50 98 4.64

Uneducated Muslim People 106.88 16.79 50

* Significant at 0.05 level

*Significant at 0.01 level

The above table no 4.2 depicts the mean, SD, N, df and t value of the perception of educated

and uneducated Muslim people. The obtain t-value is 4.64 which is greater than the table

value (1.98) at 0.05 level of significance and (2.63) at 0.01 level of significance with df 98

which indicating that the null hypothesis that there is no significant deference between

perception of educated and uneducated Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law is

rejected. Thus the perception of educated and uneducated Muslim people about Instant Triple

Talaq Law differs significantly. So, it can be concluded that there is a significant impact of

education on perception of Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law.

23 | P a g e





Mean SD N Df t test
Uneducated Muslim People 106.88 16.79 50
Educated Muslim people 121.72 15.2 50 98 4.64

Figure 4.2:- result of impact of education on Muslim people perception about Triple

Talaq Law

4.3. Analysis of comparing the perception of educated male and Female

Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law at Bargarh district

For the 3rd objective the entire data was divided in to two parts viz; the perception of

educated male and perception of educated female about Instant Triple Talaq Law, than the

data were arranged and t-test was employed. The table below shows the result of t test.

Table-4.3 Mean, SD, N, df, and t value of perception of educated male and female

mean SD N Df t test

Educate Male 117.64 12.79 25 48 1.92

Educated female 125.8 16.53 25

*Not significant at 0.05 level

*Not significant at 0.01 level

24 | P a g e
The above table no-4.3 depicts the mean, SD, N, df, and t value derived from the comparison

of perception of educated male and educated female about Instant Tripal Talaq Law. The

obtain t value is 1.96 which is less than the table vale (2.1) at 0.05 level of significance and

(2.68) at 0.01 level of significance with df 48. This indicating that the null hypothesis there is

no significant difference between the perception of educated male and female people about

Instant Triple Talaq Law is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that the educated male and

female Muslim people not differs significantly to each other in relation to their perception

about Instant Triple Talaq Law.








mean SD N Df t test
Educate Male 117.64 12.79 25 48 1.92
Educated female 125.8 16.53 25

Figure 4.3:-comparison of educated Muslim people perception .about Instant

Triple Talaq Law

4.4. Analysis of comparing the perception of uneducated male and Female

Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law at Bargarh district

For analysis of this objective the entire data was divided in to two parts viz;

the perception of uneducated male and perception of uneducated female about Instant Triple

25 | P a g e
Talaq Law, than the data were arranged and t-test was employed. The table below shows the

result of t test.

Table-4.4. Mean, SD, N, df, and t value of perception of uneducated male and female

mean SD N Df t test

Uneducated Male 109.92 16.59 25 48 1.29

Uneucated female 103.84 16.78 25

*Not significant at 0.05 level

*Not significant at 0.01 level

The above no-4.4 depicts the mean, SD, N, df, and t value derived from the

comparison of perception of uneducated male and uneducated female about Instant Tripal

Talaq Law. The obtain t value is 1.29 which is less than the table vale (2.1) at 0.05 level of

significance and (2.68) at 0.01 level of significance with df 48. This indicating that the null

hypothesis there is no significant difference between the perception of uneducated male and

female people about Instant Triple Talaq Law is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that the

uneducated male and female Muslim people not differs significantly to each other in relation

to their perception about Instant Triple Talaq Law.

26 | P a g e
Uneducated Male and Female
mean SD N Df t test



12% 55%


Figure 4.4:- comparison of uneducated Muslim people perception..About Instant

Triple Talaq Law

27 | P a g e



28 | P a g e
Main Findings and conclusion

The present chapter include the major findings, discussion of result,

educational implications and Suggestion for further research. This chapter is a comprehensive

framework on the research result.

5.1 Main Findings

1- Most of the Muslim (68%) people have good perception about Instant Triple Talaq


2- 31% Muslim people have average level of perception about Instant Triple Talaq Law.

3- There exists a significant impact of education on perception of Muslim people about

Instant Triple Talaq Law.

4- There is no significant of difference between the perception of educated male and

female Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law.

5- The uneducated male and female Muslim people not differ significantly to each other

in relation to their perception about Instant Triple Talaq Law.

6- The perception of educated female and uneducated male is better towards Instant

Triple Talaq Law to their counterparts.

7- The educated Muslim people have good perception about Instant Triple Talaq law

than the uneducated Muslim people.

5.2 Discussion of result

The findings emerged that Most of the Muslim people have good perception

about Instant Triple Talaq Law. There exists a significant impact of education on perception

of Muslim people about Instant Triple Talaq Law. There is no significant of difference

between the perception of educated male and female Muslim people about Instant Triple

29 | P a g e
Talaq Law. The uneducated male and female Muslim people not differ significantly to each

other in relation to their perception about Instant Triple Talaq Law.

5.3 Educational Implications

1- All the Muslim women should play their role for nation building activity.

2- Muslim women should be always courageous to stand on their own and be

independent in economic and social sphere of life.

3- More stress should be on the education, employment and empowerment of Muslim

community women.

4- Today’s women need sympathy and understanding to solve their issues.

5- Importance should be given to educate boys from Muslim community to ti increase

their exposure to outside world.

5.4. Suggestion for Further Research

1- Further research may also be done on different states of India also.

2- Sample size may be increased in future researches.

3- Comparative studies between the states or different regions of India may also be taken


4- Location-wise (urban-rural) comparative study may also be taken up to assess the

implementation of Instant Triple Talaq Law.

5- In-depth study of all the sections of the law.

6- Up-to-date research can be concocted on its extent of achievement.

5.5. Conclusion

From all of the above discussion it concluded that, the cruel and blind practice

comes to an end, it’s very much difficult to understand the position of that lady, who was

30 | P a g e
is triply divorced by her husband. The instant triple Talaq law may bring a light for the

Muslim ladies, but still now it has not achieved its goal because the thinking of

uneducated people has not changed. As education has significant impact on perception of

Muslim people about instant triple talaq law, so in every stage education should be design

in such a manner, it can remove all the blind believe of the people and encourage the

intellect to perceive positive direction of this law. This will lead a justifiable and

peaceable life for all Muslim women. When the education system will be stronger then

the issues of each corner of the society can be achieved.

31 | P a g e

Anushree, R. and Pandiaraj, s.(2018).Analysis of Muslim women protection of right on

marriage bill,2017. International Journal of Pune and applied mathematics, 120(5),


Kaneez, S.(2015).Perception of subjective wellbeing among divorced women: A comparative

study of Hindu and Muslim. Research gate.

Chattopadhyay, Sreeparna. (2017). Muslim women and divorce in India- Insights from

Census 2011. 10.13140/RG.2.2.31147.44327.

Parveen,S. (2018). Opinion of higher secondary girls on instant Triple Talaq Law bill to

empower Muslim women: a study in MAU (U.P). Scholarly Research Journal for

Humanity Science & English Language, 5/12

Tabasum. (2011). The status of Muslim women in India; A Social legal critique with special

reference to Law related to marriage, divorce and maintenance.

Thaseem, Wazeema. (2017). A Psychological Perspective of Divorce among Muslim

Community in Sri Lanka..

32 | P a g e



NAME ……………………………………………………….:


MARITAL STATUS:-...............................

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION:-.......................................


Some statements relating to Triple Talaq Law Law are given below with five responses as

SA-Strongly Agree A – Agree

U- Undecided D- Disagree
SD – Strongly Disagree

Answers the statements by putting tick (√) mark against any one of the responses
which is applicable to you.

Sl.No Statements SA A D SD
1. Triple Talaq Law can bring desirable changes
in Muslim society.

2. Triple Talaq Law itself is injustice to Muslim

women. There is no chance to empower

3. There is less percentage of divorce in Muslims;

therefore there is no need for Triple Talaq Law
or any law for women.

4. It is difficult to prove in court for a woman that

her husband gave Triple Talaq Law.

5. Triple Talaq Law in any form spoken, written

or even whatsapped is illegal and void and also
provides a jail term of three years for husband

33 | P a g e
which is right.

6. Triple Talaq Law is a punishable instead of

criminalizing in order to empower women.

7. Three year sentence for the husband on Triple

Talaq Law is not good. It is a civil matter and
not a criminal matter.

8. Never accept changes in shariyat because

Quran clearly mentions of husband divorcing
their wives and lays down rules regarding how
to divorce.

9. It is good to have Triple Talaq Law instead of

making the life of a woman miserable.

10. There is no need for the government to

interfere in Muslims sensitive issues.
11. Majority of Muslim women are against Triple
Talaq Law.

12. Triple Talaq Law crime is greater than

murdering wife. So the husband must be
punished harshly for three years in jail.

13. If we accept Triple Talaq Law then all

Muslims will be considered progressive.

14. I accept Triple Talaq Law when punishment

comes as a civil crime and not as criminalized.

15. Triple Talaq Law gives a Muslim woman total

control on her man. She can anytime misuse
the law and send her husband to the jail for 3
16. When Muslim marriage itself is civil Contract
then its punishment must be not criminal.

17. Triple Talaq Law is a step towards gender

equity and justice to Muslim women.
18. Triple Talaq Law is a positive step against the
dominating rule of Muslim men toward the
Muslim women.
19. The financial assistance to the Talaq
pronounced women as provided in the law is
against the cultural believes of Muslim
20. After Talaq the accused men must be released

34 | P a g e
with the normal bail.
21. Triple Talaq Law has grounded with
satisfactory reasonable punishment for the
Muslim men.
22. Triple Talaq Law gives boost to liberate the
Indian Muslim women from the age old
practice of wild method of divorce.
23. Triple Talaq Law is a Violation of morality of
Holly book of Quran.
24. Triple Talaq Law is a laboratory step towards
the Muslim man who has marriage forcefully.
25. Triple Talaq Law is an interference of
constitution against the religious matter.
26. Triple Talaq Law raised voice against the
Muslim men who gives Talaq to their wives
without any reason.
27. The cognizanability of FIR against Muslim
Men relating Triple Talaq Law by victim
must be flexible.
28. Triple Talaq Law is a matter of frustration for
the Muslim Men.
29. Triple Talaq Law is an Unislamic practice.
30. Triple Talaq Law is against the favour of
constitutional provision.

31. The Triple Talaq Law is an illegal practice in

case the husband wants to diverse his wife on
favourable ground.
32. The Triple Talaq Law may hamper the good
morality of Muslim men.

33. The Law is acceptable by majority of people of

Muslim community.
34. Triple Talaq Law is a positive step on the
resettlement of the victim women and accused
Muslim man with mutual concern.

35 | P a g e
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